Combat Shooting with Massad Ayoob

ByMassad Ayoob

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
paula wissmann
Massad Ayoob provides a wealth of information on the topic. I have enjoyed reading other titles from this author, but this is the first one I've purchased to read on my Kindle. As another reviewer has said, the Kindle edition is full of typos and errors. I am not just talking about every couple of chapters, it's more like every other paragraph. After a while it becomes quite distracting and very tiring. The publisher really needs to issue an update with corrections.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina p
Sorry, couldn't resist the above pun. Kidding aside this is an excellent book. I'm a self-proclaimed gun enthusiast but have not had a formal self-defense/combat shooting class. I learned a lot from this book & wouldn't hesitate recommending this to a friend.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
judy b judy b
The production quality of the book is pretty low (although it's not falling apart or anything) and the photos are all printed in low-contrast, low-resolution black & white which makes them all look at least 30 years out of date. I suppose the information is good but it gets pretty slow at times. I had to skip around to keep it interesting.
Understanding Your Right to Self Defense - Deadly Force :: The Indispensable Guide to the Armed Citizen - The Law of Self Defense :: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection by Massad F. Ayoob (1980) Paperback :: Dirt (Stone Barrington Book 2) :: Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dave carmocan
this book is mostly Mr. Ayoob biography, kind of bragging " ya, I know everybody"
if you want to see Mr. Ayoob photo with everyone in gun business, this book is for you....
but still lots of good info....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
treye denton
This book gives you answers to this question. It takes you through the what if questions and answers them. You receive insight and a common sense way of addressing each one. The book tells you how to improve the skills you have received and wht you should to take them to the next level and how important it is to always keep training.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy booth
Very useful book for the beginner an the intermediate firearms owner. Excellent instruction on how to train, what to expect in an armed encounter and what to expect afterwards with the courts and police. A must-read for anyone who carries a firearm. Ayoob's research and experience are unparalleled.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gwen hill
Mr. Ayoob is a good writer with important information. However, this book is not one of his better efforts. The photos are very poor and often do not track the text. Much of the text consists of reprints from earlier articles. This book needed a good editor. It looks like they just put together old photos and text with little new info. Pick another Ayoob book like his title on concealed carry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mostly this book is an accumulation of all previous knowledge gained from much experiance by the expert author and other equally qualified law enforcement and competition shooters. That is where most of this book is useful. You will have to adapt this very good info to your personal use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Valuable practical information and expert advice from one of the most knowledgeable authorities alive. Everyone relying on or thinking about relying on a handgun for self defense needs to read this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary nelle
I usually like Ayoobs writing, and have many of his books, but this book was largely a collection of recollections and experiences as a competition shooter. Some interesting stuff, but if you are not into competition shooting - don't buy it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael rhodes
The content itself is amazing. I'm sure the printed version would be one of the most informative Ayoob books you own.

The Kindle conversion is awful. The typos are so predictable that it seems someone did a Find & Replace on text strings that now fill the entire book. In serious need of a revision from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy strait
Very poorly edited. Tons of typos in the first few paragraphs makes for distractions while reading!
While I respect Mas and have read all his books this poor chop job does not deserve his good name.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kirsten barton
A little bit of educational reading, a whole lot of trips down memory lane. I understand that those who don't heed history are doomed to repeat it but this book is terrible. At 70% of the way through I am about to completely give up all hope of this waste of money getting any better. Don't waste your money on this one, I wish I hadn't.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
vanessa rush
It's apparant that this is quite outdated. The book is full of Massad's personal stories of which few were of any real benefit. Honestly it was pretty boring reading. Not much useful advise on "Combat shooting" other than some interesting info on the pelvic girdle shot as a immediate threat stopper. I gave the book away rather than add it my library.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I sadly nominate this e-book for the Guinness Book of Records as the most poorly formatted e-book in the history of e-books. I purchased the Kindle edition despite having read other reviewers' comments that the formatting contained approximately one formatting error per paragraph.

I thought I could read the book to get to the gist of the author's thoughts despite the formatting errors. I did not believe the formatting errors would be so bad as to prevent me from reading and enjoying the book. I was wrong.

This book does not just contain a formatting error every paragraph. Rather, this book contains multiple formatting errors per paragraph. In many paragraphs there are multiple formatting errors per sentence. I jumped randomly through the book and found formatting errors on every page I visited.

