A Psy-Changeling Collection (The Psy-Changeling Series)

ByNalini Singh

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I know that the first 2 novellas are previously published work, but this is STILL a must buy!!! Wow. Tender, romantic, sexy.. Everything I love about NS. She does not disappoint. I am in complete awe of Singh. Her writing is overwhelming. It is truly beautiful and heartbreaking and everything that one could want in a romance. Again, completely worth the price for the two new short stories. I have the other anthologies, but I'm glad I didn't pass this up. Lol. I wouldn't have dared! Her writing is truly wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elise andherbooks
Great collection of stories. Other readers said it only content one story so I was hesitant to purchase the kindle version. However after checking the posted date (Jan 2014) figured the store would probably fixed it already.
And yes, now the kindle version contains all the promised storied. Glad I took the risk.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john stahl
I generally don't like anthologies, not enough character development time. But, since these short stories are about characters already developed, it was great! Little stories of more indepth detail than the events were covered in the novels.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
didi adisaputro
Tamsyn & Nate (DR), Cooper & Grace (SD), Zach & Annie (DR), Walker & Lara (SD). Walker & Lara were my fav, but all of the novellas were good. Filled in the blanks on relationships that were alluded to but never explained.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Beat of Temptation...

Beat of Temptation is a prequel to this series and it deals with the healer Tamsyn and Nathan. I went back and read it after I had read the first book. It was an interesting story and I loved being in the world. Tamsyn is quite young when her and Nathan discover they are mates. So there's a lot of waiting for them but because Nathan is older, he handles it better. And because Nathan saw his own parents get together early, he's cautious about claiming Tamsyn too early. By the time Tamsyn is nineteen, she's over this waiting thing. And the fun begins.

This is sexy story of two people trying to resist each other but unable to stay away from each other. So much fun. And because I love this paranormal world, I was a happy reader.

It's a great place to start if this series is new to you or if you love the series and need a little more.

Stroke of Enticement...

I've wondered if a human would end up in this series and I got my answer in Stroke of Enticement. Annie is the school teacher at the school a lot of the leopard pack cubs go to. She's used to dealing with the cats but she's not prepared for Zack and his cat. Zack knows who she is but he doesn't want to scare her off - she is after all human. But things heat up as they spend time together and Zack doesn't like to share.

A sexy adventure where some human frailty meets changeling protectiveness with lots of play. Yum!

If you love this series, don't miss this novella.

Declaration of Courtship...

I didn't know Cooper and Grace before this novella. They aren't at the main Snow Dancer den, so I haven't noticed them before. But I do know the world and when a strong dominant male lieutenant informs a shy submissive that he plans to court her, you know it's gonna be fun.

It was fun watching them figure out how to respect each others wolf as they got to know each other and tried to rain in their attraction. Cooper was being very good to take it slow but he can only take so much. It was cute how he courted her. Flowers and chocolates to lingerie and baths, he was good at courting. She was shy about accepting but this girl knew her mind. She may have a different role in the pack, she wasn't weak. And she stood up to her dominant boy toy, which he found as adorable as I did.

I enjoyed seeing a submissive in a story. Not everyone is the dominate bada$$ kinda girl and it's nice to see a different type have center stage.

Lots of hot and sexy packed in this novella. A sexy fun read, for sure.
Texture of Intimacy...

I think this was my favorite of the four. It's the rest of Walker and Lara's story. They actually mated in book 10, Kiss of Snow, but there's more to their story. Walker hasn't quite recovered from his time in the Psy-net and while he loves Lara with every fiber of his being he sometimes forgets he's not in the net any longer. This is their journey about how to figure that issue out between them.

I loved seeing the pack as it dealt with the events that happened at the end of Kiss of Snow. It was nice to see that. Kiss of Snow was emotional for so many reasons and I loved seeing the pack pulling together and recovering.

I really enjoyed this story because it felt like an extension of the last book. It didn't have a novella feel at all. It was healing, sexy and enjoyable.

Overall, this book was a nice addition to the series that I am obsessed with. I actually listened to each part of the book in it's proper place in the series. I do think it would fun to go back and listen to them again with some prospective. Mostly, they could stand alone but it's much more enjoyable to have the whole series in mind as you read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this collection of Psy-Changeling short stories. Two have been previously released. The other two are brand new, including one on Lara and Walker!!

Beat of Temptation - Tamsyn has known Nate was her mate since she was 15 years-old. But he was 25 and he knew she was too young for them to be together. He insisted that they wait. Now it's been four years and Tammy is at the end of her rope. She is beginning to feel like Nate will never truly want her and it breaks her heart.

Of course, Nate does want her, but he is convinced he is doing the right thing by giving her time. He is too wrapped up in his own ideas to see how he is hurting the young woman who he is supposed to love. It was bittersweet reading in places, because Tammy is such a good person that I hated to see her question her worth. In fact, I wanted to toss a bucket of water on Nate more than once. But these two have a great HEA ahead and I liked learning their origin story. Plus, Nate did redeem himself a bit when he showed Tammy she was an "orchid kind of girl."

Stroke of Enticement - This is the first human - changeling couple combination I read in the series and I liked the change in dynamic. Annie is human and has never completely physically recovered from an accident in her childhood. Her leg was mangled and her flaw has left her a bit cut off from those around her. She never expects to find the kind of connection she makes with Zach, the changeling uncle of one of her students. He recognizes her as his mate right away and works to woo her into his life.

The love was pretty instant here, which for Zach, I could write off as a bonding thing. But it was little harder to swallow from Annie. The sex was really hot, though, and the romance was sweet.

Declaration of Courtship - This story was so, so good! It features two Snow Dancer wolves who live in a different den than Hawke and those in the pack we already know. Cooper is a lieutenant and is the dominant of the group. And he's set his sights on Grace, one of the most submissive wolves in the pack. He knows he'll have to go very slow with her, but she is worth the effort. Grace can't believe Cooper is interested in her and her wolf is thrown by its need to submit. She and Cooper have to work the dance just right to teach her wolf that it's safe to stand up to a man so powerful.

I loved that despite their status in the pack, it's really Grace who hold all the cards here. No matter how hard it is, Coop forces himself to hold back until she is ready. --It's totally worth the wait, by the way.-- The sexual tension is hot and the romance is sweet. (And the D/s elements of their relationship stay completely out of the bedroom.) Loved it.

