
and an Unforgettable Journey into the Alaskan Wild
and an Unforgettable Journey into the Alaskan Wild

Review:The premiss is a good one: the father daughter thing sells books. This is a book I wanted to like but it just couldn't hold my attention. The Last Frontiersman, also by James Campbell was more interesting. At least to me. But it no doubt strengthened their relationship. Although I doubt this would fit into the self-help category. No amount of book sales will equal their bond. Read more

Desert Solitaire
Desert Solitaire

Review:Although I have not spent much time in the desert, I feel like I want to after reading Desert Solitaire. If you enjoy reading beautiful descriptions of nature and incredible storytelling, interspersed with thoughtful comments about humankind (and how we have a tendency to mess up nature) this book is for you. I place Abbey's writing with that of Thoreau and Steinbeck - he is that good. Read more

A Guide for the Curious Beachcomber - Florida's Living Beaches
A Guide for the Curious Beachcomber - Florida's Living Beaches

Review:It has a lot of information put into easily understandable terms and the accompanying pictures were excellent. A good book to take with you whenever you go beach combing. You can learn a lot from this book. Read more

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