The Awakening of Ivy Leavold (Markham Hall Book 1)
BySierra Simone
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne wrobel
The Awakening of Ivy Leavold is a historical romance. It was a disappointment in that I was intrigued by it at first but was left hanging at the end. I don't like books that don't finish the story and lead into another book. I also have to agree with others that the language was too modern for a historical novel. I do not recommend it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ehikhamenor ehizele
What was this? This is why I stopped getting free ebooks on the store.
No buildup to the sex or the relationship. They basicllay are like dogs in heat for each other from moment one. Especially the woman. Who pants her way through being in the same room with him. Thanks a lot Twilight for the perpetually breathless "here". Whoinere are these women's backbones? Self respect? Agency? I get it. Sex is awesome. Esp with people you are insanely attracted to. But come on.
(Duh Mrs.Brightmore killed his first two wives I'm guessing. Oh yeah, Ivy thinks he killed his first two wives but wants him anyway. Classy s***.)
No buildup to the sex or the relationship. They basicllay are like dogs in heat for each other from moment one. Especially the woman. Who pants her way through being in the same room with him. Thanks a lot Twilight for the perpetually breathless "here". Whoinere are these women's backbones? Self respect? Agency? I get it. Sex is awesome. Esp with people you are insanely attracted to. But come on.
(Duh Mrs.Brightmore killed his first two wives I'm guessing. Oh yeah, Ivy thinks he killed his first two wives but wants him anyway. Classy s***.)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to reading this book and it started out with so much potential. I didn't read the reviews BTW. When Ivy first went to live with her cousin's widow, I thought he was going to be some lecherous, dirty old man. But, as it turned out he was a handsome young man in his 30's. Julian was still grieving his wife's death and Ivy looked like her in a lot of ways, so you naturally knew there would be an attraction on his part. But Ivy, purportedly to be an innocent young woman knowing her cousin had only been dead a month and the man was in mourning, not only pursues the widow, but does it in a vulgar way. Not only does she take her sexual satisfaction in her 'own hands,' she uses language and words that are vulgar. On the other hand, when Julian met Violet, he knew she was no innocent, but nonetheless he courted her and wooed her without having any sexual relationship with her until he married her. Julian even turned down sex with a former friend because he had eyes for Ivy and after being with her, he wanted to marry her. The little game of blind man's bluff that Ivy was a willing participant in, proved that Ivy was not a 'poor' relation, but a trash one with no morals or integrity. This COULD HAVE been a great book, but Ivy was no innocent and she was no prize..
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mr kate
The book synopsis is MISLEADING. It should include the word EROTIC. You have to give people some WARNING! If you want to read a book without a plot, this is the book for you. If you want to read about orgies, then this is the book for you. If you want to waste precious hours of your life, this is the book for you. If you want to find out who murdered Ivy's cousin, this is NOT the book for you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jacqueline lampson
The sex scenes were hot but the vulgar words were unnecessary. The mystery was very interesting but having no closure at the end of this book was irritating. I don't like being bated into buying a second, third, and fourth book especially when it could have been wrapped up in the first. Very disappointing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
blake larson
Twenty-one percent and there the vulgar language begins.
I will have to say this doesn't distress me too much as I was already skimming parts. A rather boring beginning. However, that will be all that will read.
Anyone can use 4 letter curse words. It doesn't take intelligence or creativity.
I will have to say this doesn't distress me too much as I was already skimming parts. A rather boring beginning. However, that will be all that will read.
Anyone can use 4 letter curse words. It doesn't take intelligence or creativity.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to starting this story based on the blurb and on the wonderfully glowing reviews. I have read too many historical romances to count and by good authors such as Kathleen Woodiwess, Laura Kinsale and Laura London to name just a few plus many mystery series set in the Victorian era by Anne Perry and even Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre (slightly earlier than actual Victorian era). My point is this...please do a little homework before you start a historical.
