Reawakened (The Reawakened Series) by Colleen Houck (2015-08-11)

ByColleen Houck

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
atullah turk
The premise of this was intriguing to me but from the very beginning, I didn't like how the main heroine was essentially hijacked and taken on a ride. There wasn't enough character development early on to keep me interested. Didn't finish.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
peter koon
I LOVE Ancient Egyptian mythology. In fact, I love all mythology. I'm a classics minor. But Egyptian mythology was my first love. I started studying it on my own in middle school and still enjoy reading Egyptian myths today. So when I found out about Reawakened I was ecstatic! I'd never read anything by Colleen Houck, but I've heard a lot of praise for her Tiger's Curse series. I knew I'd have to read this one as soon as I could get my hands on a copy, and that's what I did. Unfortunately...

Welcome to my first one star review of the year! I'm going to be honest. I was totally shocked I didn't like this book. I went into it expecting to completely love it because everyone I know has loved it! In reality it was painful to read. It took me five days to get 263 pages in. Five agonizingly slow days in which I had to literally force myself to read this while gazing longingly at Harry Potter. After that I admitted defeat and skimmed the rest.

I like action. I like adventure. I like romance. I like mythology. So what did I not like about this book? Well, for starters I didn't like the characters. Lily is a privileged rich girl from New York City who complains about the box she's confined to. She complains about how she got into every college and now has to pick one (the horror!), complains about her big fancy house (the agony!), and basically just complains about everything. I can't stand it, guys. I can't handle filthy rich characters who complain about their privilege. Then we have Amon. I get it, he's old and has godlike powers and he's really, REALLY gorgeous.

The romance between these two is Stockholme Syndrome at its finest and made zero sense to me. They knew each other for all of five minutes before Lily was whining to herself about how Amon wouldn't kiss her (while also reminding us that she does not suffer from lack of confidence). All of this while she laments the way he uses his god powers to control her will. Um... yeah, so there's that. Literally the entire book is them darting from location to location while Lily whines about how Amon won't kiss her. Never mind that he's trying to save the world and all.

Which brings me to the "action." I think the problem is I can't stand the writing style. It's basically, "We went to this place and there was lots of sand and then a bad guy came and then we beat it and then I felt sick and then Amon wouldn't kiss me and then we went to another place and..." You get the idea. The best way I can think to describe it is that the author inserted YA plot points in a middle grade book. The world building also left a lot to be desired because it is basically what I've just laid out. I didn't feel like I was actually in any of the locations described. There was a lot of telling and not a lot of showing, if that makes sense.

Not only that, but my god, the info dumps. I really love mythology retellings. I do. But this one was like a mythology textbook (in serious need of fact checking) and a YA romance met and had a baby. The stories about the gods and goddesses could have been fun, but it they way it was done ripped me out of the story every single time.

I could really go on and on about the issues I had with this book. The cover was gorgeous and the premise was fantastic and I would love to read this idea written in a better way. A lot of the mythology was off and the Big Bad was predictable and ridiculous. The romance was unbelievable and the ending made me roll my eyes so hard I got a headache. I've read that the writing in this book is actually a step up from The Tiger's Curse Saga (although the story is apparently a near-carbon copy), which is really sad because I have that one on my shelf, but now I doubt I'll read it. I really couldn't recommend this to anyone, but I know that I'm in the minority on this one!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sakshi gopal
(From Goodreads)
Book Quality: 1 star
Book Enjoyability: 5 stars
Mild plot theme spoilers for Reawakened and Tiger’s Curse

Do you remember that saying back when Twilight was popular? About how it was one woman’s choice between bestiality and necrophilia? I think Colleen Houck took it to heart.

Her first book series had our young, white, female protagonist whisked away from her normal, boring life to an unfamiliar and “exotic” country to become embroiled in mythology made real as she strove to free a cursed prince and his brother from their fate and ultimately save the world.

The only issue was that our lovely leading lad spent most of his time as a tiger and was uncomfortable having a physical romance with a woman while turning into a tiger off and on despite the relentless pursuit of our heroine. So I winced as I laughed and tried to ignore the obvious bestiality as well as her trying to push her partner into something he wasn’t comfortable with.

Then came Reawakened. The tale of a our young, white, female protagonist whisked away from her normal, boring life to an unfamiliar and “exotic” country to become embroiled in mythology made real as she strove to free a cursed prince and his brothers from their fate and ultimately save the world.

I’m having the strangest sense of déjà vu.

But this time Houck has worked past her fetish for men with tails and instead our lovely leading lad is a … decaying corpse made animate by magic. No, really. She actually sees the state his body is in without the magic at one point and is disgusted and horrified for about a paragraph before she gets over it and returns to wanting to bone the bones.

Who cares, you may say. Maybe that’s your fetish. Well even if you do secretly want to date a mummy I’m afraid you will find the rest of the book lacking for your escapist fantasy.

Rarely have I met such a thoroughly unlikable protagonist. Lily is the spoiled daughter of the Trumps rich NYC business types. What exactly do they do? I honestly can’t tell you because of how very little Lily cares about them and by proxy how very little I care about them. All I recall is that they expect her to be a good little protégé and frown upon basic human decency towards others.

So surely Lily has a pack of close-knit friends to balance her lack of supportive family? Double nope. We are never even hinted that she has ever had a friend in her life though given how she views others this isn’t surprising. It seems that most of the women in this world exist to be judged by Lily and inevitably fall short. Indeed, people watching (and judging) is one of Lily’s favorite past times. Her dull, passive hobby that won’t stop you from being able to self-insert and pretend you too are a rich, boring, unlikable girl with no autonomy in love with a rotting corpse!

So our lead is kind of a bust. What about the story? Is it at least a captivating blend of mythology tied seamlessly into history? Ha, ha, ha, the protagonist is a spoiled white girl who frequently views her crush as more important than saving humanity, do I even need to answer that?

This book is a train wreck but honestly that’s what made me enjoy it so much. Houck’s censorship of extremely sexual Egyptian mythology led to unintentional hilarity (like Osiris now has a crocodile penis) and her general ignorance towards her subjects was astounding. At one point Lily observes her companions “speaking Egyptian” and all of the ceremonial chanting is done in English for no apparent reason. All the powers are highly inconsistent and seem to fluctuate based on the needs (or whims) of the plot rather than any real logic. Lily instantly recognizes anyone who might even think of being evil so there’s no dramatic tension or shock at betrayal and any secret plot points are hidden about as well as a dog that’s been riffling through the trash but now has the lid stuck on his head.

There’s also the incredibly unhealthy way both Amon and Lily interact but I can easily summarize that: Stockholm syndrome and “no means no, ladies”. Yes, that’s right, Lily is the one who won’t take no for an answer. From a dead man. She wants to kiss. Who kidnapped her against her will and caused her extreme physical pain for not being willing to go with him. It’s such a beautiful love story!

I worry about kids today

If you like reading bad books like I do, it’s a masterpiece. If you’re genuinely looking for a sweet romance, enjoyable historical Egyptian fantasy, or an actual story you’re in the wrong place.
Tiger's Curse (Book 1 in the Tiger's Curse Series) :: The Tiger's Curse Saga by Colleen Houck (2012-09-04) :: Reawakened (The Reawakened Series) :: The Assassination Option (A Clandestine Operations Novel) :: Tiger's Destiny (Book 4 in the Tiger's Curse Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Reawakened by Colleen Houck
Book One of The Reawakened series
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Publication Date: August 11, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

When seventeen-year-old Lilliana Young enters the Metropolitan Museum of Art one morning during spring break, the last thing she expects to find is a live Egyptian prince with godlike powers, who has been reawakened after a thousand years of mummification.

