Rahab's Story (Daughters of the Promised Land) (Volume 1)

ByJill Eileen Smith

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Crimson Cord

Author: Jill Eileen Smith

Paperback: 368 pages

Series: Daughters of the Promised Land (Book 1)

Publisher: Revell (February 17, 2015)

Back Cover Description:

Wife to a gambler who took one too many risks, Rahab finds herself sold as a slave to cover her husband’s debt. Forced into prostitution, she despairs of ever regaining her freedom and her self-respect. But when Israelite spies enter Jericho and come to lodge at her house, Rahab sees a glimmer of hope and the opportunity of a lifetime.

In one risky moment, she takes a leap of faith, puts her trust in a God she does not know, and vows to protect the spies from the authorities. When the armies of Israel arrive weeks later, Rahab hopes they will keep their promise, but she has no idea what kind of challenges await her outside Jericho’s walls–or if she will ever know the meaning of love.

Under Jill Eileen Smith’s talented hand, the familiar story of Rahab bursts forth in high definition. Immerse yourself in a world of dark and dusty streets, clandestine meetings, and daring escapes as a mysterious biblical figure claims her full humanity–and a permanent place in your heart.

Meet the Author:

Jill Eileen Smith is the author of the bestselling Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba, all part of The Wives of King David series, and of Sarai, Rebekah, and Rachel in the Wives of the Patriarchs series. Her research into the lives of biblical women has taken her from the Bible to Israel, and she particularly enjoys learning how women lived in Old Testament times. Jill lives with her family in southeast Michigan.

Visit her website here!

My Review:

Rahab’s story is from scripture and can be found in Joshua 2 and 6, Hebrews 11:31, and from the lineage of Christ listed in Matthew 1:5. Other than that we don’t know much about Rahab, but Smith gives a little something even if it is historical fiction. From these scriptures Smith has written a story that will capture your heart. Rahab’s character – her inner thoughts, doubts, and longings felt authentic. Jill Eileen Smith has crafted her character to be a careful blend of feminine vulnerability and strength. Jill Eileen Smith shares numerous historical and biblical details throughout the book, especially the law regarding captive brides, which plays a large role in the storyline. Her combination of desperate emotional lows countered by mountain top highs made for a page-turning work of biblical fiction. You do not want to pass this one up!


I received this book free from the publisher through the Revell book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly gagne
Raised in a God loving, church going family, I think that I have heard just about every story in the Bible at least twice, but there are some passages that I wish I could just step back in time and see the inside story of the person's life. Rehab is one of them.

As I read this book I found myself pulled back into time. The author's descriptions of the people, both physically and emotionally, bring them to life. This is why I commend Jill Eileen Smith's for this excellent rendentation on the story of Rehab. Rahab's amazing story is a lesson for us all - from Harlot to Heroine. Whether you are a new or mature believer in Christ or not a believer at all, one can benefit from these timeless and faith-strengthening stories that Jill writes.

Jill Eileen Smith's writing style is always a delight, even as her stories are captivating. "Crimson Cord - Daughters of the Promise Land" is no exception. From the opening scene the reader is drawn into Rehab's life, and we care about her from that moment on. This is more than a heart-tugging romance--though it is that--but it is also a mind-challenging read that will leave us in a different place than when we began. In the first chapter, I wanted to swath Rehab's husband, Gamal, because he made me so mad with his ways and treatment to Rehab.

Yet, I love how Jill incorporated the "Parable of the unforgiving servant" (Matthew 18-21-35) into the story - that being reflected in Rehab's husband, Gamal. The King forgives him his debts, and yet he does not forgive the friend that owed him money. That causes his demise. A tragically flawed hero, his gambling debts led him into great trouble, for him and his beloved wife Rehab, for they are both sold into to slavery. Only her intertwinement with an admirer puts her in a place of redemption. Although she knew the one that bought her, she thought at the time that she had only been "traded from one fool to another, hopelessly bound by their desires." Held prisoner in a dwelling on the walls of Jericho, she longs for escape.

