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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vikram mohan
I absolutely love this book from the very first sentence. I enjoy books where the characters loses their memory and then later discover what happened and why the lost it. This book was so, so good. I don't understand why its not more hyped up. It was EXTREMELY GOOD.
The suspense was just amazing. I thouroughly enjoyed this whole story from start to finish. The romance was really good. The romance was really good. I really enjoyed it. I am really big romance junkie. Its this really intense, suspense story with romance and alot of drama. Everything I enjoyed in this story was just so amazing.
I really loved Adam from the beginning. I didn't understand the whole Blake ordeal. I didn't too much care for him. Maggie was this super sweet character too. You just had to love her.
I enjoyed the psychological aspect to this book. It really had me thinking the whole time. Like who was behind this? I went through everyone in my head. I did come up with a few people but it turned out some were true but not for the reasons I thought.
Please read this YA Mystery, Romance story it is just Phenomenal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Meet Chloe. High school junior, average student, average family, average life.

One afternoon in late-May, Chloe closes her eyes for a small catnap during study hall--something she is a pro at; something she does frequently. Only this time is different...

When Chloe wakes up the classroom is dark and the clock reads 9:34PM. Upon taking a peek out the classroom window, Chloe sees the impossible: snowfall. In a panic, Chloe whips out her cell phone and starts looking through her call log. It's November.

"Somehow, I've missed six months of my life.

A sinister possibility whispers to me. One word, two syllables, and an endless river of humiliation.

Crazy. I could be going crazy."

Chloe is in full freak-out when Adam, the school bad boy, finds her.

Chloe feels an inexplicable attraction and connection with Adam... and he's claiming she just called him. But how is this possible? She's never even spoken to him.

Chloe soon finds out that even more has changed in the six months she can't remember. Her grades have hit genius level, her parents treat her like a star, she's dating her long-time crush--Blake, and her best friend Maggie hates her guts.

As Chloe begins to piece together her missing memories, she realizes just how much trouble she's really in and what or who may be responsible for it.

- - -

What a wonderful debut! ^-^

Let me go a little deeper into the story so you can get a better idea of what this book is all about.

My one complaint is the moment when things change for Chloe. Meaning, her nap in study hall. She goes to sleep and wakes up in a different month. The way it was written makes it seem like a paranormality. It isn't. Don't go into this expecting that, because you'll be disappointed. It's not about alternate realities or dimensions. I feel like it took a little too long to realize that. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't like that.

Moving ahead, I have only positive things to say!

First of all, the mystery. WOW! You know, I've been reading quite a lot of mystery/thriller/suspense novels as of late. This one is a stand-out! I feel like I am so lucky to be finding such diamonds in the rough (another one is Find Me by Romily Bernard - check it out)! Natalie Richards definitely has some marvelous mystery-making skills. She also made sure this book was very much on the creepy side. I can't tell you how many times I got chill-bumps or had to glance around me in paranoia. This is fantastic! A book that touches my mind and my life is exactly what I want--even if it does creep me out!

The reasons behind Chloe's memory loss are the mystery. After doing a little detective work, Chloe finds out that her SAT study group may be involved or behind her time gap. She learns of another girl--Julien Miller--who may have gone through the same sort of episode she is. She also learns, piece by piece, that she may not be able to trust anyone around her. I won't spoil it for you, but I promise you won't be disappointed in the end. Richards keeps you on the edge of your seat. This is definitely a one-sitting type of book. Just one more chapter. Just one more. Okay, really... just ONE more. Yeah, right. ;) I can barely even believe this is Natalie's first rodeo!

Let me take a moment to talk about the characters. Blake. Adam. Chloe. Maggie. These are our main characters. Blake is the boyfriend, the guy Chloe has been in love with for ages. So being with him should be fantastic, right? No. Chloe feels nothing but dread when she thinks of him and nothing but apprehension when he is near her. Her attraction is to Adam, the guy with a bad reputation and arrest record to prove it. Before her missing six months she'd never even spoken to Adam, but now they seem more than just familiar and her only snapshots of memory seem to come back whenever the two of them have physical contact. Then there is Maggie. Chloe and Maggie were as close as two friends could be. Now Maggie looks at her with nothing but anger and contempt. This last bit is what hurts and baffles Chloe the most. Maggie is her partner in crime; her confidant. Without Maggie to confide in, Chloe feels like she's floundering. Chloe doesn't know what happened between them, but she is determined to find out and to mend fences. But it's easier said than done when Maggie won't even answer her calls or texts.

All of these characters are multi-dimensional and very vividly written. I applaud Natalie Richards for her character and plot-building skills. She is definitely an author to watch for!

The climax of Six Months Later is a whirlwind. The suspense only amps up at this point, and the thrill is enough to leave you breathless! Chloe remembers a key memory; a memory so important that lives depend on it. It is here that things get a little crazy... and I mean that in a good way. The ending is amazing and I honestly wouldn't change a thing about it.