And she really can't imagine being chosen to aid him in an epic quest that will lead them across the globe to find his brothers and complete a grand ceremony that will save mankind.

But fate has taken hold of Lily, and she, along with her sun prince, Amon, must travel to the Valley of the Kings, raise his brothers, and stop an evil, shape-shifting god named Seth from taking over the world.

From New York Times bestselling author Colleen Houck comes an epic adventure about two star-crossed teens who must battle mythical forces and ancient curses on a journey with more twists and turns than the Nile itself.

What I Liked:

I was NOT expecting to like this book, to be honest. I mean, I wanted to love it, as with all books I request and start reading, but I had an awful time with Houck's Tiger's Curse series. I hated the books I read of that series (never finished it) - I couldn't stand the protagonist, the love triangle, the um, interesting take on Indian people and culture. In any case, I was wary of this one, but I am a sucker for Egyptian mythology and culture! And I'm so glad I gave this book a chance, because I really liked it, and want more!

Lily is a rich girl living in New York with her uptight, strict parents who control every aspect of her life, even if she has a ton of money. When she seeks refuge in the Met, she accidentally stumbles upon something strange - a mummy come to life! He binds to her life force, and she is all but forced to come with him to free his two brothers from the same predicament, in order to stop an evil Egyptian deity who is trying to destroy the world. Lily and Amon, the sun prince, will travel to Egypt in order to free his brothers and save the world.

I liked Lily pretty much from the start. I can't remember much about Kelsey, the protagonist of The Tiger's Curse series, but I think Lily is a much more likable girl. I thought she would come off as rich, snotty, pretentious, entitled, but I found that while I've never been in her position (in terms of money), I understand her. She's applying to college and is allowed to go only to where her parents want her to go. She agrees to help Amon without much pressure, though it is a weird situation to be in, with some random stranger claiming he's a demigod and needs to go to Egypt to free other mummies. n

I loved Amon. He is a sweet guy, caring and kind, who listens and hates taking from Lily. Because he is bound to her, from when he first woke up and drew her energy to sustain himself, he is able to take her energy and read into her at will. But he does not like taking from her, or knowing her personal feelings or thoughts. He is very unfamiliar with this millennium, so he has different customs and values. I could get used to a guy like him, really easily!

The world-building is so great! I absolutely adore Egyptian mythology and whatnot, and Houck really did her research and used her imagination to create a very unique story. There are many Egyptian mythological stories in this book, well-written and quite intriguing. Houck really captures Egypt (in my inexperienced opinion - I've never been to anywhere in Egypt). Even if everything was completely bogus and Houck made it all up - that's quite an imagination! She takes us through tombs, deserts, quicksand, pyramids!

And the plot of this book is very intriguing, fairly fast-paced, but not overwhelmingly so. We start in New York, and then end up in Egypt fairly quickly into the story. Lily and Amon travel to different parts of Egyptian, and I love their adventure! Even if it was dangerous and scary at times. There was also plenty of humor and heartwarming moments!

Hmm, speaking of heartwarming... there is romance in this novel. But it isn't quite romance. Lily and Amon fall completely in love with each other, yet there are no declarations of love or physical interactions of any sort until the very last few pages. But guys. The chemistry? The development of the relationship? The wondering-if-he-is-looking-at-me-like-that, etc.? Spot on. Houck does an AMAZING job of writing a romance that isn't physical or even expressed. The pair don't directly acknowledge what they have, though Lily pushes Amon. Amon has his reasons for not wanting Lily to want to be with him. You'd have to read this one to understand! I think I'm satisfied with the romance, I couldn't see it happening any other way. Also, the ending of this book has me curious about what direction the author is taking, with the romance. NO love triangle! Or insta-love.

Anyway! I am quite happy to say that I really enjoyed this book. It is nice to be proven wrong, but I had a feeling that I would enjoy the book, even though was also quite wary. But clearly it worked out for me!

What I Did Not Like:

Hmm, I'm not sure if there was anything specific? If this were a standalone, I might have been a bit peeved. But there is at least one more book, so I am satisfied with the ending. For now.

Would I Recommend It:

I would recommend this one! It's set in modern-day times, but has a strong Egyptian mythology/fantasy backing. Swoony hero, likable heroine, and engaging story? Win! I bet if you liked Kiersten White's The Chaos of Stars, you'd enjoy this one!


4 stars. Maybe 4.5 stars. I really enjoyed this book - again, much to my surprise! I'm so glad I did. I can't wait to read the sequel! Crossing my fingers that this series works better for me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
baggy guti rrez
I’ve read reviews that compare this to Tiger’s Curse series, but these are two completely different series. Yes, there are brothers in the series, mythology, a teacher figure, and an epic quest. However, it doesn’t read like Tiger’s Curse. The characters are completely different when comparing each series.

I believe, for the most part, people that loved Tiger’s Curse series probably will like or not like this book, while others that only liked the Tiger’s Curse series, will love and enjoy this book much more. I fall in the first category. For me, I loved the sweetness and otherworldliness I felt Ren possessed and loved the naivety and sweetness that Kelsey had more than the main characters, Lily and Amon.

I’m a big advocate of not comparing books to other books and trying to enjoy books as completely separate books. I’ll admit, it was definitely hard for me not to do it to Reawakened. I loved the detailed imagery and overall feeling of Tiger’s Curse so much, I feel like I hyped this series up way too much for myself.
That’s one reason I think people don’t enjoy Tiger’s Curse as much. Anybody that felt like this with that series should love this series more because I don’t feel like Colleen had a lot of descriptions. I think this book could have benefited more from it. I felt like this book lacked story building.

I didn’t mind Lily much, but I couldn’t stand Amon at first. I thought he read pretty conceited in the beginning, and it took me a while to like him as a character. I wish Colleen drew out the adventure and quest aspect to this book more. I come to her books looking for a gut-wrenching romance and lots of adventure and heartbreak. I got none of that magical feeling out of this book. I still liked this book, but it definitely did not meet my expectations.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The top reason for me disliking this book: Lilliana, the main character- when you can't stand most of the words coming out of the main characters mouth especially listening to the audio then it can't be good. Lilly spent the ENTIRE book putting herself down, her capabilities, her self-worth and I just couldn't take it. I will not be continuing with this series. It also seems to be targeted at more of a middle grade audience and this is the LAST book I would want my middle grade or teenage daughter to be reading. Lilly's entire concern while chasing down Egyptian mythology theories to help her raised from the grave mummy, Amom to fulfill his destiny is - will he like me? does he think I'm pretty? will I ever be good enough for him? I look horrible, I'm dirty and bruised, he can never like what I see in the mirror, GAG!!! What is this teaching young girls who pick up this book to read? I'm saddened by the whole concept.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe miguez

I expected to love this book, and indeed, it felt very similar to the tiger books that I enjoyed it a lot. It was in the same vein, so to speak, as Tiger Saga that I think fans of her first series will easy fall in love with this one.

Reawakened followed Lillian Young (or as Amon calls her "Young Lily") as she travels to her favorite NYC haunt where she discovers a crazed boy in costume. Because really, what else can he be? Certainly not a handsome Egyptian prince who has been blessed with godlike powers and cursed to spend eternity fighting against the darkness every thousand years until the time where he was no longer needed.

There was no way that could possible be true.


