The Anarchist Cookbook
ByWilliam Powell
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I bought this simply because so many think no one should be allowed to have it and that was good enough for me, so I orderd it. I haven't read it but I am sure it is prominently placed in my book shelf so it will be as controversial as possible to all my peace love and stoner friends. I actually have no desire to know the stuff in the book but I really don't like people telling me they have read it and others should not be allowed to because it didn't hurt them but others can't handle it.
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michelle daniels
I purchased this book in 1970 and found the information quite interesting for the time. This is the second time I have purchased this book (mostly to see if the information has changed much) because my first book was getting worn out and needed to be replaced. The hardback version was an improvement, however some of the information is quite dated but still very interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in survival techniques.
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nick marino
This is very interesting. Although I don't really want to know about the drugs in the book, I think this is something really nice to know about. Just because it has the word "anarchist" doesn't mean people will use it for bad things. I believe everyone should be educated in finding some sort of creativity. Imagine we were invaded, had no weapons, and didn't have a clue on how to build something to protect ourselves! Just something interesting to read.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The information definitely seems dated to me. I disagree with some of the stuff in the introduction. (The stuff I can actually understand of course that is.) And many recipes call for semi hard to find stuff. Not things you just find in the average house. The internet is much more informative. Besides bragging rights and the nostalgia, it doesn't have much going for it.
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justin lazarus
I too am very disappointed with this version. While I have not personally seen the original publication, it seems to be missing content. For example, it was my understanding that there was a recipe for homemade napalm. There is no mention of napalm whatsoever in the book. The text seems to be missing simple how to, and I will be returning the book and will look elsewhere for it. Disappointed ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny jeffries
Growing up, all my friends always talked about all the stuff you could find in this book. We were boys! This was the bible of mischief! Of course, David's dad (the only person who we knew had this book) wouldn't show it to us.
This is a piece of underground history for me and its great to own it and drop hints to my nephews and their friends and watch them scheme and plot to see if they could sneak a look.
This is a piece of underground history for me and its great to own it and drop hints to my nephews and their friends and watch them scheme and plot to see if they could sneak a look.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sean castle
The author focuses more on getting and using drugs than building weapons\explosives. The graphics are horrible. The author was probably high when he wrote the book. This book will not teach you anything that is not readily available on the internet.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emma alling
This book was labeled as the original and says the publication date as 1971 but the book you are selling people is the new version with half the original information. This is an outrage I paid 8x the price for what was labeled as the original and got this 2012 version, do not buy this book I read the reviews and was hoping I would be like the first guy and get the old one but this is not the original, DO NOT BUY! Not even worth a star
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's a classic. Although the author has disavowed this book, and tried for the past 20+ years to prevent it being printed, it's still a classic. If you are a "prepper" or just a "survivalist" this is a Must-Have in your "BUG OUT" pack!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
d l snell
Viva la revolución!
uh..not really...Years ago my Ultra Patriotic(paranoid?) brother bought a bunch of books like this. I don't remember all the titles but this was one of them, (he had the WHOLE FIRE FOX series too). I remember thinking how I really wanted to have a library like his cause,.......'ya never know...'!...right?
I had kids, didn't make much money, and didn't have the funds for this sort of expense at the time. My Brother could afford to be Patriotic at the time....but I couldn't . Years later, I hear they are gonna ban this book, and even the author thinks it should be pulled from the shelves. Well, I'd better get busy and get some of these here books before it's too late! My Wife thought I was nuts, and she has a good point. After all, I'm in my Fifties now..fat, too tired to fight a Revolution, and all the kids are grown....and I am not in the mood(nor do I see the sense)... to survive a SHIF scenario. I bought this book anyway...cause they wanna ban it, and I don't like that myself....anyway...the book..
Everyone here has already described the authors artwork, and the simplicity of the information here. I don't have anything extra to add to whats already been noted about the book. I don't know if any of it will work, and I doubt if I'll ever try to find out.....but...they wanted to ban the book, and well.....
I don't like that..
uh..not really...Years ago my Ultra Patriotic(paranoid?) brother bought a bunch of books like this. I don't remember all the titles but this was one of them, (he had the WHOLE FIRE FOX series too). I remember thinking how I really wanted to have a library like his cause,.......'ya never know...'!...right?
I had kids, didn't make much money, and didn't have the funds for this sort of expense at the time. My Brother could afford to be Patriotic at the time....but I couldn't . Years later, I hear they are gonna ban this book, and even the author thinks it should be pulled from the shelves. Well, I'd better get busy and get some of these here books before it's too late! My Wife thought I was nuts, and she has a good point. After all, I'm in my Fifties now..fat, too tired to fight a Revolution, and all the kids are grown....and I am not in the mood(nor do I see the sense)... to survive a SHIF scenario. I bought this book anyway...cause they wanna ban it, and I don't like that myself....anyway...the book..
Everyone here has already described the authors artwork, and the simplicity of the information here. I don't have anything extra to add to whats already been noted about the book. I don't know if any of it will work, and I doubt if I'll ever try to find out.....but...they wanted to ban the book, and well.....
I don't like that..
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
keanna daniels
Not your everyday cookbook, but valuable for information contained within. Not because one would need to know how to assemble such items, but because of the knowledge available of how easily others might be able to do so.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Interesting that this book is so controversial. As I read the book I heard the voice of a self absorbed 19 year old boy full of piss and vinegar. Not to say his parents didn't raise an intelligent young man, but maybe a few more hugs would have helped him with his anger problems. I can understand hating everyone and everything at 19 years old. The feeling that everyone is out to get you and the world is stacked against you; all the while reveling in your own superiority complex. When life has finally dedicated on all your hopes and dreams, you realize your no better than anyone else, and life just sucks the big one. Then you grow up find God and realize just how retarded you used to be.... not the worst read out there?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bill sommer
This book was popular back when Jane Fonda and the Weathermen were hot stuff (in their own minds) and wastes (in my opinion) lots of paper talking about drugs and things that just don't work in real life. On the flip side it has lots of helpful information dealing with survival and taking charge of the situation whatever it may be.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mandi clark
I really didn't understand the level of angst involved in the making of this book. It was a good imformitive read, but it just baffles me that a book like this is still available to unsuspecting buyers have absolutely no idea what they're about to read. I had an idea that this was about making explosives out of household products as I've seen video's online of the explosives rivaling that of a dry ice bomb. Boy was I in for a surprise. This was very well written and actually quite interesting, but just the mere fact that this book gives up explicit directions on how to cause chaos and bring in a violent revolution mirroring the notion set forth by the weather underground, I simply cannot recommend this book.
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