Needless to say, Six Months Later is a winner! It's one of the best mysteries I've read so far this year! It's chilling and suspenseful while it still gives you a taste of sweet romance and never-ending friendships. Chloe is a character you will easily love and never forget. Her story is a wild one, but one that isn't to be missed!

I absolutely recommend this book for lovers of mystery and/or YA books that capture your attention from page one until the very end! I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for more from Natalie Richards.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
3.25 stars

I love memory loss stories. Is that weird? I just think there’s something so interesting about losing your memory and having to rebuild your whole life. And this one impressed me, even if it did leave me a little frustrated at times.

When the story starts Chloe is pretty much just average. She’s not popular or unpopular, she doesn’t do badly in school but she doesn’t do great either. Then she falls asleep in study hall one day and wakes up six months later with an entirely new life. She’s a straight-A student, she got a crazy good grade on her SATs, she’s dating the popular guy she’s always had a crush on, and her and her long-time best friend, Maggie, are no longer friends.

Chloe has no clue what’s happened and I felt like her reaction to the initial shock, which was pretty much disbelief and shock, was pretty realistic. She quickly realizes that her relationship with the perfect guy is far from perfect and she might actually be attracted to the school’s resident genius/juvenile delinquent, Adam.

My main issue with the book was Chloe kind of telling people/kind of not telling people about the memory loss. She wants to tell her best friend, but she quickly realizes her best friend is no longer her best friend and that Maggie doesn’t want to talk to her. She doesn’t trust Blake, her boyfriend, so she doesn’t tell him. The only person she really trusts is Adam, but for some reason she doesn’t tell him. She kind of tells her parents, and they take her to the hospital for all kinds of tests, but pretty much from the time she goes to the hospital she’s already decided not to reveal the extent of her memory loss. As the book goes on these all prove to be sound decisions, but it’s kind of odd she knew to make all of them. Also I just really wanted her to tell someone!

As the story goes on Chloe figures out that the memory loss seems to have something to do with the SAT study group she was a part of over the summer. At this point the story switched from simple memory loss to a conspiracy theory about someone erasing kid’s memories. I liked this, I seemed to know going in that this was kind of a thriller (I don’t know how because it’s not mentioned in the description) and I thought that whole mystery/conspiracy/thriller part of the story was really well done. I definitely never knew what was going to happen and I was guessing until pretty close to the end about how it was all going to be resolved.

Bottom Line: I feel like good YA thrillers are few and far between, but I enjoyed this one. The mystery had me guessing until the end, but I also really liked the characters and the story overall. I thought there were a series of coincidences early in the book that allowed the story to play out, but those can kind of be explained and, since I enjoyed the rest of the book so much, I felt like they were fairly easy to overlook.
Olympian Challenger :: A Young Adult Dystopian Series (The ARC Book 1) :: Under a Painted Sky :: Lady Chatterley's Lover :: The Planet Urth Series 3-Book Boxed Set (The Planet Urth Boxed Set)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I don't think that words like "thriller" and "mystery" are being used properly in YA book descriptions today.

To be fair, the beginning was truly thrilling and mysterious, but that quickly changed to reaching and obvious.

Basically, it's a good story idea, most definitely, but what thrill?

Therapy sessions, menacing texts and a gnawing feeling in her gut?


That's more like build up to thrilling, in my opinion.

Then we finally have some action and we get the big reveal...the big reveal (NO spoilers, calm down) being that a perfectly well written, seemingly good book is all wasted for the stupidest, most ridiculous, unbelievable conspiracy-type twist ever.


There were good characters - although some of the character's true character (did you catch that?) is revealed way too soon in the oh-so-subtle (subtle like a fog horn) inner feelings of Chloe.

I wish it was something believable like an abusive relationship (not in real life...relax.).

Sometimes simpler is better - more thrilling and mysterious, actually.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brendan mcauliffe
Six Months Later was quite an amazing read! Natalie D. Richards has created a wonderful plot, well developed characters, and a story that will leave you breathless. I cannot recommend Sic Months Later highly enough to fans of mysteries, thrillers, and contemporaries.

I think the beginning is set up amazingly. The first chapter sucked me in, and then once I got to the second chapter... well let's just say I was a goner. There is a reason I read this book in one sitting. I bet most you will read it like I did, with your eyes glued to the page and the tendency to ignore the things happening around you.

The characters were very enjoyable. Chloe was, well, kind of a wreck most of the novel, but who could blame her? She forgot six months of her life! Despite that, I liked her very, very much. She was smart, realistic, and an overall memorable character. Adam was another one of my favorite characters! I wasn't too sure about him at first. However, I grew to really like him as we are introduced to him properly. I won't say more for fear of spoilers, but I promise all of you will love him!!!

