FINDERS KEEPERS (Lost & Found Book 3)

ByNicole Williams

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff shackelford
Garth Black describe him self really good in this book; " I'd pretty much become my biggest nightmare. I was a rougher version of Jesse Walker. But a better looking one. A far better looking one." The girl how makes Garth into his worst nighmare, makes him every girl wet dream of a bad boy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer mcclure reed
Nicole Williams has done it once again. Finders Keepers, the third book in the Lost and Found series is just amazing! Just when I don't think it is possible to fall in love with anymore characters I read a book like this and I turn all mushy and hopelessly fall in love with my fictional friends all over again.

Finders Keepers is a very sobering story of Garth's life, his past, his present, his mistakes and his heart. When you are raised to believe you are nothing more than a pile of something the dog left behind, you really have no option in life but to believe it. Ever since Garth was young, he has led a much tormented life. His father abused him at every turn and then proceeded to drink away the remainder of his dignity. But one night after Garth spends the entire evening at a bar, something happens in the distance... Something bright is glowing and in an instant he loses the last part of family that he could have. But does it really matter to Garth that his dad is gone? Maybe it should, but there's only so much one man can take, even a rough and tough bull-riding cowboy.

After losing his father and his home, Garth is left to his own devices which include a lot of alcohol and women. Anything it takes to get him through one more day is what he does. He is homeless, but not without options. His closest friends have offered him a place to stay, but Garth doesn't want to burden any of them. It's his messed up life. He should be the only one suffering. But what happens when his lifelong friend, Josie, has something to say about it when she finds him sleeping in his truck and learns that he has been for a couple of months?

She makes him come home with her to a warm house, a comfy bed and a hot meal. But something that seemingly started as an innocent childhood crush has seemed to evolve for Garth. But Garth knows that he is no good for Josie and the best thing he can do is stay away from her and keep her at a distance. But not only does Garth know he is no good for her, it seems nearly everyone in town is convinced of it as well. Would they survive as a couple if they made it to that point? Would he break her heart? How far would he be willing to go to protect her?

This book was crazy beautiful. It was heartbreaking, gut wrenching, humorous and fabulous! Just when things finally seem to be going Garth's way, the universe seems has something to say about it. My heart shattered into a million pieces in one minute and was completely put back together the next. I couldn't get enough of these characters, their wit and their love.

Nicole Williams brilliantly writes a book that will keep you longing for more even after the story ends. I would love more of Garth and Josie's story. The angst, the drama, the passion and the love was so beautiful. I fell in love with them over and over and over again.

This book reminds me of a country song about finding out whom your friends are. That no matter what happens in life, with a great support system and friends who have your back, you're not alone. As long as you have friends, someone sees worth in you. It is about believing in yourself even when you think the entire world has abandoned you.

A five-star read that was worth the extra caffeine needed to keep my eyes open long enough to finish it at two in the morning.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really hate to leave negative reviews and rarely do but this book was such a disappointment for poor Garth.

I was really looking forward to this book since I love complicated characters and Garth was extraordinarily complex. I felt like the author didn't really give him his due and just rushed his story out there to get it done. BEWARE spoilers ahead...


We only got one date between Garth and Josie. ONE date!! And then he was beat severely by multiple guys with a bat. He was beat almost unconscious but refused to go to the hospital and Josie didn't push the issue. I just don't see how she wouldn't make him. True you cant make a grown man do much of anything and he's broke, but you really don't want to mess with possible internal bleeding. I don't how she wouldn't have wanted to press assault charges, I see Garth's point in this whole mess, but I would have been out for blood if someone I loved was beat that badly. Moving on...

After she gets him back to her house instead of taking care of Garth she lets her parents force her to bed so her Dad can talk to Garth. Really!?!! I don't care how much her parents dislike Garth when someone is beat that severely you don't have the 'stay away from my daughter chat' until you either check to make sure you they are okay or get them some friggin medical attention. The chat can wait until the poor guy gets some tylenol at least!! Then after the Dad basically says "get out of my house" Garth goes to pack his bags but first gets some sexy time in with Josie and then breaks her heart because its for the "best". How is he able to do all this after being beat with a bat? I know maybe I am over analyzing about his beat down and its probably the nurse in me, but none of these things make sense to me.

We got the first date, make out session, beat down, parent chat, broken heart and break up in ONE NIGHT. Feels a bit rushed to me! LoL

Then Garth comes back for Jesse's wedding and guess who Josie brought as her date...the guy who helped his brothers beat Garth up. Who does that?!? I know Garth hurt Josie (and come on is she THAT stupid SHE KNOWS her dad sent Garth away) but how could she even want to be around that other guy? Garth and Josie make up by the end of the wedding and the story ends. Josie's Dad never apologizes; the jerk and his brothers never get in any trouble. Ugh, They were such a*shats and never got their due. The one brother should be locked up. It would have been nice to see Josie's parents be on Garth's side after they heard about the fight.

The worst part is that we didn't get to experience Garth's and Josie's relationship it was over before it even truly began. We got to see them back together and thats it. I felt like we the reader got jipped after investing in these characters two books ago. But most of all Garth deserved more. I hope I didn't rant too much, but I loved Garth and wanted better for him. Poor guy couldn't even get some tender loving for his aches and pains! ; )
Finders Keepers :: Finders/Keepers (Allie Krycek) (Volume 3) :: Out of Range (A Joe Pickett Novel Book 5) :: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 5 - light novel :: A Room with a View (Bantam Classics) by E.M. Forster (1988-08-01)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carolyn good
There's self-loathing yet lovable jerk. And then there's Garth Black.