She was convinced that Amon was mentally damaged, but harmless to her. So she wanted to help him find his brothers so that they could give him the care he so obviously needed. Lily spent her whole life living the image her parents expected her to portray but at the same time, she had just enough of her true self below the surface that when she found out Amon was telling the truth, she had the resolve to see his task to completion.


There he was wondering the streets of New York City, having no idea what anything was but acting like such a beloved royal prince. The world was his for the taking.

He needed Lily's help to resurrect his brothers so the trio could stop Seth's rising for another thousand years. He was focused and determined, but I really loved watching him change. Lily's treatment of him had such a influence on him that he really grew up. He became less of an untouchable prince and more of just a man with a mission and dreams.


Amon basically had to use his powers to get Lily to cooperate with him in the beginning. He needed to accomplish his task and save the world. To do that, he needed his connection with Lily that allowed him to exist.

But she didn't believe him or want to help at first which just wasn't going to be allowed to happen. It was fairly obvious that he'd have preferred not to coerce her into helping him, but he didn't have any choice if he wanted to keep the evil god from rising and destroying everything. Needs of one versus needs of many type thing.

By the end, I do think they were able to over come that, but I think she jumped in a bit too quickly to the "omg, hot guy needs to kiss me now" stage of the romance before he was able to redeem himself for his actions.


But I will admit there were periods of long conversations that bordered on info dumping. I didn't have too much of a problem with them but I think they should have been a little shorter or have add more action sprinkled in there.

From a mythological standpoint, Reawakened is not my favorite, so I can understand how some huge mythology fans have a few issues with it. But I was able to set aside my opinions about Egyptain mythology and enjoy the story Collen Houck created.

"I was always taught that the image one portrays, though certainly not one hundred percent accurate, was an indicator of the type of person you were." (ARC pg 7/390)

"Really, why did all the good looking, interesting guys always have to end up being MIA upstairs?" (ARC pg 33/390)

"And right now, looking into Amon's eyes I was panicked. Not only because what he was asking me to do was way, way beyond my comfort zone but also because I was deathly frightened that this adventure might be my one and only opportunity to break out. To choose something different. To be someone different." (ARC pg80)"

Overall I enjoyed this series. Reawakened reminded me so much of The Tiger Saga that I easily loved the book. But that has me curious, is the next book going to feel the same also? I hope there is enough differences between them because I don't want to feel like I'm reading the same story just different characters and different settings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My expectations were a bit high for this book after reading Tiger's Curse. It seems like Lily was throwing herself at Amon the whole time and it was awkward to read. Amon's character could have been more developed. I wanted him to have more emotions or something to help me see who he was. I thought he could have acted more human because he was human at one point.

I didn't really get into the book until Asten arrived on the scene. He added humor which is what I wanted the whole time because Lily and Amon were so serious. Their adventure was too easy. I was waiting for it to get intense, but Amon's powers made everything so simple and Lily was almost dying a lot. It's true that this story is like Tiger's Curse, but it also has its own plot. This book is one I will read again after I've let it settle.
Did not see that ending! I'm wondering how Amon is going to get out of this one. People are going to come after Lily if they find out she has Amon's"gift". I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela tripodiseaboldt
Reawakened is one of those books that I totally would have purchased solely on the gorgeous packaging. It could have turned out totally disappointing and I still would have bought it.

I rarely buy books full price. I can’t afford it and I have a knack for seeking out decent deals, but in this instant, I was glad to fork over the money. I’m a huge sucker for Egyptian mythology and was so fascinated by the premise of Reawakened. Did anybody else watch Tutenstein on Discovery Kids as a child? It has a similar theme to the book and it made me jump for joy to discover this book.

After devouring Reawakened I can honestly say that while I had some issues with execution, I loved it! It was everything I could ask for in a mythological romance. This is another story I couldn’t put down and wound up staying up until I read every last page!

Let’s Chat Characters!

While Reawakened could never be described as “realistic fiction” (because when do you ever run into a thousand-year-old mummy?), Houck gave the supernatural story a realistic main character that I could relate to on a personal level.

Lilliana aka “Lily” was born to wealthy parents that see her see her more as an extension of success and wealth instead of an individual with her own desires and talents. Lily feels a tremendous amount of guilt for wanting a different life for herself. She often feels stifled by the wealth she was born into and craves independence and an emotional connection.

I completely relate to her struggles. I was born into a far from wealthy family, but it really doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, almost every child feels the weight of familial pressures and so it was pretty easy to relate to her, even though we live completely different lives.

Not to say she was a perfect main character. There were quite a few instances when she had the typical I’m-so-insecure female heroine moments and was completely blind to certain obvious situations, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t shrug off. J She is a teenager and deserved a few stupid moments.

Amon knelt in front of me, taking a new tissue to dab at my sticky cheeks, and sighed. “I have found over the centuries that my heart is of very little use to me.”

Let’s move on to the really fascinating character: the hero, our ancient sexy Egyptian-prince-slash-mummy, Amon. (ah-moan) Yeah, I see that look you are giving me, I did describe our mummy main character as “sexy.”

I promise he is not mummified for the entire book. If you watched Tutenstein as a kid like I did, erase Tut’s character from your mind. When Amon was awakened, he turned back to his flesh-filled mortal body.

This would have been a completely different sort of romance novel if that weren’t the case (and it probably wouldn’t be YA, either.)

Anywhoo, I enjoyed his character. There were so many facets to his personality. He was appropriately arrogant at times (probably goes with his title. I can’t say this accurately because I have never met an ancient prince. But if I had, I would assume he would be arrogant), surprisingly selfless and kind, frustratingly stubborn, but oddly sweet and innocent? Yeah, it’s a weird combination but it totally fits.

Oh, he also belly dances.

And wears man-skirts.

I gave his skirt a pointed look. “Um, I think the only place you would fit the dress code for would be a hot dog stand.”

Wrinkling his nose, he exclaimed, “You eat dogs? That is almost as bad as people!”

“No!” I snickered. “Boy, you are from out of town. Hot dogs are made from pork or beef.”

Can you see why Lily and I love him so? I bet you can, you pervert. (Welcome to the club!)

Oh, the plot was nice too, btw.

Before I start drooling, do you remember when I said I had a few issues with execution? I didn’t mean I hated the plot. I actually loved it. It was impressively complex and continued to surprise me with it’s twists and turns. The only issue I really ran into was that there was a large amount of info dumping. I know other bloggers mentioned this as well, but it’s only honest to mention I noticed this, too. There were clear opportunities Houck could have used to reveal info to Lily (and us readers) that would have been more entertaining if she hadn’t told us, but nobody is perfect so I’m not too disappointed!

I really enjoyed Reawakened by Colleen Houck. It was my first read from her, but I am sure I will be picking up her previous series. Without a doubt, I am eagerly anticipating the second book in The Reawakened series!
Have you read Reawakened? Did you enjoy it? Let me know!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy donoghue
Lilliana Young is your typical Manhattan teenage girl, but with a desire to break out of the mold that her wealthy and influential parents have cast for her. Needing time away for all the glitter, glam and faux, Lily escapes for a little sanctuary at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. What she finds in a closed exhibit though, will turn her neat little world on it's ear!

In an adventure like no other, Lily finds herself bound to a centuries old Egyptian prince. A prince that must find and awaken his brothers before a dark God can destroy the world. Amon has awoken in a time like no other though, and needs Lily's help to navigate these new lands with their towering dwellings and yellow chariots. And with the clock quickly counting down, they need to find his brothers fast, which means they don't have time for the unexpected attraction blooming between them...because no matter how their hearts feel, one of them isn't making it out alive.

