Reckless In Love (The Maverick Billionaires - Book 2) (Volume 2)

ByBella Andre

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I did not like this whole story-line. Not interested in a young, female metal sculpture artist and the whole welding explanations scene. How the metal sculpture evolves and how welding her art was a total snore. (Big equipment, lots of metal junk, etc.) The character seems totally unbelievable, too much a tomboy to get involved in a romance. I am disappointed in this attempt by Bella Andre especially because I read the entire Sullivan series one after another and so enjoyed each one. I read the first Maverick book and it was good; this one put me off the Maverick's series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane w
Reckless in Love is a great addition to the Maverick Billionaires series. It is artistically filled with beautiful descriptions, emotional connections and a fantastic love story. The emotions portrayed were real and connected with me on multiple levels. It has a great message of having to find yourself before you can give yourself fully to another. Though this is a part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone.

In this story you will meet Sebastian and Charlie. On the outside, they could not be more different. One a motivational speaker, who has made billions helping others find their success and the other an artist, who teaches at a local community college. One likes high-society galas where connections are made for future business ventures, while the other would like nothing more than to savage junk yards and estate sales for hidden treasures.

As they come together, they also find each are strong, compassionate, independent individuals who have a strong passion for life. Their chemistry and connections, sense of purpose as well as guarded hearts grab a hold of the reader's heartstrings and so not let go. I really we joked reading this book. There were many times I laughed out loud, cried and felt every emotion right along with each character as they went through their trials and tribulations of the story. I cannot wait to read the next book in the Maverick Billionaires Series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer burton
3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Annie and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully blend their writing so effortlessly in this latest installment to the Maverick Billionaire series. Sebastian Montogmery is a self-made billionaire whose success has brought him many good things in life. But it seems that there is one thing that has always been missing. Since the loss of his parents as a teen, Sebastian has lost faith in his ability to love but a free-spirited artist by the name of Charlie Ballard shows him that he does have the capacity to love.

Simply put, Sebastian and Charlie are perfect for one another. It’s clear from the very beginning and as their romance develops, it really became a story that you can sit back and just enjoy. I found that whereas in the first book a lot of Andre’s trademark tricks made it into the story, Skully perhaps added some of her own. I could definitely tell a difference in the writing style with this one.

As always, readers are in for a fun treat. Sebastian is very much the ideal hero. He’s charming, sweet and has that touch of roughness that I think makes him undeniably sexy. Charlie, too, is a sweetheart. I loved her passion and found her nervousness around Sebastian to be very cute. These romances tend to be quite lighthearted and sexy but I thought that the authors did a good job of exploring deeper into Sebastian’s past and getting to the heart of his character.

Also, I will say that I absolutely appreciate the gorgeous cover. That bit of scruff paired with a crisp suit? Yeah, this cover does bad things to me.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david chotin
Reckless in Love is a true work of art. Sebastian is ambitious, haunted, wealthy and incredibly sexy. Even with all he has accomplished within his life he is still that broken little boy that believes himself to be unlovable and incapable of love. Charlie is all that Sebastian lacks. She has a big heart and is a gifted artist seeking a niche in a world full of beauty and emotional pitfalls. Sebastian sees in her what is lacking in himself and is instantly captivated. I fell for both characters and all of the idiosyncrasies that created the complex people that came through on every page. Individually Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully may seem different but with The Maverick Millionaire series have united and created something so special that it has to be read. I received an ARC of Reckless in Love in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audrey bretz
First off, I LOVED this book. Kudos again! I have never, and yes, I mean NEVER read anything that either of these two have written that I have not loved, and this one was absolutely no exception. It is definitely well written, all of the characters well developed. I was reading some of the reviews regarding this book, and OK I know I should have finished reading the book and written my own review before I read theirs, but…. I did not, so, oops. I have to say I disagree with one item that people are writing about in regards to the instant “love” from Sebastian for Charlie herself, and vise a versa. I think, for Sebastian it is an instant love and respect for Charlie and for what she is accomplishing in her art. In Charlie’s case, it is the fact of what Sebastian sees in her work as art and that it is not “junk”, as others did and do. Because of this, Charlie loves Sebastian. While I was reading the book I saw that love and respect growing into a love that knew no bounds. Both Charlie and Sebastian learned how to believe in each other as well as themselves. I absolutely fell in love with Charlie’s mom, Francine. Absolutely HATED Sebastian’s birth parents.
One thing ladies, (Bella and Jennifer), will that bit, sorry, witch, Whitney ever get her comeuppance? Please, Please!!! I really wanted to slap her. Second, I see there are originally three books slated, but will the other Mavericks get their HEA as well???
OK, YOU, yes you, the one reading this review. Yes, you really need to read this book, you will not be disappointed. IT IS A GREAT READ!
Thank you for reading my review. Yes, hit that “One-Click” you will not be sorry!
Oops, sorry, forgot something.
I was gifted with an ARC of this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
AudioBook Review:
Stars: Overall 4 Narration 3 Story 3.75

