A Shade of Vampire 33: A Dawn of Guardians

ByBella Forrest

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bennett cohen
Title: A Dawn of Guardians
Series: A Shade of Vampire
Designation: Book Thirty-Three of a Multi-Novel Series (Book One of Season Five), NOT a Standalone Read, Cliffhanger
Author: Bella Forrest
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Reading Platform: Kindle Unlimited
A Dawn of Guardians is the thirty-third riveting release in the international bestselling megahit series, A Shade of Vampire, and Bella Forrest has left me totally breathless - again! Like thousands of my fellow Shaddicts around the world, I've been hooked since the first book of the series and now eagerly await each new release. And it's no surprise that Forrest has delivered another new gripping adventure that curls our toes, makes our hearts pound and keeps us begging for more! This is a beautifully written young adult saga unlike any I've ever read. Quite simply, it's an irresistibly delicious all-you-can-eat buffet of fantasy, adventure, and supernatural romance. The story is well crafted, imaginative, thrilling, fast paced, action packed, suspenseful, sweet, romantic and at times, also dark and mysterious. Whew, what a mouthful, but these are only a few of the words that come to mind after reading this incredible chronicle of the Shade, its inhabitants, and their enemies. The narrative is exceptionally well written in the first person with multiple points of view. Each chapter is told by one of the primary characters (and there are many), which I believe gives more depth and perspective to the story while adding insight into their thoughts, fears, and motivations. The dialogue is smart, well executed and flows effortlessly. Although the premise and plot for the series are intriguing as well as compelling, it's truly the magnificent cast of larger than life characters that make the biggest impact. They are well developed, fascinating, captivating, engaging, endearing and quite literally, out of this world! They explode from the pages, grab your imagination, capture your heart and hold you completely and totally enthralled from beginning to end. Forrest skillfully combines all of these elements to craft a beautifully written paranormal romance filled to the brim with danger, action, adventure, fantasy, mystery, suspense, magic, supernatural beings, loyalty, heartbreak, betrayal, angst, hope, passion, love and plot twists that will blow your mind. After thirty-two books in a series, some might think the story has grown old or stagnant, but nothing could be farther from the truth. After reading all the books of the series, there are two things I've learned beyond a shadow of a doubt. First, when reading anything written by Bella Forrest, always expect the unexpected and two, absolutely nothing is ever impossible as we've all witnessed time and time again. In each book Forrest pens, she takes her readers on an emotionally thrilling roller coaster ride, unlike any other, one that keeps us on the edge of our seat and riveted to each page while screaming, "OMG - that didn't just happen!" And the icing on the cake, Forrest's books are always well-edited, formatted and have gorgeous covers! I'm not a professional reviewer but I know what I like, what I love and what I don't and I love this series! I've never experienced anything like it. After reading Book 32: A Day of Glory, the seventh and final release of season four, I had to ask myself, how in the world will Forrest ever be able to surpass her last release? But never fear my friends, Forrest has once again exhibited her exceptional talent, remarkable skill, and incredible imagination by giving us yet another riveting new adventure featuring more of our new generation of young heroes with all of our beloved favorites also along for the ride.
Twenty-two years have passed since Ben Novak, Prince of The Shade, married the beautiful half blood River Giovanni. And much has changed in those years. The King and Queen of The Shade, Derek and Sophia Novak, are now proud grandparents, four times over and many of the other residents are also proud parents. Wow! Time really flies, doesn't it? Ben and River Novak have one nineteen-year-old half fae daughter, Grace, who, despite incredible odds, survived becoming a Bloodless and has just married Lawrence Conway, the man responsible for saving her life. Grace and Lawrence were married in a lovely ceremony in The Hearthlands officiated by half dragon and former Shade resident Heath. Ben and River also have a fairly new addition to their family. Two years ago, they discovered River had a son named Field, an adult Half-blood/Hawk hybrid who was the result of an invasive IBSI experiment performed while River was held prisoner twenty years earlier. Derek and Sophia's daughter, Shade Princess Rose Novak, has been happily married to Caleb Achilles for over 20 years. They have two human children, Hazel, age seventeen, and Benedict, age fourteen. Kiev and Mona Novalic have one nineteen-year-old son named Brock who is half warlock. Witches Ibrahim and Corrine have been blessed with a lovely nineteen-year-old full blooded witch daughter named Arwen who, despite her mother's objection, is dating Brock. Vampires Claudia and Yuri Lazaroff have a twenty-year-old human daughter, Ruby. Vampires Ashley and Landis Vaughn also have a fifteen-year-old human son Julian. Even the dragon residents of The Shade have flourished. Dragon shifter Jeriad and his human wife Sylvia now have a son, handsome strapping twenty-one-year-old half dragon Heath who now resides in The Hearthlands, his father's former realm. And there have many other happy unions among the residents. Aiden and Kailyn have been married for twenty-two years and adopted one of the werewolf pups recovered from the Harpies. Abby and Erik also took the plunge along with Micah and Kira, Eli and Shayla, and the two Jinn Aisha and Horatio who have a beautiful baby girl named Riza. And not surprisingly, ice dragon Lethe also has a human bride and now resides inside the protective boundaries of The Shade. Surprisingly, long time bachelor Lucas Novak is now a thriving resident of The Shade community but is no longer a bachelor. Yikes! For the first time in his 500 years of existence, he truly fell in love with Marion, the woman rescued from the Ogre realm, and has become a loving husband as well as father to Marion's daughter Avril. And of course, we all remember Xavier and Vivienne's beautiful daughter, Victoria Vaughn who married werewolf Bastien Blackhall in Season Four. Victoria and Bastien are now the proud parents of an adorable wolf hybrid son named Jovi . But as much as things have changed, there are still many things that have remained the same, including The Shade's mission to protect Earth from The Shade's many enemies, some known and some yet to be discovered.

