Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman (2005-01-28)
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is even more relevant today than it was in the time of Nixon when it was written. The fact that too few people read it explains how this country was able to be suckered by con-servative artists like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush, along with their cronies in Saudi Arabia, Capitalist China, Silverado, Enron, Halliburton, etc.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
linda weisenmiller
The book's philosophy is reprehensible. It is all about destroying society, with no plans regarding how a bunch of malicious loafers will create a better society after the current one is demolished. Having said that, a lot of the book is pretty entertaining. Hoffman tells of lots of ways to get things for free, and it is amazing to see the lengths he goes to to avoid work. I read the book in high school, and it is fun reading it again now. I just don't think I would recommend it to the unstable.
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susanlsimon simon
I ordered this book thinking it would be life changing and earth shattering. Instead it was a bunch of communist drivel, and lots of tricks that might have worked 30 years ago to rip stores and companies off. Very little of it would be relevant today, if you wanted to try any of the tricks. I wouldn't buy it again.
A Divine Revelation Of Hell :: Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman (2005) Paperback :: The Anarchist Cookbook :: Steal This Book :: Aftermath (Splinter Cell: Blacklist)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
valerie sherrard
Scattered. Profane. A writing of it's time and a must read after "Revolution for the Hell of It" so it is in the contexts of events. One persons way of shaking things up and a peek into his private time.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
what a waste of time ..unless you are interested in being and puppet for an crazy hippy that likes having a following to command ....well then maybe this book is for you. but if your are not a mindless follower put it in the trash or burn it for heat
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holly stumpf
AAAhh, another wonderful book from old Abbie Hoffman, with his endless critique of American society and how other people live their lives, plus Hoffman's sage advice for rising up to his exalted level. I heard near the end of his life Hoffman was working on a book tentatively entitled How To Successfully Deal With Manic Depression. I'm sure it would've been another great book from ole' Ab, filled with his usual stellar advice for successful living, except Hoffman committed suicide half way through writing it.
(P.S.: Hey Real Patriot, you really are a real dunce. I never criticized Alan Watts for being an "alcholic." I criticized him for being an utter phony who presented himself as the exact opposite of what he really was. Listen, dude, why don't you do me a little favor: Take the time to actually READ what I'm saying before you check in with your dim-witted rebuttal. And speaking of which, why don't you actually READ my book ("Surviving on the Streets") before you start putting words in my mouth. I say right in print that I don't blame anybody but myself for ending up on the streets. We're all responsible for our own karma.
(P.P.S. As for heroic anti-war demonstrators like Abbie Hoffman, Vietnam was in fact the LONGEST war in U.S. history. So one might argue the '60s anti-war protesters were the LEAST effective in U.S. history. Abbie Hoffman is typical of that ineffectual ilk. Hoffman was supposedly working to end the Vietnam war, but as soon as it ended, Hoffman was the first to admit how much he actually missed that war because, he no longer had a soapbox from which to parade his bloated, fatuous ego to the world. Which is all Abbie Hoffman ever really cared about. And your comments about Hoffman's mental sickness are well taken. But before you put words in my mouth (like you did with your comments about Alan Watts' "alcoholism") let me point out, I am NOT criticizing Abbie Hoffman for being mentally imbalanced. I'm just pointing out what happens when a person who is a sickness advertises himself as a cure.)
(P.S.: Hey Real Patriot, you really are a real dunce. I never criticized Alan Watts for being an "alcholic." I criticized him for being an utter phony who presented himself as the exact opposite of what he really was. Listen, dude, why don't you do me a little favor: Take the time to actually READ what I'm saying before you check in with your dim-witted rebuttal. And speaking of which, why don't you actually READ my book ("Surviving on the Streets") before you start putting words in my mouth. I say right in print that I don't blame anybody but myself for ending up on the streets. We're all responsible for our own karma.
(P.P.S. As for heroic anti-war demonstrators like Abbie Hoffman, Vietnam was in fact the LONGEST war in U.S. history. So one might argue the '60s anti-war protesters were the LEAST effective in U.S. history. Abbie Hoffman is typical of that ineffectual ilk. Hoffman was supposedly working to end the Vietnam war, but as soon as it ended, Hoffman was the first to admit how much he actually missed that war because, he no longer had a soapbox from which to parade his bloated, fatuous ego to the world. Which is all Abbie Hoffman ever really cared about. And your comments about Hoffman's mental sickness are well taken. But before you put words in my mouth (like you did with your comments about Alan Watts' "alcoholism") let me point out, I am NOT criticizing Abbie Hoffman for being mentally imbalanced. I'm just pointing out what happens when a person who is a sickness advertises himself as a cure.)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda bynum
buying it, especially online from a major corporation, is totally contrary to the philosophy of the book!
if you dont have the guts to steal it, borrow it, or find it bootleg online.....then you aren't the kind of person who should be reading it.
if you dont have the guts to steal it, borrow it, or find it bootleg online.....then you aren't the kind of person who should be reading it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
malik parvez
On a recommendation, I bought this book for the sole purpose of getting an inside look at how the counter culture thinks and operates. I suppose it does that, but for me, it's contents are very ugly. The book promotes un/anti American ideals. NO THANK YOU!!! The book was a tremendous waste of money! I hope postage isn't too expensive so I can get most of my money back!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is disgusting filth. That this mindset is still going on after all these years is disgusting as well. The majority of the "info" here is outdated, yes, but the spirit remains the same. Anyone that works for a living and pays taxes should be outraged by this garbage.
Please RateSteal This Book by Abbie Hoffman (2005-01-28)