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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kau sim o
Since the last novel there was an incredible plot twist that left the story hanging from the minds of readers everywhere. There was a hardening of characters, but also a deeper look at who they were and who they are now that was incredibly thoughtful and captivating.

This is a not a novel for the fainthearted, or for someone who thinks that these queens are going to live happily ever after. These are queens who are destined to destroy one another as they have for centuries, leaving the strongest one on the throne. It’s a dark story, one that has incredible beauty to it as it holds onto hope for the characters. The characters themselves strive for a future that seems impossible to obtain yet they never give up striving for it. These three sisters are influential figures, and their sense of magic makes them each so different in many ways. Just let’s just take Katherine for example. In the first novel she was naïve, sweet, and a little broken. But now she’s something more. Katherine is more powerful, she’s darker and has a more vibrant personality than in the previous novel as she embarks on dangerous risks. It’s such a fascinating twist to the story and the plot line so see this character evolution. Katherine is in a way the central focus of the story because she is so adamant about becoming the queen and breaking those who would have broken her given any other circumstances.

It’s fascinating to follow the story and to see how Katherine has changed and how her changes have affected her sister’s in numerous such ways. Each of these each of these sisters has a secret, and their secrets are what’s haunting them. They have secrets of death, of life, power, and magic. These secrets themselves are richly detailed and weave the story together, tying the sisters together. Sisters who have been separated and taught to kill one another. Their magic is what’s tying them together, and the magic is still very different than then other young adult fantasy and fiction.

The idea that you have a Naturalist and an Elementalist is unique. When one thinks of Elemental magic one tends to connect that to Earth Magic. Blake has found a way to separate them by giving different attributes. There’s a richness to that detailing that makes the novel stand out. It uses familiar tropes of magic that any reader can connect to but also manages to make them unique in this story. Moreover, it also works to tie the characters together. Capturing the magic so excellently also means it has to capture the characters. And Blake does that effortlessly. All the characters have grown immeasurably since the last novel. They are all stronger and harder and much more compelling in ways no one could have foreseen.

The evolution of the story and character development connect to the reader because it gives them this fascinating story following three different journeys, all of which are deeply interconnected. They have suffered, but that suffering has not darkened their inner light.

Admittedly there are times when the novel falls short compared to its predecessor. Some scenes slow down the pace of the story yet overall it maintains it’s fast pace, going from plot twist to plot twist. It is a solid sequel but again those slow moments, at first, don’t seem to offer much. However, by the end, the reader will see how all those little details tie together. One Dark Throne is a novel that you have to read from beginning to end to enjoy and understand those small moments that, at first, seem insignificant yet end up meaning so much more.

Overall, One Dark Throne is a tantalizing novel because on the surface this is a realm full of life and vitality yet has such a dark and painful history. It gives the story that edge that pulls the reader in, it lures them with secrets and a darkness we all want to unravel to let in the light. (A)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! Wow! Wow! ONE DARK THRONE sparkles with magic, action, and intrigue. I fell in love with the concept of this series and the captivating magic systems while reading THREE DARK CROWNS, but ONE DARK THRONE has taken all the elements that I loved in that story and really elevated them.

The battle between the three sisters doesn't waste any time getting started in this book. The pacing does move quite a bit faster than it did in book one, while still allowing us to see all of the wonderful plotting and political maneuvering happening behind the scenes, which I enjoyed so much in THREE DARK CROWNS.

The action scenes are so intense, both because of the action itself, but also because as a reader, after going on this journey with each of the sisters, you truly begin to understand and cheer for each of them. Everything that happens in this story is a double (or triple) edged sword, because seeing one character succeed means seeing the other two die. You end up rooting for and against each of them simultaneously, which makes for such an intense and unique reading experience.

The characters in this story are so well-written. From Arsinoe, Mirabella, Katharine, and Jules to the supporting characters. Kendare Blake uses the third person omniscient tense so brilliantly to give us a look into so many different character's minds. Each of them has a distinct voice and personality, and getting to see into so many different character's actions and motivations gives this world so much depth and makes for a truly immersive read.