She awaits her deliverance as Joshua marched on Jericho. When Joshua entered the city he set about the execution of the divine command to destroy the city. As a sign of protection - a scarlet rope hung from the window-the crimson cord. She is not left behind, but takes her place with her new found friends, Gods chosen people in the Promised Land. There the story proceeds on to her life after Jericho. And what a story it is. You must read it to see what happens next. It's a Boaz!

I received this book from the author for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. How gloriously daring she is in her faith, and how richly rewarded we are in her willingness to expound upon the life in a cause she knows to be of God! Thank you Jill Eileen Smith for sharing your wonderful stories with us, we are truly blessed.

Jill has also written about The Wives of the Patriarchs that is a three-book biblical fiction series set in ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, and ancient Canaan. Each story is a fictional rendering of the biblical account, focusing on Sarai, Rebekah, and Rachel. The Wives of King David series is also great. She writes about Michal, Abigail and Bathsheba. And we cannot forget the Loves of King Solomon series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael collins
"The Crimson Cord" by Jill Eileen Smith is a wonderful book about Rahab, a prostitute that helps spies when they came to spy out Jericho. Jill Eileen Smith has written a beautiful story of heartache and love and forgiveness. The love is between Rahab and the God she learns to love and to know He loves her!

I have loved every book of Jill Eileen Smith that I have read. She writes Biblical fiction so well that the reader can almost believe they was there when the Biblical account was happening, she researches her facts well before she writes the story.

While reading "The Scarlet Cord" I felt Rahab's pain and sorrow,as the story was written so well that the words just reveals how she was feeling.

Jill Eileen Smith has written another five star novel. Though this work is mostly fictional she does explain why she draws the conclusions that Rehab married who she does in her story and not the man she does in other books written by others!

In "The Crimson Cord" we see that maybe Rahab wasn't a prostitute by choice and even if she was, we learn that we all need to be forgiven for something, even if it is pride!

I read this in "The Crimson Cord" by Jill Eileen Smith and was amazed when I read Rahab's statement about the effort on our hearts! Any thoughts from any of you, my blog followers? I ask this because I like when a book can lead to discussions and bring us closer to understanding and following our Saviour closer! Yes, " The Crimson Cord" by Jill Eileen Smith is written about a woman from the Old Testament that we don't know much about but the sacrifices they are discussing will be replaced by Jesus's sacrifice, so I don't feel my statement is taking anything away from the story line. So here is the quote, " Rahab nodded. In the distance, she could hear the bleating of lambs kept in pens near the tents when they weren't out foraging in the fields with the shepherds. " A lot of blood must be spilled because of our sins." The image of the spotless lamb Salmon had chosen for them filled her mind." Why could God not accept a different type of offering? Why must an innocent animal be killed?" " I do not know," Eliana admitted. " All I know is that from the beginning God expected animal sacrifice. Adam's oldest son Cain tried to bring an offering of the fruit of the ground, as though he could choose which way to worship our great Creator. Elohim did not accept him, and in the end, Cain killed the brother God accepted out of jealousy. I think the blood reminds us of how grievous sin is to God." Rahab pondered the thought. " I don't suppose a pomegranate or a fig as an offering would have the same effort on our hearts. To see an innocent life taken in our place is much more humbling than offering Adonai fruit. "

I was given a copy of "The Scarlet Cord" as part of the Launch Team and for my honest review!
Eileen: A Novel :: Deborah's Story (Daughters of the Promised Land) - The Prophetess :: A Novel (Wives of the Patriarchs) (Volume 2) :: The Diary :: Abigail: A Novel (The Wives of King David)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In our homeschool history, we are pretty firmly entrenched in ancient history. History dork that I am, I have always loved historical fiction, but I been loving biblical fiction because I am learning enough to be able to connect the dots. Am I the only one who loves that?

Anyway, when the opportunity to review The Crimson Cord came out, I decided it sounded good enough to take one of the few spots I was willing to dedicate to fiction this year. I was NOT disappointed. The newest book by Jill Eileen Smith is the first in the Daughters of the Promised Land series. The main character? Rahab. The harlot. One of only 5 women listed in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1).

