Tears of the Sea

ByMaryLu Tyndall

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was a disappointment. I love marylu tyndall's other books but I found this one to be irritating and even blasphemous. There are multiple biblical implications and Savion is supposed to be a Christ figure but is depicted as being human with some divine qualities. I thought the amulet he wore around his neck that glowed when he was doing the right thing was superstitious. I wish she would have just wrote the story from a fairytale perspective and left out all the biblical allegories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa bloom
When MaryLu Tyndall writes a book, you should read it.

When she writes a mermaid story, you should put it at the top of your to-read list.

Tyndall, who is known for historical fiction involving pirates and ships and islands and tropical locations, has ventured into new territory with her latest release, Tears of the Sea. (Disclaimer: I received a free e-copy of the book in exchange for my review.)

First, can we just pause and admire this book cover?

I'm learning to love and appreciate the work that goes into a good book cover, and this one is stunning.

So, the story. Perdita lives a cursed life roaming the ancient seas as a mermaid and for 300 years she has sought to break the curse. Every 10 years, she is given one month on land as a human to find a man willing to die for her. Her heart aches for release and all her efforts thus far have been for nothing. Savion Ryne is a defender of his father's kingdom and sails to overturn Natas' rebellion. When he falls off his ship during a storm, Perdita is there to rescue him, though he doesn't know it. As her time on land approaches, Perdita thinks Savion could be the one to free her, but he resists all her charms. And as the month comes to an end, Perdita will face her toughest choice yet.

Everything I love about Tyndall's previous stories is present in this one. Characters with strong traits. A plot that never gets dull. Conflict. Tough choices. Highs and lows. (And if you're a fan of The Little Mermaid, you'll find some similarities at the start. But this is not a retelling of any story I'm aware of.)

You can read this as just another entertaining story, or you can seek the deeper story Tyndall intends. This is not just a mermaid story but an illustration of eternal love and redemption.

I was eagerly awaiting this story, and I read it in a day. I'd gladly read it again and again.

Tears of the Sea is as beautiful on the pages as it is on the cover. Cozy up with this story as the days get cold. It'll warm you from the inside out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tears of the Sea***** e-book by MaryLu Tyndall

Perdita longs for someone to love her, but as a mermaid roaming the Ancient Seas has yet to find him. Unless she can find someone to love her enough to give his life for her, she will forever remain under the wicked curse cast upon her centuries ago. She only has one month every ten years as a “human” to find this elusive man. Is there really a man somewhere who could love her that much? If so, how does she find him? Is she even loveable?

Captain Savion and his crew are on a special mission for his Father. He cannot return home until that mission is completed. So, he sails around the Ancient Seas in search of others to save from evil as he is directed. As Perdita repeatedly “finds” herself in trouble, Savion rescues her—again and again. But he finds her distracting and wants her settled somewhere far from him. However, what if she is who he is to rescue? Can he sacrifice all for her? With battles on land and sea, rescuing others from evil, Savion continues on his quest.

MaryLu has woven a fictional fantasy that will take the reader to a different world and time. A world filled with hurting people searching for unconditional love, much like our own. A story with battles between good and evil, fears, redemption, adventure, romance, despair, hope, sacrificial love—a love that is far different than satisfying your own needs—integrity, honor and faith. An allegorical spiritual warfare that will keep you reading far into the night. I love how she develops the characters, letting us see into their feelings and what drives them to do what they do. I don't usually read fantasy stories but found this one captivating.

~~I received a copy of this book from the author for my honest review~~
Tears of a Hustler PT 5 :: Tears Of A Hustler 2 :: Werebear Shifter Romance (Takhini Shifters Book 1) :: Ride Baby Ride (Thompson & Sons Book 1) :: Tears Of A Hustler
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
madeleine charney
A tale of hope, love and sacrifice....
We all have a little Perdita in us. It may manifest itself in different ways, but the struggle is there. How do you know true love when you see it? Is it only a fleeting dream...something that we reach for yet never obtain? Can true love be earned or bought?

Take a journey into the lives of two very special people....Perdita, a mermaid longing to be human again and Savion, a man longing to please his Father and be called back home again.
When their paths cross, neither can deny the pull towards each other, yet both struggle to understand the reasons why. It's not what either of them think....is it fate? destiny? Or is there something otherworldly going on?

