What Parallel Realities Can Teach Us about Relationships

ByMira Kelley

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca kaye
Beyond Past Lives, by Mira Kelley, is an exciting exploration of self-awareness through the concept of parallel lives. Not only a fabulous spiritual growth read, this book rocked my perception with two specific concepts.link to the book on the store

You are likely familiar with the thoughts that we create our own reality, and that everything really occurs in the present moment. With that in mind, the idea is that each choice we make (both large and small), creates the life that we are in--and that the choices not made also create our ongoing parallel lives. And that all of these lives continue to unfold further and further with each subsequent choice.

Think of a ginormous and beautiful tree, as it expands from a single trunk into a myriad of tertiary branches--and that each of those branches is constantly growing new leaves.

Now picture yourself as one of those leaves, and trace back through all the branches to the trunk coming out of the ground. Notice all the other branchings-out along the way, the other choices you could have made but seemingly didn't. The thing is, you are each of those leaves--not just the one you are aware of right now.

Each leaf of the tree is you, each branch-path is a parallel life, and they all exist at the same time. The author declares that all lives are simultaneous, all are present moment. "Thus, each life is both still unfolding and has already been completed in the present moment." (Kelley, Loc 535 of 3587, Kindle version.)

Yep, that's the feel of a mind-blowing concept.

The really cool thing about this is the benevolent and loving exploration of self that comes with it. It's all about learning and growing. As the author supports, "Allow yourself to know your magnificence." (Kelley, Loc 1971 of 3587, Kindle version)

The other new idea for me when reading this book is a new way of looking at memory and the past. The author explores these not as fixed events (in any parallel life), but rather as a present thought about a possible past. She asks us to consider that "the past does not create the present. The present creates the past and the future." (Kelley, Loc 2203, Kindle version) Sooo, my memories are not so much changing and fading, but rather my past is presently being created! And the more I grow and become in the present, that actually affects my past--which is then reflected in what I call my memories.
There's that feel again, another mind-blower. Let me catch my breath.

Mira Kelley's book is a must-have for anyone's spiritual library. Its groundbreaking approach has something for everyone, whether this is your first foray into such topics or if you are accomplished in the field. Her writing style is flowing, it simply feels like you are having a conversation.

Hay House graciously gave me this book in return for my thoughts about it. I'm going to visit my parallel life where I didn't choose this book, and encourage myself to go ahead and read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received Mira Kelley’s Beyond Past Lives free from Hay House Publishing for review, and was completely enmeshed from the first page.

The foreword by Dr. Wayne Dyer is a nice preface to what turns out to be a solid exploration into the mystery of past life regression therapy and its tremendous benefits. Though the book is not crammed with case studies from the author’s files, the few she does present gives the reader compelling evidence from which to draw their own conclusions as to the healing and transformative nature of this modality.

Mira Kelley’s passion and faith in what she does is imbued on every page. I was touched by her willingness to hold nothing back when it came to sharing her concerns, her fears, and her own healing journey—including those of others she’s touched—with grace, compassion, and a delightful sense of wonderment.

The exercises at the end of each chapter are easy to follow and once undertaken, provide additional support throughout the reading of the book. Special not-to-be-missed bonuses (aside from the F.A.Q. and the past life regression transcript in the appendix section) are the excerpts taken from the regressions of both Dr. Dyer and his daughter, Serena.

Beyond Past Lives is a great addition to the collection of those who follow the work of Dolores Cannon and Dr. Brian Weiss, as it also takes the reader beyond past lives, challenging us to at least consider the possibility of several lives all happening at once.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen marks
Book Review:

Beyond Past Lives

By Mira Kelley

It has been said that more people on the earth believe in past lives than those who don’t. It wouldn’t matter which side of the fence you fall, this book has wonderful recommendations for improving behavior and relationships to benefit any reader. You can be a skeptic of past live and still find relatable insights to improve your life.

However, for those that do believe, this book has a unique theory that all lives are happening simultaneously. As time in the scope usually defined by humans, doesn’t exist beyond this physical plane. Mira Kelley explains why this concept is so important in healing lives and relationship today. She cites examples of quantum physics that correlate and define this theory.

From numerous examples of case studies of her clients, she weaves stories of healing and life transformations. She explains to the reader how relating these things to the reader’s past (concurrent) lives can give “aha” moments to move the soul along it journey of discovery. While it focuses on the therapy aspect of hypnosis to clear thinking and heal your life, it includes so much more.

Beyond Past Lives is more than a treatise of hypnotherapy and delving into past life regression; Mira Kelley explains how each chapter is a lesson: “Exploring your past allows you to heal your present.” She teaches in chapter two that “All Lives are simultaneous.” Then she details in chapter three, “Every choice creates a new reality” and “You can converse with your higher self” in chapter four.