It was a fascinating story. Part I of the book sets the stage of Rahab’s life and how she became a harlot. Her husband turned to drink and gambling after their marriage. Knowing how beautiful his wife was, his debts caused him to offer her to the highest bidder(s), including the Prince. Since she couldn’t bear him a son, she was good for little else. Despite her difficult life, she was kind to others and cared for her family throughout the story.

In the second part, Smith tells the story of Rahab’s redemption. She offered sanctuary to the Jews scouting out Jericho and was promised that everyone in her home would be safe. Given that everyone and everything in her life had failed her, she has nothing more to lose. Her family is saved and she lives with the Jews. Not only does God redeem her, giving her love & marriage, but he also restored her honor and provides her a child.

Because The Crimson Cord is based on a bible story, I don’t think there are any “spoilers.” But Jill Eileen Smith did a beautiful job of creating a picture of a woman, discarded and broken, then redeemed to be part of God’s lineage. None of the women mentioned in his genealogy were perfect women and I think they were mentioned because he wanted everyone to know they were valuable, loved and able to be used by God for good. If you are a fan of biblical fiction or any historical fiction, this is a fabulous book!

This book coupled with a few stories I have heard over the last month, have really given me a heart for women who have little choice between death or selling themselves. My measly little health issues are NOTHING compared to the struggles & crosses that others bear. One of the ways that I try to help is to support Fair Trade Friday, Mercy House, and other similar organizations.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh black
Biblical fiction done well moves the reader to discover more, to dig deeper, into scripture. The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith does that and more. Smith’s re-imagining of the story of Rahab brings to life the clashing cultures of Canann and God’s people as they enter the land to claim it, as well as a credible account of Rahab’s life before and after the walls fell in Jericho. Both the account in Joshua and references to Rahab in the New Testament served as the inspiration for this excellent story. If you are a fan of Biblical fiction, this one is a must read.

The Crimson Cord begins with a young Rahab, abused and used by her husband and forced into prostitution. Unable to prevent the unfolding circumstances, Rahab plays the game that keeps her alive and her family safe. But Rahab never fully accepts her lot in life and hopes for a future that includes freedom from men and their control. When she hears of a God who leads a large company of people, her spirit responds. But can a God who demands strict obedience show mercy to a woman like her?

Smith’s novel has many strengths. Characters are real and relatable, a true test of great writing. Modern readers will have no problem putting themselves in the place of Rahab, the two spies and the many minor characters that support the narrative. The place and time of Jericho are also brought to life. Smith’s painstaking research is evident in the detail given to home life, religious practices and the role of women in the cultures of both the people of Canaan and the children of Israel. The contrast of life among these two peoples, sets the stage for the important spiritual truths Smith explores. Themes of justice and mercy are woven throughout the novel. Rahab struggles with her sin in the face of the obvious mercy God has shown her. Her statement of faith — There was no reason to doubt a God who could part the Red Sea (page 169) — prompts the reader to examine what he/she really believe about God.

The Crimson Cord does not sugar coat Rahab’s life (abuse and brutality), nor does it seek to soften the demands God put on his people (circumcision and blood sacrifice). It does what the Scripture it portrays does — points the reader to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

So, run don’t walk to your local book store or online retailer to get The Crimson Cord! The first book in a new series, Daughter of The Promised Land, I look forward to many more by Jill Eileen Smith.

Highly Recommended.

Audience: adults.

(Thanks to the author and Revell for my review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris teel
The Crimson Cord
by Jill Eileen Smith
Rating: 4/5
Daughters of the Promised Land Book 1
Revell - Historical Fiction

Marriage to an injured soldier-turned-gambler was not what Rahab expected when she dreamed of love. When her husband's debt becomes more than they can manage, Rahab is auctioned off and begins to live as a prostitute. Even when the prince of Jericho starts favoring her, she still feels dirty and unlovable. Feeling trapped in a life she did not choose, Rahab is hesitant to trust any man. When two Israelite spies seek her help, she chooses to deceive her own people. She has heard all about what their God did in Egypt and in parting the Red Sea. She knows there is something different and real about the God that the spies serve. She secures a promise from the spies that their God will spare her life (and her family's) if she hangs a crimson cord from her window and if she doesn't betray the spies. Even if what they are saying is true, can Rahab trust them? Can she trust their God to keep His word? Can she learn to trust and love again when she's been so hurt and misused?