Tears of the Sea is different from other books written by MaryLu Tyndall. And in this case, different is very good. I was drawn in from the beginning, picturing this story in my head as I read it. Yes, it is grittier than previous stories by MaryLu, but in an emotionally fantastical way. I am pleased with how this story was written...a lot of surprises that made me smile and nod in agreement. I am looking forward to more books like this by MaryLu.

I highly recommend this book to those who are searching for that seemingly unattainable love....or for those who simply love a good story.

I was asked to read Tears of the Sea by the author in exchange for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to give a good review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SEA OF TEARS is a fantastical story, the likes of which I have never read before!

Perdita was once a woman who dreamt of true love but the evil warlock, Forwin insists such love does not exist. Entering into a bargain with him, Perdita’s world is shattered when her beloved proves Forwin’s words true. Now cursed to swim the oceans as a mermaid, Perdita is given an opportunity every ten years to seek out this true love she so believes in. But after three hundred years, her hope is dwindling. Until she meets Savion. A man of exemplary noble character, Perdita is convinced he will be the one to break her curse. But Savion is not taken with her seductions. Perdita does everything she can conjure up to make Savion fall in love with her. And though she feels his love, he does not concede to her immoral ways.

Savion in many ways is under his own curse. Separated from his father and his kingdom, Savion goes about doing good, knowing one day he and his father will be reunited. A gifted man who is led by an amulet and his heart, he goes to those in need and provides them with justice and care. When Savion meets Perdita, he is drawn to her, but is exasperated all the same. A siren who wishes to entangle him, he does his best to keep her safe but not give into her sensual behavior. He knows there is more to Perdita, and doesn’t understand why she is so willingly gives herself to men. He sees the good in her, but unfortunately, that good is buried under layers of conniving and deceit.

Perdita and Savion’s story is an allegory of Christ and those who are lost. The more you read, the more you pick up on the subtleties Ms. Tyndall as woven into this unique love story. This is a slight departure from MaryLu’s other novels. Though she stays true to her passion for adventure on the high seas, she creates a world of fantasy that quickly draws you in. I am not a reader of fantasy or Sci-fi, but I am a fan of Ms. Tyndall, so I was willing to read outside my genre. I must say, I am glad I did. I truly enjoyed both the story of Perdita and Savion, and the reminder that Christ loves us in spite of ourselves.. SEA OF TEARS is a cross between Narnia and the Little Mermaid with a rich undertow of love, redemption, and sacrifice.

SEA OF TEARS is a page-turner for sure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria keffler
What do you get when you cross the Little Mermaid with the Gospels? Well, you could get MaryLu Tyndall’s Tears of the Sea.

I’m giving this one four stars. Not because it’s a great story, even though it is. Not because it’s well-written, although it’s that, too. But because this is the kind of quirky romance that appeals to me. I am also a big fan of Biblically inspired stories. (Paradise Lost, The Man Born to Be King, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.)

Quick side note: I am purposefully writing this review before I read any reviews written by other readers. I suspect there will be more than a few naysayers who object to Jesus’ story being used in another context.

What I liked
The main characters are wonderfully written. The heroine (she’s a mermaid, by the way) is by no means perfect. She pretty much embodies the sinner in all of us, driven to all sorts of self-destructive as well as other-destructive actions by circumstances and self-doubt. The hero, being the Christ-figure, is somewhat more upright, but Tyndall shows that he is tempted by worldly things just as any other man would be.

I also love the way she portrayed the hero’s followers. They are devoted, yet often doubting, timid, and somewhat self-serving. Just like the real Apostles of Jesus.

I also like that the setting is NOT Earth, even though it is Earth-like. Ms. Tyndall does not seem to be trying to rewrite the story of Jesus. She is only using it as character and story inspiration.

What I didn’t care for
There wasn’t anything I really disliked about this book, but if I had to choose something that detracted for me it was that the evil people were entirely too evil. No one on that side, other than the heroine, was redeemable. Plus, the hero went about saving people from the bad guys, but after humbly brushing aside their hero-worship, everyone went about their business as usual.

I probably would have liked the story a touch more if it had deviated a little more from the Bible, especially since our Christ-figure hero is forming a single bond between himself and a human (well, almost-human) woman. Plus, certain events, such as the loaves and fishes retelling, made it a little too obvious. I’d rather have been left looking for clues as to the similarities between the events of this story and the Bible.

OK, now I’m going to see what other reviewers wrote….