In Season Five, our story resumes two years after The Shadow League defeated the IBSI and ousted them from power. Our brave heroes of The Shade no longer operate from the shadows and have become the official and very public protectors of Earth and all its many realms and there are many...some yet to be discovered with strange and unfamiliar beings. As a result of their victory over the IBSI as well as their new public personas, the founders of TSL have become familiar faces around the globe making it impossible to travel anywhere without being recognized. In keeping with their responsibilities and duties, the name of the group has now been changed to the Global Agency for Supernatural Protection or GASP with Derek Novak as the Chairman/CEO and the other original members of TSL holding the key executive management positions. Even after finding the Bloodless cure and the elimination of the threat posed by the IBSI, supernatural crime still exists but with GASP having facilities and agents located the world over, it's handled professionally and expediently. And of course, they have maintained the alliances with the other supernatural realms made during the IBSI takedown. Their most recent case began with a call from the Greek island of Crete where tourists and locals have been mysteriously disappearing without a trace along with unexplained noises during the night and strange reports of vehicles being strangely mangled. All the incidents seem to be centered in the area surrounding the archaeological site of Knossos. Some of the more superstitious residents of the island fear the bizarre disturbances could be the result of Minotaurs, creatures of myth and legend returning to terrorize the island from the hidden ruins of the labyrinth. But are minotaurs real? Who could even say, especially after their recent discovery of several new supernatural species? Regardless, Derek and Sophia along with the other members of GASP from The Shade are scheduled to leave for Crete to investigate the case. And while their parents are conducting their investigation on Crete, Rose and Caleb Achilles' human children, seventeen-year-old Hazel and fourteen-year-old Benedict, along with Claudia and Yuri Lazaroff's twenty-year-old human daughter Ruby, and Landis and Ashley Vaughn's fifteen-year-old human son Julian are being shipped off to Murkbeech Island off the coast of Scotland for two weeks of summer camp where they will learn how to survive in the wilderness. It's a bit of a family tradition since this is the same wilderness training retreat Ben and Rose were sent when they were teenagers and we all remember how they ultimately ended up in Hawaii and the misadventures that ensued. Oh my! I wonder if history will repeat itself and they'll also wind up being kidnapped and in mortal danger as did Rose and Ben? It seems they do! Oh no! But will our group of young heroes be able to manage on their own and save themselves? I guess we'll see!

