Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe - The Greatest Lie on Earth

ByEdward Hendrie

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The only "evidence" this book provides is that some people will ignore scientific fact if they feel threatened by it. The author's arguments are based on faith and wishful thinking, not reason. That should tell you all you need to know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssia spaan
Excellent book! Though I haven't finished it yet, I really enjoyed Chapter 5, "Airplane Level Flight Proves the Earth is Flat." The FAA, in addressing their Target Generation Facility (simulator), puts it succinctly; "The observant reader will notice that the aircraft equations of motion were calculated ASSUMING A FLAT EARTH...." Not sure why the store doesn't have the digital version. Google Play does, and it's only $3.03 currently. If you've read Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe (Rowbotham), and The Flat Earth Conspiracy (Dubay), you owe it to yourself to read this one too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura iverson
Water is the key people. Water always flows downhill and levels out right? Except when it sits on a curved ball globe because of gravity! lmao Gravity is so strong yet we can jump up off the ground and small bugs can take off and fly. They can't have it both ways!

The zodiac moves above us in this enclosed system!

Google "Simpsons Homer breaks dome"
Google "Hilary 2016 election, we must break the glass ceiling"
Remember that show UNDER THE DOME????
A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century - The World Is Flat :: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can Renew America :: The Lexus and the Olive Tree - Understanding Globalization :: The Heavens May Fall :: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century - The World Is Flat 3.0
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie johnson
Now, if you love truth no matter your reputation, relationships and job security then by all means GET this book. Lies over the centuries have brought us to blissful ignorance. This truth will give your life new meaning and create a stronger faith that you can only imagine. Love for Jesus and others will grow. Just know this before... not everyone has to know or even ants to know THE truth of the plane they live on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
red siegfried
The book is nothing short of total genius. 515 pages with 91 pages containing 722 footnotes with links to back up what he has said. I have been studying the flat Earth since September 2015 and I have learned so much more that I never knew. I recognize a lot of what is in this book and the sources he got it from. I also see things that I passed by in my quest for truth. This is the most authoritative defense of Scripture I have seen on this subject. I have learned so much more about the OCCULT influence on science, agencies, secret societies, all non-Biblical religions, and history.
Excellent job Edward Hendrie! I will be yelling from the rooftops and the internet for all 7 billion people to buy and read your book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nurul akmal
Truth tellers agree, this is a "flat-out" deception: "The Flat Earth fad is a 'conspiracy theory' designed to distract, divide and discredit those who understand modern society [is being propagandized]. It creates cognitive dissonance, and make us question all our assumptions, especially those which are True....

"This is a "PsyOp" which requires large funding from intelligence agencies and governments and corporations. It has become a tool of reverse psychology e.g. if you are broad minded enough to know 911 was a false flag; and now just accept Flat Earth theories... The meme is the ideal project for mind-control that could be devised by Tavistock institute & CIA. It is amazing how many clever, well-meaning and spiritually oriented individuals have been suckered in by this transparent pseudo-scientific sham....

"What is the underlying agenda? Lumping Christians and Truthers in a divide and rule strategy; some will fall for this trick while others won't be easily deceived by this nonsense. This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind... I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity. These people have been NEUTRALIZED...

"I think it's pretty obvious what it's designed to do: the absorb the 'truth' community in complete nonsense. But such utter nonsense that it will completely discredit anyone nearly associated with it. Talk about 9/11 now, or the Illuminati, or Bilderberg and you can be denounced as a 'flat earther.'" (Reference: "Flat Earth Pay Op is the Real Conspiracy").

This certainly seems plausible. But if so, then the deception of this book runs even deeper, and with even more insidious intent: It aims to discredit Christians and to depict them as unstable and gullible fools. Hendrie claims to be a "KJV-only" Christian, and proudly and repeatedly claims that God and the Bible is his authority. He begins his book with what can only be called a passionate rant against the promotion and protection of sodomy and Satan's plan to destroy the family. In the course of this, he makes numerous statements with which conservatives and Christians would agree, including citation of relevant Bible passages.

