Nevermore (Cal Leandros)
ByRob Thurman
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
megan roberts
Ugh! The worst installment of this series yet. The book is absolutely nothing but Cal's angst-filled thoughts. And I'm almost completely literal with that! There is ZERO action until about two thirds through the book, then it's just Cal And Robin running through the sewers. The only other action appears at the very end of the story and it completely lackluster and ends with a cliffhanger. Apparently the cliffhanger is an attempt to make me wail and gnash my teeth while lamenting the fact that I have to wait to see what happens. Not this time. This book was so bad that it ends the series for me. It was a waste of my time and money and I will. It be buying any more. Good bye, Cal and Niko! It was fun for a while, but it's over now.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jenn kovacs
I have really liked the Leandros Bros. books in the past, but this entry was pretty much unreadable for me. I slogged through the first third of the book and gave up. Utterly turgid, pages and pages of unrelieved and melodramatic first-person introspection. It seemed so much more like a first novel - the kind of self-indulgent droning explication in which young writers get caught up - than the 10th in an otherwise excellent YA series that it didn't to come from the same author. I would recommend that anyone new to the series begin at the beginning and skip this one altogether.
A Yancy Lazarus Novel (Pilot Episode) - Strange Magic :: How to Kill a Rock Star :: A Sniper Novel (Kyle Swanson Sniper Novels) - Time to Kill :: Orson Scott (1992) Mass Market Paperback - Xenocide (The Ender Quintet) by Card :: The Sorrows of Young Werther and Selected Writings (Signet Classics)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jos manuel
Yes, this book ends with questions unanswered. As part of a running, ten book long series, this should not have come as a shock for long-time readers. The cliffhanger, though, is incredibly satisfying in and of itself, and tantalizes while still providing closure. We have reached the end of one path, we look at the gateway to another. That's how cliffhangers are meant to be done. My best comparison would be to Jim Butcher's Changes.
Once again, Thurman's writing is on point. Cal is at his snarkiest when dealing with himself, and through the paradox timeline, we learn so much more about Cal, Niko, and Robin's history. It's fanservice done right, in service of story and character depth. I laughed, I cried, I did both at once, I held my breath, and I devoured this book with all the enthusiasm Thurman's work deserves. This novel isn't kind to the uninitiated, but at ten volumes, no series is. I sit cheerfully at the edge of my seat, anticipating the next volume, and until then, I'm reading Blackout again.
Once again, Thurman's writing is on point. Cal is at his snarkiest when dealing with himself, and through the paradox timeline, we learn so much more about Cal, Niko, and Robin's history. It's fanservice done right, in service of story and character depth. I laughed, I cried, I did both at once, I held my breath, and I devoured this book with all the enthusiasm Thurman's work deserves. This novel isn't kind to the uninitiated, but at ten volumes, no series is. I sit cheerfully at the edge of my seat, anticipating the next volume, and until then, I'm reading Blackout again.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
neha dulera
[this review was originally posted on goodreads in december 2016] ok so i first read this last year when it came out, i absolutely hated it then and i still hate it now that i've reread it to prepare for the last book coming out tomorrow [edit: or not since it's apparently never coming out now]. i mean i hate to go on before she's actually published the conclusion, but i can't see any way in which this believably wraps itself up. Cal has already created so many differences in the past that there is no way they'll ever even reach the future he came back from. but anyway, if i go on about the time travel discrepancies i would be here all day.
really the only good parts of this book were the flashbacks - the party with cal and loki [hilarious] and also cal's death as will scarlet [heartbreaking]. and also the fact that robin gave cal a ton of hickies and then cal told him he would sleep with him 'if he wasn't straight'. like cal, honey, you are not as straight as you think you are.
these used to be my favorite books, i've read the first eight books probably like 10 times each, but i could barely even read this one a second time. i'm glad the next one is supposed to be the last one if this is the way they're going. i would probably read a past lives book if she wanted to do something like that, but she's clearly run out of stuff to write about in the present day timeline.
really the only good parts of this book were the flashbacks - the party with cal and loki [hilarious] and also cal's death as will scarlet [heartbreaking]. and also the fact that robin gave cal a ton of hickies and then cal told him he would sleep with him 'if he wasn't straight'. like cal, honey, you are not as straight as you think you are.
these used to be my favorite books, i've read the first eight books probably like 10 times each, but i could barely even read this one a second time. i'm glad the next one is supposed to be the last one if this is the way they're going. i would probably read a past lives book if she wanted to do something like that, but she's clearly run out of stuff to write about in the present day timeline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Caliban goes back in time to save the people loves.He meets his younger self and a young Niko.
