Revenant (Demonica)

ByLarissa Ione

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you're looking for something steamy with a fast paced action packed storyline, then Larissa Ione's Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series is an entertaining read.

If you're looking for depth, substance, and supreme character development then you will likely be disappointed.

I've read her entire series and I've enjoyed every book. I do love that each story is about a different character who was introduced in a previous story. Each of these books could stand alone as every character has their own story, but there is also a larger plot that plays over several books and you might be a little lost when the story shifts to the big picture. If you intend to read the entire series you should definitely read it in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie hedges
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The way the brother came together to protect family & friends. They way he worn down the doctors' resistance, and how he couldn't do the one time and leave her alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
parry rigney
As always, Ione does not disappoint. I love that most of her Daemonica characters appear throughout and we never have to miss them. Love Revenant, and Blaspheme holds her own with the other female heroines of the series. Can't wait for another novel!
Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months :: Swann's Way :: In Search Of Lost Time 6: Time Regained (Volume 6) :: In Search of Lost Time: Vol 1 :: Hugh Glass
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tony swanson
There were a lot of liars and lies floating around in this story. Revenant was bitter after learning the truth about his birth, Reaver, his mother, what they'd been forced to endure and his role in her death. This time we got the full scope of the machinations going on in both Heaven and Sheoul, and how our beloved characters had been used as pawns for the greater advantage. Heaven was blackmailing him and trying to screw him over, Satan was doing the same, Reaver and everyone else seemed to have given up on him or just flat out thought the worst of him, all except Blaspheme. He lived by rules and hated liars, with good reason. His attraction to Blas quickly gave way to more. She didn't treat him the way anyone else did, and she surprised him by making him feel needed. He'd never known comfort or trust except from his mother, until Blas.

Blas had an equally tumultuous life, but at least her mother had always done what was best for her. Even though she had plenty of reasons to go into hiding and cower, she never let that stop her from helping others. She was a well-rounded heroine. Her subterfuge and consequent fear of being caught made her extremely cautious, but like I mentioned before, she still put others before herself. She was just so "good". I loved the way Rev and Blas interacted with one another. There were so many great moments of dialogue between them, from snarky to heartfelt, and a few times I was sobbing right along with her. The sex was quick and hot (limited to three scenes), and the story wasn't upstaged by the love scenes at all.

What I enjoyed the most about this story was the tension created by Blaspheme's secret and knowing that Revenant would probably not react well if he learned about it any other way than from her. The plan to get rid of Gethel and subsequently Lucifer was still at the forefront. Despite a few hiccups along the way, there was a most satisfying ending. I hated one of the archangels from Reaver and Harvester's story. I think a lot of readers felt the same way, so they'll enjoy one scene in particular.

I loved this story, especially the interesting conversation between Rev and Metatron at the end. We know that stopping the apocalypse from ever occurring is probably a pipe dream, so if the series ended here, it would be in a good place where everyone could be happy and loved. At least for a thousand years.

FTC: ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished Revenant, the eleventh and final full-length novel in Larissa Ione's very creative Demonica series and the only word that can sum it up is wow. Just wow. Her imagination seems to know no bounds and this book was everything I needed and wanted it to be. Perfect closure to this arc. Perfect.

I have mad love for the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance world but was on the fence about Rev before this book. After all, he was snarky and somewhat funny, but he was also a great big bag of dicks. On top of that, he was Satan's right hand man once Lucifer was out of the picture. That's really hard to look past but I love redemption stories and Revenant was epic. Not only that, I fell for that smart ass angel. Hard. From the gothic biker attire, the tall, dark, and handsome thing he had going on, the snarky attitude, his dark, twisted sense of humor, and incredible sex appeal, he won me over. Mmmm. Revenant is one bad ass angel and Blaspheme was perfect for him.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone since this is the final full-length novel in the Demonica series so I won't go into details about Revenant. Just know that Ms. Ione gave everyone their just deserts and I was beyond thrilled with the ending. Revenant was dark, gritty, super smexy, and had plot twists I didn't see coming. Not. At. All. Also know that the epilogue that you'll have access to once your finished with Revenant gives you insight to her future plans which excited me to no end. Again, I don't wanna spoil anything so I'll let you get to those important details once your finished with the book.

Larissa Ione is my rock star author of 2014 and delivered three five-star books. That's very rare and honestly the only other author I've ever read that delivered that in a single year was Kresley Cole. Between Azagoth, Chained by Night, and Revenant, Ms. Ione gave me many fangtabulous stories to escape with this year and I am very thankful for her and her dark, pervy mind.

I can't wait to read Hades as well as the other stuff that Ms. Ione has planned for the future. As long as she keeps writing them, I'll keep reading them. I truly believe the lady can do no wrong. Thank you, Larissa, for giving the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series the epic conclusion it deserved!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zack bean
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Lucifer is about to be reborn, and as Satan’s righthand man, Revenant is supposed to ensure that it happens successfully. There’s just one problem: Revenant really doesn’t want the birth to occur. This should prove interesting…

Opening Sentence: Revenant was one fucked-up fallen angel.

The Review:

Revenant is still adjusting to the new knowledge that he and Reaver are brothers, one raised in Heaven, the other in Sheoul. To say Revenant is not handling the news well is putting it mildly. What made his mother choose Reaver to go to Heaven, while he had to stay behind, doomed to a childhood of torture? Amidst all this turmoil, he also has to deal with Gethel’s pregnancy. Satan wants him to ensure that the reincarnated Lucifer is born healthy, but Revenant wants nothing more than to end Lucifer’s existence for good. So, he decides to enlist the help of the Underworld General doctor he’s had his eye on for a while.