<short pause>

I’m back. Not too bad. Right now, Tears of the Sea sits at 4.6 stars on the store, so the great reviews far outweigh the negative. There was only one mention of blasphemous, but they said the same thing about C.S. Lewis, so Ms. Tyndall’s in good company.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jo anne
Once again master storyteller MaryLu Tyndall has written a very moving book; although the story line is different from the others she has written, I promise you will find it spellbinding.

Perdita, a beautiful, educated young lady crosses the wrong man and finds herself under a vile curse; she must roam the sea as a mermaid for all eternity or until she can find a man willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for her. One month out of ten years isn't nearly long enough to convince a man he can't live without her, or is it? Perdita will stop at nothing to find a man who can break this curse.

Savion Ryne is on a mission that he hopes will end with the annihilation of Natas and his evil minions; then he can finally set his course for home. Having made a grave error in judgment years before, Savion was sent on this mission and there is nothing that will stop him from performing his Father's will; especially an exotic, seductive woman.

After being swept overboard during a storm, Savion Ryne would have been lost forever to a watery grave without the help of Perdita; his only memory of his savior is glimpses of dark flowing hair and a melodious voice.

As Perdita nurses Savion back to health, she realizes there is something different about this man. Could it be this is the one that will have the power to break the evil spell that she has been under for all these years? She vows she will find a way to make him fall in love with her.

Oh what a deep longing for love Perdita has but it isn't the fleeting type of love she has shared with the many men she has gone through. The type of love she craves can only come from the one Man that is willing to freely give up his life for her and who asks nothing in return.

What an amazing story Ms. Tyndall has penned, once again she goes straight for the heart, because there is no way you can read this story without your heart being touched, dare I say even changed? Thank you Ms. Tyndall for taking me back to thoughts of my own true love, the one that was willing to give His all to win me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin isgett
This is one of the greatest fantasy novels I have read! MaryLu Tyndall has created yet another wonderful story. Full of adventure and romance, I couldn’t put this book down. Diverting from her traditional historically accurate tales, she no less has done wonderful research for this just as thrilling story. The adventure is thrilling, even while it tugs at your heart. The action scenes are so well written, they carry you along at the edge of your seat, the excitement of the fights make you feel like you’re almost in the middle of it. And I love how much she researched mermaid lore in making her characters, putting her unique spin on a classic.
Speaking of mermaids, I couldn’t help but feel for Perdita. She is such a naïve character, but an understandable one. You want to root for her, even when she’s not exactly thinking clearly. She’s a character that you want to see win, that you want to see have what she dreamed of. And Savion is your typical heart-throb of a sea-faring Captain met with dreamy Prince Charming. He has a heart of gold met with the extraordinary skills of a superhero. He’s intelligent, but sometimes clueless, just like Perdita, and watching them together is both adorable and comical. I love their romance, how they fall in love, how they realize they’re in love, but more I love the message of love in the story. This book is all about love in its truest form, what it is and isn’t. I love how MaryLu’s unafraid to show how lust and desire for another is not the same as truly loving someone, and especially in this age it’s refreshing to see a message so clear about that.
This is a beautiful story about the power of love, and the strength of a woman, written in the way of a Fairytale. Fans of fantasy and fairytales, and especially strong heroines and courageous heroes, will love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don’t normally like allegories but this one actually captivated me and kept my interest. This is the kind of book that you’ll want to pop some popcorn, sit back with a cold drink and dig in! Like watching a good movie, this book transports you to a world where fiction fantasy meets the message of love, hope and redemption in its purest form. Being Hispanic, I immediately caught the meaning of Perdita -- as the suffix of "ita" is a Spanish form of endearment. The protagonist Perdita is a lonely Mermaid wandering the Ancient Seas desperately searching for the One who will deliver her from a wicked curse. She rescues Savion, who is a man on mission. He eventually realizes how his divine assignment is intricately woven into Perdita’s life. This story will entertain and delight you with its fast-paced tale of clashing swords, maritime battles, rescues- gone wrong and cheating death. It’s more than just a good versus evil story. It’s a narrative that delves into the soul searching journey that leads to the undeniable truth that we all must have faith to survive. With Orwellian prose and Bunyan style imagery, this book is destined to become a stand-alone classic! I highly recommend this book to be used as a book club discussion or Bible Study. One disclaimer: I was given a free copy to review the book; however, I give it a 5 star rating for the story line and Tyndall's ability to creatively, yet simply compose a story that has the ability to reach an audience that doesn't normally ascribe to "Christian" literature.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
MaryLu Tyndall offering a book to review? Oh my goodness. I am so in. Her Escape to Paradise and Surrender to Destiny series had me glued to the pages. Her study and knowledge of history is astounding. One of my favorite things is her Pinterest page. She has boards dedicated to her books and what the characters and scenery look like.

