The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies
ByM. Stanton Evans
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristel poole
Well written book with iron-clad support for what the liberals and other leftists in America do not want you to know: That the fellow travelers, liberals, and many in Democrat party either actively participated or were complicit in attempting to bring Communism into the US.
The fierce personal attacks on McCarthy are a horibble reminder of similar political lynching of Clarence Thomas and, most recently, of President George Bush. It appears that anyone who does anything to protect this country will harvest ad hominem hatred from the left. Left just cannot suppress those dictatorial instincts.
As for those who think that Communism is not a bad thing, I propose they read some history and just add the numbers of dead. Remember the bloody dictators such as Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, and Hitler(for those confused about Nazi party as left-wing, note that Nazi party name is "National Socialistic Workers Party" - hardly a right wing party, and that American Communist Party supported Nazis until they attacked Russia).
Excellent book and bravo to the author for bringing truth into this sordid part of American history.
The fierce personal attacks on McCarthy are a horibble reminder of similar political lynching of Clarence Thomas and, most recently, of President George Bush. It appears that anyone who does anything to protect this country will harvest ad hominem hatred from the left. Left just cannot suppress those dictatorial instincts.
As for those who think that Communism is not a bad thing, I propose they read some history and just add the numbers of dead. Remember the bloody dictators such as Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, and Hitler(for those confused about Nazi party as left-wing, note that Nazi party name is "National Socialistic Workers Party" - hardly a right wing party, and that American Communist Party supported Nazis until they attacked Russia).
Excellent book and bravo to the author for bringing truth into this sordid part of American history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
M. Stanton Evans at last provides unequaled in-depth answers as to why America's champion Joe McCarthy has always been portrayed a one-dimensional cartoon character in Establishment media re-runs year after year. McCarthy wasn't a caveman brute inciting hysteria. Instead this former judge with near-photographic memory, who carried so much of his cases inside his head, made great effort to present clear historical backgrounder speeches, and exercise restraint toward the accused. Early in the book, I got a sense of sorrow to learn that many government files crucial to what really happened have vanished or are heavily redacted. In the National Archives for example, Mr. Evans tells us that two dozen cases in "handsomely embossed cover sheets, signed by Dean Acheson, Secretary of State in 1950, are still there in their folders. In every case as well, however, the material once enclosed has been stripped from the cover sheet, leaving small wads of paper beneath the staples that hold the documents together."
McCarthy fought against vast bureaucratic empires, liberal action groups, obstructionists in the White House, some vicious Senate colleagues, hostile Reds. He even endured an unethical overstepping Democrat controlled Senate-directed investigation of his family finances back to his youth -- which resulted in an IRS refund to McCarthy.
He relied heavily on J. Edgar Hoover FBI information and so much of that could not be made available to the public or presented in court due to its top secret nature. That hurt the world's understanding. Of course now over a half century later, Venona and the partial opening of the KGB archives have proven McCarthy right on target.
Mr. Evans masterfully gives a view of the junior senator from Wisconsin carrying an unimaginable burden, yet growing in stature. That kept me wondering chapter by chapter why the victories should have to end for McCarthy, done in by the active role of Eisenhower of all people.
I was born in 1956. This book blows away the cover-up that keeps my generation from knowing the extent of Red infiltration and how agents of influence gave away Eastern Europe and China and cost how many millions of lives. Now I'm reading "Stalin's Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt's Government" the follow-up book by Mr. Evans and Herbert Romerstein.
With the coming 60th anniversary of Senator McCarthy's fateful year, I'd love to see conservative writers do a blitz of McCarthy stories. That said, thank you Medford Stanton Evans for leading the way.
McCarthy fought against vast bureaucratic empires, liberal action groups, obstructionists in the White House, some vicious Senate colleagues, hostile Reds. He even endured an unethical overstepping Democrat controlled Senate-directed investigation of his family finances back to his youth -- which resulted in an IRS refund to McCarthy.