Two beautiful, brave, young human heroines-check! Two courageous human teenage heroes -check! A new realm inhabited by a dark, mysterious race of unknown supernaturals-check! A new enemy who may turn out to be a new hero-we'll see! An army of supernatural heroes with a new name-check! A magnificent cast of characters including a new young generation of heroes-check! A plethora of supernatural beings including mutants, vampires, werewolves, witches, dragons, ogres, jinn, fae-you bet! More new creatures that we've never before encountered-check! A new enemy-check! Danger, drama, adventure, suspense, betrayal and exciting evil machinations-check! More sweet budding romances-maybe! That and a whole lot more! Buckle up my lovelies for another exciting new adventure with all our favorite residents of The Shade including a brand new generation of heroes, all working together to battle old enemies along with a few new ones as well. I can hardly wait for the new adventure in Book 34: A Sword of Chance. Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin romero
Once Again, Bella has delivered a fabulous journey twisted with mystery that will have you flipping page after page!!!

2 years have passed. The Shade and residents have had a nice break from all the drama and turmoil. We see marriages, babies and harmony bloom all around. TSL (The Shadow League) is now Gasp (Global Agency for Supernatural Protection) and they have things finally going good!! Will this last? Well you'll need to read to find that one out!

It has been nice seeing the Shade grow and also hold onto humanity at the same time. Seeing the human kids of everyone has been a nice treat! It always leaves some mystery of if they'll remain human, turn vamp or have someone force something on them.

The Murkbeech Adventures..... Turns out to be one adventure indeed. Leaving The Shade as a human isn't a smart idea at all!!

I wouldn't recommend reading this with a headache by the way, LOL Yes I did, but in my defense, I just couldn't put it down!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristen roberts
This storyline didn't stick with me. For the first time I actually struggled to keep reading. I hope the story gets more interesting. This book so far has been my least favorite. Bella has never disappointed me before but this book was not for me. I was expecting more. The more I was reading the more it felt like the story was similar to Greek mythology. Im not sure how I feel about vampires witches and werewolves mixing with Greek mythology. I also do not like the idea of the sentries. Mind reading is like a little far fetched for me to link with vamps. I will still continue to read the next book but hopefully the storyline is more interesting.
A Shade of Vampire Boxed Set: Books 1 and 2 :: A Shade of Vampire 37: An Empire of Stones :: A Shade of Vampire 47: A Passage of Threats :: A Shade of Vampire 44: A Tangle of Hearts :: A Shade of Vampire 48: A Tip of Balance
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jill cicero
The first 4 seasons (32 books) are FANTASTIC!