That being said, I was surprised, and very curious, when I found out that this book would be unlike any others she has previously written. MaryLu wrote this book as an allegory of the Gospel using mythical lands, characters, and a mermaid!! I was completely unsure of what to think before I started reading this story.

Perdita is well into her third century of life, cursed to be a mermaid until she can find someone that loves her enough to die in her place. Once, every ten years, she has a month to be human and find a man that is willing. Sound crazy? I AGREE! However, this book held my attention. I found it fascinating. It is truly a story about finding your worth, knowing what true love is and seeking to do right no matter the circumstances.

Thanks, MaryLu, for giving me a book that I can't help but read well into the night! Keep them coming (:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
About the Book:

Doomed by the evil warlock Forwin to wander the ancient seas as a mermaid for all eternity, Perdita longs for the release death would bring. Every ten years she has a chance to break the curse when she emerges from the sea fully human for one month. The catch? She must find a man willing to die for her. After 300 years, her failures have left her heartbroken and alone.

Savion Ryne wants nothing to do with beautiful women. It was one such woman whose betrayal sent him far away to battle Natas’ rebellion. He longs to return to his father’s kingdom in Nevaeh but must first complete an unknown mission.

After Savion falls off his ship during a storm, he wakes on the shores of an island with visions of a dark haired mermaid tending his wounds. When a woman similar in appearance begs for his protection, he is suspicious.

Perdita has never met anyone as honorable as Savion. Even though he shuns her every advance, she falls for him. But as the end of her time on land approaches, she faces the hardest decision of all, save Savion and remain cursed for all eternity or break the curse and watch the man she loves die.

About the Author:

With now more than fourteen books published, she makes no excuses for the deeply spiritual themes embedded within her romantic adventures. As a follower of Christ, her stories often reflect her own journey and walk with God. Her hope is that readers will not only be entertained but will be brought closer to the Creator who loves them beyond measure. In a culture that accepts the occult, wizards, zombies, and vampires without batting an eye, MaryLu hopes to show the awesome present and powerful acts of God in a dying world. A Christy award nominee, MaryLu makes her home with her husband, six children, and four cats on the California coast, where her imagination still surges with the sea.

My Review:

Perdita has been a mermaid for almost 300 years, she longs to be free from this curse. An evil warlock, had given her the curse of being a mermaid, after she had refused to marry him. So now every ten years for one month, she is turned back into a human, searching for a man who truly loves her enough that he would die for her. But alas, that man has never come and she is still a mermaid.

Captain Savion Ryne, feels like he has a curse of his own. After being burned once by love, he feels that all women are the enemy. After meeting Perdita, he starts to question his stance on women. Her kindness and beauty are unlike anything he has ever seen, she is magnificently beautiful. He tries to avoid her to no end, but she keeps coming along his path and onto his ship---so avoiding her is getting harder and harder to accomplish.

As Perdita starts steadily trying to get him to fall for she finds herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him. The one thing that stands in their way of true love is this dreadful curse. Will the two of them ever get to be together or will one of them die first?

A book packed with adventure, romance, and suspense---Tears of the Sea delivers it right to you! The author knows her craft well, this book is a page turner, for sure!

**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Pump Up Your Book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love MaryLu Tyndall's books. Always have. Always will. This one is very, very different from her usual offerings.

Perdita is doomed to immortality as a mermaid by the evil warlock Forwin. Once every ten years, she has one month to break the curse. Someone has to love her enough to die for her. I did bet a bit aggravated with her at times because of her seemingly unemotional qualities. However, in the end, she redeems herself, finally catching onto sacrificial love.

Savion is a moral man, full of integrity, always living and acting to please his father. He faces a dark foe, but feels a pull to Perdita.

This is an allegorical novel, a genre I don't read much of. It's written well and we do get to be on board ship, something Tyndall is quite comfortable with and does extremely well. I absolutely love her pirate tales. I am very fond also of her comfort telling of the spiritual warfare aspect of the Christian life. This story does deal with this also.