He relied heavily on J. Edgar Hoover FBI information and so much of that could not be made available to the public or presented in court due to its top secret nature. That hurt the world's understanding. Of course now over a half century later, Venona and the partial opening of the KGB archives have proven McCarthy right on target.
Mr. Evans masterfully gives a view of the junior senator from Wisconsin carrying an unimaginable burden, yet growing in stature. That kept me wondering chapter by chapter why the victories should have to end for McCarthy, done in by the active role of Eisenhower of all people.
I was born in 1956. This book blows away the cover-up that keeps my generation from knowing the extent of Red infiltration and how agents of influence gave away Eastern Europe and China and cost how many millions of lives. Now I'm reading "Stalin's Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt's Government" the follow-up book by Mr. Evans and Herbert Romerstein.
With the coming 60th anniversary of Senator McCarthy's fateful year, I'd love to see conservative writers do a blitz of McCarthy stories. That said, thank you Medford Stanton Evans for leading the way.
The Quiet American :: The Sentinels of Andersonville :: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris - Death in the City of Light :: and Jazz Chickens - Believe Me - A Memoir of Love :: The Kingdom of Speech
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ewgog (Croton NY)
Few books are more well-crafted and insightful than this sorely needed work of Mr Evans. I applaud him for his meticulous research and for the stubborn bravery to once more talk to the wall of mendaciousness and obfuscation that has been erected to prevent us from getting at the truth. This is an extraordinary work well worth the time and expenditure. I am made thankfull and hopeful by the existence of such an effort, and encouraged by the discovery that courageous voices like that of Mr Evans` still struggle to be heard.
Few books are more well-crafted and insightful than this sorely needed work of Mr Evans. I applaud him for his meticulous research and for the stubborn bravery to once more talk to the wall of mendaciousness and obfuscation that has been erected to prevent us from getting at the truth. This is an extraordinary work well worth the time and expenditure. I am made thankfull and hopeful by the existence of such an effort, and encouraged by the discovery that courageous voices like that of Mr Evans` still struggle to be heard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james peercy
Very interesting back ground information. Shows just how things can be made to inflect needless pain and economic hardship for people. on the edges that effect society when ideas are left to go unchecked by high powered officials.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tessa srebro
New information ( after 50 years and de-classification of secret documents) McCarthy was not nearly as off base as everyone was led to believe.
Had McCarthy went about his business without the personal malice he might be considered a hero today.
Had McCarthy went about his business without the personal malice he might be considered a hero today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie stegeman
This book should be read by every American who cares about their country. It is backed with evidence from the FBI files and the US military. The destruction of McCarthy's crediblity by communist propaganda within our own country is horrifying. Once you read this book, you will never look at the wag the dog the same way. Please read this for the republic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It's a shame that this great patriot received the treatment he did and still does. He is reviled in some circles that fail to realize that his "list" turned out to be pretty accurate when it was all said and done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shel schipper
The book is full of information and perhaps some of it will help in my research regarding the death on 06/18/1951 of Mr Agustin Fernandez Castro and my uncle Robert James Sheldon who was a Marine Corp embassy guard along with being a military operative for the Central Intelligence Agency. I believe his death was a direct result from information he and Agustin Fernandez Castro had regarding communists/communism (in particular Fidel Castro) living on the top floor of the Horter Building in Havana, Cuba. Weeks prior to both men's death, Mr. Castro went public stating that there were communists living up on the top floor of the Horter Building. Because of this, both men were silenced - the insurgents went in after them in a locked embassy on the wee morning of Monday - June 18, 1951. I hope to obtain more information of communism from Mr. Evans.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam siegel
Blacklisted by History might be the most important book written in the last 50 years. The author has gained access to many primary sources, despite the conscious alteration of the record by the very people McCarthy warned us against. This book should be read in conjunction with "The Venona Secrets", and refers to the undisputed texts of soviet intercepts demonstrating the extent of NKVD/KGB penetration of our government at all levels during and after WWII. This book is unique in that it struggles to set the falsified record straight. It becomes quite clear that McCarthy's "innocent" victims were anything but. What is amazing is how the history of this period has been twisted by journalists and academics in favor of the subverters. Blacklisted by History goes a long way to correct the errors of conventional wisdom regarding the McCarthy era. The only way one can claim to be informed about this chapter of US history is to read this book and consider its arguments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike jonze
