The Baby Maker

ByLili Valente

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I adored this story from start to finish!
I couldn't stop myself from smiling, laughing and just enjoying the banter these two amazing characters had!
If you're looking for a delicious farming type of story.... with a hot farmer who's dedicated to his family and a woman who's alluring and looking for a baby daddy... what could go wrong? .... or go so right with these two hot, sexy characters? wink wink.
I truly enjoyed this read and loved the ending so much!
4.5 stars from me.
I also can't wait for the next book in this series! That's gonna be a hoot!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan burton
This storyline was so intriguing & I was excited to read this book. It was funny, sweet, steamy & absolutely the perfect swoony man! I fell in love with Dylan. The writing was spot on to make every woman falling in love with him. I enjoyed the age difference between these 2 & the funny crazy relationship they had. It was borderline insta love, with maybe too much of the lovey dovey story, but still a good read. Emma was a strong independent woman & her sassy, fun, outspoken personality made a great addition to these characters. This family is going to be a fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
With a title like the Baby Maker, who can resist, right? I have been looking forward to checking out this new-to-me author and popped my Lili Valente cherry with this one.

I wasn't quite sure how everything was going to play out between Hunter and Emma. I found myself shaking my head at their deal after seeing how off the charts their chemistry was. How could this deal really work? I loved getting a birds eye view of their off the charts chemistry and super hot sexy times. This book takes a twist I sort of saw coming but is a way that was so much more than I had imagined.

So, take a chance and download this book and find out how Hunter and Emma's story plays out. Will she get pregnant, will they fall in love or will they walk away at the end of their deal? You will have to checkout this book and find out.
Miss Matchmaker: A Small Town Romance :: On the Science of Constructing an Indestructible Self :: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction :: A Novel (Queen of the Tearling - The (2015-06-24) [Hardcover] :: Wrecking Ball (Hard To Love Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diane wilcox
Dylan finds himself the Hunter man that has to keep the family in line. He has helped to save the family business even though not in the way his father wanted, he watches after his brother's kids, has life goals of his own and still working to make his father happy. Only one problem...the petite, gorgeous neighbor that's become a thorn in his side. He wants her land and he just found out she wants him...for carnal and parental needs. Both give up something that is valuable in exchange for something they both desperately desire.

Is the exchange even, is it worth what must be surrendered?

Dylan is an incredible man. Selfless to his family's needs. Emma is a complete sweetheart that you root for to win.

Sweet love story with a dose of reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ivan remaj
Single, independent Emma wants a baby. She doesn’t necessarily want the man that goes with having a baby so when she hears just how virile the Hunter men are, she has the brilliant idea of coming to an agreement with Dylan Hunter. She just needs to convince him that their agreement could benefit them both.

This was such a fun read. The banter between Dylan and Emma is brilliant and both characters are really easy to like. Dylan is a sweetheart and if the other Hunter men are like him, than I definitely need to read their stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Good rom-com with strong leads and very likeable supporting characters. At the beginning Emma and Dylan don't really know each other and neither has the best opinion of the other. But when Emma overhears something about Dylan that can help her have the baby she desires, she makes him an offer that he ultimately cannot refuse. Of course things don't go exactly as they both expected, and they both end up wanting more than what they originally agreed to. I enjoyed their journey as they discover each other in between fun, sexy and emotional moments. I liked the epilogue about Dylan's brother and Emma's sister, I'm really curious to see what happens!
4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. I was not compensated for this review, all conclusions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel ralston
After reading the blurb, and knowing Lili Valente's style, The Baby Maker was just what I suspected. It's a sweet, yet spicy read that keeps you entertaining for hours.

Dylan and Emma both have dreams. While Dylan wants to expand his property, Emma wants a family. Specifically a baby. So when both have what the other needs, coming to an agreement maybe a lot harder than they think.

I loved The Baby Maker, from start to finish. Not just because "baby tropes" are my favorite, but because this story was a fun read. It's really hard not fall in love with their banter and sexual chemistry. Despite knowing how the story "will end", how they get there is what makes this story worth the read.