It's no secret that I have major love for Jesse Walker and Rowen Sterling. Major love. But the Lost and Found series has a dark horse, and that stallion's name is Garth Black. I was lucky enough to meet author Nicole Williams the day after I read Lost and Found. The third thing I said to her, after "Hi, so nice to meet you" and "I loved Lost and Found so much" was "Will Garth Black get his own book?!" So needless to say, I was fairly freaking pleased when his book was announced.

Finders Keepers was the book I hoped it would be. In it, we get Garth in all his self-destructive glory. It's not pretty, nor fun. But it was a well-told story of a boy who was born without love, lived his life believing he never deserved it, because, if your own parents don't love you, who will? The only love Garth has ever known was from his two best friends, Jesse and Josie. Garth isn't an easy person to love. Actually, that's not true. I love smart alecs, and Garth is world class in that department. He's just a person who incessantly pushes buttons. It's not too hard to see that it is all in the name of self-preservation. Only three people truly get to Garth: Jesse, Rowen (his female counterpart) and Josie.

Now, about Josie. She was the sweet and thoughtful ex-girlfriend that Rowen wanted to hate. It's not possible to dislike Josie Gibson. It's just not. She's a sweet girl who made a mistake that cost her two best friends, but she never stopped loving them. Though she's made a mistake, it's clear that it really was for the best, on all accounts. Josie really has herself together, and that aspect made me happy. She's a strong girl, knows what she wants in life, and will not stop until it's hers. Once life, through terrible circumstance, puts Garth firmly back in her path, Josie just might find the opportunity to show Garth that he is worthy of love. He is loved.

It's really hard for me to review Finders Keepers without going into the details of the story. Naturally, these details are better left to be read, so I won't do you the disservice of summarizing the story. What I will say is, Finders Keepers is a great addition to the series. If you loved Garth and Josie in the first two books, you'll love this book. If you love Nicole William's writing, you will love this book. And if you love a story of redemption and the unbelievable power of family, friends, and love, then you will undoubtedly enjoy Finders Keepers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nour armouti
Favorite Quote(s):

“‘Yeah, yeah, too bad for him because you’re here with me now, and I’m not letting go.’ Drawing her back to me, I lowered my mouth just outside of her ear. ‘Finders keepers.’”
Favorite Character: Garth. He’s a lot more than what meets the eye, and I was really able to sympathize with him in this novel.
First Line:

“Trying to ignore her was like trying to ignore a bull charging me.”
My Musings: I have been pining for this novel since before the day that this was actually announced as a book. I was wishing and hoping and yearning for a novel about our favorite dark and handsome cowboy. So when I missed the tour for this one, I was super bummed. But luckily, Nicole Williams is amazing and she sent me a review copy of it anyways! And you know what I did? Dove right into it.

Finders Keepers is about our favorite antihero from the companion novels of this series, Lost & Found and Near & Far. It’s about him letting go on his inhibitions and learning to love, which some of us never thought that he was capable of. I’m not going to talk about the love interest right this moment, and it will be hidden under spoilers, because I know some of you might hate me if I ruined it for you, but some of you may be dying to know!

Garth Black has had a bad past. His mother’s gone. His dad is an abusive drunk. Consequently, Garth’s life hasn’t been all daisies and roses. He often drowns his sorrows in alcohol and women. He’s sarcastic and snarky–all defenses to guard him from the tough world that he’s grown up in. He only has two people in his life: Jesse and Josie (And later, of course, Rowen). But one drunken night, Garth almost ruins that by sleeping with his best friend’s girlfriend. Sleeping with Josie. Garth’s always had somewhat of an obsession with the girl, but vows never to hurt the only person who’s been with him always every again. So Garth ignores all of his feelings for Josie. But what happens when he just can’t hide his feelings anymore?

“Up until recently, I’d never questioned anything and everything. I had all the answers. Lately, I had exchanged all the answers for all the questions. I was drowning in an ocean of questions, and even though I knew the answers would eliminate the questions, I was afraid of what the answers would be. I was afraid the answers would do the opposite of set me at peace. So my options were to stay lost in a sea of questions or to drown under the weight of the answers.”
So in Finders Keepers, we definitely see more into Garth’s mind set. Some unfortunate events start out the book, and Garth is struggling with this and other things for almost all of the book. We see insecurities galore. We see him struggle with his feelings. We see him struggle with bull riding. We see a lot of struggles in this novel. It was nice being able to see the not-so-tough and sarcastic Garth that we saw in the books about Jesse and Rowen. It really humanized him as a character and made him more relatable and not so standoff-ish. But never fear, we still saw the snarkiness that personifies Garth as a character. Actually, we see an ample amount due to Garth being our sole narrator of this tale. And he had me cracking up like always, despite his inner turmoils.

“I didn’t even try to stop staring. It would have been a wasted effort. ‘Because that dress is enough to give a man a heart attack if you come any closer, or break a man’s heart if you walk away.’

‘Now lines like that help me understand why you’ve got a reputation for being such a ladies’ man.’”
Now I’m going to talk about our girl, Garth’s love interest. Josie is our heroine of the novel. Some of you may have guessed. I had a feeling that it would be her. Was I positive? Of course not. But I couldn’t help but wonder. But I am immensely glad that it was her. For one, we already knew about her. There was no need to build up anything because we knew her as a character and we knew of the past that her and Garth shared. If we’re going to be completely honest, I think that they were a good fit. They were both spit fires and they egged each other on. And what is a love if not lively? Even though they had there ups and downs, they were eventually able to work things out, and what they had was amazing–an amazing almost comparable to Jesse and Rowen.

“I wasn’t sure who looked more uncomfortable: Jesse or me. ‘You know your fee-an-say knew better than to ask those exact same questions. She basically told me she knew I either wouldn’t give her an answer, or if I did, it wouldn’t be a straight one. So what makes you think I’ll give you an answer or a straight one?’ I flung another rock, and it barely skipped three times/ The stupid Kumbayah conversation was messing with my stone-skipping skills.

