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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane wilcox
This is book #7 in Lorelei James Rough Rider series. Shoulda Been a Cowboy is my favorite thus far. The characters seemed so real, so raw. The way Cam struggled to share his feelings with Domini regarding his lost limb was so heartfelt. I loved the steaming hot d/s sex. Cam was totally alpha and Domini was such a giving submissive. What a great couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim ostler
First, I want to give my appreciation to Lorelei James for acknowledging the realities of some of what veterans go through. In this case, I’m not talking about PTSD and the emotional side of things. There is one small exchange between Cam and his Army buddy where they address the fact that, although there is a lot of technology out there when it comes to prosthesis, those injured in the military do not get those high-tech arms and legs. In fact, most insurance (not just military) won’t pay for such things. So, when a soldier loses a limb and people make comments about how realistic and functional prosthesis now are, just know that is not what your average vet is getting fitted with.
As for this story, it’s wonderful. I was so proud of Domini and how she would stand up for herself. Sure, she didn’t always speak up about what she wanted. When it came to people trying to use her as a doormat her voice can be heard. Domini is the first to point out that shy does not equal meek.
The beginning of this book, when Cam and Domini are first hooking up, is great. They have wonderful chemistry from the very beginning. Actually, they’ve had chemistry since before the beginning since they are in previous books. Things get super real about halfway through though, and then the love really comes through. There were quite a few tears shed during this one. Some were happy tears, some were not. But I love when a book can get that kind of emotion from me.
Of course, this author always keeps me on my toes with other characters. I am extremely curious about Jessie and the story behind her relationship with her in-laws. I’m not sure when her story will be told, but I’m sure it will be a doozy!
This story dealt with so many things…love, loss, abuse, disabilities, emotional trauma…the list goes on and on. Yet Ms. James made sure not to overwhelm the heart of the story with too much at one time. She is truly a master storyteller.
As for this story, it’s wonderful. I was so proud of Domini and how she would stand up for herself. Sure, she didn’t always speak up about what she wanted. When it came to people trying to use her as a doormat her voice can be heard. Domini is the first to point out that shy does not equal meek.
The beginning of this book, when Cam and Domini are first hooking up, is great. They have wonderful chemistry from the very beginning. Actually, they’ve had chemistry since before the beginning since they are in previous books. Things get super real about halfway through though, and then the love really comes through. There were quite a few tears shed during this one. Some were happy tears, some were not. But I love when a book can get that kind of emotion from me.
Of course, this author always keeps me on my toes with other characters. I am extremely curious about Jessie and the story behind her relationship with her in-laws. I’m not sure when her story will be told, but I’m sure it will be a doozy!
This story dealt with so many things…love, loss, abuse, disabilities, emotional trauma…the list goes on and on. Yet Ms. James made sure not to overwhelm the heart of the story with too much at one time. She is truly a master storyteller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cam McKay, decided to serve his country instead of work on the family farm. Now home and injured, he becomes a deputy of thier small town.
Domini, is a refugee form the Ukraine, with secrets of her own.
Cam finds himself eating at the diner where Domini works day after day, wanting to get to know her better but afraid of what she will think if she ever saw his wounds. Domini finds herself looking forward to seeing her deputy and wanting more than to serve him his daily meal. This story has heartbroken moments overshadowed by a long yearning love between 2 people who feel they're not good enough for eachother. Lorelei James writes her stories with try to life scenarios. Every book in this series is better and better.
Domini, is a refugee form the Ukraine, with secrets of her own.
Cam finds himself eating at the diner where Domini works day after day, wanting to get to know her better but afraid of what she will think if she ever saw his wounds. Domini finds herself looking forward to seeing her deputy and wanting more than to serve him his daily meal. This story has heartbroken moments overshadowed by a long yearning love between 2 people who feel they're not good enough for eachother. Lorelei James writes her stories with try to life scenarios. Every book in this series is better and better.