Since many people are already familiar with the biblical account of Rahab, I was curious to see how the author explained her lifestyle. I really enjoyed the background story because it painted a fuller picture of who Rahab was and why she was the way she was. I've always loved that God chose to use the least likely person and place her in the lineage of Christ. His redemption is so much more powerful when seen through the process she went through.

I read through this book in a few hours because I had to know how the author would end the story. I was not disappointed. The characters are authentic and not over-the-top. We see their struggles and failures. I was very impressed with the character development and how the main characters made me want to like them.

I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys historical fiction with a biblical background. This is more a story of redemption than a story of romance.

I received this book for free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie zimmermann
The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith is a wonderful, captivating story of Rahab. For those who have wanted to know more behind the brief encounter in the Old Testament account, there will be no disappointment. The author spins a delightful, logical background story of Rahab and her importance in Biblical history. Every character is richly portrayed and comes alive through the author’s descriptions. The drama of Rahab’s life, as the author envisions it, is very plausible and enthralling. The story woven here explains how Rahab’s life became one of a prostitute and how it was not a willing choice. Through quite believable circumstances her existence is dictated by the men in her life. The author portrays her husband as a compulsive gambler addicted to the game, and he uses his beautiful wife for his purposes. Not only does Jill Eileen Smith capture the essence of the weak and conniving men of Jericho and the ruthless and cruel-natured men of Jericho but also she captures that of the courageous and loving men of Israel and the God-following and compassionate men of Israel. Through this historical story Joshua and Salmon are brought to life as the God-honoring, leaders of the Israelites—men that you feel you know better by the conclusion of the story. Besides a very gripping romance, we have the story of a woman’s journey of faith and faith rewarded. Furthermore, we have a story of redemption and God’s unfailing love to those who ask forgiveness and receive Him. This novel continues the tradition of Jill Eileen Smith’s well-crafted works. Her extensive research for her novels is very evident and rewards the reader with a very intriguing story and Biblical history that comes alive. I very highly recommend this wonderful story. It draws the reader in, and the reader wishes that the story could go on and on. I received a copy of this book from the author who asked that an honest review be posted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Crimson Cord
Rahab's Story
Daughter's of the Promised Land - 1
By Jill Eileen Smith

Rahab, one of four women mentioned in the lineage of Jesus, is a woman not expected to be in this lineage. She was not Hebrew by birth. She was a harlot in a city brought down by God when the Children of Israel retook the land given to Abraham.

But who was this woman who received such notice? The Crimson Cord is her possible story. A story of slavery that brought safety to the spies of Israel and new life to both her and her family. This a story of mercy and redemption. A story of promise.

The basics of this story are well-known to most people who attended Sunday school. But Jill Eileen Smith takes it beyond the basics, bringing humanity to this woman. A woman who would have been disdained for her situation and yet was in demand.

The Crimson Cord looks into the heart and mind of Rahab. A woman sullied and unclean by even her own examination. A woman who viewed herself unworthy of mercy, of grace. A woman confused by the God of Israel - a God who demands blood for sin and yet offers life to one such as her.

Though a work of fiction, the story that portrayed is entirely plausible and believable. A woman whose husband's debt has forced her into a life of servitude - a life of prostitution. A woman who sees that these spies of a wandering people are a way out of a despised life.

This is a book that will open your eyes to the ancient world of the Old Testament and the blood sacrifices. This is a book that will touch your heart and bring empathy for this woman who was redeemed.