I gave the novel 4 stars because it did not grab me like MaryLu's other books did, probably because of the allegorical aspect of the book. I didn't *not* like the book. I just prefer her other books better.

The book talks of the beauty of sacrificial love, which is what everyone needs more of, Christian or not. We learn that love has many qualities and aspects, not just physical attraction.

The book has good lessons to learn and teach. It is definitely worth reading.

*I was provided a free copy of this book by the author and was not required to leave a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris teel
If you want a wonderful romantic novel to take you away, this book is perfect.

If you want a book that will draw you in and give you a deeper meaning to search for while reading it, this book is perfect.

When I started reading this book I was feeling like I needed to read it quickly and just be amused by it. What I found instead was a very deep story that I found I needed to take my time with it and just absorb all the nuances that it contains. There are many points that can just be taken at face value as an entertaining read. But they can just as well be applied to mankind today and how we live our lives and treat other people.

The characters are so well written that the attitude each one has towards other people is very clearly presented. There are greedy, money hungry people. There are power hungry people. There are those who are only wanting their needs met. Then there are some who are just looking for how they can help others. Just like all the different types of people that we all run into in our own lives.

The way the romance develops and grows is fantastic. As the romance builds the question is will the characters grow in emotional maturity and become better people because of it. I couldn’t put the book down until I found the answer to this very important question.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've heard MaryLu Tyndall mention writing a mermaid book for years now, so I must say, I was looking forward to this novel's release.
I really liked the premise of this book. It kind of had the feel of a fairy tale, but was centered with allusions to Christianity. I liked the symbolism.
I only gave this book four stars rather than five because there were a few things that didn't sit right with me: mainly, because it is almost branching out into a different genre than most of MaryLu's, this had a different feel that took me awhile to get used to. However, once I did get into the feel of the story, I enjoyed it. Second, and this is entirely trivial, the character's names bothered me. They were so unusual that they were hard to remember. But that's just me. These are just my opinions. Read the book for yourself and enjoy it, because I really did like it. :)
Other than that, I really liked this book. I loved the plot. It kept me dying to know what would happen to the mermaid heroine, Perdita, and longing to know if she'd become human again.
All in all, while this may not have been one of my favorite MaryLu Tyndall books, I do love this author, and am very eager to read her next novel. I'm glad I got to read one of her mermaid stories! I mean, who can resist sailors and mermaids?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Okay, so the first couple chapters were pretty good. Once the religious references became suuuper obvious, it went downhill for me. Having grown up Christian, I was exposed to a lot of this attitude towards women. She was victimized for centuries, survived it all and yet she is shamed for her wicked and immoral ways. Savion has to "save" her from her wicked ways. And he thought it was okay to parade her attacker in front of her?!?! I'm all for a woman overcoming what happened to her and being stronger for it, but I think this was the opposite. It was more like she has no spine now and thinks she is lower than dirt and is lucky that he forgives her. Not to mention the weirdness of her marrying Jesu- I mean Savion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ulla sarja
Tears of the Sea is the first Young Adult Fiction book from author, Mary Lu Tyndall. The setting is in a fictional fantasy land called Erden where the main character, Perdita, (also a mermaid) has been cursed with immortality for 300 years. What can make her human again? To find a man who is willing to die for her…and does. Savion, the story’s hero, has been sent on a mission from his father (also the King) – but he hasn’t figured out what that exact mission is…yet.
Once every ten years, Perdita becomes human for 30 days – the purpose is to fall in love with a man who loves her enough to die for her. If she can’t find such a man, after the 30 day period she turns back into a mermaid. In the story I found Perdita to have an interesting personality. She has a big heart and a desire to help people, but after 300 years of having her heart broken again and again by men who claimed they loved her but really didn’t, she is also desperate. She will do anything to find a man who says he loves her and then prove it with his actions. The only problem? This desperation has made her a master at lying, selfish and knowing how to get a man’s attention the wrong way. When she meets Savion she believes that he could be the one to finally set her free, but he wants a woman who is pure in heart. Perdita isn’t really like that…or is she? What kind of woman is she able to become when she truly loves a man for who he is?
You will never guess what happens in this tale and how Perdita gains her redemption!
