While It Lasts (Sea Breeze)

ByAbbi Glines

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly williams
So I started off crying when I started reading this book and then I ended crying reading this book! Abbi Glines has to be one of the greatest writers ever! Her book elicits so much emotions from me it's awesome. We first meet resident slutty bad boy in Because of Low. If y'all were like me then u liked him only because he treated our Low good. But his unhealthy attachment to whiskey and slutty girls wasn't all that appealing! Well While it Last made Cage York unbelievable! While he is still a bit of a slut he has to tone it down so he doesn't lose his baseball scholarship or his freedom. But that ain't going to stop him from havin a good ol' time! But his first encounter with Eva Brooks leaves him pinning to remove that stick up her ass and maybe remove more! But he learns quickly his boss' daughter is in the no fly zone! But since when does Cage York get told what he can and cant have? But Eva Isn't the typical fall over herself just to get a look from Cage kinda girl. She has been utterly broken in a way only a few ever get obliterated. Cage is nice to look at and all but anything else can never happen especially with a super slut like Cage. Some how they manage not to kill each other and find out there is a lot more then meets the eye with both of them. Will Cage be able to over come his past of literally an unnumbered amount of demons? And will Eva be able to let go of the pain to find happiness? While it last was HAWT, sexy, and just plain awesomesauce! Just the first lake scene I have this book five stars. But the whole book deserves way more then that! But unfortunately the store only let's me give five stars. So five stars it is (but really like a bajillion stars)! Thank u Abbi for taking me away to be thoroughly satisfied ;) by Cage's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wai chim
I recommend reading because of Low before starting this book. It will give you some background on Cages character.
I love the story line and Eva's character. Cage was awesome and when told through his perspective was funny and sexy.
Very funny felt like the author captured the personality of a horny male college student perfectly. Sweet,sexy, and enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david mort
I really liked the love story story between Eva & Cage. I had not read the other books in this series, but I felt a great connection with the charachters and storyline without having read them. It was interesting going back and forth between Eva & Cage in the book narration. As the reader I was able to really connect with their point of view. Super fun, fast, sweet and romantic read.
The Vincent Brothers :: Sharpe Edge (Maycroft Mystery Series) :: Heron's Cove (Sharpe & Donovan) :: March 1811 (Richard Sharpe's Adventure Series #11) :: Ceaseless (Existence) (Volume 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob quesne
i would recommend this book to all you romantic ladies out there who also like it a little spicy. this book has an incredible story line and plot that goes along with the whole sea breeze series. i finished this entire book in only one afternoon, that's how sucked in to it i got. the character cage is your typical sex craved bad boy with a horrible past, and Eva is the good girl has a plane for everything type person till her fiance' dies. Eva is relentless at first but she soon gives into his soft sweet personality.

i would recommend this for a more older crowd considering the 3 extremely graphical sex scenes and foul language. but to that older crowd all of that just makes it that much more exciting to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really liked his story better than because of low :) I liked him before but now I think I like him a little more .. This story was nice he was trying to be a respectable man & there was a death but it was not dark or crazy it was just life. The letter at the end had me tears just a good round book in all but make sure you read because of low first
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While it Lasts is part of the Sea Breeze series. However, you don't have to read the first 2 books to understand this one. Cage is first introduced to us in the second book, Because of Low. We don't get to know much about him. He's a typical player, but does have a soft side for Low, his best friend. We get to see his protective side for Low, which helps to soften his hard exterior. That is probably the only thing that would be beneficial to know for While it Lasts - his relationship with Low, because she does make appearances in this book.

Now, on to the good details! This book was fabulous. I bought it late at night and literally could not put my kindle down until I finished it, even then I didn't want to put it down. That's how good and enticing this story is. Abbi Glines does a phenomenal job creating characters that you feel like you really know. Cage and Eva are typical adults that went through events that happen to real people, so the story is relate-able.

The back story of Eva and Josh is enough to melt anyone's heart. I admit, I did put While it Lasts down...only so I could dry my tears. It's an emotional story that I really felt connected to. When Eva and Cage were separated and hurting my chest literally hurt with them. Abbi does such a great job getting the emotions across.