This is a brilliant exoneration of the much maligned Joe McCarthy. The author's research was exhaustive and at time exhausting to read. But your efforts will be a paid off. Evans carefully builds his case for McCarthy in each chapter and ends each with a blockbuster revelation. It helps if you have (or think you have) knowledge of Sen McCarthy's career because Evans does such a devastating dismantling of all the lies and misinformation you've been fed. Even the BBC after decades of McCarthy bashing recently produced a radio documentary titled McCarthy: There Really Were Reds Under The Beds. If you need further convincing look into the Venona Transcripts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellen guon
Unlike all other histories of the period, including a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Evans thoroughly documents every one of his assertions. No innuendo, no truisms, nothing to be taken on faith. It turns out that McCarthy was not evil, he was just honest and happened to be right. The Roosevelt/Truman/Eisenhower administrations could never forgive him for showing up their flaws and set out to destroy him. Spying for the Soviets was perhaps inappropriate, but proving it was cause for character assassination. It's a shame that a whole generation and then some has been poisoned with lies in books, magazines, and movies about a man who just tried to protect his country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The left, the progressives, liberals, modernists, socialists, and communists, then and now, that kept calling McCarthy a brute and a bully, are all probable products of the elitist Ivy liberal hierarchy. Mr Evans in convincing in his research, and all facts are clearly documented. Those that were destroyed by McCarthy deserved to be destroyed, if, for no other reason, they violated their security oaths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alberto simon
Interesting read. I highly recommend this book as a lesson in how the truth can be drowned out by loud lies---which are still being perpetrated today. This book is a clear example of the adage, "If you don't know history, you are doomed to repeat it." I fear we've never known the truth about Joe McCarthy, so we are today allowing the same thing to happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne heiles
Superb Book...This is definitely a book to read! I never knew so many of my "heroes" were actually evil to the core. FDR and Truman made some pathetic decisions regarding Communist in and around the White House. Ike wasn't much better. Certain politicians in Congress also bear condemnation. McCarthy was no saint, but he did have enough information on hand to condemn bureaucrats pushing for the Chinese Reds and other Communist organizations. The book's writer gives the reader sufficient data to make a valid judgment regarding McCarthy and his work regarding the evil powers set on taking over US policy. We may very well have the same things happening in Washington today. You be the judge!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gloria calandro
We are glad this book of truth was finally written. Too bad it was not avlable during the current times of McCarthy. Our country would not be in the mess we find ourselves in now.
Anyone who recalls the name of McCarthy should read this book and then evaluate their own values and political actions. Wake up, folks.
Harland & Shirleen Smith
Anyone who recalls the name of McCarthy should read this book and then evaluate their own values and political actions. Wake up, folks.
Harland & Shirleen Smith
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies
Absolutely marvelous book. Mr. Evans certainly did his research. I can't believe how detailed he is. This is shocking!
Absolutely marvelous book. Mr. Evans certainly did his research. I can't believe how detailed he is. This is shocking!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joe McCarthy always was, and remains, the acid-test. Not just for students of history and politics, but for Conservatives. Though they speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity--and praise for this patriot--they're as sounding brass, pharisees and pretenders to the title. And there have been many such CINOs over the 50-odd years since the senator's death.
Several months ago, I wrote to one after he bemoaned having been accused of the dread McCarthyism, perhaps the only more damning charge than racism. I just found it a shame that one of the few voices for conservatism and the loathing of commies in government should be trashing his most notable predecessor. And though Beck seems slightly more open now than then (as a result, I trust, of many viewers as outraged as I), as evidenced by Stan Evans' appearance on the show last week, Beck still clung to the old, hackneyed lifeline ("but he was a flawed vessal" to which Evans responded "as are we all" rather than parsing what Beck deemed "flawed"). Evans also had no opportunity to correct Beck's notion that McCarthy had simply recycled Martin Dies' "list." But Beck was right on one point: the book demands too much of us. It's just too hot, too revealing, to allow the reader any fig-leaf of innocence or, but for the thorough redress of history this book attempts, of hope. It's the best thriller I've ever read; and like Beck I wish it weren't true.