I can't not mention Maggie. She was so sweet, and I really felt for her. Maggie is Chloe's former best friend. They were very close, but when Chloe wakes up it seems they are not friends any more, and it seems to be all Chloe's fault. You can see how broken stuttering yet strong Maggie is, and I was rooting for the friendship to be rebuilt the entire time.

Now, let's mention the plot. Well, long explanation short, it was pure genius. Just... no words. This has been the best mystery/suspense I have read in a while, maybe since I read Rebecca a few months ago! I was kept guessing, which is an enormous treat for me! Even in some of my favorite thrillers, I figure out the twist, no matter how masterful, before the characters. However this was not the case in Six Moths Later!

Overall, this is a shining diamond! Six Months Later exceeded my already high expectation, and the I was so happy I had the chance to read this book. The novel has such a killer plot and awesome characters! If this book sounds up your alley, go pick the story up!

4.5/5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joel ralston
Memory loss plotlines can go in so many directions, which is a huge reason why I enjoy them so much, unraveling the mystery of it all. Six Months Later was a highly enjoyable read full of twists and turns that left me guessing!

As we know from the synopsis, Chloe falls asleep in study hall only to wake months later with her memory gone. Her best friend is no long her best friend, she is now dating the popular boy she’s had a crush on for years but perhaps lusting on the bad boy in school instead, and suddenly her grades are beyond amazing. So what happened? Well first off, I loved how she woke up. She’s in the school, almost full circle since it’s where she had her last memory. She also has a bump on her head and dirt under her fingernails. Was she in some sort of accident? No clue! All of a sudden there is Adam, who is seemingly the bad boy with a criminal record, who is there claiming she asked him to meet her there, and the connection between these two was incredible, yet left Chloe at a complete loss. But then in walks her boyfriend? Hmmm, very interesting dilemma, indeed. Then Chloe made the mistake I was yelling at her for throughout the whole novel, she didn’t tell anyone she didn’t remember! She continues on with this new life of hers and keeps her memory loss a secret, for the most part. Gah, I was so mad at her for it. lol It makes sense why she felt the need to hide it eventually, I guess, but I must admit it drove me nuts. But anyways, the whole plot was unraveling all of these old memories that would surface and these clues and I honestly didn’t figure things out for quite awhile. I love reads like that. I didn’t know who to trust, and I mean I did not trust ANYONE, except her best friend, well ex-best friend, Maggie. I had some major conspiracy theories rolling around in my head and that is probably why Chloe chose to keep it a secret in the first place, she didn’t know who to trust either. There was obviously something going on that she was missing.

Maggie, the BFF/ex-BFF, was probably one of my favorite characters. She wasn’t so quick to forgive her best friend but she was willing to do anything to help her when she needed it. Obviously I had a few minor issues with out main character and her decision-making but on a whole she was a smart character, holding back and not trusting those she was suspicious of. And she was great at putting clues together. Adam was amazing. I mean, I didn’t fully trust him but I could not help but hope he was a good guy. He had such a sweet side that he kept hidden and the chemistry between them was undeniable.

On a whole, this read was a lot of fun! I found myself in suspense and so excited to figure out every clue left for us. If you are a fan of unraveling mysteries then this is definitely a great choice!

~Sara @ Forever 17 Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma cleveland
This was a wonderful first-person thriller from beginning to end. I found myself enjoying every page and really getting into the story. It's easy to recommend, especially for fans of the mystery / suspense genre.

Richards present things in an interesting way -- I really liked the raw blankness of Chloe's confused state. It made me think of how scared I'd be in her shoes, and the pieces were so fuzzy to start.

I'll admit that at first I was a little frustrated because Chloe was simply not telling anyone the truth -- I'm sure she could have convinced *someone* that she's missing six months of her life. This bothered me because it seemed like plot convenience -- a way for Richards to stretch out the "I'm confused, what do I do?" angle for as many chapters as seemed handy. But I came to find it well paced, and her rationale for not wanting to seem crazy made sense.

Beyond that, I must say the suspense and direction things took was intriguing. Figuring out exactly what was happening wasn't so obvious from the start -- but it became clear as things went along, in a rather organic way. I'm in my late 20s and I'm male, so usually the "teen romance" angle in these young adult books can take me partially out of the story, but here it was handled well. It wasn't so heavy-handed that it negatively affected the story, and the characters were presented the right way -- in that I never really hated Adam, and never really trusted Blake. I think Richards pulled off her intentions well.

Chloe was a really fun lead. She had just the right amount of spunk to be a fun lead without being too smart for her own good, and just enough attitude in her voice to feel for what was happening to her without being overly melodramatic.

Surrounding her were some nice characters. I found myself curious as to what happened between her and Maggie, and was back and forth on whether Adam was a double agent or not. It's the sign of good storytelling when I'm not sure, because some authors make it too obvious.

