Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction

ByArielle Ford

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an absolutely delightful book! I have enjoyed reading it so much and am going to enjoy re-reading it for a long time. I honestly think if I had this book when my marriage was falling apart I might have saved it! But no matter, time to try again with even better results. This book should be named "How To Learn To Love Yourself And Your Life Under Any Circumstances". I happen to be ready to start working on manifesting my soulmate and believe me I know I have a lot of work to do, and this book just fell into my hands. Basically it gives you examples of what others, including the author, have done and tips on how to just make your own life better and happier and how to enjoy the process. It also reminds you that it is a process and the Universe has its own schedule! There are many areas, processes, ideas and suggestions covered in this book and you would not have to use all of them if you did not relate to them. I have no doubt if you follow the advice in this book your life will improve, you will like yourself better and just as you realize that you are happy just as you are I bet your soulmate shows up. I certainly am going to give it a go! Wish me luck and read this book, you will definitely get something out of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany crawford
Having a soulmate does not mean immediately finding a spouse after the death of one. It does mean being open to developing/having the characteristics of on receiving one if desirable or available or if necessary for one's peace and happiness. It is not a must for life, however.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'd found the title "The Soulmate Secret" too good to pass up though I was already at the end of my belief "rope" that I'd ever find that soulmate. Arielle Ford's writing is crisp, to the point, and well thought-out. Her story and the processes she used to manifest her soulmate were helpful and easy to comprehend. I would recommend this book highly to anyone. I followed one of the processes Ford outlined in the book and it worked for me! I couldn't believe how quick and definite the results were. "The Soulmate Secret" is definitely an aid to those, like I was, who were doubting ever finding lasting love.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis raynak
After reading this book I realized I needed to prepare myself to allow the love I desire into my heart. There are many exercises in the book that help the reader clear their space and release the past. However, you must be willing to do the work. This book truly helped me and I would highly recommend it if you are on the path to opening your heart and attracting your soulmate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yasmeen el khoudary
This book included an excellent combination of practical and spiritual advice on finding your Soulmate. I enjoyed the "real life" examples and the suggested exercises, which I'm working through right now. It offered a positive, upbeat and hopeful perspective balanced with good, practical advice. I would recommend the book highly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan adams
Easy reading. Excellent motivational and spiritual tips for raising your vibrations and your thoughts to love yourself and to attract and recognize your soulmate. I rarely read a book cover to cover unless it's a novel, but this is so easy to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela sklar
This book included an excellent combination of practical and spiritual advice on finding your Soulmate. I enjoyed the "real life" examples and the suggested exercises, which I'm working through right now. It offered a positive, upbeat and hopeful perspective balanced with good, practical advice. I would recommend the book highly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary karlee
Easy reading. Excellent motivational and spiritual tips for raising your vibrations and your thoughts to love yourself and to attract and recognize your soulmate. I rarely read a book cover to cover unless it's a novel, but this is so easy to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil melikyan
This is a great little book! Full of wisdom, both outer-world practical and esoteric: in other words it explains how ATTITUDE is soooo important.

If you have enjoyed any of 'The Secret' products or Neale Donald Walsch's books, then you'll love this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler menz
I really enjoyed reading this book, it clearly describes how to manifest your soul mate. I appreciate the exercises and meditations that are suggested for finding your love. The most important message is to "fall in love with yourself,“ because if we don't love ourselves how can we truly love another. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sachal khan
After reading this book and following everything it said to do I met my perfect other half in less than a year. I knew in an instant he was my soulmate. We are each in our early 50's. The book speaks of magnetizing your soulmate. On our first date, less than a year from the time I read the book, he sat across from me and said "I don't know what it is but you are like a magnet to me" I laughed so hard and I knew for certain, it was the things I got from this book that helped him find me...Get it, do it, read it, believe...I can only pray each of you end up as happy as I am. 9 months later, we are buying a home together and everyday gets better than the one before...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark krueger
Thank you Arielle Ford for helping me know without a doubt my Divine Love in human form is right here for me too. I do believe. I trust. I am taking action steps as suggested in your book. I am taking guided action. Shall I send you an invitation when I have my wedding ? I am already wedded in Spirit with my beloved!!! I know great love awaits me too!!! Blessings to you and your soulmate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shivani rajahmoney
Absolutely incredible for anyone who is committed to finding the right partner!!
I read it three times and I have done all the exercises on the book.
Two weeks later I met my soulmate.
Truly revealing!!

Buy it if you are serious about changing your singlehood mode.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
s wong
If you're reading this book, most likely you find your life missing one thing...a sweet person to share it with. The feelings that go along with that can be devastating if they go on for too long, and it can be hard to keep the faith. I just read this book this week and my spirits are already so much higher than they were before reading it. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is getting depressed simply because they do not have someone to share their life with.

This is not a self-help book for people who continuously find themselves in destructive relationships or who behave in destructive patterns in relationships...nor will this book go deep enough to uncover unconscious patterns and the "baggage" that if you're human, you've got. If you haven't ever taken a look inside, done therapy, worked with your own "stuff" and done some healing, then I would suggest starting that process as well, because most likely it'll have to happen someday anyway and your life will be much better for it. But if you've already done a lot of internal work and yet still just have blockages that are keeping you alone, this may be the book for you.