It started off well enough, very plausible beginning in which a young woman, Ivy Leavold, age 19, gently raised though now impoverished, is traveling to a new home because she is now alone in the world after the death of her elder brother. Meet Julian Markham, new widower, recently married to Ivy's cousin, just deceased. Julian is handsome and quiet and immediately attracted to Ivy and she, in turn, to him. Julian is part of a fast crowd, however and quickly initiates the sexual relationship. The book felt rushed for me and too soon Julian is putting hands on her but the erotic scenes were very well done. I do not think I have ever read of Blind Man's Bluff being played in quite this way before. I enjoyed the erotica of the book but I found it very jarring when the heroine referred to her lady parts in vernacular more commonly used today. A gently reared young woman of the time, no matter how impoverished would never use those words. This took me out of the story each time it occurred.
I was also annoyed with Ivy. She has no qualms about allowing Julian all the liberties he desires with her body, even begging him to just "f**k me". And yet the very next moment she is sure he killed her cousin and is stand offish for about 5 seconds until Julian touches her and she melts. Really?? BTW, the author establishes early in book that Ivy did not know her cousin very well and had actually only been around her twice. And yet we have an inner monologue in which Ivy comes to all kinds of conclusions about her cousin's behaviors based on her past knowledge of her. Yes, Violet is dead from mysterious circumstances and the marriage was volatile. Ivy walks 10 miles to the constables offices and 10 miles back in one day wearing a corset, no less, this takes 3 hours each way plus the visit itself. In actuality she would have collapsed on the road after less than a mile with that corset on. When she returns home, no one missed her. Julian, who is known to just suddenly pop up when least expected, never knows she left the premises. Julian and Ivy finally get the big anticipated de-flowering scene but the evidence is barely dry on the sheets when they are interrupted and Julian must leave to find his run-a-way horse. Then we get another wishy washy inner monologue from Ivey and well, you will just have to read it and decide for yourself.
Julian is crazy rich and can buy her 23 new dresses and owns a huge manor home but only has three and a half old gossipy cook, a witchy jealous housekeeper, a handsome 'jack of all trades' butler/stable boy plus a very young child that assists the cook.
I just could not love this book. It had promise but it failed for me. Last but not least, it is a cliffhanger. If you like erotic historicals, try Kate Pearce's Simply Sexual (House of Pleasure 1), Robin Schone's Gabriel's Woman , or Annabel Joseph's Lily Mine and all are stand alones.
It started off well enough, very plausible beginning in which a young woman, Ivy Leavold, age 19, gently raised though now impoverished, is traveling to a new home because she is now alone in the world after the death of her elder brother. Meet Julian Markham, new widower, recently married to Ivy's cousin, just deceased. Julian is handsome and quiet and immediately attracted to Ivy and she, in turn, to him. Julian is part of a fast crowd, however and quickly initiates the sexual relationship. The book felt rushed for me and too soon Julian is putting hands on her but the erotic scenes were very well done. I do not think I have ever read of Blind Man's Bluff being played in quite this way before. I enjoyed the erotica of the book but I found it very jarring when the heroine referred to her lady parts in vernacular more commonly used today. A gently reared young woman of the time, no matter how impoverished would never use those words. This took me out of the story each time it occurred.
I was also annoyed with Ivy. She has no qualms about allowing Julian all the liberties he desires with her body, even begging him to just "f**k me". And yet the very next moment she is sure he killed her cousin and is stand offish for about 5 seconds until Julian touches her and she melts. Really?? BTW, the author establishes early in book that Ivy did not know her cousin very well and had actually only been around her twice. And yet we have an inner monologue in which Ivy comes to all kinds of conclusions about her cousin's behaviors based on her past knowledge of her. Yes, Violet is dead from mysterious circumstances and the marriage was volatile. Ivy walks 10 miles to the constables offices and 10 miles back in one day wearing a corset, no less, this takes 3 hours each way plus the visit itself. In actuality she would have collapsed on the road after less than a mile with that corset on. When she returns home, no one missed her. Julian, who is known to just suddenly pop up when least expected, never knows she left the premises. Julian and Ivy finally get the big anticipated de-flowering scene but the evidence is barely dry on the sheets when they are interrupted and Julian must leave to find his run-a-way horse. Then we get another wishy washy inner monologue from Ivey and well, you will just have to read it and decide for yourself.