Overall, it was one of the better books I have read. The conspiracy was honestly a lot of fun, and you never really quite know if you should trust the people who are meant to be trustworthy -- which I think is neat. You don't read these kind of books to have everything laid out from the start. Heck, for a while it seemed to me like her own parents might be in on it.

So what's left to say? Well, it was satisfying and enjoyable, and I'm glad I read it. From a technical standpoint, it was rather well written. Richards has a lot of talent, and she can really write her lead character well.

This will be my first 5/5, but it's more of a 4.5... darn the 5-point rating scale. It's worth more than a 4 in my eyes, so I had to bump it up. Either way, it's a solid 9/10.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dean carras
I really enjoyed Six Months Later. Imagine a row of books that are all in similar shades of pastel, nothing wrong with pastel mind you, but then imagine one that just pops out like a neon light....well that is what Six Months Later was like for me. It just stood out among the many books I have read lately providing such a refreshing and much needed change of pace. Six Months Later is a YA thriller that had the feel of reading a movie to me. One day in study hall, Chloe falls asleep. When she awakens, it is no longer May, but wintertime. There is snow on the ground, it's cold, and it's dark outside. Chloe has a major WTH has happened moment, knowing something is terribly wrong. She has dirt under her fingernails, she isn't wearing the same clothes, and when she checks her cell phone she finds that it is November, six months later than the last thing she remembers. To say she is freaked out is putting it mildly. When she fell asleep, she was your average student, not really too popular, but not in the unpopular crowd either. Now, she finds that not only is she in the popular crowd, she's aced her SAT, her best friend Maggie won't even speak to her, and she's supposedly dating the high school jock Blake, who she has crushed on what seems like forever. Yet when she is around Blake, when he touches her, she can't understand why it totally creeps her out, and why when she sees or is around hottie bad boy Adam Reed, she wants to just melt in a puddle, and feels like he is the only one she can trust.

Desperate to find out what has happened, but not wanting to give too much away for fear of being labeled totally nuts and wind up institutionalized, she reveals just enough to her parents to let them know she's having a "memory issue," and begins to try to find out what's happened to her, tries to figure out who she can trust, and also who she can't. As she digs deeper into this mystery it seems that for every answer she finds, she has just as many if not more questions. Chloe knows something is terribly wrong, even dangerous, as she gets closer to finding the truth she seeks.

Six Months Later is filled with mystery, suspense, and yes, romance. I totally loved Chloe's character. She is snarky, determined, and her inner dialogue had me laughing so many times. I also really liked hottie bad boy Adam. There was a lot more to him that meets the eye, and the chemistry between him and Chloe was electric. Maggie, Chloe's best friend was really great to, but Blake definitely had the creeper vibe going on. The story is fast paced and kept me turning the pages to see what happened next. I don't want to give too much away, because the mystery is what makes the story so good. I was able to figure out some things, and other things were surprising, as the truth began to unravel. Six Months Later is filled with mystery, suspense, danger, romance, just the right amount of humor, and has that thriller feel that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I thoroughly enjoyed it and most definitely would recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Six Months Later sounds pretty awesome, right? And you know what? It totally is! It wasn't necessarily what I expected, but in a good way. It is an enthralling and fast-paced novel that delivers just the right amount of intrigue and that just keeps pulling out new surprises, just when you think you've gotten everything figured out.

When Chloe wakes up from a routine nap in study hall to find that it's nighttime and winter, she knows something has gone terribly wrong. Somehow she's managed to miss six months of her life, without a clue as to what happened during that time. Whatever happened turned her life around completely, because she's now dating the boy she's had a crush on for years, has an unbelievably good score on the SAT, and her best friend is no longer speaking to her. As she unravels the mystery, she finds that she may be tied up in something much larger than herself, and that it might just be a threat to her life.

Chloe as a character stands out in Six Months Later. She flies off the pages in the beginning as witty, headstrong, and more than a little opinionated. When she wakes up and her life is completely different, even as she gets her bearings, she never loses that spark. She quickly sees that the person she became during those six months is not someone she would be naturally and she fixes it. Not only that, but she's desperately loyal to her friends and absolutely will not take their abuses lying down. This all makes for a heroine that you can't help but root for.

I do wish I hadn't been able to see a lot of the plot twists coming--though there were a few I definitely wouldn't have called--and I kind of wanted a little more background on the antagonist so it didn't feel quite so separate from Chloe's story. Other than that, though, Six Months Later is a very solid YA mystery thriller that will keep you guessing from the first page to the last, and will likely compel you to read most (or all) of it in one sitting. (I read more than 80 percent at one time!)