One Night Rodeo (Blacktop Cowboys Novel) :: Corralled: A Blacktop Cowboys Novel :: Mistress Christmas (Wild West Boys Book 1) :: Bound (Mastered Book 1) :: All Jacked Up (Rough Riders Book 8)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nishant shah
Spoiler Ahead This was book 7 in the "Rough Rider" series. I love reading Lorelei James book's they are also was hot when it comes to sexy time. Cameron McKay was a soldier in the military until he got hurt and came home he became a deputy sheriff instead of working on the family ranch. Domini Katzinski was an orphan in Ukraine and has not had the best life. For the past two years Cam has been watching Domini and she likes him also, but they each have issues Cam's being his leg and secrets and each fear that if the other knows, they would lose them. After a night out drinking with the girls she tells him that she wants to be his submissive. As they slowly build a trust between each other allowing them to explore their sexuality, relationship and their friendship, disaster strikes shaking them up once again. The chemistry between Domini and Cam was off the charter's and the sex scenes where hot. Can Cam give Domini give her what she wants? This was a good book that I listened to on audio and I liked the narrator for this book. I love listening and reading this series each book can be read as a stand alone. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the story of Deputy Police Officer Cam Mckay, former soldier, now a wounded warrior. Cam doesn't see himself as any kind of warrior at all. He has isolated himself from family and friends as he feels damaged and less than a man. Cam is attracted to Domini, manager of the local resident. Domini is from the Ukraine and has secrets and hidden pain of her own. This is a love story. It is a story of family and relationships. There is steamy hot sex and a little bit of a ménage which is not gratuitous but a really good transition point in the story of the relationship. Wonderful read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
conor madigan
Lorelei James' writing gets better with each book! In this book about Cam and Domini. Ms James writes of PTSD, domestic abuse, car wrecks, unhappy marriages and over-whelming families. The story also includes steamy romance, sexual exploration, sheer joy, unconditional surrender and tough love. But my favorite subject of this book is adoption and family of choice. Book #7 is my favorite of the series. These characters are fully developed and entirely compelling. And some of the back story of the McKay family is explained. I can't wait to start #8.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
priyanka prakash
Cameron(Cam) West McKay is former soldier wounded in Iraq and now turned Deputy Sheriff. Cam has kept his family at arms length since returning home from the war. The only people Cam trusted with his injury was his sister Keely and his best friend Brock Tennyson. The only bright spot in Cam's life is Domini Katzinski and he's never had the courage to ask her out either. Domini Katzinski sees the man Cam tries to hide from everyone yet would love nothing more than for him to touch and kiss her. Yet when Cam does finally touch her he retreats from her leaving her confused and hurt. Domini's best friend Nadia DeMarco and her son Anton bring light into Domini's world. Domini wants to be with Cam but doesn't want to push the issue either. Domini invited to girls night out gets several stunning pieces of advice to help her get Cam. Cam and Domini come to an agreement but neither of them are admitting their feelings for one another. Then tragedy strikes leaving Anton an orphan and Domini demanding he stay with her instead of foster care. In a bold move, Cam gets Domini to marry him so she can keep Anton with her. But Cam is selfish enough to admit he's in love with Domini and wants to keep her forever. Will Cam and Domini admit their feelings? How will Cam and Domini be as parents? What are they hiding from each other? Will Anton accept Cam? Will Cam ever let his family back in his life? Your answers await you in Shoulda Been a Cowboy.
I have to admit it Cam is my favorite McKay. Here's this bruised and broken man that needs a good woman in his life yet can't seem to face other obstacles head on. Cam is strong silent type with a streak of bossiness that is unmatched to the other McKay men. Domini is the perfect compliment to Cam her quietness is full of steel brought about by her upbringing. This series keeps getting better and better with each book.
