Frostblood (The Frostblood Saga)

ByElly Blake

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nichole mckay
Once the kingdoms of Flame and Frost had peace between them until something tore that peace apart. Now Firebloods are hunted by the king and as their numbers dwindle, the Frost King grows crueler to his subjects and allies.

Ruby has grown up in the time of this cruelty, trying to keep her powers of fire a secret but when her gentle mother is killed in front of her, Ruby vows revenge. When she is asked by rebel frostbloods to help them take down the king, she readily agrees. Training with them at an obscure abbey in the mountains, Ruby tries to harness her powers of the flame so she can get the revenge she wants but there is one Frostblood who drives her to distraction-Arcus, a rebel with secrets and sees her only as a weapon to use. Before she can finish her training and the rebels can get their plan in motion, Ruby is captured and forced to fight in the Frost King’s arena, pitting Frostblood champions against Fireblood prisoners. Now Ruby has to fight for her life while trying to figure out how to get back to Arcus and the Abbey.

WOW is all I can say after I closed this book for the last time. It was amazing, action packed and filled with twists that left me on the edge of my seat. This is a new to me author and one that I picked up on whim after reading the blurb. I love fantasy books so the book blurb caught my eye and it sounded like it would be unique concept to read. I was so glad this book hit my love buttons. It had a feisty heroine to fall in love with, a magical world that was unique and quite intriguing and action packed with enough twists to keep me glued to the pages.

This author does a marvelous job in capturing Ruby’s determination to learn how to control her fire powers, Arcus’s determination to not get close to Ruby no matter what and a king determined to wipe out the Firebloods, one by one. For the record this is told in two parts, the first one when she is with the monks, learning to control her power then it moves back to the king and his cruel ways, a prisoner that may hold the key to an ancient prophecy. I really enjoyed this concept for this book since the first part sets up the world of the Frostblood and Firebloods, we meet Ruby, Arcus and the rest of the cast and we slowly see how Ruby becomes driven by revenge. The first part is a bit slower pace which in my opinion worked well for part one. Part two the story pace moved quickly with many action scenes, new characters to love or hate and where we meet the dreaded Frost King. The ending was nothing I expected and left me reeling as I flipped the pages to see what would happen next.

FROSTBLOOD is an exceptional first book that sets the series up perfectly. This is an author who knows this world, its characters and delivers it amid the pages perfectly in my opinion. The writing is tight, story flows smoothly and seamlessly and the characters are divine. These are what make up the perfection that is FROSTBLOOD and I am eager to read book two now. If you enjoy a fantasy book that is filled with exceptional characters, a unique and challenging world, a mystery that will leave you guessing then you will enjoy the first book in the Frostblood saga, FROSTBLOOD. It really is one of its kind and one that will steal you away while you read it. This author now has a new fan and I am really hoping I won’t have to wait long for the next book.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Title: Frostblood (Frostblood Saga #1)
Author: Elly Blake
Publisher: Little, Brown Books For Young Readers, 2017 (Jan 10)
Genre: YA Fantasy

**I received a copy of this book free from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

This review can be found on TeacherofYA dot Wordpress dot com

My Review:

First off...I love both covers. Cover love all day long. I love the UK cover on the left; I love the US cover on the right. I'd be in heaven if I owned both.

I met her in person at a book signing. I couldn't afford books, but I did scrounge and bought Frostblood. Blake was so nice and I know we are going to be good friends, as she understood my situation and was so nice about it. I almost cried when I met her. I'll be seeing her with Stephanie Garber at Schuyler's Bookstore on Feb 13 and I can't wait. This was my first book event and I'm hooked. And I'm excited to see Elly again.

Ok, so enough gushing. Let's talk about Frostblood!

Ruby is a Fireblood: she was born with the ability to create fire from within. She's unskilled because Fireblood are Hunted and must hide. Ruby and her mother have been hiding together...but when Ruby is alone while her mother is out healing the sick, Ruby practices in secret. If ever the soldiers come, she wants to be ready.

And the soldiers come. They bear the white arrow on their chest: the Frost King's emblem. Ruby is taken, turned on by the town and the boy she thought cared about her. She's taken to jail to await her execution. Only Frostblood may live in the land of the Frost King.

One night, though, two hooded men come in and break her out...but they have conditions. They want Ruby's Fire to kill the Frost King. She is reluctant and does not trust them. But the only other option is death.

Ruby has her own reasons for wanting the king dead, so she reluctantly agrees. They take her to train as she is very rusty. One man, Arcus, his face always mostly covered, seems to have ill Will towards Ruby. She is accustomed to the disgust from Frostbloods, but as Ruby trains, she realizes Arcus seems to make her crazy...and she starts to like it. But can Fire and Frost really get along?

All Ruby knows is that it's her task. She must be ready at all costs. Because the biggest cost may not be her own life...but Arcus's as well.

Is It Classroom-Appropriate?

Yes! I think this would be a great book for the classroom: once again you have a society where being different makes you a target. There are dynamics that can be explored. Ruby's fears and insecurities speak to students. The derogatory names that she is called parallel to those fighting for equal rights. There is also a lot of love in the book, as well as a lot of darkness. There are some really good themes to work with and discuss. I can imagine students becoming excited when reading this. I could see them reaching for the next book...Fireblood, which comes out (I believe) this fall. 

However, this book can stand on its own. And that's the nice part about it. You can use this book without having to wait for the series or worry about reading the whole trilogy and not having time. It is also an excellent book for reluctant readers because it is fast-paced and action-packed. Boys and girls both would enjoy this read. Lots of action to keep the reader entertained.

Age Range:

I really thought Lexile would have this book, but apparently it does not. So I am going to suggest that you could go as young as 12 without worry: there's nothing torrid, no swearing, and no gory or graphic scenes. I think I might see if my niece wants to read this to see what she thinks. I know it would be just as effective for MG readers as it is for YA readers. It's rare to find a book like that, and it's a nice change to know that you can feel comfortable letting a young advanced reader pick this up and read it.

End Result:

Well, if you couldn't tell by the tone of this post, I give Frostblood;my second ★★★★★ of the year! I loved this book. I read it practically non-stop. I've seen some reviews that aren't how I feel (I saw a one star from a popular blogger on Goodreads who claims it is the same story she's read before. Others may not be as passionate about this as I am: I get that. But I do recommend it. I really do, especially if you have a young fantasy reader at home.

Happy Reading, y'all!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marijo mendoza
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

One of the benefits of not reading many YA books is that I don't really take much issue with any possible story lines or character traits that might be over done in the genre. The reason I bring this up is that the few YA books I have read do bear a slight resemblance to certain tropes in FROSTBLOOD. After glancing at a few other reviews about this I am kind of glad I could enjoy this book from the perspective of someone who really isn't looking for something new and different in my YA reading. The idea of frostbloods and firebloods is fascinating and brings so many other questions up about the history of these powers in this world that I am sure will be expanded upon in future books.

I enjoyed the unique beginning of the story that pretty much began with a shock and with Ruby having to deal with the consequences of her naivety and general teenager stubborness/inability to listen to reason by anyone in regards to using her forbidden fireblood powers. While Ruby is a tad annoying in many instances I stayed interested in this story mainly to see where the plot would go with the various moral dilemmas she is tossed into.