‘Because I, unlike my sweet one hundred and twenty pound soaking wet fiance, can and will happily kick your ass in order to beat the answers out of you if need be.’”
And of course, I have to throw in a few lines about Jesse and Rowen! It was super weird seeing them from another person’s point of view instead of their own points of view. I learned that Jesse is a lot more sarcastic than what we saw in his books. And that Rowen is a lot scarier. And that they are so so adorable. But we already knew that one, didn’t we?

Finders Keepers was everything that I was hoping it would be and more. It had amazing characters and a journey of self discovery and letting go of inhibitions. A tale of learning to love, Finders Keepers is a must buy novel for all romance lovers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cliff chang
I absolutely love Jesse Walker and Lost & Found is one of my favorite books of the year. Garth isn't exactly character of the year in that book but Near & Far shows his redeeming qualities and you really get to see a different side of him. So when I saw Nicole was writing Garth his very own story, I jumped at the chance to be on the tour. The synopsis keeps us in the dark on Garth's romantic interest but it's reveal super quick in the book. If you don't want to know who it is, this review may contain a spoiler.

What can I say about Garth Black? He is definitely the ultimate bad boy that you hate at first but end up loving by the end. And when I say "the end" I mean 3 books later. I think that is what is so great about Garth. Getting to know him is a slow process so he really develops and grows on you. He is just a side character in Lost & Found and Near & Far but his development is still there so by the time you get to Finders Keepers, he isn't just the hated bad boy that you want to junk punch and never see again. He's intriguing and mysterious and you want to know more about him. While I love Jesse Walker, Garth Black stole my heart.

"Women are mysterious creatures bound to make a man crazy if he spends too much time trying to decode their every move."

Garth is the guy you definitely don't bring home to mom and dad and he knows it. In fact, he seems to embrace being the town baddy that no one wants to give the time of day too. However, there is so much more to him and I think that he only embraces it because he doesn't want people to see how much it hurts him that this is how he is perceived. He has been dealt a shitty hand and we already knew this from before but now we get a look firsthand look into what his life has really been like and why he puts on the tough guy exterior. He experiences a tragedy that profoundly affects him but he has had such a tough life that he refuses to show how much he really hurts. Despite his "don't give a shit" attitude, he really is a loyal friend and he would do anything for Rowen, Jesse and Josie.

"Hope didn't feel like such a sham anymore... It seemed almost plausible again for someone like me, with a past like mine."

Garth and Josie have clearly always had this love/hate relationship with each other and there is always tension between the two. Josie shows such disdain for Garth but underneath it all you can tell she really cares about him and there is definitely some sexual tension between them. I really loved Josie and the way she cares about Garth. She is strong willed and very independent. This is what makes her so perfect for him because no other woman would be able to handle Garth or tell him how it is. She is one of the only people to see through Garth and the façade that he puts on for every one to see. I love their chemistry. They are so much alike in personality and the way they can banter back and forth with each other is comical.

"Garth Black. Brought to his legendary, come-back knees by a few words from Josie's mouth."

It's obvious that Garth has real feelings for Josie and he always has. I loved the way he opened up to Josie and asked her to give him a chance. He wanted to be a better man for her and he was more than willing to prove himself for her. This is when I really started to fall for Garth because you see his vulnerable side and the potential he has to be so much better than he or anyone else thinks he can. Josie is the one person that sees beyond it all and has always believed in Garth's potential. My heart broke for Garth when he started doubting his worth and believing that he isn't good enough for Josie. He has to realize that Josie loves him for who is now and the man she knows he will become. He lets his insecurities get in the way and he makes a poor decision. Sometimes it takes a little soul searching and a swift kick in the ass from a good friend to make you realize a good thing when you've got it. Garth may be the bad boy but he's a good guy inside and in the end, I felt like he really proved that. To people who doubted him. To Josie. And to himself.

"Because you deserve better than my best. You deserve the man I can and should be. Not the one everyone else knows."

As usual, Nicole William's writing was fantastic and I loved everything about this book. The plot flowed well and consistently. It held my attention from the beginning to the end. The characters are well developed and we really get to know Garth and Josie. I don't know if there's more to Garth and Josie's story but I hope we get more stories from Willow Springs, MT.

*An eARC was provided to me by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed are my own and unbiased.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Favorite Quote(s):

“‘Yeah, yeah, too bad for him because you’re here with me now, and I’m not letting go.’ Drawing her back to me, I lowered my mouth just outside of her ear. ‘Finders keepers.’”
Favorite Character: Garth. He’s a lot more than what meets the eye, and I was really able to sympathize with him in this novel.
First Line:

“Trying to ignore her was like trying to ignore a bull charging me.”
My Musings: I have been pining for this novel since before the day that this was actually announced as a book. I was wishing and hoping and yearning for a novel about our favorite dark and handsome cowboy. So when I missed the tour for this one, I was super bummed. But luckily, Nicole Williams is amazing and she sent me a review copy of it anyways! And you know what I did? Dove right into it.

Finders Keepers is about our favorite antihero from the companion novels of this series, Lost & Found and Near & Far. It’s about him letting go on his inhibitions and learning to love, which some of us never thought that he was capable of. I’m not going to talk about the love interest right this moment, and it will be hidden under spoilers, because I know some of you might hate me if I ruined it for you, but some of you may be dying to know!

Garth Black has had a bad past. His mother’s gone. His dad is an abusive drunk. Consequently, Garth’s life hasn’t been all daisies and roses. He often drowns his sorrows in alcohol and women. He’s sarcastic and snarky–all defenses to guard him from the tough world that he’s grown up in. He only has two people in his life: Jesse and Josie (And later, of course, Rowen). But one drunken night, Garth almost ruins that by sleeping with his best friend’s girlfriend. Sleeping with Josie. Garth’s always had somewhat of an obsession with the girl, but vows never to hurt the only person who’s been with him always every again. So Garth ignores all of his feelings for Josie. But what happens when he just can’t hide his feelings anymore?

