The History of My Insanity

ByTrisha Paytas

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book it shows her struggles throught her past and present i found it relatable as someone who has dealt with bullying, daddy issues, and abuse Trisha is not a perfect person and is brave enough to share her rough life and how she is now successful sure there is some grammer mistakes here and there but you really dont notice it because your too busy reading what happens next
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staci weisberg
I think it was very interesting. Trisha is a good writer and has an interesting story to tell. It was a very fast read because it's not that long and I found it to be a page turner. From what I can tell Trisha has made her mistakes but in the end she has a good heart and wants to make people happy. If you like Trisha and even if you don't, you will love this book. Take it from me because I really read it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer lynn
While I do enjoy an occasional trashy story, I do not appreciate a lack of care for grammar and proper vocabulary. Hell, if this woman would have contacted me to edit the book, I would have done it for maybe $300 (as in SUPER cheap compared to other freelance editors). I'm not even a freelance editor, but I do have a love for the English language and all its nuances! It's pretty horrible when the first sentence of the blurb on the back of the book has at least 3 grammatical errors in it. If you are paying $9-10 for this book, the price being on par with many of the well-written and properly edited books on the store, you are being cheated.
Edit *** The book's price is dropping fast !! It's down to $5.99!!

First off, it's 80 pages, which is rather short for an autobiography. I would say it is because of quality over quantity, but reading the first three pages of this book leads me to believe otherwise. Again, those first three pages are fraught with numerous typos and grammatical errors. I really find this entire book insulting to anyone with a smidgeon of intelligence. I have watched some of Trish's videos on youtube, and I can understand that she is trying to cash in on her youtube fame. To be entirely honest, I wouldn't even trust the veracity of her stories, whatever they may be. I do think she is trying to make bank on whatever she can. It's America though...and you can do as you please! However.. you couldn't even pay me to want to go through the headache of trying to read this book!
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelly wiggains
Trisha will say, and apparently write anything, in order to get attention and money. It is impossible to know if she is ever telling the truth, and that is just disrespectful to the viewers. She uses her subscribers and fans in order to get attention and make money. I used to really like her and defend her, but she is fake and deceitful.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jess griffis
Personally, I have never seen a book this poorly written before. I really don't see the point of Trisha writing this book. First of all, she protraited such a mundane life, which I'm pretty sure can be seen anywhere in Hollywood. Secondly, the story have such short descriptions of her life...this piece of garbage is bascially a summary of her life with no emotions or special details or what-so-ever, because all she writes are simple structured sentences that fifth graders could write better. To be honest, I don't hate this book, I just see no point of buying it or reading it. So don't waste your time! Invest your money in something better that will actually IMPROVE your reading skills, because this book will only worsen it... However, this book can actually be a good SAT grammar practice because it contains so many errors for us to correct!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm not necessarily sure how people are putting the book down without even reading it. She wrote the book because she received an opportunity and she grabbed it. She's not forcing anyone to read it and she's not asking for sympathy. It's just a way of putting her story out there. If you don't like her then don't read the book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sally wentriro
It takes guts to invest in self-publishing your own book, I get it. I may even - dare I say it? - respect it. But that's as far I go.

The back cover, and any sample content from the book itself, is atrociously written to such a degree that it is difficult to feel anything while reading. The reader is continually trying to keep up with her meandering subject matter. It's almost an insult to anyone who has an appreciation for literature. She wanted to tell her [true?] story, but if she just enlisted the help of a writer/editor friend, her book would probably be better received. I understand that it's her first book, but even as a debut piece, it's not good at all. It feels more like a personal journal bound in paper and glue, with the hopes of royalties. Again, an insult. If she truly wanted to share her story, she'd start with an online blog. Instead, she transcribed her thoughts and big ideas with no regard to form or grammar, and is now charging people to dive into her personal neurosis. How narcissistic!

The idea of a stripper-turned-...non-stripper(?) does not carry as much substance as perhaps "how a full-figured, bright-eyed, good-hearted gal met Hollywood" does - now that's a book I'd spend money on. If she's serious about being an author, I hope she peels away a bit of narcissism before her next literary venture and pays a co-writer and editor before asking us to dip into our wallets.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
donna sookhansingh
I used to watch her videos religiously. I thought that the 'dumb blonde' thing was an act and that learning more about who she really is from her book would be great.

