The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01
ByAneko Yusagi
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anh lyjordan
Like most of the other positive reviews here, the series is unique in its approach to the video game RPG fantasy concept that has been popularized by Sword Art Online. The author does a good job of getting the reader to sympathize with the protagonists, and it's hard not to fell angry for the characters' predicament, or happy when they triumph. He does so by plunging the main character in an absolute nightmare of an opening, dropping Naofumi to emotional lows that we are unused to in mainstream novels and comics. Naofumi's reaction to his situation is less than noble, and creates an effective base for an antihero protagonist who favors pragmatism over honor. This is undoubtedly one of the strongest opening stories to a Light Novel series out there, and the reader can expect to feel strong emotions through their time reading.
However, the emotional highs and lows don't last beyond the first book. By Volume 3, the author settles in to a fairly standard story structure that any fan of anime and manga can recognize, with the main character subject to the affections of the women he saves but is oblivious himself, resulting in comedic moments that have been already explored with characters that longtime readers will instantly recognize in a setting that is reiterated in a dozen other series. It's executed well enough, but being 'standard' isn't good enough in our current dearth of RPG fantasies. Rising of the Shield Hero is ultimately unremarkable as a series, but is blessed with a fantastic opening arc that will carry it through to the conclusion.
Finally, the translation itself is passable. This is clearly meant for a general audience unused to Japanese culture and language structure, which will alienate readers who have read fan translations and subtitles. Fortunately, the grit and awfulness of the world is preserved, and is a good entry point for readers who are new to Japanese popular culture.
However, the emotional highs and lows don't last beyond the first book. By Volume 3, the author settles in to a fairly standard story structure that any fan of anime and manga can recognize, with the main character subject to the affections of the women he saves but is oblivious himself, resulting in comedic moments that have been already explored with characters that longtime readers will instantly recognize in a setting that is reiterated in a dozen other series. It's executed well enough, but being 'standard' isn't good enough in our current dearth of RPG fantasies. Rising of the Shield Hero is ultimately unremarkable as a series, but is blessed with a fantastic opening arc that will carry it through to the conclusion.
Finally, the translation itself is passable. This is clearly meant for a general audience unused to Japanese culture and language structure, which will alienate readers who have read fan translations and subtitles. Fortunately, the grit and awfulness of the world is preserved, and is a good entry point for readers who are new to Japanese popular culture.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
justin hill
The manga that is based off this is amazing, this is terribly written and should be forgotten. The authors skill is below what I would call amateur; it reads like something from a fifth grader. From what I understand the original we novel is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stick to the manga.
Checkmate (A Neighbor From Hell Series Book 3) :: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans :: A Young Boy's Experience of Heaven and Hell - From God a Message of Faith :: Double Dare (A Neighbor From Hell Series Book 6) :: The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01 - The Manga Companion
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My problem is that I thought this was a traditional Japanese style manga... So this is the second time that the store has ripped me off for $50+ dollars ok fine, but if it continues I'll simply stop using the service and get my digital content elsewhere. I've been a customer for more than a decade, but the store needs to step up and let potential buyers know that this is a trade paperback novel and not an illustrated manga! Now I have to figure out if I can get my money back since I view this as a purchase made through false advertising. Hmmm... might need to contact my lawyer, but we'll see how the store handles their blatant false advertising first.
I'll update this post with the outcome.
Outcome Update: Received a full refund, but my original complaint stands, the store needs to break titles like this out and place them with the regular text novels it sells for Kindle, otherwise they will receive additional demands for refund due to false/inaccurate advertising and/or descriptions that don't state that the title is a novel and not a manga title.
I'll update this post with the outcome.