“Up until recently, I’d never questioned anything and everything. I had all the answers. Lately, I had exchanged all the answers for all the questions. I was drowning in an ocean of questions, and even though I knew the answers would eliminate the questions, I was afraid of what the answers would be. I was afraid the answers would do the opposite of set me at peace. So my options were to stay lost in a sea of questions or to drown under the weight of the answers.”
So in Finders Keepers, we definitely see more into Garth’s mind set. Some unfortunate events start out the book, and Garth is struggling with this and other things for almost all of the book. We see insecurities galore. We see him struggle with his feelings. We see him struggle with bull riding. We see a lot of struggles in this novel. It was nice being able to see the not-so-tough and sarcastic Garth that we saw in the books about Jesse and Rowen. It really humanized him as a character and made him more relatable and not so standoff-ish. But never fear, we still saw the snarkiness that personifies Garth as a character. Actually, we see an ample amount due to Garth being our sole narrator of this tale. And he had me cracking up like always, despite his inner turmoils.

“I didn’t even try to stop staring. It would have been a wasted effort. ‘Because that dress is enough to give a man a heart attack if you come any closer, or break a man’s heart if you walk away.’

‘Now lines like that help me understand why you’ve got a reputation for being such a ladies’ man.’”
Now I’m going to talk about our girl, Garth’s love interest. Josie is our heroine of the novel. Some of you may have guessed. I had a feeling that it would be her. Was I positive? Of course not. But I couldn’t help but wonder. But I am immensely glad that it was her. For one, we already knew about her. There was no need to build up anything because we knew her as a character and we knew of the past that her and Garth shared. If we’re going to be completely honest, I think that they were a good fit. They were both spit fires and they egged each other on. And what is a love if not lively? Even though they had there ups and downs, they were eventually able to work things out, and what they had was amazing–an amazing almost comparable to Jesse and Rowen.

“I wasn’t sure who looked more uncomfortable: Jesse or me. ‘You know your fee-an-say knew better than to ask those exact same questions. She basically told me she knew I either wouldn’t give her an answer, or if I did, it wouldn’t be a straight one. So what makes you think I’ll give you an answer or a straight one?’ I flung another rock, and it barely skipped three times/ The stupid Kumbayah conversation was messing with my stone-skipping skills.

‘Because I, unlike my sweet one hundred and twenty pound soaking wet fiance, can and will happily kick your ass in order to beat the answers out of you if need be.’”
And of course, I have to throw in a few lines about Jesse and Rowen! It was super weird seeing them from another person’s point of view instead of their own points of view. I learned that Jesse is a lot more sarcastic than what we saw in his books. And that Rowen is a lot scarier. And that they are so so adorable. But we already knew that one, didn’t we?

Finders Keepers was everything that I was hoping it would be and more. It had amazing characters and a journey of self discovery and letting go of inhibitions. A tale of learning to love, Finders Keepers is a must buy novel for all romance lovers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather mc
I absolutely love Jesse Walker and Lost & Found is one of my favorite books of the year. Garth isn't exactly character of the year in that book but Near & Far shows his redeeming qualities and you really get to see a different side of him. So when I saw Nicole was writing Garth his very own story, I jumped at the chance to be on the tour. The synopsis keeps us in the dark on Garth's romantic interest but it's reveal super quick in the book. If you don't want to know who it is, this review may contain a spoiler.

What can I say about Garth Black? He is definitely the ultimate bad boy that you hate at first but end up loving by the end. And when I say "the end" I mean 3 books later. I think that is what is so great about Garth. Getting to know him is a slow process so he really develops and grows on you. He is just a side character in Lost & Found and Near & Far but his development is still there so by the time you get to Finders Keepers, he isn't just the hated bad boy that you want to junk punch and never see again. He's intriguing and mysterious and you want to know more about him. While I love Jesse Walker, Garth Black stole my heart.

"Women are mysterious creatures bound to make a man crazy if he spends too much time trying to decode their every move."

Garth is the guy you definitely don't bring home to mom and dad and he knows it. In fact, he seems to embrace being the town baddy that no one wants to give the time of day too. However, there is so much more to him and I think that he only embraces it because he doesn't want people to see how much it hurts him that this is how he is perceived. He has been dealt a shitty hand and we already knew this from before but now we get a look firsthand look into what his life has really been like and why he puts on the tough guy exterior. He experiences a tragedy that profoundly affects him but he has had such a tough life that he refuses to show how much he really hurts. Despite his "don't give a shit" attitude, he really is a loyal friend and he would do anything for Rowen, Jesse and Josie.

"Hope didn't feel like such a sham anymore... It seemed almost plausible again for someone like me, with a past like mine."

Garth and Josie have clearly always had this love/hate relationship with each other and there is always tension between the two. Josie shows such disdain for Garth but underneath it all you can tell she really cares about him and there is definitely some sexual tension between them. I really loved Josie and the way she cares about Garth. She is strong willed and very independent. This is what makes her so perfect for him because no other woman would be able to handle Garth or tell him how it is. She is one of the only people to see through Garth and the façade that he puts on for every one to see. I love their chemistry. They are so much alike in personality and the way they can banter back and forth with each other is comical.

"Garth Black. Brought to his legendary, come-back knees by a few words from Josie's mouth."