I strongly recommend you add this book to your must reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Review of The Baby Maker by Lili Valente

Emma and Dylan - 5+++++ Stars

Oh. My. Goodness! I absolutely LOVED this story and the chemistry between Dylan and Emma. There are soooo many things I would like to touch on, but that would be posting spoilers and I really don't want to do that. You really need to buy this book and read the story for yourself. For someone that is determined to live his own life and never inflict fatherhood on his life, Dylan has the heart and soul of someone that would be the best type of parent a kid could ever want. There are lots of laughs and fun throughout this book.

**Honest review voluntarily provided from a Complimentary Copy**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james sweeney
Loved this story!!

Hunter men have a reputation for knocking women up. The saying goes you could get pregnant by one of them just by shaking hands. That's enough to frighten a way. Her property is next to his and he wants 3 acres that's between them to grow grapes for his dad. But, she's going after the property as well. Who'll win?

She has a proposition for him and it involves babies. Will he accept the challenge or tuck his tail and run?

Such a great story!! Loved the scenario and the characters were quite amusing!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abhishek mishra
Lili Valente weaves magic with the books she writes. I'm always hooked and this book was no different. This was the perfect read to get me in a fun happy mood. I laughed quite often. I can tell you I already love the men in Dylan's family. I couldn't get enough of Dylan and Emma. They were just too adorable on the down low. They have a ton of chemistry that burns up the pages. I can't tell you how much I loved the end of this book. My heart was happy sighing. I also enjoyed the set up for the next book. I'm going to eagerly awaiting for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shane r
The Baby Maker by Lili Valente was a highly engaging read!

Emma and Dylan are two characters who certainly bring the heat. When they are together fireworks go off, explosions take place, and pulses race. They have this unbelievable attraction and pull towards one another, that is simply indescribable. They make you want to have the relationship they do.

If you are in the mood for a read that will definitely make you melt, this is the perfect novel for you.

4/5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy manford
Lili Valente has brought her usual brilliant blend of humour, emotions and heart warming happy-endings to this book. I loved every page in this book. It brought brilliant banter and some hot and sexy times. This book had me laughing out loud The characters Emma and Dylan were brilliant. They were both characters you instantly love, but I have to admit I swooned over Dylan quite a bit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sree sathya
Dylan and Emma relationship started as enemies in hostile territory then went right to sex. I'm sure a good relationship doesn't start with sex but theirs did and the just grew from there in all the right ways.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
berryville public
I expected this release to be a little smuttier, but was disappointed. It started strong, introducing characters and an amusing, electrifying enemies-to-lovers theme, but this sadly went downhill after about the halfway mark. It felt rushed, and although the whole concept of the novel could have been used to add a dash of 'breeding' erotica, I found the sex scenes uninspiring.

This was a novel where the conflict felt forced, rather than organic, with characters falling into the typical trap of hiding things from one another which would otherwise have led to easy resolution.

I was hoping for more development and more emotional involvement—and at the very least, more erotica, which is what this book was marketed as.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenna friel
Lili Valente creates such fun romances, this is another example of her wit and clever writing style.

Emma, a new land owner and ready to expand her family as well to grow more grapes, is set on buying a small piece of land that Dylan Hunter is desperate to own. Emma overhears about the 'Hunter's high fertility rate' and decides then and there she needs Dylan to help in her quest to conceive. His prize...he is able to buy the small parcel of land.

It has to be said that Dylan wasn't sure about the whole conception issue but their sexual tension proves how hot they are together. More than the hot chemistry between the two lead characters, and believe me it is flaming hot, their getting to know each other on a deeper level balances things out!

This is a fast paced story told from both Emma and Dylan's points of view. All of the characters are great..well except for her cheating ex, perhaps, and Dylan's dad does a little twist of his own to make things interesting.