I don't typically enjoy the romance in YA as I don't relate to it and find young for me to really like. I think there was supposed to be an attraction between Ruby and Arcus. Arcus came off as a stereotypical 'bad boy with a heart of gold'. He just came off as grumpy and kind of annoying. I get why he was grumpy but that seemed to be his only trait and he really didn't do too much to endear him to me and him being in a relationship with Ruby.

FROSTBLOOD is very fast paced and is an entertaining adventure that might seem familiar but has an interesting enough mythology and story arc that I am interested in reading more about in the future.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenny deboer
Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review,

OMG!!! First of all thank you to Hodder & Stoughton for letting me read one of this book. I have been hearing a LOT about this book for the last couple of months so the EXCITEMENT was real!

OMGOMGOMG!!! *runs around screaming* where do I even start with this book???

SO I can't hold out any longer, I need to state how much I loved ARCUS like freaking so much, he puts the word 'love' in to a different perspective. Now he was a very surprising character, I knew I was going to love Ruby as soon as I read the synopsis. But Arcus? Damn Elly I did not expect him to be so brave, loyal, sensitive, compassion, such a know it all, moody, rude oh I could go on but he fits so well in to the role of a tortured badass character. I didn't expect him to be afraid of fire when were told why my heart broke in to a million pieces, poor little thing. I didn't realise that would be one of the reasons he would hide about himself (I honestly thought he had other reasons). But his character does show evolvement, not drastically and thank god for that but small steps.

Ruby is a class of her own, she is so frightened, temperamental and ferocious at the same time it reminded me of when we are faced with our own problems where we have no choice but to face our demons head on in the battlefield (can you tell the plot is getting to me? Yeah I think the Minax might have consumed me a little). It was the same situation for Ruby, because she feels guilty of her mothers death as a result of her gift and always being told to suppress it, Ruby struggles with controlling her power. But Arcus and Brother Thistle are hiding secrets they haven't been fully honest with Ruby. How will she find out? Can Ruby really trust these Frostblood's?

The storyline actually reminded a few other books I have read where the plot is similar, Snow Like Ashes and The Last Year also share similar outlines, the whole Fire against Ice. But I also think, each of the stories are different in their own unique way.

Ruby wants to murder Rasmus, because of him there is so much evil spread throughout the land. There aren't many of her kind if any left at all. However, one fateful day she gets captured by the solider's and her mum is killed right before her very eyes. Ruby vows to take vengeance on Rasmus but eventually gets locked up. Help comes in the most unusual way, two Frostblood who exchange an agreement with Ruby, she needs to help them overthrow the King.

Although there isn't much romance in the book, I am happy that there is some! I really love the chemistry between Arcus and Ruby, I could hear it crackling on my iPhone. I also loved the banter between these two, if you love banter like me between the two protagonist then this is the story for you.

I think the pacing was okay, but I didn't really understand why it was split in to two parts? Did it need that? I mean if a certain time has passed then maybe but the chapter just continues straight where it left off so I was confused about that....

The battling scenes, brutally killing one another, the vivid description that was one thing I could not handle. Well I suppose I got through it, even when I read Flawed by Cecila Ahern it was one of the most hardest books I have ever read in 2016. This was really hard to take in, I am just lucky that Blake didn't elaborate too much on it, not even enough to create visuals for me but then again when I was reading about the darkness I felt like I could feel the power swirling inside of my room!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby jacob harrison
Absolutely incredible! “Frostblood” was an amazing YA fantasy with a touch of romance that quickly burned (or should I say froze?) its way into my heart. The book takes place in a kingdom brimming with violence and war. Although many people are without powers, some have been imbued with the powers of frost or of fire, called frostbloods and firebloods respectively. The kingdom is ruled by frostbloods who have sought to rid the land of firebloods. Ruby is a fireblood, terrified of her powers as they have the potential to kill not only others she loves but also herself if she is caught. Early in the book, she is caught and brought to a prison after witnessing the terrible actions of the king’s soldiers on her mother and her village.

Eventually, she is freed by two frostbloods who want her help. The very nature of frostbloods and firebloods has them at odds, and although she is reluctant to help, she finds that these frostbloods are on a mission that aligns with hers- the death of the cruel and violent king. Ruby is a strong character with a good heart- she really just wants to be a healer like her mother. She is courageous and filled with every type of fire one could imagine- passion, short-tempered, witty. The story is told from her point of view, and she is a fantastic character from whom to learn about the kingdom and the mythical history of the gods and the powers bestowed.

As firebloods have been hunted and exterminated, Ruby has never learned to tame or use her skills. The first part of the book is her training with the frostbloods, whose skills were trained. Although they seem like their skills would be at odds, they are similar in many ways. Her time at the monastery is somewhat quiet and relatively uneventful/slower paced, set at odds with the second part/half of the book which is full of danger and much faster paced, taking place in the palace. In this way, it felt reminiscent of several different types of fantasy novels, and I absolutely adored the combination. However, I was unable to put down the book during the second half and caught myself reading even when I shouldn’t be- the action is so intense and constant that there isn’t a single good place to put it down during the second part. Be forewarned, and I mean that in the best way- you’ll want to keep reading/need uninterrupted time for this gem of a book.

The book was, in many ways, very predictable, e.g. her romance was easy to predict (which doesn’t mean that I didn’t love every second of it) as well as the true identities of some main characters (which I won’t give away so as to avoid spoilers). However, despite the ability to guess at events or some of the mysteries, the book was fantastic to read and the journey was incredible. I am not sure I can calm down my gushing enough to adequately express how very much I adored this book! I am already ready to reread it and enjoy the build of the romance and Ruby’s personal growth all over again. I am beyond thrilled to learn that this is part of a series, so I can continue with this wonderful world and characters, but so sad that I don’t yet have the next book. As a note, if you hate cliffhangers, you are in luck! This book does have closure and does not have a cliffhanger. However, the ending is not final and you can definitely see the room and potential for the rest of the series.

Overall, this was a really fantastic read, and it is definitely shooting to the top of my favorites. Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are entirely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
juan arellano
Frostblood is the book you’re going to hear about and will become an instinctive recommendation to anyone and everyone you know because it’s epic.

How I love this book, let me count the ways:

World Building. A blend of dizzying and addictive folklore mixes with myth and elemental magic. The stories of the gods and goddesses are sweeping, dark, and have that campfire-tale quality that sucks you in and refuses to let go. Wow. These stories themselves would make an amazing companion for the series. I’d love to have a collection. And they keep coming. They’re a solid foundation that keeps giving as the story progresses. There are layers of world building. The first is myth, the second is this terrifying world of witch-hunt style persecution and violence. AND then a gladiator-like battle in an area. I don’t know what else you could possibly want, this is all sorts of epic.

Ruby. As a main character, she’s unexpected. Filled with doubts, insecurity and yet, thirsting for revenge, she’s not the typical heroine. Her drive is largely to pay back those who destroyed her world and make them suffer. That vehement determination is something else. At the same time, her heart is tested. She learns compassion and to care in new and surprising ways. Everything that Ruby is is tempted. Darkness beckons her and she must decide between darkness and light. That conflict is written so well. She truly wars within.

Arcus. There’s some serious star-crossed lovers going on here. He’s not what you’d picture as a love interest. Cold, dismissive, scarred, and gruff. He’s not your typical flirty hot guy. He’s got an air of mystery, but for the most part her’s serious, seems much older than his years. Arcus will grow on you. His focus, the way he fights through his icy exterior, how he doesn’t know how to process his emotions…I mean, he’s the kind of character you tilt your head to the side, raise an eyebrow and examine-a puzzle.