My favorite sister shifts from moment to moment throughout these books. I find Arsinoe to be the most inspirational, Mirabella to be the most likable, and Katharine to be the most interesting. I truly can't say which sister I would like to see wear the crown at the end of this, because of the way Kendare Blake constantly throws twists and turns into the story that very effectively sway the reader's allegiances.

I adore books that have villains who are truly the hero of their own story, and in this series you go from thinking a character is a hero to a villain and back again so many times, because of the fact that we get to see all of their motivations and backstories.

Though the character I'm rooting for changes consistently throughout the book, I will say that the Poisoner Magic remains the most fascinating to me. Though the Elemental and Naturalist Magic are equally deadly, the Poisoner Magic just has this fantastic, sinister feel to it that I just can't get enough of. I also feel it's the most unique system of magic of the three. I've never read anything like it in other fantasy novels myself and am absolutely enthralled by it.

This series is truly exceptional. Kendare Blake has truly made this book something unique in the world of YA fantasy. I loved the first book, and I loved this one even more. I cannot wait to see what's in store for us in book three!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie stalker
Please note: I received an ARC version of this book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. This did not influence the opinions of my review in any way.

Since I was such an enthusiastic fan of Three Dark Crowns, by Kendare Blake, I was thrilled to be able to read the next installment of the series, One Dark Throne. I had high expectations for this book, and they were exceeded!

What I Liked:

The three queens, Arsinoe, Mirabella, and Katharine, each are complex personalities. As I read, I found myself switching back and forth between who I wanted to survive. There is no one queen who is morally superior to the others. That is not a bad thing. It just shows how most people are not completely good, or evil. Katharine, in particular, at first seems absolutely awful. But as it is revealed that something is controlling her, I couldn't hate her completely.

The supporters of each queen are equally interesting characters. Joseph and Jules situation is challenging, as Jules tries to forgive Joseph for his betrayal in book one. But their staunch loyalty to Arsinoe made me feel that she could become a very successful leader for the island. Luca is the chief priestess who supports Mirabella. While she is a mother-figure to Mirabella, she is also a shrewd politician. Those competing interests are tested as deals are made behind the queens back to consolidate power. And Katharine's supporters, Natalia and Pietyr, are at turns protective, and scheming to ensure their own interests.


The story itself is complex, as the reader follows three different story lines. Katharine returns from the brink of death a very changed person. She seems fearless, and ruthless. But why has she changed? Given her erratic behavior, would she be able to rule effectively? Mirabella and Arsinoe both have qualms about killing their sisters in order to become the one queen.

I think the big takeaway from this book is seeing how all three queens are being manipulated by the ruling families and institutions of the island. Who really benefits from this circus of death? Isn't this all a distraction for the masses to focus on rather than the fact that a handful of people are profiting from the island's riches? Can there be a better way to rule the island?

What I was Mixed About:

I had very mixed feelings about Katharine. She is extremely cruel and a psychopath, taking pleasure in killing. If the author hadn't explained the true motivation for her sudden personality change, I would have wanted to throw the book down. But I do think she is redeemed (slightly), by some revelations at the end of the book.

What I Didn't Like:
Lack of a Recap:

This is definitely a series that one must start at the beginning to understand the action. I would even go so far as to say that you should re-read the first book or you will find yourself thumbing through Three Dark Crowns to quickly recap who is who. At times I was lost.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda harbin
**Possible spoilers** One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake picks up where Three Dark Crowns leaves off, following Arsinoe, Mirabella, and Katharine during their Ascension year. While one Queen aspires to wear the crown, the other two Queens are concerned about family and protecting each other. In the end, only one Queen wears the crown.

What a great second book! I loved it. The characters Blake paints are rich with life and vivacious. I enjoyed every minute of this exciting journey, and I can honestly say it did not end as I expected it to.

So what did I like?

