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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lee stoops
Airy, charismatic and witty. Lovely Vicious will having you shaking your head, laughing out loud and fist pumping the air! That's not to say that it doesn't take a on a dark, mysterious cloud throughout the book. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it gave me the chills or is a mystery but its underlining is somewhat unclear. Its a wee bit of everything to be honest.

Loved the Heroine. She's conniving, convincing, sweet, spectacular, awesome and sooooo on! I connected on so many levels with her, it was really familiarly warming? I'm anxious to start on book 2! I can't wait to see what more there is in store for Isis! EEK!!! She's also not your average leading lady you read about or at least not to me. There is undoubtedly something so very special about her.

As for the Hero, he's not so bad. Never really was to begin with. He just has his issues... Nobody really ever calls him out on them come to think of it. Damn, I didn't even notice that until now. I hope its solved within the next 2 books. (I just bought the 2nd as soon as I got done with this one, which was a few minutes ago! There is also a book 3 that I seen but I'm not sure if there is more or if that's all? I'll have to do some homework but I'm just so darn excited and I wanted to review this while my juices are running a muck in my head.? *Is that phrase right?*

Oh yes, the writing. Its awesome. At first, as with any book, it took me a minute to get into the groove. But I finished within the same day I started reading it. Go ME! The style sort of threw me for a loop because I kind of feel like there is so many different influences in the writing. Almost like the author was unsure or undecided as to how he/she could convey their story telling in book form. Its not bad and not so much as all over the place, just uniquely different, so much so that you can and obviously (I do) take notice in it. I'm not sure if this is a new author and this could be that reason. Or if he/she hasn't found their strong points just yet or if they genuinely write like 8 different writers jammed into one. Its not bad just makes you scratch your head.

I did want to acknowledge something really fast that I just remembered. Um, the writing abruptly changes to Jack (Hero) about 11 chapters in. It doesn't stay is his pov but I hated that he gets thrown in and then only reappears a few times after that. The next few times there is just a *** or a - or something along those lines to warn us that the perspective has once again changed. However, it is CLEAR that you are either reading from Isis' eyes or Jacks.