Romance. It’s soft, subtle, and hits hard when it does. There’s definitely a love-hate, comparative fight against the attraction. It’s spirited, intriguing, and the banter, yes, give me more of that. Fire and ice. Who knew it could be so steamy? ?

Secondary characters. Everyone in the abbey left an impression. From the good guys to the bad ones. The presence is there. The adrenaline high. No one can be fully trusted. A character who had a fairly important part, Marella, was a wishy-washy, almost forgettable character despite her pretty regular appearance near the end of the book. Rasmus!!! OMG. Yes. A complex villain with a twisted and heartbreaking background. I felt for him. The revelations about his character are short, blunt, and leave you reeling. His evil is there. He’s vile, violent, and glorifies others’ pain, but whether he would truly be that way without the influence of the throne leaves him questionable. And for some strange reason, he’s oddly sexy, maybe even more so than Arcus. I only wish he was present sooner.

The Arena. Flashbacks to Gladiator. “Are you entertained?” I certainly was. The mythical and beastly creatures, it was a rush.

The story leaves room for a sequel and I cannot wait. The resolution was hard to come by. There was a great level of uncertainty that the good would win. I loved that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob ramsay
Fire. Ice. Long ago, the two nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Frost Nation attacked…

Just kidding, although, not going to lie, parts of this book gave me some serious Avatar: The Last Airbender vibes – mostly because of the element bending battles and the male romantic interest having a burn scar on the upper half of one side of his face. Plus, the plot centers around an elemental nation ruled by a vicious, merciless leader whose strong elemental power makes him seem unstoppable and the only chance for a hopeful future lying in the hands of an untrained person with a different elemental power, possibly the last of her kind (in Tempesia at least, due to the Frost King systematically killing them off) who is prophesized to defeat him. So hey, if you’re a Last Airbender fan, you’re pretty much going to love this book, it’s kind of like Ruby: The Last Fireblood (In Tempesia).

Similarities aside, or perhaps because of, I really enjoyed this book. The world building is fantastic and pulls you in from the first page and I loved loved the mythological elements with the gods of the four winds (I’m such a huge mythology nerd). Ruby, the main character, is strong and willful, stubborn to a fault, and possesses an inner core of tempered steel – I loved her and can’t wait to read more of her journey. Although there is a romantic element in this book, “the icy young man she has come to love” from the book description, it wasn’t the main focus here. This is a story of a young woman coming into her own, discovering her own power, and learning along the way how to take back control as she finds herself again and again forced into situations that would break a weaker person.

Frostblood was a great read and so easy to get lost in and the Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Greek/Roman Mythology vibe of the book only made me love it more. Frostblood is the first book in the Frostblood Saga with Book 2: Fireblood slated to come out September 2017 – I’m super excited to be able to delve back into this world so soon!

*I received an ARC of this book to review. You can find this review and others like it at, along with recommendations for a fantastic cup of coffee.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ruby is a Fireblood, someone with the ability to control heat and fire. Unfortunately she's not had much opportunity to practise her skills because her people have been so persecuted by the Frostbloods (people with control over cold and ice) that she has to keep her nature secret. Unfortunately Ruby is discovered by the Frost King's soldiers when they raid her village and her mother is murdered in front of her. Ruby is consumed by the desire for revenge but in order to achieve her goals she finds herself having to work alongside a mysterious and scarred Frostblood soldier. Arcus should be her enemy but he has reasons of his own to destroy the Frost King and a gradual truce forms between them as he tries to help her master her powers.

On the surface Frostblood sounds very similar to a lot of other YA fantasy series out there and I'm not going to lie those similarities are real, however, it also stands up as a story in it's own right and I found myself really enjoying it. Ruby is a great character, she's been through a lot but she is quite fierce and determined when she sets her mind to something. She spent her whole life being told she had to hide her abilities so it's quite difficult for her to embrace her skills at first but she perseveres and is willing to to put the effort in so it doesn't feel like everything comes to easy for her. It was fairly obvious from early on that Arcus was going to end up being a love interest but it wasn't a case of insta-love. They were initially wary of each other but over time they developed a grudging mutual respect that eventually turned into friendship.

Arcus was keeping a lot of secrets but I had guessed his true identity fairly early on. I liked the way Ruby reacted when she found out, she was shocked and her first instinct was to wonder if he had betrayed her but then she thought about things like a sensible person and realised that was still able to trust him after everything they'd been through together. Too often we see characters easily believe rumours over their own experiences with a person so that was a refreshing change.

Although the story started out with a similar feel to several other series Elly Blake definitely takes things in her own direction during the second half and I was actually surprised by the way it ended. I think I was expecting it to end on some horrible cliffhanger so I was really pleased that wasn't the case. I like that this ties together and feels like a complete story in it's own right. There is definitely more story to tell and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the next instalment but we do get a nice amount of resolution to some parts of the story. This series is definitely going to be one to watch out for, I have a feeling it's going to be a big hit!

Source: Received from Hodder & Stoughton in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Frostblood is an epic fantasy adventure that tells of a kingdom where darkness rules, frost covers the land and fire has all but been stamped out. Bloodshed, hatred, deadly battles, frost and fire magic, an evil-controlled king, magical training, and romance - this book has everything I need in a good fantasy.

Being a Frostblood means a death sentence. The king rules the land with ice, terror, and death. Ruby has lived a simple life hiding her gift of fire and helping her mother as a healer. But when the king's soldiers raid her village and kill her mother, Ruby vows revenge. Taken to prison, her gift is hampered by damp and ice until she is rescued by a monk with the frost gift and a sullen and angry young man. They say they too seek to dethrone the king but they are hiding things from Ruby. Ruby will have to risk everything if she is to have the revenge she desires.

Ahh, the romance. There is nothing quite like a match that starts off with anger, distrust, and fear and that slowly warms (or in this case also melts) to become a partnership that stands strong against darkness and might even save the world. Ruby and Arcus despise each other from the start. But they each have need of the other if they are to have revenge and free the kingdom from tyranny. I love their fight, their passion, and their gentle coming together. She names him Arcus the Angry, he insults her gift and calls her a bundle of crackling firewood. Truly, is there anything better than a love story that starts off as far from love as you can get?

But the romance isn't the only brilliant aspect of Frostblood. There is plenty of action and battles. The stakes are high, there are surprising reveals (I guessed half of one particular twist but was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't completely accurate), and the fantasy feels fresh and exciting.

This book is a strong story in its own right but it also prepares the setting for the continuing series. And while I could equally be happy to leave the story to conclude here, it will be fun to again join with Ruby and Arcus in their next adventure and to see how this exciting series expands.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jamie searcy
I really enjoyed this book. I am actually quite surprised by how much I ended up liking it. When I decided to read this book, I wasn't really sure if it was my kind of book. I found out pretty quickly that it was in fact my kind of book. It was an incredibly exciting story set in a interesting world. I am so glad that I decided to read this book.

This book started out really strong. When we first meet Ruby, we learn that she is a Fireblood and that she has been hiding that fact from others for her entire life. Being a Fireblood is dangerous where she lives because they usually don't live for very long after discovery. Ruby has never had an opportunity to really learn how to use her gift or to even test the strength of her power.