The characters. The characters really make this book. First off, the sisters. The once sweet Katharine is now cunning and conniving, ambitious in her aims to ascend the throne. Arsinoe lives her life by honor and loyalty. She cares deeply about her friends and her bear, Braddock. Mirabella is a powerhouse with a compassionate heart. Then there are the secondary characters, who are all fantastic in their own right. My favorite secondary character is Jules. Jules’ has more talent in her pinky than most characters put together. Like Arisone, she lives her life by honor and loyalty. I am immensely curious to see what becomes of Jules in the next book. When I read Three Dark Crowns, I always thought that Jules was destined to become the Queen in some bizarre plot twist. It could still happen, right?

The familiars. From Camden to Braddock to Pepper, the animals and familiars in this book are awesome. I’m an animal lover through and through, so I love reading about the close bonds between humans and animals. I wish I had my very own Camden, but for now I’ll have to settle for my three lazy house cats.

Plot twists. There are so many twists and turns in this book, and there are so many unanswered questions! What happens to Jules? What becomes of Katharine? Do Arsinoe and Mirabella live their lives as mainlanders?

So what didn’t I like?

One thing, and one thing only: I wanted the book to be longer! I want to know what happens next—now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I contemplated a reread of Three Dark Crowns before diving into One Dark Throne, but my curiosity and anticipation won, as is nearly often the case. But I fared surprisingly well! Picking up this continuation was like returning home (if home is shrouded in betrayal and death). I was instantly taken back to Fennbirn and the deadly ascension to the throne. Oh how good it is to be home!

The Ascension year has begun and the three sisters continue their “imposed” rivalry to reign. Only this time they have returned with even more ferocity and determination. Tables have turned and realities have set in. The girls now understand what must and will happen. Pitted against one another and uncovering new strengths and secrets, the stakes are at an all-time high. But only one queen can survive. Only one queen can occupy the throne. Who will rise to the top?

Please let it be Arsinoe!

OK, now that we know who my favorite is, let’s talk characters for a moment. Three Dark Crowns did an excellent job of setting this elaborate stage and exploring the sisters at great lengths. We learned of their fears, weaknesses and personal desires. We connected. One Dark Throne takes all of those facts and evolves them into something much larger. Katherine, Arsinoe and Mirabella now understand that there is no escaping their fates but this doesn’t mean they have all accepted this.

There is nothing left for these young women to do but grow on personal levels and make some hard decisions. And that is exactly what they do. Faced with an uncertain future, they seek answers and a means. The complexity of their situation allows for tremendous character depth. There is a multitude of emotions surfacing and each sister handles them in her own, unique fashion. This brings a lot of questions to the forefront as we soon formulate our own theories on each. Who deserves the throne? Who deserves to live? Add some new twists and developments that really expand on the supporting characters and you have intricate and engaging experience. So while the plot is stellar, for myself, One Dark Throne remains a character driven read.

But about that plot.. It is fierce and ambitious! Three young women raised together as siblings and then separated and trained in preparation to fight one another to the grisly, bitter end. Many heightened emotions are abound, feelings run amok and you know dark secrets are likely to be revealed. As complex as it all is in theory and concept, Kendare Blake still executes it with incredible ease and finesse.

Incorporating a dynamic magic system and elaborate world building, One Dark Throne begs to be savored. It is ever evolving and with the constant element of surprise. Blake’s writing is smart, vivid and atmospheric. Eloquently detailed, she effortlessly creates a distinct mood and setting that lands you deep within the pages, fully immersed in Fennbirn.

The truth of the matter is that I entered One Dark Throne with some very high standards in place and they have all been surpassed. The story has not only improved but has progressed into so much more than I anticipated. I struggle to capture the full enthusiasm I hold for this book and the sisters. Blake’s ability to establish a solid connection between the reader and all three young women is a rarity and a testament to her writing. A masterful and rewarding series that continues to deliver for fans of YA and fantasy alike!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m keep
“Do not be ridiculous, boy. You cannot kill what is already dead.”

This book was filled with so much darkness and action. The whole gritty and grim vibe from Three Dark Crown that I LOVED is completely elevated here and the stakes are raised to new heights! One Dark Throne pick up right where book 1 left off. The Ascension year has begun and each queen is fighting for the crown after overcoming the challenges they faced in book 1. Katharine is stronger than ever after surviving the unspeakable, Arsinoe is testing the limits of her newfound powers, and Mirabella is no longer the favored queen. Three queen are vying for the same crown, but only one can win.

