How I Moved Forward from Life's Darkest Hour - Choosing Hope

ByKaitlin Roig-DeBellis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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Bianca rated a book 4 of 5 stars

about 2 hours

This book was a good read. I enjoyed Kaitlins attitude& philosophies, as well as her account of what happened at Sandy Hook school (well obviously I didn't "enjoy" that but the first hand account was more informative than removed news commentators) . The only downer was how it affected her later on, I did not see that coming nor the attitude of the district towards victims. Boo! But if readers focus on learning from her & her philosophies that's the best take away from it
also to the nutjob conspiracy theorists on here...YOU are exactly the ppl who shouldn't have guns, no conspiracy there! Good gawsh. You are why we can't have nice things. Who flames a boom review about being positive ???
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I noticed that the reviews for this book averaged around 3.5 stars, and I wondered, gee I thought it was well written and pretty poignant, about an important event that the writer along with the first grader kids in her care managed to survive, what gives? And then I saw that a bunch of people are giving it one star reviews because they argue that the Sandy Hook massacre 'never happened'. Wow. That's amazing, that there are people so prone to conspiracy thinking that they could actually believe that nobody died at Sandy Hook.
I am not giving it five stars, but Ms. Roig-DeBellis does a pretty good job of explaining what it is like to survive something this horrendous, and how you have to find a way to move on with your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
manoj meda
While I could expound on how wonderful this book is I hope you will take the time to read it and make a decision based on the content of the book. There seems to be many reviews that have no business being posted in the first place. They are threatening and have been written by people that appear to have serious mental issues and have not purchased the book. the store you really dropped the ball! You should some kind of policy in place to protect the authors from this form of abuse and threats. I'm really disappointed to see this continue unchecked:(.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
saint even
An inspiring book about choosing hope and love. Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis shares of herself and that horrible day at Sandy Hook. She shares of her days after and overcoming such a horrible tragedy. Excellent book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aniket kakade
This book in no way sensationalizes or dwells on that horrible day. Instead it is about living through the darkest days of our life and finding a way to move forward and grow. It is inspirational and definitely written from the heart. It is a quick read because of this. I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen quigley
I have always been interested in what qualities and abilities make a really good teacher. When I first heard Kaitlin Roig’s compelling story about how she reacted to the sound of gunshots by instantly hiding her first graders in a tiny bathroom while managing to keep them quiet -- all the while soothing their terror with words of love and comfort, I was in awe. Now here is a truly, extraordinary teacher! It’s is hard to imagine having that presence of mind and complete command over a class of six-year-olds in a life and death situation. After reading Choosing Hope, I have come to realize that Ms. Roig Debellis was a teacher first during that tragic day of terror. In this book she continues to shine in the role of educator as she shares life lessons and her commitment to promoting a culture of kindness in classrooms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
al r
I read this book fully prepared to be left sobbing at its end because of the tragedy this school, community and author were dealt. Instead, I closed the last page feeling so inspired and hopeful. This book is an amazing testament to the power of positive energy and ferocious love for the vulnerable overcoming the darkest hour anyone could face. It's a must read for not only teachers...but parents, guardians or anyone who has ever had to deal with loss. I couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara graff
read Kaitlin's book and was deeply touched by her honesty and courage What an amazing woman she is. I read these other reviews and can't comprehend how incredibly stupid part of our society is. Sheep is the only thing that comes to mind. Instead of trying to victimize someone that has made it their mission to overcome unspeakable pain why don't you take a good look at how sad your life is. Go get an education and maybe a job. As a survivor of 9/11 I can only pray that none of these trolls will ever live with the horror of seeing innocent people murdered in front of your eyes. Go educate yourself and try to improve your life as I feel sorry for you
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This outstanding book details personal passion and persistence in the face of evil and passion and perspective by choosing hope to teach the power of choice that enables all of us to move forward. Kaitlin Roig- DeBellis' dedication to her teaching profession is a wonderful example for all os us!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautifully written and inspiring. I live in Sandy Hook, and 12.14.12. will forever be one of the worst days of my life. To the conspiracy theorists who give this book 1 star, you do not know what it is like to have your sense of security taken away from you, which is what this tragedy did to me. If you did know, you wouldn't be writing hurtful comments to draw attention to yourselves. This book gave me hope, and others too, which is what it was intended to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful and inspiring book. (All of the reviews that give it one star are conspiracy theorists that don't believe Sandy Hook happened and have targeted this book as a way to draw attention to themselves. Completely absurd and ridiculous.) The book is wonderful and teaches you how to find a way to move on from terrible events, a real treasure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul deblois
I wish the store had some sort of policy regarding obvious trolls who are not actually reviewing the book and are only using the review section to spew insanity (see the one star reviews). As a teacher I really empathize with Kaitlin's struggle with the administration. A wise and thoughtful administrator would allow a simple fireman ladder. As a travelling teacher, I always scan the classrooms where I'm assigned, to locate any possible escape hatches, and often classrooms have only one door! Yet all of the current trainings about an active shooter recommend getting out if possible. I have nothing but admiration for this young woman. Not only was she brilliant in the way she saved the kids, but she walked through hellish PTSD to create a beautiful course of action for healing through giving to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frank mancina
A week ago, I had the privilege of meeting Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis. I was impressed with her story and what she did at Sandy Hook. I am also impressed with how she has moved forward since the tragedy. Her pain is real, her trauma is real and will never completely go away. She is a woman of great courage and has chosen to write this book. It is heartbreaking and inspirational. Yes, I might have written it differently, but it is not my book. I admire her for writing this book and instituting Classes 4 Classes, as I believe in her situation, I'd still be curled up in bed.