The Maverick Billionaires are a group of five friends that bonded over rough childhoods and have seen one another through near everything. This book is Sebastian’s story – the uptight yet sexy man with control issues that are deep rooted in his childhood, and a surprising lack of self-confidence that makes him work harder in his quest to succeed. Catching sight of a sculpture that spoke to him at the end of the first book, he is determined to commission work from the artist for a featured piece in his new building. A man of contradictions, he’s a media mogul who rarely will willingly share his own story openly.

Charlie Ballard makes beauty from discards: her sculptures are constructed with reclaimed bits and bobs. Watching her mother Francine deal with debilitating pain affects her life and her mood, but the grin and bear it is strong in this one. Despite her talent, she’s always felt that “those who matter” will never accept her, and that eats at her confidence. She is easy to like – cheerful, open, good natured and funny – with a real honesty in her presentation and personality.

Oh how I wish these two had actually TALKED to one another more, instead of use their red-hot attraction to speak for their deepest feelings. Mired in his own questions and insecurities, Sebastian was all too willing to take Charlie’s “I’m okay” as truth, when connecting the dots would have shown him she was anything but. Oh, their attraction was red-hot, and their moments were spectacular, but a bit more demonstrated understanding would have made me believe more in their potential.

Eva Kaminsky is the narrator for this book, and like the first, workmanlike is the best descriptive I have for her performance. It isn’t often that I feel an audiobook needs two narrators, but this book fairly screamed for the interplay and emotional component that would be present with a male voice in the mix. Not a bad performance by any means, it was solid and I always knew who was portrayed, but I wanted a bit more emotional inflection and variation. I couldn’t stop listening, however, hoping to see these two find a connection that felt as real emotionally as it did physically.

I received an audiobook copy of the title from Audible Customer Relations for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars

To be completely honest, Reckless in Love started off a little rocky for me. While I loved Charlie and Sebastian’s first meeting, there was something that bugged me a little bit. It was Sebastian’s thoughts. His insta-love for Charlie kind of weirded me out for a minute. Actually, insta-love isn’t the best way to describe it. He knew he wasn’t in love with her yet. It was more like an insta-I-think-this-is-the-woman-I-could-fall-in-love-with-just-from-seeing-her-once thing. I just wanted to shout, “You don’t even know her! She could be crazy!” at him. But I know it’s a romance novel and things usually move quickly for characters, so it didn’t bother me enough to ruin the story.

From there on, I truly enjoyed reading Reckless in Love. It was a sweet love story filled with real life relationship issues. Both Sebastian and Charlie doubted themselves a lot.

Despite being a billionaire, Sebastian had a lot of past hurt he was dealing with. It affected all of his decisions — especially ones he made about or for Charlie. Poor Charlie knew she was falling for Sebastian but she wasn’t sure if she was enough or if she could be the person he wanted.

