Dragon Haven

ByRobin Hobb

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
john dorcey
I have really appreciated reading all the previous books in the series (except for the stand alone soldier’s son trilogy which I haven’t read) and especially the ones with our beloved Fitz. This book however would get a 2/5 if it were not for how it fits so well into the rest of the world of the elderlings.
1, the book could well have been comprised to fit together into a slightly longer first book in the series and 2, gooosh I got so tired of all the interwoven homoerotic storylines! Come on! Sure we could perhaps glimpse some hints of it in previous books but this one is just overflowing with them; what’s the deal? It may be a popular opinion in today’s society but I would prefer not to be spoon fed with it every third paragraph or so... I get it, some are gay, but need it take so much of the book? I thought it was about dragons, elderlings, a lost city and the fate of the world and such; but what do I know. Anyway, after a while I just started skipping pages, something I just never do, part from this book that is.
More dragons, less gay please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely one of the fest series in a long time. I bought them on a whim and found myself reading them at 11pm at night instead of going to bed. All 4 of the series are mind bending, teasing,in your face action and you never know from one minute to the next what is going to happen. They are constantly keeping you on the edge of your seat. From snakes cocooning and turning into dragons to the people of the Rain Wilds close association with them and how this affects them and changes them as well. Love,death,action and more all rolled into one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This sequel and conclusion of the Rain Wilds/Bingtown Traders books is a marvelous tail and wings to enjoy, both adult and young adult. The changes that occur, emotional and physical, to the characters is consciously depicted as the world around them gives challenges and takes lives. But surprisingly few lives are actually lost...
Grimalkin the Witch Assassin (Book 9) - The Last Apprentice :: The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince :: Vol. 2) - Volume Two of the Rain Wilds Chronicles :: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture :: Assassin's Quest: The Farseer Trilogy, Book 3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arlene castro
Robin Hobbs builds greater depth and realism into her characters. Her world is both mystic and
believable. I enjoyed the play of the government mentality and what they do with what the Rain Wilds consider the least among themselves. The strength that the young people (persons the Rain Wilds community consider throw away children )who took on the task of moving the "misfit" dragons to a more hospitable location. The trials, the tribulations, and the growth of both youth and the adults who accompanied them on the journey. This series just keeps getting better and better.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
thomas kohnstamm
Robin Hobb writes truly great stories. But I always feel depressed when I read them, on the other hand I have to read it to the end to see where it is all going. I have mixed feelings about her stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recommend this to anyone who has enjoyed Robin Hobb's other series of novels. I loved the creation of a new, dangerous and exotic land and adventure. It could be stand alone from the Liveship Trader series and I think that's important because it's a great read in and of itself.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
colleen herman
I liked this book better than the first one, dragon keeper. However this series is just not as good as some of Robin Hobb's other work. He just seems overly descriptive in this series drawing this out sometimes find myself skipping ahead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen quigley
Robin Hobbs really delivered with this last book of the Rainwilds Chronicles. Her characters, human and dragon, matured and grew over a wide spectrum. These dragons were not "warm-fuzzies", but they were more reasonable and compassionate than such deadly beings are often portrayed. The human relationships kept the reader on edge until the final chapters. And one incredibly "bad" guy was dispatched with humor and great satisfaction. If Ms. Hobbs chooses to revisit Kelsingra, I'll be eager to open the first chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anthony chanza
This book was the perfect escape I needed from planning a huge event. What better to take you away from lists and responsibility than a book of dragons, their "Elderling" keepers and a city of magic and memory. The entire series has been more than entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
scott prutton
Some other reviewers thought it a bit slow. I didn't find that at all. In the other Liveship books the chapters about the serpents were immensely boring. Not so in these ones. The mangled dragons are great, a different fantasy take on dragons and heroes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Rain Wild Chronicles are the best yet. Totally absorbing, loved the complexities, the visual images created through the story-telling. Have pre-ordered the last book. Can't wait for it to come out.
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