Texture of Intimacy - I was so disappointed when Lara & Walker's mating happened as a side plot in Kiss of Snow! I really wanted to see these two get undivided attention. And now they have it, thanks to this novella. It picks up the very night of their mating and follows them over the course of weeks as their relationship solidifies.

You might think because these two are mated at the beginning of the story that there is not much tension, and in some ways that is true. We saw those first tentative steps of their mating dance already. But there is still a lot of ground to cover as Walker learns to let down his guard and let Laura in. This one may not have been as exciting as a new love story, but it was very gratifying since we already have a connection to the couple. I am so glad we got to witness the next phase of their love story.

Overall, a great collection of stories that no Psy-Changeling fan will want to miss.

Rating: B+
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jasmine lehano boyce
Best of Temptation # 0.5
3.5 stars
Nate and Tamsyn's early courtship has all the feels of frustration, attraction, and desire they have for one another. Their story may seem tame compared to others in the series, but the sweetness and solidarity of their relationship is still visible in the current storyline. This was a cute read.

Stroke of Enticement #4.5
4.5 stars
Annie and Zach's story has an insta-love vibe, but over the course of a month, these two break down barriers most couples fail to achieve after years together. This sexy and touching read has become a favorite!

Declaration of Courtship #9.5
4 stars
Grace and Cooper ..the dynamics of these two was a fine balance of gentleness and sexiness! Cooper's dominating personality and Grace's very submissive one had a meeting of the minds as these two try to compromise their way to a very satisfying relationship. Opposites do attract in this sizzling read!

Texture of Intimacy #10.5
4.5 stars
Scorching chemistry and blazing emotions rule as Lara and Walker adjust to new intimacies with their mating status. These two give new meaning to poignant tenderness and sexy sizzle-I loved their story!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stacy shrieves
Beat of Temptation

The young healer of the DarkRiver Leopard Changeling clan has known since childhood that Nathan is her mate, If only the sexy Sentinel would claim Tamsyn for his own.

Nathan has loved Tamsyn all her life. His parents' marriage fails because they mated too soon, so he does not want that for Tamsyn.

Now Tamsyn is determined to use her sexuality to thwart Nathan's self-control and to show him she is woman enough to be mated in deed as well as word.

Stroke of Enticement

Injured as a child in a horrific accident, Annie has always longed for a friend and lover who can see past her fragile humanity. After turning away her academic parents' potential husbands, she has decided she would rather be single.

Zach is a Leopard Changeling who knows exactly what he wants. From the moment he meets his nephew's teacher, he senses Annie is the woman who will be his mate.

Getting past the barriers of their different races, their personal hang-ups and Annie's desire never to marry is a challenge for the two young lovers. In the end, animal attraction will triumph over all else.

Declaration of Courtship

Grace is one of the most submissive wolves in the SnowDancer pack. When an alpha makes his interest clear, she is both excited and terrified at the prospect of belonging to such a mate.

A SnowDancer lieutenant, Cooper has always been drawn to shy, sweet Grace. He can only hope the wolf inside her realizes just how much his dominant side longs to love and protect her.

When a fierce storm threatens their den, Grace is cut off from contact with the pack. Cooper will have to set aside his desire to be strong in order to show the woman he loves that he can also be the vulnerable lover she needs.

Texture of Intimacy

As a SnowDancer healer, Lara knows it takes time for wounds to heal. She is willing to use her healer's sense of empathy to help her new mate heal emotionally.

Walker is a Psy, a psychically gifted man used to keeping his silence. In order to love Lara as a mate should, he will have to learn to trust her with his fledgling emotions.

As Lara and Walker explore the mating bond that binds them together, both will need to make concessions. It takes just as much communication as it does love to keep a family together forever.

Wild Invitation is a delightful compilation of short stories set in Ms. Singh's Psy-Changeling world. It is the perfect introduction to the full and vibrant world that provides the backdrop for this paranormal series. If you enjoy paranormal romance involving hot alpha shifters, you will want to check this one out.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was four short stories about different characters in the SnowDancer and DarkRiver packs. I'm only going to review the first two stories here because I reviewed the last two stories on their own the store pages.

Beat of Temptation - This was the story of how DarkRiver healer Tammy and her husband Nate met and mated. I'm so far into the series now (Book 11) that reading this story that took place 18yrs ago was really kind of boring because of how much I've learned about Tammy and Nate in the past 10 books. But, as always, I love reading anything on this series.

Stroke of Enticement - This story was about how DarkRiver sentinel, Zach, and his mate Annie met and mated. Like the story above, it was nice to read how they got together but I have since learned so much more about them (they're having a baby now) that it was kind of pointless. But I still love reading anything about this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wild Invitation is a collection of four novellas set in the Psy-Changeling world featuring some characters we already know and love along with a few we've not come across before. Two of the stories (Declaration of Courtship and Texture of Intimacy) have never been published before while the others were included in multi-author anthologies (Beat of Temptation was in An Enchanted Season and Stroke of Enticement was in The Magical Christmas Cat). These stories are set at different points in the series (I'll mention where they fit into the time line as I talk about each individual story) and while I think you could probably read the first three stories without picking up on any major spoilers I would definitely suggest waiting until you've read at least as far as Kiss of Snow before starting Texture of Intimacy.

Nalini Singh is incredibly talented when it comes to writing short stories and novellas, probably in part because fans are so invested in the worlds she has created and we already know and love most of her characters, but also because she is able to create a real depth of emotion between a couple in a very short amount of time. I never feel short changed by her stories and this anthology is a perfect example of why.

A Beat of Temptation:
I have loved Tamsyn and Nate from the very beginning so it was about time I finally got around to reading their story. A Beat of Temptation is actually set quite a long time before the series begins in Slave to Temptation (it actually introduces us to Lucas when he was just fifteen years old!) but I think I appreciated it all the more because I'm already crazy about this couple. Tammy and Nate have always had such a solid relationship and they obviously mean the world to each other so I was surprised to see what a rocky start they had. They realised they were mates when Tammy was just 15 and Nate was 25. Obviously he didn't make a move on her then though and now, four years later, Tammy is desperate to start their lives together while Nate is determined to let Tammy have her freedom before tying her down to their mating bond.