This is my first experience with Colleen Houck's writing but I can tell you right now, it will not be my last! A sweeping, powerful, breathtaking journey - Awakened held me captive from the very first page. This story and it's characters have stuck with me long after turning that last page as well.

In the beginning of the story we meet Lily, who comes across as the cliche rich kid unhappy with her glittery life. But we soon find that there is a lot more to her then first meets the eye. An artist and a dreamer, she likes to look below the surface from everything to a stranger walking by in the street to a painting on the museum wall. Even though she could be frustratingly indecisive at times about her feelings, which I attributed to her young age, I enjoyed her character immensely. She was bright, caring, and when it came down to it - ready to give her all. Now Amon, I had mixed feelings about at first. Here this stranger is, basically attacking a young women, binding her against her will, not being entirely up front with her, and requesting her get where I am coming from, right? But Amon had his reasons, and I'm not saying that I agreed with them, but it sure did make for a good story! The sexual tension, though this is a young adult novel so it was never graphic, sizzled between Amon and Lily almost from the beginning. And Amon, being the honorable old-world Prince that he is, fought it to his last breath knowing that him and Lily could never have a future together. That doesn't mean there weren't some slip up's in his resolve though. This is a romance. *grins*

The ancient Egyptian meets present day New York-er worked beautifully for this story. I also enjoyed Amon's brothers. I really feel for the circumstances that all three of them have found themselves in, chosen or not. Houck showed immeasurable creativity, weaving together a complex, interesting world. The plot was well-paced, and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, leading to a compelling story from beginning to end. I'm now dying for the next book in this series and cannot believe that I have a year's wait! All in all, Reawaken, was a spellbinding, unforgettable story that I would recommend to all romance lovers, no matter their age, who enjoy a good dose of mythology but don't mind being left craving for more at the end! An absolute delight!

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abigail smith
I’ve always been into Egyptian mythology. When I heard that Colleen was going to tackle it for her next book…I got excited.She did a wonderful job for Tiger’s Curse Indian mythology. I anticipated her new book to be just as great and I wasn’t disappointed!

During a museum visit, our main character Lilliana comes face to face with a mummy named Amon. He binds her to him, using her life-force to gain strength because he needs it to fight the forces of evil. Long ago he was cursed to wake up every thousand of years to protect his homeland from the Dark One. But this time, he awakens in New York, far from home and his mission. It’s up to Lilliana to help him navigate throughout the world and find his missing brothers to stop the rise of evil.

Our main character Lilliana, Lilly for short, comes from a rich family, it’s evident in the first two pages with her car and driver and the apartment she lives in. I didn’t like her at first. She seemed spoiled and whiney. But she grew on me the more I read, oh how how she came out on her own! She became stronger and powerful giving Amon the strength he needed to fight. I loved how she denied that this could be happening. It was realistic. Who wouldn’t believe a mummy wakened to save the world?

Amon isn’t your typical mummy.He’s a hot prince on a mission to save the world, who couldn’t fall for that? His interactions with Lilly and the modern world is hilarious. He called taxis “Golden Chariots.” He doesn’t understand what’s going on so relies on Lilly for help. He’s kind and wants to make sure Lilly has the best since she is giving him her life-force. He’s adorable, naive and made me laugh throughout the book.

The romance was slow and sweet. I sort of got annoyed with Lilly when she kept getting angry with Amon for denying her advances. He has bigger things to deal with than a love struck teen! But it was sweat.

Colleen did a wonderful job at her research for the Egyptian mythology and culture in the book. I could visualize ancient Egypt, the clothes, and all the senses. The characters were great and the adventure fantastic. There were a couple of times the pace moved slow and I put the book down. But it’s well worth reading through to get the the end. Oh what an ending. I just can’t wait for the next book!

Should you read it? Yes! An action adventure story with great mythology, characters and booby traps Indiana Jones style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was so excited to hear that author Colleen Houck was releasing a new series. Reawakened was everything I hoped it would be and more. I loved this book!

What did I like about Reawakened?

I loved this story! Reawakened had the action, suspense and romance that I expected from this author. Seventeen-year-old Lily Young stumbles upon a mysterious man while visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He turns out to be the reawakened Egyptian Prince Amon who has godlike powers and is on a mission to save mankind. Together Lily and Amon go on an exciting and dangerous journey in search of his two brothers. Reawakened is an adventure and a battle of good versus evil. If you are a fan of The Tigers Saga series you will love Reawakened ! This is another Indiana Jones type story that inspired by Egyptian mythology. Some readers might find the information to be overwhelming and distracting from the main story. I’ve always been interested in Egyptian history so I found it fascinating and thought it tied well with the story. The romance was sweet and passionate, and with no love triangle!

I loved the characters! Lily was a nice surprise for me. She is young but I thought she was really mature for her age. Being an only child Lily has had to live up to her parents expectations. She’s always followed their rules and never stood up for what she wanted. But the moment Lily meets Amon she finds the courage to take chances. She does have insecurities when it comes to her attraction to Amon, but she brushes it aside and lives in the moment. Amon and his brothers were charming and entertaining to watch as they adjusted to modern day. They made a huge sacrifice to save their people but it felt natural to see them question this role. They are godlike so their doubts made it easier to feel a connection to them.

I loved Colleen Houck’s writing style! The story flows perfectly and the author’s details of every scene were so clear for me. The action had me on the edge of my seat and unable to put the book down. The chemistry with all the characters is perfect, with a range of intense and heartwarming moments.

What didn’t I like about Reawakened?

The cliffhanger ending! It’s cruel of the author to end the story this way! Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long for the next book!

Reawakened is a nice escape from the real world. I highly recommend this book to readers who are looking for adventure, action and young romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marcela vaccaro rivera
Readers who have read Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles and are perhaps a year or two older are the perfect audience for this new novel by Colleen Houck. Lilliana Young has a lifetime pass to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She is looking for a quiet place to make a decision about her future college plans and is allowed into the closed Egyptian wing. Lilliana is rich, privileged, and a good daughter. She has been content to go along with her parents' plans for her with no more than a quiet little niggling of rebellion.

She meets Amon who is an ancient Egyptian Prince who sacrificed himself to save his people from the god Seth. Amon and two friends who are also princes and like brothers to him are all tasked with being reincarnated every thousand years to perform the ritual that keeps Seth away. However, this time there is a problem. He wasn't supposed to be reincarnated in a museum in New York and his Canopic jars are missing, The jars contain his internal organs which hold the powers he need to defeat Seth. He is forced to make a bond with Lilliana and use her life essence to survive. This makes Lily weaker and changes her personality too. She becomes bolder and more outspoken.

Together the two head off to Egypt to find Amon's canopic jars and find and raise his brothers. But Seth's minions have awakened and they will do anything to keep the ritual from happening. The story was filled with lots and lots of details about Ancient Egyptian beliefs and objects. Sometimes, I felt that the amount of detail slowed the pace of the book to a crawl.

I liked the way Lily and Amon get to know each other in the story. I didn't like the way he kept secrets from her that contained information she should have had. I liked Amon's brothers too. There personalities were distinct despite the small amount of time they were "on stage."

Fans of epic fantasy with an Egyptian twist will enjoy this romantic story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rouie barton
I really enjoyed this novel. Reawakened is my first book by Colleen Houck, though I'd heard amazing thing about The Tiger's Curse series. I can easily say that I was not disappointed. This book is unique and full of action and adventure with a hint of romance. The characters are multifaceted and intriguing, and the plot kept me engaged until the very end. The pacing was a bit slow in the beginning and middle, but the concept and world were interesting enough that I was kept engaged. I'd recommend this novel to just about anyone!