Julian is crazy rich and can buy her 23 new dresses and owns a huge manor home but only has three and a half old gossipy cook, a witchy jealous housekeeper, a handsome 'jack of all trades' butler/stable boy plus a very young child that assists the cook.
I just could not love this book. It had promise but it failed for me. Last but not least, it is a cliffhanger. If you like erotic historicals, try Kate Pearce's Simply Sexual (House of Pleasure 1), Robin Schone's Gabriel's Woman , or Annabel Joseph's Lily Mine and all are stand alones.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark simon
The Awakening of Ivy Leavold has everything I want in a sexy, mysterious historical. A haunting Gothic setting, gorgeous writing, corsets and cravats, a feisty heroine with a relatable voice and swoon-worthy love interest, and plenty of heat. SCORCHING heat. Even if you usually shy away from historical, this novella will have you racing through its pages, hanging on every word. Don't miss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So I don’t do Historical Romance. Ever. Half the time, I can’t figure out what the characters are saying and it feels cheesy to me. In fact, I really didn’t read Romance in general until a few years ago, because of the cheese factor I had found in Historical. Guess what? The Awakening of Ivy Leavold has changed my mind. I was wrong about Historical Romance, apparently, because this book is FLIPPING HOT!
I think what got me was that this book didn’t feel historical. Yes, it’s set in the 1800’s and there are some old-fashioned terms in it, but in reality this story could be told in any century and it would still be scorching hot. I absolutely loved every freaking line in this book. I have half of it highlighted, and if you pay attention to our Facebook page, you’ve probably seen some of the quotes posted from this particular book.
I loved that the period that this story was told in didn’t hinder the story. I was so worried I was going to get caught up in the lingo that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the story but that so wasn’t the case. The attraction between Julian and Ivy just felt right… I enjoyed how free and strong Ivy was. Julian struck me as a passionate man, wanting to do right but not being able to help himself. And let me just say… their first time… holy crap on a cracker… I think I want to time travel back to the 1800’s and find Julian pronto.
Sex aside, this book also gives us a delicious mystery. Ivy’s cousin is dead and she has suspicions on who may be at fault for her death, and fears for her own safety. There’s more than one suspect but I have a sneaking suspicion on who may have done it. I love that Sierra Simone gave us delicious sex and an intriguing plot; both kept me wanting more. Her writing is flawless, every word a tease that left me begging for more. I’m sad I’m done with the first book, and I can’t wait to pick up the next one… I hear it’s even more scandalous! 5 stars!
I think what got me was that this book didn’t feel historical. Yes, it’s set in the 1800’s and there are some old-fashioned terms in it, but in reality this story could be told in any century and it would still be scorching hot. I absolutely loved every freaking line in this book. I have half of it highlighted, and if you pay attention to our Facebook page, you’ve probably seen some of the quotes posted from this particular book.
I loved that the period that this story was told in didn’t hinder the story. I was so worried I was going to get caught up in the lingo that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the story but that so wasn’t the case. The attraction between Julian and Ivy just felt right… I enjoyed how free and strong Ivy was. Julian struck me as a passionate man, wanting to do right but not being able to help himself. And let me just say… their first time… holy crap on a cracker… I think I want to time travel back to the 1800’s and find Julian pronto.
Sex aside, this book also gives us a delicious mystery. Ivy’s cousin is dead and she has suspicions on who may be at fault for her death, and fears for her own safety. There’s more than one suspect but I have a sneaking suspicion on who may have done it. I love that Sierra Simone gave us delicious sex and an intriguing plot; both kept me wanting more. Her writing is flawless, every word a tease that left me begging for more. I’m sad I’m done with the first book, and I can’t wait to pick up the next one… I hear it’s even more scandalous! 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Awakening of Ivy Leavold was about Ivy an unattached poor woman with no family lineage awakened by strong sexual urges by a man who was married to her cousin. Ivy lacked the proper social graces having been brought up in untraditional methods. Her behaviors were uncustomary for a young woman. Her ungoverned nature was a desirable aphrodisiac for Mr. Markham.