Outcome Update: Received a full refund, but my original complaint stands, the store needs to break titles like this out and place them with the regular text novels it sells for Kindle, otherwise they will receive additional demands for refund due to false/inaccurate advertising and/or descriptions that don't state that the title is a novel and not a manga title.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lance morcan
Since the original novels are written like scripts for an adaptation, it's no surprise that the manga adaptation actually works better on page than the original novels do. The 168-page first Shield Hero manga covers roughly the first half of the first prose novel. Pacing during the manga's first chapter feels just a bit rushed, but once the manga story introduces supporting character Raphtalia, the manga becomes more considered and evocative. Although the manga adaptation does exclude some content present in the original novel, the exclusion largely works in favor of the manga. Early pointless discussion between the summoned heroes gets condensed. Interminable pages of redundant "monster farming" to level up gets thankfully condensed in the manga adaptation. In the novel, a short scene of protagonist Naofumi defending Raphtalia from bullies contributes to establishing Naofumi's parental protectiveness over his charge. While the brief scene is missing in the manga, the absence isn't noticeable because the manga includes multiple other scenarios that establish the same characterization. To its credit, the manga also excludes Naofumi's constant inner monologues. Hearing Naofumi's thoughts in the original novel provides a much rounder characterization of the protagonist, but hearing Naofumi's frequently sexist, cruel, selfish, ignorant, and immoral personal thoughts in the original novels actually makes him a far less endearing character. In effect, by excluding an omniscient perspective, the manga's depiction of Naofumi is still nuanced, and troubling, but more sympathetic.
Aiya Kyu's graphic art, based on the original novel illustrations by Minami Seira, is crisp and clean with a strong feel for cinematic perspective. The book's first four pages, originally serialized in color, are reproduced in monochrome in the domestic collected edition. Panel layout is dynamic yet easy to follow, and the art does a good job of emphasizing motion, giving the two-dimensional art visual depth and activity. Kyu's art also makes excellent use of evocative close-ups and stylized emotional reactions that focus attention on personality and characterization. The visual art really emphasizes the mood swings and the changes in emotion that characters encounter, making the manga emotionally affecting. The graphic art includes no nudity or sex. Violence is often bloody, but the visual art deftly keeps the depiction of the graphic gore tastefully restrained. Japanese visual sound effects are retained but usually unobtrusively translated. The translation itself is concise and effective.
The first manga volume contains four chapters plus a short bonus chapter that fills in some of the content excluded from the first chapter. The manga collection also includes an exclusive two-page prequel story by author Aneko Yusagi set immediately prior to the beginning of the first prose novel, so even readers that have read the novel may still be interested in this manga adaptation, not only for the visual aspect, but also for the exclusive prose bonus.
Aneko Yusagi's Shield Hero franchise appears to be "critic proof," as readers continue to eagerly consume the story in spite of justifiably harsh critical reviews. Readers that are curious about the narrative, along with devout fans of the franchise, would be well served to pick up Aiya Kyu's "manga companion," in supplement to or even in lieu of the original first novel. Although the first manga volume doesn't cover the entirety of the first novel, the content that it does cover is presented in a more concise and affecting manner than the redundant and weakly composed original novel.
Aiya Kyu's graphic art, based on the original novel illustrations by Minami Seira, is crisp and clean with a strong feel for cinematic perspective. The book's first four pages, originally serialized in color, are reproduced in monochrome in the domestic collected edition. Panel layout is dynamic yet easy to follow, and the art does a good job of emphasizing motion, giving the two-dimensional art visual depth and activity. Kyu's art also makes excellent use of evocative close-ups and stylized emotional reactions that focus attention on personality and characterization. The visual art really emphasizes the mood swings and the changes in emotion that characters encounter, making the manga emotionally affecting. The graphic art includes no nudity or sex. Violence is often bloody, but the visual art deftly keeps the depiction of the graphic gore tastefully restrained. Japanese visual sound effects are retained but usually unobtrusively translated. The translation itself is concise and effective.
The first manga volume contains four chapters plus a short bonus chapter that fills in some of the content excluded from the first chapter. The manga collection also includes an exclusive two-page prequel story by author Aneko Yusagi set immediately prior to the beginning of the first prose novel, so even readers that have read the novel may still be interested in this manga adaptation, not only for the visual aspect, but also for the exclusive prose bonus.
Aneko Yusagi's Shield Hero franchise appears to be "critic proof," as readers continue to eagerly consume the story in spite of justifiably harsh critical reviews. Readers that are curious about the narrative, along with devout fans of the franchise, would be well served to pick up Aiya Kyu's "manga companion," in supplement to or even in lieu of the original first novel. Although the first manga volume doesn't cover the entirety of the first novel, the content that it does cover is presented in a more concise and affecting manner than the redundant and weakly composed original novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginia messina
I haven't read the translated novel version, so I can't speak to the editing issues others have spoken about. I can only say that the manga version didn't appear to be suffering from any such issues. (perhaps because it was released so much later than the first two novels? More time in the editing department?) I also found the artwork evocative and expressive, and easy to discern expression - and who was saying what, which appears to be a problem in the first novel, at least. I have to also praise the fresh take on the idea - that being summoned to another world to save it can actually really suck! Naofumi comes off as your typical naive and clueless hero in the first chapter or so (the clueless part actually has a good reason behind it - and if you read the other three heroes' dialogue carefully, you'll get a big clue to an interesting twist down the road); however, the betrayal and subsequent railroading / scapegoating happens quickly, though no less devastating for all that, especially since the manga begins 'in media res' with his completely unfair trial.
