Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell (2014-12-29)

ByGeorge Orwell

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlotte wells
Orwell's homage to the lost Republic of Spain, and his elegy for his own lost innocence. He saw what ideology, whether fascist or communist, could do to the human soul, and he gave up all such notions after this experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Poor woolly headed George, believing in the dream of socialism. He went to Spain to fight the bad guys, accomplished nothing, and got caught up in the civil war among the left which undermined the civil war against the right. He was associated with a group considered Trotskyist, although Trotsky denounced them, and was in the cross-hairs of the Stalinists who were eliminating everyone who disagreed with them. The Stalinists were intent on postponing the revolution so as not to stir up democratic countries, whose help they needed in the coming fight with Hitler. Orwell left disillusioned with Russian communism, but never saw that socialism wouldn't work either. After the left expropriated cars, buildings, and factories, where were they ever going to get any more? (Think Cuba after Castro.) He never saw that socialism would lead to the totalitarianism that he hated. Before this, read Brenan's Spanish Labyrinth and Borkenau's Spanish Cockpit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Best book ever written. Very revealing about the life of Orwell, the global atmosphere leading up to WW2, and very revealing about global politics in general. Not to mention beautifully written and very detailed about Orwell's personal adventures. This edition is very nice too.
The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 - The Battle for Spain :: Max the Mighty :: Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick (30-Mar-2007) Paperback :: Gold Fame Citrus: A Novel :: Modern Classics Orwell in Spain (Penguin Modern Classics)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An interesting personal narrative of George Orwell's experience in the Spanish Civil War; as a combatant. He fights with an anarchist brigade until he is wounded. The internal conflicts on the Republican side is enlightening. a worthwhile historical tome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary crouch
If you want to understand why Orwell wrote "1984" and "Animal farm" then this is the book to read. I own the Kindel version of this book. I cant praise this book enough! Sure, I am already biased for my love of Anarcho-syndicalism, and I love everything I have ever had the pleasure of reading from George Orwell. If you are a student of the history of the Spanish revolution then this is a must have for your collection. If you are interested in the rise of the Soviets, Anarchist communes, political intrigue and infighting then this book will capture your undivided attention. This is a personal account of George Orwell's volunteer service during the Spanish civil war -- "I've come to fight against Fascism". Orwell said as he contacted the ILP (independent Labour Party) and he joined its commrades in the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM - Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). Orwell spent much of his time on the Aragon front next to all types of leftists, both authoritarian (Soviets) and anti-authoritarian (Anarchists). Orwell sings praises of the courage of the Anarchists during his fights, and though at first he considered the Soviets as allies, his account tells a chilling tail of the backstabbing and manipulative propaganda the Soviets used to take control of other leftist groups and to demonize those who refused to come under sway. When Orwell arrived in Barcelona, the Anarchists were still virtually in control of Catalonia. It was the first time Orwell had ever been in a town where the working class "was in the saddle." He clearly conveys the sense of excitement of seeing the city under de facto workers' control, and the intensity of the revolutionary spirit which coursed through the people. "Servile and even ceremonial forms of speech had temporarily disappeared. Nobody said 'Senor' or 'Don' or even 'Usted;' everyone called everyone else 'Comrade' and Thou,' and said 'Salud' instead of 'Buenos Dias.'" It seemed like all men were equal, and there was hope in the air. "All this was queer and moving. There was much in it I did not understand, in some ways I did not even like it, but I recognized it almost immediately as a state of affairs worth fighting for." - Get this book and read it 20 times over until it sinks in: Authoritarianism SUCKS!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recently acquired an interest in the Spanish Civil War after doing research on US veterans who served both in the Spanish Civil War and then WW2. The conflict is often simplified as a proxy war between (Russian) communism and German and Italian Fascism; the real history is a bit more complex. The book is a bit one-sided, as it is Orwell's personnel account of his service with a Marxist militia on the Republican side, and barely addresses events on the fascist side, to which he was likely not privy. In early 1937, while recuperating from serious sniper wound, Orwell and his Marxist faction were denounced as collaborators and 'Trotskyites' by the Soviet supported leftist factions. Orwell narrowly escaped with his wife to France after securing a medical discharge. These events, plus Orwell's service with the BBC in WW2 likely inspired both "Animal Farm" and "1984". This book is a mercifully brief 170pp, and a good read for students of history or literature. I'm planning to read Tom Rick's new account of Churchill's and Orwell's roles in WW2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikita t mitchell
A moving, stark, but not humorless eyewitness account of the author's war against Fascism in Spain. Straight forward memoir with a scrupulous warning that it is the author's own memory and not to be mistaken for absolute truth. Orwell speaks plainly and clearly about the conditions at the front. He makes no claim to glorious deeds, and writes poignantly about the betrayal of the trade unionists, the socialists, the anarchists, and democrats by the POUM (Russian backed communists).