I found these parts of the storyline very refreshing and real. I think most people have moments in relationships where they doubt themselves or wonder if they’re enough for the person they love. It was fulfilling to watch them really get to know each other and grow from what they learned about themselves and each other.

Reckless in Love was also filled with gorgeous descriptions. The authors described Charlie and Sebastian’s artwork so thoroughly that I could imagine exactly what it looked like.

If you’re looking for a sweet billionaire love story, this Reckless in Love is for you.

**I received an electronic copy of Restless in Love from the authors in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My heart constricts each time when it comes to Sebastian. He's damaged in more ways that he allows one to see. He goes around solving problems and helping others, to make up for the 2 dearest persons in his life that he couldn't save or help.

He finds himself drawn to Charlie, a metal sculpting artist. He was captivated by her art but meeting her in person brought so much of his feelings out that he couldn't resist getting to know more about her. They connected at a level that only both could understand and it was euphoric reading about that.

There were moments when Sebastian's fixation to solve things got a bit too much that I wish Charlie had stopped him though I believe she saw through his need. I enjoyed the changes in both of them as their relationship developed. Charlie could not have been more perfect for Sebastian. This story is sad but it's hopeful. Charlie's mum was such a delight and her story was so inspiring.

It wasn't the story I was anticipating to read but I found myself enjoying even more than I had expected due to the beautiful description of the artworks and the fulfilment in seeing them grow and realize things about themselves. This collaboration series is definitely one to be checked out.

"So I ask you, can you walk a mile? Every day, rain or shine, pain or gain, because you know you have to just to stay alive, just to breathe. Can you walk that mile?"

ARC provided by the author Bella Andre in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
These Maverick Men sure do know what they want and they go for it! Reckless in Love, Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully’s second book in the Maverick series, is a wonderful feel good story that shows us how two strong characters overcome insecurities to make their relationship thrive.

I’m a HUGE Bella fan. I love how she creates characters that are loyal, who have a wonderful sense of family and although her men are always super handsome and sexy, they always come across like real men. Men you can trust and laugh with, who you know will walk over hot flames for you. Sebastian is no different. He’s had rough childhood, but has managed to succeed in business and has his own close-knit family now. He still has some leftover scars from his childhood and it makes for a lovely story watching his character grow even more with the love and support of Charlie.

The only reason I didn’t give this book full 5 stars was the insta-love- “I think this girl is the one for me”. It was a little unbelievable right at the start. But I totally enjoyed watching these two strong characters grow as a couple and work together to help each other over their insecurities and focus on their relationship.

Reckless In Love is another hit! And even though I’ve literally just finished reading this one, I’m already excited about the third Maverick story. Go read this series! It’s a keeper that will make you smile no matter how many times you re-read.

I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I was eagerly awaiting the release of Reckless in Love and Sebastian's story after devouring and loving Breathless in Love, the first of the Maverick Billionaire books. As expected, Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully did not disappoint with Reckless! Sebastian is a sexy, successful and passionate man who tries to help everyone he can. Charlie is a sexy, independent and beautiful artist who wants to be accepted for who she is, quirks and all. They embark on a professional partnership only to fall head over heals in love. The authors provide a feel good, comforting story with an HEA that will leave the reader smiling. It's exactly the type of story that devoted fans of Andre's have come to know and love. After finishing Reckless, I am counting down the days until Fearless in Love is released so that I can read Matt's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Annie and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully blend their writing so effortlessly in this latest installment to the Maverick Billionaire series. Sebastian Montogmery is a self-made billionaire whose success has brought him many good things in life. But it seems that there is one thing that has always been missing. Since the loss of his parents as a teen, Sebastian has lost faith in his ability to love but a free-spirited artist by the name of Charlie Ballard shows him that he does have the capacity to love.

Simply put, Sebastian and Charlie are perfect for one another. It’s clear from the very beginning and as their romance develops, it really became a story that you can sit back and just enjoy. I found that whereas in the first book a lot of Andre’s trademark tricks made it into the story, Skully perhaps added some of her own. I could definitely tell a difference in the writing style with this one.