Although it's obvious to us that he is keeping her at a distance because he cares there were times when I really wanted to shake some sense into Nate for hurting Tammy so much. She becomes convinced that he wishes they weren't mates and it breaks her heart to have him push her away. I loved Tammy for standing up for what she wanted, she fights for her man but she has enough self respect to walk away rather than beg him for attention. Nate is a stubborn idiot but his intentions are good so I found it fairly easy to forgive him. It takes some pointed advice from several other pack members (a very wise for his age Lucas included) to put him on the right path but once he figures things out he works hard to prove to Tammy how much she means to him. Seeing them deal with their issues put a huge smile on my face and I'm glad we get to see how happy they are all throughout the series.

Stroke of Enticement:
A Stroke of Enticement officially fits into the series between Caressed by Ice and Mine to Possess but I don't think it contained any spoilers so you could probably read it at any point in the series. Annie is a human who happens to teach several members of the DarkRiver pack in her class. She meets Zach when his nephew plays up in class and he is sent to the school to put Bryan back on the straight and narrow. Zach immediately recognises Annie as his mate but she is very sceptical when it comes to love and he's going to have to work hard to convince her they're meant to be together.

I have to confess I can't remember if this couple have been mentioned in the series before, they may have made a brief appearance but I definitely didn't remember them. That wasn't an issue though, this story was incredibly sweet and I fell in love with Zach right alongside Annie. They are both great characters and I enjoyed spending time with them.

Declaration of Courtship:
Declaration of Courtship officially slots in after Play of Passion but again it doesn't have any major spoilers so could probably be read at any point. Cooper is one of the SnowDancer lieutenants who we've met throughout the series as one of Hawke's right hand wolves, he is a dominant wolf who would do anything to protect the people in his care, especially his mate Grace. Grace couldn't be more different to Coop, her wolf is completely submissive and pretty much terrified of Coop's dominance and I have to admit I was a little nervous at the beginning of the story because I couldn't see how they'd ever be able to have a workable relationship. Thankfully Nalini proved me wrong and although Grace's wolf is submissive Grace the woman is more than strong enough to fight for what she wants. Luckily for Coop he's the one she has set her sights on and she's going to do whatever it takes to get him.

I really loved seeing how Grace and Coop worked through their issues, Coop had to work hard to get Grace's wolf to trust him but he was incredibly patient and knew exactly how to sooth her. I think one of the things I loved most about these two was how different they are to any of the other couples we've already been introduced to it made them stand out to me. I also really enjoyed Nalini's depiction of dominant and submissive, it's nice that she doesn't make Grace a complete push over just because her wolf is at the lower end of the pack hierarchy. I also loved that Grace is happy with her position and we get to see the role the submissives have in making the pack as a whole more stable.

Texture of Intimacy:
I wouldn't recommend reading Texture of Intimacy until after you've read Kiss of Snow because it will contain major spoilers otherwise. Having said that this was probably my favourite story in the anthology so if you've not got that far yet you need to catch up soon so you can read this ASAP!

I absolutely loved the scenes with Lara and Walker during Kiss of Snow, they are so cute together but they definitely have their own set of problems to work through and it was great to have a whole story focused completely on them. The couple may already be mated but that doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing from now onwards and they both need to work hard to make sure they stay on the right path. Walker is so used to looking after everyone, he has been the backbone of his little family for such a long time but he never learned to rely on anyone else for help so he finds it hard to ask Lara for advice or even to open up to her. As the pack healer Lara is there for everyone and she is hurt when Walker keeps his distance emotionally. I love the fact that they're so caring but they both have a tendency to put everyone else's needs over their own and they both need to learn to accept help when it's offered. This story allows us to see them grow closer than ever, Walker is finally starting to trust the bond between them is forever and Lara is coming to understand the way Walker thinks. They are definitely a well matched couple and enjoyed this extra time we get to spend with them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
toni kaui
I was a little hesitant on jumping up to purchase this book even though I am a HUGE fan of Nalini Singh. I'm not a fan of the short stories or novellas as they call it, but I am so glad I read it. Oh how I missed being transported to the Psy/Changeling world! This was a very quick read for me, I finished it in one night. If you are a follower of Nalini Singh's stories, you will NOT be disappointed.

Tammy and Nate have been two of my favorite characters in this series since the very beginning. I am so glad that this story was included. Nate is a DarkRiver Sentinel and Tamsyn was forced at a young age to become the DarkRiver Healer. Nathan doesn't think Tammy is ready for him yet, and Tammy is tired of Nate being so distant. This was an emotional one for me. I wanted to smack Nate upside the head a few times. Packed full of emotions and of course a lot of sexual tension, the only way Nalini Singh does it.

Ohhh Zach Quinn, how I love you! Sexy Leopard versus lonely school teacher. I loved this story so much. Zach goes to pick up his nephew from school and meets Annie, his nephew's school teacher and recognizes his mate immediately, but Annie is human so he has his work cut out for him, especially since Annie's mother wants only "academic types" for Annie. Don't underestimate Mr Quinn though. He is a pure Alpha male with A LOT of charming qualities. Beautiful chemistry between the two with quite a bit of humor tied in.

The SnowDancers are my favorite, mainly because of the sexy Alpha Hawke. This is about a very submissive wolf Grace, who is being pursued by the VERY alpha wolf Cooper. This was such a cute story, but it also had major sexual tension.

This was another one of my favorites! Walker Lauren is a sexy, sexy, oh did I mention sexy Psy. Lara is a SnowDancer healer. Their mating bond happens back in Kiss Of Snow. The newly mated pair have a lot of challenges between them, with Walker still hiding behind his silence and Lara trying to break down his shields. I loved having past characters pop up in this story as well as getting to know Walker a little more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maebelle richardson
A Psy-Changeling anthology collection. It's not all of the short stories available, there's one other short story about 80-100 pages in the Burning Up anthology.

Two of these novella's (Beat of Temptation & Stroke of Enticement) were published previously. While the last two (Declaration of Courtship & Texture of Intimacy) are new.

Beat of Temptation: Psy Changeling #0.5 (read previously/copy & pasted my review)

4.5 stars.

I really loved this short story. I'm going to start reading Book 8 in the Psy-Changeling series in a couple weeks and I've loved Tamsyn and Nate from the beginning of the series. So I was extremely excited to learn that they did have a short story featuring them.