The story dated back to 1879 Yorkshire where women and men behaved properly in public. Mr. Markham was a wealthy, worldly, and cultured man living high on top of the hill in Stokeleigh. Mr. Markham surrounded himself with other worldly people who behaved openly with both men and women. This erotic story blended both modern ménage a trois with historical time piece settings.
This book was a naughty delight. It sparked all kinds of salacious lust and sex appeal. Everything about the sexual experiences were written with sex appeal, lust, and desire. While the sex was lascivious and delightful what was most desirable were the words used to describe the scenes.
First and foremost, in case other readers need to be assured that this isn’t just a sexual book with no plot. Ivy felt her life was in danger with Mr. Markham after two prior wife’s were found dead.
Sierra wrote an excellently well story incorporating both sex and mystery. There was a proper balance of both. I felt I understood Ivy’s character and her upbringing thus never questioning her choices.
The story dated back to 1879 Yorkshire where women and men behaved properly in public. Mr. Markham was a wealthy, worldly, and cultured man living high on top of the hill in Stokeleigh. Mr. Markham surrounded himself with other worldly people who behaved openly with both men and women. This erotic story blended both modern ménage a trois with historical time piece settings.
This book was a naughty delight. It sparked all kinds of salacious lust and sex appeal. Everything about the sexual experiences were written with sex appeal, lust, and desire. While the sex was lascivious and delightful what was most desirable were the words used to describe the scenes.
First and foremost, in case other readers need to be assured that this isn’t just a sexual book with no plot. Ivy felt her life was in danger with Mr. Markham after two prior wife’s were found dead.
Sierra wrote an excellently well story incorporating both sex and mystery. There was a proper balance of both. I felt I understood Ivy’s character and her upbringing thus never questioning her choices.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
j lyon
Spoiler Ahead I have read book two of this series and I didn't even realize that I also had book one. When Ivy Leavold is left destitute by her brother's death, she is taken in by her cousin's brooding, tortured widower Julian Markham. The chemistry between these two was hot. The living arrangements become even more challenging, as Ivy and Julian attempt to coexist in the same house. Julian is handsome rich with a dark side Ivy is extremely stubborn and determined and she wants Julian. Ivy is very interested in not only what happened to her cousin, but she is also aware Mr. Markham is holding secrets and she is very curious about him as well. When Jules has some house guest over she learns she learns of the alternate lifestyle Mr. Markham leads and it is interesting and appeals to Ivy, yet she struggles with the feelings she is having of liking the way it makes her feel to the way she was brought up to being inappropriate. This was really good book and I loved both MC and the side character's also. If you like reading historical erotic reads than I recommend that you read this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keith uffman
Ivy Leavold has just lost her brother and is destitute. This is how she ends up at Markham Hall, home of her deceased cousin's widower. He is all the family she thinks she has left. With no other options except to go to work as a Governess, she accepts his protection.
Those of you who have read Jane Eyre will be just at home with this book, with one tiny, itsy-bitsy difference... This book is Erotica with a superb plotline.
Julian Markham is the most gorgeous creature Ivy has ever seen. He is dominant, virile and full of power oozing out of every pore. Having just lost his wife a month before, he is intractable at times and very moody. Or so Ivy thought. He is a man of mystery, secrets, and lustful desires like you have never imagined before. He has been married twice already and both wives ended up dead within a short time of marrying him. Are we dealing with a "blue-beard" character here?
Ivy is so independent she will not let her situation cage her like a bird. She must find out why her cousin dies such an untimely death. She must also find out more about Julian. She is like a moth to the fire. The attraction is so strong... well, be prepared to hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign around your neck. You will not want to put this series down!
I received a copy of this series in exchange for my honest review.
