You Are Destined to Be Together Forever (Odd Thomas Series)
ByDean Koontz
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the perfect beginning to bookend the Odd Thomas series that Koontz has so kindly given us. It gives us a glimpse into Stormy, and Odd's relationship with her. I am about to read Saint Odd, the last book in the series, and can only hope that when the end comes for Odd, the Gypsy Mummy will have been proved right.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
judy floyd
The story in this short tale is good---Dean Koontz never disappoints. But, the delivery was very poor. I had several pages missing and some repeated. I guess you could say, "what do you expect for $0.99 but it is not the cost of something as much as the quality and I expect better from the store
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy neal
Odd Thomas is a character I will treasure always, one that will resonate and keep me coming back to re-read the adventures he's taken, mourn with him again and be joyful with him again. If you've not read them do so, I love all of Mr. Koontz' works but these are my favoured by far.
The Alien Chronicles (The Future Chronicles) :: Molly Fyde and the Fight for Peace (The Bern Saga Book 4) :: The Belt of the Buried Gods (Volume 1) - Sand Part 1 :: Wool 2 - Proper Gauge (Silo series) :: In Odd We Trust (Graphic Novel) (Odd Thomas Graphic Novels)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonia szymanski
I have truly enjoyed each installment in the Odd Series. The characters are delightful and the "cameo" appearances are wonderful touches. I really hope D.K. finds one more struggle between good and evil, so I can understand the workings of boot camp.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mamad purbo
Odd Thomas is my favorite Dean Koontz character of all -Snow in Fear Nothing and Seize the Night is wonderful and I would love to read more about his adventures but Odd is such a delightful person and always believes that good wins everytime.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mirella tenderini
Dean Koontz has been a favorite of mine for ages. Right up there with Stephen King and Piers Anthony. He fits right in the middle with this series. I am so sorry to see it end. Fair well Odd, may your journy be filled with sunny days and starry nights.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ravi shankar
This is an interesting little prelude to the "Odd Thomas" series. Nothing new in here. Nothing that I didn't get from the previously released books in the series. My feeling is that it's like the 'graphic novels' featuring our hero Odd, someone's just going through the motions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our reluctant and doubtful young hero comes full circle and finds in the end that one journey's end is but another's beginning. But where that journey takes him is a twist you'd not foresee. A must read for those who have travelled this road with odd
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
staci weisberg
Had to read it to complete the Odd Chronicles. Was a tad disappointed in the lack of any critically new material to the Stormy/Odd love story. If you've read the others, you don't HAVE to read this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All of the Odd Thomas series are just great---entertaining and "odd"
but that is Koontz for you! I can't wait for the next one----start at
the beginning---and this one (even though just out) could be #1
Wonderfully entertaining!
but that is Koontz for you! I can't wait for the next one----start at
the beginning---and this one (even though just out) could be #1
Wonderfully entertaining!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula reid
I love the Odd Thomas series, never disappointed when Odd is o e the job. Dean has made this character real for me and I'm truly sad it's coming to an end. If you are a true can, you will enjoy a little piece of the Odd & Stormy history. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very well written; as always from Mr. Koontz. It was nice to take a trip back to the beginning. I felt like I got to know Stormy a little better. After so many books with her being gone it is nice to bring her to light again. Odd is always wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann sherrill
This was definitely worth waiting for, though I knew before I read it that I would be wiping tears off of my Kindle. I was "hooked" from the first sentence, and didn't want the story to end. I am, however, sad to have to say "goodbye" to Odd Thomas, a lovable protagonist and one of my all-time favorite characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua cohen
Great 'prequel' story to the "Odd Thomas" series and a very good story. I enjoyed it as much as all of the "Odd Thomas" books. He's a wonderful character and I wish Dean Koontz would keep writing more "Odd Thomas" books!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate greene
Always like Dean Koontz, this is a nice little backstory for the Odd Thomas universe - if you've read the rest of the Odd Thomas books even more meaningful. If you haven't read them . . . then go buy them . . . they're great!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hank porter
This short story tells, in Dean Koontz' inimitable way, the start of the Odd Thomas series. Mr Koontz is a master writer. I have read all the other Odd Thomas books and look forward to reading the conclusion when it comes out in January.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It had to happen sooner or later.... The reunion of Odd and Stormy! Now that Odd is living on the other side, let's see where Knootz will take this story (or maybe he is leaving it up to us!) Odd fan forever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A prequel to the Odd Thomas horror-lite series and revolving around a young fry cook and his girlfriend who live in Pico Mundo, California. It's late May in this tale.
My Take
I am torn between giving this a "3" or a "4". The "3" is my annoyance over how short this story is — 39 pages!. And while it feels repetitive, it actually does include a well-written shortie. It is Dean Koontz after all — still, if money is an issue in your house, I wouldn't bother even spending the 99¢ on it.
That whine over, Koontz does write a quirky story with unexpected characters who charm their way into your heart. The circumstances Koontz puts them in and the way he has them express themselves…too funny. I really do like this series, and I'd encourage you to spend your money on the first in the series, Odd Thomas , 1, instead of this one.