I had not believed that it could be possible for an e-book to be so badly formatted with so many typographical errors that I would literally be unable to read the e-book despite the errors. I was wrong.

the store, fix this book's horrendously bad formatting and push the properly formatted version out to all of us who foolishly bought it, for free, as soon as possible, please. Then please fire whoever at the store approved this e-book for sale on the the store Kindle E-Book Storefront. (Yes, it is that bad.)

UPDATE: I contacted the store Customer Support and requested a refund. the store Customer Support responded in the afirmative. I have deleted my copies from my PC and from my Kindle Keyboard, and deleted the e-book from my Manage Your Kindle library. the store Customer Support says it will take a few days to back-credit my card.

1 star for the sadly mis-formatted e-book and 5 stars for the store's Customer Support (as usual).
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
A little bit of educational reading, a whole lot of trips down memory lane. I understand that those who don't heed history are doomed to repeat it but this book is terrible. At 70% of the way through I am about to completely give up all hope of this waste of money getting any better. Don't waste your money on this one, I wish I hadn't.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pam chapman
It's apparant that this is quite outdated. The book is full of Massad's personal stories of which few were of any real benefit. Honestly it was pretty boring reading. Not much useful advise on "Combat shooting" other than some interesting info on the pelvic girdle shot as a immediate threat stopper. I gave the book away rather than add it my library.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I sadly nominate this e-book for the Guinness Book of Records as the most poorly formatted e-book in the history of e-books. I purchased the Kindle edition despite having read other reviewers' comments that the formatting contained approximately one formatting error per paragraph.

I thought I could read the book to get to the gist of the author's thoughts despite the formatting errors. I did not believe the formatting errors would be so bad as to prevent me from reading and enjoying the book. I was wrong.

This book does not just contain a formatting error every paragraph. Rather, this book contains multiple formatting errors per paragraph. In many paragraphs there are multiple formatting errors per sentence. I jumped randomly through the book and found formatting errors on every page I visited.

I had not believed that it could be possible for an e-book to be so badly formatted with so many typographical errors that I would literally be unable to read the e-book despite the errors. I was wrong.

the store, fix this book's horrendously bad formatting and push the properly formatted version out to all of us who foolishly bought it, for free, as soon as possible, please. Then please fire whoever at the store approved this e-book for sale on the the store Kindle E-Book Storefront. (Yes, it is that bad.)

UPDATE: I contacted the store Customer Support and requested a refund. the store Customer Support responded in the afirmative. I have deleted my copies from my PC and from my Kindle Keyboard, and deleted the e-book from my Manage Your Kindle library. the store Customer Support says it will take a few days to back-credit my card.

1 star for the sadly mis-formatted e-book and 5 stars for the store's Customer Support (as usual).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt clementson
This book consists of five long chapters (Mindset, Learning combat shooting, Three gunfighters, Competition as training, and Choices) that each are divided into several sub-chapters. Many of those have been published before as independent articles in various gun magazines and books. This structure makes the book a bit repetitive - but not much. And some of the pictures don't match the text, as it seems that they are not from the original articles. Also, much of the material in this book (if not all) has been reprinted as separete booklets in Gun Digest eShorts series. So if you have this book, pay attention before buying any of the eShorts so that you don't end up paying money for something you already have.

Regardless of previously mentioned, the book is easy to read and very interesting. Ayoob is one of the best writers in the gun industry, and it shows. There is some fluff in Competition as training and Choices chapters, but not to the extent that it would bother much. The book handles some issues that are not typically discussed in books like this, and there are some very interesting pointers on many subjects that are covered in other similar books, so you should not skip over anything to not miss anything important. Overall, a good book and a recommended read. It just would have been better, if the material would have been rewritten for the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nancy nadolski
_COMBAT SHOOTING with Massad Ayoob_ provides shooters with a pretty broad range of musings by a man who has proven himself as a police officer, an instructor, a competitor and an expert witness. From the first chapter's notes on how Condition Yellow enables a person to notice more of life's _good_ things in addition to its dangers to discussions of tactics (including case studies that ought to scare anyone out of an unthinking "I'll shoot anyone inside my home" mindset) and stopping power, this volume provides advanced reflections for journeyman shooters. There are legal, historical and practical notes and advice about shooting - none of it presented as if it's the Answer from On High, but rather as the reflections of someone who's been doing this long enough to be very, very good at it. Much of the material is adapted from earlier articles, but it's not been collected in book form before and I'm delighted to have it in one place - on my bookshelf.