It's obvious that Garth has real feelings for Josie and he always has. I loved the way he opened up to Josie and asked her to give him a chance. He wanted to be a better man for her and he was more than willing to prove himself for her. This is when I really started to fall for Garth because you see his vulnerable side and the potential he has to be so much better than he or anyone else thinks he can. Josie is the one person that sees beyond it all and has always believed in Garth's potential. My heart broke for Garth when he started doubting his worth and believing that he isn't good enough for Josie. He has to realize that Josie loves him for who is now and the man she knows he will become. He lets his insecurities get in the way and he makes a poor decision. Sometimes it takes a little soul searching and a swift kick in the ass from a good friend to make you realize a good thing when you've got it. Garth may be the bad boy but he's a good guy inside and in the end, I felt like he really proved that. To people who doubted him. To Josie. And to himself.

"Because you deserve better than my best. You deserve the man I can and should be. Not the one everyone else knows."

As usual, Nicole William's writing was fantastic and I loved everything about this book. The plot flowed well and consistently. It held my attention from the beginning to the end. The characters are well developed and we really get to know Garth and Josie. I don't know if there's more to Garth and Josie's story but I hope we get more stories from Willow Springs, MT.

*An eARC was provided to me by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed are my own and unbiased.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
estefan a santamar a
4.5 Stars

I love the bad boys!!! After reading the first two books in the Lost and Found series, I was super excited to know that Garth was getting his very own book! Throughout the first two books we got to meet him and see how cruel, cocky and thoughtful he could be, so to get into his head was going to be one hell of a ride!!

Right from the beginning Garth was itching for a fight. So when he's in the bar, he ends up mouthing his way into a beating. But something happens on his way home that will change his life forever. He has no real direction in life at the moment and this just adds to the complicated life that he already has.

Garth has lived a tough life and really has no self worth. He has been told often enough that he is trailer trash and he tends to believe it. That, right there broke my heart... You can see how good he can be, but doesn't want to be a burden on anyone and certainly doesn't want anyone's pity. The arrogant and coldhearted traits that he portrays to people are just a cover as to how little he really feels about himself. He's had only two friends in his life and he damaged both of those relationships two years ago. He has made good progress repairing the relationship with Jesse as of late, which is a big step for him. But it takes a girl (and it has been kept a secret thus far, so I am not going to spoil it for you) to make him feel wanted and loved for the first time ever. Watching their relationship build and grow was just gorgeous; Garth even turned into a soppy bloke at times and it was funny to see him mentally fight it!

Again I enjoyed Nicole's work. I'm not usually into cowboys but I was totally blown away with this book. To see a mans man turn into putty was so cute. I found it difficult to put this book down as there was always something around the corner that would affect Garth and he would try to talk himself into being worthless all over again. He is such a believable character and I can see a lot of his hot-headed traits in my hubby!! Lol I loved that some of our favourite characters and the advice givers played small but important roles in this book as well. Getting a little peek into the local bull-riding was a great aspect of the story too, and I didn't realise that there was so much preparation involved just to compete. Overall, I really enjoyed the book and I'm looking forward to see where things will head in future books in this series!

I received a copy of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucia garza
"Everything she was saying about the trail she'd navigate if she gave me the chance was right. Except for one thing. If she was brave enough to take that first step, and I was brave enough to let her, there wouldn't be an end. I knew the trail we walked together would be a hard one, but I wouldn't ever leave her alone on it."

Garth Black's story was the one that I have been waiting for in this series. With Rowen and Jesse perfectly in love and off in Seattle planning their wedding, Garth is still in Montana and so is Josie. Together they will have to face their past, present, and future. They will have to face tragedy and heartbreak and if they are still standing on the other side, decide if their love for one another is enough.

I absolutely adore Garth Black. Except for a couple of appearances, this book lacked our golden boy Jesse and his deep "Jesse-isms", but instead we get Garth, and I'll take the rough around the edges, bad-boy bull rider any day. Jesse's deep thoughts are replaced by Garth's dark, sardonic humor, just one of the ways he deals with his tragic and abusive past. Along with whiskey, women, and fighting, Garth also deals with his past and self-loathing by pushing people away, specifically Josie, the one person with power to break down his walls. Their relationship is a tumultuous emotional roller-coaster, a constant push and pull; just when things start to go smoothly for them, all hell breaks loose. It was so clear to me that they were perfect for each other, they complemented each other so well. I cried and gritted my teeth as they fought hard to find that out for themselves. As Garth faces his own demons, Josie must face everyone around her thinks Garth isn't good enough. They are both such strong characters, stubborn, proud and protective, and that protectiveness may tear them apart.

" `The only reason I paint you as the misunderstood good guy is because that's who you are. You're the guy who shows up on his friend's doorstep in the middle of the night if they call. You're the guy who is one of the first guys at work in the morning and one of the last to leave. You're the guy who played Cupid when his best friend almost lost the woman he loved. You're the guy who would give your kidney to a homeless three-legged dog if it needed one. You're that guy, Garth. You know it. And I've known it for a hell of a lot longer.' "

Garth and Josie's story is heartbreaking and funny, intense and emotional. As always, Williams creates palpable connections between her characters, complemented by witty dialogue, heartfelt romance, a hint of sexiness, just enough darkness and those profound moments that make the reader believe in friendship and hope and love and happily-ever-afters.

" `Who we choose to love, and who chooses us has nothing to do with being deserving or undeserving. It has to do with who you simply have to love and who simply has to love you.' "

*I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This review and more at TattooedBookReview dot com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved Loved LOVED this book! Garth Black is one of my all time favorite cowboys! He's been through so much in his life that it's a miracle he even knows what love is. I loved the flash backs into his childhood about him and Josie! They were so sweet. and i loved the friendship Garth, Jesse, and Josie have. Their friendship was literally what kept him going when he was younger. I just knew from the beginning that there was more to Garth and Josie's relationship than just regret and hate. Garth is really a great friend and the fact that he tried so hard to make Jesse and Josie happy when everyone else turned their nose up at him was great. The end was just wonderful. When Garth started apologizing to everybody and just really got on a roll was just PERFECT! It's hard to show love and appreciation when your whole life you were told you didn't deserve anything. I love that when Garth puts his mind to something, he does it full out. When he said he was going to change and become a better man for Josie, he really committed to it. And i completely understood the drama and doubts Garth had. I loved how he worked through them and i loved how Josie was such a strong character and didn't take Garth's BS. I loved her fire and she is the perfect match for Garth. And the ending just had me in full smile mood! I just LOVE this series! Nicole Williams did an amazing job ^_^

Favorite Quotes:
"I wasn't the guy who fell in love with you this past winter... I was the boy who fell in love with you that day on the school bus when we were five. And I'm the man that always will."