Book 33 starts with just a brief glimps on our favorite characters without completing the story arc on the 5 brothers or the 2 unknown babies. Then we are thrust into the life of Hazel and brother but the story is very slow reading at first with absolutely nothing exciting happening until 1/3 into the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am really thankful that Bella decided to continue writing about The Shade. Season five started off with very happy endings for some of our beloved couples which pleased me immensely and then carried on with our new lead characters. Bella is great at setting the scene and the build up to the next part is very intense. I am excited to find out where she is going to take this story because it's all so new and unpredictable. We shall have to wait and see! Thank you for another amazing book Bella.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad stark
Another generation of Shade kids are reaching maturity and their parents send them off for a summer adventure. But true to all Shade residents, trouble manages to find them. Another unique paranormal is brought into this amazing saga that puts the next generation of Novak heirs through the paces. Once again I am in awe of this amazing tale! Highly recommend the entire series to any that have not experienced the Shade as yet! This voluntary review is based against a KU copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maisya farhati
Just when you think you've learned of all supernatural beings, another comes along...and not necessarily of the good sort.
The Shade Embarks on a mysterious mission, while sending their teenage children to Scotland on an adventure trip for 2 weeks.
The kids are in for quite a surprise.
This adventure is as thrilling and heart pounding as the others. I can't wait to read what happens next! 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
toby barnes
Just when you thought Bella couldn't possibly have any more supernatural creatures locked up in her brilliant mind, I am surprised yet again!!
This book had me wanting more, who and what are these new supernatural's and why do they need humans?
What has happened since the WASP took over from the IBSI? Dive deeper into Bella's mind as we read more of her books.
Bella I can't wait to see what happens next and further more, thank you for writing about the Shade I always feel like I'm actually in the story it's self.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber sullivan
This book is just simply amazing!! Bella Forrest has done it again !! This book has so much more adventure and thrills than the last ! She keeps you on your toes for sure with this book ,yall may or may not fall for a new character ;) amazing job Bella i cant wait to find out what happens next !!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I don't usually review books, even though it helps me when looking for a good read, but I have to say something on this book. I loved all her other books in this series, but this one was dull and too much! It didn't even seem like she wrote it, more of a child writing. It was the same old same, not to mention it cut off mid-story, which is ok, because I already know the ending.....the villain will fall in love with her and her parents will save the day. I LOVE the series, but I feel it may be time to change it up, or let the Shade rest. I read it in a day because I just sped through it because girl meets boy, girl is bossy and out spoken, boy falls for girl and all live happily ever after......unless she surprises us all with the 2nd half?!?! But I doubt...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colin lacy
I was so excited to read this story of characters we had only met in passing. As usual, the fearlessness of the Shade children shine through. Of course, Bella manages to put these 4 through new trials we've never seen before. I love how she maintains the strenghth of the Shade while always giving us something new and exciting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bella is beyond amazing with her words. If you're already on book 33, you don't need me to tell you that you should be reading her words right now, not mine. Lol
Amazing, suspenseful, dramatic, and compelling. Just like the 32 before it!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelsey reckling
I was unable to relate to the characters, they were shallow and poorly written. I think that the author is skipping major potential story-line just to push the series through the numbers. I found the plot to be very predictable and boring, the whole book felt rushed and ended poorly.

I feel that the author missed the mark by only having passing comments in the prologue about the changes in the lives of characters that we have all come to know and love. While we know that Vicky and Bastien now have a son there is only a mention of the pregnancy being difficult. Lucas' love story ,the rescued orphan babies, the marriage of Grace and Lawrence, the Hawk boys story and many more were only given brief mentions. More time needs to be given in completing older story arcs while introducing new characters so that we can come to know them rather than just thrusting rarely mentioned characters into the forefront of a new chapter.

I am not sure if I will continue to read this series since I feel that the author has lost her passion for this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel gayton
I love the new interesting direction the characters have taken. My only complaint is trying to keep track of all of the family trees. I had to write down which kids belonged to which adults so as not to be confused. Other than that, this is an interesting twist in the series!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jacob p
Enter the sentry I wasn't really impressed but what I was impressed by is Bella's ability to introduce us to a new world, new plot, and new adventure. This story has me engaged and I'm looking forward to see how it ends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul headrick
I absolutely love Bella Forrest! She keeps you engaged and also doesn't leave you hanging very long! I honestly believe this series needs to be turned into a television show! I love this series and once I start reading it, I cannot put it down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cate brooks
Read the entire series from book 1 - Bella Forrest will amaze you! Reading this series is a great escape and wraps you into this world where fighting for what is right, finding your true love, and holding on to the value of family (biological and adopted), are paramount. I thought they would be cheesy vampire stories. However, I've been pleasantly surprised by the powerful story lines that keep me coming back for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina begum
an interesting twist although i was amazed how the other kids are grown and are beginning their own families...it was nice to read about rose and claudia daughter especially as they havent had a big role in the other books great story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
layla jane
A wonderful start to the 5th season, Bella Forrest is a genius! I'm tordant looking forward to where I will be taken this time. I'm loving the emergence of new supernaturals, it's keeping the stories so fresh.
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