I liked Ruby almost immediately. She starts the story out in such an impossible situation and quickly proves to be a survivor. As the story moved forward, there were times that I thought I liked her a bit less. Some of her actions while at the monastery seemed a bit immature at times but she is a seventeen year old in a horrible situation so I think it was justified. By the end of the book, I absolutely loved her. She proved to be incredibly brave and had an amazing strength to her character.

Ruby wasn't the only great character in this story. Arcus was awesome. He always seemed to have a much larger story to tell and I enjoyed his quiet strength. The Brothers at the monastery were great and there were even a few people at the king's court that seemed like they might actually want to help Ruby.

I really enjoyed the way that the story was written. My interest was captured from the very beginning. The pace of the story did slow down a bit during much of the first part of the story but that was where we learned about the world and Ruby's abilities. Once the second half of the book started, I couldn't put the book down. Everything I thought would happend didn't and I wasn't sure how things would work out in the end. I also really appreciated the fact that even though this book is the first of a new series, it came to a nice conclusion.

I would highly recommend this book to others. It is a fantastic story that is filled with excitement. I am really very excited about the fact that this is the beginning of a new series. I will definitely be reading the next book in this series just as soon as I can get my hands on a copy.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dale rosenberg
Seventeen-year-old Ruby is a fireblood who must hide her powers of heat and flame from the cruel frostblood ruling class that wants to destroy all that are left of her kind. So when her mother is killed for protecting her and rebel frostbloods demand her help to kill their rampaging king, she agrees. But Ruby's powers are unpredictable, and she's not sure she's willing to let the rebels and an infuriating (yet irresistible) young man called Arcus use her as their weapon.

All she wants is revenge, but before they can take action, Ruby is captured and forced to take part in the king's tournaments that pit fireblood prisoners against frostblood champions. Now she has only one chance to destroy the maniacal ruler who has taken everything from her and from the icy young man she has come to love.

Fast-paced and compelling, Frostblood is the first in a page-turning new young adult three-book series about a world where flame and ice are mortal enemies—but together create a power that could change everything.


I am not usually a big YA reader, but I was super intrigued by the blurb for this one that I had to pick it up.

With that said, I saw a lot of people compare it to other YA books...well I am not going to do that since I don't read a lot of them. I found it a very thrilling and action-packed. The mythos of the frostbloods and the firebloods was engaging and I liked the uniqueness of the mythos. Ruby was great, she had her moments of doubt and weakness, but when the time came she was a fighter. Of course there was a little romance with Arcus, who is not all he seems. Very much on the sweet side, okay for the younger reader. My favorite part was when Ruby was captured and held by the frost king and what she goes through in order to go through with the plan to kill the king. The ending was particularly tension filled and ends with a little cliff hanger. This is the first book in this new trilogy. I cannot wait to see what happens and for someone who is picky about the YA they read it says a lot.


*I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book provided by the publisher.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***I received an eARC of this book from Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.***

Frostblood by Elly Blake is an action-packed, exciting read! Following the story of Ruby, a young Fireblood living in the Frost King’s territory, Frostblood is full of deception, revenge, and rebellion. Personally once I started the story, I couldn’t set it down. Despite having an ARC copy, I wound up buying an audio copy as well so I could take my reading on the go.

Ruby is an easy character to emphasize with and easy to follow her story. She has lived her life in the shadows, hiding her true nature as a Fireblood. In the kingdom of Frost, her ability is outlawed. She must live, never using her abilities, which as she ages becomes increasingly harder to control. When soldiers come to take her, knowing what she is, her mother is killed and her village razed. Her semi-peaceful life of hiding is over and an ember of revenge burns in its place. She now lives to kill the general and king who killed her mother, that is if she survives the prison.

A mysterious pair of powerful Frostbloods come to her rescue, breaking her out of the prison. Arcus is cloaked in mystery. He tells her little of his past, he always wears a cloak shielding his face, and he can be a little cruel during his training with Ruby. Frost and Fire are truly at odds with one another and it comes out in the characters Ruby and Arcus. Their banter brings levity to the story. They get under one another’s skin. Yet they become friends though shared grief. The other Frostblood is Brother Thistle, who was once a powerful general in the Frost King’s armies. I like him. He’s like a wise Yoda!

The plot slowly builds and the book is clearly split into two parts. During part one, Ruby is training and learning to use her gift, plotting her revenge. Then she is captured by the Frost King and forced to fight in his gladiator-style arena, putting her gift to good use. While the first part of the book is slow without much excitement, the second part is violent and gory. Ruby is pitted against Frostbloods, Frost animals, and people the king deemed as traitors. King Rasmus is an interesting villain. While his character is absent most of the book, he is still feared. When Ruby finally confronts him, she sees something in him that makes her pause.

Overall I really enjoyed this book! I fell in love with the world and characters. Ruby is a strong character, even when she is a bit naive, and I love the relationship that built between her and Arcus. If you enjoyed Red Queen or you like YA fantasy in general, I highly recommend you grab a copy of this book. And as a note of interest if you like audios, I LOVED the audio of this book. The narrator is fantastic!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Frostblood was a constant struggle with Déjà vu. At every turn, I was called back to a different YA Fantasy. The pacing reminded me of Stealing Snow, the powers smacked of Red Queen, and the “twist” called back to Snow Like Ashes. There is nothing about this fast-paced Fantasy that hasn’t been explored before. I know that is not an uncommon occurrence in the genre. However, I do expect these ideas to be reinterpreted into something original. Blake fails to do that in Frostblood. If you have been keeping up with recent releases, it is safe to say that you have read this book before. More than once.

The tale follows Ruby, a fire mage of sorts, who is hunted for her powers. She is fierce, stubborn, and possesses quite the temper. As the book develops she remains largely the same. I was hoping to see some development from inept chosen one to powerful warrior. The author does assert this change; however, Ruby’s actions and dialogue fail to reflect it.

Brooding and secretive love interest, Arcus, suffers a similar fate. Had the author been a bit more delicate with her foreshadowing, I might have been interested in his past. Sadly, I had figured out his entire life story by chapter four. This, of course, also meant that I had figured out the “twist” as well. That left me very little motivation to finish the book, except to see if I was right. Spoiler alert: I was.

I found the world to be less developed than the characters. The author mentions countries and conflicts, but glosses over them. Leaving the reader to fill in the blanks with the setting. The religions were given a bit more attention, through childhood stories and prophecy, making the cultures feel more realistic than the environment.

The story in Frostblood is straightforward and wraps up neatly at the end of the book. With this being the first in a trilogy, I am curious to know what the author will explore in the sequels. Though, probably not curious enough to pick up the sequel in September.

If you are looking for a fast Fantasy read and are not picky this book might be for you, but do not expect to find vivid settings of well-developed characters here. Frostblood is an easy and predictable YA romp that focuses more on the romance than the details.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book! You will not get one complaint from me except that I wish the story did not end! I am dying for more! I find that when I loved a book tons, like I MEAN TONS, I don't have much to say about it other than YES! This was AWEEEESOOOMMMEEE!

When I picked this book up it was because of the cover. It immediately caught my attention and screamed “action packed fantasy” at me. I had to get my hands on it.

Elly Blake takes you on one hell of an adventure!!! My emotions while reading this book were all over the place. I laughed, I screamed, I swooned, and just about bit all my nails off waiting to see what would be the outcome. Though some parts were predictable, I was still very happy with where the story went and the outcome. I truly hope there is more from Elly Blake. She managed to keep me entertained from the beginning to end with Ruby and Arcus.

