A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue

ByJulia Cook

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dave kovalak
I purchased this book to read to my second graders. At this age they have a "Bad Case of Tattle Tongue." The book is excellent and the activity book certainly helps to reinforce what the book is teaching. I read the book and use the activities every year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex tell
As an elementary school counselor this is a great book to read to classes, especially 2nd and 3rd grade. It's a bit longer than I like but definitely gets the point across about the difference between tattling and reporting. My students have liked hearing this book and doing an activity I created afterwards. I love this book because when one of them is tattling I can easily ask him/her "Is it dangerous?" and "Does it involve you?". After asking this questions the student realizes he/she was tattling. Got to love a book that teaches skills needed in school!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
septi septi
I was very pleased with my service through the store. The book arrived in a timely manner and in mint condition. The book itself is great. It is a humorous way to discuss tattling. AS an elementary teacher tattling can be a big problem. This book was a great segway into talking about tattling rules. It is hard for young kids to understand the difference between tattling and reporting. This book does a good job of illustrating it. I would recommend it to anyone who has small children or works with small children.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy voisin
I teach Character Education to the Pre-K classes through the 5th grade. The younger ones "tattle" about everything. We were able to differentuate between tattling and telling an adult immediately when someone was in trouble. The teachers sit in the classes and were able to follow through with the concepts in their classrooms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a professional school counselor, and I use this book for my guidance lessons to teach students when it is appropriate to tell an adult something that has happened at school or in class and when something is tattling. All of my students love it! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn bess
My kindergarten class loved it and ask for it again and again. It actually helped cut down on tattle tales and was a good way to explain the differences between what they need to tell me and what they can handle themselves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
madel bayeta
The Activity Book makes it possible to engage children of different ages in age-sensitive activities while moving all the children along with the whole group. Great suggestions easily assembled and presented.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really enjoyed reading this book with my kiddos. It gives a lot of perspective on when to tattle and when not to. My one child who polices the house has been able to relax more by not feeling she has to tell on everyone all the time. She even tells other when it is an appropriate time to tell on others and does keep the book close to her to show. I think it has helped develop more natural consequences for behavior then tattling would. Without being told on the child has to deal with the other children and frankly they can be harder than an adult would be. A friend not wanting to play with you because you called someone a name is much more powerful than a parent telling them to apologize. Behavior modification tends to happen faster and sticks with them.

Name calling = No one wants to play with me (kid thinks, I better change things or I will be playing by myself) Natural consequence, Lesson learned

Name calling + Tattling = Mom says to say sorry (kid thinks, no big deal they still will play with me) No lesson learned here (in my opinion).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This arrived quickly and was even better than I expected! There was one scenario that had me a little worried while reading it to my 5 year old the first time, since I didn't have time to read it ahead of time, but the author did a nice job of bring that scenario back into play and making it a positive learning experience. My kiddo loved this book so much he took it to school today for book day! Great read and a great lesson! He was totally captivated!
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