Her lessons and examples include, “Everything reflects you,” “Forgive yourself and Others”, “You can play with time”, “You can heal your body”, “You have the right to love yourself”, and “Trust yourself and follow your excitement.”

Mira Kelley practices regression herself to heal emotional and physical ailments she has encountered. When she was working as an attorney after law-school she began to have debilitating pain. When the medical professionals couldn’t help her, she consulted a regression practitioner. She was so amazed by the spontaneous healing that she began studying regression therapy with prominent practitioners. Her faith in the process and the spiritual lessons she has witnessed and learned led the way to this book.

She states that this book isn’t to validate whether reincarnation is real, or whether regressions is viable, she wants to share the tremendous benefits of how her client’s life has changed as a result of regression. The lessons are universal and everybody can find healing.

Please visit Mira Kelly’s website for information about her lecture schedule, coaching sessions and meditations available at [...]

FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title by Net Galley for review purposes only. No other compensation was awarded.
New Case Studies of Life Between Lives - Destiny of Souls :: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives through Progression Therapy :: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories :: Through Time Into Healing :: A Doctor's Voyage into the Afterlife and the Wisdom He Brought Back
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ton boelens
In the forward, Wayne Dyer says, "I know you will enjoy this book and the insights Mira presents herein as much as I have." Sorry, Wayne - I didn't.

I, like others, received this book from Hay House for review purposes, and even though I believe in past lives, I did not like this book.

I found the theories to be lacking evidence. They seemed to be just beliefs that Mira had, and she talked about them matter-of-fact way. Yes, there was some science in there, but it seemed as though everything her clients told her enlightened her in a new way, and she automatically believed it.

One of her clients was a flower? There was no real explanation about that. I'm not sure how a soul can become a flower, and I don't claim that I would ever know, but if you are going to include that in your book, at least explain how the client became the flower. Was that one of his reincarnations? I don't get it!

A lot of her explanations were hard to understand. I'm not a newbie reader. I feel like I can understand concepts that are beyond my current knowledge. But I could not understand what the heck she was talking about in regards to a lot of her explanations and theories. Sadly, I had no desire to reread them and try to understand.

In fact, it took me almost a month of forcing myself to read this book just to get through it.

There were a couple interesting theories, but that's all they seemed to be. There was one part where Mira decided to play with time after a long flight. She was standing in line where it would be an hour until she got a cab, so she started to read to make time go faster. She had read one page (I believe) and SURPRISE time had sped up. She was now the next person in line. I don't think its impossible, but because I didn't like the rest of the book, this part seemed like it was lacking credibility.

I've read Journey Of The Souls and that had clients who consistently said similar things. It was believable because of that. In Beyond Past Lives, the clients were all over the place. I found some inconsistencies in the book because of this. One client said that new souls were constantly being made, while another client said that there was not a need for many new souls. Which one is it? And why does Mira believe absolutely everything even if it contradicts what someone else said?

I also didn't buy into the conversations with the higher self. They lacked insight that I would assume the higher self has. For instance, in one section of the book the client asked their higher self a question, and the higher self said something along of the lines of, "because we want to." That sounds like something my grumpy neighbor would say, not an enlightened being that is trying to give answers.

In short, I found the book a hard read. I didn't buy into a lot of what she said because of inconsistencies and the fact that there was not a lot of proof behind what she was saying. It seemed like a book where she talks about her beliefs and not much else. That's fine if you want to know her beliefs, but I thought this book would provide some insights into my life that would benefit it in some way.

While there were a few interesting thoughts, it didn't do much for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book Review for Beyond Past Lives by Mira Kelley

The moment I cracked open and started reading Beyond Past Lives, I was mezmorized by the thought of parallel lives. The thought of living parallel lives perked my interest leaving me wanting to know more that I couldn’t put the book down. I deeply loved how Mari not only shared her own personal experiences in the book but also a few of her client’s case studies. I do wish she included more case studies in her findings. Every chapter had me wanting to know more about regression into past lives and how it could help with current relations and heath.

Mira goes into great deal explaining how our Oversoul splits and lives moments of past, present and future together through parallel lives. She explains how through past life regression we can heal our current lives emotionally and physically. Every chapter leaving me wanting to know more and more about it. At the end of each chapter Mira gives us detailed exercises to help us heal our counterparts to heal our emotional and physical self along with sharing to healing others.

What a leap of faith she took in her personal life to share her knowledge on past life regression. It brought about a new thought process to reincarnation and past life regression. Mira shows us how to love and forgive ourselves so we can manifest our true life plans. Mira reminds us that our Higher Self is always with us and all we need to do is simply quiet our mind and ask. Healing does come from within but first we must forgive. I hope you find her work on pass life regression as fascinating as I did.