The Relationship between Ruby and Arcus was one of my all time favorites! A romance does blossom between the two, but it is not immediate. Their relationship actually starts off bumpy; a love and hate relationship for sure. I also love that Blake does not take away from the story filling the pages with romance. Ruby's journey is just beginning, while Arcus has already lost so much and been through so much. I don’t think there is ONE character in this book that I did not like.

I honestly don’t know what else to say except that this book was everything I LOVE in a Young Adult fantasy book. It has lots of twist and turns, romance, action packed, strong characters… it has it all! It’s definitely one I recommend everyone adds to their 2017 list of AMAZING books to read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
margarida monsanto
In a never-ending search for the next fabulous Young Adult fantasy to read I exuberantly accepted Frostblood, debut author, Elly Blake’s first in series. The story had the look and feel of exactly what I like. As a huge fan of Sarah Maas’s series, and books like Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, Frostblood had a lot to live up to, and while not a contender for best in the genre, it was a good book. I recommend it to fans of the genre. You won’t be disappointed.

Frostblood is about two opposing factors in a fantasy world. you have Frostbloods and Firebloods. The two both hold magic, one of ice and one of fire and have been in a bitter war for a long time. Living in the frozen lands of the frostbloods, Ruby, the main character, is a fire blood and must hide her gifts from the world or face execution. The story starts off almost immediately with her being discovered and her imprisonment and subsequent escape, where she is recruited into a plot to overthrow the king and save the world from his madness.

The story has a romance, lots of action, and even characters that aren’t your typical shy girl and super hottie which you find a lot in YA, which I really liked. It does tend to jump around from one major scene to the next without a lot of transitioning. {Insert 2 weeks for training here} type of fast forwards. I found some of the transitions also a bit unbelievable and that the story was similar to a few other stories that I’ve read before, but it wasn’t too obvious. Overall, it was entertaining and I enjoyed Blake’s tone and style. Elly Blake is a fresh new voice in Young Adult fantasy and I look forward to reading more from her series. The main character Ruby was resilient and tough, something I enjoy in my YA. Arcus, the love interest, was a bit predictable, but if you like your book boyfriends mysterious and scarred, this is a good guy to focus on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne pope
As a fantasy genre fanatic, lets just say, Elly Blake’s Frostblood unexpectedly won me over. It is definitely a series that had me enamored in a setting of epic world-building, swoony scenes, a feud between firebloods and frostbloods, and hilarious banter. More importantly, I fell in love with a main character with sass, power, and jaw-clenching fierceness that could melt a glacier.

After reading Frostblood, Ruby has become one of my favorite fantasy characters to root for. As a gifted fireblood, she is fiery both literally and in attitude. I really liked that Ruby was depicted as a persevering warrior, an authentic female protagonist, with fire in her heart and virtue in her soul. Every page allowed Ruby to radiate as a character that upholds great emotional strength, determination, quick wit, passion, and selflessness. She is a fighter and throughout the novel, I wanted to fight along with her. I also adored the character Arcus. As a mysterious, rogue-like character, his mystery had me mesmerized and his mischievousness had me dazed with warm fuzzies. The friendship and chemistry that develops between Ruby and Arcus in this book is enough to make glaciers crack, volcanoes erupt, and the earth quack. WOOO!!! *fans self*

Frostblood is one of my new favorite fantasy series, and I cannot wait to see what’s in store for Ruby and Arcus. I’m a sucker for prophecies and innate magic, so of course after reading this book in less than a day, I WANT MORE! Give me a fantasy filled with secret identities and slow-burning relationships any day, and I will be a melted mess of swoons.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eddie duggan
This book is conflicting for me. The book opens with this amazing story about a girl hiding who she is from everyone but her family. When that is taken away, it becomes a story of survival and a story of learning about herself. The first 75% or so of this book I loved. I loved the character development and all the self-discovery that was happening. I also loved the world and the prose Elly Blake used throughout. Up until the 75% mark this was probably going to be a 5 star, if not 4.5 star book for me, it was that good. However, the "climax" ended up ruining my enjoyment. I felt like it was out of place and rushed and I was really enjoying the story up until that point. There was also a twist that I hated. It did not fit in with my thoughts on the story and the characters.

So basically, I loved so much of this story and the characters, but then the reveal at the end happened and I'm annoyed. It could not have been more cliche if it tried. I'm getting a little tired of reading this same thing happen in countless YA books. This book was a fantastic read until that end. If you do not mind repeating YA tropes than I'm sure this book will not leave you feeling the same way I did after finishing. I still highly enjoyed and recommend this book, I just do not like the direction that was taken at the end. I will however continue this trilogy because I connected with the characters and want to see where Elly Blake takes them next.

*eARC provided by publisher via NetGalley for review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall Assessment:
I was cautiously excited to read this book. Hear me out - I adore the Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard and the blurb sounds very similar to this series. While there are similarities, it is definitely not the same. I enjoyed reading this book from the very first chapter until the last line.

What I liked:
– Ruby is a very likable character. She is strong, witty, multi-dimensional, and shows emotional growth throughout the book. Ruby is not without flaws, which makes her even more endearing to me. Ruby has a temper that gets the best of her, is impulsive, and mouths off without thinking. In short – I loved her, she was a woman after my own heart.
– The chemistry between Arcus and Ruby is superb. Arcus is able to temper the heat from Ruby’s moods and is a perfect intellectual match for her.
– Speaking of Arcus, he is another great character. While his story was somewhat predictable, I didn’t mind. His character was complex and made me want to reach through the tablet to hug him!
– The mystery of who could be trusted once Ruby made it to the court was intriguing.

What I didn’t:
– There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like. I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

Would I recommend this book to family and/or friends?
Yes! Especially if you like the Red Queen series!

If you like this review and are interested in reading more like it, please visit my blog at ChandaReads dot Wordpress dot Com.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Frostblood, the first book in the Frostblood saga by Elly Blake was gripping and fantastic. The story follows Ruby, a fireblood who has worked her whole life to hide her flame from others. Living in frostblood territory and being a fireblood is a death sentence that one day becomes reality for Ruby and her mother. With her mother dead and Ruby in chains, she knows it is only a matter of time before she loses her life in the frostblood prison.

With her life ebbing away, Ruby is surprised to find herself rescued by two rebel frostbloods and placed on a course to assassinate the King. Ruby is only too happy to agree with their request, after all, the King was responsible for her mothers death. Ruby begins training with Arcus a handsome yet infuriating man whose frost clashes with Ruby's fire. Before Arcus is able to adequately prepare Ruby for her task, Ruby is captured by the King once again and this time placed in to the arena where firebloods are never expected to survive. In the King's court nothing is as it seems and Ruby will need all of her wits to survive both the arena and the courtiers.

For a book with a great storyline and well thought out characters, I am giving Frostblood 4/5 stars. I look forward to reading more of this series and hope the next book is published soon!

I received this book for free from the Publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenny schuerholz
lshfdkajsdhfklsdg. Yes, jumbled letters on purpose. I read this in a matter of hours after receiving it as an ARC from Netgalley (July 2016). And it's not going to be published until January 2017. Which means that I have to wait YEARS for the next one to come out. DAMNIT. WHY DID I DO THIS?

For all comparisons pointing this toward Aveyard's "Red Queen", which I can see based on the whole Elemental Powers thing... but considering I didn't care much for the "Red Queen" (I know, don't shoot me), I'd like to erase the comparison and say that this is much, much better. I guess if you REALLY want to define it, I'd say "Red Queen" elements mixed with tiny hints of The Grisha Trilogy.