I look forward to read the next book and it really does sound like trouble! ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
missy kee
Emma Haverford and Dylan hunter are basically enimies. They both want a piece of land but Dylan was promised it till Emma moved in and offered more money. Its not that he cant stand her but he needs this land to finally break away from his family and live his own life. Emma wants a baby more than anything even that land so when she hears Hunter men can get you pregnant with a handshake she offer Dylan a deal he knocks her upnin exchange for 3 months of no hold hot sex and the land and she gets a baby. But what happens when feeling come to play. Read this fabulous sweet sexy story that will make you laugh, cry and swoon your heart out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You read this book and find yourself another book boyfriend. Dylan is so funny, determined, successful, and at his wits end when it comes to sassy and feisty Emma. What happens when she decides it is time for motherhood and she wants Dylan to help? This book is full of some hilarious lines and arguments between the two main characters. I loved Dylan, every bit of him. Thank you for allowing me to read this and write about it. I
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love Lili's books because they are stories with heart. There's a fun sense of self that is proven to be the charm and essence to these tales of love and friendship that she weaves. Because each of her stories the MC's are first and foremost lovers, but that all important friendship develops and becomes one of the best parts of her books.

Dylan and Emma are no exception to that great formula that works so well for Ms. Valente's books.
Obviously you know what the set up is for this book practically by the title. But there is so much more to this story than asking for a baby. Relationships with family are present. The Hunter family is a loving, complicated crew of men( ones that I am looking forward to reading about!!). Emma is an enigma to Dylan. A thorn in his side, and itch that needs scratched, a puzzle that needs solved.

This one is a fast paced story that gives the reader a few hours of enjoyment and smiles.

Happy Reading~ Sherry
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shanzeh khurram
What a sexy, romantic and fun read The Baby Maker is. Dylan and Emma will steal your heart as they embark on this baby making journey whilst hoping to keep their feelings and hearts out of it, but is that really easier said than done?

Dylan and Emma are neighbours and when Emma comes to Dylan with a proposition that will hopefully give them both what they want will he accept, and if so will they really be able to keep their feelings out of it and just be friends with benefits?

If your looking for a story that will make you swoon then i would highly recommend The Baby Maker.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandon gipson
Smart, witty, funny, and utterly sexy! I loved every page of this engaging romance! Lili Valente is a dream writer for rom coms. Emma and Dylan have an instant connection that lights up the page from the moment they spit poison at each other. Oh yeah lovelies, there's no insta-love here, only distaste and dis-trust.

That is until Emma hears that the Hunter family is notoriously fertile and her desire for a baby calls for a truce with Dylan Hunter in exchange for his precious goods. What follows is hilarious banter, some sexy AF dirty talk and baby making fun. But above all else, there's romance and heart, and the most adorable moments as Emma and Dylan completely undo each other.

The only downfall to this wonderful, heart filling romance, it was too darn short! I wanted more of Emma, Dylan and their whole messy families. They are an absolute delight and I can't wait to read more!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan sommerfeld
Emma Haverford wants a baby. Desperately. Her clock is ticking and the only person that can possibly help her now is her neighbor, Dylan Hunter. There’s one problem though...they are currently enemies.

Dylan wants nothing to do with the hot, sexy neighbor that he keeps having dirty fantasies about. Until she propositions him with something he can’t refuse. Sex, no strings attached, so she can get pregnant and he gets the land he wants that is currently hers. The Hunter family gene pool is rumored to have super sperm and Emma is more the willing to test that theory by any means necessary.

The Baby Maker is a sexy rom com that is full of emotion, make you laugh moments and some good old fashion baby making! It was absolutely delightful and I loved Dylan and Emma. Their connection was instant, their banter was fun and the story was full of emotions! Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c webster
I adored this story from start to finish!
I couldn't stop myself from smiling, laughing and just enjoying the banter these two amazing characters had!
If you're looking for a delicious farming type of story.... with a hot farmer who's dedicated to his family and a woman who's alluring and looking for a baby daddy... what could go wrong? .... or go so right with these two hot, sexy characters? wink wink.
I truly enjoyed this read and loved the ending so much!
4.5 stars from me.
I also can't wait for the next book in this series! That's gonna be a hoot!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
judy floyd
This storyline was so intriguing & I was excited to read this book. It was funny, sweet, steamy & absolutely the perfect swoony man! I fell in love with Dylan. The writing was spot on to make every woman falling in love with him. I enjoyed the age difference between these 2 & the funny crazy relationship they had. It was borderline insta love, with maybe too much of the lovey dovey story, but still a good read. Emma was a strong independent woman & her sassy, fun, outspoken personality made a great addition to these characters. This family is going to be a fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elan chalford
With a title like the Baby Maker, who can resist, right? I have been looking forward to checking out this new-to-me author and popped my Lili Valente cherry with this one.