Orwell's own plain spoken style makes him very easy to read. If he had not written 1984 and Animal Farm we might not think of him as a great writer. Some people still insist that he is not. Reading Homage to Catalonia convinced me that if he had not been a great writer he would still have been a great man.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Homage to Catalonia is a good representation of Orwell's journalistic work, and of the entire body of his work. It is a vivid account of the Spanish Civil War: the absurdity of the politics; the humanity and courage of the soldiers; the bleakness of daily life at the home front. Reading this book allows you to experience war in its unadorned reality. The most compelling about the book is the intimacy one feels with the author. Orwell is like a beloved uncle telling you the truth, particularly about his own feelings and actions, admitting his failings and downplaying his selflessness, sincerity and absolute love for the human race. Orwell has a bleak (and justified) view of history and human civilization, but he has an unshaken certitude about human nobility. The only regret I can express is that I wished there were more descriptions of his wife, his comrades and friends. No doubt he sacrificed detail in his efforts to capture in full this significant moment in history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Homage to Catalonia is a good representation of Orwell's journalistic work, and of the entire body of his work. It is a vivid account of the Spanish Civil War: the absurdity of the politics; the humanity and courage of the soldiers; the bleakness of daily life at the home front. Reading this book allows you to experience war in its unadorned reality. The most compelling about the book is the intimacy one feels with the author. Orwell is like a beloved uncle telling you the truth, particularly about his own feelings and actions, admitting his failings and downplaying his selflessness, sincerity and absolute love for the human race. Orwell has a bleak (and justified) view of history and human civilization, but he has an unshaken certitude about human nobility. The only regret I can express is that I wished there were more descriptions of his wife, his comrades and friends. No doubt he sacrificed detail in his efforts to capture in full this significant moment in history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniele mancino
I enjoyed the book as a revelation of the Spanish Civil War. It shows the inside track of the struggle for a new Spain. There are many factions and philosophies tugging at one another while the people suffer deprivation and horror. Standing up for what is right is quite individual in this period of European history just before World War II. Catalonia tried to hold its own place. Orwell's role in this was surprising and insightful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading several of Orwells other books, I had come to expect a certain degree of sarcasm in his works. Homage to Catolonia does not disappoint. Orwell succeeds in giving us a brief histroy of the Spanish Civil War. He also makes it readable.

In Homage, Orwell explains to us how life was like serving for the anti Franco forces in Spain. He also tells us the motivations and the reasons for the fighting. It's important to note how his skills as a journalist aide us in learning about the history of the War.