Lily was a logical protagonist, and I really enjoyed reading from her perspective. Her denial of the situation lasted a long time, but that made it a bit more realistic. Lily is no Bella Swan, and for that I'm grateful. She may not have been kick ass in the way that some of the physically tougher heroines are, and her obsession with her own money got on my nerves, but she was strong and likable in her own way. Amon was extremely interesting, and I really liked watching him learn about our modern world. Some of his actions and reactions were hilarious, and it added some humor to an otherwise intense novel.

The prologue really created the setting for this novel, even though the book itself was set in many different locations. The mood and supernatural world were explained in those few pages, and it gave the book a sense of urgency. The romance was there, and there was a lot of tension and chemistry between Lily and Amon. However, we didn't get much of them as a couple past that. The world-building itself required some info dumps, and it was clear that Houck did her research in Egyptian history and mythology. The pacing, while a bit slow at times, really sped up at the end, and the ending left me wishing it was 2016 so I could get my hands on the next installment. This ending tied up most of the questions raised in this book, but set the stage for the sequel.

Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone who is looking for something a bit different in the YA Urban Fantasy market. Houck's use of Egyptian mythology is refreshing, and a mentally strong, yet vulnerable protagonist is a nice change from the weak minded and/or physically strong girls in most of today's YA books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chuck lipsig
When I realized REAWAKENED involved Egyptian lore, it instantly became an absolute must read. I've always had a fascination with ancient Egypt, and really enjoy books in this theme where the world is done well. In this case it wasn't just done well, but incredibly so. It reminded me so much of the Mummy movies that I really enjoyed, but also always wanted just a bit more from them, and this book delivers that. Of course that's not to say they are anything remotely alike in plot-line, as I'm more talking about the feeling and love of the lore. REAWAKENED takes that ancient Egypt theme and amps it up tenfold bringing it to everything I could want. It's like Colleen Houck took everything there's to love about the movies, removed everything that wasn't so great and built upon it to make for a spellbinding read.

As fantastic as the Egyptian lore was, the characters really stole the show overall. At the start of the book, Lily is almost a shell of who she blossoms to be by the end of the book. Her parents have forced perfection and an incredibly stale life upon her from their expectations. Amon's arrival turns everything upside down, and I really enjoyed watching her step outside that forced comfort zone. Speaking of Amon, he had his own comfort zone to step outside as well. I cannot imagine what it would be like to wake after a thousand years, especially into our modern world. Amon utterly fits the fish out of water description, and yet he was still so confident and strong. The pair of them were truly admirable and made this book such an amazing read.

My only complaint about this book is that it ended and I'm now desperate to get my hands on the next one. Hopefully the wait won't be too long! Absolutely enthralling from the very first page, REAWAKENED is a simply must read book for fans of Egyptian lore. Trust me, this one is not to be missed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the first book in The Reawakened Series. I really enjoyed it.

Lilliana (Lily) Young is a character I didn't really like very much at first. She comes across as rich, shallow and more than a little selfish. However, as the story progressed, she grew on me. She still made my teeth grind at times, but I enjoyed watching her mature. Whilst visiting the Egyptian display in Metropolitan Museum of Art she comes face to face with a mysterious stranger who needs her help. Little does she know that her life will never be the same again.

Amon is a character I felt sorry for. He does comes across as arrogant and imperious at first, but this is because he was brought up to be the next pharaoh. He's young Egyptian prince who swore to protect the world from Seth, a shape-shifting god who is determined to rule the Earth. Unfortunately, he had to sacrifice himself to do it. His sacrifice and that of his two brothers (not by blood though they were brought up as brothers) has kept Seth away for a millennia. Now Seth's power is on the rise and Amon is in a race against time to find his brothers to stop him from ruling over Earth. But, he needs Lily's help to navigate the modern world he now finds himself in

I fell in love with The Tiger's Curse series, so when I heard that this author was writing another series based on Egyptian mythology (which I love) I became excited. However, due to my large reading list, I haven't been able to get to it until now.

I started reading this story and didn't put it down until I had finished it. It is mostly told through the eyes of Lily, though there is a scene near the end from Amon's point of view.

Although I enjoyed this book, it took me a while to like the two main protagonists. They felt a little flat and one dimensional at first; they didn't seem to have a spark to make them more alive. As the story unfolded, however, they felt a little more real. However, I liked both of Amon's charming brothers almost instantly when they were introduced. Asten is a total flirt and Ahmose is more serious. They have different powers and, when combined with those of Amon, they are able to close the portal that allows Seth access to Earth. There is another character introduced that I liked too. Dr. Osahar Hassan is an archaeologist who also happens to be the Grand Vizier (High Priest) who's job is to watch over the tombs of the princes'.

This story is a wild ride of danger, adventure, mystery, mythology and romance. There are several twists that I didn't see coming. However, when the 'bad guy' behind the rise of Seth was revealed I wasn't surprised. I had guessed the culprit well before the end. I did love the way the author wove the story though. I have always been interested in Egyptian gods and the myths surrounding them. I did feel a little disappointed that this story didn't seem to have the same passion mythology-wise that the Tiger's Curse series had. Nevertheless, the ending did leave me with conflicting emotions. I am in two minds whether to read Recreated when it becomes available, though I probably will, just to see what happens next.

Colleen Houck has written another fantastic YA adventure. I love her writing style, which is fast paced and exciting, without being rushed and the flow is wonderful. Her research into myths and legends seems to have been rather thorough, but well embellished with poetic licence. This made the story seem more believable in places, but also a bit far fetched in others. This is not a complaint, because I like stretching my beliefs, especially in entertainment. It keeps things interesting.

I highly recommend this book if you love YA, Mythology, Romance or Action/Adventure genres. - Lynn Worton
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
saint even
When she accidentally encounters an Egyptian mummy of a prince reawakening in a museum, Lilliana Young's perfectly calculated life turns upside down, as she gets dragged into an intriguing and dangerous quest, aiding the said prince in his mission to save the world. Amon, the prince in question is quite clueless in modern day NYC, and together, they both embark on a journey which changes their lives, brings them to the brink of death, and tempts them into a romance which is as forbidden as their quest is dangerous.

Reawakened is a really intriguing and original tale which I enjoyed immensely. I really liked Colleen's take on the mythology, as well, as the way she dealt with the culture. Since it's an urban fantasy, there's no direct experience of the culture of Ancient Egypt, but Houck keeps throwing a lot of backstories and flashbacks, which keeps you intrigued and hooked, and makes you feel like you're part of the desert lands and the civilization of the River Nile.

Lilliana was a wonderful MC! Prior to all the chaos, she's a wealthy and typical girl who keeps her life in control though part of her yearns to be free of her refined and constricting life style. So when she finds herself being dragged into a dangerous journey, she doesn't hesitate, both because of her kindness which made her want to help Amon and also because she loves this little taste of freedom and recklessness. The character growth she experiences throughout the novel is also remarkable, and I really loved her as a person and a MC by the end of the story!

Amon, on the other hand, was truly the center of the show. Despite checking all the boxes of a typical paranormal romance hero- handsome, arrogant, loyal, protective and righteous - he was also super charming and incredibly funny! For the whole first half of the book, he is completely clueless about the modern world, it's slang and practices, and it was hilarious to watch him trying to cope with it all!