I wasn't quite sure how everything was going to play out between Hunter and Emma. I found myself shaking my head at their deal after seeing how off the charts their chemistry was. How could this deal really work? I loved getting a birds eye view of their off the charts chemistry and super hot sexy times. This book takes a twist I sort of saw coming but is a way that was so much more than I had imagined.

So, take a chance and download this book and find out how Hunter and Emma's story plays out. Will she get pregnant, will they fall in love or will they walk away at the end of their deal? You will have to checkout this book and find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dylan finds himself the Hunter man that has to keep the family in line. He has helped to save the family business even though not in the way his father wanted, he watches after his brother's kids, has life goals of his own and still working to make his father happy. Only one problem...the petite, gorgeous neighbor that's become a thorn in his side. He wants her land and he just found out she wants him...for carnal and parental needs. Both give up something that is valuable in exchange for something they both desperately desire.

Is the exchange even, is it worth what must be surrendered?

Dylan is an incredible man. Selfless to his family's needs. Emma is a complete sweetheart that you root for to win.

Sweet love story with a dose of reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Single, independent Emma wants a baby. She doesn’t necessarily want the man that goes with having a baby so when she hears just how virile the Hunter men are, she has the brilliant idea of coming to an agreement with Dylan Hunter. She just needs to convince him that their agreement could benefit them both.

This was such a fun read. The banter between Dylan and Emma is brilliant and both characters are really easy to like. Dylan is a sweetheart and if the other Hunter men are like him, than I definitely need to read their stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucy burrows
Good rom-com with strong leads and very likeable supporting characters. At the beginning Emma and Dylan don't really know each other and neither has the best opinion of the other. But when Emma overhears something about Dylan that can help her have the baby she desires, she makes him an offer that he ultimately cannot refuse. Of course things don't go exactly as they both expected, and they both end up wanting more than what they originally agreed to. I enjoyed their journey as they discover each other in between fun, sexy and emotional moments. I liked the epilogue about Dylan's brother and Emma's sister, I'm really curious to see what happens!
4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. I was not compensated for this review, all conclusions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan weiss
After reading the blurb, and knowing Lili Valente's style, The Baby Maker was just what I suspected. It's a sweet, yet spicy read that keeps you entertaining for hours.

Dylan and Emma both have dreams. While Dylan wants to expand his property, Emma wants a family. Specifically a baby. So when both have what the other needs, coming to an agreement maybe a lot harder than they think.

I loved The Baby Maker, from start to finish. Not just because "baby tropes" are my favorite, but because this story was a fun read. It's really hard not fall in love with their banter and sexual chemistry. Despite knowing how the story "will end", how they get there is what makes this story worth the read.

I strongly recommend you add this book to your must reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris clarke
Surprisingly sweet, sprinkled with great humor and some of the best banter The Baby Maker was such a fun read! I was pleasantly surprised by how much more this book is than I originally thought. It worked it’s way right into my heart from nearly the very first page and I was quickly in love with these characters and their story.

Dylan starts out as a jerk, granted a charming jerk, but very quickly those walls against Emma crumble and the true Dylan shines through. Not only is he insanely hot, he’s also got a huge heart and a fantastic sense of humor. More than once Emma and Dylan had me giggling and then just as quickly melting. These two were a perfectly balanced sweet and H. O. T. hot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Emma and Dylan have this attraction, but also they have this BIG thing that puts them on opposite sides of the fence so to speak...the grape fence...LOL.
These two have the funniest banter and it make me chuckle on more then one occasion.
Emma asks Dylan for a pretty big ask and she kind of had to be brave and courageous. This was a cute story and I think that Dylan's family life had a lot to do with how he handled Emma's big ask.
Anywho...this is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley fritz
“So, is that how I make you feel, Blondie? Relaxed?”
“No, you don’t make me relaxed. You make me hungry. And wild. Maybe a little crazy.”

