The Tiger's Curse Saga by Colleen Houck (2012-09-04)

ByColleen Houck

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry given
I would never of thought about even reading this book if I didn't have my Kindle. I must admit I love my Kindle and the fact that you can sample and or get some fics for only 99 cents. Now back to the main point I was browsing through the Kindle Store and at the top lists I found this book. I said okay it is inexpensive lets see what the book is about.

I read it through the first time and because to an extent I felt just like Kelsey did. Just getting out into the adult world and looking at means to survive. Wondering if going to find a summer job first would come along in hand with college. In her case it was just a job, so I said okay so this is a character I can relate too, or I too have also been in foster care. Anyways I loved how though at a few points the story was lagging or slow like when it came to the part time job at the circus. However toward the middle it did pick up when one of the major characters came into the picture and would send Kelsey into an adventure you merely read in books.

The imagery and dialogue is easy to follow, most of the time I can read a book and I go."Wait what happened again?" Then having to reread the passage and or book just to understand everything that is going on. Yet with this book I don't seem to have to do nearly as much so I'm glad for that. I admit this is a series that I would probably buy in Hardback as well.

In all if you are fans of the Twilight series, I'd probably warn that once this series gets underway. You can see possible competition for which will be a top read. Then again I could be wrong but since I too am a fan of Stephanie's work, I say it is hard to choose which is better. Well on to reading the sequel!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colleen Houck does a magnificent job describing a world that feels real and characters who draw you in to them so that it is hard to put the book down! Great read! I would recommmend all the books in this series! Full of action, clean romance, adventure and fun!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john irvin hauser
I don't have much time for "recreational" reading or for traveling, so when I do read for fun I look for books that are engaging, well written, and satisfied with my need to "escape." Tiger's Curse was all of that and more! Full of detail, adventure, new people, and new places, it was exactly my cup of tea and the perfect escape! I quickly became invested in the characters and their success in the journey they are on. I can't wait to continue the journey with Kelsey, Ren, Kishan and Mr. Kadam!! This is definitely a journey you do not want to miss!
Reawakened (The Reawakened Series) :: The Assassination Option (A Clandestine Operations Novel) :: and Other Appreciations - Great Fights :: What Do You Do When God Doesn't Show Up the Way You Thought He Would? :: Tiger's Curse (Book 1 in the Tiger's Curse Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karin tracy
Unlike several critics, I absolutely loved the writing style. I, too, have taught high school English for many years and I appreciate all types of writing. The Tiger series has unleashed a love for reading that had left me since retirement because there were so many fun things to do now. But when I finished the second book of the series I began reading all sorts of novels that I would have never given a second glance to before. The combination of romance, mythology, adventure beyond your wildest imagination, intrigue and pure danger left me breathless. I thank Colleen Houck for opening my eyes to a magical world of reading about new places and people. I have recommended the Tiger books to friends and they have been swept away also. Once you get past the strangeness of the first 50 or so pages (Indian princes turned into tigers by a 350 year old curse) you won't be able to put the books down. I still think about Ren, Kelsey and Kishan every day and cannot wait for the Tiger's Voyage to be released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I bought the book I had pretty low expectations, but I figured that for a dollar its not like I was putting out alot of cash on an iffy book. I was very pleasantly surprised by this series. While it did take a little longer for me to get interested in the first of the series than I would have liked, I now find that I have all of a sudden just finished the second book and I am now very anxiously awaiting the 3rd. Overall a great find, I am very glad that I took the chance and I can't wait to read the 3rd!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you liked ANY of the following: Twilight, Harry Potter, The Golden Compass series, and/or the Eragon books this book IS for YOU.

I should probably mention that there is a bit more romance in this book than some of the above books but it is not graphic and I would consider in rated PG (maybe PG-13). Romance is woven wonderfully into the overall framework without over doing it by obliterating the plot.
On top of that--you get to learn a little on Indian culture (India, India not Native Americans).

AWSOME series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cori mesenger
This book was awesome!! I finished both books in the series in 1 day. I couldn't put it down. For those of you who enjoyed Twilight, the Tiger series is right up your alley. I'm so happy that I found this new series I totally recommend it!!

Tiger's curse starts off with Kelsey, a 17 almost 18 year old girl that gets a summer job at the circus. There she meet the white tiger, Ren, who she immediately forms a connection with. Little does she know, he is an Indian prince cursed to be a tiger.

She inadvertently wishes that he was free, which allows him to become human for 24 minutes every 24 hours. He realizes that she is the key to breaking his curse. They go to India and the adventure/romance starts.

Buy it! Read it! It's totally worth it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
split foster
I absolutely loved this story!! It is somewhat of a fast-paced read but at the same time it is lengthy. The characters are very well developed. There is just enough action and romance in it to make you not want to put it down. The author was detailed enough so that the reader was well informed, but at the same time she kept it entertaining. I, personally, didn't get bored with her explanations (that were very well needed and added substance to the book).