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john chadwick
Chloe was not the perfect or ideal anything. She was close to being a delinquent, had sub par grades, and a sub par social life until she woke up six months later from a routine nap to find out she wasn't the person anymore. But, can't remember how.
A lot can happen in six months. Even more can happen when you wake up from a nap to discover you can't remember the past six months of your life; and, you weren't in a coma, hospitalized, or Rip Van Winkle. High School Senior Chloe can't remember the past six months. The much better grades, the boyfriend she only dreamed about, new friends and social life, and her best friend not talking to her. She can't remember the study group she participated in that changed everything. Or, why she is the only person a fellow student thinks has the answers. Her doctors say she is normal; all tests coming back clear. Her mother doesn't understand Chloe's new awareness of not being aware. Chloe is a mess. What starts to develop is even more so.

I have never really read a young adult thriller, or mystery novel. I didn't realize this one would be it. I am happy to report, I am so happy I was allowed to review this book. There was a new twist, turn, and plot device thrown at me on every page. The end is not what I expected. Nor, the middle truthfully. I was shocked by everything that happened. I loved it! I loved guessing after each page and being wrong. Chloe was a great character. I wanted to be her crime solving sidekick as she slowly pieced her life back together. Back together isn't entirely true. Her life would never be the same. That was one of the best parts, her character growth. She never just let what happen to her take its toll on her. She fought back. Proved to her mother that something was wrong.
This novel was extremely well-written. Something character growth can be hard, especially in a mystery/thriller setting. But, the way Chloe matured, both internally and with her interpersonal relationships, was really well-written. I didn't feel confused with each turn and twist. There was nothing expected about this novel at all. I didn't see certain turns of events coming. It is nice to read a book like this where I am just as surprised as the fictional character. My heart was beating with her.

Six Months Later is a real page turner. Even reading it on my Nook, I kept wanting the next page to come. I couldn't swipe fast enough. In about two sittings, I finished this book sad it was finished. I couldn't decide what to read next because this book was just too great to be compared to anything else. If you like suspense, a mini whodunit, or want to discover someone new, this book is for you. It makes you think. And, participate really. I am not a fan of thrillers, I passed on Gone Girl. But, with this book, I'm glad I didn't. I will definitely keep an eye out for this author. I just enjoyed this book so much. If you read it, there will be no regrets.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Picture this: You wake up from a nap, and suddenly you can't remember the last 6 months of your life. You're bleeding, have a bump on your head, and suddenly the most popular boy in school that you have been crushing on for years, is running up,to console you and and out of a sudden kisses you and calls himself your boyfriend. But for some reason you do not get those butterfly-feeling you expected to have. Instead you find yourself yearning for the touch of another boy, someone who you would never find yourself pinning over six month before. Your love life is not the only thing to have changed. Magically you are now the top of your class and have received a ridiculously high score on the SATs. You are popular and have a wide new group of friends.

But things are not all bright and toasty, there are some things that are not so super great. Your best friend since when you were in diapers is not longer speaking to you. And even though you have everything you have ever wanted, this new bf, new friends and new academic achievements screams some major falsehood. And well not remembering the last six months of your life and how all these changes seemed to come about doesn't really help either. What would you do?

These are the challenges that Chloe faces. As must as she has always dreamed up being with Blake, she lizes that he is not everything that she expected him to be, and that he may even be dangerous. Chloe finds herself longing for Adam, even though he has a criminal record and everyone is warning her away from him. But there is something about Adam that she can't stay away form, especially since his touch is the only thing that allows her to have glimpses of what has happened to her in the last six months. Will she be able to recover her memories and find out what and why and specially whom caused them to disappear. Will she able to reconcile her friendship with Maggie, her childhood best friend. And who will be the hero at the end of the tunnel holding her hand?

All I have to say is that I freakin' loved this book. Even though I am many years passed my high school days, I could really understand the tough situation Chloe faces in this book. Who wouldn't want to be with the high school heart throb and be the top of their class? But as the story unraveled I found myself drawn into the story and almost as determined to as Chloe to find out answers. I have to admit that I was not expected any of the twists and turns this story takes. The last few chapters of this book are absolutely amazing and keep you he edge of your seat to find out whats going to happen next. This story was a lot more action packed that I was expecting. I would have to say that my favorite aspect of the story line was Chloe's friendship with Maggie and the struggles their friendship faces, as Chloe knows she did something to betray Maggie, but as she has no memory of what happened, she can not figure out how to fix what she did or if their friendship if even salvageable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Plot: Chloe is a typical teenager with a slight slacker problem, but one day she wakes up in her school and doesn't remember the last 6 months of her life, but suddenly she is dating her long time crush, has amazing grades and her SAT scores guarantee her a spot in any college she wants. However, her best friend is no longer speaking to her, and dating the most popular guy at school isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I was really intrigued by the synopsis of this book and it's rare I can find a good YA psychological thriller that isn't completely contrived or predictable so I was really glad this one did not disappoint. It's definitely a thrilling page-turner that will keep you guessing. Chloe is a great character that you really like and want to succeed and her chemistry with Adam was jumping off the pages hot. Glad to see a YA author who isn't afraid to put actual make-out scenes and sexual tension in a book. (and also thanks for a new book boyfriend in Adam!)

