Central America

A Field Guide (Zona Tropical Publications) - The Birds of Costa Rica
A Field Guide (Zona Tropical Publications) - The Birds of Costa Rica

Review:Excellent assist for me as a new birder following a guided trip to Costa Rica. Our guide and a friend used it to narrow choices as we viewed birds. I've been using it to familiarize myself with the birds I saw and photographed while there. Read more

The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood
The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood

Review:The fetid,yet maddeningly lush & thus, compelling environment that yielded such treasures to the intensity of these two men's driving curiosity immediately captures the reader. This reviewer withholds the fifth star of admiration only due to an absence of deeper detail regarding Stephens&Catherwood. Perhaps, such detail was lost to the "official"record? However, the desire for character detail is proof-positive that JUNGLE of STONE fills a gap in our historical narrative; indeed, the eno... Read more

One Man's Quest for the Courage to Settle Down - The Longest Way Home
One Man's Quest for the Courage to Settle Down - The Longest Way Home

Review:As a parent of a child with high functioning autism (aka, Asperger's syndrome), I'm struck by passages in McCarthy's book that seem to be lifted out of descriptions of life written by people with HFA. I would never diagnose someone (I certainly don't have the credentials), but I wonder if the personal insight in this book, plus the feeling of being isolated from others all his life, doesn't suggest to others the possibility that there are many different factors at play here, possibly including A... Read more

The Story of a Boy's Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with His Mother
The Story of a Boy's Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with His Mother

Review:Very informative reading. Well written. This book should be required reading in all high schools. It is a detailed account of the plight of immigrants from Central America to this country, the reasons for their migration and the long term effects on their families. Read more

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