Sales & Selling

Grow Yourself FIRST to Grow Your Business FAST (The Miracle Morning Book Series)
Grow Yourself FIRST to Grow Your Business FAST (The Miracle Morning Book Series)

Review:Top notch book for anybody in the industry (and even those who are not)! I really wish a I came across this years ago, although I had some great mentors. But this offers a manuscript in black and white that you can interact with each day! I have met several of the folks involved with this book, and this is an intricate part of their success. I look forward to my own personal and professional development. Read more

The Fastest Way to Take Your SELF and Your SALES to the Next Level
The Fastest Way to Take Your SELF and Your SALES to the Next Level

Review:I consider myself successful in the direct sales business, but never really felt like I was as organized as I should be, or felt like my day was scattered. I old do most of the tips in this book daily, but it made a huge difference learning how to do them correctly & how the timing of how you start your day is everything. I've recommended this book to my sales team of over 300 (& growing daily). I'm so happy I found this book, & live the continued support & encouragement on thei... Read more

Self-Publish Your Books on Kindle and Promote them to Bestseller Status
Self-Publish Your Books on Kindle and Promote them to Bestseller Status

Review:This was a quick read for me. The information was laid out step by step, very precise and direct to the point. There's also included seven videos for those that learn things easier by watching the video modes. For me most of the material is some of the things I had already known that the instead. If you are new to the temple platform. This is an excellent guide to get you started and have you going in the correct direction. There are a few tricks that I wasn't aware of. So all in all a very good... Read more

How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible
How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible

Review:Overall, the "nuggets" of valuable information could have been presented in about 50 pages, instead of having to wade through 250 pages of rambling. Skip Section 1 entirely unless you're hungry for general theory with virtually no practical application. Chapter 11 on writing and expressing yourself has some useful information. Probably the best part of the book is Appendix 2 which contains 50+ useful starting questions. It would be easy to miss this if I had given up before getting all the w... Read more

The Surprising Truth About Moving Others - To Sell Is Human
The Surprising Truth About Moving Others - To Sell Is Human

Review:I personally like Pink's style of starting with showing the readers what the research says (various experiments), conclude, draw what the implications are for us. I think Pink's books are always well researched and easy to read. However I must say towards the end of "To Sell is Human" I found his style getting a bit monotonous - same pattern of presentation. I would have liked to read more about what Pink himself thinks about the Attunement, Buoyancy, Clarity pattern and how he applies it to his... Read more

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