I love Nate, he is wonderful in all of his scenes throughout the series. However in this story he annoyed me so much. On the one hand I understand he had in his mind that Tamsyn was too young, and when she was fifteen and he was twenty-five that was absolutely right. But now Tammy is back, nineteen, already their Pack's healer, clearly mature enough to make her own decisions about mating and Nate's constant pushing and pulling of Tammy made me want to slap him and knock some sense into him.

Other than that this was a very good addition to the series. A must read for any Psy-Changeling fans.

Stroke of Enticement Psy-Changeling #3.5

5 stars.

Although this one had been released before, it's the one that I hadn't read yet. The original anthology it was in was just too expensive for me (about 15-18 dollars) and it was the one they didn't have at my library. So I liked that it was included in this one. Finally got to sit back and enjoy Zach and Annie's tale.

Annie is a teacher, a human, and she works at a school that has many changeling kids enrolled due to the closeness of various changeling factions. Zach is a DarkRiver leopard who immediately is interested in Annie.

Annie isn't use to guys showing her that much attention. Normally she gets looked over or guys are disappointed because they know what her aunt/cousin (I can't remember what Caro's relation to Annie is) looks like and Annie is the opposite. Annie has had some hard times, the accident that caused her leg to be crushed and seeing her parents marriage dissolve to the point that her father barely "sees" her mother.

So Zach has a little bit of an uphill battle to convince Annie to mate with him. Zach was so great with Annie's family. Her mother wasn't happy with changelings, she didn't hate them but she also didn't want her daughter dating a changeling. However Zach kind of won her over when she saw the way Zach looked at Annie, which was like she was the only woman in the world.

The story was very sweet and I loved Zach and Annie together. I wish to get more scenes with them in future installments.

Declaration of Courtship Psy-Changeling #9.5

4.5 stars.

I loved Grace & Cooper. As soon as we were introduced to them in a previous book (can't remember which one) I wanted to read their romance.

Cooper is a dominate wolf in the SnowDancer pack. Grace is one of the more submissive wolves in the pack.

Cooper has had his eye on Grace since she became a part of SnowDancer a few months ago. However he couldn't immediately chase her because she was so submissive, it would have given Cooper an unfair advantage in the relationship because Grace wouldn't have made the necessary connections to other people in the pack.

Both Grace and Cooper have had their share of family heartbreak. Both have lost their parents as children/teenagers and while they had other people in their lives to take care of them it has of course left emotional scars. Cooper's are more at the forefront and that's an issue in their courtship that they have to work through.

I enjoyed this story, I liked seeing how Cooper and Grace worked through the obstacles in front of them.

Texture of Intimacy Psy-Changeling #10.5

4.5 stars.

In Kiss of Snow we got Walker and Lara's courtship. In this story we got them post mating but with some issues still between them.

Walker, while far more open then he had been before still has a bit of a wall put up. However Lara is able to help Walker let down those walls one wall at a time.

I loved how open Lara is with Marlee and Toby and how loving she is with them. Those two kids really need a mother figure that won't leave them. Kristie (Toby's & Sienna's mother) committed suicide and Yelene (Marlee's mother) didn't want to taint her line and abandoned her child by staying in Silence.

Lara and Walker's major issue in this story is when Walker automatically shuts himself down emotionally when he has to deal with something traumatic. It's worked out though.

Also I enjoyed hearing about Zach and Annie for a brief bit. And I look forward to seeing if Riodan and Noelle get a story in the future.

This anthology is a great addition to my Psy-Changeling collection. All the stories in this collection are great. My only complaint is that the short story from the Burning Up anthology isn't in here. Other than that it's wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
~Reviewed by FRANCESCA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

"WILD INVITATION is a must read for followers of the series, full of Ms. Singh's signature sexual tension." ~Under the Covers

I am one of those rare people that, although I've read everything that Nalini Singh has written, I didn't jump on all the short stories that were available. So getting this book for me was a treat because they were ALL new stories. However, if you've followed Nalini's writing to a tee, then you'll only really get two new stories. That being said, this was a fast read for me, devouring this complete book in a day. It was wonderful to be part of the Psy-Changeling book again and it captivated me as usual. WILD INVITATION is a must read for followers of the series, full of Ms. Singh's signature sexual tension.

Beat of Temptation - 5 stars

This is one of those stories that you just have to love. We all know Tammy and Nate, they've been mated since we've known them in book one of the series. Tammy is the healer in current day Psy-Changeling time. But it was very sweet to go back and see how they ended up together. Nate is older than Tammy by 10 years and this story takes place when Tammy is 19. They've known they were mates for a while but Nate has stayed away thinking that she's too young and deserves to have freedom to live her life before being tied down by the mating bond. This is rooted into him because of his own parents issues. This story is charged with sexual tension in typical Nalini Singh style.

Stroke of Enticement - 5 stars

Zach Quinn is quite simply the perfect man. Well, that is because he's a leopard too. See I have a thing for leopards, and this one is sexy as hell, with a great sense of humor, a total flirt that can melt your panties away. Deliciously possessive and an understanding alpha male, if there is one. But enough about Zach. His mate is Annie, she's a human teacher and he meets her when he goes to pick up his nephew from school. He recognizes his mate immediately, but she's human and he has to charm her and win her over, woe her. And wooing he did. They were a great couple and another sexy feline shifter to read about.

Declaration of Courtship - 4 stars

The sweet story, because there has to be one. Grace and Cooper are both wolves in the SnowDancer pack, but Grace is submissive and Cooper is extremely alpha. That makes for a skittish courtship that Grace doesn't understand and that scares her. Cooper has to take baby steps and slowly win Grace over, so that she understands that they can work together even though there's such a gap in dominance. Full of chemistry and sexual tension, DECLARATION OF COURTSHIP was a great addition to the series!

"You don't mind teeth, do you, Grace?"

Texture of Intimacy - 4 stars

Lara and Walker are some of my favorite characters. Lara is the healer of the SnowDancer pack and Walker is psy. Their mate bond happened in KISS OF SNOW but Ms. Singh takes us one step further from that in TEXTURE OF INTIMACY. After a mating, it doesn't all have to be roses and Lara and Walker are still struggling on how to be happily mated. Walker has a lot of his own issues from his psy conditioning and how he's dealing with showing emotions. But he's one dark and brooding, sexy and understated alpha male. I loved getting to know him better in this story.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
armi beatriz
*Spoilers ahead, beware!