You can tell that Elly Blake is a newbie author in some ways, but I seriously sat for hours and ate up this story all day. Bits are predictable, and at the end I was a little overwhelmed with cheese, but I still look forward to the rest of the series. Great job, Elly Blake!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rival magical sects are nothing new in fantasy; it's an engaging execution of the story that keeps the trope going. Elly Blake's debut, FROSTBLOOD, takes this premise and solidifies why it's still being used with solid world building, stakes and gains that seem to change at each turn, and a slow burn romance that I love.

**This review may contain mild spoilers**

FROSTBLOOD is the epic of the Frostbloods and the Firebloods, who loathe each other's existence. Frostbloods are hunting down the Firebloods across the land of Tempesia, and seventeen year old Ruby is one of the hunted. After her mother is killed and she's imprisoned by Frostbloods, Ruby joins forces with monks who help her control her power for A Special Mission. Among this group is a boy named Arcus, whom she instantly clashes with. As she trains and comes to terms with her want for revenge and grief, she also deals with Arcus's cool demeanor.

At first, it all seems typical: Ruby trains, gets into misunderstandings, runs away but comes back, get the idea. The world building slowly unfolds, which I appreciated. The religious beliefs of Tempesia's people play a crucial role in their world, and their mythology is fleshed out and given life. As much as I liked these details and Ruby's narration, I still wasn't fully immersed in the book.

But then. I am a huge fan of hate that turns to love and slow burn romance. So when Ruby realizes she has feelings for Arcus (and vice versa) the way their romance plays out is so glorious. They reminded me a lot of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy. This was the turning point for me, and when Ruby is taken into the court of the dreaded Frost King, Rasmus, it becomes a high stakes survival story as she deals with unscathing hatred, combat games against Frostbloods, and a legendary enemy.

All in all, I liked Ruby. She's hot-headed yet compassionate and loyal. Arcus is tortured yet obviously passionate when it comes to fighting for what he believes in. What they're fighting against is dangerous and, as we later learn, more than it looks like. And I'm on board. I have to see how this goes down.

FROSTBLOOD is a worthwhile fantasy steeped with myth and intrigue, and the romance makes it more compelling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle darmawan
Frostblood by Elly Blake is an engaging adventure that introduces a world and larger story that I'm sure will entertain me and many other readers well past THE END. It features a strong, complex main character in Ruby; an intriguing and driven love interest in Arcus; and a unique war between Frostbloods and Firebloods.

The good
The characters. Ruby and her friends/enemies are interesting and have their own motives and goals.

The ending. The big scene at the end is fun and made me wonder "what if..."

The love. I enjoy a hate-to-love just as much as anybody else and this didn't disappoint. Arcus is a big, dumb, wonderful love interest and his banter with Ruby is very good.

The "bad"
Part I vs Part II. There is a very distinctive shift in story that I was not expecting when I began reading. We suddenly go from one story to the other and ultimately leave behind 99% of the characters we grew to like in Part I.

No cliffhanger. There is no real cliffhanger at the end of this book. Obviously there will be a continuation of this story (as there is a book 2 and 3 planned), but there is enough closure that I could forget about this book and what may happen if I wasn't a reader who is constantly involved with the publishing world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for the opportunity to read and review Frostblood by Elly Blake! Ruby is Fireblood, (can build heat and flame within her body and can expel both), and loses her mother in an attack on their home. Ruby is taken as a prisoner because Firebloods are persecuted. She spends some time in prison, then is released to go with Frostblood (can build cold and frost within their bodies and can expel both) people and taken to Forwind Abbey. The abbey catches on fire and one of the monks blames Ruby, so she runs away. Arcus, a mysterious resident of the abbey, finds her in the woods, alone, lost and with no horse. He takes her back to the abbey and she makes an agreement with Brother Thistle and Arcus that she will stay and help them if they explain their purpose to her. They finally have mutual trust and their backstories unfold gradually. This adventurous tale comes to life full of action and intrigue in a beautifully described fantasy world. I enjoyed the depth of the characters and how the explanation of the Frostblood world unfolded - 5 stars! I am anxiously looking forward to the sequel, Fireblood which is scheduled for publication September 2017.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Take an Arthurian Tale, mix it with some Norse mythology and sprinkle in a bit of fantasy, heat well and then freeze; there you have the perfect fun read for winter.

Ruby has a fiery secret and she knows she must now show her talents as a Fireblood because her kind has been killed off by the Frostbloods for ages. Growing up, her grandmother told her tales and tried to get Ruby to harness her power but her mother forced her to keep it hidden. When she is taken to the Frostblood King, her mother killed and now languishing in a prison, she expects to be dead soon herself. A daring jailbreak and she is instead taken to some kindly monks that heal her and try to train her power since they see her as the answer to ages long prophecy. In her training, one monk tests her skill with his frost power and even though she thinks she will never find love, she does find friendship (and more) with Arcus.

The characters are wonderful and the dialogue is witty and poetic. You have good against evil and everything in between. There is enough action to keep you on your toes and the battles are supremely done. There are a few little twists that I sort of saw coming, (the Evil King really is filled with evil) and the romance between opposites is nicely done. Ruby has a wonderful passion that is nicely played against her fire powers and then balanced out with Arcus' ice. And you know what happens when you mix fire and ice, you get steam! I can't wait for the next installment of this comes out.

Fans of Kristin Cashore and Sarah J. Maas are going to love this one! Parents: some kissing, some battle scenes but overall, very clean.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fire and Ice combine in FROSTBLOOD. I found it both entertaining and frustrating, full of action and low key scenes and most of all great characters to lead you to the end.

Ruby was easy to like and I found her to be pretty strong in character. She isn't the most adept when it comes to her skills, but she did a good job of trudging through. She fought for herself and those worthy of it. Arcus is frustrating and comes off cruel, but give it time and get to know him. There is definitely a love/hate thing going on between him and Ruby for a while. Ruby has a temper and Arcus has secrets he is trying to hide which makes for some pretty explosive scenes. The sweetness comes out and the passion is just as explosive as the conflict between the two.

Let's talk about the world. It was well built and the explanations were point on in helping me imagine everything as the story progressed. I found the story to be exciting and original. I have seen a lot of reviews comparing FROSTBLOOD to other stories, but I found it to be pretty original.

I enjoyed reading FROSTBLOOD and look forward to the sequel.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer oppenheimer
This is a teen fantasy involving some people with special powers called Frostbloods and Firebloods. Frostbloods like all things cold and can create ice and cold as opposed to the Firebloods who like things warm and can create fire and heat. Although they are mortal enemies, Arcus and Ruby join together to destroy the curse behind the throne of the King Frost Blood. Ruby, the main character, is a 17-yr.-old girl who was brought up to hide her gift so must be trained to develop it. She is believed to be the special Fireblood who will be able to destroy the curse behind the throne. There is lots of action with some surprises in the turn of events!