I'd recommend to everyone that is 18+. It does have some violence and strongly hints at sexual abuse. But its still drifting in the expansive sea all on its own. The plot, characters and writing are unlike anything I've ever read. Take a chance on it, click that sample!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nenad nikoli
Isis is an incredibly snarky teenager who has been through hell and back in her personal life. She moves to a new school and meets Jack, whom she immediately declares her archnemisis. This is a well written story and I am eagerly awaiting the sequel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
milad zarinfar
WTH?!! I just literally read a masterpiece that broke my heart in two! Sara Wolf is also one of my favorite new authors! How could you leave me with a heart attack! I'm obsessed with Isis and Jack. The dialogue was literally the best I have ever read. I can only hope that I can write dialogue as half as good as this one. It had wit, charm, it had me laughing historically, and it left me discouraged and overwhelmed! Purchasing the second book right now!
Absalom, Absalom! (Critical Insights) :: Absalom, Absalom! 1st (first) edition Text Only :: Absalom, Absalom! :: Book 1 - An Apocalyptic LitRPG - The System Apocalypse :: By V. E. Schwab Vicious (1St Edition)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drkluane spake
This book got me interested with the countdown Isis kept on when the last time she fell in love happened & how jaded she was to it at such a young age. But what really kept me hooked was how she went up to Jack Hunter and punched him in the face for being cruel to someone who had showed her true kindness. I thought that this is a character I can get into someone willing to fight for someone else who is being hurt. The antagonism that goes on between Isis & Jack had me staying up until 2am on a work night because I couldn't put the book down. I had to see who would get the upper hand. The way Isis's background is slowly let out through the book along with Jack's & the other characters was very intriguing and basically sucked me in. But that ending the cliffhanger seriously had me almost throw my ipad! I couldn't believe it all that angst & emotion and tears that leaked out when Jack verbally went after Isis in his kitchen & brought to light what happened to her and I'm left with a cliffhanger at 2am in the morning!! I'm now in search of when the release date is for the 2nd book and praying I don't have long to wait or I might end up having a nervous breakdown or following someone around while eating out of a jar of frosting a la Isis Blake.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I believe that Lovely Vicious is the best book ever and that it is really sad that she doesn't remember Jack but the ending is interesting with Sophia. I am about ready to buy the second book. I have finished this book faster than any other book and I'm really excited for the next!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harriet segal
This book is comical, fast paced, and above all - interesting. Isis made this book for me. She is smart, witty, tough, a little weird, and definitely damaged.this book never lost my interest. It was a nice blend of mystery, rivalry, action, and romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff nesbit
This book was really great, but I recommend readers to wait till the second part of this book comes out to read the first. I just finished reading Lovely Viscous and the end left me with my mouth open and with so many thoughts about what might happen in the second part of the book. The ending is like what you might imagine it would be!
Also recommend this book to drama book lovers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle tate
So funny, laugh out loud funny. Writing was fantastic. Did not realise it was not a complete story, cliff hanger alert. That would probably have put me off had I known, now I will just have to wait I guess.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
dacyn channell
The female lead is strong, and has will power. She used ot be overweight but worked her way into being lean. She si proud and confident of her accomplishments. I did not like how she was rude to almost everyone instead of being peaceful. She consistently poured fuel int he fire and made enemies that cluttered up the story. The male lead was psychic, like he could read minds. It was not believable. He was mean, which some readers love, (including me), but I just could not bring myself to "love to hate" him. The POV switches which helps you understand th emale lead, but still could have been better. Not the best romance book you can get on the store.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sam mahler
Loved this book. I was laughing at Isis' inventive vocabulary one minute and the next minute crying at how her brokenness made me feel. The author gives just enough hints at the "secrets" in the book for the story to move along interestingly and yet remain mysterious. Cannot wait to start book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jodi goldberg
I both laughed, cried, smiled, and was shocked with the ending. I'm sure everyone could relate to Isis at least a little. I cannot wait to read more!!!!! Here's to hoping it's just as good as the first!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So much depth well thought out characters and though there we some language not much bad stuff it kept me on the edge of my seat and I loved the characters the story was great and Isis was so convincing and Jack was so passionate about Sophia and knew when he was in love
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great character that Isis. A little odd, okay a lot odd, but I thought she was hilarious. There were times she said things that had me wheezing I was laughing so hard. "Leave a pretty body for my mom." L O Freaking L. When will we get the sequel!.?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie angermeier haab
Sara Wolf captured my heart. This is such a beautifully written book that I, a sixteen year old girl, can relate to at first. By the middle of the book, puzzle pieces start to fall into place, and you suddenly realize, you can't nor won't, put the book down. By the end, you're in love, and the ending makes you want to cry. I can't wait until the second book is out. This is the book I've been waiting for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love the banter between the two main characters!! I was giggling the entire time I was reading. I was not prepared for the end and am slightly perturbed that the cliff hanger ending happened at all. I am anxiously awaiting book two. I hate that everything wasn't resolved in this book but I loved the story so much that I will definitely read the next one and would recommend this one to friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
There were some parts that had me wondering where things were going and how dark things would get. I am ready for the next book though to find out what all happened because there were so many unanswered questions
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
robin reale
I am so frustrated with this cliff hanger trend that most authors seem to be doing lately! The story line was good and different, I generally liked it. However, the ending ruined the book for me, I was not expecting a cliff hanger, and it will be ages before the next book is release. I am extremely annoyed to say the least!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carmen falcone
Wow. There are no words to describe just how amazing this book is. It's unbelievably witty and will keep you reading all night long! I normally hate cliff hangers but this book was written so well, I will be remembering this book for days and waiting for the next installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deanna s
this book is so unique! it's amazingly humorous and I might have woken a few people in my house with laughter are 2 am.... but what was with that ending? it left a good clip hanger but I doubt there'll be another one to explain it all. so now she doesn't remember and meets Sophia, then what? she lives without remembering and he lives on fine with Sophia. what the hell???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pradeep krishnaswamy
This book is amazing ! beautifully written, the characters are funny, original and full of life ! Wolf has created characters that are relatable, loveable and jump from the pages, demanding that you stay up all night with them !

This is a must read and one of the best book I have had the pleasure of reading !

Thank You Sara Wolf.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara alva
Isis was an interesting, funny and relatable character. The dialogue was exceptional. I've since read the other two books and they didn't disappoint. However, some plot points were not ever explained by the third book and were distracting. Definitely worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was fantastic. I was laughing consistently and actually connecting with the characters. There were some funny parts that I laughed hard over. And parts that I wanted to scream at the characters for not see things. I loved the story over all. The ending is a total cliff hanger. I can only hope threat the next book will come out soon.
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