Politics & Government

and the Lies That Led to Vietnam - the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Lies That Led to Vietnam - the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Review:This excellent book provided me with a great understanding on why the Vietnam war turned out the way it did. It was run by politicians who directed the war and they used the generals as mere technicians to carry out their orders. It seems to me Hitler did the same with his generals with disastrous results for Germany. LBJ was happy enough with a stalemate in Vietnam while the generals always want to win. I wonder how many draftees of the time would have willingly gone over there if they had know... Read more

The Young Men and Women of the Civil Rights Movement
The Young Men and Women of the Civil Rights Movement

Review:In "The Children" David Halberstam pays homage to the forgotten heroes of the Civil Rights movement, those idealistic young blacks who courageously put the rights of their people above their own lives. Halberstam tracks their progress from the children of blacks who have somehow found to negotiate with an intolerably racist world to fighters for a more racially tolerable world. History was of course on their side. World War II (where blacks made the ultimate sacrifice for a land that treated ... Read more

Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In
Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In

Review:Great read!!!! Now is the time to educate yourself so that you are ready to fight the good fight. This is going to be a long 4 years and we'll have a lot of fighting to do. Bernie does a great job of telling you how, when and with whom!!!!! Make sure you share it with a friend! Read more

Aftershock(Inequality for All--Movie Tie-in Edition)
Aftershock(Inequality for All--Movie Tie-in Edition)

Review:I thought the book was very informative. I had imagined that it would be somewhat "preaching to the choir," but there was a lot that I learned. I read it for a book club, and believe we are going to see the movie it is associated with as well. Read more

The Russian Revolution - A People's Tragedy
The Russian Revolution - A People's Tragedy

Review:Figes pulls off a pretty impressive feat here: he makes a relatively fast and interesting book out of a complex and painful human event. This book gives a good idea of the extremities of brutality, stupidity, and treachery that accompanied the Russian Revolution. It may not please some readers seeking a final, official "judgment" of the event, but so what? It tells you what happened and gives some reasons why. That's the purpose of the study of history. Read more

Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think - How Do You Kill 11 Million People?
Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think - How Do You Kill 11 Million People?

Review:This excellent book by Andy Andrews makes a point in a graphic manner: believing a lie can lead to the death of millions of people. People tend to believe lies they want to be true and close their eyes to the facts and even to common sense. A very relevant book for our time in history. Read more

Why We Long for a Golden Age That Never Was - What's the Matter with White People
Why We Long for a Golden Age That Never Was - What's the Matter with White People

Review:I admire Joan Walsh for her knowledge of history. She learned a lot at U of Wisconsin, clearly In this book she does a wonderful job of integrating the autobiographical and her family history with recent developments in our political discourse. Relevant for Democrats also! Read more

How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America
How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America

Review:Mobbed us what I feel, defiled by the Chicago gangsters that have taken over our government, invaded our privacy, tried to take away our fire arms, and ruined our health care system. They have bullied us at home and made friends with our enemies abroad! Read more

How Conservatives Won the Heart of America - What's the Matter with Kansas?
How Conservatives Won the Heart of America - What's the Matter with Kansas?

Review:I cannot heap enough praise on Thomas Frank's "What's the Matter with Kansas?" It's no wonder it became a classic. I wanted to read this book for years, and the refreshing truth is that it is still relevant eight years after its first publication. As a former resident of the midwest (although not a native) I found it especially amusing and insightful. My favorite part, however, is how he completely debunks the notion that the moral deterioration of society somehow has a direct causal relation... Read more

How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) - The World According to Ann Coulter
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) - The World According to Ann Coulter

Review:Look!.....I love Ann Coulters's politics!... I"m a devout Conservative and know that "Capitalism" is the only way
for America!...so, I thought that her book would be a joy to read, but I was mistaken. Now, its probably ME,
who just simply does not want "fact after fact" on almost every page. Yes, I told you it was probably me!.

I mean if Coulter were running for President, I'd surely vote for her!..She's exactly what America needs, now
more than ever!..

I suspect that if ... Read more

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