The whole storyline kept me guessing until the very end as to who exactly was involved in the conspiracy and who wasn't. At times, I thought her parents were in on it and then even some of the ways Maggie, her best friend, acted was mysterious. I kind of wanted a bit more information on the actual experiment, but that is just the sci-fi lover in me and the story didn't really need it. I was still shocked at some of the plot points (Dr. Kirkpatrick and Julien!), but loved every minute of the fast-paced story. I can't go in to too much more or I'll give everything away!

It's definitely a book I will recommend to reluctant teen readers as well as adults who like the thriller genre. I've passed it on to my mom and she loved it too so it definitely has adult appeal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leah goldberg
The lovely Romily Bernard, author of Find Me, told me I’d love this book if I fell in love with hers. Well, I definitely did. This novel by Natalie Richards tells a story about a girl who mysteriously lost six months of her life– seemingly the most important six months. She goes from a run of the mill junior finishing up her year with her best friend Maggie to a popular senior with an out of this world GPA. The reader goes with Chloe to figure out what happened to her memory and uncover her startling feelings towards the neighborhood bad boy.

I dreamed about this book. My thoughts revolved around the idea of losing six months of your life. I was furious for losing the two days I was sick over break! And I remember those days! (Though I wish I didn’t… It isn’t fun being sick on Thanksgiving.) Point being, I loved the idea of amnesia. It seems like an overdone topic only fit for corny soap operas, but Richards didn’t make it so. She used it as a tool to create suspense and mystery in the novel.

The story jumped right into the problem, so the readers didn’t really get to know Chloe before the six months. We followed Chloe throughout her journey finding out things about her forgotten months and her past life at the same time. The readers grew to love Chloe not because of her lost self or past self, but because of her present self. We cheered her on through the mystery, and I felt like there was a strong character connection. You liked Chloe because of her reaction to the things happening to her, not because of past experiences.

I enjoyed reading this book. I didn’t think the solution was far-fetched, nor did I think it was too obvious. It wasn’t an alien who came down and stole her memories with the intentions of studying her reactions. It turned out to be a real problem that could lead people to do crazy things. I don’t want to give away the mystery; you’ll have to read it yourself!

The only aspect that bothered me was the “villain.” I felt like he didn’t appear throughout the novel enough to be that important. He was the main culprit and didn’t make a debut until near the end. I guess that was the red herring in the plot, leading you to suspect someone else and surprising you with the appearance of someone completely different. I loved the subtle hints towards multiple people, always keeping you off track.

Another thing I liked: she solved the mystery basically on her own. Sure, she had a love interest and a “frenemy” to help her along, but the majority of the time she thought things through on her own. It would be completely mundane if she was alone all the time, but nobody truly believed her story in the beginning, so she had to think on her own. She had help with some pushes in the right direction, but she also needed to figure out what happened in her own terms. Everything tied back to the lost 6 months. The solution could only be discovered through Chloe getting back her memory, thus retrieving her knowledge of the villain. Richards really developed a strong female protagonist in this book.

I finished this one in a day, which shows just how eager I was to solve the mystery. I wouldn’t call it a scary or even creepy book, just interesting and suspenseful. With good characters, a tentative love triangle, and broken friendships, this book is definitely stands out. Trust me, it’s no cheesy amnesia story.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marcus blair
This book was so suspenseful! Can you imagine waking up and you can't remember the last six months? Now you have the hot boyfriends that you always dreamed of and an SAT score out of this world. Everything is perfect, but it's not what it seems. You have an amazing connection with bad boy Adam that you don't know where you got it and your best friend won't talk to you. Yah, this happened to Chloe in Six Months Later. Will Chloe be able to find out what's going on before it's too late?

4/5 star because I couldn't develop a connection with the characters. It was well written, but too fast paced to fall in love! Very interesting take on a romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Okay, so truth in advertising: Yes, I blog with this author. Yes, we're friends. I'm sure some people will think that's going to make me crazy biased, but I don't review books unless I LOVED them and this one? I loved it. Truly.

Okay. So disclaimer aside, let's get to the good stuff. I won't bother with a synopsis because y'all know I can't summarize for crap so I'll stick to what I liked.

Chloe. She's a great heroine and so so so human. Here's a girl who wakes up to a whole new life and, after the initial freak out, pulls herself together and moves forward.