_COMBAT SHOOTING with Massad Ayoob_ does require a little more engagement and consideration by the reader than the usual book of this sort, but that's because it's not a straightforward instruction manual: it's a guide for reflection to be used by someone who's already somewhat informed on the subject. I've found it to be one of those more cerebral reads that will provide some immediate answers, but is probably more valuable for the seeds of thought that will sprout down the road after mulling it over. It's a book that I've read through, set aside, and then returned to . . . and returned to . . . and returned to. It hasn't actually made it onto the bookshelf since I received my copy in January - I keep picking it up and returning to various sections as my reflections call them to mind.

I'd not recommend _COMBAT SHOOTING with Massad Ayoob_ as the first book for a new shooter, but I don't know any experienced shooters who couldn't benefit from owning this book. Or who would not enjoy it as a pleasant, instructional read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brittany petersen
Unless you live and patrol a cave in Outer Mongolia, the name Massad Ayoob will be familiar to you if you have read anything concerning guns and shooting. This book was put out by Gun Digest Books and covers the essential basics of combat shooting. Those who make their living by carrying a gun as well as anyone who is into shooting will benefit greatly from reading this excellent book.

Like all of Ayoob's thousands of article and numerous books, this volume is well-researched and well-written. One of the many things I like about this book is how the author decided to organize the five informative chapters. Anyone who has been involved in any physical or weapon combat knows that the first thing you must deal with is your mind-set. Whether it is the military or law enforcement, the main theme taught to students first is usually the importance of developing the "warrior mind-set." The importance of awareness and Cooper's color code is explained in this section. Body language and threat recognition is also covered in this section.

The second chapter gives the basics of learning combat shooting and emphasizes the reality versus wishful thinking. The third chapter deals with three well-known gunfighters and the lessons we can learn from them. The fourth chapter explains how competition can play a role in combat shooting training. The final chapter covers the type of equipment available for those interested in combat shooting.

In conclusion, if you are seeking an excellent basic guide to combat shooting you will want this book in your personal library.

Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: PR-24 Police Baton Advanced Techniques)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan frampton
From sage advise to anecdotal lessons--nothing was too basic that it seemed obvious to me. Every lesson seemed relevant, all the information he gave. Was easily absorbed and his calls to action are not so difficult or expensive as to be out of the realm of possible to most all of us. (Except the $125 medico-legal text he recommends!). I really enjoyed reading this book and have already paid for and downloaded 2 more of his books to learn as much as I can from this expert of many decades. By the way, who will fill the shoes of these giants when they are gone from this world someday? Does the next generation of these uber-experienced and tireless advocates, passionate about serving AND teaching exist out there? Are people like Mas grooming them? I'd feel better if I knew he were, that's for sure. Buy and read this book. It really is great.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy schapiro
Massad presents a very well-rounded overview of many facets of the combat shooting world from real-life to the various competitions He presents not only his own views but includes several of the other well-known names over the last century or so. Anyone entertaining thoughts of combat shooting in any context, formal or competitively, would be well served to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elesa labanz
A very informative book,drawing not only on the author 's knowledge and experience but also on the knowledge and experience of true gun-fighting legends. Though it is a little slow and repetitive at times, it is well worth a reread at least once a year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon allen
Ayoob's material is always well thought-out, presented in the reader's best interest without alot of ego.
No matter how long you've been shooting, you'll learn something new, or something interesting about origins of techniques or equipment. Ayoob never disappoints.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eileen jacob
I try to read anything that you write about shooting. I have learned a lot from you . Thank You. All your books on shooting are great reads . Keep up the good fight.

Capt. Richard E. Vezina (ret.) Coventry,R.I. 02816
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberley fox
A good resource overall. Not sure I'd have purchased it to keep, but just right using kindle unlimited. For my taste, the respected author seems to be a bit heavy on the personal anecdote use, but I certainly understand why it can be helpful to establish your personal credentials when giving advice. An easy read that didn't take too long on a kindle/iPhone combination. I really enjoyed the historical portion. Kudos to the author for a job well done.
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