Several months ago, I wrote to one after he bemoaned having been accused of the dread McCarthyism, perhaps the only more damning charge than racism. I just found it a shame that one of the few voices for conservatism and the loathing of commies in government should be trashing his most notable predecessor. And though Beck seems slightly more open now than then (as a result, I trust, of many viewers as outraged as I), as evidenced by Stan Evans' appearance on the show last week, Beck still clung to the old, hackneyed lifeline ("but he was a flawed vessal" to which Evans responded "as are we all" rather than parsing what Beck deemed "flawed"). Evans also had no opportunity to correct Beck's notion that McCarthy had simply recycled Martin Dies' "list." But Beck was right on one point: the book demands too much of us. It's just too hot, too revealing, to allow the reader any fig-leaf of innocence or, but for the thorough redress of history this book attempts, of hope. It's the best thriller I've ever read; and like Beck I wish it weren't true.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Senator Joe McCarthy, an unsung American hero, is restored to the rightful place of honor he deserves. Modern day progressives, liberals, fellow travelers, socialist and Marxist sympathizers and especially communists in the United States won't like being exposed for what they were, are, and would be ...but exposed to the light of true history won't succeed thanks to Joe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul decker
Most people know Senator Mccarthy only from the political epithet "McCarthyism". The truth about the senator, and the tactics he used, are finally brought to light in this new book. Mr. Evans, in quite some depth, shows how Senator McCarthy was, in fact, the first and only victim of "McCarthyism". Mr. Evans also argues the point that even if McCarthy was all of the horrible slanders that today bear his name, what about his charges? He proceeds to take them on one by one and prove that they were not only true - but just the tip of the iceberg.
It is good that the truth about the extensive Soviet infiltration of our government during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations has been coming out for the past ten years. It is sad that the left continues to smear and destroy their adversaries, rather than engage and debate them. The success with which they destroyed McCarthy, and later Nixon, for telling the truth about Communists still influences their political tactics today.
It is good that the truth about the extensive Soviet infiltration of our government during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations has been coming out for the past ten years. It is sad that the left continues to smear and destroy their adversaries, rather than engage and debate them. The success with which they destroyed McCarthy, and later Nixon, for telling the truth about Communists still influences their political tactics today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally a book which covers all aspects of the McCarthy question and traces the sources for his words and actions. I have read all of the major works on McCarthy (pro and con) and Evans' book is singularly THE BEST I have ever seen. Everyone interested in 20th century American history should own a copy and give a copy as a present to family and friends. It is hard to imagine that anyone will ever surpass Evans' attention and explanation. THE BEST!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The period of Senator Joe McCarthy was really interesting to read; I was a youngster during the periods involved. Seems our government has been in turmoil for a very long period. I recommend anyone interested in our History and the weird politics that can and do happen, read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki mcneal
At long last, the definitive and irrefutable debunking of the progressive narrative on an honorable American who would have prevented us much harm if he had been allowed to pursue his investigations to their conclusion. This book demonstrates beyond any shadow of a doubt that McCarthy was right all along, and those he investigated as Soviet moles and spies (and more importantly perhaps, Soviet operatives who greatly influenced U.S. POLICY from the 1930's, through the war and beyond) were indeed Soviet sympathizers and operatives, as shown by numerous official sources previously unavailable to scholars. It will forever change your views on many important events of our history, but more importantly, will finally redeem a hero of our nation and become a warning to us all when the same signs McCarthy saw then repeat themselves today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elise thanasouras
Familiar with the characters so helpful to the Soviets at Yalta at the close your WW2 ,I was less so with those such as Sol Adler and John Service who had an influence on the communist takeover of China in 1949.