Things I Liked
Katharine has gone through some serious changes after surviving the Breccia Domain. She’s darker and more determined than ever. I actually started to like her even more in this book - she is just so compelling and haunting. Plus, I still like Pietyr, even though he’s a pile of garbage, and seeing how their dynamic has changed after the Breccia incident and with other suitors arriving.

I LOVED seeing more magical skills develop in this book. I loved expanding what we know, and learning completely new information about the types of magic that is accessible in Fennbirn. It helped build the world and

Billy Chatworth is such a sweetheart and I love him. He and Arisnoe give me butterflies and tug on my heartstrings. I liked seeing him develop an unexpected friendship with another character, it created some nice conversations about expectations and thinking for yourself.

There was so much amazing suspense in this book! The pacing is incredibly fast and yields high stakes. We have some great action scenes that make you hold your breath and keep you turning the page. There’s even more plotting and one-upmanship that is so much fun to read.

Things I Didn’t Like
The ending felt a little abrupt to me. It was such a highly emotional scene, but I don’t feel like we got to see the characters reactions enough before the book ended.

Madrigal remains kind of a bleh character to me. I like what she did for Arsinoe helping her with low magic, but that started in book 1 and she really hasn’t done anything more since. She’s just there.

The overall mood of the series remains one of my favorite things: I love the dark and gritty atmosphere and the unapologetic scheming and manipulations. Arsinoe was my favorite in book one, but I grew to love all three queens for different reasons in One Dark Throne. This is such a great series with lots of suspense and unexpected reveals that captivate you. One Dark Throne is a story of strength and power and fighting tooth-and-nail for what you want. It’s so addicting and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

I received a copy of the book from HarperTeen via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
received an Advanced Reading Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review on my blog As the Book Ends

My Rating: 5 Stars

Oh, Kendare Blake, how is it possible for you to be the author of my favorite book of the year, two years in a row? Now, I’m not declaring One Dark Throne my favorite book of 2017 yet. I mean, its only September, that would be madness. All I will say is this: there is only one contender thus far…so make of that what you will.

Now, those of you who disagreed with my review last year and thought that Three Dark Crowns wasn’t well paced will be thrilled with this book. While I personally had no problem with the pacing of Three Dark Crowns, I found One Dark Throne to be perfectly paced. There was quite literally never a dull moment. The book followed multiple characters, giving it a truly rounded out feel.

One of the things I have enjoyed the most about this series is that its so comprehensive. Instead of telling the readers everything that happens, Blake shows them. Her writing is such a joy to read because almost nothing happens “off screen” so to say. One of the advantages of the POV and tense chosen for these novels is that they allow the reader to easily and seamlessly slip from character to character.

I personally hate when reviewers say that reading a book felt like “being on an emotional rollercoaster”…but if the shoe fits! I gasped, I cried, and I even cracked the occasional warm-hearted smile. At the end of Three Dark Crowns, I had a very clear favorite Queen. Around the middle of One Dark Throne I hated her and had chosen a new favorite. Near the end, I had chosen a new one again. By the time I finally closed this book I had switched Queens more times than Katy Perry changes costumes during a performance.

At the end of my last review I claimed that JJ Watt could have shown up at my door in a towel and I wouldn’t have looked at him twice. During the last 20 pages of One Dark Throne, he could’ve dropped the towel and I still wouldn’t have glanced up. I can only hope that if this scenario ever presents itself, JJ is a patient man.

My Takeaway: If my bold hinting didn’t make it clear, One Dark Throne is thus far my favorite book of 2017. It’s too soon to declare it now, but I am willing to bet my cats that it will end up on my end of year favorites list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james manders
❝ As she stares at Katharine now, it is not difficult for Natalia to guess what she is thinking. Where is the little girl with her large foolish eyes and tightly braided bun? The skinny girl who bows her head and only laughs after someone else laughs first?

But wherever that Katharine is, it is not here.❞

This book totally blew me away. I had expected things to pick up after the first book, but I had no idea how much darker it would get. I was completely surprised in the best of ways with the character development of the queens/sisters.