Blaspheme is in trouble. As a vyrm, the offspring of a fallen angel and an angel, she is reviled by both species. She’s spent her life masquerading as a False Angel, but that disguise is fading fast and if she doesn’t figure out a new disguise soon, she’s a dead woman. While she’s stressing about that, she keeps being harrassed by Revenant. While she finds him incredibly attractive, she can’t afford to become involved with someone as dangerous as he is, especially given his views on vyrm. Their attraction is so strong though that the inevitable eventually happens. Now, they are fighting their growing feelings for each other while dealing with an increasingly dangerous situation. Will Revenant be able to get rid of Lucifer? Will Blaspheme be able to find a new identity? And most importantly, what will Revenant’s reaction be when he discovers who Blaspheme really is?

All I can say is Larissa Ione is amazing. She is somehow able to take characters who have done horrible acts in previous books and turn them into heroes in their own books without changing who they are as a character. She was able to do this with Harvester in the previous book, and here, she does it again with Revenant. I relished every part of this book. It was full of action, very fast paced, and the sex scenes were hot. The chemistry between Blaspheme and Revenant steams up the pages, and I found myself eager for them to finally get together. Even when problems arise in the relationship, they never felt contrived, as if they were just there to add drama. Everything served to advance the plot. I was so sad to see it end.

Really, I only have one complaint, and it’s that this is the last book. I don’t want to say goodbye to these characters and this world. I’ve grown completely attached, and saying goodbye is very hard. As a series ender though, this book is very satisfying. It left me feeling happy and satisfied. All in all, this was an excellent conclusion to the series. I savored every minute of it, and I’m looking forward to going back to book one and starting it all over again!

Notable Scene:

“What’s your name?”

Gethel sank down on the chaise. “Revenant didn’t tell you?” She gave him a look of mild consternation, which he blew off. “I’m Gethel. And you are?”

“I’m Blaspheme.” She slowed as she approached the chaise. “Gethel…that sounds familiar.”

Crap. This wasn’t going to be good. Revenant helped Gethel ease back on the pillows, not because he gave a crap about her comfort, but because he needed Blas to not feel threatened. And if she realized who Gethel was and who the baby she was carrying would grow up to be…yeah, he needed to play this off as no big deal for a while.

“Of course it sounds familiar, you pathetic fool,” Gethel snapped. She glared at Revenant. “You brought me a quack with no understanding of the earth-shattering momentousness of this situation?”

Blaspheme dropped the duffel with a thud.

“Quack? I’ll have you know that I’ve been working at Underworld General Hospital for over five decades now, and I’ve worked my way up from paramedic to medical doctor in charge of UG’s new London clinic. As far as the rest, I’m sure the earth-shattering momentousness of your pregnancy is important to you, just as it is with every mother, and I’ll treat you and your child with equal care.”

“Bitch,” Gethel hissed. “You will treat me-” Revenant clamped his hand around her throat and cut her off cold.

“You will speak to Blaspheme with respect,” he growled.

“Revenant!” Blaspheme grabbed his wrist and yanked it away. “How about we set some ground rules.” She jammed a finger at Gethel. “You. Call me a bitch again, and you can find a doctor elsewhere. And you-” she stabbed Rev in the chest with the same finger “-try to strangle a pregnant female again, and I’ll take a scalpel to your balls. Got it?”

He grinned. Damn, her fire was awesome. Usually False Angels were more timid. He wondered if she’d be less aggressive outside of work. More pliable. Easier to get naked.

Gethel jackknifed into a sit. “You still have no idea to whom you’re speaking, do you?”

“No,” Blas said, “and I don’t give a hellrat’s ass. I’m here to do a job, so why don’t you quit being a diva and tell me what’s going on with this pregnancy.”

Revenant really, really needed to get Blaspheme into bed.

FTC Advisory: Hachette/Grand Central Publishing provided me with a copy of Revenant. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Revenant/Rev believed he was a fallen angel for five thousand years. But how could someone born and raised in Sheole- the demon realm- be considered an angel. Even what he was fed with his mother’s milk was demon blood as a baby. Memories that had been taken from Rev had been returned to him two weeks sgo. Now Rev wished he didn’t have those memories at all. But he did have a twin brother who was the opposite of Rev. Then there was Blaspheme who was a doctor at Underground General and Rev wanted her. Rev had been raised in a dungeon with torture specialists. Blas was the daughter of a fallen angel and angel. Blas mother Deva had been cut open by an angel seriously hurt and she warned Blas they would be looking for her and hunt Blas until the end of time. Reaver was Rev’s twin brother but they did not get along. Rev learned he was a shadow angel which is very rare. Then Reaver informs Rev that Lucifer is about to be reborn. Lucifer had spent his life trying to ruin Rev’s life. Lucifer was Satin’s right hand man and in the newest incarnation Satin’s son. As Blas and Rev get to know each other the more they want each other.
I don’t usually read books involving angels, I don’t normally seem to get into them. But this was a good story and I really enjoyed it.I found this had a good plot. This story made me laugh at times and at other times I choked up. All Rev really wanted was to be accepted and loved. This is the last story in a series and for everything to come together you really need to read the rest of this series in order. Rev was a butt most of the time but somehow a lovable butt. The writing was good as was the plot. I loved the twists and turns of this story especially involving Rev and Blas. I recommend.
I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.
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