And after he gradually becomes comfortable with the modern world, he starts to get a bit serious, but still his charm doesn't disappear. He says some of the sweetest things to Lily, and it's super adorable how he kept calling her, "my Lily".

The romance was a slow burn, and it was quite adorable in the start, and slowly turns intense by the end. I really enjoyed reading the progress of Lily and Amon's relationship! There was so much tension burning between them, and I was waiting eagerly for them to finally snap up and kiss.

I also adored Amon's brothers who are awakened in the latter part of the story! They were super charming as well, and I am looking forward to see more of them in the sequels!
I also want to mention here that there's no hint of a love triangle so far, which I am thankful for, and I hope that it will stay that way!

Despite all of it, two things kept me from loving this completely. One was the slightly dragging and info dumpy middle part of the book. As much as I love Egyptian mythology, I was a bit weary of the amount of explanation and description which, to be honest, were a bit too much. Next is the fact, that I didn't find the writing style remarkable. I felt like the writing needed more allure to give complete justice to the concept, but that's just my opinion. If you aren't a huge writing style snob as me, you probably wouldn't mind it at all.

Overall, Reawakened is an action paced and original paranormal tale, which will appeal to all urban fantasy and mythology lovers. and also everyone who wants a hint of diversity in their fantasy reads. I really enjoyed this story, and the book ends with a slight cliffhanger, so I am looking forward to see what Houck has in store for the readers and the characters in the sequels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla avery
At First Sight
I absolutely love this cover. I think it is beautiful and intriguing. I am a huge fan of all things Egyptian so I was in love with it the moment I saw it.

Characters and Relationships
Lilliana (Lily) and Amon were the main characters of the book and I enjoyed them both for different reasons. It is always interesting to see people come together from different cultures and backgrounds, let alone different time periods in history. Colleen Houck does a brilliant job at bringing out the differences in their lives while bringing them together as friends (and perhaps a bit more) at the same time. Amon was confused yet fascinated with the technology of the current day as he questioned simple phrases, trying to understand life as it is in this time period. On the flip side, Lily was interested in the history of Amon's day which was brilliantly and beautifully written. I loved watching the relationship between Lily and Amon develop through the story as they try and fulfill the ceremony that needed to be performed to save the world from evil. Amon's brothers were a fantastic addition to the book as they entered, their distinct personalities adding another level of charming and sometimes amusing aspects to the story.

Is This A Kissing Book?
Yes...a very little bit of kissing but satisfying all the same.

Don't Leave Me Hanging
This is book one in a series and I have to say I will be very excited for the next installment! That being said, I felt very satisfied with the ending as it didn't leave me wanting to throw the book across the room, just wanting more.

The Best Gems
Valley of the Kings
Waking the Brothers
Heart of a Sphinx
Travel by Sandstorm

The Sum Up
This book was everything that I hoped it would be and more. I love Colleen Houck's beautiful, in-depth writing style. She knows how to weave an exquisite story around detailed characters that you feel connected to. Once I really started into the meat of the story, I couldn't stop reading. I loved every minute of the book and would recommend it to anyone of any age that enjoys a good fantasy read. I am very eager to see where the next book in the series will take us.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
siti nur
I hated the main character within 10 pages. Now THAT is impressive!

Lily is a whiny, snobbish teenage girl—not unbelievable, just unlikable. She is fabulously wealthy, wears designer clothes, and lives in a penthouse, thanks to her fabulously-wealthy-so-they-don't-care-about-her parents. Obviously being wealthy is a horrible disease and thank goodness Lily isn't 'like the other girls'. Also, she's a straight A student who spends her time hanging out at the museum... and she knows what a canopic jar is but doesn't know what KA is?! Yikes.

Then there's the romance. Except... what kind of a romance are we talking about when the reawakened Egyptian prince (Amon) basically casts a spell that FORCES Lily to stick close to him and be concerned for his welfare. Where he steals her life force. Where she is, essentially, compelled to like him. So... she's his slave, and there's supposed to be a romance.

The cover is beautiful. The way Amon calls her 'Young Lily' was funny. Everything else... fail.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
17 year old Lilliana Young usually only finds peace and quiet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but during spring break she finds something she does not expect. An Egyptian prince requires her assistance and Lily embarks on a quest that delivers her to the other side of the world. With many dangers, harrowing escapes, and potentially life ending issues, will Lily be able to help her prince and his brothers before it is too late for them all?

As a huge fan of the Tiger's Curse series, I had a level of expectation when beginning this book. I found Reawakened to be as compelling, but I just did not feel the connection to Lily that I did with Kelsey. In her attempt to explain Egyptian history, culture, and the fate of Amon and his brothers, the author made Lily seem like she had no knowledge of the subjects. Having spent time at the Met, you would think she would be proficient in the cultural and historical aspects. Reawakened would have been stronger without the passages regarding Lily's crush. If the mutual admiration could have just blossomed naturally, it would not have seemed forced. Overall, Reawakened was fast paced and had many suspenseful moments. Readers who enjoy quest novels that take place in faraway lands will find Reawakened exciting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zaydman mikhail
Wealth and privilege don't always equal happiness or enjoyment of life. They often come with over-critical and ultra-high expectation parents. This is the lot handed to Lilliana Young. If anyone needs a life kick in the butt, it's her and when she escapes to one of her favorite places, the Metropolitan Museum one spring morning, the last thing she expects is to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
That's exactly what happens when she encounters Amon, one of three mummified Egyptian princes who has awakened for a ritual he and his brothers must perform every thousand years to keep an evil at bay. Unfortunately, three of Amon's canoptic jars, vessels storing his vital organs, are missing, meaning he must draw strength/energy from elsewhere. That elsewhere turns out to be Lilliana and before she can wrap her head around this new reality, she's whisked off to Egypt so Amon can link up with his two brothers.
What follows is epic adventure, full of 'Indiana Jones' like cliffhangers and scary creatures. More than one sticky situation brings Lilliana closer to death and injury than she ever imagined and helps put her former life in an interesting perspective. We'll have to wait for the second book to see how she deals with her parents' now somewhat silly seeming expectations. This is a good read for adventure-loving teens and tweens who aren't necessarily sticklers for historical/mythological accuracy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Colleen Houck's novels are always so well written, so beautiful and enchanting that they are hard to resist. In fact, she is one of the few author's that I will pick up, knowing that a love triangle and drama and angst might ensue and still not care, because her writing simply overshadows all the rest.

Her ability to weave mythology, romance, mystery, action, and adventure, all into one tale is truly breathtaking and her latest novel Reawakened was no exception.

Where to begin with this? It was, simply put, a fabulous read with mythology, romance, adventure, and danger weaved into every single page and almost impossible to put down.

Even with a slower start, it didn't take long before I was completely wrapped up in Amon and Lily and what awaited them.

This was every bit the adventure and swoon worthy romance that I have come to expect from Houck and then some. I am so very excited to see what book two has in store for us.