This book kept my interest from the start and I especially liked the parts of Ruby at the Abby and her fighting the King’s champions in the arena. Although the magic involved in this book around Manix was a bit confusing to me, and the writing was not that great, I thought it good enough to continue on with this series. The relationship between Ruby and Arcus that develops didn’t really grab me but maybe that will become more interesting in the next book. I am giving this 3 stars because there are other “super power” series I’ve enjoyed much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shirin inamdar
This book was provided to me as an advance reader copy by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

I am going to jump right into this thing. When one puts oneself out there as a reviewer, there is a certain level of obligation to read all kinds of books, including those one would normally stay away from. Frostblood is the kind of book that I want to read. It has magic, intrigue, competition, a sympathetic villain, and a strong female protagonist. On top of all that, it is well-written and absorbing. If possible, I could have read it in one sitting. The characters are complex and relatable. The main protagonists, Ruby and Arcus, are both carrying around weighty emotional baggage, which creates tangible conflict between the two, and puts the success of their mission in peril. Up to the final conflict, I wasn’t sure which way things were going to go, and even at this point, having finished the book, I’m not sure where things stand. That’s how you draw readers to the sequel. Not with a cheesy cliffhanger or an unresolved romance, but with a shadow of a doubt. I will read the next book in this series, and I will recommend it to friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Frostblood is an enjoyable YA fantasy book which is both fast paced and romantic. It is a book of two halves which had a different tone to them, however the story was full of clichés and predictable. While the world building was good I would have liked other countries to be fleshed out a bit more.

Ruby is short tempered and has a lack of emotional control but is also kind and inquisitive. Arcus is moody and damaged both physically and mentally but he is also loyal and protective. My favourite parts of the book were the banter between Ruby and Arcus and how slow the romance was in building.

I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the sequel Fireblood. I would recommend Frostblood to fans of The Storm Siren trilogy by Mary Weber and the Fairy Queen books by Amber Argyle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book. The plot is probably similar to what you've read before in YA Fantasy but there is a definite readability to "Frostblood". I really liked the idea of two groups of people. One set gifted with Fire and the other of Frost. Ruby is hiding the fact that she is a Fireblood when her village is destroyed and people killed. Ruby is taken away to prison. Thus starts the story of how Ruby comes to be living with a group of Monks who want to train her to go after the evil Frost King. The Frost King is out to destroy all of the firebloods and he rules from atop an evil throne. There is some romance with Ruby falling for a mysterious young man named Arcus who lives with the Monks.

The story is a quick and engrossing read and it felt almost as much like a fairy tale as it felt like a Fantasy. The book came with a couple of nice twists that I didn't see come and that always should count for something. I liked Ruby and I liked Arcus and the Monks. There were other characters that I'm still not sure how I feel about and that is probably why there is going to be a sequel next year. Even if there weren't more books to come, I think this book ended fully resolved so you will find a sense of completion when you read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Frost Blood is an interesting read, if a bit more of a teenage tale of love and angst for my liking. One critic says it is "Fierce. Vibrant. Steamy" ad I would say it is fierce enough, and reasonably vibrant, though a young adult novel can be only so steamy. There is a lot of kissing and yearning. Let's put it that way.

The story isn't bad. It's built around the idea that there are firebloods and frostbloods and at the present time, the frostbloods have the upper hand and have mostly hunted the firebloods to extinction, which puts young Ruby, a fireblood, in a dangerous position, leading to her capture by the king.

She is a feisty sort who only rebels against her destiny a little bit, and for a debut novel this is not bad at all. The story moves along at a good clip, the dialogue and plotting were sound and there was some character development. I would have liked to have had a map - I feel no fantasy novel is complete without one ever since the days of LOTR, but I won't fuss over much at its absence. I do wish, however, that there had been a bit more world-building. The concepts introduced in the story, I think, demanded it.

All and all it was an enjoyable read and I will put Elly Blake on my list of authors to watch.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
xiaoshan sun
Wanted to thank netgally for the chance to read and review this book. I changed my rating after sitting on this a while. When it comes down to it, it's pretty simple ..... there is nothing special about this book, nothing to separate it from others. It's the same old premise with an expected outcome with a minor twist.
I did enjoy it a bit when we got about 3 quarters of the way in, it picked up a little had a little action, but that as far as it goes.
I find the characters boring, very little character build. Ruby is the epitome of every wanting YA heroine with a side of nothing special.
Sorry to disappoint I was hoping to make this a good one. This is by fair my favorite genre so I have read a lot of these YA books and for them pull any feeling from me they have to be more then just a story written down. I need those words to create any feeling heartbreak, tears, joy, anger anything for me to give any kind of positive review. Happy Reading everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Frostblood is a taut, well paced, and compelling read that was difficult to put down. Fans of The Hunger Games and Red Queen will find much to love in this story of ice and fire. While the story isn't all that new, the world the author has created is interesting and the characters are thoroughly engaging. It's the characters that totally drew me into this story. They have great chemistry, and the pages are filled with dialogue that crackles with energy and action scenes that make you feel you are there. The touch of romance is perfectly handled and added a surprising amount of appeal.

I liked this story quite a bit even though the writing fell short on occasion, resulting in a few eye rolling moments. The author doesn't spend a lot of time on world building, preferring to info dump most all we need to know. Curiously, this worked okay for me as the action sequences were so well done and the characters were so compelling. The ending leaves plenty of room for future installments while still doing a nice job of giving the reader some resolution to the story. I will be eager to read the next installment of what promises to be an exciting new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was pulled into this book almost immediately, it was so action-packed even from the beginning. The world building was amazing, and the story quite unique to me. I read this book in one sitting, which is something I haven’t done in a long time. I just couldn’t put it down, I had to see what was going to happen next.

I loved Ruby as a character. She was so loyal and did the right things throughout the book even when they were the hardest decisions to make. She had such a good head on her shoulders throughout the whole book.

I think one of the reasons I loved this book so much is because I took a break from fantasy for a while, so I appreciated reading this so much more. Overall I loved this book and would highly recommend it to fantasy fans, or even people who want to start out with the genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
At the start of reading “Frostblood” by Elly Blake, I was tempted to dismiss it as a bit too derivative. After all, hadn’t C.S. Lewis done the “frozen kingdom” bit in his Narnia Chronicles? And of course the “conflict of opposites” where the “Frostbloods” and “Firebloods” are perpetually at war seemed intriguing, but a bit far-fetched even for fantasy.

Still, as the plot developed, I became more and more intrigued. The introduction of the “shadow forces” and the overwhelming power of negativity is a brilliantly-handled twist in the plot. Ruby, the Fireblood narrator/protagonist, is magnificently developed to epitomize this conflict; initially an immature and angry girl with a desire for vengeance, she is transformed into a woman of deep inner strength, empathetic enough to experience the pain of others and learn the power of forgiveness, thereby defeating negativity with love.

While this book has enough action and destruction to please the young reader who thrives on violence, there is also a very strong current of resistance to those destructive forces, and the fact that while much tragedy exists, much is also averted raises Blake’s novel to a very positive and constructive level. Since this is a debut novel in what is billed as a “saga”, it will be fascinating to see how the narrative progresses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pooled ink Reviews:

This was a lot more exciting than I was expecting, to be honest! I'd read such mixed reviews so I didn't really think I'd get into it but lo and behold I did! Ha!
If you’re a YA fantasy lover like me, and if you’re looking for a book you can feel pretty confident will please you, then I’d suggest giving FROSTBLOOD a chance. It has a sort of comforting predictability that will grip you and keep you tight in its grasp for hours.

Burning with a fire that threatens the very world it's trapped in, FROSTBLOOD brings darkness into the light for a battle of wills and power that could change Ruby, the kingdom, and the world.

