Politics & Government
Review:Jared Taylor has been a pro-white activist for years and he gives us many examples of how multi-racial societies do not work, especially for whites. The main hurdle is getting the word out about racial realities when the mainstream media will not cover it. I like David Duke better because he places more responsibility on Jews for this multi-racial society which is so anti-white. I think he is closer to the truth than Taylor. I conjecture that Taylor seeks to make an alliance with the Jews to sta... Read more
Review:While I don't always agree with Hitchens I always enjoy his writing and unique take on peoples, places, and history. I haven't actually finished the book yet but I have so far I really have enjoyed it. Read more
Review:This book is an eye-opening documentary written for lay people. If I were born today, I am not sure I would be able to achieve the success in life I have had. My parents were incredibly poor, but the education I received laid the foundation for my future success. Robert Putnam's book shows how that that type of education, including the associated extracurricular activities that were readily available, is just not there for most poor kids today. It is quite humbling to realize that I am not a... Read more
Review:I’ve read several histories of the Korean War along with many accounts of the Pacific Theater of World War II and David McCollough’s magnificent biography of Harry Truman. Each of these works dealt tangentially with the primary subject matter of this nice, narrowly focused book, namely the conflict between President Truman and the most highly decorated and beloved (with the exception of George Washington, and possibly U. S. Grant) military figure in American history, Douglas MacArthur.
Al... Read more
Review:Thomas Sowell continues to be the most important teacher in my life. His classes (books) are informative, inspiring and thought provoking. It would be near impossible to quantify how important they have been in my life. Read more
Review:I lack necessary intellectual capacity and courage to judge or review such an amazing narrative and book, however, this book taught me more and more and proofed that some of the critical , social, political and philosophical questions were answered long time ago. This book adds to the answers to my own personal questions such as why Europ for example was able to reform while other nations and ethnicities were unable to do so and describe the kind of debate that was going on some 150 years ago th... Read more
Review:The first chapter of Thomas Woods's Meltdown is called "The Elephant in the Room." Dr. Woods, of course, is referring to the Federal Reserve -- a subject that merits just a few superficial mentions in Thomas Sowell's Economic Facts and Fallacies, all in reference to the Fed's statistical arm. In other words, the greatest economic fallacy of all -- that the Fed is a free-market institution that doesn't perve... Read more
Review:I definitely wouldn't consider myself progressive IN ANY WAY. Maybe a few liberal tendencies, but by-and-far I didn't vote for (either) Clinton, so I would definitely consider myself better-aligned to Shapiro's viewpoints (but definitely not abortion and his denial of human effects on the earth).
However, he builds of many great arguments through numerous examples — which ARE thought-provoking — but so many teams he resorts to typical schoolyard bullying tactics to "prove" (otherwise... Read more
Review:Good book which lead me to some other good reading. If you want to read the story because you think it sounds good and have no personal interest in the region, I imagine it would be hard to get through. Can be tedious at times. Read more
Review:Matthews, now known for screaming at people on CNBC, was originally the author (Way back in the late 1980s) of this timeless book about how legislation is crafted, and deals are done.
After reading this book, you will agree that legislation is like sausage: You don't want to know how it is made or what goes into it.
Hardball is a brutal insight for the naive into the power game, the relationship game, and the lobbying game. Legislation is not drafted to protect the poor and innocent. Ra... Read more