Those of you who have read Jane Eyre will be just at home with this book, with one tiny, itsy-bitsy difference... This book is Erotica with a superb plotline.
Julian Markham is the most gorgeous creature Ivy has ever seen. He is dominant, virile and full of power oozing out of every pore. Having just lost his wife a month before, he is intractable at times and very moody. Or so Ivy thought. He is a man of mystery, secrets, and lustful desires like you have never imagined before. He has been married twice already and both wives ended up dead within a short time of marrying him. Are we dealing with a "blue-beard" character here?
Ivy is so independent she will not let her situation cage her like a bird. She must find out why her cousin dies such an untimely death. She must also find out more about Julian. She is like a moth to the fire. The attraction is so strong... well, be prepared to hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign around your neck. You will not want to put this series down!
I received a copy of this series in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
toni kaui
While I have read my fair share of historical romances it has been a while since I have found one that I really enjoyed. The Awakening of Ivy Leavold was a story that sucked my in from the first chapter and kept me hooked throughout the entire story. Sierra Simone creates a story that is suspenseful, decadent, mysterious, and seductive. Markham Hall is a place that you find yourself wanting to visit even though you shouldn’t.
Ivy’s world is falling apart. She lost her parents years ago and was left in her older brother’s care. During those years he accumulated huge debts and when he died Ivy lost everything to pay them all off. Now with nowhere to go she is headed to her deceased cousin’s house, Markham Hall. She isn’t prepared for the mystery and the deaths that surround the house. Ivy also is ready for the dark and brooding Julian Markham. When she starts to learn the rumors of the Hall, Ivy has to decide if she is safe in her new home or if she is the next one to have a fatal accident at Markham Hall.
I liked Ivy’s character well enough. She wasn’t your typical historical romance heroine. While she was innocent she wasn’t as naive as the woman you usually find in these types of stories. She has been left alone for so many years she is not what a lady should be. She spends her time the way she wants and she talks to Julian the way she want to. Ivy has delusions about where her life is headed as a poor orphan so she has fun with the people she wants to especially Julian. My only problem with her, and I mean it’s small, is how quickly she moves from believing the rumors to completely dismissing them. She claims she loves Julian but the minute someone gives her new information on the deaths she believes them. It was just frustrating. I mean how do you love them and not trust them with anything expect your body?
Julian Markham is the head of Markham Hall. He has two widows. Two death that where rules an accident but the town believes he had something to do with. It doesn’t help that he is dark, mysterious, and comes off as dangerous. When he offers to have his late wife’s cousin stay in the house he just expects to give her somewhere to stay. What he doesn’t expect is Ivy. She lets him be him. She craves it even and the more time Julian spends with her the more he wants to consume her.
Julian is a difficult character. He is moody and sometimes really quite. You never know what you’re going to get from him. The moments that we get to see the real him, is pretty hot. He does everything he can to keep Ivy at arm’s length so that she can stay pure. He is convince that no one can handle the things he needs. Ivy shows him differently and watching learn that and then start to fall for her was sweet but also not sweet because there really isn’t anything sweet about Julian. Hot, sexy, and demanding yes but he can be sweet in his own way.
While the story was only told from Ivy’s POV I really felt like we got to not bits and pieces of the real Julian. Sometimes when the book isn’t written in dual POV connecting with the “hero” is hard but Sierra Simone gave me more than enough to connect and feel for Julian. The characters in this story are really interesting. Ivy and Julian are so different but they also complement each other so well. She craves his darkness as much as Julian needs her light. There are so many questions left unanswered that it makes you want to pick up the book. I have a few theories and I can’t wait to see if I’m right. I just hope that Ivy makes the right decision when it comes to Julian. I am more than ready for more from this series!
Ivy’s world is falling apart. She lost her parents years ago and was left in her older brother’s care. During those years he accumulated huge debts and when he died Ivy lost everything to pay them all off. Now with nowhere to go she is headed to her deceased cousin’s house, Markham Hall. She isn’t prepared for the mystery and the deaths that surround the house. Ivy also is ready for the dark and brooding Julian Markham. When she starts to learn the rumors of the Hall, Ivy has to decide if she is safe in her new home or if she is the next one to have a fatal accident at Markham Hall.