Overall, HtC will please many because of its satirical view of the War and its historical significance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anne kennedy
Lots of history about the Communist/Socialist/Anarchist forces in their internal battles in Barcelona and the fights on the front against the Fascists in 1937. Too much detail spent on Orwell's daily activity on the battle lines which was mainly about the terrible conditions the volunteers endured with little combat nor effect on the enemy. His description of the power struggle between competing ideological groups in Barcelona was more interesting. It is fascinating to see how over the years Orwell realized the serious faults in his political beliefs to come 180 degrees against what he was so passionately in favor of in 1937.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
baron greystone
I recently assisted this to my high school history class during our unit on the Spanish Civil War. It provided a wonderful avenue for discussion as a book club in class. My students read it over a 3 week period and found it very accessible and informative. Orwell does a wonderful job of explaining his first hand account of the war as well as providing a historical perspective of secondary event, such as the political situation and international intervention that he was not aware of at the time. Overall it helped to make the Spanish Civil War meaningful and engaging to the majority of my students and helped to clarify and illuminate many of the key standards that I was hoping to address.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael reynolds
Homage to Catalonia is Orwell at the zenith of his journalistic style--brutally candid in its description of the battlefield and the politics of the Spanish Civil War in which he participated as a volunteer foot soldier against the military insurgency. The Civil War was, of course, a prelude to WWII and while this is clearly adumbrated in Orwell's vivd descriptions of the antagonists, he could not have anticipated the future conflagration. It is a "must read" not only for those interested in the politics of the conflict but also for anyone desiring a candid insight into the plight of the combatants.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zaher alkhateeb
War is a dirty and often confusing activity and the Spanish Civil War more than many with its confused politics. Orwell captures it well. This is not a heroic tale but one that goes down into the grime.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anthony buccitelli
Fascinating read, well written, very interesting. Provides a first hand and authentic tale of some aspects of the Spanish Civil War. The book does not give a wide panorama history of this war, but concentrates of the personal, every day experience of Orwell, in the front lines and the rear of republican Spain, in Barcelona.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a very important book historically and beautifully written although it starts off rather boringly about frontline trench warfare where almost nothing happens. It comes alive when he explains what went on politically in Barcelona although he suggests that you skip those bits if you want to. Without them, it would not have been an interesting read for me. This book was immeasurably enhanced by going on a Civil War tour in Barcelona last month. The two experiences together were an absolute highlight for me of history coming alive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Orwell's account is, I believe, the ONLY eyewitness account of the Spanish Civil War in English. His painstaking explanation of the political background to the war is priceless as are his personal anecdotes as a rank and file soldier. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason shugars
Orwell's prose is extremely readable and lends a British humorous detachedness to his account of the events; fair-minded comprehensive (apart from all the damn acronyms), this was perfect as my first close account of the Spanish Civil War. "The experience of being hit with a bullet is a remarkable one, and one that is worth describing in detail..."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura reopell
Very good biography of a news reporter in the trenches of a revolutionary civil war. Important reading in view of recent events in Libya, Syria and Egypt! Fairly unbiased view of the political forces within the Republican camp. The Popular front tactic used by the Communist party and conservative Republican forces actually erode the revolution and it's gains from within.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although Orwell hardly needs another review... Orwell's matter of fact style lends clarity and provides a rare insight into a complex period when the revolution that effectively saved the Republic from the Nationalist uprising was being subsumed by Communist centralism. Somebody had to be scapegoated, and in a way we are all fortunate that one of the greatest authors happened to be among the P.O.U.M. scapegoats, providing us a view of history that few other survived to write about. For an additional view of this history, watch Ken Loach's "Land and Freedom".
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kitty wu
Really interesting being in Barcelona and rereading parts that relate to the city. Brings it all alive. Fascinating insight into Spanish history, culture, people of the time. And Orwell himself. And his wife who tagged along!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david rice
Orwell writes without much flair but throughout this book there are chuckles galore although the Spanish civil war ws bloody and cruel . It is amazing to think how the Socialists, with such rag tag administration could have held out against Franco for so long .. So many good valid points are made along the story but I liked the account that most of the population had little interest in the war , they wanted it over and done with so they could get on with normal life .It is not a classic, in my opinion, like The seven pillars of wisdom and I do not think that it merited the extremely long introduction but it was a worthwhile read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marion brownlie
Although Orwell hardly needs another review... Orwell's matter of fact style lends clarity and provides a rare insight into a complex period when the revolution that effectively saved the Republic from the Nationalist uprising was being subsumed by Communist centralism. Somebody had to be scapegoated, and in a way we are all fortunate that one of the greatest authors happened to be among the P.O.U.M. scapegoats, providing us a view of history that few other survived to write about. For an additional view of this history, watch Ken Loach's "Land and Freedom".
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
benjamin smith
Really interesting being in Barcelona and rereading parts that relate to the city. Brings it all alive. Fascinating insight into Spanish history, culture, people of the time. And Orwell himself. And his wife who tagged along!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
curt bozif
Orwell writes without much flair but throughout this book there are chuckles galore although the Spanish civil war ws bloody and cruel . It is amazing to think how the Socialists, with such rag tag administration could have held out against Franco for so long .. So many good valid points are made along the story but I liked the account that most of the population had little interest in the war , they wanted it over and done with so they could get on with normal life .It is not a classic, in my opinion, like The seven pillars of wisdom and I do not think that it merited the extremely long introduction but it was a worthwhile read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ronalda macdonald
Much easier reading than Hemingway's 'For Whom the Bell Tolls.' This gives a real insight & understanding of the complex political underbelly of the Spanish civil war & the 'International Brigades.' A must read for anyone intersted in the Spanish civil war.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
todd anderson
KInd of confusing with the numerous political groups. I skipped the intro-forward and perhaps that explained all those initials that appear in the book.
The writing style is good . When he tells a story it really flows.
None of the ISms were the answer. They never are. The reality is always far removed from the dogma. For reasons too numerous to list.
Putting it all on the line for an ideal is very rare these days. SAd to say.
Maybe some prep work on the SPanish CIvil War would be a good idea before reading this.?
Down and OUt in PAris is next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia" is an interesting book describing his experiences fighting in the Spanish Civil War. These experiences are what turned him away from Stalinistic Communism. One thing to remember while reading this book is that while Orwell rejects Stalin and Communism, he only switches camps to Socialism. If you think he becomes Conservative (in the American sense) during this event, then you'll be confused by his world-view in this book. His basic assumptions of how the world should work sound like those of a freshman Political Science student at a radical university (i.e., extremely left-wing) and will leave you scratching your head trying to figure out what he's talking about. So, that's one source of possible confusion while reading the book. Another is inherent in the event itself. This is not a chronicle of two sides fighting. Instead, it's a chronicle of many sides fighting for and against each other (at least Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, the "government," and Fascists (Franco)). Frankly, he doesn't doesn't do a very good job of explaining all of it. There's very little background explaining what led to the Revolution and reading many of his pages is like looking at a bowl of alphabet soup: it's just a sea of meaningless acronyms floating around. Another issue is that he doesn't intersperse his chronicling of personal events with his political explanations very well: his political asides go on for scores of pages and totally disrupt the flow of the book. So, even though it's a very interesting book, I have to subtract a star for the technical implementation and give it merely an OK 3 stars out of 5.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
penny corradini
find this book very realistic account of what life was really like during trench warfare in the spanish civil war and how silly war could really be, young men and sometimes more like children sent to war without having a clue of why or what they were fighting for.
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