This isn't a young adult book, there are some steamy scenes in here that I wouldn't recommend for younger readers, but for readers looking for something a little bit more than YA this is the book for you. The characters are around their 20s so you get the steaminess of love, but also the giddiness that comes with being younger.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this book. It is a great, fast read so enjoy it 'While it Lasts.' ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've finally come to accept that Abbi Glines just simply has the ability to touch me. Her stories never fail to touch my heart and more importantly make my gut clinch. I can safely open her books knowing my heart is going to twist for the characters because she never fails to deliver them (and me) safely through the torment and storm. Kudos!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a sweet reads. Another one of my favorites from this author. She's found a great formula that gets sexier and edgier as her characters shift from an age of innocence to adulthood. I've been buying her books up this weekend. It's a familiar plot, but she covers it better than most and makes you out right smile, cringe, and almost twist your kindle away when the scene gets crazy hot. Worth the $
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I never thought I would really like Cage, but after reading White it Lasts I fell in love with him. Abbi really knocked it out of the park with this one and even turned up the heat. I loved it so much! There isn't a book out there of Abbi's that I haven't loved and this one is right up there with the rest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While It Lasts was an amazing story!! And one that I could not put down. Abbi Glines does a wonderful job of making you fall in love with the characters and Cage is HOT! I loved the previous book Because of Low and think you need to read that first to really understand the characters and enjoy the story. AWESOME! Keep up the great writing Abbi!!! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Abbi has done it again!!!!! I am never disappointed when I pick up a book by her. I absolutely LOVE the Sea Breeze series. I feel in love with Breathe, and was so excited to see that she was continuing on with Because of Low and While it Lasts. Abbi has a wonderful way of making you fall in love with Jax, Marcus, and Cage. I have to say I was so thrilled to get into Cage's mind, he intrigued me in Because of Low and he had me hooked in While it Lasts. Cage and Eva's story was wonderful, I was glad to see that Cage was finally tamed. I devoured this book, once I started it I couldn't put it down. Abbi has a way of telling a story that sucks you in and you don't want to put it down, which is also bittersweet because I want to get to the end but then when I get there I don't want it to end. My only complaint was I wish the epilogue would have given us a little more of Eva and Cage. I loved the letter to Josh, but would have liked to know how things are working out for Eva and Cage. Maybe we will get a glimpse of their life in the 4th book (Preston's Story).

All I have to say is that this is a Definite MUST READ!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andra apostol
Okay I read the series backwards lol my mistake.
I read the reviews about Cage and I thought to myself that he can't be more sexy than Preston but now I don't know which I love more!! But Beau is still my all time favorite if you haven't read The Vincent Boys and the Vincent Brothers. Read it soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It seems like it's getting more and more difficult to find a decent book that isn't YA. I am tired of reading YA and want something a bit more mature. This book was great from page 1. I loved how each chapter was written from the other character's perspective. It's a fast read. I think I finished it in a day. Highly recommend!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia riesgraf
This couple has CHEMISTRY! I loved how Eva would let herself go when she was with Cage. Cage avoids relationships because he doesn't feel worthy, and doesn't want to get hurt until he lets Eva in. Eva and Cage the hottest couple I have read about ever!!! Their romance and chemistry is sizzling. I love Abbi Glines writting style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris pollay
Another great book in the Sea Breeze series. Knowing the Cage from Because of Low, I had to wonder what he'd be doing in this story. Well, the storyline exceeded my expectations. I loved getting to know the softer side of Cage, yet he still maintained his bad-boy side. Eva was a great match for him, and I loved how they brought out the best in each other. They had to work through both of their pasts and insecurities together, her with Josh and him with his, well, other girls. I liked how they both had to confront each other's issues - him working on the farm where Eva and Josh grew up and all that history and her unwelcome family; her facing the bar scene where his past was constantly thrown at him; his feelings of inadequacy; her fears of moving on and disappointing others. The drama wasn't quite as high as Because of Low, but the steam was way higher. YA this in not. But Cage York won me over in this book. I love the in-love, yet still bad-boy, Cage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark sinnott
I always enjoy her book...quick easy reads that turn me into an addict until I finish them. I like Cage's character a lot....I think it's turning out that I generally like her male character building more than her female....at least that's what tends to stick with me. I like her characters vulnerabilities.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cage & Eva's story is beautiful, sad, touching & passionate. I felt Eva's pain over her loss & understood her fear of moving forward & letting go. Cage is a beautiful leading man & his passion & understanding of Eva touched my heart & had me rooting for him from the start. Definitely my favorite in this series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Abbi is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. This is the third book I have read of Abbi's, and like the others, it didn't disappoint. The characters are written so well, and I found myself in tears more than once, living through the pain with Eva. This book was sweet, sexy and heartfelt, and I look forward to plunging through the rest of Abbi's collection. I'm positive I will have nothing but glowing reviews for them all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Abbi Glines has a wonderful talent and all of her books are worth reading but I will admit I was a sceptical about Cage character in the previous book but he is truly lovable with a heart of (naughty) gold. I loved what the author did with his character. Well done Abbi. I look forward to more of your books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert adhi ksp
Once again Abbi Glines delivers in this excellent story. Following her fantastic book Because of Low , this is Cage's story of fighting his demons, helping Eva overcome her tragic past and finding forever with the love of his life. Readers of Abbi Glines books will be familar with her ability to enrapture us and make us a part of her stories. I don't like reading reviews that tell you everything that happens in the book but I will tell you that I have never been disappointed with anything Abbi Glines has written and I would recommend her stories to everyone I can (and I do) Keep up the good work and all I can say is write more books quickly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob gotschall
I've been patiently waiting to finally read Cages story! I'm so glad I did!! Their story had to be my favorite by far! I'm happy Cage and Eva found love especially when they were not expecting it at all. :) highly recommend this story to anyone!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Abbi Glines books so much she never seizes to amaze me with her bad boy in love turns good books. This book in particular includes a good girl vs bad boy theme and a city boy vs. country girl theme where there are multiple obstacles in their way but they achieve the unachieveable. This book is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa fitzgerald
I've thoroughly enjoyed the Sea Breeze series by Abbi Glines. While my favorite was Because of Low, it's been interesting to see another side of Cage, the big player in BoL. I really didn't like him at all in that book, but he redeemed himself in While It Lasts.