However, this is a bizarre introduction to this topic. The text seems clearly written to inflame the passions of readers who are rightly offended at trespasses by the government upon the fabric of our nation's spiritual heritage and moral fibre. Ah! But the source of this evil in society, perpetrated by our government? The lie of heliocentricity! Oh, the scourge of humanity! He persists in denouncing heliocentricity with all the religious fervor of a Hollywood caricature designed to make Christians look like certifiable nut-whacks.

The author goes to great lengths to establish that the "spherical earth lie" is orchestrated by enemies of the Bible in order to deceive the masses and to defame God. (All the while, the result of this book is that many will defame God, and followers of Christ, because they will desire to have nothing to do with religious kooks!)

So, there are only two logical conclusions to reach concerning this book: 1) the author is certifiable himself; or 2) his work is in fact a part of the psy-op itself. Considering that the author has inserted himself into the "truth community" with other writings exposing 9/11 etc., including perhaps some relevant commentary on aspects of "Mystery Babylon," it seems that the primary goals of "The Greatest Lie on Earth" are to 1) draw in gullible KJV-only believers by inflaming and appealing to their convictions; and 2) proceed to discredit KJV-ers (and by extension, all Bible-believing Christians) by equating their belief system with "flat-earthers."

The reality is this: God's Word in no way supports flat-earth science. In fact, numerous passages reflect and confirm what may be observed: "the heavens declare the glory of God." (If we lived on a pancake under a dome, this would hardly be the case!) The author may as well try to establish that "we live in a pineapple under the sea."

The final clue that Hendrie's book intentionally misrepresents the Christian faith: No Bible-reading Christian would ever declare that heliocentrism is "the greatest lie on earth." Because the greatest lie is that with which Satan deceived Eve: "that her eyes would be opened" (to gnosticism / occultism) that would enable her to "become as god." Indeed, this is the same lie perpetrated today: that humans may become (or are already) divine. Satan first stratagem was to cast doubt on the Word of God: "Yea, has God said?" And that is what Hendrie's book does: casts doubt by misrepresenting the Word of God—and as a result, causes "the way of truth to be evil spoken of" (2 Peter 2:2).

So please, for those who are Christians: "Test all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21). And for those who are not of Christian faith, please disregard any and all "flat earth" theories as representative of God, the Bible, or the Christian faith. Hendrie is only deceiving himself, and deceiving the simple to shipwreck true faith, which is both reasonable and rational.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Clearwater, Treasure Island, and further south to Fort Desoto. You can see Tampa perfectly from all points sound, and while using a telescope on a clear day, you wouldn't see the streets from that distance. Curvature would not allow it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda jane williams
Hendrie proves himself to be one of the greatest humorists of our time. This book was hysterical!!

4 stars because it arrived a day late. I do live dangerously close to the ice wall, so traversing can get a little hairy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a wonderful puzzle piece. Perhaps we are in the final little season of Satan's deception before Christ's return.
I appreciate the courage of Edward Hendrie to tackle this 'sacred cow' subject, that opposes the Scriptures and common sense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany bradshaw
Very thorough with source material. All Eds sources can be tracked if one wants to verify what Ed is writing. I particularly liked his connection with other grey areas like scientists who simply cannot see the inconsistencies with holding to so called literal 6 day creation doctrine - "on the first day..." etc, yet somehow when the sun travels in a circuit above the earth, it is metaphorical or figurative. Man could not know, so God speaks phenomenological, not factual actual occurrences. The connection with false works gospel, too, is well thought out.
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smrati thakur
Water is the key people. Water always flows downhill and levels out right? Except when it sits on a curved ball globe because of gravity! lmao Gravity is so strong yet we can jump up off the ground and small bugs can take off and fly. They can't have it both ways!

The zodiac moves above us in this enclosed system!

Google "Simpsons Homer breaks dome"
Google "Hilary 2016 election, we must break the glass ceiling"
Remember that show UNDER THE DOME????
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