After reading the Twilight series, I searched for lists of good paranormal romance series/books and came up with this book. At the time, I was able to purchase it for 0.99 on my Kindle. After I finished it, I too felt a little guilty .. There was just no way that this book should have been sold for a dollar! At the same time, if you bought it and read it - there would be no way that you wouldn't be tempted to purchase the second book in the series .. I won't talk too much about to second book here, but I'm on pins and needles waiting on the 3rd book in the series. In my opinion this series will be better than the Twilight Series. Colleen did an AMAZING job. She has quickly become one of my favorite authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anita golzar
A fun weekend read! I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to India, the adventure and yes...though I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, the romance aspect, too. I read both the Tiger's Curse and Tiger's Quest over the weekend and now I'm wondering how long I have to wait to see what happens to Kelsey, Dhiren, and Kishan. Thanks for the enjoyable escape!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie rich
WoW!!! I stumbled upon this series quite accidentally and BOY I'm glad I did! Excellent mix of fantasy and India's vast mythology,I was hooked after the first chapter!Eagerly awaiting the 3rd book(Tiger's Voyage) on kindle,way to go Colleen!Okay so now I'm updating and it's January 16th 2011 and still waiting for 3rd book,also waiting for the new version of this book in KINDLE FORMAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gina Marie,Wyoming
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie o hanlon
"I was standing on a precipice. Technically, I was just standing in line at a temp job office in Oregon, but it felt like a precipice. Childhood, high school, and the illusion that life was good and times were easy were behind me." - Kelsey Hayes

Fresh out of high school, Kelsey Hayes has a lot more to think about than most eighteen-year-olds as she waits in line at the temp job office. College looms ahead and, with her parents dead these past three years, Kelsey thinks more than most about what the future holds for her. She's worried about paying for school, about being alone forever, about everything, in fact, except for what the summer holds for her. There is simply no way Kelsey could ever have imagined that a temp job with a visiting circus would lead her to the biggest adventure of her life.

From the minute she first saw Ren, the magnificent white tiger in the Circus Maurizio, Kelsey felt an inexplicable connection to the big cat. Somehow, she always feels safe with him, even though she knows tigers are always dangerous. When Ren is purchased by a wild animal preserve in India, Kelsey is invited to travel with the tiger and see him safely installed in his new home. It's an offer she eagerly accepts - and one that puts her smack in the middle of a 350 year old Indian curse. Now Kelsey's summer is full of magical forces, Hindu deities, mythical places that lie below the surface of our own world - and two very handsome Indian princes.

I loved the setting of this novel. The primal beauty of India's jungles and the ancient mystery of sites like Hempi were lovingly portrayed. The quintessentially Indian backdrop provides the perfect stage for Kelsey's adventure, interwoven, as it was, with visits from Hindu deities and legends. The exotic locale and the intricate , interesting plot are certainly the novel's greatest strengths and, had I been rating only those elements, Tiger's Curse would have received top marks.

As a reader, however, I was much less happy with the sometimes awkward dialogue and with the sometimes unrealistic inner musings of Kelsey as a narrator. There was a certain stilted quality to the conversations and personal interactions that was, happily, absent from the action scenes.

While I was very happy with the way things shaped up at the end, I also found certain elements of the romantic subplot to be unconvincing, and occasionally down right irritating. Almost as soon as Kelsey has decided to open her heart to Ren, she has an abrupt change of heart and starts pushing him away with all the finesse of a third grader employing the `boys are stupid, throw rocks at them' guide to relationships. That Kelsey is angered by Ren's response to her complete change in attitude - which occurs without her offering him even the hint of an explanation - makes her less likable and even gives her the appearance of being slightly stupid. Clearly, she should be able to recognize that he is confused and hurt by her sudden coldness. The whole episode feels like a contrivance to provide romantic tension - and possibly a future rival for Kelsey's affections - for the rest of the series.

Even with these complaints, I liked Tiger's Curse quite a bit. For me, the cleverly plotted curse-breaking quest trumped the less than perfect relationship story line. I certainly plan to read Kelsey's next adventure, Tiger's Quest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was browsing through my Kindle and found this book and decided to give it a try once I started reading it I could not put it down!!! Once I read the 1st book I was very happy to find the 2nd book already out I read that book in one day. I love the story and the adventure it takes you on. I am in my late 20's and have found this book to be very entertaining!! If you like the Twilight saga you will love this series. I highly encourage you to read this book and come on the adventure we have taken thus far. Can not wait for the 3rd book to come out. Great job Colleen :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was written for young adults, but as someone with grown children of her own I could not put it down.
It took me a few chapters to get into it, but then I didn't stop. I read it in 2 days.
This is definitely a book that you should tell all your friends about.
Anyone with a e-book can download it, if you don't know how you can call the or e-mail them and they will help you do it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rina arya
This is an awesome book. The characters are well developed and enjoyable to read about. This book kept me guessing and i could not put it down. it's a fresh new subject (really good looking tigers) and set in new places (Oregon and India). If you like epic romance novels, you really should read this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christy wopat
I absolutely adore this book. I also think its great how the Kindle offers a lot of first series books free, or in this case $.99!

