Foreign Language Fiction

Nostromo (German Edition)
Nostromo (German Edition)

Review:Protagonist Nostromo experiences the life which the author seeks for the reader to envy - or does he or she?

Living amid the fictional South American country torn with civil war and military coup's strife, Nostromo works for foreign miners whose ill begotten gain is admonished by the countrypeople and the leaders of the coup. Eventually, even the loyal and most helpful to the English Nostromo must concede that his purpose should be more than aiding the rich to extract his country's riche... Read more

Los herederos de la tierra (Spanish Edition)
Los herederos de la tierra (Spanish Edition)

Review:Los Herederos de la Tierra es un libro largo pero entretenido. Es la continuación de La Catedral del Mar, aunque no llega al mismo nivel. El libro es especialmente bueno para quienes disfrutan leyendo la vida en la Barceona Medioeval, y sobre todo para aquellos interesados en las historias de reyes y papas. La trama es buena pero en algunos momentos las discusiones respecto de los las cuestiones de sucesión de reyes y papas se torna un poco tediosa. De cualquier manera vale la pena leerlo. S... Read more

Veronika decide morir (Spanish Edition)
Veronika decide morir (Spanish Edition)

Review:Este libro me gusto mucho. Tiene un buen mensaje; te enseña a valorar tu vida,disfrutarla y realizar las cosas que quieres en la vida. Este libro como algunos otros de Coelho, no pude parar de leer hasta que lo termine. Lo unico que no me gusto fue una escena sexual que el autor describe, el cual no me agradaba leer pero el autor lo hizo con palabras sofisticadas y al final pienso que esas son cosas de la realidad de la vida y creo que el autor queria que este libro se acercara mas a la reali... Read more

und ihr Liebhaber (German Edition) - Lady Chatterley
und ihr Liebhaber (German Edition) - Lady Chatterley

Review:Finally, finally, finally I have read this book!!!!! I now can see why it was banned when it was written. It would have been considered risqué and rebellious on so many levels. If you have never read it then make it a priority. What a beautiful book. Read more

Candide (French Edition)
Candide (French Edition)

Review:A great little satire filled with wit, sarcasm and ultimately distress. Candide lives a life of artificial optimism which ultimately turns to distress, rejection of religion and a decision to "cultivate one's garden". Candide Finds an idyllic place called El Dorado and leaves there a very wealthy man only to slide to near poverty. A delightful and thoughtful novel well worth the small investment of time. Read more

Eine Scheibenwelt-Erzählung (German Edition)
Eine Scheibenwelt-Erzählung (German Edition)

Review:What a shame that Terry Pratchett is not still alive1 Not only would he be writing more books to delight us all, but we would love to read what he would think of a world where “Post-Truth” is a real term. Terry Pratchett writes nonsensical satire that ends up making perfect sense. Terry Pratchett is the master of a fantasy sub-genre that probably belongs to him alone. Most of them are clever, witty, and rapid-fire novels. Almost all of the Discworld novels fall into different categories: Tiffany... Read more

Topaz (Spanish Edition)
Topaz (Spanish Edition)

Review:There's lots of novels about Cold War intrigues, but precious few of them include Cuba. Although clearly a work of fiction, it is well-researched (like all of Uris' books). This book changed some of my thinking about a difficult era in our history. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Read more

Moll Flanders (Spanish Edition)
Moll Flanders (Spanish Edition)

Review:What happened with all the other children and what kind of mother just does not care? She raises her self up so high with this one child and calls herself a caring mother when in fact she is far from that. She is a selfish heartless character and lacks common sense to see that. Don't get me wrong I like the story just she made me so angry with the me me me instead of the US US US. Read more

Peek A Boo, I See You (Emma Frost Book 5)
Peek A Boo, I See You (Emma Frost Book 5)

Review:I absolutely LOVE this author. Once I start her books I just can't put them down. I completely love how she has her characters interact. I love the little surprises at the end. My poor animals hate when I start her books as I am totally in the book zone LOL. Will ALWAYS read her books. Read more

Madame Bovary (Spanish Edition)
Madame Bovary (Spanish Edition)

Review:Like french movies, this book was not about happy endings and a happy storyline. It was a sad, raw, human book. As much as I was disgusted by the actions of the some of the characters, I still enjoyed every minute of reading this book because the storyline is interesting and has a great flow. Read more

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