I gave this book 5 stars because as Young Adult book I think it addresses a lot of things that young people face. The search for unconditional love. The value of motives that are pure and unselfish. This book encourages youth to have high moral standards and be a positive influence on those around you. In the fantasy world today, it is common for the settings and characters to have a sense of “darkness” to them that seep through the pages. On the other hand, Tears of the Sea is made like the stuff of C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia where characters may struggle, but ultimately are better people in the end and a glorious victory follows. I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels unloved and struggling to find acceptance and security – this book will point you in the right direction!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa siegel
Tears of the Sea by Marylu Tyndall was an amazing, touching book. Tears filmed my eyes for several parts of the book, and I cried a little at the end. I could feel Perdita’s loneliness and desperation (as I’m sure the men she fell in love with felt as well). At first I wondered if she was actually being physical with the men, and I realized later she was. I sometimes thought Perdita was a little extreme about the lengths she went to get men to sacrifice for her instead of letting it happen naturally. Also, Savion is one of my favorite male characters that MaryLu has created! He was quite noble and I was glad he didn’t fall so easily for Perdita’s tricks, but generally wanted to help her. The Gospel’s parallels were present but well crafted, and overall the novel has climbed to the top of my favorite stories. I would have liked to see more of Perdita as a mermaid just because they are so fascinating, but at the same time, it wasn’t overdone and that’s very easy to do. However, Marylu is an expert craftswoman and always presents a faith-filled adventure on the high seas!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina bravo
If you enjoy sea-faring adventure and derring-do, then read Tears of the Sea by MaryLu Tyndall. Sword fighting and raging seas clash and roar. If you want to be surprised as each page leads you deeper into a fantastic realm of good and evil, then read this book. Natas, an arch enemy of Savion Ryne and his crew, and Damien Gund and his minions cause sickness and trouble for various towns on Erden and for Perdita, respectfully. If you like adventure combined with a little romance, then read this book. For me, what really makes this novel stand out is that Tyndall shares more than just a great adventure. She shares a journey of into the heart of King Abbas’ (God’s) love for his people, a love that is so great that God would send his one and only Son to Earth through whom not to condemn but to reconcile the people to himself (Paraphrase of John 3:17).
Spoiler alrert: Perdita has lived 300 years as a mermaid with opportunities to become human every ten years for a month only. If, according to the curse of the warlock Forwin of Rabbah, she can convince a man to love her so much that he would die for her, then she can be a human again.
Spoiler alert: Perdita is desperate to die, find relief from her loneliness, and free herself of the curse at Hades’ Gate. She does not meet her death, but instead she rescues and helps Savion Ryne heal on an island following his fall into the sea during a horrible storm. Following the rescue, Perdita has one month to convince a man, such as Savion or some other man, that he loves her and will lose his life for her.
From Nevaeh King Abbas, a just and loving king, sends Savion to save the people of the Kingdom of Erden. Does Savion Ryne’s mission include saving Perdita? Or, is he merely being tested by King Abbas to see if he can resist the charms of Perdita?
Let’s journey with Perdita and Savion into the pages of this book to find out.
*I was asked by the author to read this work Tears of the Sea in exchange for my honest opinion. I am under no obligation to give a good review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tears of the Sea is an inspiring love story about a man on a quest to save the world and a woman seeking to save herself. Marylu Tyndall is one of my top favorite authors because her books keep me enthralled, and they never disappoint, but I will say I was skeptical about a fantasy story—especially one about a mermaid. I never should have worried though, because she sucked me into the heart-wrenching tale of a woman longing for true love and someone to break the curse she’s lived under for centuries. As with Ms. Tyndall’s other books, this one has vivid imagery, swashbuckling adventure, and is emotionally compelling. The story is a beautiful allegory of Christ and His love for us. It’s a tale of sacrifice and redemption, and at its heart, Tears of the Sea is a romance that will appeal to anyone who partial to a great love story.

I was given this book by the author in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrienne white
I've read many of Mrs. Tyndall's historical fiction stories and enjoyed them all. This book is a departure from her norm - it is an allegory about failings and redemption, about the war inside between selfishness and selflessness, about yearnings and disappointments, expectations and more disappointments. It is a creative twist on a mermaid story with lots of action and angst, joy and sadness, excitement and beauty. The cover is a beautiful hint at the story itself. There are tricks with names, some of which you will quickly catch, and others that may take you some time to figure out. It is well written and she could easily have made it twice as long with more details into the characters. But she kept it shorter and tighter and you will NOT be disappointed with the results. This Christian writer has maintained her integrity and freedom from overbearing publisher demands and given us a story to enjoy and think about. I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tears of the Sea is a wonderfully crafted tale swirling with magic, love, intrigue, and suspense. Perdita, a mermaid, is determined to break her curse at any cost. She has searched the world for centuries to find the one man able to break the spell. Longing for freedom, Perdita finally meets the one man who won't succumb to her charms.