As a retired teacher and counselor, I admire her quick thinking and responsiveness in the face of evil. As I read through her book, dozens of times I wondered if I could have done what she did. She is an amazing person. Also, I worked under excellent and poor administrators. Her battle with her superintendent is typical of poor administration. I can see several I had doing the same thing in that circumstance.

There have been some negative reviews of "Choosing Hope." I wish those who are so negative could meet her, could listen to her speak and see the stress and emotion on her face as she recounts the Sandy Hook tragedy. Kaitlin is the real deal and I applaud her book as well as her efforts to make the world a better place.

In a world where violence is celebrated on TV, movies and video games, the reality of evil and deadly violence comes through in this book. It is heart wrenching, but also encouraging in the realization that one can face evil and still make an optimistic difference.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terri kruse
A selfless book, written by a selfless teacher. As I sit here and read some of the reviews, it makes me sad. This is exactly what's wrong in this world. Hating just to hate, criticizing for no reason. Clearly, choosing "hope" is not that easy...
Anyone can take something from this book. I gave it to my friend who's mom has cancer; she chose "hope"; I gave it to my friend who's husband committed suicide and she's left to raise two young children; she chose "hope".
This book is not just about Kaitlin and choosing hope, but how you, the reader, can choose hope in a scary, unforgiving world. I encourage anyone and everyone to read this book; have courage, let down your guard, stop being angry... And maybe you, can find it within yourself, to "choose hope".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
al matthews
Choosing Hope is beautifully written and inspiring. I worked with Mrs. Roig-Debellis six years ago in her classroom. She was a wonderful teacher who created a positive learning environment. Her students thrived in her classroom and I feel blessed that I was able to witness an educator be so invested in her students. I left SHS a few years prior to that horrific day. Reading her account of that day and remembering that actual classroom I worked in with her brought me to tears. Choosing Hope is for anyone who has ever faced a tragedy or a dark time in their life and chooses to move forward in their healing. I applaud her efforts to inspire other teachers to create a caring and compassionate generation of children. In this world, we need more of that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara silva
This book is POWERFUL and EXCELLENT. It took courage to write this and it will make a difference to many people, especially those going through a difficult time. What Kaitlin experienced is something tragic that we will never truly understand, but she has made the decision to look at the positive and turn her life around. She is brave, strong and beautiful both inside and out. Life can throw curveballs and it's nice to know there are people in this world who can truly turn a horrific situation into something bright and positive. She saved lives that day and is now making a true difference. A DEFINITE read....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa blaetz
Clearly these crazy conspiracy theorists rating this book have a vendetta and are mentally challenged and have nothing better to do! This book is real life, turning tragedy into triumph and not letting these crazy people with guns and hidden agendas ruin a beautiful story. America wake up....this country has officially gone nuts and why the store allows these fictional ratings happen is beyond me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilyn hanna
Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis is honest, sincere, and humble in the recounting of her life and recollection of the events of December 14, 2012. As an educator who survived the tragedy of Sandy Hook, she was left with questions she couldn't answer. Most of all, she wondered how she could again contribute to a world that made no sense. As she recalls her own life, she travels back to her childhood to question and explore how she learned compassion and empathy--and thus, discuss her purpose in sharing those values with others. Her story is candid, her voice is genuine, and her heart is open.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn quinn
A remarkable book!! It was like Kaitlin was right there next to me telling me her story. As if I wasn't reading but she and I were just talking. It's so personal and yet her message is for everyone. I feel a change in me to look more on the brighter side of things, to stop considering the bad and the wrong as much and allow for the good and the right to shine through. It made such a huge impact on me even knowing her and her story as well as I do. It's a wonderful book full of truth and love and I'm the better for having read it. People will be moved and changed once they too have the opportunity to read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess williamson
Kaitlin's book is amazingly written and shows her true character. She has given hope to so many people that have suffered in so many different ways, including myself. Her book is written so clearly that it is as if she is having a conversation with you in your living room. This book is a staple for anyone who has suffered and needs to remember that we as humans have a choice to be and do positive things even if what we suffered was terribly tragic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen bubnash askey
I received this book yesterday, and finished it last night - I could not put it down! It is a gripping, heartfelt account of one of the worst tragedies of our lifetime. Kaitlin's story is touching and awe-inspiring given what she survived that day and the months following. Her decision to turn this horrific event into something positive that cultivates altruism and goodwill is moving. A great read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy brandon
This is the most honest, real, raw and genuine book I have ever read. In sharing her own pain and heartache in her memoir-she encourages anyone to get through their own. I know it changed my approach to hard times, and for that I am so grateful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane jackson
Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis's passion for teaching and her students is clear in this memoir. Her remarkable act of bravery is tied to the darkest chapter of her life, but her courage to move forward and not accept defeat is truly inspirational and offers a message of hope to anyone struggling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kendall holland
Ms. Roig-DeBellis appears to be a student of John Wesley: Do all the good you can, by all the means you can. Thank you for Choosing Hope. I am highly recommending Choosing Hope to all my friends - educators first and foremost!
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