I was provided a copy of this book by Revell through their Blogger Program in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is impressive Biblical fiction about the life of Rahab. As a beautiful young girl, Rahab was given in marriage to a strong young warrior, Gamal. At first he appears to love her but when she seems barren, he turns to gambling, drinking and other women. Because of his cruelness and extensive gambling debts, both are sold into slavery. He is sold to foreigners and she is forced to become a prostitute for the king’s advisor and the wealthy men of Jericho. When two men from Israel show up at her door, she realizes they are spies. She figures this could be a way out of the life she loathes and agrees to give them information in return for the sparing of her and her family when Jericho falls. Her life begins anew with the people of Israel and she must learn to live again.

The information in the Bible about Rahab is very sparse, only a few verses, but Ms. Smith does a marvelous job of weaving a spellbinding tale. The main characters are well thought out and the storyline is mesmerizing and will keep you turning pages. In addition to the physical storyline, there is also an emotional theme as Rahab struggles with her past and the feelings of worthlessness it evokes. She must learn to forgive herself and others must learn to forgive her.

I had heard of Rahab and even read the passages, but this book brings her story to life. This is written to be enjoyed by both young and old and is a wonderful example of the difference women made in ancient Israel. If you are a fan of Biblical fiction, you definitely should pick this up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fatih serhat gerdan
The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith is the part of the Daughters of the Promised Land series. I was only going to read for a few minutes but was hooked immediately and continued reading until the wee hours. The story is so compelling and well written that I could nearly see the walls of Jericho.

The research by Ms. Smith along with her natural talent for telling a story inspires the reader to turn the pages and keep reading about the characters she brings alive. Prior to this book I thought of Rahab as merely a name of a prostitute in the bible.

Rahab, is a young woman sold into slavery and prostitution through the selfish acts of her gambling husband, Gamal. In her new life she had a lovely home, servants and fine clothes. Her life was empty though without the true love of a caring husband, a child to love and the support of her family.

The Israelites planned to invade Jericho and Joshua, their leader sent two spies into the city to learn as much as possible to assist their invasion. They found Rahab who makes a deal with the two men to spare her if she helped them. What follows is an unbelievable testament of faith that is remarkable for a young woman who continually searched for a god she could believe in. Her faith in the one true God is an inspiration to us all. Rahab learned that her life as a prostitute did not exclude her from the love and forgiveness of the one true God.

I am inspired by this book, and look forward to the next book in the series. Last year I enjoyed reading Rachel by Jill Eileen Smith and will look for some of her other titles for further reading. If you are looking for a good read along with some good old fashioned inspiration, check out the Crimson Cord.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bringing the story of Rahab to life in an utterly unique way, "The Crimson Cord" is sure to please fans of historical fiction! As with her prior books, it is clear that Smith has carefully mined the scriptures to provide a fictionalized version of Rahab's story that is still faithful to the Biblical account. The historical setting rings with authenticity as the author has brought the time and place to life, including capturing the arrogant and violent attitudes of the men who ruled the land. Rahab's descent into the oldest profession on earth is heartbreaking to behold, and makes the ending all the more precious. Smith has done an excellent job at fleshing out Rahab's character, along with that of Salmon, and their love story is handled beautifully. Reading this fictional account makes me so thankful for a God of grace. Although the majority of readers of this novel are not going to empathize with Rahab's journey into prostitution, they will surely connect with Rahab's realization of her sin and unworthiness, and the forgiveness that is offered by our God. I continue to enjoy Smith's ability to create page-turning tales that are based in stories from the Word. They continue to be some of the best books in the Christian marketplace today.

If you have long wondered how Rahab came to be a prostitute and how her life was so beautifully redeemed, then pick up a copy of "The Crimson Cord". It is a wonderful read! I award this book a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lainie petersen
The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith is a retelling of the Biblical character, Rahab’s, story. Of her fall into prostitution, the Israelites’ battles, and ultimate redemption. Considering the Bible doesn’t say very much about Rahab, I feel this book was a pretty accurate look at this particular story.

Some of the violence (Old Testament battles) and cruelty (involving Rahab’s profession) were hard to read of, but Jill Eileen Smith managed it all tastefully enough. And she went deep into the matter of the blood sacrifices and such, which was thought-provoking, and much appreciated. It kind of helped you understand everything else that had to happen.