*A copy of this was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shauna catlin
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Reawakened was a pretty engaging read. It had adventure and romance, and the magic of ancient Egypt. Liliana, a contemporary seventeen year old, becomes bonded to Amon, an Egyptian hero who rises every thousand years to restore the bond keeping dark forces at bay. The bond means Liliana is compelled to go on a quest to help Amon put everything in place before the ceremony that will keep the dark Egyptian god, Seth, from unleashing chaos on the world. Liliana is a character I could relate to. She follows the rules and tries to be the daughter her parents want her to be. As college decisions loom closer, she is trying to balance personal desires against expectations. What better time for her to go through a transformative experience? Amon, too, faces that decision (though he doesn't necessarily see it as a choice) every time he is reawakened, but it isn't until he meets Liliana that he actually starts to consider how his decision to give up his own life for the greater good is not necessarily satisfying. There was a lot of satisfaction in their parallel journeys, and it is a universal enough conflict to pull in a lot of readers. I thought the pacing was pretty well done. The romance was nicely plotted, and the author takes the time to build a relationship between characters. I think most readers will be satisfied by this romance as well because there is an equal amount of sacrifice and rescue on the parts of both Amon and Liliana. Threats popped up consistently enough to keep the action going, and I only became distracted when some of the myths inserted into conversation became too long. While those myths did have a lot to add to reader understanding, they sometimes felt like something to be endure just until I could get back to the main characters. I will say that they were exceptionally well chosen, and I hate to think of how much time and research went into finding the perfect myth to go with situations when I didn't really appreciate them as much as I should have. The writer's style is well honed, and I really was impressed at the level of skill it took to write something so carefully crafted. I only found fault in a few word choices that felt awkward because of their repetition, namely the word "feast" to describe any and every meal (and there are lots of them). Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I hesitated to pick it up because it sounded like it could be aimed at a middle school crowd, but the depth of theme and character complexity were clearly and wholly YA. Language and situations are appropriate for all ages, but grades 9+ are the readers who will most appreciate this work. Adult readers of YA will find it just as engaging. I'm adding it to my high school classroom library wish list, and I will recommend it to our school librarian.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry dickens
Wow, just wow! Colleen Houck has another hit on her hands with Reawakened. She did an amazing job of weaving Egyptian mythology (whether real or imagined) into the storyline without overdoing it and getting sidetracked with it. Lily's NYC spunkiness comes in handy when she finds herself in the middle of a crazy Egyptian curse ready to end the world. Amon, gorgeous Egyptian prince turned demigod, does not disappoint in his heart melting book boyfriend factor. I can't wait to see what else Colleen has in store for Lily and Amon. Oh, and his sexy brothers too :-)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
When seventeen-year-old Lilliana Young enters the Metropolitan Museum of Art one morning during spring break, the last thing she expects to find is a live Egyptian prince with godlike powers, who has been reawakened after a thousand years of mummification.

And she really can't imagine being chosen to aid him in an epic quest that will lead them across the globe to find his brothers and complete a grand ceremony that will save mankind.

But fate has taken hold of Lily, and she, along with her sun prince, Amon, must travel to the Valley of the Kings, raise his brothers, and stop an evil, shape-shifting god named Seth from taking over the world.

From New York Times bestselling author Colleen Houck comes an epic adventure about two star-crossed teens who must battle mythical forces and ancient curses on a journey with more twists and turns than the Nile itself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I adore books based upon mythology - greek, norse, egyptian - doesn't matter. I love the myths. Rick Riordan is the king of mythology (and I'm dying to read his new series based upon Norse myths in the fall!), but I will read just about anything based upon mythology. Egyptian is a bit more complicated - gods with three parents, chopped up gods, cat gods, sphinxes (is that the plural of sphinx?), but still I love it.

Houck's take on Egyptian myth is fantastic. The mythology is great, but also the story and the characters kept me completely enthralled. The interactions between Lily and Amon are hilarious. Add in two other roguish demi-gods and I'm in love! Reawakened is action packed and thoroughly entertaining. Well done Ms. Houck!

~ Shel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard hoey
I absolutely love all of Colleen Houcks books. I also appreciate the fact that she has chosen to veer away from vampires, fairies and werewolves for a different kind of romantic fantasy.

Now to Reawakened, this book is nothing less than a journey full of action and adventure. Lily was the kind of strong character I love reading about. Not to sure of herself but able to preserve and find that she was strong enough to get through anything that came her way.

The brothers! Ahh Amon the love interest is brown, built of course tall. Asten the playboy and Ahmose the quite and observant one. All of the lead characters had great sense of humor and i found myself laughing in almost every chapter.

I'm not going to give away any details other than what I already have because I would rather let you behold the greatness that is this book.

I normally hate about books that end the way this one did but this book makes up for it in every way. I found myself crying and laughing and felt exactly how Lily did by the end of this book but again not ganna give too much away cause there is going to be a sequel amd I can't wait to see what adventures amd romace Colleen Houck comes up with next time. I hope everyone in this book gets a chance at happiness no matter how long it takes...

*Hint, hint! Lmao I'm hoping Colleen milks this cow for as long as she can and not diminish the story that she has created. But alas the future holds no promises so I'll sit and wait, as Lily waits for the day to come that will reunite and finish a story unfullfilled.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pam o dea
Firstly, I love the cover. Every single aspect of it goes along with the story and makes it eye catching. I know if I spotted this book in a crowd and picked is solely based on the cover this would be the on I picked. This book is a great blend of romance, adventure and Egyptian culture!

I wasn't a fan of Lily at all. At first I was slightly sympathetic, her parents are very controlling of her future. Her only freedom is when she spends her day at the Met, and she isn't about to have freedom long. When trying to find a silent spot to think Lily stumbled upon the new Egyptian exhibit, only there is one issue though. The sarcophagus is empty, and Lily is face to face with a beautiful God like man he can't speak English. Amon binds himself to Lily, linking their life forces together. Now together Lily must follow Amon back to his home land of Egypt to find his two other brothers and save to world from an evil Egyptian force.

My biggest issue with this book, and why I kept putting it down to read something else was our main character Lily. I never wanted to reach into the pages of a book and knock as much sense into a character as I wanted to do then.

I saw that Houck was trying to build up the romance, and I loved it for the most part. But it just drove me insane that for nearly 25% of the book Lily would try to lay one on Amon and then get all pissed off when he denied her. It turned me off from her character that she didn't know how to handle rejection well. There were reasons why Amon didn't/wouldn't kiss her. It is complicated to talk about. Also in the beginning when she thought that Amon was really a mental patient, she acted like she was above him and a know it all. She tried to make herself seem like a good person by helping him but she was really thing "You are a total freak." Lets just leave it that I wasn't a fan of Lily.

I loved the culture and mythology used in this book. Egypt is really the only subject in world history that I genuinely enjoyed. There is so much to learn and to know about that I'll probably never make a dent in the info. But this book did feed the "Egyptian history and mythology is really cool and I need to know it all" monster in me.

Overall, I really liked the plot of this book and I am interested in seeing what is going to happen in the next book. I HOPE that Lily will show some character growth in book two because I seriously considered DNFing this one a few times do to her. But plot, mythology and world building wise Reawakened was beautifully done is recommended for Egyptian history junkies such as me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Original Review Link:

I loved Colleen Houck’s Tiger Series so when I saw she started a new series based Egypt, something I love, I had to have it.

Lilliana is a New Yorker who’s parents expect her to choose the right path, especially when it comes to schools and influential connections. She’s torn over her decision when she goes to the Met to ponder it out. Once there however, she’s confronted with a real life mummy, Amon, that’s come to life and needs her help to stop an evil power from forming. Amon and Lily race against time to wake his brothers and stop an evil curse. If they fail, Seth, the God of Chaos, will plunge the world into darkness.

If you liked Colleen’s Tiger books then this will be right up your alley! I found them to be extremely similar (in a good way!) in pacing and style. You’re constantly wanting to continue reading to see what happens next because something even more incredible is just around the corner for these characters.