I liked Ivy’s character well enough. She wasn’t your typical historical romance heroine. While she was innocent she wasn’t as naive as the woman you usually find in these types of stories. She has been left alone for so many years she is not what a lady should be. She spends her time the way she wants and she talks to Julian the way she want to. Ivy has delusions about where her life is headed as a poor orphan so she has fun with the people she wants to especially Julian. My only problem with her, and I mean it’s small, is how quickly she moves from believing the rumors to completely dismissing them. She claims she loves Julian but the minute someone gives her new information on the deaths she believes them. It was just frustrating. I mean how do you love them and not trust them with anything expect your body?
Julian Markham is the head of Markham Hall. He has two widows. Two death that where rules an accident but the town believes he had something to do with. It doesn’t help that he is dark, mysterious, and comes off as dangerous. When he offers to have his late wife’s cousin stay in the house he just expects to give her somewhere to stay. What he doesn’t expect is Ivy. She lets him be him. She craves it even and the more time Julian spends with her the more he wants to consume her.
Julian is a difficult character. He is moody and sometimes really quite. You never know what you’re going to get from him. The moments that we get to see the real him, is pretty hot. He does everything he can to keep Ivy at arm’s length so that she can stay pure. He is convince that no one can handle the things he needs. Ivy shows him differently and watching learn that and then start to fall for her was sweet but also not sweet because there really isn’t anything sweet about Julian. Hot, sexy, and demanding yes but he can be sweet in his own way.
While the story was only told from Ivy’s POV I really felt like we got to not bits and pieces of the real Julian. Sometimes when the book isn’t written in dual POV connecting with the “hero” is hard but Sierra Simone gave me more than enough to connect and feel for Julian. The characters in this story are really interesting. Ivy and Julian are so different but they also complement each other so well. She craves his darkness as much as Julian needs her light. There are so many questions left unanswered that it makes you want to pick up the book. I have a few theories and I can’t wait to see if I’m right. I just hope that Ivy makes the right decision when it comes to Julian. I am more than ready for more from this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Complimentary copy provided in exchange for honest review.
Well, this book certainly isn't the historical romances our mothers read years ago. And for that I would like to thank Ms. Simone for writing such a great piece of literature.
Ivy has already accepted that she more than likely will never be married, simply due to her lot in life, although she comes across as a young woman who doesn't really put much stock into what polite society thinks or says. She does have sense enough to know when something is frowned upon, but she really doesn't care that much about appearances to impress other people.
Ivy is somewhat taken aback when she finally meets her late cousin's husband, who is nothing like what she envisioned. He's all dark and smolder-y (like Mr. Rochester, but without the kid and hidden wife). Mr. Markham doesn't apologize for who he is, and even though he has warned Ivy that she should keep her distance from him lest he despoil her, he is just as drawn to her as she to him.
Things take a unique turn when Mr. Markham has some friends stay for a couple of days. Oh sure, it's all polite and everyone is on their best behavior at first, but wait until you read about the Charades game; that could make the next party you attend that much more enlightening!
There is more to the story about Ivy's cousin that is revealed in the story, as well as cliffhanger from left field that I sure didn't anticipate, and now I'm left as frustrated as Ivy was after her first few encounters with Mr. Markham, waiting on the next book to be released.
Well, this book certainly isn't the historical romances our mothers read years ago. And for that I would like to thank Ms. Simone for writing such a great piece of literature.
Ivy has already accepted that she more than likely will never be married, simply due to her lot in life, although she comes across as a young woman who doesn't really put much stock into what polite society thinks or says. She does have sense enough to know when something is frowned upon, but she really doesn't care that much about appearances to impress other people.