Nalini Singh is one of my favorite authors (although I'm only reading her Psy-Changeling series), she respects her characters, she is open to her readers, and she is always nice on twitter!!!!
In this anthology we visit favorite couples from the books and we meet new ones.

1) Beat of Temptation Psy/Changeling 0.5

This is the tale of Tamsyn the Darkriver healer and Nate the Darkriver sentinel. Although we know both of them from previous books we meet them again several years before, as a young and unmated couple. I was quite skeptical while reading this story, I think it didn't add something solid to the characters but it gave insight in the aftermath of the murder of Lucas's parents.

2) Stroke of Enticement Psy/Changeling 3.5

In this story we meet Annie a human teacher and Zach a Darkriver senior soldier. Even though we meet both heroes for the first time I already loved Zach! The way he approaches Annie, the way he entices her and lures her into his arms is wonderful. A well build romance in just a few pages with enough heartache to make it interesting.

3) Declaration of Courtship Psy/Changeling 9.5

I was really anticipating this one! Grace and Cooper are the reason I read this book and they didn't disappoint me. It was the first time a submissive wolf comes forward as a heroine even of a novella and I really enjoyed the exploration of her psychic. Her thoughts and fears in mating a dominant man, the "dialogues" she has with her wolf and the time it took for her to trust her heart in Cooper's hands was well detailed. And Cooper this hot and wicked wolf could melt my heart with the tricks he had up his sleeve, and the dirty talk...amazing!

4) Texture of Intimacy Psy/Changeling 10.5

Walker and Lara's story begun in Tangle of Need but it wasn't explored in depth, these gaps are filled in this novella plus we learn new and interesting things for a specific Arrow. Returning to the Snowdancers' den we see interactions from all our favourite characters and the fact that made this story special is that even though it was dedicated to Walker and Lara it wasn't isolated from the life in the den, their kids and the "everyday life" is present and evolves around them connecting them together and making them stronger.

Overall, I think Wild Initiation is a gift from Nalini Singh to her readers, a must read if you are a fan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracy moran
Title: Wild Invitation

Series: Psy/Changeling bk .05, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5

Author: Nalini Singh

Genre: Paranormal

In Beat of Temptation , innocent Tamsyn has always had a place in her heart for Nathan, a blooded DarkRiver sentinel. But is she ready for the fierce demands of the mating bond?

In Stroke of Enticement , a wary young teacher, skeptical about love, arouses the man--and the animal--in an aggressive leopard changeling who must prove his affections are true.


In Declaration of Courtship , Grace, a shy submissive wolf, finds herself pursued by the last man she ever would have imagined: a SnowDancer lieutenant said to be "mad, bad, and dangerous to know."

In Texture of Intimacy , SnowDancer healer Lara discovers the searing joys--and unexpected challenges--of being mated to quiet, powerful Walker, a man used to keeping his silence.

All I can say about this book right now WOW!!! Wild Invitation is an anthology with two books that have previously been published. So I'm only going to review the two new books.

Declaration of Courtship is the story of Cooper (one of Hawke's lieutenant) and Grace. One of the things I loved about this story is that we get a glimpse into other regions of the SnowDancer territory and also the other lieutenants. Cooper is one of the more dominant characters in the series, and one of Hawke's friends from before he became Alpha. Grace on the other hand is one of the most submissive wolves in the pack and as such Cooper has to very careful in how he courts her so that her wolf doesn't automatically lay down and accept him.

They reminded me a lot of Judd and Brenna with how they had to be careful of his psy powers. Coopers solution to their dominant/submissive wolves is lots and lots of foreplay. Because of this we get to see their relationship develop from the beginning to the end. It wasn't rushed and over a couple of weeks, rather we get the sense it was over a couple of months.

I do have to admit I want more of Cooper in coming books because he is such a great character.

Grade A

Texture of Intimacy picks up where Kiss of Snow left off in regards to Lara and Walker, with them having sex and the mating bond snapping into place. This is what happens after that takes place and during the beginning of Tangle of Need.

I absolutely adore the Lauren Family, and have been intrigued about Walker and what he did before they defected. I have a feeling that he is going to be crucial to The Ghost. Watching as Lara and Walker traverse the shift in their relationship and how they adjust was a lot of fun. As with any relationship they have ups and downs but it's all normal and perfect for them.

One of the things I loved was when Walker refered to Marlee when talking to Lara he called her their youngest I thought was so important for them, that they both recognized that for all intents and purposes Lara is now Marlee's mom.

This was a perfect installment in this series.

Grade A

Review by: Heather

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katey howes
Four short stories in Singh's Psy-Changeling series.

"Beat of Temptation", 0.5 (also in Enchanted Season)
Stroke of Enticement, 3.5 (also in Magical Christmas Cat)
Declaration of Courtship, 9.5
Texture of Intimacy, 10.5

The Stories
"Beat of Temptation" confuses me and therefore my critique. On the one hand, Nate annoyed me no end, and I thought Singh's writing was clumsy in pulling the two together. It is however very worthwhile as it provides the backstory on how Nathan and Tamsyn got together and covers the time period between two years after Lucas' parents' death to eighteen years later with Nate and Tammy's not-yet-three-year-old cubs.

The story is wonderful in that Singh creates a world the reader understands and wants to live in. It's so typical of Singh's Psy-Changeling series with the warmth and support the good guys receive from each other. Makes you wish the world could run like this...sigh...

It does have a prologue about Happiness and how the Psy Council tried to outlaw Christmas...snicker...

"Stroke of Enticement" is the story that introduced Singh's series to me. I absolutely adored the love and care Zach had for a woman so many ignored. Annie's handicap meant nothing to him except in terms of her comfort. It just made me want to read more by such a compassionate writer.

"Declaration of Courtship" is a touchy courtship between Cooper, a highly dominant wolf, who has fallen in love with Grace, a highly submissive wolf, who is a systems-maintenance engineer for the Pack. It's so typical of the series with a very cautious Cooper struggling to hold back his own passion in consideration for Grace's comfort. Naturally, Singh manages to convey pack dynamics with the need for both dominants and submissives as well as great sex along with this sweet romance.