I have to admit it Cam is my favorite McKay. Here's this bruised and broken man that needs a good woman in his life yet can't seem to face other obstacles head on. Cam is strong silent type with a streak of bossiness that is unmatched to the other McKay men. Domini is the perfect compliment to Cam her quietness is full of steel brought about by her upbringing. This series keeps getting better and better with each book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bobo johnson
Domini and Cam have been flirting for years. Not comfortable in their own skins. Incomplete alone the come together in this sensuously romantic story, another in the series of the McKay/west families... when disaster strikes pushing in to becoming an instant family..Cam with an overwhelming family and Domini and Anton with none, they figure out what works for them. I loved this volume and the need the characters had to overcome self doubt and secrets to each be a whole person
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d funk
Seventh in the Rough Rider Series by Lorelei James, Shoulda Been A Cowboy gives readers Cam's story. Cam is a member of the McKay family. He was wounded while in the Army, losing part of his leg, a pinkie and lots of scars. He's come home, not to work on the ranch but to be a police officer. He loves his job. For the past two years, he's had his eye on Domini. She's from the Ukraine and she's just as interested in Cam. You would think that being attracted to each other would do the trick but that would be too easy. They each have issues and secrets and each fear that if the other knows, they would lose them. As they slowly build a trust between each other allowing them to explore their sexuality, relationship and their friendship, disaster strikes shaking them up once again. Will they be able to work things out?
Once again, Ms James involves her readers in the lives of the McKay family and leaves us wanting more. As Cam and Domini's relationship heats up, you can almost see that sparks. And it's not just hot sex, it's their give and take and desire to give each other what they want. Dropping in on a family dinner let's you catch up with the rest of the family. Not only do you catch up with the McKay's but secondary characters from other books make appearances and influence this story.
It is possible to read this book and enjoy it without having read the previous books. However, each book is a sensual erotic delight and not to be missed. Besides who can get enough of sexy cowboys?
Besides a really good romantic story, Ms James touches on other issues. This book gives an slight insight on domestic abuse and infidelity. It also shows the reader the closeness that members of the military can feel towards each other. While the story is hot, it also is based in a reality that feels totally correct and possible.
If you like hot guys having hotter sex with a great story besides, give Ms James's books a try.
Once again, Ms James involves her readers in the lives of the McKay family and leaves us wanting more. As Cam and Domini's relationship heats up, you can almost see that sparks. And it's not just hot sex, it's their give and take and desire to give each other what they want. Dropping in on a family dinner let's you catch up with the rest of the family. Not only do you catch up with the McKay's but secondary characters from other books make appearances and influence this story.
It is possible to read this book and enjoy it without having read the previous books. However, each book is a sensual erotic delight and not to be missed. Besides who can get enough of sexy cowboys?
Besides a really good romantic story, Ms James touches on other issues. This book gives an slight insight on domestic abuse and infidelity. It also shows the reader the closeness that members of the military can feel towards each other. While the story is hot, it also is based in a reality that feels totally correct and possible.
If you like hot guys having hotter sex with a great story besides, give Ms James's books a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cam McKay joined the military as he knew the family ranching life was not for him. When a career ending battle injury sends him home, he finds that law enforcement might just be the niche for him. The only question is, can he give up enough control to let himself have what he really wants in life and deal with the lingering PTSD issues from his time overseas?
Domini Katzinski had to grow up fast. As an orphan in the Ukraine she has been in charge of all of her decisions since age 11. She has seen so much destruction in her life, even in the relationships of those around her, that she only wants short-term relationships. Or at least that is what she thinks. Will she finally meet her match in Cam?
Once Cam figures out that sweet sexy Domini might just be what he has been looking for will he be willing to play by her rules or will he take charge, deal with his demons and get what he really wants?
Sigh...I have been waiting for Cam's story for a few books now, and the wait was definitely worth it. I thoroughly enjoyed how Ms. James tied this `non cowboy' into the rest of the family and dealt with all the issues that would come from being injured while serving our country. Domini was just the type of strong woman he needed to move to the next stage of his life. I think Shoulda Been A Cowboy is the best of the seven Rough Riders books to date and can hardly wait for the next one. I think little sister is due for her own book. Therefore I "Joyfully Recommend" Shoulda Been A Cowboy.
Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
Domini Katzinski had to grow up fast. As an orphan in the Ukraine she has been in charge of all of her decisions since age 11. She has seen so much destruction in her life, even in the relationships of those around her, that she only wants short-term relationships. Or at least that is what she thinks. Will she finally meet her match in Cam?