The deeper McCarthy and his little band (including RFK) dug and uncovered (The Monmouth affair,infiltration of VOA) the bigger threat they became.
It seems that besides the real threat of Soviet espionage the other thing that made the political elite (both Dem and Repub) uncomfortable with McCarthy was that he was also uncovering lax security at supposedly top secret facilities where untold amounts of files went missing ,piles of cash squandered,complete beaurocratic incompetency and jobs and promotions for those with the right political connections.
Mr Stanton did a very good job at researching and dealing with a subject that for far too long we have only heard one side of.
The deeper McCarthy and his little band (including RFK) dug and uncovered (The Monmouth affair,infiltration of VOA) the bigger threat they became.
It seems that besides the real threat of Soviet espionage the other thing that made the political elite (both Dem and Repub) uncomfortable with McCarthy was that he was also uncovering lax security at supposedly top secret facilities where untold amounts of files went missing ,piles of cash squandered,complete beaurocratic incompetency and jobs and promotions for those with the right political connections.
Mr Stanton did a very good job at researching and dealing with a subject that for far too long we have only heard one side of.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori widmer bean
Familiar with the characters so helpful to the Soviets at Yalta at the close your WW2 ,I was less so with those such as Sol Adler and John Service who had an influence on the communist takeover of China in 1949.
The deeper McCarthy and his little band (including RFK) dug and uncovered (The Monmouth affair,infiltration of VOA) the bigger threat they became.
It seems that besides the real threat of Soviet espionage the other thing that made the political elite (both Dem and Repub) uncomfortable with McCarthy was that he was also uncovering lax security at supposedly top secret facilities where untold amounts of files went missing ,piles of cash squandered,complete beaurocratic incompetency and jobs and promotions for those with the right political connections.
Mr Stanton did a very good job at researching and dealing with a subject that for far too long we have only heard one side of.
The deeper McCarthy and his little band (including RFK) dug and uncovered (The Monmouth affair,infiltration of VOA) the bigger threat they became.
It seems that besides the real threat of Soviet espionage the other thing that made the political elite (both Dem and Repub) uncomfortable with McCarthy was that he was also uncovering lax security at supposedly top secret facilities where untold amounts of files went missing ,piles of cash squandered,complete beaurocratic incompetency and jobs and promotions for those with the right political connections.
Mr Stanton did a very good job at researching and dealing with a subject that for far too long we have only heard one side of.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa thone
This study is exceedingly well researched and documented. Evans did extensive research and it shows. He went in to this study of McCarthy and the Cold War period with a neutral position. He found evidence and actual facts that vindicate McCarthy. Evans also suggests possible motives for the defamation of McCarthy. This book is a source of facts that probably 99.9% of the population have never heard nor read. This writing documents that most everything we've been told about McCarthy is wrong or exaggerated. The NY Times in particular comes under fire for publishing false stories about McCarthy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book has ample backup to support his thesis. Definitely changed my view of that period of history.
I found the dirth of names along with jumping around the time line made it sometimes hard to read and to follow the history.
Despite the minor difficulties, I think it will be a classic.
I found the dirth of names along with jumping around the time line made it sometimes hard to read and to follow the history.
Despite the minor difficulties, I think it will be a classic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is extremely well written and is definitely a must read! Chalked full of facts and information (all of which are cited and/or actually printed in the book] that is truly amazing and reveals a lot about not only the leftwing democratic party but about a portion of history that has been misrepresented for too long.
Personally, I also found an eerie similarity between the accusations made against the FBI in the context of this book [i.e. about being oblivious to the Soviet-Communist threat to the USA] and the accusations made against the FBI after 911. The author points this out in the beginning of chapter 11 and it was a real revelation that had me thinking. Mr. Stanton stayed within the context of his subject, but it did make me wonder, are we going to have to wait 60 years to find out the truth about the time before 911?
Anyway, this book is bound to upset those on the left and a must have for those on the right. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot say enough about it!