As always, readers are in for a fun treat. Sebastian is very much the ideal hero. He’s charming, sweet and has that touch of roughness that I think makes him undeniably sexy. Charlie, too, is a sweetheart. I loved her passion and found her nervousness around Sebastian to be very cute. These romances tend to be quite lighthearted and sexy but I thought that the authors did a good job of exploring deeper into Sebastian’s past and getting to the heart of his character.

Also, I will say that I absolutely appreciate the gorgeous cover. That bit of scruff paired with a crisp suit? Yeah, this cover does bad things to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reckless in Love is a true work of art. Sebastian is ambitious, haunted, wealthy and incredibly sexy. Even with all he has accomplished within his life he is still that broken little boy that believes himself to be unlovable and incapable of love. Charlie is all that Sebastian lacks. She has a big heart and is a gifted artist seeking a niche in a world full of beauty and emotional pitfalls. Sebastian sees in her what is lacking in himself and is instantly captivated. I fell for both characters and all of the idiosyncrasies that created the complex people that came through on every page. Individually Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully may seem different but with The Maverick Millionaire series have united and created something so special that it has to be read. I received an ARC of Reckless in Love in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana aulicino
First off, I LOVED this book. Kudos again! I have never, and yes, I mean NEVER read anything that either of these two have written that I have not loved, and this one was absolutely no exception. It is definitely well written, all of the characters well developed. I was reading some of the reviews regarding this book, and OK I know I should have finished reading the book and written my own review before I read theirs, but…. I did not, so, oops. I have to say I disagree with one item that people are writing about in regards to the instant “love” from Sebastian for Charlie herself, and vise a versa. I think, for Sebastian it is an instant love and respect for Charlie and for what she is accomplishing in her art. In Charlie’s case, it is the fact of what Sebastian sees in her work as art and that it is not “junk”, as others did and do. Because of this, Charlie loves Sebastian. While I was reading the book I saw that love and respect growing into a love that knew no bounds. Both Charlie and Sebastian learned how to believe in each other as well as themselves. I absolutely fell in love with Charlie’s mom, Francine. Absolutely HATED Sebastian’s birth parents.
One thing ladies, (Bella and Jennifer), will that bit, sorry, witch, Whitney ever get her comeuppance? Please, Please!!! I really wanted to slap her. Second, I see there are originally three books slated, but will the other Mavericks get their HEA as well???
OK, YOU, yes you, the one reading this review. Yes, you really need to read this book, you will not be disappointed. IT IS A GREAT READ!
Thank you for reading my review. Yes, hit that “One-Click” you will not be sorry!
Oops, sorry, forgot something.
I was gifted with an ARC of this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
AudioBook Review:
Stars: Overall 4 Narration 3 Story 3.75

The Maverick Billionaires are a group of five friends that bonded over rough childhoods and have seen one another through near everything. This book is Sebastian’s story – the uptight yet sexy man with control issues that are deep rooted in his childhood, and a surprising lack of self-confidence that makes him work harder in his quest to succeed. Catching sight of a sculpture that spoke to him at the end of the first book, he is determined to commission work from the artist for a featured piece in his new building. A man of contradictions, he’s a media mogul who rarely will willingly share his own story openly.

Charlie Ballard makes beauty from discards: her sculptures are constructed with reclaimed bits and bobs. Watching her mother Francine deal with debilitating pain affects her life and her mood, but the grin and bear it is strong in this one. Despite her talent, she’s always felt that “those who matter” will never accept her, and that eats at her confidence. She is easy to like – cheerful, open, good natured and funny – with a real honesty in her presentation and personality.