Keeping a young Caliban under control proves to be more difficult than planned.Goodfellow shows up earlier than expected,and he helps Cal.Though a bit confusing,of the past and present,I did enjoy the story.It is exciting when Caliban gets protective of those he loves.I look forward to the next book in the series.
Keeping a young Caliban under control proves to be more difficult than planned.Goodfellow shows up earlier than expected,and he helps Cal.Though a bit confusing,of the past and present,I did enjoy the story.It is exciting when Caliban gets protective of those he loves.I look forward to the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j m vaughan
Met all of my expectations. The Cal Leandros book series is my all time favorite. Nevermore doesn't fail to bring you close to the edge and back. Cals facing a future that could undo him, and to protect those closest to him he would risk everything. Cals never been the type to think before he plunged into chaos, but to save everyone he loves he will have to fight the enemy while keeping a tenacious hold of his own slipping sanity.
I loved reading every sentence!
I loved reading every sentence!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every bit as good and perhaps even better than the previous books in the series. More to come, people, more to come. Cal is more introspective, Goodfellow is, well...Goodfellow, and as enjoyable as ever.The action is very close to non-stop, and the Big Bad is - badder than Leroy Brown and tough enough to enjoy a book devoted to taking him down. I could see the next book bringing in some Norse characters from another of her series, but we will have to wait and see. Buy it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another amazing installment of the series. Usually by now I feel like characters grow stagnant in most series that run into the double digits but not Cal, Niko, or Robin. This book does end with a cliffhanger but that doesn't make the book any less awesome. I do recommend reading the others in the series before this one, otherwise you may be a little lost.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martin hamilton
Loved it! And any reviews saying the ending is a gimmick to buy the next book are full of it. It's a huge story, there's no way it could have fit in one paperback. I would like to be able to buy the next book Everwar, but no one has it in the US on its release date. ROC really screwed over the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An awesome story. The complexity of the main characters is astounding. Can't wait for the next one. Cal is facing his worst nightmare and he has to fix it. Has to. Almost impossible to talk about it without spoilers so I'll just insist you read it for your self.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kimber frantz
Been a fan of this series for years. Followed her on twitter and Facebook. And yet imagine my surprise when I'm blamed for her publication cancellation. Not me specifically but the fans. I'm so disappointed because of the cliffhanger in this book coupled with the cancellation of book 11. If you aren't sure it'll be published as an author you shouldn't write a cliff hanger like this. Period. And you shouldn't flip out on your fan base period. It won't help.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer o brien
Thurman never disappoints! Whether you’re reading this particular series, the fabulous Trickster books, the Korsak brothers or her stand-alone novels, you’re always in for an incredibly well-crafted ride into the best of Urban Fantasy. Cal, Niko, Robin and the rest of her motley crew are such memorable characters you can’t help but want to read more… and more.. and more. Many thanks for yet another fabulous book, RT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a much anticipated addition to the series, and it didn't disappoint. I was hooked from the very beginning which led to an all nighter to finish after work. My favorite scene was Goodfellow ' s party with Loki, Cal, and Niko. One of the most enjoyable scenes I've read for a long time. The cliffhanger at the end has me eagerly and (slightly) impatiently waiting for the 11th installment. This is one of the best written series that I have come across in about five years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine weise
Excellent thrill ride just like all the rest! I have read every book in this series since I first stumbled upon book one sitting on a random barnes and noble table so many years ago! Rob never fails to deliver pure entertainment!
Please RateNevermore (Cal Leandros)
The problem is, Nevermore is now book 10, which means that there is a massive amount of backstory involved in the series mythology. That in itself isn't a problem. Fantasy fans know you don't start a series on book 10. You go back to the beginning if you're not familiar with it. Rob Thurman doesn't seem to know this. For the last couple of books, she has seemed to want to catch new readers up by stalling the plot and making the characters talk about everything that's happened so far.
I mean, literally, this book was so slow in developing the actual action of the plot, because the characters did nothing but talk, talk, talk. First Cal and Niko. Then Cal and Robin. Even while chasing the supernatural assassin sent to kill younger Cal, they're talking. Even while running from said assassin, they still talking! About the distant past, about the recent past, about the possible future.
If I didn't already love this series so much and want to know how it ends, the constant talking would be a major turn-off.
But in the end, I did love it. I shed some tears. I closed the cover, satisfied. And I will await the next book with the same eager devotion. It's the characters who keep me coming back. After all this time, Cal, Niko and Robin are like old friends.