Ivy is somewhat taken aback when she finally meets her late cousin's husband, who is nothing like what she envisioned. He's all dark and smolder-y (like Mr. Rochester, but without the kid and hidden wife). Mr. Markham doesn't apologize for who he is, and even though he has warned Ivy that she should keep her distance from him lest he despoil her, he is just as drawn to her as she to him.
Things take a unique turn when Mr. Markham has some friends stay for a couple of days. Oh sure, it's all polite and everyone is on their best behavior at first, but wait until you read about the Charades game; that could make the next party you attend that much more enlightening!
There is more to the story about Ivy's cousin that is revealed in the story, as well as cliffhanger from left field that I sure didn't anticipate, and now I'm left as frustrated as Ivy was after her first few encounters with Mr. Markham, waiting on the next book to be released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney mueller
This book is Fifty Shades Victorian style. It is dark, it is sexy, it is scary and it is erotically sinful and it has a very well developed plot. This trilogy would never become a movie because there could never be enough money to pay actors to do the things that Julian, Ivy and some of their closest friends do to one another, not to mention...murder! I just began the second book in in this trilogy and it gets even better or worse depending on the readers perspective.
Just read it, I dare you!
Just read it, I dare you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I typically don't read a lot of "Victorian erotica", but I'm not sure this falls into that genera. But it is set in the 1800s I would guess. But I like that the language seems to be a bit more modern...less stuffy (and maybe that's why I like it). Julian is a very interesting character. I wouldn't mind having a few POV chapters from him in book 2. He seems like a man that falls in infatuation very easily and I wonder if it's that or really the beginnings of love he may have for Ivy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I fell hard for Julian Markham. Scorching dirty talking Alpha-Gentleman! The virginal Ivy-pfft you sure couldn't tell. She feels the electricity between her and Mr Markham and goes with her gut. No hemming and hawing on her part. I loved that about Ivy. Julian however, tries to warn her and keep his distance-barely. Which makes those initial brief encounters sizzle. I can't wait to read #2
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was my first time reading Sierra Simone. It was fast-paced, but .. something was off for me. Maybe it wasn't long enough. I know that a lot of authors are writing these "quick fixes" and while I found it had parts that were pretty steamy, I am not invested in finding out if they have a happy ending.. 4 books later.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love love love anything historical. It's my great love. I'm also super snooty and picky over it.
But I have nothing but complete and utter adoration for this book.
The feelings it stirred inside me were strong and delicious. The writing is just...breathtaking.
I want the rest of their story NOW.
But I have nothing but complete and utter adoration for this book.
The feelings it stirred inside me were strong and delicious. The writing is just...breathtaking.
I want the rest of their story NOW.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
spencer knowlton
i love love me some historical romance novels! I love the weird relationship between Ivy and Julian! The book sucked me in and I couldn't put it down!! It had me on my toes at every turn! I just knew the ending was going to have some kind of major cliffhanger!!! can't wait for book 2!! yes I received a copy of the book as a gift for a honest review!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Move over Sylvia Day! Ivy's free spirit reeled me in and Julian's raw sexy power won me over. The story moves along without becoming stale and drops you right in the middle of Markham Hall wishing you were invited to the dinner party. It took me a little over two hours to read and I was left wanting more. I am reaching out to my fellow book junkies with a new author to follow! Highly recommend to anyone, don't pass over if you are not a fan of historicals, you will surely miss out on a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda mae
Not a stand alone novel...but certainly not some quick novella either. I downloaded this and devoured this in one afternoon. The sex scenes are tasteful but! And the rest of the writing is superb. Wonderful world-building and intriguing mystery. Fabulous, absorbing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dani burhop
While I don't normally read historical, The Awakening of Ivy Leavold has been one of the best alpha billionaire books I've come across to date. With fluid language and gorgeous imagery, the story is fraught with tension, and the level of sensuality that Simone brings to this time period takes a very talented writer. While the characters and mood are reminiscent of Jane Eyre, the sexual situations bring to mind Anne Rice's Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. I'm anxiously waiting to see what's next from this debut author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Haven't read historical romance in forever! Ivy & Julian's love story develops quickly and incorporates elements of mystery. At times, reminds me of a naughty version of Jane Eyre. Looking forward to the conclusion!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ember kae
This is my first Sierra Simone book. I have read the books she has done with Laurelin Paige, but this was the first of hers alone. She had me from there very beginning. I will admit that I didn’t read the blurb about it, I just one-clicked it and went to reading so the story was a complete surprise.