This book actually gets into the sisters trying to kill one another and has the action we were expecting and craving for based off the synopsis for the first book. So, if you wanted action you get it!

Let me just say that I was the most surprised by the turn Katharine’s character took. Honestly, I could already guess what it was that she had seen and what had happened, but not knowing for sure drove me crazy. It also made everything feel so creepy and intense because it was the fact that we didn’t know. Ever since she was pushed into the Breccia Domain

Ever since she was pushed into the Breccia Domain, Katharine has not been the same. She’s been stronger, able to take more poison and more confident–almost bordering on careless. She’s been ruthless and kind of cruel when it comes to hunting her sisters. Out of everyone, she definitely wants the crown the most. It’s such a drastic change. Honestly, I was pretty much caught between impressed that she wasn’t weak, and angry at how cruel she was.

❝ “Do you know what they do with the dead queens, sister?” Katharine asks. “Do you know what they do with their bodies?”

She stops the farce of a dance to stand still in the center of the floor and jerks Mirabella toward her until they are chest to chest and eye to eye.

“They throw them into the Breccia for the island to eat. And may I tell you a secret?”

Katharine’s lips press to Mirabella’s ear, almost like a kiss.

“They are tired of it.”❞

The other sisters changed a bit as well, but it since I didn’t talk about side characters very much in the last book, I’m going to shine a bit of light on them instead.

Jules was one of my favorite characters last book because of her unrelenting dedication to Arsinoe. Honestly, those two are my friendship goals. She didn’t care about rules or traditions, only about protecting her friend. I also admired her a bit for being so forgiving of Joseph (although it was also annoying because I don’t think he deserved it). I also felt very bad that she had to deal with her mother.

Since I brought up her mother, I have to say that Madrigal really didn’t change much throughout the course of this book. She was still selfish and manipulative. I pretty much stopped being surprised by her after what she did to Matthew. And although she only helped Arsinoe as a way to earn Jules’ love and forgiveness, I liked her just a tiny bit for going to such lengths to do it. I have to say that she did work very hard to give Arsinoe the advantage.

Overall, I really loved this book as a sequel. Things picked up much faster in this book than in the first one. I think it was because the queens were more invested in this fight. Maybe for the wrong reasons or misunderstandings, but they were invested. After that surprise ending, I’m dying to see where the story goes next because it doesn’t look like the island is done with them yet.

One Dark Throne was released on September 19th, so you should definitely go snatch up a copy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Wow! A lot of really huge things just happened, and the ending left me with an ache in my heart.

Pro: Blake packed this one with lots of surprises that were real game changers. The physical and mental battles being waged are quite intense.

Pro: The queen I named as my favorite in order to get this ARC at BookCon is still my favorite after this book. In fact, I like her even more after this book.

Pro: I loved that Blake gave her supporting characters meaty storylines. They are fully realized and never feel like afterthoughts.

Con: I am still sort of on the outs with Joseph. Sorry.

Pro: This drama escalates quickly as the three queens must deal with the fallout from their last family get together, and we get a lot of clarification on what really happened at the end of the last book.

Con: The next book doesn't come out until May 2018, and I sort of need some answers right now!

Pro: We get a little peek into the early years our queens shared together, and we actually see some sisterly bonding going on. This really made me like another queen more than I previously had.

Pro: Alliances are muddied and backroom deals are made, as the politics in this one gets turned up a notch. There are many "oh no she didn't" moments, which kept me on the edge of my seat.

Overall: A fantastic sequel with lots of twists and turns, which left me with heartache and wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cristina tudor
There's something just deliciously dark and yummy about these books. The enthralling darkness and complexity of the world started in the first book, and continued even stronger in ONE DARK THRONE. The horrors of the Ascension Year are in full swing this time around and previously allegiances are in shatters. It made for an enthralling read. I won't spoil things, but there were so many twists and turns leading up to one heck of a cliffhanger ending. I was left in utter shock!

I had absolutely no trouble connecting with the characters this time around. Getting to know the girls in the first book was a bit rocky I have to admit, but all three of the triplets have found their identities and aren't holding their punches anymore. I had my favorites for sure, but each girl and their allies brought something special to the table making it hard to choose sides at times. Everything is so up in the air with this trio, I can't wait to see how it all pans out in the end.