That being said, there were some scenes not appropriate for a younger audience, and also a few scenes of violent (and bloody) happenings.

What a powerful story all in all. I love reading authors’ thoughts on Rahab, because her life is so inspiring. A prostitute (that’s quite “down there”) and a foreigner (that’s a really low position too; if you’ve read the Old Testament, you’ll understand), and yet God choses to place her directly in the lineage of Christ! Talk about grace!

So yeah, you really felt that in The Crimson Cord. Not only for Rahab, but also for Salmon. A great Biblical retelling overall, exploring amazing grace, unholy and holy judgment, and a broken young woman’s journey to God.

I certainly wouldn’t take it as the solid truth… go read the Bible for total accuracy. But I feel Rahab’s story could have perhaps gone something like the tale The Crimson Cord tells.

I received a free copy of The Crimson Cord from Revell Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david wilber
The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith is a retelling of the Biblical character, Rahab’s, story. Of her fall into prostitution, the Israelites’ battles, and ultimate redemption. Considering the Bible doesn’t say very much about Rahab, I feel this book was a pretty accurate look at this particular story.

Some of the violence (Old Testament battles) and cruelty (involving Rahab’s profession) were hard to read of, but Jill Eileen Smith managed it all tastefully enough. And she went deep into the matter of the blood sacrifices and such, which was thought-provoking, and much appreciated. It kind of helped you understand everything else that had to happen.

That being said, there were some scenes not appropriate for a younger audience, and also a few scenes of violent (and bloody) happenings.

What a powerful story all in all. I love reading authors’ thoughts on Rahab, because her life is so inspiring. A prostitute (that’s quite “down there”) and a foreigner (that’s a really low position too; if you’ve read the Old Testament, you’ll understand), and yet God choses to place her directly in the lineage of Christ! Talk about grace!

So yeah, you really felt that in The Crimson Cord. Not only for Rahab, but also for Salmon. A great Biblical retelling overall, exploring amazing grace, unholy and holy judgment, and a broken young woman’s journey to God.

I certainly wouldn’t take it as the solid truth… go read the Bible for total accuracy. But I feel Rahab’s story could have perhaps gone something like the tale The Crimson Cord tells.

I received a free copy of The Crimson Cord from Revell Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah kasdan
The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith is a fictional account based on Rahab’s story in the Bible. Rahab, a prostitute, helps the Israelite spies and she and those within her home are saved from the destruction of the city of Jericho. Putting her faith in the God of Israel, she places a red cord out her window and she and her loved ones are sheltered in her home as the city walls come tumbling down (Hebrews 11:31). This book explores the events before Rahab meets the spies, the destruction of Jericho, and after. I have always wondered if God sent those two spies specifically to save Rahab and I was always curious about more of her story. Ms. Smith gives us her imaginings of how Rahab may have been placed in prostitution and how she was crying out to any god to save her before the events in the story unfolded and she became Rahab the prostitute. I really did enjoy this story as the characters asked many of the same questions as we do today, especially in regards to the mercy and grace of God and yet His perfect judgement on mankind as well. Forgiveness, salvation, and faith are themes in this story and they are interwoven throughout. There is a romantic thread between Rahab and Salmon, one of the two spies, and it was interesting to see how that played out. In the Bible Rahab becomes the mother of Boaz, firmly placing her in the genealogical line of Jesus (Mathew 1:5). I liked how Ms. Smith wove the story around the Biblical accounts located in Joshua chapters 4-9. I look forward to the next in this series, Daughters of the Promised Land. I have received my copy from Revell Publishers for an honest review and the opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary claire
Wow. Wow. Wow. Jill is a brilliant author. This is only the second book I have read by her but I have to say she my favorite Biblical fiction author I have read yet.

She takes people who are familiar to us and gives them a voice. One I never saw coming. I have to keep reminding myself that is Jill’s take on Rahab and her story might not have actually happened this way.