Personally, I also found an eerie similarity between the accusations made against the FBI in the context of this book [i.e. about being oblivious to the Soviet-Communist threat to the USA] and the accusations made against the FBI after 911. The author points this out in the beginning of chapter 11 and it was a real revelation that had me thinking. Mr. Stanton stayed within the context of his subject, but it did make me wonder, are we going to have to wait 60 years to find out the truth about the time before 911?
Anyway, this book is bound to upset those on the left and a must have for those on the right. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot say enough about it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well researched with FBI and KGB files to back it up. Approximately 60 pages of footnotes also. This book will give you the other side of the story that is barely, if at all, touched on in history classes. Senator McCarthy said he had a list of "57" names, not the 205 that was claimed by the media at the time. He was only following up on what should've been done in the 1930's and 1940's by the State Department. Obviously we know now, thanks to McCarthy and others, that Foggy Bottom was chock-full of communists and fellow travelers. Senator McCarthy was truly a great American that placed his country first. Now we have the KGB files to back-up what the FBI and McCarthy knew all along.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thamy ventura
It is too bad the "Demonizers" got to the Senator before he finished his work as found in Maj. Jordans Diaries and in The Forgotten 500. His methods were tough but that was what was needed for such a disgraceful bit of history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristi marchetti
This book is finally telling the truth about Joseph McCarthy and the Communists and fellow travelers that he fought. It is about time to look at what really happened and to set history straight. The book relates the shocking conclusion that the real villains of the McCarthy era were Joe's enemies, not Joe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maya mathias
As Ann Coulter says in her cover endorsement "The Greatest book since the Bible." Anyone, including Glenn Beck, who thinks McCarthy was a bad guy or a fool just plain does not know what they are talking about; and the worst is these are the same types now being duped by the Islamists just as we were before by the communists. If you want the REAL TRUTH buy this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue pitzer
This book is one of the most comprehensive well researched book that I have ever read. There is so much information and numerous people and events mentioned that it can be difficult to absorb. The only knowledge I had of Joe McCarthy prior to this book was a man who exposed communism in gov't agencies; and generally a negative perception of him in books that happen to mention him. After reading this book I now have a clearer understanding of him and his "battles". In my opinion this man is the kind of person we need in politics today. A person who is a statesman rather than a politician( he could have taken the easy path, and not have chosen to take on the State Dept. or the Army). He was not a partisan politician (he was hated by the Truman and Eisenhower administations). He was a tough and interpid person, even sacrificing his own reputation for a country he loved.
Sen.McCarthy also mentioned that he had come across a "conspiracy so immense". The book doesn't mention this, but in my opinion through investigation of communists in our gov't. (I think unbeknownst to him)he was shining light on what was becoming the political machine in what we now know as the New World Order.
This book offers numerous FBI memos, Senate hearing transcripts, the Venona papers, the Amerasia case to build the author's case. After reading the book you will come to the conclusion that indeed..... McCarthy was right!
Sen.McCarthy also mentioned that he had come across a "conspiracy so immense". The book doesn't mention this, but in my opinion through investigation of communists in our gov't. (I think unbeknownst to him)he was shining light on what was becoming the political machine in what we now know as the New World Order.
This book offers numerous FBI memos, Senate hearing transcripts, the Venona papers, the Amerasia case to build the author's case. After reading the book you will come to the conclusion that indeed..... McCarthy was right!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Venona decrypts and declassified Soviet archives show that McCarthy was quite right about the numerous Bolshevik agents in American government from the 1930's onwards.
The author even gives their Soviet code names and shows the great harm that they did to US interests in places like China and Yugoslavia while always presenting themselves as loyal Americans.
This all makes something of a problem for the American Left since "McCarthyism" is a key word in their lexicon of victimization. However, all is not lost. Leftist spokesperson Anne Applebaum now says, " Recent documents showing that some of his accusations were correct do not change the impact of his over-zealous pursuit of communists in American public life: ultimately his public "trials" of communist sympathizers would tarnish the cause of anti-communism with the brush of chauvinism and intolerance."
