Electrical & Electronics

A Maker's Guide to Creating Modern Artifacts - Steampunk Gear
A Maker's Guide to Creating Modern Artifacts - Steampunk Gear

Review:The ideas are interesting, and I believe the steps that need to be followed to get the goggles of your dreams are explained quite well and detailed, however I did not realise that a fully equipped garage with hecksaws, welding tools and other heavy equipment for metal cutting and processing are necessary. So, I have to say, unfortunately, it is quite useless for me. Read more

268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution
268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution

Review:I know Ann Louise professionally, and I know that she is usually at the leading edge of health information. She sent me an advance copy of ZAPPED, and it's a book that I suspect some people would prefer to not know about. Is ignorance bliss? I don't think so.

Well-written and informative, ZAPPED focuses on the electronic pollution in our world and its health consequences. Before you scratch your head and wonder what I'm talking about, consider the fact that all sorts of microwaves and oth... Read more

Nexus 7 For Dummies (Google Tablet)
Nexus 7 For Dummies (Google Tablet)

Review:I appreciate all Dummies Books. Like those I have used before Nexus 7 for Dummies is most helpful. Nexus 7 for Dummies has been most helpful in my learning process. I have recommended this book to several others who have struggled to understand their new tablet. Read more

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