I love Cooper's idea of giving Grace flowers.

"Texture of Intimacy" is sweet and an excellent example of starting with a happy couple who are experiencing conflicts. Lara and Walker Lauren are mated and in love, but it doesn't mean happily ever after as there is still too much they don't know about each other.

I'm not a socialist, but Singh's series could certainly convert me. I adore that the SnowDancer wolves believe in appointing someone to watch over the children and ensure that each pup is happy, safe, and challenged.

The Cover
The cover lets us know we're in San Francisco with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background and one of the shifters standing on the beach as waves wash ashore. It's a lovely sight in spite of the overcast skies as this jean-clad six-pack, er, I mean, hunky guy who is bare to the waist, er, um, well, you get the picture.

The title reflects courtships in all four novellas with a Wild Invitation in each one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nina silvia
Wild Invitation, A Psy-Changling Collection, by Nalini Singh

Overall Grade: B+

"I just need you-all of you- so much that I'm going crazy. I need your laugh. I need you company. I need you to sleep beside me and I need you to wake when I wake. I need you with everything in me."

What a great collection of short stories about some of the favorite side characters in the Psy-Changeling series. I highly recommend that you read the books of this series in order and have read all of the books so far in order to understand who everyone is and what is going on so you aren't completely lost. Once again Nalini Singh pulls you into the magical worlds of this series and like always I never wanted the book to end.

Beast of Temptation: A

Beast of Temptation goes back a long ways and is the story of Tamsyn, aka Tammy, and Nathan who are part of the DarkRiver pack. I have loved this couple for a while and was thrilled to see how they mated. Theirs is by far the best out of the four and is so good that I just has to re-read it.

Stroke of Enticement: B+

This is a very, very short story about the mating of Zach and Annie also of the DarkRiver pack. It is a very short, very quick read and I wish that we could have seen a little more of them. I always love seeing the males courting the women especially the humans who have no idea how to react to this dominant men and their cats or wolves.

Declaration of Courtship: B+

I wasn't as familiar with Grace and Cooper except for the last book Tangle of Need. This was my second favorite out of the four and I loved that it showed a mating between a dominant wolf and a submissive. I liked seeing how these two worked out their problems that only had to do with their wolves. I liked Grace and Cooper so much I wish they had had their own full length book.

Texture of Intimacy: B-

This was my least favorite out of the four and shows us more of the mating between Psy Walker and Changeling Lara. Texture of Intimacy was much different from the other three as the couple is already mated but they are still working out their problems. I felt that this setup more for future books and wasn't so much about Walker and Lara. It definitely had less romance than the other three which made it much harder for me to read.

All in all one of the best collections of short stories from a series I have read in awhile. I highly recommend this book to any fan of the Psy-Changeling series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Beat of Temptation"
DarkRiver healer Tamsyn Mahaire may only be nineteen years old, but she's known for years that fellow leopard changeling Nathan Ryder is her mate. But Nate is ten years older than her and having witnessed firsthand the disastrous result of his parents mating too young, he is determined to give Tammy her freedom until she is older...by blocking the mating bond. The pull Tammy feels toward Nate is only getting stronger and she knows their relationship -- or lack thereof -- is getting to its make or break point. Tammy knows what she wants, and she'll put everything on the line to make Nate see she's ready for their mating.

No matter how many times I read "Beat of Temptation," I feel like the story is fresh and new with each and every read. I absolutely love Nate and Tammy's story. Nalini Singh packs a wealth of emotion into their romance; there's love, sensuality, friendship, discovery, heartbreak, and hope. What's not to love?

Tammy is a heroine whose compassion and quiet strength simply radiate off the page. If I hadn't already adored her, it would have taken less than a page for me to do so. As for her mate, Nate is a strong almost-sentinel whose protective instincts, when paired with the ghosts of his past, lead him to make mistakes that hurt Tammy. Because I understood Nate's reasoning (even if I didn't agree with it), I never grew frustrated with him. He and Tammy make such a wonderful couple that I was rooting for Tammy to get through to Nate. I knew that when she did, he would be the mate she so deserved.

"Beat of Temptation" takes place eighteen years before the first full-length Psy-Changeling book, Slave to Sensation. One of my favorite things about "Beat of Temptation" is seeing DarkRiver before it becomes the powerful pack we know it to be from the series. Even though I knew DarkRiver's history, getting to see some of it in Nate and Tammy's story adds a level of depth to Ms. Singh's already phenomenal world-building. In addition, "Beat of Temptation" features some familiar faces -- namely, Psy-Changeling heroes Lucas, Vaughn, and Dorian -- as teenagers. That alone was a huge treat for a fan of the series like myself.

"Beat of Temptation" is a mesmerizing romance that is sure to leave you with a smile on your face.

"Stroke of Enticement"
After watching her mother's heart being broken continuously by her emotionally distant father, Annie Kildaire has convinced herself that long-term romantic relationships are not for her. All that changes when Zach Quinn walks into her classroom and promptly turns her world upside down. The sexy leopard changeling seems determined to wreak havoc on her senses, and Annie isn't so sure that's a bad thing.

The minute he sees his nephew's human teacher, Zach knows Annie is destined to be his mate. Both leopard and man are drawn to her beauty, strength, and intelligence. All he wants to do is claim Annie as his own. But Zach knows that to win over his cautious mate he'll have to entice her to trust him, and he'll use every sensual trick up his sleeve to do so.

Just when you think the Nalini Singh can't get any better, she serves up another amazing tale. "Stroke of Enticement" is a captivating story that grabbed me from the very first page and didn't let go.

Zach is the kind of hero I love to read and dream about - devastatingly handsome, charming, intelligent, protective, and slightly mischievous. He's possessive of Annie, not in a controlling way, but in such a way that made me sigh and wonder where I could find a hero like him. As for Annie, I utterly adored her. A childhood accident has left her with a slight physical handicap, but she never lets it stop her. She's strong in both body and mind. As I watched her fall in love with Zach, I found that she was strong of heart as well. Separately, they were endearing, but as a couple they wholly complimented one another. Their romance was the perfect combination of passion, tenderness, excitement, and fun.

"Stroke of Enticement" is part of Ms. Singh's Psy-Changeling series, but can be read as a standalone. Fans of the series will delight in this sensational addition to an already incredible series, and newcomers to the Psy-Changeling world will surely be racing to the nearest bookstore to gather up the rest of the series.