"You have the world at your fingertips, and I have the weight of it on my shoulders. I know the man I am, and I know that I'm nowhere close to deserving of you...But if you feel anything for me like I feel for you, I am asking you to give us a chance. I'm begging you to give me a chance...""

"Because you deserve better than my best. You deserve the man I can and should be. Not the one everyone else knows."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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We met Garth Black first in Lost and Found - he was the quintessential bad boy: drinking, fighting, womanizing were key elements of his persona. In Near and Far we saw a side to Garth that confirmed our suspicion that he really wasn't as bad as he wanted people to think he was and were left wanting more of Garth's story. Nicole Williams hasn't left us hanging - in Finders Keepers we get a whole lot more of Garth and his story and it is one you should read.

Beautifully written, Finders Keepers is a really easy read. Having developed a bit of a relationship with the characters in the first two books in the series I found myself lost in the story very quickly. I tend to have a bit of a soft spot for the `bad boy' so it was no surprise (to me anyway!) that I became a huge Garth fan as I read. His slow, but very definitive transition was an absolute pleasure to watch unfold. I loved that he finally let down his walls and took some chances. I loved that we got to understand a whole lot more about his background, about his life long friendship with Jesse and Josie and we got to see all the possibilities for his future.

Josie was the perfect match for Garth. If I had to describe her with one word it would be feisty. She didn't put up with his crap and she stood tall and strong in the face of some very challenging situations. We got to understand some of the history to Garth and Josie's friendship in Finders Keepers and for me this gave me an even greater appreciation of their feelings for each other. The final outcome of their relationship isn't disclosed until the very end and I was on the edge of my seat reading the final chapters.

If you've read the first two books in this series I think it really is not a matter of if you'll pick up Finders Keepers, rather when. My first exposure to Nicole Williams was with her Eden Trilogy, followed closely by the Patrick Chronicles - with the addition of the Lost and Found series she has cemented a spot on my `must read' author list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
h lmkell hreinsson
4.5 Stars

I absolutely loved reading Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams! Since the start of the series, Garth Black has held a piece of my heart and fascinated me with his bad-boy, sexy ways. In the first two books, Lost & Found and Near & Far, Garth was a secondary character but still very vital to the stories. Now, he gets his own book and what a ride it is!

Garth's story is one of vulnerability, pain, hope, acceptance, love, change, and belief.It is told from Garth's POV and Nicole Williams did a fantastic job of capturing his voice. In Finders Keepers, we learn even more about what makes Garth who he is today and why he puts on his swagger (besides the fact that he just is damn sexy!). His confidence is laced with vulnerability and throughout, I felt all of the conflicting emotions that he experienced. I did want to smack him once or twice and say 'look what's in front of you!!'.

"You're not swimming in glory until you find someone to swim with you. Glory isn't glory if you don't have someone to share it with. It's just pride and bulls$#% on your own." -Will

And Josie - I loved her steadfastness, her strength, and her belief in Garth. It was fun seeing more of her in Finders Keepers and learning more of her back story as well. She stands up for what she believes in and will fight for it. I loved that part of her. But is her strength enough for her and Garth?

Oh, and if you've read the first two books, you know that Jesse and Garth have this fantastic banter between them. I was not disappointed by the continuation of it in this book. There were several moments of snickering on my part related to those two!

'I'd turned into a giant ball of questions and conflicts and desires. I'd pretty much become my biggest nightmare. I was a rougher version of Jesse Walker. But a better looking one. A far better looking one.' ~Garth

In the end, Nicole Williams again delivers a story that captivates and makes you feel. It's about the choices we make, the paths we take, and finding the one who is willing to take that leap into the unknown and ride the bull of life with us.

"Finders keepers"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
*ARC provided by author for an honest review*

Garth Black.

A bad boy.

A cowboy.

A bad boy who happens to be a cowboy?!

Be still my heart!

Okay, first up I have to admit, I didn't read book two in this series yet. I have it ready and waiting but just was not able to squeeze it in before I started Finders Keepers. *sighs* Such is the life of a blogger with too many books and not enough hours. I don't believe this affected my ability to read this book and follow along since it is Garth and Josie's book, where as the previous ones were Rowan and Jesse's.

Now on to my review....

I loved getting to see a softer side of Garth. Again, I can only base my feelings off the first book, but he had the bad boy persona down to a tee. He had a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas and not to mention, he slept with his best friend's girl. But underneath all that bad boy facade, is an emotionally damaged cowboy. One who only wanted the love and acceptance of the only parent he had, but instead only got bloody noses and black eyes.

After spending the past 21 years learning to bury all that hurt and rejection in a bottle and easy women, Garth may have finally found his reason to change his ways.

And her name is Josie.

The development of their relationship was sweet. You get a glimpse at just how long Garth has seen Josie as more than just a friend. But he kept those feelings on the back burner for so long because she was Jesse's girl. And then even when she wasn't, he didn't feel he deserved someone like her. But he finally sees a chance to go after what he has wanted so long.

But can a tiger like Garth really change his stripes? Will Josie be willing to trust in him enough for them to make a go of it?
Well, you are just going to have to read Finders Keepers to find out. And believe me, you want to read Garth's story!