And I think that's the beauty of Richards's premise. It actually seems like this really cool fairy tale (the girl wakes up to a perfect new life with a perfect boyfriend and perfect future--who wouldn't want that?) and then it starts to decay. Chloe has to make a choice between what everyone is telling her is the right thing and what she knows is the right thing. That's crazy pressure.

Hmmm. What else? OH!! Adam. If you like your heroes skewed toward bad boy (think The Perfect Chemistry series' heroes), you'll love Adam. I think the best part about him is how he sees Chloe differently than other people see her. Yeah, we've read that before. I know. But it's WHY he sees her differently that makes this so perfect for me. Adam's used to being dismissed and marginalized. He knows firsthand what can live underneath a person's facade and I love that about him.

Then there's the suspense. I read SIX MONTHS LATER in one sitting. Considering my ADD and general nervous energy, this is unusual. But I could not stop turning pages. I HAD TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.

So, yeah, in summary? It was a great read. You need to pick this one up.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
simon marcus
I had some trouble getting into this book, but once I got through a few chapters, the story held my interest. It was obvious that there was a serious disconnect between Chloe and her mother. Dr. Kilpatrick clearly was not on the up and up either. Adam was a strong character and like able, as opposed to Blake, who was just short of creepy. The story line itself was not realistic, but it still made for an interesting read. Trying to put the pieces together was not that easy, but the story was just interesting enough to make me want to keep reading. I would not mind reading a sequel, because I am curious about the ultimate test results.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark w
PD: Sorry for the bad English ;)

The idea of losing six months of your life seem interesting, so I wanted to read this book desperately. And when I get the copy I started pretty excited but with some doubts (maybe it wasn't as I imagined). But it was better.

I loved the story. It was realistic and mysterious, and it captured me from the first chapter. I liked that everyone seems suspicious. You pass all the story wondering who might be bad.

I like Chloe. I like how her reactions where realistic and natural. I mean, I'd be acting like her if I had missed SIX months of my life. And she doesn't know anything. She doesn't know who did this to her, what is happening between Adam and her, why her best friend hates her... I think that she's funny, strong and brave, not the typical stupid girl of some books.

In this story we have two boys: Blake, her perfect boy, the boy she loved since freshman, and the boy I totally hated. He had something that didn't convince me since the first time he appeared. And the way he treats Chloe?? Go away, Blake, we don't like you.

And Adam. Adam, the perfect bad boy. He is totally mysterious, dark and hot, but he cares about Chloe, he totally does since the beginning of the story. He listens to Chloe, understands her... I adore Adam and Chloe!!!! They are super cute together ^.^

I want an Adam in my life T.T

We also have Maggie, Chloe's best friend that hates her after the six months. I like that Maggie is all sweet and Chloe all badass. I like their friendship. It feels natural and real, not like some of the "friendship" that exist in same books.

I totally recomend this book. It has romance, it's realistic and you won't leave it until you finish it ;)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book started for me great- loved the premise, a girl falls asleep in study hall and then wakes up six months later with no knowledge of time passing or what has occurred, now she has to put her missing timeline together. What I didn't like: where's the parents concerns, their daughter changed friends, habits & likes in a short period of time and no alarm bells went off? I also felt the answers for what really happened were less than desired. I wanted a bigger conspiracy. The end let me down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book. There were just enough plot twists to keep things interesting without being ridiculous, and the story was fact paced and gripping. The mood, tone, and writing style reminded me of Lisa McMann's Gone series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raizza encinas
I really enjoyed this book! The characters all felt very genuine and typical of the kind of kids I went to high school with. Blake, the arrogant jock, Maggie, the quiet former BFF, Adam, the dangerous but fascinating bad boy and most importantly Chloe, the confused “That’s me!” protagonist. The twists and turns in the plot keep you guessing and turning pages until the surprise ending. A very good read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonja burton
This book was full of surprises that the reader and the character both didn't suspect. The book had a good base and story outline where no one could ever guess what would happen after each sentence. Its an on-going lovable book for all ages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had a sense of suspense that captivated me while reading. I was not expecting this book to be so good honestly. I knew it was good but I didn't realize the importance of remembering our memories to such an extent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely the best read in a long time!!
This book needs to be on your list to read!
It grabs you in from the beginning and it leaves you wanted to know the ending and I call
that a great book!
Way to go Natalie Richards!
Looking forward to your next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba abbas
A wonderful book. I enjoyed the suspense, and the touches of humor and wit. I couldn't put it down once I started! I had to find out the mystery behind Chloe's loss of time/memory. A very entertaining read that I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys a good mystery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eARC via NetGalley.

My Grade
Plot: 5
Setting: 5
Writing: 5
Originality: 5
Characters: 5
Romance: 4
Overall: 29/30 A!!
Title/Cover Bonus: 3

An interesting mystery with thrilling events and compelling characters.

