A Doctor's Voyage into the Afterlife and the Wisdom He Brought Back

ByRajiv Parti M.D.

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noha nawar
I am normally a lurker and seldom write reviews, but I did feel compelled to say something about this book. Once I started reading, I could not put the book down. So fascinating. I have never read a book about an NDE before but it just so happened I went to a meditation retreat and I remember this guy talking about the release of his book. Then my friend heard his story on some radio or podcast and she said he mentioned the same retreat I went on. I felt like it was a sign I had to read this book. Anyway, what I found so interesting is that you had both the spirit and the science since he is a doctor. I also loved hearing his story of transformation from being a materialistic zombie to an awake, aware individual who woke up his compassion. I'm grateful the author has shared his story with the world. His story is moving.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
angel walk
All NDE experiences are remarkable and precious and this is a great story of one man's self discover, but I was expecting a little something more in the path to self healing...maybe it is just because I have heard it all before. Not that is isn't special and it's great that he is helping others for sure...it just didn't strike a huge cord with me. It was a nice read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Certainly an interesting book. I wonder how Dr Parti could have managed to do all the weird things he did if his wife didn't work?????Somebody has to earn money. We might all like to get off the treadmill of life instead of working our butts off.

I gave it a 4 because he put into words what other people have said about near death experiences. Others who were close to death did not experience anything beyond the normal. M Rawden
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brett rowlett
On the one hand this is a very interesting account of NDE given the author is a health care provider. On the other hand, this book has a lot of redundancy which makes the second half of the book dry and boring.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I've read just about all NDE books available, but this one is a little far out for me.
I can't challenge the author's experience. In fact, I believe most of it, but he also
seems to incorporate some New Age ideas, i.e., previous life experiences, etc.
I don't believe in reincarnation of any kind, so I had difficulty with those parts and
wouldn't necessarily recommend the book because of it. I do, however, admire
the author for giving up a very successful medical practice to fulfill a new assignment
from his NDE experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Growing up I was your curious child. Brought up in a religion where being told what Heaven is like and what will happen if we do not do the right things in order to get there. I have gone to funerals knowing that the person laying in the casket did not lead a "good christian life" and wondered if he went to heaven. When my father was dying in 1988 I flew in to make my last visit as his time was very limited here on earth. He wasn't the nicest father or husband and my mother handed me a prayer book to read over him to help him, get to heaven. I remember closing the bedroom door and instead of reading the prayer book I set it down and began to examine this human person in front of me that I did not have much compassion for. I looked at his body and saw death crawling from his feet up his body and towards his head and when I got to his face he had this sense of peace, suddenly, he opened his eyes looked up towards the left ceiling and smiled at whoever was in the room that he could see but my human eyes could not. He passed shortly after that and that is when my journey began. I started to do research on near-death-experiences, went to seminars, spoke to people of all religion and some who didn't believe in a God and discovered how powerful we are as spiritual beings. Parti's book as other books I have read is a reminder of who we are as spiritual beings and who we are as humans once we travel through the "veil of forgetfulness". What is even better is he is a doctor where too many times still the medical community wants to hush those who have experienced a near death. Yes, I would recommend this book, pass it on to others and reread it again. It keeps me alive in spirit and I no longer have carry the anger towards my father.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was fascinating in the beginning-- reading about the author's NDE and also his frank discussion of his cynicism, apathy toward his patients, anger and materialism.His NDE seemed plausible (although the lengthy descriptions of what the angels said to him seem like more than he could have accurately remembered). But afterward, Parti seems to have been looking to the wrong spiritual guides. He quotes Jung, who delved into the spiritual realm in a fascinating way, but then Jung's ego seems to have taken over-- he had an affair with a patient, and began to think of himself as a god. Parti also quotes Foucault-- a nihilistic philosopher who was fascinated with uniting sex and death, and who sought out AIDS through a sexual encounter.

Parti concludes that losing one's ego and becoming nonjudgmental and loving are the are purpose of life. But what is love, disconnected from LAW? It degenerates into New Age, Oprah-Style sentimentality in which the person's goal in life is to "find himself" -- but are all "selves" really valid and genuine? They can't be.

Parti says he had an encounter with Jesus, farther on in his personal journey. But Jesus is not the god of just "love" -- he operated under Judaic law, and Jesus said clearly, in the Bible, that he did not come to change the law. If Parti now believes in Jesus, why does he not believe all of what Jesus taught?

So something is missing in Parti's journey after his NDE,. Where he gives selflessly (as in accompanying his dying doctor friend Naresh to the end of his life), it would seem right that Parti would be able to have a "shared death experience" because he shared his friend's suffering in a noble and loving way. But learning to "just become nonjudgmental" is a trap. If "everything goes," then nothing is true and right, and the world is meaningless.

So I found the book intriguing but I wouldn't take the author's lessons learned without serious consideration of whether or not he is truly on the right path.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oakley raine
This book provides such tremendous hope to those who have lost someone they love or are questioning their own mortality. Dr. Parti's book was extremely easy to read and very difficult to put down. This book offered me an opportunity to ask different questions about myself, my own life, and has enhanced my conviction that there is something beyond the physical comforts life that we have been earnest seeking. As I read Dr. Parti's, I gained a greater awareness of the fact that consciousness exist outside of the body and that we are eternal Souls (or expression of consciousness) who have lived many lifetimes with one goal in mind, and that goal is to return to the awareness that everything is created from one substance, which is pure unconditional love.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
After reading these nde books for so many years; there was nothing new with this one. The message that he wants to tells is the message Christ taught thousands of years ago... to love others. He had two previous life reviews but no real mention about reincarnation, which left me perplexed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rajiv Parti has a compelling story to tell after his Near Death Experience (NDE). I found his book his book, Dying to Wake Up, well-written even if I had a difficult time accepting all the experiences he related.