Kelsey, Ren, Mr.Kadam and Kishan are wonderful characters whose personalities grow on you every page you turn. I love how the story incorporates India and its cultures into the story. Kelsey is a phenomenal character: independent, brave and daring.

You definitely won't be wasting your time, but you will most likely be losing sleep. I've already read the second book in the series: Tiger's Quest, and same story, solid writing, and oh so full of surprises!

I know these books are wonderful b/c I'm having a difficult time deciding what to read next :)

Enjoy Readers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this story. I love the characters and their relationships. Kelsey is so well written. She seems mature and at the same time somewhat naive. Kelsey and Ren's story seems actually more about their relationship- becoming friends and building trust- than anything else. I have missed that in books I have read recently. Colleen Houch spends time letting the characters develop and grow. I really appreciated that as a break from the usual rushed story of girl meets guy and falls in love. If you want to read a book where you honestly care about the characters, then this is the book for you. Also, the author lets the characters really experience India, and it reads almost like a travel books at sometimes. I loved that aspect, because it reminded me of books I read when I was a kid like "A Little Princess." India is almost another character in the novel. I would highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tabitha gregory mosley
I was lucky enough to stumble across this book and immediately knew it was something special. The book is very entertaining and I eagerly moved on to book 2 in the series. After becoming completely engrossed in these charming characters, I began researching the series and learned that there is a group of people that have come together around this wonderful series. I feel special to have read these books already and I feel its only a matter of time before these get the recognition they deserve. Until then I feel like I'm a member of this special secret club that knows about these magical tigers!

The only disappointment is that once you finish book 2 you will be desperate for book 3 which has yet to be patient and invest the time in 1 & 2, I'm certain 3 will follow!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Buy it! It is a wonderful story, full of interesting facts about India and India's mythology. The characters are moving and realistic; you feel as though you are going through their journeys with them. I would highly recommend this to anyone, from middle school students to adults. It is very well written, not too short or too long, with a well-developed plot. This series should get at least as much hype as the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer. I cannot say enough about it. Wishing the 3rd and 4th books in the series were already published and on Kindle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel martin
Kelsey just graduated from high school and has found a temporary job with the circus. She meets a beautiful white tiger, Ren, that is an Indian prince cursed into tiger form. Kelsey is charged with helping Ren find a way to break the curse. There are many tense, heart wrenching, and laugh out loud moments through out this book. I have read numerous fantasy and urban fantasy books in the past year. If you like the fantasy genre, and are looking for something beyond Twilight, I would strongly recommend this book. This series has quickly become one of my favorites. A great fantasy read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
troy livingstone
I NEVER seem to find time for leaving the store reviews.
I have laundry to do.
I have dinner to cook.
I have mail to sort.

But this book was just so dang good, all of that will have to wait because I honestly feel like I OWE it to the author to add my two cents about how much I enjoyed her work. Thank you SO much, Colleen, for offering your first book at such an affordable price in order to draw me in. It totally worked, and I devoured this book and its sequel within days. Love this series, and you have made me a diehard fan. Character development and the pace of the plot were superb. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like certain authors (William Gibson, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, etc.). I’ll basically buy every new book from about 7-10 different authors. Give me a better way to track new books from a favorite author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this series! Not only are the characters vivid and the plot interesting, there is a wonderful amount of history and culture that wind thoughout the story. I am facinated by what Colleen has done by adding this richness to the story. Kelsey is a great herione and is believable in her love for her men and her dismissal of herself. I am telling EVERYONE that I know to read these book. Any publisher who does not grab this series and make it shine will regret it one day when it becomes the next big phenom. Ms. Houck, thank you for an enjoyable read and I can't wait for the next book!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Found this book when looking for Kindle titles.
I really loved this book as well as Tigers Quest...only problem is
that now I have to wait for further installments.
The characters are wonderful. Thank you for taking us on an exceptional journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was really well written. Lots of detail that really sets up the characters and the scene. You feel like you're really in the midst of Kelsey's adventures. I can't wait for the rest. I've already re-read both of the current books and regularly check the website to see when the next one is going to be released. I'm not normally this excited about a book series and I know a good book when I read one!! You go girl!!
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