Savion is a man determined to fulfill his father's mission and return to his home. He has turned away from many distractions and temptations, but the beguiling Perdita throws him into confusion. Will he sacrifice his mission to rescue her?

Marylu Tyndall has created an amazing cast of characters that speak to the hopes, fears, and dreams of us all. This is a fantasy story that everyone will enjoy, including magic, love, sacrifice, adventure, and redemption. In a land where pirates and mermaids exist, this is a spellbinding story that everyone will enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
white chalk
I have read every book MaryLu Tyndall has written and have loved them all. I was a bit wary at first about reading this book as it is a fantasy and I normally do not read fantasy books. However, I was very pleased to have enjoyed the plot that MaryLu has created. Perdita is a mermaid that was cursed many years earlier and Savion is the human that she meets and ultimately falls in love with. I loved the allegory of Christ that was weaved throughout the book. I recommend that you give this book a try even if you do not read fantasy. And if you do read fantasy then you will wholeheartedly enjoy it. After reading Tears of the Sea make sure to read some of her other books as well. I also highly recommend Veil of Pearls. That is one of my favorites of hers. But, of course, they are all my favorites!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike grice
MaryLu Tyndall is amazing, guys. Really. I've read her books for years and loved all of them (pirates, anyone?), but this one was different from her typical novel. This one was so amazing! It had a MERMAID. A beautiful, lonely mermaid with a death-wish, and a pirate who is slightly reminiscent of a knight. Harsher than Tyndall's other books, Tears of the Sea is full of underlying message. Tyndall still has an awesome writing style, and you will be sucked into this story of sacrifice and unconditional love.
And it has a mermaid. So this story is basically brimming with awesomeness and beauty.
And that cover? WOW.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loved Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, but also jumps at the chance to read Fantasy and YA. Its a win-win, and an absolute fantastic read!
*I received a copy of this book from the author for review. All opinions expressed are mine and were not influenced by the author or publishing house.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A tale of hope, love and sacrifice....
We all have a little Perdita in us. It may manifest itself in different ways, but the struggle is there. How do you know true love when you see it? Is it only a fleeting dream...something that we reach for yet never obtain? Can true love be earned or bought?

Take a journey into the lives of two very special people....Perdita, a mermaid longing to be human again and Savion, a man longing to please his Father and be called back home again.
When their paths cross, neither can deny the pull towards each other, yet both struggle to understand the reasons why. It's not what either of them think....is it fate? destiny? Or is there something otherworldly going on?

Tears of the Sea is different from other books written by MaryLu Tyndall. And in this case, different is very good. I was drawn in from the beginning, picturing this story in my head as I read it. Yes, it is grittier than previous stories by MaryLu, but in an emotionally fantastical way. I am pleased with how this story was written...a lot of surprises that made me smile and nod in agreement. I am looking forward to more books like this by MaryLu.

I highly recommend this book to those who are searching for that seemingly unattainable love....or for those who simply love a good story.

I was asked to read Tears of the Sea by the author in exchange for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to give a good review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie adee
Author: MaryLu Tyndall|5106676]

Marylu Tyndall is well known for her tales about Pirates and young maidens with the backdrop of the high seas. MaryLu has stated that she was led by the Lord in her most recent literary offering. And, what a wonderful tale it is! Mermaids, warring kingdoms, curses and a growing love will keep you drawn in from the first page to the last! "Tears of the Sea" tells the tale of Perdita, the recipient of a curse by the evil Warlock Forwin. Perdita is doomed to spend eternity as a mermaid. But, there is one facet that offers Perdita hope. Every ten years, she takes human form for thirty days. If, in the allotted time, she finds a man who is willing to die for her, then she will remain in human form forever. Perdita longs for the curse to be broken, and, has even contemplated causing her own demise. But during a stormy night at sea, everything changes. Perdita saves Savion Ryne after he has fallen overboard. Savion has his own agenda. He is on a mission of defending the defenseless. He fights the evil Natas and his minions at every turn. When Perdita, who has taken on human form, rescues Savion, their lives will forever be entwined. If I could, I would give this book a higher rating then 5 stars. "Tears of the Sea" is an allegory of the Gospel, and I’m sure will touch everyone who reads it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MaryLu Tyndall is a fantastic author of historical romance fiction, and with this book, she has proven that she also produces wonderful works of fantasy. In Tears of the Sea, she did a masterful job of using elements of fantasy in a plausible historical setting, making it very easy to visualize, believe, and follow along. It also incorporates many physical representations of spiritual warfare and is a wonderful allegory of salvation. Every reader will connect with Perdita's journey and be captivated by this epic and thrilling page-turner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
muna cullivan
MaryLu has written a different twist to this book. It is her typical book of pirates, action on the high seas, and romance. With this book MaryLu has written is a tale of darkness and light. Of good and evil. MaryLu will have you weaved into this story.