I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bode wilson
I received a complementary copy of this book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

The concept that I may have lived past lives never really interested me. Though in recent years I’ve delved into metaphysical spirituality through reading and by attending a local “new thought” church, the idea that I had lives before this one always seemed a little too “woo woo” for me. Then I heard Brian Weiss, considered the foremost authority on past lives, speak at a Hay House I Can Do It conference this spring. Weiss himself was initially a past lives skeptic! His reasoned approach, full of real life examples, got me curious about the topic. When presented with the opportunity to read and review Mira Kelley’s “Beyond Past Lives: What Parallel Realities Can Teach Us About Relationships, Healing, and Transformation” I said, “why not?” I was soon to discover Kelley’s book is a fascinating study for anyone interested in past lives, even for a doubter like me.

“The most basic lesson is that it is possible to heal your present by working with your past,” Kelley writes in the book’s introduction. “I was a Roman slave!” “I was a British soldier in the American Revolution!” “I was a Russian Spy!” While stories of past lives like these may lead to interesting cocktail party conversations, that’s not the real purpose of exploring this phenomena. One theme stressed repeatedly in the book is that examining past lives can lead to healing and living a better life TODAY. “Reliving other incarnations helps us understand who we are and gives us guidance on our most pressing emotional and physical challenges,” Kelley says. I liked the present moment emphasis of Beyond Past Lives. Who doesn’t want to lead a richer, more fulfilling life? Revisiting past lives can help us do that.

Another key point of Beyond Past Lives is related to our concept of time. We humans think of our lives linearly, with a past, present, and future. Kelley says that’s an illusion, and that our multiple lives are really happening simultaneously. This is a difficult concept to grasp for a logical thinking ex-engineer like myself, yet the author explains it well and gives good examples, quoting no less of an authority than Albert Einstein to back up her assertions. “The understanding that time is simultaneous can assist all of us in our spiritual progression and expand our awareness of how we create our own realities,” she writes.

“Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing,” Wayne Dyer writes in the book’s introduction, relating how he benefited from Kelley’s work. Beyond Past Lives certainly piqued my interest in the topic that had previously seemed strange to me, and encouraged me to learn more. I recommend the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
terry johnson
If you are interested in learning about past life regression, then Beyond Past Lives by Mira Kelley will give you a good basic foundation without being overwhelmed with too much information. The author has included many case studies of past life regressions she has performed on clients. There are exercises that you can do at the end of each chapter such as the Dialogue with Your Higher Self in Chapter 4 and Meditation for Oneness in Chapter 5. I like the way the book is structured, it is easy to read and the information is clearly presented. I was expecting that a book of this type might be more lengthly and difficult to actually learn and then put into practice. I was pleasantly surprised.
I especially loved the Q&A section of the book which addressed alot of questions about what actually happens during a past life regression. It dispels some of the myths and fears people might have if they are considering having their own past life regression. There is also a Past Life Regression Transcript included in the book. With this transcript, you can use it to do your own past life regression. You can record yourself reading it, then play it back or have someone read it to you. You can also use this same transcript to do the Heal Through Regression in Chapter 8 which addresses physical ailments you are looking to release.
This is a truly fascinating book, and I learned quite a bit from it. It will help you to heal your body, mind and spirit.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mookarpa deeraksa
I borrowed this book from the library, the first couple of chapters were really boring.. if you're looking for a good read like the works of Brian Weiss or Michael Newton, well this book pales in comparison, Kelley's format of writing seems to be all over, and her book seems to be more of the same, her amateur writing format is so obvious that the stories become dull and uninteresting it almost seems poorly written, the stories she tells you have to read her mumbo jumbo explanations before you get to the actual point, I could not finish reading this book, so I returned it back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evan witte
Mira Kelley has written an intelligent, insightful and engaging book. It is a guided spiritual journey that gently explores the possibilities of time and space as it relates to both our tangible present and the less tangible past and future. And it does so in a very grounded and authentic way. She offers a lot to consider - from the lessons in her stories to demystifying the concept of parallel lives.

I enjoyed reading this book immensely and embraced the new perspectives it offered - often feeling that these were not 'new' - just reminders of what perhaps we know all along - and this serves as an invitation to re-read the book.