**Read the full review on Wordpress: Pooled Ink
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nafinia putra
I got this through the the store Vine program to review. This was a very straight-forward YA fantasy romance. The plot is fairly predictable and the characters are somewhat stereotypical of YA fantasy. That being said, it was a very well done and engaging read and I found it impossible to put down.

Looking back at this book there wasn’t a lot that was incredibly creative or super surprising; yet I was enthralled by the story and could not put this book down. I was in the mood for a straight-forward fantasy romance and this book fit the bill perfectly.

The world is interesting but a bit surfacey, the main characters are engaging and intriguing but the side characters are not well filled out. Think of this as fantasy light; a wonderful guilty and strangely sweet read that is engaging and leaves you feeling nice and happy.

Overall I enjoyed the book. While it doesn’t really break new ground and isn’t all that creative; it is a very engaging fantasy romance that is hard to put down and fast-paced. I will most likely continue with the series and recommend to fans of YA fantasy romance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I honestly really wanted to like this book. I understand that it's not wholly original and that the overall plotline and premise have been done many times, but I usually like those stories, so why not? It's the same reason that we tend to stick with a genre. We like the tales that go with it and therefore we don't mind that some things are redundant. Unfortunately, this wasn't executed well for me. I think that this may have been better at about 200 pages. There is a lot of fluff that should have just been cut out completely. Even this was tamed down, then I think the action would have kept me interested far more than I was. Since this is a "Saga", we know that there are going to be a few more books. Given that, I could see this as a building novel. You do learn a lot about the world and religion that they are in. Perhaps all of that fluff will become handy in future novels, but it really drags this one down. I'll read the next one, but if it is more of the same, then I won't bother to continue the series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
drew ditto
There's something to be said for an action-packed start but, being thrown into the middle of the chaos without any build-up or knowledge of the world, system or characters turned me off. And then, for a while, it was just a big ole info-dump with too much background and too many names...names and info that became important later, long after I'd forgotten it. Didn't love it. Didn't hate it. Will put it on my classroom bookshelf and see what the students think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I hadn't heard anything about this book before but when I saw it in an email from Netgalley it sounded intriguing so I decided to give it a try. I actually ended up enjoying it more than I expected being it was from a new to me author.

Ruby was kind of a brat to begin with and the story took awhile to take off but both Ruby and the story started to grow on me. I ended up reading the book in one sitting and Arcus and some of the supporting characters were what really made the book for me. I also loved the world building that took place in this book and am hoping for more in the coming books.

This was a promising start to a new series and I'm hoping to see more growth in Ruby's character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bella ella
Seventeen year old Ruby has hidden her fireblood talent from the frostblood king, but after his men kill her mother, she agrees to come out and have her revenge. She trains with a frostblood master to try and rein in her abilities, but is discovered, captured and made to fight for her life while trying to find a chance to destroy the awful ruler who has stripped her of everything she has ever loved.

This is a non stop action, thriller with so much suspense in it I thought I was going to fall off of my chair many times. It is so awesome I cheered and cried for Ruby, she rocks, no matter what, she gets up and keeps fighting, I so want to be just like her she is so cool.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
neboj a
There's something to be said for an action-packed start but, being thrown into the middle of the chaos without any build-up or knowledge of the world, system or characters turned me off. And then, for a while, it was just a big ole info-dump with too much background and too many names...names and info that became important later, long after I'd forgotten it. Didn't love it. Didn't hate it. Will put it on my classroom bookshelf and see what the students think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john e
I hadn't heard anything about this book before but when I saw it in an email from Netgalley it sounded intriguing so I decided to give it a try. I actually ended up enjoying it more than I expected being it was from a new to me author.

Ruby was kind of a brat to begin with and the story took awhile to take off but both Ruby and the story started to grow on me. I ended up reading the book in one sitting and Arcus and some of the supporting characters were what really made the book for me. I also loved the world building that took place in this book and am hoping for more in the coming books.

This was a promising start to a new series and I'm hoping to see more growth in Ruby's character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mel burkeet
Seventeen year old Ruby has hidden her fireblood talent from the frostblood king, but after his men kill her mother, she agrees to come out and have her revenge. She trains with a frostblood master to try and rein in her abilities, but is discovered, captured and made to fight for her life while trying to find a chance to destroy the awful ruler who has stripped her of everything she has ever loved.

This is a non stop action, thriller with so much suspense in it I thought I was going to fall off of my chair many times. It is so awesome I cheered and cried for Ruby, she rocks, no matter what, she gets up and keeps fighting, I so want to be just like her she is so cool.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt walker
A bit predictable for a YA novel; opposites, such as the fire vs. ice theme in this novel, is found through many, many young adult novels. That being said, I still found it to be an enjoyable novel with rounded characters. Ruby (that name is too predictable, too) is Fire Blood and in jail from the ruling Frost Bloods. She's broken out of prison by monks that believe she could break the curse of the Frost King. She is trained by a young masked man, whom she assumes is a rich Nobel, but of course is much more than she imagined.

I do plan to read the next book in the series, regardless of the predictability. It may not be classified as an award writing literature, but is a fun, enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adrian graham
Frostblood is a fast paced fantasy novel that has some very cliché aspects to it. A snarky and powerful heroin with the weight of the world on her shoulders. A wounded and handsome hero who has built walls around his big heart. An ancient prophecy and a vicious ruler who must be defeated. Even with the stereotypical aspects of a young adult fantasy novel, Elly Blake's writing brings to life an adventurous and entertaining story that I thouroughly enjoyed enough to read the next book in the series. I really like that she left the story open to continue, but not with a massive cliffhanger that is going to drive me crazy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie jackson
LOVED THIS!!! What a surprise! I grabbed an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review and I loved the story. It fits right into the genre of books I love and had so many things that reminded me of Throne of Glass and the Red Queen. Well written and enjoyable, the second half twist was a good one. There were moments that may have been a little predictable but in a good way. I found myself rooting for the relationships and friendships. The ending was well done and I am THRILLED to see there will be another one!
*Thank you netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loved this!!! If you get past the first chapter, it turns into this really exciting, intense, fun fantasy that has the tropes you know and love but uses them in exciting to read ways. I liked the writing style, I loved the MC Ruby (strong, feisty, not annoying! Lol), and I loooooved the slow burn hate-to-love romance. So. Good. The characters in general were a definite highlight. The pace is a little fast at times; it could use more worldbuilding, but I liked what there was, I liked the elemental magic, and I just really enjoyed reading this book! Can't wait for the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book #103 Read in 2016
Frost Blood by Elly Blake

Ruby is a Fire Blood, meaning fire burns within her and she can use it as a weapon. The Frost Bloods rule the Kingdom and are hunting Fire Bloods. Ruby is broken out of prison by some monks who want her to free the Frost King from his curse by using her fire. This book reminded me of the His Fair Assassin series, which is a compliment because I loved those books and loved this one as well. This is the first in the series and I highly recommend it to both high school readers and adult readers. I received a copy of this book from the store Vine in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathleen schopinsky
I really enjoyed Frostblood by Elly Blake. I found the main protagonist Ruby to be tenacious, brave, and the right amount of snark. The book was fast paced and I found it hard to put down. While the title is Frostblood, the story is about Ruby a Fireblood who has had no training in her elemental abilities and is being shielded by her mother as the world they live in, Firebloods are being hunted and killed by the Frostbloods.

I am happy I don't have to wait to long for book two.
Please RateFrostblood (The Frostblood Saga)
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