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The Corruption of the American Republic
The Corruption of the American Republic

Review:David Frum did an outstanding job. Very well written and researched. A first rate account of the most corrupt president in American history. I encourage people to read this book. Donald Trump is a fraud and this book explains why with solid facts. Read more

Death Note Box Set  (Vol.s 1-13): Volumes 1 - 13
Death Note Box Set (Vol.s 1-13): Volumes 1 - 13

Review:I am rating this box set as a matter of content rather than story.
When I started reading manga number thirteen, I noticed in the beginning of the pilot, the pages were fold.
I wish I could type "I receive it in perfect conditions" but it was not the case with my box set. Read more

One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal
One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal

Review:Imagine the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of people displaced and in danger. Families separated and unsure where to go or what to do. A government in chaos, unable (at least initially) to be of any assistance. Then imagine that this chaos had lasted an ENTIRE decade. That some of these families were so poor and so desperate to keep their children safe, that they sold just about every possession they owned in order to PAY to try and keep their children from being conscripted into a re... Read more

An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations (Version 2.0
An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations (Version 2.0

Review:Mr. Friedman should run for president! he's already assembled a superb cabinet. Everyone should read this book and then put these words into action -FAST. Awesome read, could not put it down the second time. Read more

Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America
Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America

Review:This book really helped me understand the difficulty of spanning the gap between the black culture and the "privileged white." I am white and failed all these years to see that, while do not consider myself discriminatory toward people of color, for sure I have not had to put up with the downcast looks or being pulled over by a cop because I look like I might "cause trouble" or that "might" break a law. Read more

The Fire Next Time
The Fire Next Time

Review:Just a paperback, but powerfully written. I revisit this book ever so often, so as not to forget the damming effects of slavery on the human psyche. This is a sobering revelation of the cruelity of mankind. Read more

Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11
Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11

Review:Excellent book! All the pieces seem to fall into place now. We all knew that 9/11 wasn't what _they_ told us it was. This is HARD scientific proof of what DID actually take place, unfortunately. I still can't find the answer as to why our government killed their own, and more importantly, how they can live with themselves. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the other "elite" globalists will have to face their maker one day. Thank God for Judy! Thank you for your tenacity and unwavering strength an... Read more

Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit
Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit

Review:While I admire the authors many accomplishments and can appreciate his contributions to the art of profiling, his ego leaves no room for admitting mistakes. This gives me reason for concern, no one is ever right in every instance no matter how experienced. For instance the William Heirens case which he breezes through with broad strokes doesn't touch on any of the contridictions of this particular case and in the end he writes William off as guilty without ever looking into any other aspects of ... Read more

and a Devil's Deal - Black Mass - Whitey Bulger
and a Devil's Deal - Black Mass - Whitey Bulger

Review:You can tell the book was wrote by reporters, it reads more like a newspaper article. I wouldnt recommend it if this is your first foray into boston gangs since one has to know alot of other info not let on in the book. It was ok. Read more

Black Like Me
Black Like Me

Review:but it got a little tedious.

Ok, I fully understand why Mr. Griffin did what he did. Like many perhaps, he wanted to test the claims of racism that permeated the South. His entry in to the world of a black man in the south was somewhat smeared by a tainted eye.

The definition of racism is far removed from what may be termed "curiosity". For sure, if you're honest, there are cultural differences that some might find curious. Mr. Griffin ran into these curiosities but, in my mind, th... Read more

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