In other words, he should have been more relaxed about it all (like the State department) and he showed far too much of a chauvinist (i.e.America First) attitude. Even if he was sometimes (weasel word) right he should still have shut up and not victimized (named) anybody.
Interestingly Applebaum is pulling the same trick with the other side of the equation concerning Bolshevik Russia in her 2003 book, "Gulag: A History".
The Gulag death camps were set up as part of the Bolshevik state terror that consumed something like 15 million mostly European Christian lives. Her index refers to "Jewish prisoners", (the Americans Left's truly untouchable victims), while completely blanking out the fact that the Gulag camps were all in fact headed by Jews and they founded and led the Bolshevik movement itself and the Soviet state terror organizations until 1937.
Unfortunately the truth can only be found outside Party approved media, with the clearest statement probably being David Duke's recent samizdat hit "The Secret Behind Communism" (Usually out of stock on the store but available on his website).
The author even gives their Soviet code names and shows the great harm that they did to US interests in places like China and Yugoslavia while always presenting themselves as loyal Americans.
This all makes something of a problem for the American Left since "McCarthyism" is a key word in their lexicon of victimization. However, all is not lost. Leftist spokesperson Anne Applebaum now says, " Recent documents showing that some of his accusations were correct do not change the impact of his over-zealous pursuit of communists in American public life: ultimately his public "trials" of communist sympathizers would tarnish the cause of anti-communism with the brush of chauvinism and intolerance."
In other words, he should have been more relaxed about it all (like the State department) and he showed far too much of a chauvinist (i.e.America First) attitude. Even if he was sometimes (weasel word) right he should still have shut up and not victimized (named) anybody.
Interestingly Applebaum is pulling the same trick with the other side of the equation concerning Bolshevik Russia in her 2003 book, "Gulag: A History".
The Gulag death camps were set up as part of the Bolshevik state terror that consumed something like 15 million mostly European Christian lives. Her index refers to "Jewish prisoners", (the Americans Left's truly untouchable victims), while completely blanking out the fact that the Gulag camps were all in fact headed by Jews and they founded and led the Bolshevik movement itself and the Soviet state terror organizations until 1937.
Unfortunately the truth can only be found outside Party approved media, with the clearest statement probably being David Duke's recent samizdat hit "The Secret Behind Communism" (Usually out of stock on the store but available on his website).
Please RateThe Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies
I did not realize there had been so much political in-fighting on the security issues from the various political parties. The cover ups occurred not because people were looking for truth but were protecting their own political territory.
It showed how the old boy network was much more important than finding out the truth. I could not believe how many questions were not answered and how Annie Lee Moss was not brought back for charges of perjury. The book even explains that everyone knew about it.
The downfall of McCarthy wasn't that he was looking in the wrong places or for the wrong people, except for Marshall, but the fact that he made people look ridiculous because he was right. Therefore, everybody was out for revenge against him.
According to Verona it looks like we did at least 57 card carrying communist in the state department. When you see how this is belittled by the democrats in future they make it synonymous with 57 Heinz varieties in the movie the Manchurian Candidate as a frivolous number that a buffoon can easily remember.
I was amazed on every point how history seemed to be so wrong from what you see in the movies and hear about in the past. The part when Evans told the true story about Fred Fisher and what Welch did for the TV camera in the statement "Have you any decency". To find out that Welch had already ousted this guy weeks earlier just blew me away.
I was very impressed by McCarthy and his career, where he had come from and actually how far he had come. I found out that on the most part he was courteous and civil to the people he was cross examining. It was only when the witness told him they were going to be helpful and they got on the witness stand and were belligerent, like the General from Monmouth, that he went into a fury.
The best historical part of the book is the telling of how and why China fell to the communist and how the fellow travelers inside the state department got away with it.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in history and what caused events to happen in the period after WWII and the fall of China to the communists. It is very eye opening. The book style uses a myriad of legal language so be prepared with your dictionary for that.