Oh how I wish these two had actually TALKED to one another more, instead of use their red-hot attraction to speak for their deepest feelings. Mired in his own questions and insecurities, Sebastian was all too willing to take Charlie’s “I’m okay” as truth, when connecting the dots would have shown him she was anything but. Oh, their attraction was red-hot, and their moments were spectacular, but a bit more demonstrated understanding would have made me believe more in their potential.

Eva Kaminsky is the narrator for this book, and like the first, workmanlike is the best descriptive I have for her performance. It isn’t often that I feel an audiobook needs two narrators, but this book fairly screamed for the interplay and emotional component that would be present with a male voice in the mix. Not a bad performance by any means, it was solid and I always knew who was portrayed, but I wanted a bit more emotional inflection and variation. I couldn’t stop listening, however, hoping to see these two find a connection that felt as real emotionally as it did physically.

I received an audiobook copy of the title from Audible Customer Relations for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen clark
4.5 Stars

To be completely honest, Reckless in Love started off a little rocky for me. While I loved Charlie and Sebastian’s first meeting, there was something that bugged me a little bit. It was Sebastian’s thoughts. His insta-love for Charlie kind of weirded me out for a minute. Actually, insta-love isn’t the best way to describe it. He knew he wasn’t in love with her yet. It was more like an insta-I-think-this-is-the-woman-I-could-fall-in-love-with-just-from-seeing-her-once thing. I just wanted to shout, “You don’t even know her! She could be crazy!” at him. But I know it’s a romance novel and things usually move quickly for characters, so it didn’t bother me enough to ruin the story.

From there on, I truly enjoyed reading Reckless in Love. It was a sweet love story filled with real life relationship issues. Both Sebastian and Charlie doubted themselves a lot.

Despite being a billionaire, Sebastian had a lot of past hurt he was dealing with. It affected all of his decisions — especially ones he made about or for Charlie. Poor Charlie knew she was falling for Sebastian but she wasn’t sure if she was enough or if she could be the person he wanted.

I found these parts of the storyline very refreshing and real. I think most people have moments in relationships where they doubt themselves or wonder if they’re enough for the person they love. It was fulfilling to watch them really get to know each other and grow from what they learned about themselves and each other.

Reckless in Love was also filled with gorgeous descriptions. The authors described Charlie and Sebastian’s artwork so thoroughly that I could imagine exactly what it looked like.

If you’re looking for a sweet billionaire love story, this Reckless in Love is for you.

**I received an electronic copy of Restless in Love from the authors in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg zimmerman
My heart constricts each time when it comes to Sebastian. He's damaged in more ways that he allows one to see. He goes around solving problems and helping others, to make up for the 2 dearest persons in his life that he couldn't save or help.

He finds himself drawn to Charlie, a metal sculpting artist. He was captivated by her art but meeting her in person brought so much of his feelings out that he couldn't resist getting to know more about her. They connected at a level that only both could understand and it was euphoric reading about that.

There were moments when Sebastian's fixation to solve things got a bit too much that I wish Charlie had stopped him though I believe she saw through his need. I enjoyed the changes in both of them as their relationship developed. Charlie could not have been more perfect for Sebastian. This story is sad but it's hopeful. Charlie's mum was such a delight and her story was so inspiring.

It wasn't the story I was anticipating to read but I found myself enjoying even more than I had expected due to the beautiful description of the artworks and the fulfilment in seeing them grow and realize things about themselves. This collaboration series is definitely one to be checked out.

"So I ask you, can you walk a mile? Every day, rain or shine, pain or gain, because you know you have to just to stay alive, just to breathe. Can you walk that mile?"

ARC provided by the author Bella Andre in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
t mark
These Maverick Men sure do know what they want and they go for it! Reckless in Love, Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully’s second book in the Maverick series, is a wonderful feel good story that shows us how two strong characters overcome insecurities to make their relationship thrive.

I’m a HUGE Bella fan. I love how she creates characters that are loyal, who have a wonderful sense of family and although her men are always super handsome and sexy, they always come across like real men. Men you can trust and laugh with, who you know will walk over hot flames for you. Sebastian is no different. He’s had rough childhood, but has managed to succeed in business and has his own close-knit family now. He still has some leftover scars from his childhood and it makes for a lovely story watching his character grow even more with the love and support of Charlie.