First Line

I’m sitting next to the fire alarm, and my best friend is going down in flames. --eARC edition

If you’re a fan of mysteries you’ll love this book. I was thoroughly lost at first. Chloe does a very good job of working through her dilemma. Since this was a mystery I cannot comment on very much of the plot, only that is well written and very well thought out.

Nothing spectacular setting wise. The book played out much like a great mystery thriller movie so Natalie did very well with her descriptions.

Written in first person from Chloe’s point of view. I would have loved to have seen some scenes from Adam’s point of view or even Maggie’s.

Very original for me. Other than reading some time travel books I haven’t read anything where memory is lost like this. I loved the mystery element. I usually do not enjoy mysteries because some writers make it painfully obvious of what’s going on, which is not the case in this book. I had suspicions but nothing concrete to where I was yelling at the book.

Chloe is having a rough time and she comes off as super strong and powerful. She copes so well with everything that is thrown at her. Her parents come off as a bit creepy. Chloe has two boys in her life: Blake and Adam. I loved Adam, not so much Blake.

Chloe’s best friend Maggie is pretty cool. I wish we would have seen a bit more of her.

Chloe’s relationship with Blake is what it is. Adam is adorable, sweet, protective and attractive.

Title/Cover Bonus
Not my most favorite cover ever.

Everything was wrapped up nicely.

Doesn’t look to be a series as of yet but I wouldn’t mind going back into another mystery with Chloe and Friends!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed this book overall. While I definitely don't qualify as a teen, I enjoy young adult fiction just as much as the next person who still has yet to grow up. There were some details about this book that really really bothered me, and it was unfortunate because they could have been easily fixed. As the back summary says, the main character loses all memories from the last sixth months and goes from being an average Joe student to a "genius." Over and over again, her "genius" SAT scores are offered as proof. Just a couple of problems with this premise:

1. Her score was a 2155. This is not a possible score to have. All SAT scores must end in a 0.
2. A 2155 is not a genius score. Respectable, but not genius. Repeatedly, the author said that her SAT score of 2155 meant a guaranteed admission into any college. This is false, false, false.
3. At the end of the book, the main character gets letters from Columbia and Notre Dame "inviting" her to apply, which the author touts as the ultimate success, and a guarantee of Chloe's admission into those schools. For Columbia at least, a 2155 might even be considered a below average score. Everyone and their mother gets these invitations to apply, and they mean nothing. The only people who are really recruited are athletes, usually. Not your average valedictorian with a paltry 2155.

The American college application process is not a mystery. The author really should have researched it. I'd hate to think of American teenage girls everywhere thinking a 2150 (2160, if you want to give her the benefit of the doubt) was good enough to go to Columbia.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Felt like a kid reading some parts. I was explaining to my 12 year old daughter about the plot. I enjoyed the read, love the characters. Wanted to know what happened to the bad guys though, but it still had a good ending
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 Stars

'Six Months Later' is a phenomenal young adult mystery/thriller novel that tells the story of Chloe - at least the parts that she remembers. Chloe remembers closing her eyes for a quick nap in study hall one day in spring of her junior year. When she opens her eyes, she's horrified to find that six months have passed and she can't remember any of it. She wasn't in an accident and hasn't been in a coma - so where have the last six months of her life gone? Chloe decides that she needs to remember what or who did this to her so she can get her life back. Although, the new Chloe seems to have the perfect life. She's dating Blake, the hottest guy in school who she's been crushing on for the past three years, she has tons of popular friends, amazing grades and she rocked the SATs. So why does all of it seem like such a lie? Why can't she remember any of it and why does the thought of it make her so panicked? Determined to remember what happened, Chloe sets out on a mission to recover her past - although remembering just might get her killed.

I absolutely love thriller novels and this one definitely did not leave me disappointed. I was immediately intrigued by the description of the book - how exactly does one lose six months of memories while being seemingly alive and well? The plot was a unique idea and a fresh breath of air into the YA mystery/thriller scene. I loved trying to piece together the clues that Chloe remembered and what she could dig up, so I could try to figure it all out before she did. I only got so far before the author threw in some great twists and turns, which left me clueless. I know the author has great writing ability if they're able to pull one over on me - especially in a mystery ordeal like this one. The characters were realistic and easy to identify with, especially our main character Chloe. I would've been in the exact same spot she found herself in after realizing she lost six months of her memories and her life. She's resourceful, smart, determined, strong, and dedicated to finding out the truth. The other minor characters in the book were well written too with distinct personalities and flaws that made them unique. The writing was fast paced and kept me on my toes with all the various twists and turns thrown in - I ended up getting sucked into the book from the first page and reading it through in one sitting. I couldn't stop until I figured out what had happened and how it would all play out in the end. This is definitely an author to watch and I'll be eagerly awaiting her next release. Highly recommended for fans of YA mysteries, suspense, and thrillers.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
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