Thank you Mira, and Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie davis
I believe one of the worst things humans believe is that to be successful in life you have to work really hard and work a lot of days and long hours. As we can see in today's world, that's not the case. People waste their lives away in meaningless jobs and financially support their unhappy lives with a belief that if they work hard they will eventually "make it", and be rich. Well, as you can see in America today, although the country is the most productive and hard working it has ever been, we have never had so many hard working broke citizens. People's income are at an all time low. Income inequality is close to where it was during the great depression, corporations are now people, and people are now things. So how do we rise above this broken, soulless system and reclaim our lives? How do we get reacquainted with the joy and happiness we experienced in years past? How do we find our meaning in life? How do we feel reconnected to our souls? Mira Kelley brilliantly explains it in her book through the stories of her client's regressions and her own personal life story which is so fascinating to read about. The answer is very simple. By following our joy and happiness and what excites us at any moment in our life, we open the opportunity to live an incredibly joyful and abundant life. Mira knows this forgotten secret, and I completely agree with her as I've experienced this miraculous change in my own life after having a powerful regression with her a few years back. When we are true to ourselves and our excitement and we pursue it, abundance, opportunity and happiness will follow. It happened in her life, happened in my life and continues to happen so long as one is continually in touch with what brings fun and excitement at any given moment in our life. Change is the only constant thing in life, and what brings us joy today may change tomorrow or next year. Be open to that change of heart and change of excitement because that is our spirit directing us to our purposes and missions in life. Follow fun, joy and excitement for a fulfilling life, not money, power and fame. Too many people make excuses as to why they can't do something, why they can't follow their dreams, happiness and joys. Many times it comes down to the fear of having no money or losing ones social status. If we don't take the time to know ourselves and understand ourselves and what excites us, we will get trapped in a very boring, monotonous and unhappy life living paycheck to paycheck in underpaying or even well-paying jobs that bring absolutely no joy, purpose or fulfillment to our lives. I know you will love this book. I took my time reading it and allowed for it to sink in. I think this book is best if read over the course of a couple weeks. As tempting as it may be to breeze through it, the messages and stories are best absorbed in a leisurely manner. Thank you Mira for a wonderful treasure!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
alexander galant
I have read many books on past life regressions, as well as progression. I could not finish this book; it did not provide the source of information and felt like it was Ms Kelley's interpretation of what she believed the experience was with the client. She spoke to quantum realities but did not provide informational resources... I felt it jumped all over the place; couldn't get a handle on it. I read her previous book and was intrigued to try this one; I should have read the preview.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a remarkable book. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to realize the mysteries of life. If you are thinking that it would be similar to Dr. Brian Weiss’ books on past life regression, you will be pleasantly surprised that this is very distinct and will take you on a journey to much broader and higher levels of awareness. I have read books by many popular spiritual teachers like Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Esther Hicks, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coelho & Dr. Wayne Dyer to name a few and learned something enriching and different from each of their books. But I wasn’t sure where and how all of their teachings merge until I read “Beyond Past Lives” by Mira Kelley. This is truly beyond past lives and beautifully written straight from the soul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carole silvoy
Mira's book is mind-blowing...through text and clearly understood exercises she gives us tools for physical and emotional healings we can do for ourselves and share with others. Each exercise is a special meditation for the soul to begin, sustain and grow into authentic change to reflect our heart's desires.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
To reiterate what I started in the prior post about this author and her book, I found it extremely difficult to dredge through Beyond Past Lives. Especially when dealing with the given subject matter of New Age/New Thought. I found it especially insulting, not only to my sensibilities but to the trust a reader puts in a writer when they expose themselves to what it is that the writer has prepared for them between the covers. I am not familiar with Kelly's prior work but this one not only last me but through me for a loop only a dozen pages in, I hung in there until chapter 3. Her claims and findings were very hard to keep track of, and sometimes seemed implausible. In one instance she tells a story about leaving her business card between the pages of a book in the New Age section of a Barnes and Noble, and claims she acquired a client that way. She proceed to tell us how she took this man into a Past Life Regression session where he recounts a past life that took place in the 1960's. Apparently he offed himself, but no wait, in trance he's not done because he continues to recount details in a life that overlapped the one he left as a soul in the 1960s. This is where Kelly dropped the bomb that s*** was about to get crazy. More like stupid. She ushers in some concept of a 'oversoul' compares it to hands, and the concurrent lives as fingers on the globe contributing to the evolution of this 'oversoul.' And you can tell she is used to a gullible audience because she suggests that you may have infact interacted with this over soul.

In short i was left unengaged, trying to figure out where she was going with this and what she was getting at, and more importantly what was the takeaway. I feel that as a reader if a writer can't draw pictures in my mind, and effect my heart with their prose, and the poetry in the way that they speak to me as the reader then I have nothing else to offer certainly not my time ans attention. The choice to take back the energy I'd invested in the form of intention when I entered this covenant with Ms. Kelly was not an easy one, but once I did further research and thought about how important my time was, it got easier.

I checked on the store to see what the streets was saying about this woman, like me and 3 other people actually believe this publication is trash. One girl who calls herself Bellaisa got a bit further than me says that at one point Kelly has a client who was reincarnated as a FLOWER? Yes America a flower. All I could say to my self was WTF are you serious? A flower, so with that I made the final decision to just DNF this thing. I will also be deleting it from my the store carousel. This was a really bad one guys run away
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