Naofumi instantly turns bitter and cynical, which unfortunately turns out to be as much of an asset to his survival as his quick mind and strong ability to adapt to both his situation, and to using the resources around him. (it's not really a spoiler to that Naofumi not only levels up but unlocks new variations and uses of his Weapon at a much greater and swifter rate than the other three Heroes) At least one of his decisions later in the book - purchasing a slave - isn't very 'heroic', but as the story explains, absolutely essential to both Naofumi's state of mind and his continued survival. It probably says a lot about this world that Raphtina's being purchased by Naofumi is the best thing that's happened to her in years, and her near-hero worship of him is very close to justified. He doesn't treat her very kindly, but he treats her much better than almost everyone's treated HIM. Again, I don't know if it's in the original novels, but Raphtina's POV in the manga hints at a lot of cultural background that will become important later - including a reason that the Shield Hero (yes, the Heroes have been summoned several times before) is very much bottom of the totem pole... and hinting at a reason behind Naofumi's victimisation.
Anyway... given the problems others have reported with the translation, you might want to try this version first, at least to get a good, easy grounding in the story's beginning.
I haven't read the translated novel version, so I can't speak to the editing issues others have spoken about. I can only say that the manga version didn't appear to be suffering from any such issues. (perhaps because it was released so much later than the first two novels? More time in the editing department?) I also found the artwork evocative and expressive, and easy to discern expression - and who was saying what, which appears to be a problem in the first novel, at least. I have to also praise the fresh take on the idea - that being summoned to another world to save it can actually really suck! Naofumi comes off as your typical naive and clueless hero in the first chapter or so (the clueless part actually has a good reason behind it - and if you read the other three heroes' dialogue carefully, you'll get a big clue to an interesting twist down the road); however, the betrayal and subsequent railroading / scapegoating happens quickly, though no less devastating for all that, especially since the manga begins 'in media res' with his completely unfair trial.
Naofumi instantly turns bitter and cynical, which unfortunately turns out to be as much of an asset to his survival as his quick mind and strong ability to adapt to both his situation, and to using the resources around him. (it's not really a spoiler to that Naofumi not only levels up but unlocks new variations and uses of his Weapon at a much greater and swifter rate than the other three Heroes) At least one of his decisions later in the book - purchasing a slave - isn't very 'heroic', but as the story explains, absolutely essential to both Naofumi's state of mind and his continued survival. It probably says a lot about this world that Raphtina's being purchased by Naofumi is the best thing that's happened to her in years, and her near-hero worship of him is very close to justified. He doesn't treat her very kindly, but he treats her much better than almost everyone's treated HIM. Again, I don't know if it's in the original novels, but Raphtina's POV in the manga hints at a lot of cultural background that will become important later - including a reason that the Shield Hero (yes, the Heroes have been summoned several times before) is very much bottom of the totem pole... and hinting at a reason behind Naofumi's victimisation.
Anyway... given the problems others have reported with the translation, you might want to try this version first, at least to get a good, easy grounding in the story's beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine weise
I had to buy the series because I *cough* attained volume 1 online, and was simply too enthralled to let it go. The main Character is relatable, (atleast for me) and I became absorbed by its story. The setting is less detailed than I would like, but I can easily fill in the blanks. I love the unpredictable beginning and the end is awesome too. Yup, as an avid Otaku, I love this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bart everson
It's one of the few series in all my fiction library that I value a lot. It cares for all of its character development and creates a silly yet always complex story that is written with a lot of logic in mind. If you love fantasy adventure with great comedy, dark yet more grounded themes, romance is a factor but only near the 2nd half of the whole series when characters start making their moves. Loves it from start to end and I wish I could have physical copies of it to forever own and past down.