Once Cam figures out that sweet sexy Domini might just be what he has been looking for will he be willing to play by her rules or will he take charge, deal with his demons and get what he really wants?
Sigh...I have been waiting for Cam's story for a few books now, and the wait was definitely worth it. I thoroughly enjoyed how Ms. James tied this `non cowboy' into the rest of the family and dealt with all the issues that would come from being injured while serving our country. Domini was just the type of strong woman he needed to move to the next stage of his life. I think Shoulda Been A Cowboy is the best of the seven Rough Riders books to date and can hardly wait for the next one. I think little sister is due for her own book. Therefore I "Joyfully Recommend" Shoulda Been A Cowboy.
Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Domini Katzinski had been trying to get Cameron McKay's attention for the longest time. He was always nice, respectful, and sweet, but she wanted the man. She knew of the war hero, and the deputy, but she wanted Cam - the red blooded sexy man that haunted her dreams. When she got her courage up to make the first move, he literally ran from her. The next time they found themselves alone, Domini was fed up, and finally told him what was on her mind. She told him they either explore what was between them, or he needed to leave her completely alone.
Cam has struggled since his career ending injury while serving in the military. He could not get past what he lost to see what he still had. He pushed everyone away. His family was not allowed at his house without an invitation, and he never extended one. The only person able to get past the impenetrable walls he had erected was Domini. Sure she was beautiful, but Cam was drawn to her in a way he never had been to another woman. He knew that if he didn't get his act together that he would lose his chance with her.
The Rough Riders series continues to just get better! I have been patiently waiting for Cam's story since his injury was captured in a prior book. Domini and Cam's story is heartfelt and searing with passion. These two wounded souls are drawn to each other, and it takes them both to help heal each other. As in prior books, we get to catch up on the other characters we have come to love. One thing that surprises me with this extended family is that as close as they are, they still don't know each other as well as you would think they would. They are constantly misjudging each other, and making snap judgments, but at the end of the day, what it boils down to is that they are family. Great addition!!
Cam has struggled since his career ending injury while serving in the military. He could not get past what he lost to see what he still had. He pushed everyone away. His family was not allowed at his house without an invitation, and he never extended one. The only person able to get past the impenetrable walls he had erected was Domini. Sure she was beautiful, but Cam was drawn to her in a way he never had been to another woman. He knew that if he didn't get his act together that he would lose his chance with her.
The Rough Riders series continues to just get better! I have been patiently waiting for Cam's story since his injury was captured in a prior book. Domini and Cam's story is heartfelt and searing with passion. These two wounded souls are drawn to each other, and it takes them both to help heal each other. As in prior books, we get to catch up on the other characters we have come to love. One thing that surprises me with this extended family is that as close as they are, they still don't know each other as well as you would think they would. They are constantly misjudging each other, and making snap judgments, but at the end of the day, what it boils down to is that they are family. Great addition!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cam and Domini are a great couple! After returniing from the War in Iraq & Afghanistan with a prosthetic leg, he has a chip on his shoulder and thinks no one will ever love him because he isn't a whole man. She is the perfect match for him. You think she's quiet and shy, and she is to strangers, but once he has her in the bedroom, she voluntarily succumbs to his will and is an eager participant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Hot! Hot! HOT!!! Two incredible characters come together in Ms. James’ seventh book in this series. After two years of dancing around each other Domini takes the advice of the other McKay wives to just plant one on the youngest of the brothers. Cam responds with fire, then breaks away, turns tail and runs. Cam and Domini have lots of baggage to deal with, which sometimes brings them closer while pulling them apart at the same time. When these two get together sparks fly! A good read with lots of erotic sex! Hang on for a wild ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah gowan