Sad, funny, and hot, all in one book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim genzano
Country hick Eva wants that wild eyed man whore! And who could blame her. Cage is like oh emmmm geeeee yall sex on a stick u wanna lick him up and he is so sweet with nipplering lickin Eva wooooaaahhhhh i am just googly eyed right now. Bad boys gone good! 5stars nooooo doubt
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bwebster5cox net
Spoil Free review

Rating: 4 stars - Loved it
Genre: New Adult - Contemporary Romance
Source: Bought
Heat - Steamy - Cold Shower needed.

I fell hard for Cage in Because Of Low (Sea Breeze #2) with his cocky, arrogant attitude and then his over protective, possessiveness and jealously with Low. But I did not get that in Whiles It Lasts. In the beginning it started to bother me but as the story progressed I was once again falling hard for him.

I think his attitude in Because Of Low worked because Low was feisty and was able to give it right back at him. Eva is sweet but distraught has she had a tragic loss in her life. For plot wise his attitude from before would of not worked and would of felt off. Cage can have any woman he wants. He is not used to anyone telling him no. To his surprise Eva is not like anyone he has ever met. I loved that their relationship starts out as friends and he is the one to bring light to her darkness. It was great how little by little she starts to come to life again. Even though I missed his attitude from the previous novel I still enjoyed all his swoon moments and of course I felt this novel was more steamier in the bedroom department.

I was a little bummed there was no big twist or secret. That is one of the things I look forward to when reading an Abbi Glines novel. She is able to shock the heck of me with her crazy surprises. All said and done I ended up loving Cage and Eva story.

Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
enjoyed this series of books. Abbi Glines pulls it all together nicely and does a good job with character development. I would be really really helpful on the cover though to say "first in the series", second in the series etc so you read them in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
His character is hott! He caught my eye in because of low, I was hoping low could change him, but I'm glad he met Eva in his own book while it lasts! Such a good story line! They gave each other a new start to love and life and it doesn't get better than that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neha pal
Good book from Abbi Glines, there is a second book that I still didn't buy because of the sky high price it has. I don't feel that I need to read the second book, unless it's on a sale. I love the Fallen Too Far books by Abbi Glines.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have bought every single book on the store Abbi has written. I was soooooooo glad Cage got his own book. He is like ultimate playboy best friend. I am soooooooooo glad he finally found someone. After Willow finding someone I was worried how he would take not having her around all the time. Sometimes good things happen out of a crappy situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yitz dubovick
I found the characters in this book endearing and my interest was maintained throughout. I empathized with the main female character and found I was constantly interested to find out what would happen next. The characters thoughts and feelings were well portrayed so that the reader really cared what happened to them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan loewen
Abbi Glines is such a wonderful auther and i just love all teh books of hers that i have read!!! She does a great job at doing it from the girl and guys point of view and i just love that...i did not want this story to end and I WANT MORE!!! I wish this story continued. i want to know more of what happends to Cage and Eva!!!! i just love them!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very well written book on the lines of Alpha male, man-whore who falls for the gorgeous unassuming good girl and straightens himself out. While the outcome was really no surprise, it was a nice story to just sit back and enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I did like this book. A believable story and great story telling. Had some good romantic/sex scenarios that were hot. I would recommend this read to everyone. I love Abbi Glines writing style and stories!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby cooley
Love all of the Sea Breeze series books and especially all of the characters! Ready for the next one, which I think will be about another good guy we read about in While It Lasts! Great Job Abbi! Keep up the great, sexy, steamy work!
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