All in all, if you're looking for a dark and enthralling YA fantasy read, look no further than ONE DARK THRONE.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
car collins
On the island of Fennbrin, queens are always born as triplets. These queens are endowed with magical gifts and are trained from children to use them. Only one can be made THE queen, though, and at the age of 16 they begin a ritual that will end with only one survivor. This second volume of a trilogy follows the three Queens during Ascension Year, as each attempts to kill the others to win the crown.

The characters of the Queens develop further in this volume with distinct personalities, and some of the minor characters are also well-drawn. They are all three engaging in their way, and the reader will continue to be interested in their futures. Blake writes engagingly, and moves easily from one character to the next, but overall this book is not as thrilling as it's prequel-- mainly because One Dark Throne is not as believable as Three Dark Crowns was. It also moved slower and seemed longer than it needed to be. The cliff-hanger, unlike in the first book, came as no surprise, and it's fairly easy to guess where the plot is going from here--again, unlike in Three Dark Crowns. This is not necessarily a disappointing book, but it is certainly not as strong as the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie ann
“These queens are uncontrollable. Unpredictable.”

Seriously, I cannot recall the last time a book has kept me on my toes like this series. Kudos to this author who takes this story in places that I could have never predicted. It is clear she has a direction and a purpose behind every twist, but I am often too busy being shocked to even have a guess about where it is all going. I highly recommend this series and I happily give it 5 stars.

I love all of the things we begin to learn about the sisters personality and the men they fall in love with. I have so many quotes I want to share, because the story really is very well written, but I fear that any of them would give too much away. I am going to share one favorite part because I just can’t help myself, but I am not going to tell you who is saying this or who they are talking to.

“I love you,” he said suddenly. “I should have told you. Maybe I never knew. But I do. And you love me, too. Say it.”

Have I convinced you yet? Read this series and be tortured with me as we wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One Dark Throne is the sequel to Three Dark Crowns, and is the 2nd book in what looks like it’s going to be a 4-book series. The genre is Y.A. (young adult) fantasy, set in a dark and magical world. Let me get one thing out of the way first. I loved the 2nd book MUCH more than the first. The first was inventive and brutal, and interesting, but the 2nd book fleshes out the characters and the world in a way that kept me riveted from beginning to end. This is NOT a stand-alone book. The first is crucial to understand what’s going on. Triplet sisters are vying for a crown that only one can wear – the other two are to be killed in the process by the victor. I won’t bother going into the details of the plot, as this is a 2nd book, and if you’ve read the first you are already familiar with what’s going on, but there are some surprises I wasn’t expecting. I don’t want to spoil anything! There are some twists in this one that totally piqued my curiosity, and I’m dying to know the answers to several mysteries!! One area where the book excels is in making you root for more than one queen, although I think Arsinoe is my favorite. ? If you liked the first one, stop reading this and just get the 2nd one, lol. I read through it in two days. I can’t wait for books 3 and 4 come out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary cain
Just like its predecessor, Three Dark Crowns, the Fennbirn queens instantly take control of the spotlight. When the truth about Katharine and Arsinoe, and how they were switched at birth (you read the first book, right?) reaches Jules ears, she can’t believe it. If Arsinoe wins, the poisoners will be in control for another generation. And Katharine, once killed, and then returned, has become more immune to poisons, testing them mercilessly on animals. Mirabella believes that Arsinoe tried to kill her, and now hates both of her sisters. Needless to say, it’s going great for tradition. Not so great for the priestesses and Jules, who’s Legion-cursed. Will all three queens kill each other in the end? I don’t know, because this isn’t the end of the series. Yep, there’s another book coming out. Read this book to continue the heart pounding adventure. Suspenseful, romantic in places, heartbreaking in the end, and just plain enjoyable, this book gets 5 stars and two thumbs up
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shawna stuck
Pleasantly surprised by this book. I gave the first installment 3/5 stars. I enjoyed the first one but it didn't really hook me until the very end. I feel as though this book is paced much better and I cared more about the characters in general. The character development is much better in this sequel and I feel like they have much stronger personalities...especially the queens themselves. While reading this one I kept thinking back to the first book and none of their personalities stuck out to me in the past...but it was much improved this time around. Even the side characters, which I did not care much for in the first book, are more interesting and tolerable in this one. The only thing I can really fault this book for may be a beware... is the fact that I feel the characters are too safe. That being said, I still feel that it was done much better in this book compared to the first. The overall story is growing and much more interesting and I genuinely enjoyed my time while reading it. Just like the last book I find myself needing the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was DEFINITELY better and more fast paced than the first book. The ending was a bit of a cliff hanger however it sort of works out since I am really anticipating the next book. To be totally honest i expected this to flop since it’s the second book and i wasn’t too happy with the first one.
Not only was this steady paced but it gives more insight to the queens themselves instead of their background, purpose and crew. We learned a juicy bit of info about Arsinoe in the first book and believe me it DOES come up again. We learn juicy bits about EVERYONE in this installment. I really enjoyed the way this was set up with the flicking back and forth between all three queens. Normally, that isn’t my thing but it really worked out well in this case. If you muscled through the first book, didnt really love it but are still curious about what happens DEFINITELY read this one. I would have regretted giving up on this story if I only had the first book to go off of.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One Dark Throne in Three Words: Dark. Captivating. Fierce.