Cam and Domini share an attraction and kiss that should've been the start of something good. But, Cam runs and Domini let's him go without a word. With the backing of the McKay women and good old fashion bar fight Domini makes her move on Cam. Alpha male Cam gives her what she wants in his dominating way. They decide to get married to help out a much loved friend. Ms James quickly moves the story to the good stuff using their marriage to help them find whatever they're missing----family, love, acceptance, confidence, happiness, healing, etc. I love her characters, dialogue, humor, erotic sex, and storytelling. I've read many of her 16 books (?) out of order ,but it has lessened my enjoyment. Check out her author website for the correct order of her books and other series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shoulda Been a Cowboy was a book I highly anticipated from the time of learning of Cam's injury in Rough, Raw and Ready. Believe me, it did not disappoint. Cam has learn to live his life to the best of his abilities since returning from war with a handicap. He came home without a leg but he's become self-sufficient and is a deputy for the local sheriff's department. He's done his best to keep his distance from sweet Domini Katzinski because he's a Dominant man but when he learns she wants a man to control her, he decides it's now time to get close. Domini has battled a war of her own since she was a child in Ukraine and since breaking away from the organization that brought her to the U.S., she's maintained the power over her life. All she wants as far as a relationship is a man to control her in the bedroom. That man is Cam McKay. What neither realizes is they're meant to be together for the long-haul and they can heal each other wounds. I cannot say enough about how good this book was. There were times I laughed and alot of times I cried. Lorelei James has really outdone herself with Shoulda Been A Cowboy. The McKay family has a special place in my heart even though they're fictional characters. I'd love to see the Rough Rider series go on forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather brown
Cam and Domini are a great couple! After returniing from the War in Iraq & Afghanistan with a prosthetic leg, he has a chip on his shoulder and thinks no one will ever love him because he isn't a whole man. She is the perfect match for him. You think she's quiet and shy, and she is to strangers, but once he has her in the bedroom, she voluntarily succumbs to his will and is an eager participant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
thiago hirai
Hot! Hot! HOT!!! Two incredible characters come together in Ms. James’ seventh book in this series. After two years of dancing around each other Domini takes the advice of the other McKay wives to just plant one on the youngest of the brothers. Cam responds with fire, then breaks away, turns tail and runs. Cam and Domini have lots of baggage to deal with, which sometimes brings them closer while pulling them apart at the same time. When these two get together sparks fly! A good read with lots of erotic sex! Hang on for a wild ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cam and Domini share an attraction and kiss that should've been the start of something good. But, Cam runs and Domini let's him go without a word. With the backing of the McKay women and good old fashion bar fight Domini makes her move on Cam. Alpha male Cam gives her what she wants in his dominating way. They decide to get married to help out a much loved friend. Ms James quickly moves the story to the good stuff using their marriage to help them find whatever they're missing----family, love, acceptance, confidence, happiness, healing, etc. I love her characters, dialogue, humor, erotic sex, and storytelling. I've read many of her 16 books (?) out of order ,but it has lessened my enjoyment. Check out her author website for the correct order of her books and other series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valarie rivers
Shoulda Been a Cowboy was a book I highly anticipated from the time of learning of Cam's injury in Rough, Raw and Ready. Believe me, it did not disappoint. Cam has learn to live his life to the best of his abilities since returning from war with a handicap. He came home without a leg but he's become self-sufficient and is a deputy for the local sheriff's department. He's done his best to keep his distance from sweet Domini Katzinski because he's a Dominant man but when he learns she wants a man to control her, he decides it's now time to get close. Domini has battled a war of her own since she was a child in Ukraine and since breaking away from the organization that brought her to the U.S., she's maintained the power over her life. All she wants as far as a relationship is a man to control her in the bedroom. That man is Cam McKay. What neither realizes is they're meant to be together for the long-haul and they can heal each other wounds. I cannot say enough about how good this book was. There were times I laughed and alot of times I cried. Lorelei James has really outdone herself with Shoulda Been A Cowboy. The McKay family has a special place in my heart even though they're fictional characters. I'd love to see the Rough Rider series go on forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Coming home from missing one of his legs, soldier Cam McKay just wants to do his job as deputy sheriff and be left alone. Sweet tempered Domini is tired of waiting for Cam to claim her and takes it upon herself to show him that while he is missing his leg he is still all man.
I knew I was gonna just love Cam to pieces! Not only is he a big sexy solder, but he is just so damn sweet. Plenty of hot steamy scenes in this one, especially when one of Cams army buddies comes to visit. There is a lot of tender emotion too. To be able to have me panting one moment and the next be in tears because I feel for Anton and everything he has had to go through takes some major talent.