Huge waste of time and money! This is written worse than a 14 year old's fanfiction and sometimes unreadable! Don't get fooled like me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

I've read only the first two pages of this book, only to find ridiculous amount of spelling and grammar errors. Her thoughts are all over the place. It's a mess.
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lenny ankireddi
T have been following Trisha for years and i used to love her. In the past year its been coming clear that everything she does is for attention and to make a profit. She has scammed people, tried to pass off products that she claimed she made herself, is overly contradictory and the only talent she has is speed talking (which she is very good at). Its sad to me that people can create such Trash and become famous simply from exploiting people who are foolish. There are so many great books out there that can actually give you more insight and knowledge than this book can. Do yourself a favor, save your hard earned money...
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
this was horribly written and should have at least gone through spell check, but i guess it didnt. personally i wouldnt pay $5 for this book, thats how bad the grammar is. i read this off of one of my friends who bought it, she thought it was so bad shes trying to return it. would not re-read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
More of a message to the author....Despite the grammatical and spelling errors, I believe in the concept and the message you are attempting to give. Although people may not agree, understanding the back-story behind why you decided to write this book and the circumstances you had to go through to have this story to tell, I support your book. I do feel you need an editor or something for your next book, however I am glad that you had the courage as a young woman to write this vulnerable story. I cannot wait for "The Stripper Diaries"!!! Please just work on the spelling errors.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is trash. Complete trash. Trisha is on Youtube telling young girls masturbation is wrong, birth control is wrong, and that Mitt Romney was a good choice for President. REALLY? Trisha's breasts are popping out 99% of the time, she dates men her fathers age, and oh, she was a prostitute & stripper. Do I have a problem with that? No. Not really. Live and let live. However, Trish likes to preach, so she deserves some of her own medicine.

Point is....please don't waste your money on this book. Trisha is trying to do anything to make a buck. She literally begged on the corners of LA for "tips". She makes money from Youtube (she sure loves her sponsored videos). She makes money by selling items that are sold to her for 75% cheaper, she has a sugar daddy, etc etc etc. All she cares about is the $8.99 in her pocket so she can run to the mall and splurge (but at least her youtube subs can see her "Mall haul #9849834938938 on your dime!")
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The only book in history where spelling mistakes and bad grammar are edited in to its pages. Nice try blondie but your gimmick will not work in the long run, people, even your loyalist of pets will tire of it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
What's wrong with this book:
*Grammar issues.
*Spelling issues.
*Not novel worthy.
*Throwing around the word "insanity" is stupid.

What's wrong with Trisha Paytas:
*She's a hypocrite, and constantly lies.
*All she cares about is money (yet refuses to have a "real job")
*She can't maintain relationships or friendships -- who wants to know more about someone like that?
*Borderline personality disorder.

All in all... I give this book a 0 out of 5, but I'm unable to go that low.

My tip:
If you want to know about Trisha's "Insanity", watch her videos. It's all in plain sight. Also, go check out a video titled "The Most Annoying Woman on YouTube (Response to Trisha Paytas)". It will really give you good insight to who Trisha really is.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mary kenny
It was a decent book... or more like novella, which seem to be more popular lately. People need to stop bashimg the poor girl, yeah the grammer was horrible, but not a bad story. I can't. Tell you how many attempts. I made to get through other "popular" book that turned out to be horrible or super repetative. Trish keep up the good work, just invest in a decent editor or someone to spell check!
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mark trenier
This woman is using her youtube subscribers to fund her LV bags yet she says she's in debt, go figure. She's a hypocrite and pushes her religious views on people. The church is filled with pedophila. This woman is false. Enough with the highlighting. Wannabe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Did not read yet, purchasing
look forward to review it soon
sense I am a famous youtuber as well
i find this book interesting and I love Trisha besides that
even tho she doesn't know I exist.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
fran ois
I'm a Youtuber my self (LovelyLavenderWhip) Ive been watching Trisha for over a year I think this book is a sympathy ploy the fact is she made her life choices and her life is the way she made it. Shes a hypocrit who spews hatred towards many not realizing her herself is far from perfect.
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