Read. This. Book.

One Dark Throne does NOT suffer from second book syndrome. If you loved Three Dark Crowns you will love this second book in the series. The characters are stronger, the stakes are higher, and the battle is bigger.

If you had a favorite sister in the first book, your opinions may change, your will may break, and your heart may bleed. These girls are strong. The minor characters are interesting. This book is twisty and complex and will hook you from page one. There is so much going on and I loved every freaking second of it. It's crazy, never boring, harsh, and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

I know I am being vague, but I don't want to let any fun tidbits slip. I want you to experience this book for yourself. I loved everything about it, and I think you will too.

The Bottom Line: One Dark Throne is a must read fantasy series for fantasy fans of any age.

** I received a free copy of this book. This did NOT affect my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kelly karvelas
Honestly, this book was a let down compared to the first book. It was still a good read, but not a good/strong sequel to the first.

The plot starts right off where the last book ended, so yes it focuses on how the queens are planning to assassinate each other. I was excited because, to be honest, nothing makes me happier than characters killing each other off for a prize. I love the thrill, the planning, the execution.. but I have to admit, this book lacked those things, to an extent. The plot focused too much on the various love stories, not the actual killing.

In terms of character development, there were some nice things to note: I like how the author made the supporting characters more involved indirectly. For writing... sadly, no development.

For a thorough review, visit my book blog; The Wicked Paul!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vicki grever
So I loved this book entirely. My favorite queen is officially crowned but I did not so much anticipate the events for the other two. I'm most definitely most curious to see what happens next. Awesome character growth to an extent. I feel like Arsinoe could have done more with her secret or just character entirely. Pietyr will always be my man, haha. Despite what happened on the first book I had a feeling his actions were for a purpose. So many things answered only to arise new questions. Mirabella was interesting to read about this book but I feel like I could have had more when it came to the closing chapters of this book. Nonetheless, great read. Totally recommend it to everyone especially if triplet queens having to kill each other so the remainder is ultimate queen is your kind of thing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanna erdman
I absolutely loved this book. It was such an amazing world, and as I dove into it, I realized it was dark and dangerous, but it was also filled with such intriguing ideas I just couldn't finish it fast enough. I've never read a fantasy book like this, but I don't regret it at all. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good epic fantasy filled with intrigue, politics, and so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pratheep ravysandirane
This book series is such a clever new story idea. Yes, I think young readers will love it, but I also loved it. I think it's great because it does have some of the romantic attachments that many stories have but without being cheesy and annoying to an older reader. It's also a little bit off the beaten path with mildly dark aspects, but it doesn't dump over into the macabre. I highly recommend it, but start with the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My wife reads many historical fantasy novels and authors. We have met quite a few of them at signings and national events. I am merely her official “photographer and book obtainer”, so I really don’t know anything about what I have ordered and she has read. I have had to build extra shelves in our home to accommodate the vast library she has acquired and read. One shelf is about to break from the many hard backs she has stacked on it. I foresee our den being compared to Lord Grantham’s Library eventually. Rolling Ladders and high back chairs with a butler just through the next door.
She only reads books from her favorite authors and favorites from her reading group at work. So, if I have composed a review for a book on the store like this one, I can assure you she has read it and enjoyed it and heavily discussed it with her group of co-workers.
Consider this a recommendation by my wife for an excellent and enjoyable read.