If there is one thing I have come to expect from Lili Valente, it’s a book that mixes humor with heart and happy-endings. A book in which laugh-out-loud moments flirt with silliness, sweetness and sexiness but always have a hint of something deeper. And that’s exactly what she delivers in The Baby Maker.

I loved every page of this book. Honestly, I can’t decide if I liked the initial biting banter more, or the playful banter that *ahem* came later. Just like I can’t decide if I liked the oh, so sexy times more than the sweet, heart-warming moments.

But you know what? I don’t need to decide. Ms. Valente is so adept at making every moment unique and fun, that it’s only fair I love them all equally, if for different reasons. Kind of like my kids, actually . . .

Linked and similar but different and wonderful. Lovable all on their own but even more perfect together. That’s what the words and feelings and chapters and moments in The Baby Maker are—a book that delivers everything I’ve come to expect from this author (and maybe even a little bit more.)

'He kisses me like he’s been lost, and only now that he’s back in my arms is he found. He kisses me like I’m the answer and the question and every magical step of the journey in between.'

~ FIVE Blondie STARS ~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison cantrell
Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is a small town/ farmer type story with a love turning to lust turning to love type of story.

Dylan Hunter grew up in his small town and is a very happy farmer. He wants a patch of land but Emma made a higher offer and so he hates her because he thinks she is after his plot of land.

Meanwhile Emma wants a child. She loves her life as a winery owner but wants someone to share it with and she has given up on men, so she wants a child. One day she overhears some women talking how the Hunter men are known for making anyone pregnant and so she decides she wants Dylan and his baby maker.

Dylan is not ready to be a dad but he is in lust with Emma. So she has her work cut out to convince him. That is where the story takes off as the two get to know each other in all kinds of ways.

Dylan is a terrific guy and Emma is a sweet woman with a great heart and the two fall hard for the other. But the baby issue still stands between them.

I really enjoyed this story. The characters were sweet and fun and I really enjoyed the romance between Emma and Dylan. I am looking forward to the next book starring Dylan's brother and Emma's sister.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sigrid van de ven
In this book, we start out meeting a person named Dylan. Who are Rafe, Jacob, and Blake? Where are they? Why is Dylan waking them early? What does he expect of them? Who is the new kid in the neighborhood? Why does Dylan hate her? Is it real or on principle? What deal does she make with Dylan, or at least propose to him? What is Dylan's reponse to her proposal? What do Dylan's brothers say when he tells them about the proposal. What happens throughout the time, how long does this proposal take? I should clarify, it is a business proposal, not a wedding proposal that is made to Dylan. I love the nicknames that are come up with between the pair. You'll understand why when you see them. This did not end how I thought it would, it was even better. You're going to have to read to find out what happens. I had to laugh a number of times over reading this book. Enjoy it!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monica edinger
Oh, yes!

I really do love everything Lili Valente writes, but this book is easily my favorite Valente-book ever. We get what we used to have from this amazing author – lovely characters, funny moments and oh-so-sexy times. What else should you need?

I swooned, I laughed so much. I really enjoyed every minute of this amazing story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie k
Lili Valente books make me happy. When I read the blurb for The Baby Maker I was hooked. Wine country, hot guy, determined woman – yeah, I could on board with this story.

Dylan Hunter is the awesome hero of this story. For most of his life he’s been looking after others in his life. He had accepted his responsibilities and moved on. He had his dreams, but he put those aside to take care of his family and the farm.

Enter Emma Haverford, city girl turned wine maker. She is determined. Whether it is moving on from her high-tech job to farming or getting a baby. She approaches Dylan to help her get pregnant with a child that she desperately wants.

The story of Dylan and Hunter as they “work” to get pregnant is heartwarming. As each of them discover more about the other, their relationship changes and you get to read all the feels that come with those changes.