If you believe his story, Parti’s experience was profound. Profound enough Parti realized he need to change his lifestyle from one of extreme wealth to a more spiritual one. His book details the steps he took to change his life.

Finally, his book will detail the NDE experience, how affects the person involved, and their families.


Review written after downloading a galley from Edelweiss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a beautiful portrayal of the journey to the afterlife and back. Dr. Parti's descriptive accounts leave a tangible feeling and peace long after the book is completed. This book is a must read for anyone that is curious about spirit, the afterlife, and following their purpose in life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess schwarz
A very sincere and personal telling of Dr Raj Parti's experience of his NED, journey to heaven, meeting of the Being of Light, the Archangels and his father and the complete transformation of his life. I read the whole book in one sitting and was deeply moved by the testimony. Dr Parti's personal transformation to become the person and the healer of the soul he is today alone is sufficient to vindicate the truism and integrity of his experience and testimony.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ash hunter
The author had major personal problems that he felt terribly guilty about and was hoping to change those issues minutes before going under for an emergency surgery. That surgery had 'difficulties' and during it, the author met up with 'spirit guides' who taught him how to solve and turn all those problems around. Seemed to me that it was possible that under anesthesia, he dreamed about those issues that he had on his mind directly before the surgery and came up with his own solutions which were already in his unconscious. Or, perhaps, he did have an experience with entities from the hereafter and they did indeed help him to straighten out his life exactly with what he felt guilty about.
The author seemed caring, empathetic and a 'good' human being so I will not talk negatively any more about the book or him. The book wasn't for me but one can learn from anyone or anything so it may be for someone else--I'll just say not for me, but perhaps for others.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
serena ingalls
Was very gripping at first, but then seemed questionable. The doctor admits his faults; ego, selfishness and addiction..but his ego still comes through to the reader after he has his NDE.
The description of the spirit realm was long and very detailed, more so than anything else I have ever read, causing me to be more than a little suspicious. "Conversations" with his father and grandfather became unbelievable. And I had to stop reading unfortunately after the Angels picked him up and began ascending with him. Their "telepathic, humor-filled chatter" sounded like something the author came up with and not from Spiritual Realm. And that they specifically mentioned "police become social workers and doctors become caregivers".. I tend to believe that these simplistic proclamations are products of the author's brain/ideals and also not "revelations" from the Spiritual plane. The author may have had an NDE but I think he has imagined it and/or embellished it a lot more than what actually happened to him.
I'm glad I rented this book free from the library and did not have to pay for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a great introduction to the experiences of NDE (Near Death Experiences) and OBE (Out of Body Experiences). For the beginner this is a gentle way to understand these experiences. So many people are afraid of death due to a fear of the afterlife, or that there may be no afterlife. This books helps calm those fears. The afterlife exists, and once you have been there, you are not the same when you wake up. You become very calm, peaceful, and more accepting of what is happening in our reality. Even if you are familiar with NDEs or OBEs, and have read many books on either subject, this is a good read. It is nice to have an explanation from a physician who understands the body and has been through this experience. I suggest that if you undergo surgery, you tell a friend that you will tickle them while you are under anesthesia. Fluff their hair, give them a kiss on the cheek, pat their shoulder, or make their nose itch. (The nose itch is usually the easiest.) Write down what you are going to do, and seal it in an envelope. You will both be amazed that it really happened. Have them write down the time. They may be half way around the world and they will still feel it, even if they are unbelievers. Dr. Rajiv Parti has come back from his experience to help us develop and love our souls. You do not have to have an NDE to recognize your soul. He gives some exercises in the book to help you achieve this. Enjoy the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sonny liew
An inspirational NDE. I'm surprised I haven't heard of this man before. But I question if he's doing what the "angels" told him about opening a energy based healing center, and what is the income bracket of his clients. I'm a bit skeptical at this point because of that. Does he believe it for himself or has he observed the proof of it?

He talks about the messages he received from the light and angels during his NDE.
He dives into his personal life only in so much that you can see the transformation in him. He had a speedy healing after his NDEs (like Anita Moorjani). Where is his proof?
He continues to receive guidance through his meditations. Offers a few simple meditations in his book.
His method of using a "funeral" to let go of his past is also similar to the method used in the Grief Recovery Handbook.
He also uses the Light flashes from meditation to affect healing. Does it work? Ask his deceased friend.
His guided meditation journey for forgiveness - something I saw done by Brandon Bays many years ago. She healed her cancer doing this method. But is it 100%? Doubtful, although there is a mind/body connection to health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An incredible addition to the healing literature , both in consciousness and in medical attitude.
A must read in the growth of the soul and health principles so critical ti mind body medicine
and the evolution of consciousness.

When you read this book do remember that some variation of the after death experience will occur when you yourself pass over the
the higher realms of conscious soul existence, so getting inspired now to make your own personal journey at death and conscious and healthy experience might be more important than you ever imagined. You and your extended community witl find Dying to Wake up an important turning point in your life and wellbeing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dominiq haliman
I love stories like this one. It adds a dimension to my life that I know exists on some level but not having had the experience myself, it is good to have confirmation from a reliable source. Dr. Parti showed authenticity. When reading his life story, where he came from, how he grew up and how he was as a doctor you realize that this new awareness was extraordinary for him. The awareness he gained was fairly opposite of how he was living. This is an easy book to read and can be enjoyed by the curious and the already accepting.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rebecca douglass
There is no substantiation for the author's so-called experiences Looks like they are really his hallucinations. Dr. Parti writes that he found himself in hell. His father and guide took him by the hand and led him out of hell he was in! I couldn't read the entire book, so boring and full of crap.
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