I really liked Lily. Ms. Houck did a great job of showing how difficult it is for someone her age to essentially pick what they’re going to do for the rest of their life. I loved how Lily struggles with who she wants to be and who she’s expected to be. Meeting Amon really challenges her to figure that out. Amon was a great match for her; taking her out of her comfort zone and exposing her to new ideas, which she does for him in return. His brothers were also fantastic. I loved me some Asten. Ahmose was sweet and caring behind his big build. Houck really knows how to write hot fictional men!

I happen to love Egyptian history and lore so this book was heaven for me. I loved the backstories that Houck goes into incorporating different Gods’ histories and how they impact the plot. The beginning was a TAD slow, but it quickly picks up and that ending! COME ON! I need the second book like now. Ok? Thanks.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mike pence
Lilliana Young is not an adventurous girl. Raised in New York, she has always followed her parents’ strict rules. However, Lily’s life is completely altered when she visits the Metropolitan Museum of Art --- she comes face to face with an Egyptian prince who claims to have been reawakened in order to complete a ceremony crucial to the existence of mankind. Against her will, Lily becomes bonded to the prince, Amon, and must travel with him to Egypt to help raise his brothers and complete the ceremony.

The journey turns out to be more dangerous than either Lily or Amon could have possibly imagined. Plagued by obstacles sent by Seth, an evil Egyptian god who will stop at nothing to prevent them from completing the ceremony, Lily and Amon must trust each other in order to survive.

REAWAKENED is an exotic novel that will make readers long to set aside their plans and travel to Egypt. Colleen Houck weaves together adventure and romance in a wonderfully exciting way. Although the dialogue sometimes felt forced, I thought that Houck did a wonderful job with her characters. The main character, Lilliana, is a very relatable girl; she likes to be in charge and always has a plan. Her dynamic with Amon is incredible because he urges her to put aside her carefully laid plans and celebrate life, an important lesson for everyone to learn.

Houck takes revamps the age-old theme of a hero completing an important quest by setting REAWAKENED in Egypt, adding an exotic, interesting and exciting element to the novel. While the plot can be predictable at times, the pace will keep the audience reading until the very end. Overall, REAWAKENED is a worthwhile read because of the chemistry between the characters and the intriguing setting.

Reviewed by Kate F.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jammeshia burgess
Imagine what would happen if a mummy were to wake up and discover that the world was no longer what it was when they were alive. Well, prepare to have your minds blown away by this adventurous story filled with Egyptian mythology that I loved!

When our seventeen year old protagonist Lilliana Young goes into an art museum, she finds herself facing the last thing she expected. Amon, an Egyptian mummy prince, has awoken and he binds her to him to be used like his energy bar. She is given no choice but to help him search for his other brothers to perform a ritual that will stop an evil Egyptian force from rising and taking over the world.

Lilliana Young comes from a rich family that expects her to keep up with a perfect image and do what her family has expected of her. I wasn't exactly keen on her at first. I think she did come off as a bit spoiled but she developed throughout her adventures with Amon and she toughened up. She's a character that's wiling to do anything to protect those she loves. And I just grew fond of her by the end of the book.

Amon has got to be one of the most hilarious characters I have ever read about. He's just so adorable and naive about the present world like when he called taxis "golden chariots." He's got that sweet and manly vibe to him. He's going to make people laugh and smile a lot like I just want to hug him. But he will probably say "back off, peasant."

Surprisingly, I loved the slow-paced romance. It didn't take over the book but it was there. I was just waiting for something to happen and once it did, I was fangirling!! It was worth the waiting. The slow-burn and build up was utterly P E R F E C T!

The only thing I have to complain is that the pacing in the middle got really slow for me. It made me put the book down and I didn't want to pick it up. It was really hard to get passed it. But thank goodness I did because once I got through it, I was able to enjoy the story once more.

The ending really goes by in a heartbeat. It tore my heart out and I cried a lot, which is something I rarely do while reading! I'm just dying to know what direction the story and romance is going to go.

Overall, Reawakened is definitely one of my favorite books of the year! It has the adventure, the pyramid booby traps, romance, and characters that lots of readers will love and won't want to let go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alliya mendes
Another fantastic adventure from a SUPER fantastic author! I love being swept up in the language, culture, legends and the supernatural, and as always she gives a swoon worthy romance without the bad language or the filth! I would let my daughters read it...which is the highest compliment I can give!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book exceeded my expectations. I already had high expectations after the Tiger's Curse series, and this Egyptian themed novel did not disappoint. I couldn't put this book down (finished it in 2 days!). Slow building romance (though lots of romantic tension), fierce adventure, and an overall magical and mythical voice. Colleen has done it again with Reawakened. Amon and Lily's story will be one that you will love if you enjoyed Ren and Kelsey. My only complaint is the ever so heart-renching ending/cliff hanger that is so typical of Colleen! How will I ever wait a whole year for the next book??!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yolanda williams
This book exceeded my expectations. I already had high expectations after the Tiger's Curse series, and this Egyptian themed novel did not disappoint. I couldn't put this book down (finished it in 2 days!). Slow building romance (though lots of romantic tension), fierce adventure, and an overall magical and mythical voice. Colleen has done it again with Reawakened. Amon and Lily's story will be one that you will love if you enjoyed Ren and Kelsey. My only complaint is the ever so heart-renching ending/cliff hanger that is so typical of Colleen! How will I ever wait a whole year for the next book??!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen roberts
Love the story and a change of characters in personality compared to those in Tiger's Curse series. Some humor but scenes that really gets me going, not wanting to stop. The ending surprises me as it is emotional of what necessary needs to happen between the characters, and I wonder if things will ever be the same with the protagonist Lily for she has something treasurable that the Egyptian gods do not
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tylea simone
I absolutely loved this book. In the beginning I was as out-of-the-loop as Lily was. But as the story went on I could NOT put the book down. I loved all of the magic and history that swirled through this book, and I am aching for the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful book that brings me back to my memories and knowledge of places I've visited in both New York and Egypt, as well as bringing me back into discovering more about the World of Egyptian Mythology. A wonderful book full of romance and adventure, the book that inspired me to create a collection of quotes, as well as a necklace I wear everyday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved how well-researched the story clearly was. I was drawn into the characters' world in the first pages. This book was fast-paced, adventurous and romantic without being sappy or predictable. I cannot wait for book two to be released in August.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lacey boland
A fun book to read, but not very believable. Even though we're reading about Egyptian gods and fantastic creatures, reality needs to be considered sometimes. The characters get out of scrapes a little too easily and plot conflict is resolved a little too quickly.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I absolutely LOVED Houck's Tiger's Curse series! Couldn't get enough of it. Devoured each book immediately when they came out, but, frankly, Reawakened is a big disappointment. I'm on page 135 and still awaiting some sort of meaningful plot to come forth. Also the main female character, Lily, is younger (only 17) than Kelsey from Tiger's Curse, and is quite annoying. I don't like Lily at all. And, unfortunately, I don't find the Egyptian prince Amon any less annoying than Lily. The Tiger's Curse books were filled with not just romance but also page-turning, intelligent plots, but this book seems almost completely focused on romance rather than plot. If I wanted to read Twilight, heavy on romance, nearly devoid of plot, I'd be reading that. I couldn't get through the first Twilight book either, and unfortunately, I'm going to have to put down Reawakened too. I'm tortured reading it. If you're looking for something as page-turning and rich-in-plot as Tiger's Curse with likable main characters and just the right amount of romance, you'll be disappointed by Reawakened. If you're a Twilight fan and just want to read a romance with no notable plot, maybe you'll like this book, but it's just not for me.
Please RateReawakened (The Reawakened Series) by Colleen Houck (2015-08-11)
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