Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months

ByBrian P. Moran

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer jaques
The connection between your long range vision with your everyday work is not very clear to many people. In this book, in a very clear and convincing way, Brian Moran, develops a very practical system to build this connection in an useful way.
After reading the book, everyone in my small consulting company start to use the 12 Week Plan. It was not difficult at all. After that, we are teaching our costumers to use it. There is a very good acceptance to the idea.
In my opinion, this book closes a gap between planning (strategic, operational) and measuring (BSC): execution. A lot of strategies fail due to bad execution. The operational and tactic planning developed in the book focus on execution, on weekly basis, in a 12 weeks timeframe with a tight connection to you 3-year goals and your vision.
It is applicable both to individual or groups.
I recommend this book to everyone that wants to be more productive, goal centered, and best organized with time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very useful tool for developing manageable plans and measuring progress. Viewing goal setting as a projectable, measurable effort makes it seem possible to get things accomplished. Clearly written. Helpful tips and problem solving notes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherri fricker
Simply stated, this book has generated real-world improvement in sales for insurance agencies of 20% 12 weeks out. That result speaks for itself. Otherwise, a well organized, insightful, useable, and compelling argument for self-betterment in every way throughout.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
april smith
The 12 week concept has helped me greatly at work and I appreciate that the book was a quick and easy read! I am much better at prioritizing my time and efforts on critical activities and find that I am able to accomplish much more in a day than before I adopted these methods. I would recommend this book to everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa petrie
This book will get you motivated and thinking about how to plan your next move(s). Great for goal planning for procrastinators such as myself. This has made me more productive. Make sure you get the workbook pages too to really follow along and make your plan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roald hansen
Learning to be more effective was just what I needed to uncover. Great book with introspective quips and practical how-to's. I will keep this book around for many years as I return to it for reference.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So happy I was introduced to this book by Buffini & Co. The impact will be huge in my life and already is! A must read if you have big dreams and plans! Stop being a time waster and become a time winner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
manish jain
Excellent Guide to achieving more. This should be mandatory reading for teens and adults. Brian and Michael do an excellent job of breaking down their system to a level that makes it easy to follow and implement
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda hope
Really enjoyed it. First third of the book is more inspirational, "why" part and then the rest is more meat and potatoes. Good way to create a system. I'm looking forward to applying it and testing the results.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah jarboe
While many of thoughts have been presented before, much like the premise of the entire book- they compile those useful and practical business ideas into one manageable and digestible space. This book about condensing your year into 12 weeks, condenses 10 great books into one. You certainly can buy some other authors to delve deeper into particular subsets, but this gives it all to you at one time. Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annualized thinking is something you don't want to do: "there is plenty of time to do things, so this day really doesn't matter." NO! In this excellent book Brian Moran gives you a new perspective on a year. A year is twelve weeks, so EVERY day matters! There is no time to waste!
The PFC (pre-frontal cortex) and neuroplasticity play a big part in creating a compelling future, a future that is only 12 weeks away. Having that vision makes you want to never ever discard a day.
This book is a must read, it changed my way of planning: my quarterly goals, my weekly and daily goals. I now review my day to see if I'm still on track and this is such a huge difference to how I planned before.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really don't like to give negative reviews, but after reading this book I feel compelled to tell others who enjoy reading books about productivity that this is one you can skip. For those who have never read a book about goal-setting or managing your time, perhaps you'll find something of value in "The 12 Week Year." For the rest of us, however, the concepts of creating a vision, identifying goals, breaking those goals into actions, creating a weekly plan of execution and measuring your efforts is very basic and nothing new.

Basically, the author suggests that if you reduce the time horizon on your goals from a year to a 12 week period (what the business world refers to as a "quarter,") you'll accomplish more. I don't disagree with this concept- the less time we think have to get something done, the less time we typically waste. Beyond that, the book consists of nothing but repackaged, repetitive content already covered in books by others like Stephen Covey and Brian Tracy.

The book does, however, offer the reader additional support. For only $89.00 you can purchase the 12 Week Year Study Guide. For a mere $147.00 you can take the 12 Week Year Challenge. For just $197.00 you can purchase "Achieve," the 12 Week Year online system. Although I give the author 2 stars for the book, I give him 5 stars for his marketing machine.
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