It's one of the few series in all my fiction library that I value a lot. It cares for all of its character development and creates a silly yet always complex story that is written with a lot of logic in mind. If you love fantasy adventure with great comedy, dark yet more grounded themes, romance is a factor but only near the 2nd half of the whole series when characters start making their moves. Loves it from start to end and I wish I could have physical copies of it to forever own and past down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david whovian
Character development is important to me, and the growth some of these characters go through is tremendous. The main character goes through a "thing" in the beginning of the story that understandably makes his personality annoying to deal with, but he grows throughout the book, and eventually faces the "thing," undergoing a transformation. Good story and easy to read, can't wait to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I readed the WebNovel, manga and the LN (Vol. 1 - 8). Is love this series, BUT the translation is poor, grammar errors and sometimes they confuse Malty with Melty (the big sister and the little sister).
Even with all that, the story is fun and worth reading. (4 stars)
Even with all that, the story is fun and worth reading. (4 stars)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
be careful which one you buy, the manga companion is now available, it's ISBN is 9781935548706 when you search it, it says there is a kindle version of it. IT IS NOT THE MANGA KINDLE VERSION, IT IS THE LIGHT NOVEL KINDLE VERSION! you can tell because the page count jumps up. As the store cannot separate the two apparently, I thought I would give a warning to fellow buyers out there! As of right now, it looks like the manga is only available in paperback, which is fine by me ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian colquhoun
This is the novel ver. with occasional full page scene from manga. NOT THE MANGA ver.
would be great if the store differentiates the two.
Still it was well written and I like the series which is why I'm not returning it.
Those looking for the manga and tight on budget may want to skip this.
would be great if the store differentiates the two.
Still it was well written and I like the series which is why I'm not returning it.
Those looking for the manga and tight on budget may want to skip this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pia karlsson
It appears the current trend is fantasy worlds with MMO Parallels, I normally don't bother with these types of stories but I decided to give this a try. And I've got to say I wasn't really disappointed. The writing is OKAY It's about what I'd expect for a translated light novel based on a web novel, so I looked past it. I also disliked certain story points especially towards the beginning, I just felt certain people reacted in a really unrealistic way and that the author was just trying to get the readers riled up. Other than that I have hopes for the series and I've already ordered the next two books.
p.s. I friggen hate that these books are roughly 350~ pages. I can easily read that much in an afternoon, I get that it's a light novel thing but mannn it'd be nice if they would combine two or three books into single 700~1000 page books and set the price around $20 so it didn't feel like I was finishing a book just after getting it.
p.s. I friggen hate that these books are roughly 350~ pages. I can easily read that much in an afternoon, I get that it's a light novel thing but mannn it'd be nice if they would combine two or three books into single 700~1000 page books and set the price around $20 so it didn't feel like I was finishing a book just after getting it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney king
The shield hero and narrator, Naofumi Iwatani, is a great character and evolves well in his debut novel. By the end, you'll certainly like him despite his anger issues. The story itself is also quite interesting, ranging from heart-warming to soul-crushing. I feel hopeful for the sequels.
I counted a few typos while reading; simple things like "summoned" becoming "summed".
There is some Japanese terminology in the beginning; understandable considering the story is Japanese. It's nothing that bad though.
I would buy it again if they released a version without typos.
The shield hero and narrator, Naofumi Iwatani, is a great character and evolves well in his debut novel. By the end, you'll certainly like him despite his anger issues. The story itself is also quite interesting, ranging from heart-warming to soul-crushing. I feel hopeful for the sequels.
I counted a few typos while reading; simple things like "summoned" becoming "summed".
There is some Japanese terminology in the beginning; understandable considering the story is Japanese. It's nothing that bad though.
I would buy it again if they released a version without typos.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bought this through a different site. GREAT book. really wholeheartedly reccomend it. i wont go into details but this is one of the best books i have ever read. you can really feel and relate to the anger and hatred of the main character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chun mei
Top tier light novel in the already oversaturated isekai genre, small diamond in landfill of trash dime a dozen journey to another world collect all the waifus adventure, the characters and mainly op has a brain and learns from his mistakes unlike other mc's which is all i have to say
Please RateThe Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01
I liked the storyline because the characters seem real. I don't want to spoil the story but there's moments comparable to clannad, but with action of SAO, and the comedy of some of the best.