I knew I was gonna just love Cam to pieces! Not only is he a big sexy solder, but he is just so damn sweet. Plenty of hot steamy scenes in this one, especially when one of Cams army buddies comes to visit. There is a lot of tender emotion too. To be able to have me panting one moment and the next be in tears because I feel for Anton and everything he has had to go through takes some major talent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina kingsley
Shoulda Been A Cowboy. A wonderful story of Cam and Domini. Two people who had lots to over come in there personal lives. They cane together and were afraid at first that there relationship was only sexual but it wasn't. Domini helped Cam realize that even though he was an injured veteran his heart could heal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wounded warrior and a refugee turned citizen come together amidst all their baggage to build an unexpected relationship that helps each of them overcome their fears. Beautifully done and a favorite in the Rough Riders series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hope booth
A good friend told me this McKay story was special, and was it ever!!! As the wife of a veteran, this one touched my heart in so very many ways. Cam truly is a special character and so are Domini and Anton. If you're a McKay fan, this is a must read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ivy londa
Lorelei James once again tackles a subject near and dear to the heart of many Americans while still weaving a novel so hot it melts the pages. Cam McKay left his family, their ranch and the life of a rancher behind and traded it for the life of a solider. He fought for his country and sadly returned an injured and emotionally drained man. He hides behind his closed off façade and his sheriff's badge, shying away from his loved ones and the one woman he can't seem to ignore.
Domini Katzinski is woman with scars that run as deep as the ones she sees in Cameron's eyes, yet she can't fight her attraction to the stoic lawman. In Cam she sees the man that can set her desires free and still allow her to be the independent woman she needs to be to survive.
Together Cam and Domini struggle with new love, old scars and a desire for one another they never expected.
Well written and moving I couldn't help but cheer for these two remarkable people. I can't imagine being Cameron's family and watching your brother, your son drifting lost behind the walls he's erected around his heart. The slow build of trust and emotions displayed in Ms. James writing brought tears to my eyes and had me praying that everything Cameron and Domini ever dreamed of would come true.
Steaming hot sex coupled with well written dialogue make SHOULDA BEEN A COWBOY a keeper for sure. Ms. James is forever evolving, tackling the topics readers can relate to while continuing a series that delivers over and over again.
Domini Katzinski is woman with scars that run as deep as the ones she sees in Cameron's eyes, yet she can't fight her attraction to the stoic lawman. In Cam she sees the man that can set her desires free and still allow her to be the independent woman she needs to be to survive.
Together Cam and Domini struggle with new love, old scars and a desire for one another they never expected.
Well written and moving I couldn't help but cheer for these two remarkable people. I can't imagine being Cameron's family and watching your brother, your son drifting lost behind the walls he's erected around his heart. The slow build of trust and emotions displayed in Ms. James writing brought tears to my eyes and had me praying that everything Cameron and Domini ever dreamed of would come true.
Steaming hot sex coupled with well written dialogue make SHOULDA BEEN A COWBOY a keeper for sure. Ms. James is forever evolving, tackling the topics readers can relate to while continuing a series that delivers over and over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick nicholas
Loved this story of war vet Cam and sweet Domini. Two wounded souls who shared more than just a passionate connection. They helped heal each other inside and out. A touching tale with many bumps in the road and obstacles to overcome. This story was so REAL it truly touched my heart!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cam is a damaged man mentally and physically and wontbsloiw himself to be happy . Until he falls head over heals with a equally damaged woman and together they heal each other . Such a good story of resilience and strength on both parts of these to lovely people .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What starts off as them finally letting their attraction flow, soon turns Cam and Domini into a family, but is it only by circumstances or is it a while lot more...this was a really wonderful story with some sadness but in the end a whole lot of love
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lorelei James' "Rough Riders" series is the best. Characters are real, stories and emotionally engaging and you can not do better than James. Buy her series - tell anyone about them that you can and make this lady rich - for she makes us rich with her talent!
Please RateShoulda Been A Cowboy (Rough Riders) (Volume 7)