"Declaration of Courtship"
SnowDancer lieutenant Cooper knows that Grace, the quiet wolf new to his den, is his mate. Grace tempts him as no one other than his mate ever could, but he forces himself to hold back from beginning the mating dance; for Grace is a submissive wolf and he a strong dominant. The disparity in their dominance levels could ruin their relationship before it has a chance to begin. What's a big bad wolf changeling to do? Declare his courtship, of course, and seduce the woman who's meant to be his.

"Declaration of Courtship" is utterly fascinating. Grace and Cooper are two wolf changelings with such a wide gulf between them in terms of dominance and submission levels that beginning a healthy relationship is a challenge for them both. The majority of Nalini Singh's changeling heroines who have their own books are fairly dominant, so it was a nice change to have a non-dominant heroine like Grace. She's incredibly strong and deeply caring in a way that's unique to submissive changelings. She wants to be with Cooper, but her wolf has to grow to trust him enough to not be cowed by his wolf. It's a delicate balance and watching Cooper and Grace navigate the obstacles their natures put in their path was incredibly interesting.

"Declaration of Courtship" takes readers outside the main SnowDancer den to a satellite den in the San Gabriel Mountains. I loved getting a look at how the SnowDancer pack works outside the main den. By turns sensual, sorrowful, humorous, and romantic, "Declaration of Courtship" is a wonderful addition to the Psy-Changeling series.

"Texture of Intimacy"
SnowDancer healer Lara knew exactly what she was taking on when she mated Walker Lauren. Being mated to the steady, quiet Psy brings more joy to Lara than she ever could have imagined. Yet new matings take work -- even for couples as deeply in love as Lara and Walker are. Though Walker has been part of the SnowDancer pack for a few years, he's still learning to cope with the memories of his past, of the destruction wrought by Silence and the danger that nearly destroyed (and in one case, did destroy) the people he loves the most. Together, Walker and Lara must forge a path to happiness for themselves and their growing family.

Nalini Singh shows readers just what goes on after "happily ever after" in "Texture of Intimacy." Lara and Walker's mating bond took hold in Kiss of Snow, but that doesn't mean things are smooth sailing for them. Walker radiates quiet strength, but beneath the surface he carries scars from his life before he and his family escaped Silence and came to live with the SnowDancer wolves. It's a good thing Walker's mated to Lara, for she's adept at healing more than just physical wounds. The two of them together are simply beautiful to read about and it was pure joy to see their positions as mates and as a family solidify in "Texture of Intimacy."

Of all the stories in the Wild Invitation anthology, "Texture of Intimacy" is the one most deeply connected with the overarching storylines of the Psy-Changeling series. Given that (1) Walker and Lara appear in a number of the full-length books and (2) "Texture of Intimacy" takes place in the aftermath of Kiss of Snow, this is no surprise. Still, Ms. Singh provides enough information for "Texture of Intimacy" to be read as a standalone (provided you don't mind reading major spoilers for Kiss of Snow). That being said, I guarantee that if you read "Texture of Intimacy" before Kiss of Snow, you'll be in a rush to backtrack and read the book where Lara and Walker fell in love.

Whether you're a fan of the Psy-Changeling series or are simply looking to read some extraordinary paranormal romances, you won't want to miss Wild Invitation. Nalini Singh delivers four very different novellas that have three things in common: they're amazing, unique, and wholly engaging. I love everything about Wild Invitation, which is why I am wholeheartedly Joyfully Recommending it!

Note: "Beat of Temptation" was first published in the anthology An Enchanted Season and "Stroke of Enticement" was first published in The Magical Christmas Cat anthology.

Shayna for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
haley carnefix

In Beat of Temptation, innocent Tamsyn has always had a place in her heart for Nathan, a blooded DarkRiver sentinel. But is she ready for the fierce demands of the mating bond?

I've read this story before, but I still loved it. Tamsyn is 19 now, and she has known she is Nathan's mate since her 15th birthday. But he has kept his distance from her sexually, not allowing her skin privileges, and she is slowly going crazy. Nate wants to give her space, to live a little, and perhaps see something of the world, like he did at her age. But Tamsyn is a healer, and his been the Pard's healer since she was 16. She is rooted at Dark River, and she doesn't need to go wandering. If he doesn't want to change things, she will have no choice but to leave. She tries to seduce him, to feed him, to ignore him, but he still won't mate with her. But of course he cannot let her leave him either, no matter what he says.

I love Tamsyn, she is a very skilled and caring Healer, and she knows what she wants. Still Nate keeps her at a distance, until she goes crazy with needing. She doesn't want to wait any longer, she wants him now. And she will be able to deal with the mating bond or else they would never be mated. I did love the little Christmas bits, how she interacts with the rest of the pack (who were then very young, and who have their own stories by now).
Stubborn Nate thinks he can dictate her, as he is a dominant soldier, going to be a Sentinel. But he can't just choose what parts of the bond he wants, and which not, and she certainly makes him go crazy as well. They are good together, but I could live with a bit more grovelling. Tamsyn is too kindhearted being a healer sometimes.

In Stroke of Enticement, a wary young teacher, sceptical about love, arouses the man--and the animal--in an aggressive leopard changeling who must prove his affections are true.

Another story I already know, it is short but sweet. Annie is a teacher, and some of her pupils are changelings. She loves them just as much, and one of them has an uncle Zach. Zach takes an instant liking to Annie, he knows he has found his mate in this small human. But he will have to tread carefully, as she has been wounded before. As a child, she was in a train accident, leaving her leg splintered. She still has a limp, and her mother sees that as an imperfection, and that Annie needs to be taken care of. She keeps setting her up on dates with other academics. But Annie is not interested in them, and as she witnesses her parents' marriage, her mother so in love with her father, and her father ignoring her and hurting her without seeing it, she will pass.
But the ways of the changelings really draws her in, and Zach especially. If he can only be hers for a short period of time, so be it. But she will live a little and go for it. Not knowing Zach intends it to be forever.

I enjoyed Annie, she has spunk, and she is not spineless against her mother, who really does love her. And well, Zach, sigh, he is just a dream guy, doing everything right and knowing when Annie needs some space and when to push. He accepts her without reservations, and does not pity her or something.
And though Zach is some kind of forester, he also has a degree, which mollifies mom.