The only reason I didn’t give this book full 5 stars was the insta-love- “I think this girl is the one for me”. It was a little unbelievable right at the start. But I totally enjoyed watching these two strong characters grow as a couple and work together to help each other over their insecurities and focus on their relationship.

Reckless In Love is another hit! And even though I’ve literally just finished reading this one, I’m already excited about the third Maverick story. Go read this series! It’s a keeper that will make you smile no matter how many times you re-read.

I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
toni sheehan blake
Co-authors Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully mix insecurities with inspiration to create an astounding romance.

I blasted through this second installment of the Maverick Billionaires, featuring Sebastian Montgomery. I should have known better than to start this so late at night - no sleep for this reader.

The writing is so expressive I could easily picture each scene; the sculptures descriptions were exceptionally detailed -
"The lobby has an enormous fountain, and I'm going to create a chariot with stallions, a horrendous race, foam flying, dust billowing."
Witnessing Sebastian and Charlie become entwined in each others lives was entertaining; emotions develop naturally over a short period. This reader was delighted by Charlie's mother, Francine, uplifting character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Reckless in Love is book 2 in the Maverick Billionaires Series and a book l have been highly anticipating since reading Breathless in Love (Will and Harper's story).

This is Sebastian and Charlie's story. Sebastian commisions Charlie to come up with a metal sculpture for his new offices. Upon meeting Charlie, Sebastian is immediately intrigued by her and her art which she creates using junk parts. Sebastian is determined to make Charlie's name known in the art world, whilst at the same time we see him falling in love with her.
Sebastian and Charlie's love story kept me enthralled. The writing so beautifully portrayed their emotions. l kept hoping that Charlie would open up and let Sebastian know that going to galas and being famous wasn't her end goal. Charli wanted to create art that inpired her and to continue teaching, yet she couldn't be honest with Sebastian, not wanting to seem ungrateful. The more Sebastian pushed the more unhappy Charlie became. Although Sebastian's heart was in the right place his need to always help and strive for perfection causes Charlie to pull away from him.
This book took me on an emotional journey from start to finish. Now the wait begins for the next in the Maverick Billionaires series Fearless in Love and once again the anticipation begins.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael adams
This is a story about two people with completely different lives learning from each other. Sebastian is a billionaire motivational speaker and Charlie is an artist. Sebastian's goal in life is to "fix" people and help them realize that anything is possible. Charlie lives a simple life taking care of her Mother, teaching and her art. Sebastian sees one of her pieces and commissions Charlie to make a sculpture for his new building. Charlie brings a freshness to his life he did not know he was missing. Sebastian thinks Charlie is not getting enough credit for her art so he tries to make her see what is possible. Sebastian's secret passion is drawing sketches but he never felt like they were good enough because his Father convinced him he was never good enough. So he kept it to himself. Charlie helps him see his talent. They push each other but will they push each other away? Together they learn to see what is really important. Bella has another winner with this Maverick.
I received an ARC for my honest review of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexa hamilton
Sebastion Montgomery is one of the 5 Maverick "brothers". He had a rough time when he was younger dealing with his not so great parents. At the age of 13 he left for good to the home of Susan and Bob. They were hardworking and loving caregivers to the boys, who raised them all as if they were their own.
Charlie Ballard is an artist who makes sculptures from nuts, bolts, and other discarded materials. Her vision of the art came out of what others would call junk. AS an only child, she did everything she could to support her mother and to get her out of a mediocre assisted living facility into a better one.
From the moment Sebastian set eyes on Charlie he thought she herself was a vision of beauty, even with the marks on her face from her welding mask. He was opening a high rise office in San Francisco and wanted her to build a huge sculpture for the fountain in the lobby. Once she agreed to the terms and was paid, her life began to change.
From the moment there hands touched there was such an electric connection, they both felt it. Through out the book they gave each other a glimpse of who they were, what they have gone through and what they began to mean to one another. Sebastian met her mother and was in awe with the fight mentality she had for her every day mile walk through her facility. She pushed herself to walk her mile through the pain of her disease, because if you "don't use it you lose it."
The two were not sure where the attraction would lead but they knew "soon" they would find out. Sebastion knew that Charlie was his own Zanti Misfit....with her he could "Expect the Unexpected"