This story was sent in the 1800’s. Ivy was left an orphan (which sounds odd when speaking of an adult). Parents died, brother gambled away all of the money, then he died. So times being what they were, ivy needed to move with some other family whether that was with someone else in her family, or she moved on to another family to be a governess. She really didn’t like that idea. She only had one living relative, her cousin Violet. So a letter was sent to her, who had recently married, to see about them taking on Ivy in their home.
Julian Markham was the recipient of that letter. He was the widower of Violet. He seemed to be a cursed man. He had been married twice and both wives had died very early into their marriage. He was a very enigmatic man, so of course Ivy was bound to fall for him. We soon find out that Julian has a very erotic side. He decides to have a party for friends to come and play. He says that he doesn’t want to corrupt Ivy, but then why have those people around and claim that it is so that she will not feel alone in that house? Didn’t make sense to me, but then again men can be annoyingly stubborn.
Without spoiling much more of the story I will say that they do finally get together despite his stubbornness. He finally begins to see that she might just been what he has been looking for all along. Perhaps she will want to be involved with his alternative lifestyle. This book does end with a cliffhanger (which I usually hate!), but since the series has already been written you won’t have to wait for the next book to come out before you can read more about Julian and Ivy!
This story was sent in the 1800’s. Ivy was left an orphan (which sounds odd when speaking of an adult). Parents died, brother gambled away all of the money, then he died. So times being what they were, ivy needed to move with some other family whether that was with someone else in her family, or she moved on to another family to be a governess. She really didn’t like that idea. She only had one living relative, her cousin Violet. So a letter was sent to her, who had recently married, to see about them taking on Ivy in their home.
Julian Markham was the recipient of that letter. He was the widower of Violet. He seemed to be a cursed man. He had been married twice and both wives had died very early into their marriage. He was a very enigmatic man, so of course Ivy was bound to fall for him. We soon find out that Julian has a very erotic side. He decides to have a party for friends to come and play. He says that he doesn’t want to corrupt Ivy, but then why have those people around and claim that it is so that she will not feel alone in that house? Didn’t make sense to me, but then again men can be annoyingly stubborn.
Without spoiling much more of the story I will say that they do finally get together despite his stubbornness. He finally begins to see that she might just been what he has been looking for all along. Perhaps she will want to be involved with his alternative lifestyle. This book does end with a cliffhanger (which I usually hate!), but since the series has already been written you won’t have to wait for the next book to come out before you can read more about Julian and Ivy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim baldwin
Love the story and characters. Except how Ivy keeps calling him Mr. Markham, which a normal person would not do after sex. But I cannot wait to read the other books in this series! Another great Author to add to my must reads!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yowza, I was not expecting all the goodness that came with this book from a historical romance. It brought to mind The Sleeping Beauty trilogy without some of the weirdness. The Awakening of Ivy Leavold is about a lady Ivy, who doesn't really know where she belongs in the world after losing her entire family. She is allowed to stay with one Mr. Markham, who had been married to her cousin, until her cousin's untimely death. She is unlike other well-bred ladies of the time, with thoughts and feelings that would not be considered up to par. So she and Mr. Markham begin this dance around each other, and man does it turn hot. The teasing alone was enough to melt the pages.
I can not absolutely wait for more of Ivy and Mr. Markham, the writing is fluid, and it transports you back to a time of horses and buggies. Loved this book, and I'm excited to see what else Sierra Simone comes up with!
I can not absolutely wait for more of Ivy and Mr. Markham, the writing is fluid, and it transports you back to a time of horses and buggies. Loved this book, and I'm excited to see what else Sierra Simone comes up with!
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