In Declaration of Courtship, Grace, a shy submissive wolf, finds herself pursued by the last man she ever would have imagined: a SnowDancer lieutenant said to be "mad, bad, and dangerous to know."

I am very sorry, but this story just did not grab me. It takes place at a subsidiary of Snow Dancer territory, and Grace is a mechanic, and Cooper the big boss there. She is ultra submissive and he is as alpha as they get. And Cooper wants her, but as a woman and not a submissive. But things kept getting broken down, and I kept suspecting sabotage, especially after the bits with the Psy who wanted to take over their land.
The courting was fun but I just never felt much for Cooper.

In Texture of Intimacy, SnowDancer healer Lara discovers the searing joys--and unexpected challenges--of being mated to quiet, powerful Walker, a man used to keeping his silence.

I so loved this story. A bonus after what happened in the "war" with Councillor Ming and how Sienna killed them all. Lara and Walker have mated, but this is what happens in the next days, and I loved it. And well, perhaps, a bit of insight in the Ghost? I do think it is this Arrow mentioned.

All in all, a good collection of stories, and so worth your money if you did not yet buy the anthologies that have the first two stories (which I did). Still, I enjoyed reading all four stories in one book. If you love this series as much as I do, it is a must for your collection.

9 stars.

© 2013 Reviews by Aurian

Full review on my blog, [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wild Invitation by Nalini Singh contains 4 novellas, all in the Psy-Changling series. Two of these novellas were included in previous anthologies, but two of them are new. If you have not checked out the Psy-Changling series, you are missing a fabulous ride. The series is classified Paranormal Romance, but could easily also be labeled Urban Fantasy.

The basic premise of the series is that there are 3 distinct classes of human on earth. Changlings, be they wolf, panther, eagle, deer, swan, etc. Changlings can change from human to their animal. They live in a strict hierarchy made up of a leader at the top, Maternals, Elders, Healers, Soldiers and other similar positions. Everyone is important in the pack or group and everyone works together to keep the pack/group safe.

There are also a group of humans called Psy. They are all linked into a mental network similar a computer internet system. All Psy have different areas in which they have abilities. Some can Telekinesis or Forecast the future, or even Psychometry. Most all Psy have Telepathy in some small form as they need it to connect to the PsyNet. A protocol called "Silence" was instituted to help the Psy deal with emotions. It taught their children that emotions are bad and to rely on pure logic.

The third group are plain regular human. Not as strong as Changlings, not as logical as Psy. The humans have played a very small part in the Psy/Changling series so far.

The first story, Beat of Temptation, is from the anthology An Enchanted Season, published in 2007. This story is number 0.5 in the series. This is the story of Tamsyn and Nathan and their mating dance.

The second story, Stroke of Enticement, is from the anthology The Magical Christmas Cat, published in 2008 and is number 3.5 in the series. In this story, we have the story of Zach, a leopard, and Annie, a human. The story was sweet and gives us a nice perspective on humans mating into the Pack.

The third novella is Declaration of Courtship, and is number 9.5 in the series. This is the story of Grace, a very submissive leopard and Cooper, a lieutenant and very dominant in the pack. He must walk a fine line to not overpower Grace and give her the time to learn to trust in his love.

The last novella is Texture of Intimacy and is number 10.5 in the series. This is the story of Lara, the healer and Walker Lauren. Their story was started in Kiss of Snow and this novella takes us into the minds and hearts of Lara and Walker as they merge their lives together.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads. I know that 2 of these stories are reprints, but I have read and reread them multiple times because they are just so awesome. And now I have 2 more wonderful stories to reread.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george majchrzak
Are you still waiting for Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12) to be released in june? Nalini has made it easier for you by releasing Wild Invitation. Wild Invitation gives you your fix for your Psy - Changeling cravings!
Wild Invitation is an fantastic anthology. I browse regularly on the Nalini's website and blog posts to see if their have been posted new free reads or a peak preview for one of her books. So I'am already familiar with two of the stories from this anthology. But never less I really enjoyed them and loved to read them again. This anthology contains 4 stories. 2 stories from the DarkRiver Den and 2 stories from the SnowDancer Den(Psy-Changeling 0.5- Beat of Temptation, 3.5 - Stroke of Enticement, 9.5 - Declaration of Courtship and Psy-Changeling 10.5 - Texture of Intimacy).

This story is about Tamsyn the pack healer of DarkRiver. Gives us a little inside information about a character who made a couple of appearances in the Psy-Changeling books. Tamsyn and Nathan are always described as the loving children with their twins. In Beat of Temptation we get to read how they became a couple.

Tamsyn has always had a place in her heart for Nathan, a blooded DarkRiver sentinel. But is she ready for the fierce demands of the mating bond?

The O-so Sexy Zach who have set his eys on the young teacher of his nefew. Annie is skeptical about love after witnessing the marriage of her mother and father. But arousel winnes. Zach must now prove his affections are true and let her now he never lets her go.

This is a new story and never before released as short story or as free read on Nalin's site. A DECLARATION OF COURTSHIP is a short story about Grace, a shy submissive wolf from the SnowDancer Den. Being a submissive wolf she kind of expected to find a not to dominant mate. But what she gets is really the opposite. Nalini has come up with the hot and sizzling Cooper. Grace finds herself pursued by the last man she ever would have imagined. He like to teach her where her claws are and how he likes her to use them on him DECLARATION OF COURTSHIP one of the best short stories ever written bij Nalini Singh.

Second story about the SnowDancer Den. Another healer story just as the first story from this anthology. If you have wondered how it is with Laura and Walker from KISS OF SNOW here is your chance. I loved to read how this happily mated couple is doing after the KISS OF SNOW story. Lara discovers the searing joys--and unexpected challenges--of being mated to quiet, powerful Walker, a man used to keeping his silence.

I highly recommend you read this book before you going to start with .. Nalini Singh gives you a sneak preview to possible future pairing such as Tai and Evie. Nalini Singh is absolute one of the best authors of her Genre and one of my favorites. I don't think she can do anything wrong. even if she would write about the Dens playing Hide an Seek all day I would still love it
Please RateA Psy-Changeling Collection (The Psy-Changeling Series)
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