I loved reading every page of this book, and am loving even more the peace that it is helping me feel, while I "savor the waiting". I will surely post again soon if/when I meet my One!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fun book with interesting projects that could be helpful to anyone wanting to move forward in their life, whether they are looking for a soul mate or not. Fun projects that have helped me look at things in new ways and move on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley herbkersman
I wanted this book after attending the online seminar with Arielle Ford on the Soulmate Secret. I was really excited to get it for such a great deal and I am really excited to read it. I ended up letting my friend borrow it but I can't wait to get it back from her to read it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
luis guerrero
After reading this book, which I paid full price for, I wish I had my money back. The Secret gave as much information as this book did, from visualizing to vision boards and feng shui. I learned a little bit more about feng shuing your bedroom, but the information also seems to be contradictory with other feng shui books. This book might be helpful for someone who has never studied the Law of Attraction or read any other relationship book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had a history of past relationships failing and attracting partners who were not at all suited for my personality, so I figured I needed to do some "inside" work. I went to counseling for about 2 years, and that helped. After a long-term relationship ended, I stayed single for about 1 year, and had decided that I was ready to attract an amazing partner.

This book works if you do the work..BUT you have to do the work in order to get rid of past hurt and attract a more suitable partner.
I completed all of the exercises, including journaling, burning pictures, letters, etc, lighting a candle nightly and picturing and praying for my partner, making a list of all of the qualities/values I wanted him to have. A few months later, we met at his work. Things just fell into place. This is a wonderful book to get you into that state of believing and helps you work through past hurts.

Comment if you have any questions! I love the law of attraction and prayer!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rich cross
I really thought the whole thing was so much nonsense. (Not the words I used after a few pages. I'm a mature women who hoped to find inspiration in finding a companion late in life. This cutting out words & pasting stuff around the house and fungshuing my home just seemed so much drivel.
Just not my cup of tea!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is amazing. I resonated with the author from the start - being a single 40+ year old, looking for my soulmate. I followed most of the exercises, in particular, listing out the characteristics of my ideal man and converting it into a letter of thanks to God, Goddess and the Universe for bringing him into my life. I also did the mandala exercise which reaffirmed the power a mandala carries. I like that Arielle states in her book that all the past failed relationships should be seen as "misfits" and not "failed relationships", as "fail" has a strong connotation. Amazingly, I am now married to a man who has almost all the characteristics I had asked for. I have since strongly recommended this book to all my single friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicola smith
Arielle Ford has written an excellent book about manifesting the love of your life.

When I looked at the photo of Arielle with her husband Brian on the dust jacket of the book, I saw a beautiful and happy couple who resonated deeply with eachother. And while reading the book, I could feel the gratitude and appreciation Arielle has for her wonderful relationship with her husband. As she states, "He was and is everything I ever wished for."

One of the most important points Arielle makes in the book is that learning to love and accept yourself first is foundational to attracting and keeping a partner who loves and accepts you. She says that finding true love is all about preparing yourself, "on all levels, to become an energetic match for the love you're seeking."

Like Arielle, I, too, manifested the love of my life. This happened after many disappointments in love and after I decided to really work on my psychology. Through the study of psychology and through the wise guidance of a very special therapist, I discovered my low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy had made it impossible for me to have an intimate and truly loving relationship with a man. When I finally began to value and love myself, I attracted "the man of my dreams" who became my husband and life partner.

As Arielle says "Prepare yourself, surrender the timing, and enjoy the ride." And enjoy the book!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I would say No.
"Manifesting Love" and books by the author of "Love Will Find You" are MUCH better.
I had it on Audiobook and stopped listening in part 2.
This is a bit too "New Age" for me. With telling you to create alters, smudging, and various things like that.
I believe there are more practical ways to manifest ANYTHING!

Also, there was not a lot of practical things you can do.. more so stories about other people and how they met their SoulMates.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have known about the law of attraction for years, but have had trouble implementing it into my personal life. All other aspects of my life are terrific, but I just couldn't get the relationship right when it came to finding Mr. Right. The Soulmate Secret is the missing piece of the puzzle. This book, along with Shelton's Love (You Deserve Better: Tips & Steps on Finding Mr. Right) are two of the best books I have read about attracting the love we deserve. Thank you for writing such an important book that offers timeless principles and direction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I had never heard of the Law of attraction before I bought this book and was so amazed at what I read that I went looking for the source of the Law of Attraction. I liked the book even though I could not relate at all to some of the chapters. Arielle writes as if everyone believes in the concept of what she is writing. I don't think she took into account that someone who is totally sceptical could pick up the book to read. I say this because I rose my eyebrows a couple of times at some of the activities she suggested doing.

All in all it is worth a read. If you have been searching for your soulmate for just about forever and wondering why you still haven't found him you are willing to try just about anything to manifest him into your life. That at least was the premise behind buying this book.

I did do some of the activities she recommended but not all and the ones I did really changed my thinking and outlook on life and for this I thank Arielle profoundly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miguel angel
I found this book very helpful. It is written well and dispenses some very thought provoking advice for manifesting the love of your life and getting rid of old beliefs and pain related to old relationships. I employed quite a bit of the advice (some I though was too out there and didn't) and things have definitely shifted. I recommend this book, if not to find the love of your life, but to learn what one needs to do to change your thinking and feelings about past relationships in order to make room for the new.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jerry t
Such a sweet read.

It's wonderful to travel Arielle's path to finding her Forever Love. She shows you how YOU can have the ultimate power to find your Forever Love. No need to feel you are lost, uncertain, unworthy, or held back any longer. Arielle shows you the path.
Believe her, she knows the way.

Marcia Reece
Author, Secrets of the Marriage Mouse
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela mckenzie
I got this book with some apprehension. I ended up not only loving it but doing all the exercises in the book. I even rearranged my bedroom in a more feng shui way. I find myself spending more and more time in that room because it brings me a sense of peace. I look forward to doing the rest of my house. I also am very excited about my life partner! I believe he is already in my life but I am letting the powers that be guide it. This book has helped me let go of the pressure of trying to force a relationship and instead just enjoy all my relationships right where they are at. I know the universe knows my life partner and will produce that person based on my wishes. So for now, I am enjoying people just in the moment. It's wonderful! Thank you Arielle!!
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