Side note. There were a few errors that stuck out in the book, such as with names being incorrect. And sample would be Clay Black, Garth's father, being referred to as Clay Walker. It happened just enough times for me to find annoying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jimmy cornillez
Finders Keepers is yet another wonderful addition to this amazing series, and to the NA genre, in general. I've got to give Williams credit, she killed it with the dialogue in this book. That back-and-forth banter between Garth and Josie WAS the book. I loved it! I kind of wish we got more of Josie and her side of things, but I know this was more about Garth and his inner struggles. I especially loved how she incorporated the title into the story, so sweet and so clever.

Garth was truly a character after my own heart. The whole time I read this book, I just wanted to hug him! He was definitely a lot deeper than I initially thought. He goes through a slew of emotions in this book. You get a few glimpses of his past, especially how he met and fell for Josie, ugh, I just wanted to hug this guy! A lot of things happened in Garth's life, especially his relationship with his father, to turn him into the man he is now. His tough and devil-may-care exterior obviously masked deeper emotions he just didn't know how to show, and I loved being in his head and seeing him work through it all. Sometimes it did feel a bit much, but I understood why he was so self-deprecating due to his past, so I didn't mind much.

Finders Keepers is a great novel. Garth is a complex character that stirs a lot of emotions in you and really makes you feel. The story flowed smoothly and quickly. I flew through the pages! Nicole's writing is engaging, her characters are fun, and the dialogue is witty. What's not to love?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Contains some slight spoilers....
We get it... Garth is damaged, drinks whiskey, fights and sleeps with random women. We heard about it in the other books and you'll hear about in this book a couple hundred more times. I'm not a fan of never getting to see a couple until the end be together and happy . Everything was wrapped up so fast and then bam , it's over and we get a short epilogue about his bull riding (the epilogue sucked). Another issue I have is with Josie's parents having so much to say about their 21 yr old daughters love life. Yes 21 yet the dad was able to run him off. I also think it was pretty hateful of Josie to bring the guy who has a part of beating Garth " within an inch of his life " as her date to the wedding?

I ended up loving Garth, I just wish we got more of a romance. We got one day of kissing /making out and that was it. The characters needed more sexual chemistry. The story had great potential but it just fell flat for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes you come across books that are so unexpected that you're surprised why you've never read or heard of them before. In This Moment was one of those cases.

"All we get are moments, Cole. One at a time, like heartbeats. Once one of them is gone, that's it. No do-overs. No repeats. Every moment possesses its own kind of magic and what we do with it counts. It counts."

Aimee Spencer moves back to Florida to attend college after spending her senior year of high school in Portland with her grandparents following the death of her best friend. Determined to start over, she promises to start living her life and move on from her past. Enter Cole Averly, resident playboy with a past he himself is running from, feels an instant connection to Aimee. The two embark on a friendship and soon more but both find they can't run from their pasts forever.

Told in alternating POV's it was a real treat to really get inside the heads of both the main characters. In Aimee, we had all the grief and guilt associated with the death of her best friend, Jillian, the year before and her just trying to bury all that emotion and start really living her life again as opposed to just going through the motions. With Cole, we get the ultimate dude thoughts but he's a really sensitive and thoughtful guy. I loved reading his thoughts and seeing what makes him tick. I liked the fact that both of them were very similar in the sense that both of them are runners figuratively and literally. They're afraid to face the past. This obviously becomes an issue in their relationship later on but we don't dwell in it too long. While some of the themes in the book were dark it never felt heavy and angsty or melodramatic. It had the right balance of drama and warmheartedness.

Of course this was also a love story between Aimee and Cole and while they do have past experiences with the opposite sex, it was the first 'real' relationship they have had and it was so wonderful to get to experience that with them. Yes, there were a couple of love scenes but they were very tasteful and revealed just enough but never got graphic which is very common nowadays in romance books. I really enjoyed the banter they had going and this game they played throughout the book of changing one letter from book titles to create new books. It was so adorable and I was smiling like an idiot the whole time. The side characters were just as endearing and Aimee's friend Jodi provided much needed comic relief and bluntness for her because Aimee can be so serious and inside herself at times that she needed a friend the polar opposite.

All in all it was a very special book. One that was very realistic and uplifting. Anyone can read this and enjoy something about it. This may be my first book by this author but it certainly won't be my last. There's just something so special about Ms. Doughton's writing that I find truly remarkable. She made the most basic of plots interesting and different and not heavy or dark at all. I really appreciated that. Many writers out there would just make the plot just so dark and depressing and it was refreshing that this felt so different. I recommend this to everyone and at 99¢ it's truly a steal.

4.5 stars"You're not swimming in glory until you find someone to swim with you. Glory isn't glory if you don't have someone to share it with."

After a very tragic event leaves Garth homeless and more alone than he's ever been, he receives a helping hand from the one person who he's tried to avoid as much as possible. Overwhelmed by her generosity and concern for him, something no one has ever shown him, long buried feelings take over and together they take a journey towards forgiveness and healing. Of course it's not an easy one. Both Garth and Josie have tempers and both are stubborn as mules but in Josie's case her stubbornness is what helps Garth move past his defenses and give love and hope a chance and maybe start living a life with the girl he's spent the majority of his life fantasizing about.

Garth Black didn't grow up with an ideal home life. Abused and neglected at a young age, love was a foreign concept to him. He was viewed as a bad seed. A mistake. He considers himself a virus. Of course he didn't help his reputation with his self-destructive behavior of all the booze, fights, and women he partook in. But when enough people tell you you're trash you start believing it yourself.

Josie Gibson couldn't be any more different than Garth. Beloved by the entire town and grown up in a loving home, people often wonder why she would remain friends with such a misfit. Something Garth himself has questioned several times through the years.

"You deserve better than my best. You deserve the man I can and should be. Not that one everyone else knows."

