Arts & Literature

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) - A Memoir
You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) - A Memoir

Review:Felicia Day is one of those people who is famous for all the right reasons. She's smart, witty and just has that enduring presence that makes you feel right with the world.

Reading her story was most enlightening. I don't want to got into spoilers here but I will just simply say that she's just as weird as the rest of us.

So many celebrities seem less real and approachable, Felicia is not like that at all and this book really opens up her world to the rest of us.

I am still... Read more

Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life

Review:This is a good book, and deserves more stars. My review is on the quality of the kindle edition. There are OCR problems throughout the book. Many times the word "live" is written "five" in the book. There's even a spot where there is an unprintable character that didn't get fixed. The whole book needs to be proofread and corrected after the scan from the original. This book should be much cheeper if there was little to no cost in it's production. (Since it's pretty obvious no actual edito... Read more

You Don't Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir

Review:This book is written in prose, poetry, written word, and story telling of years of pain and grief. You feel like you are sitting across from the author as he tells and sings these memories on and off the reservation. Could not stop reading as he let's you enter the darkness and light of his traveling soul. What a journey. Enjoy. Read more

The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, Day
The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, Day

Review:I think everyone should read this book. He has an amazing way of making you feel pain, fear, and remorse all at the same time. It gives you simple yet vivid insight into the lives of those haunted everyday by this disaster, that for lack of a better word, we call the Holocaust. Read more

Meaty: Essays
Meaty: Essays

Review:One of the best books I've read in awhile. Clever, laugh out load funny and over the top real, Meaty is a treat for the heart, soul and mind. A must read for those who want to embrace all things, good, bad and indifferent that makes us human. Read more

Autobiography, An
Autobiography, An

Review:Excellent seller service....have no completed read but so far very good is not the usual bio you insight into her writing style and topics...If you have noy read any of her works read this one first... Read more

Geisha, A Life
Geisha, A Life

Review:As it seems w everyone else, I too came across this book after reading "Memoirs of a geisha". While the book was interesting w technicalities and structure of the "geiko" culture, Mineko did not capture me. I will never understand how readers connect more to a fictional character than a real person. I'm still waiting to receive mineko's other book, I'm hoping it will be better than this one. If you fell in love w chiyo completely, at least attempt to find this book at your local library. This is... Read more

Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Cancer

Review:I know of no other writer who makes words truly live like Henry Miller does. "Cancer" is his best (although the neglected "Colossus of Maroussi" runs a close second), full of enthusiasm, rampant lust-driven adventures, a man living though it rain crocodiles, a visionary portrait of a person determined to live in this cracked and dying earth that will drag you down and suffocate you if you let it. Living has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with prestige, nothing to do with a career... Read more

What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding: A Memoir
What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding: A Memoir

Review:Here is a book written with both the skill and insight of a high school freshman. While attempting to impress the reader with how cool she can be, the author succeeds in demonstrating that she should stick to writing for television. You might find the book useful if you have a table with one short leg that needs support. Read more

Travels (Vintage Departures)
Travels (Vintage Departures)

Review:This book tells MC's early years. From his medical studies, when he wrote novels using pseudonyms to support himself to some of his adventures, some you wouldn't imagine.
If you like his books, you should read this one to get to know him a little bit more even though it is a pretty old book, he should write a newer Bio. Read more

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