This book was so well written i feel as if i was watching a movie. I could envision Every sculpture,each dress charlie tried on and even the china that had a rose on the bottom to decipher which person hand painted it. I felt every emotion each character portrayed. Once I started I could not put it down, I had to keep reading to find out if they figured out how to "Walk their Mile."

I can not wait for the other books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbi gurley
Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully have done it again. I am continually amazed at how words can be put together and evoke so much emotion. Sebastian and Charlie's book is the 2nd book in the Maverick Billionaires series.

You could sense the strong emotions from the very beginning of the story. Charlie's art was brought to life. Sebastian and Charlie's feelings for each other were strong, yet fragile at the same time. There was something slow, easy, sensual in their relationship.

Their story took you on a rollercoaster of emotion and the ride didn't end until the last page. I loved the first book also. This one "felt"different.

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
srishti srivastav
Reckless In Love by Belle Andre and Jennifer Skully was another hit for me. It had the feel of the movie Pretty Woman for me, a beautiful woman Charlie taking care of her mom gets rescued by the hot billionaire man Sebastian. Charlie is a very strong woman that has to learn how to let other people help. Sebastian has issues when he was growing up, so he tries to fixed everything with his money and that can't always happen. I am so in love with The Maverick Billionaires they are my book boyfriends any of them. I would highly recommend this book, it is a must read. Belle and Jennifer are the perfect writing g partners.

I was given an ARC of this book, for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
librarian laura
For more reviews, please follow my blog:

Let me start this review by saying I love Bella Andre's writing. She is in my list of must-buy authors for me. And I LOVED Will and Harper's story in Breathless in Love. But Reckless in Love left me a little disappointed (and I HATE saying that)...

Although Reckless in Love is the second book in the Maverick Billionaires series, it can be read as a standalone since each book is focused on a different Maverick. That being said, I knew that Sebastian would be the focus of book 2 at the end of book 1 (got me...?)

At the end of Breathless in Love, Sebastian saw a dragon sculpture and asked his art curator to fine the artist that made it. Reckless in Love starts off when Sebastian finally meets Charlie Ballard, the dragon maker. Her work calls to him and he is determined to get her work in his new building, but when he finally meets the woman behind the work he is equally drawn to her. He feels that she NEEDS to be known for her art and makes it his mission to make sure that happens. Sebastian sweeps Charlie into his glamorous life of the rich and famous, showing off her and talking up her artwork.

She just seemed to let Sebastian take over her life from where her studio would be, her living arrangements, transportation, career, her mother... EVERYTHING. For such an independent woman (like she claimed to be), Charlie just let Sebastian do whatever he wanted. It just rubbed me the wrong way... Throughout the book Sebastian came off to desperate to me. His need to "fix" and have everything perfect just rubbed me the wrong way.

And the "insta-love" between these two just wasn't realistic. I can't put my finger on exactly why I feel this way... there was just something... missing for me.

Rating: 3 out of 5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully have a hit on their hands with Reckless in Love. I've been a fan of Ms. Andre's since I first started reading her books and this one is just as good. Sebastian was easy to love and I found myself melting when he tried to care for Charlie's mother. Charlie's insecurities made her seem real to me, although there were a few times that they became annoying. Both Charlie and Sebastian were people I could relate to and I loved reading their story. This book beats out the first book in this series by far for me and I can only hope that the next one will be even better. I give this book a solid 4.5 stars and recommend reading it.
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