read and recommended by my wife.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carolyn mcbride
Since the last novel there was an incredible plot twist that left the story hanging from the minds of readers everywhere. There was a hardening of characters, but also a deeper look at who they were and who they are now that was incredibly thoughtful and captivating.

This is a not a novel for the fainthearted, or for someone who thinks that these queens are going to live happily ever after. These are queens who are destined to destroy one another as they have for centuries, leaving the strongest one on the throne. It’s a dark story, one that has incredible beauty to it as it holds onto hope for the characters. The characters themselves strive for a future that seems impossible to obtain yet they never give up striving for it. These three sisters are influential figures, and their sense of magic makes them each so different in many ways. Just let’s just take Katherine for example. In the first novel she was naïve, sweet, and a little broken. But now she’s something more. Katherine is more powerful, she’s darker and has a more vibrant personality than in the previous novel as she embarks on dangerous risks. It’s such a fascinating twist to the story and the plot line so see this character evolution. Katherine is in a way the central focus of the story because she is so adamant about becoming the queen and breaking those who would have broken her given any other circumstances.

It’s fascinating to follow the story and to see how Katherine has changed and how her changes have affected her sister’s in numerous such ways. Each of these each of these sisters has a secret, and their secrets are what’s haunting them. They have secrets of death, of life, power, and magic. These secrets themselves are richly detailed and weave the story together, tying the sisters together. Sisters who have been separated and taught to kill one another. Their magic is what’s tying them together, and the magic is still very different than then other young adult fantasy and fiction.

The idea that you have a Naturalist and an Elementalist is unique. When one thinks of Elemental magic one tends to connect that to Earth Magic. Blake has found a way to separate them by giving different attributes. There’s a richness to that detailing that makes the novel stand out. It uses familiar tropes of magic that any reader can connect to but also manages to make them unique in this story. Moreover, it also works to tie the characters together. Capturing the magic so excellently also means it has to capture the characters. And Blake does that effortlessly. All the characters have grown immeasurably since the last novel. They are all stronger and harder and much more compelling in ways no one could have foreseen.

The evolution of the story and character development connect to the reader because it gives them this fascinating story following three different journeys, all of which are deeply interconnected. They have suffered, but that suffering has not darkened their inner light.

Admittedly there are times when the novel falls short compared to its predecessor. Some scenes slow down the pace of the story yet overall it maintains it’s fast pace, going from plot twist to plot twist. It is a solid sequel but again those slow moments, at first, don’t seem to offer much. However, by the end, the reader will see how all those little details tie together. One Dark Throne is a novel that you have to read from beginning to end to enjoy and understand those small moments that, at first, seem insignificant yet end up meaning so much more.

Overall, One Dark Throne is a tantalizing novel because on the surface this is a realm full of life and vitality yet has such a dark and painful history. It gives the story that edge that pulls the reader in, it lures them with secrets and a darkness we all want to unravel to let in the light. (A)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So I loved this book entirely. My favorite queen is officially crowned but I did not so much anticipate the events for the other two. I'm most definitely most curious to see what happens next. Awesome character growth to an extent. I feel like Arsinoe could have done more with her secret or just character entirely. Pietyr will always be my man, haha. Despite what happened on the first book I had a feeling his actions were for a purpose. So many things answered only to arise new questions. Mirabella was interesting to read about this book but I feel like I could have had more when it came to the closing chapters of this book. Nonetheless, great read. Totally recommend it to everyone especially if triplet queens having to kill each other so the remainder is ultimate queen is your kind of thing.
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