Saying I loved this book is an understatement. I loved this book. This is the book I was praying for when Nicole Williams announced that Garth was getting his own story. It didn't come as a surprise that Josie would be his leading lady. You could sense their connection ran deeper than that one drunken night of sex we found out about in Lost & Found. To say these two have history is a hell of an understatement. They've known each other since they were five and in many ways it was love at first sight for Garth. To find out Josie might have felt the same way was a pleasant surprise. Josie has been the one person in his life who has made him believe that he isn't the garbage everyone in town believes him to be and it was refreshing to read how Josie made him believe also. He needs a strong woman like her. Someone who's his match in every way. He needs someone to stand up for him and tell him when he's being an ass. Someone who's not ashamed to be seen with him. I couldn't imagine Garth with anyone but Josie. I know it's cliche but she makes him a better man. The man us readers knew was just beneath the surface and one Garth himself didn't even know existed.

I loved that their relationship progressed slowly. They needed to trust each other as friends first before they considered a romantic relationship and show each other why they deserve to be loved by the other. I especially loved that we were able to catch up with Jesse and Rowen and learn some very special news and that it was Rowen that gave Garth that final push to make him believe that he's worthy of being cared for. She's been exactly where he's been and came out on the other side.

"People like you and me, kids who grew up fighting for every single ounce of love that came our way...When we find that person we want to love, we give them a pure and boundless form of it because we know what it's like to be denied it. We know the opposite of love so well, we go a full one-eighty when we find that special someone."

This was the perfect end to the Lost & Found series. Whether or not you were a fan of Garth from the other books, I dare anyone to try to not fall in love with him and his love affair with Josie. Fans of the series will be satisfied with this final installment. I know I am and am certain this will be a favorite of mine for a long time to come.

"I wasn't the guy who fell in love with you this past winter. I was the boy who fell in love with you that day on the bus when we were five. And I'm the man that always will."

5 stars
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Love can be a funny thing, most people either lap it up all they can , settle for what they can get or avoid it all together.
Finders Keepers is the third book in Nicole Williams Series "Lost and Found" and as the series explains what is Lost can be found. Mutual friends and enemies so frenemies Garth Black and Josie. At the beginning of the book we can see the tension between Garth and Josie and know that there is something there but Garth - the tortured and damaged soul he is won't let her near him. Garth which actually reminded me of a close friend of mine has vowed due to his upbringing that he will never ever ever fall in love, as the emotions and feelings that love brings up in a person he's not sure he can cope with it and be the type of guy who can settle and love one woman forever. However , there is one woman that maybe able to change Garth's view on love but only if he will let her in otherwise he will like he has done plenty of times before end up pushing the ones he cares about further away till there's nothing left but a faded memory. Can Josie prove to Garth , that even the damaged and the far-gones can have the happily ever after as well or will his pushing away be too much for her to cope and end up breaking her down ?
Finders Keepers is a contemporary romance New Adult that shows us that even those who are Damaged and far-gone can deserve their chance at true love and happiness as well, just like those who are "viewed" as normal.

#This was an ARC for a VBT
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan scheminske
Garth Black has officially moved into the top spot for my number one book boyfriend. At the start of Nicole Williams' Lost & Found series, Garth earned villain status via his encounters with the two lead protagonists, although by book two, Near & Far, a caring heart was revealed to be beneath his bad boy womanizer persona. The transformation that his character goes through is truly amazing, especially in his own book, Finders Keepers (Lost & Found #3), in which readers are allowed to discover a side of Garth never before revealed. Reading the first two books in the series allowed me to better appreciate the extent of his character's redemption.

After the emotional roller coaster that was Jesse and Rowen's relationship, I was pleasantly surprised by the relative lack of drama surrounding Garth and his love interest, Josie. That's not to say that Finders Keepers won't tug on your heartstrings, although the overall tone of Garth's story is much more laid back, which is better suited to his character. I never would've thought that behind Garth's smug façade was a sweet, romantic and self-deprecating individual. Though glimpses of his vulnerability are seen in the previous book, Finders Keepers conveys the extent of all the issues weighing down Garth's conscience.

The way Garth views his lot in life is beyond heartbreaking because of the fact that he resigned himself to being unhappy. I always suspected that he and Josie shared a deeper connection than their previous interactions suggested, but I loved getting to delve deeper into their attraction to each other. My heart melted while reading about Garth's true feelings toward Josie - feelings which he believes to be unrequited. Each admission that he is undeserving of love is devastating, but I love that Josie is so adamant about remaining his friend despite their shaky history.

Reading the narrative solely through Garth's point-of-view is especially riveting because of the unexpected sentimentality revealed via his innermost desires. Every word that came out of Garth's mouth and every thought that originated in his mind made me fall a little bit more in love with him. If there was ever a fictional character that I could wish to life, it would definitely be Garth. Though he may have been emotionally guarded in the previous two books, his soul is bared in Finders Keepers, making his character all the more likable. While I am sad to see this series end (unless there's another book I don't know about), I believe this book is the perfect conclusion, bringing together all of the storylines featuring beloved protagonists from all three installments of the Lost & Found series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
skye mader
Garth is the best character! I love that Nicole Williams gave us a book about him so we could delve into Garth's mind. Josie and Garth?! I love Jesse and Rowen, but finally there's a couple that can give them a run for their money in the love department!
Great lessons about love can be learned from this book! What a beautiful way to give us an end to Jesse and Rowen's love story by allowing us to watch Garth and Josie finally get their forever. I totally recommend the entire Lost and Found series!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse o dunne
Williams' character development is amazing! Blend that with her tasteful writing and witty banter and you are in for a real treat! Absolutely loved this and was so sad when it was over. Garth and Josie have easily become one of my favorite e-couples thus far! Great end to the series!!
Please RateFINDERS KEEPERS (Lost & Found Book 3)
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