It's Odd, of course, helping someone who's died horribly only there's a nasty twist at the almost-end followed by that bitter bit of foretelling at the end. Made me want to cry.
Koontz is light on the details; the way he wrote about Roberta made me wonder if she was the real(ly) guilty party in this.
Read about Odd, and you'll see why I think of it as horror-lite, *grin*.
The Story
Just a short side trip to help a crazed dead man running through Odd's car before Odd and Stormy head off to the carnival and those momentous words from the Gypsy Mummy.
The Characters
Odd Thomas is a very independent young man; he's had to be with the mother he has. Father is definitely not in the picture.
Stormy Llewellyn is Odd's girl. And he still can't believe it. An orphan, she has a strong goal in mind for ice cream parlors, and she's learning all she can at Burke & Bailey's at the mall.
P. Oswald Boone is Odd's friend and mentor, a famous mystery writer. Terri Stambaugh owns the Pico Mundo Grille where Odd works as a fry cook. Wyatt Porter is the chief of police, and he and his wife are friends with Odd.
Elvis Presley likes to haunt, er, visit with Odd. Odd has his own ideas about why Elvis hasn't passed to the Other Side.
Kurt is the man with a meat cleaver in his neck. Roberta owns the picturesque house. Kristen is the girl in the handcuffs. Hannah was the broken one. Johnny and his fiancée aren't too happy.
The Cover and Title
The cover on my version is grim with that dust bowl flavor in an apocalyptic setting: a leaning ferris wheel rises up out of a sand dune alongside a lonely road. Bare brown mountains lurk in the background as dark, gray, stormy clouds hover over it all, completing that fuzzy frame of black encircling it all.
The title is more of that foretelling, a prick in the heart as Koontz reminds us that their idea of "You Are Destined To Be Together Forever" has a different connotation than Odd and Stormy are planning.
My Take
I am torn between giving this a "3" or a "4". The "3" is my annoyance over how short this story is — 39 pages!. And while it feels repetitive, it actually does include a well-written shortie. It is Dean Koontz after all — still, if money is an issue in your house, I wouldn't bother even spending the 99¢ on it.
That whine over, Koontz does write a quirky story with unexpected characters who charm their way into your heart. The circumstances Koontz puts them in and the way he has them express themselves…too funny. I really do like this series, and I'd encourage you to spend your money on the first in the series, Odd Thomas , 1, instead of this one.
It's Odd, of course, helping someone who's died horribly only there's a nasty twist at the almost-end followed by that bitter bit of foretelling at the end. Made me want to cry.
Koontz is light on the details; the way he wrote about Roberta made me wonder if she was the real(ly) guilty party in this.
Read about Odd, and you'll see why I think of it as horror-lite, *grin*.
The Story
Just a short side trip to help a crazed dead man running through Odd's car before Odd and Stormy head off to the carnival and those momentous words from the Gypsy Mummy.
The Characters
Odd Thomas is a very independent young man; he's had to be with the mother he has. Father is definitely not in the picture.
Stormy Llewellyn is Odd's girl. And he still can't believe it. An orphan, she has a strong goal in mind for ice cream parlors, and she's learning all she can at Burke & Bailey's at the mall.
P. Oswald Boone is Odd's friend and mentor, a famous mystery writer. Terri Stambaugh owns the Pico Mundo Grille where Odd works as a fry cook. Wyatt Porter is the chief of police, and he and his wife are friends with Odd.
Elvis Presley likes to haunt, er, visit with Odd. Odd has his own ideas about why Elvis hasn't passed to the Other Side.
Kurt is the man with a meat cleaver in his neck. Roberta owns the picturesque house. Kristen is the girl in the handcuffs. Hannah was the broken one. Johnny and his fiancée aren't too happy.
The Cover and Title
The cover on my version is grim with that dust bowl flavor in an apocalyptic setting: a leaning ferris wheel rises up out of a sand dune alongside a lonely road. Bare brown mountains lurk in the background as dark, gray, stormy clouds hover over it all, completing that fuzzy frame of black encircling it all.
The title is more of that foretelling, a prick in the heart as Koontz reminds us that their idea of "You Are Destined To Be Together Forever" has a different connotation than Odd and Stormy are planning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great short story with memorable characters. Just enough of a hook to keep the reader interested in more stories about Odd Thomas. Interesting introduction to a fresh set of characters and new book series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love everything Dean Koontz, and his Odd Thomas series is as good as it gets. Odd is such a sweet and endearing character. I was sad to see the series end. I own all the books, though, and will re-read them over and over.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kirstin cole
A small, but possibly significant, moment in the Odd canon. Remains one of my favorite series of all time. I did think it got to and passed over the "moment" a bit quickly, but it's a "shorty" intentionally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
prof x
Upon first reading Odd Thomas, I became hopelessly addicted. I am forever improved by the experience of reading these stories. The quality of writing and the wit of the story telling spiced with honor, strength, humor and humanity are unparalleled. Add to that the enchanting and quirky characters presented throughout each horrifying adventure and you have a story you can not put down. I will be truly saddened when this ride come to the end with Saint Odd, but I can't wait to read it!
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