Don't let the mermaid or other aspects of this story deter you from the truth of what MaryLu is writing about. God gave her this story and she was obedient to write it.

I applaud and thank you MaryLu for writing this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ganta rakesh
A delightful tale that is a bit different than MaryLu Tyndall's usual stories, but enjoyable nonetheless. This book of fantasy and true love is one for anyone who enjoys the fantasy genre.
It tells of Perdita a mermaid and her interaction with Savion a human. They realize that they cannot really be together, but still feel drawn together. I enjoyed seeing how their differences played out and would recommend this book. I received this book free to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
azdh ho
A wonderfully sweet story that pains a picture of Christ's love for us. Perdita is a beautiful mermaid under an evil curse. Whom better to save her than the brave and heroic Savion. Perdita uses her beauty and charms and all she has to do to break the curse is make Savion fall in love with her enough to die for. Savion is more concerned about what's on the inside, can and will Savion look past the vanity to save her? Can Perdita see she is more than her beauty? A must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Heart Wrenching Story

Tears of the Sea by Marylu Tyndall tells the story of a woman, named Perdita, who is cursed to live alone as a mermaid. From the first sentence of the book I felt for this character. Her hopelessness and loneliness was very real. Perdita has made many mistakes and continues to make mistakes which makes her relatable.
I don't usually read science fiction/fantasy but I thought, why not- I loved The Little Mermaid. I'm so glad I did!! This story is full of adventure, passion, love and redemption. There were events that surprised me and frustrated me. It was not predictable. I would describe this book as vivid. I could see the colors, hear the waves and feel their pain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Powerful!!! Gripping from the start, "Tears of the Sea" casts you into an allegory of the Gospel that is truly brilliant, captivating, convicting, and completely brimming with unconditional love. Speaking straight to my heart, this book left me with many deep thoughts, pages littered with notes, and most beautifully...many precious moments shared in discussion with Jesus.

Truly, Mary Lu Tyndall never fails to bring a brilliant novel into the readers hands, which always includes God's wonderful truths...yet this one is unlike all the rest, very special indeed. It will come to no surprise that setting this book down before it's finished will be quite the challenge!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mihaela alsamadi
I was surprised this story had a slight religious feel, yet I loved it! After reading endless books about romances, its so nice to find a lead male character who is so pure of heart yet not gullible or dimwitted. Although the mermaid's selfishness was aggravating, one can easily feel for her and understand her pain. At last a novel with true chivalry due tastefully without too many chessy overused lines. My favorite mermaid tale and the first out of many that was worth the time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirsten tattersall
MaryLu Tyndall knows how to write. She can transport a reader into any age, time or circumstance. This was a powerful story of love and redemption. I could really see every character clearly and was amazed by the story! Definitely another great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna tillman
I thoroughly enjoyed this new book by MaryLu Tyndall...
Since I started reading these pirate books I have been transported back to another time and always another adventure.
I learned about the pirate life upon the seas and about customs in the different countries.
I really liked the way Christianity is brought into the pirates lives and how they respond...
I am looking forward to more of MaryLu Tyndall and her tales of the Caribbean...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love this book!! It has adventure, romance, excitement!! I love the mermaid! Fantasy of another world is so much fun! I love the parallel of the King coming for his bride. The bride of the church. This is a great store! I love all of Marylu books but the Redemption series and Tears of the sea are my favorite. You will not regret reading this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gretchen kersten
WOW! There is so much depth in Perdita and Savion's story. It is filled with pain and heartache. I enjoyed following their journey to wholeness. This story has nestled deep in my soul. I highly recommend this book.

*I won this book in a giveaway. All views expressed are my own.*
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