I really, really enjoyed this book. Dylan is a character after my heart and Emma is woman that I can get behind. Ms. Valente’s writing is marvelous, her characters are wonderful and the story is joyful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Emma and Dylan get what neither was expecting!!! Okay, I will admit it, I was a little weary when I started to read The Baby Maker. But because it was written by Lili Valente, I knew she would add her own personal touch to the story. She did that and more! Yes there are many tropes and a lot of "baby maker" stories. But Emma is a one of a kind and perfect as our heroine. Dylan is a grumpy lonely man, but we know deep down he just needs to find the right one. 

Off the bat, the story starts off unconventional, but it makes me want to know more about the Hunter men. I love them all! When Dylan can no longer resist Emma, sparks fly all over the place. Their chemistry will melt your Kindles. The goal to make a baby is still there, but quickly it is put on the back burner. These two can not get enough of each other. 

The Baby Maker is sexy and will melt you into a puddle of goo. The next book is bout Dylan's brother and from what I have read so far, there is so much more that these characters will bring us. I loved all the words on this book and loved the ending more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered Lili Valente work with Hot as Puck and The V Card, both books had me hooked.
So I preordered without a second of reflexion this one, and much more after reading the blurb.
It is very far different from the two previous ones, but there is a constancy in, her characters are just so real even in their flaws, they are smart, kind and funny.
Dylan and Emma began their relationship on a wrong foot but it does not prevent them to be open and have their opinion evolve the more they pass time together.
What was just a deal, changes quickly for much more than they bargained at first.
So how to face and accept that what was supposed a kind of contract with a short term end can become something inked in time. And how let it know to the other?
But not Dylan nor Emma are teenagers or cowards, I liked they take matter in their hands, even if they make mistakes, they are grown up who don’t ran away.
A very good story of two adults who are able to see what they very want for their life.
I’m a verified customer on the
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kirsten bishop
Surprisingly sweet, sprinkled with great humor and some of the best banter The Baby Maker was such a fun read! I was pleasantly surprised by how much more this book is than I originally thought. It worked it’s way right into my heart from nearly the very first page and I was quickly in love with these characters and their story.

Dylan starts out as a jerk, granted a charming jerk, but very quickly those walls against Emma crumble and the true Dylan shines through. Not only is he insanely hot, he’s also got a huge heart and a fantastic sense of humor. More than once Emma and Dylan had me giggling and then just as quickly melting. These two were a perfectly balanced sweet and H. O. T. hot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great story. As usual, Andi and Sebastian make a great narrating team. Lili Valente has quickly become one of my favorite authors. She makes me swoon, laugh, yell, almost cry with her wonderful talent. Dylan and Emma make the sweetest couple, even if their beginning was a planned one, fate had other ideas. Emma wants to have a baby, but doesn't want to wait around for Mr. Right. Dylan's family is known for their babymaking gifts, but he's in no rush to test them. When Emma makes him an offer he can't refuse, Dylan's on board to help Emma with her "issue." It doesn't take long for them to figure out they're becoming attached when they shouldn't. I absolutely loved how this story unfolded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonia diaz
Dylan Hunter as all Hunter men have the reputation as baby makers. A Hunter man sleeps with you and you are pregnant, so when his new neighbor Emma Haverford asks him to give her a child with no strings attached, he is stunned but intrigued. Emma is hot and he is very attracted but can he really get her pregnant and then walk away? This was such an interesting and fun book. Great characters that were very well developed. The chemistry between Emma and Dylan was hot. I loved the relationship that Dylan has with his brothers. Definitely would suggest this book for a great romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim musler
Super cute book. Super sweet with some humor and hot times in between. Emma and Dylan go from rivals to the horizontal mambo. What happens in between is a deal that goes a tad bit crazy. When feelings come into play it always throws a monkey wrench in the works. This was a well developed story, I didn't feel like the author left anything hanging, and she wrapped it up nicely. Emma's sister Carrie is a hoot and a half. Don't miss this one y'all. Told in dual pov.
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