I never thought about the fact that maybe Rahab didn’t want to be a prostitute, that maybe she was forced into it. Maybe she was like many of us, hungry for love and gave herself away to the wrong man.

I loved how we see Rahab’s heart begin to change and wonder if many she is worshipping the “god”. Maybe the God of Israel is the real deal.

One thing the really struck me was the great fear the people in Jericho had of our God. I thought as I read this that people today don’t really fear Him. If they did I don’t think we would have all the sin we see today. I think we have forgotten that Jesus said that we will do even greater things than He did. But are we? I know I don’t feel I am and because I don’t live in that truth I don’t think people see God and therefore don’t fear Him like people once did. Just something to think about.

We also get inside the Israelite camp and meet Joshua and then Salmon who is Boaz’s father (Rahab is Boaz’s mother). Boaz is the great-grandfather to King David. So cool to read about how all of this could have happened.

I could say so much more. I truly enjoyed this book and highly recommend this one.

A copy of this book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deirdre o brien
The newest series by Jill Eileen Smith begins with the intriguing story of Rahab, the prostitute who protected the two Israelite spies in the book of Joshua. In return, she asked for protection for her family when the Israelites conquered Jericho. In her story, we read of God’s goodness, His grace to sinners, and His plan for the world. Rahab is one of four women (in addition to Mary) listed in the genealogy of Jesus. We know she married a man named Salmon, but how did that come about?

It’s my opinion that Smith has yet to write a bad book. Unlike some writers of Biblical fiction, she doesn’t pick and choose which facts to include. She includes all the information provided on a character in the Bible and creates a story around that. As a result, I feel her work is Biblically accurate. In The Crimson Cord, Smith has also worked in a familiar New Testament parable. It’s a surprising inclusion, but it’s woven into the tale seamlessly. That’s something else about Smith’s writing: although it’s easy to read in just one or two sittings, it doesn’t lack depth. I was immediately drawn into Rahab’s tale and the life she endured prior to meeting the Israelites. The descriptions of Jericho and the Israelites' camp were written in such a way I could picture them without difficulty.

The Crimson Cord is the first in the Daughters of the Promised Land series. The other books will focus on Deborah, Ruth, and Hannah.

Thank you to Jill Eileen Smith and Revell for my complimentary copy of The Crimson Cord, which I received in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate greene
This is a fictional account of one of the greatest stories of grace in the Bible! By faith was Rahab spared. By faith she was redeemed. This fascinating woman became the mother of Boaz, a type of Christ in the Bible. For the type of man that Boaz became—his mother had to be a remarkable woman.

We do not know the reasons that Rahab became labeled as “Rahab the Harlot” so there is of course a good bit of speculation as to why she was living this life. She may or may have not been a willing participant in this lifestyle but the important thing is that at some point she gave her heart to the God of Israel.

By faith she and her family were spared when Jericho was overthrown. This woman put her faith into God and into two spies that she hid among the flax on her rooftop—securing their passage out of the city and earning the promise that she and her family would be spared. As a symbol of this promise she was asked to tie a scarlet cord in her window so that the Israelite army knew that her family was to be saved.

That scarlet thread of grace became not only symbolic of her physical but also spiritual salvation. In the genealogy of Christ, all four women from the Old Testament are women who receiving extraordinary grace. Oh, how that God extended his grace to all of us! He is an amazing God that changes lives!

While this book is a little edgy (How can it not be?) and sometimes even a little dark, it was so beautifully written. I couldn’t put this book down and I would definitely suggest this to older Christian ladies who do not mind a bit of an edge to their books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Crimson Cord" is the fictional story of Rahab as revealed in scripture. Little is known about Rahab aside from the implications that she was a prostitute in the city of Jericho. Jill Eileen Smith has chosen a biblical character about which very little information is available, and developed her knowledge into a compelling full-length novel. Drawing upon scripture and a great deal of research the story of Rahab comes to life, and through her tale comes the story of God's chosen people, Israel.

The story of Rahab is told in such vivid detail that she becomes a woman of powerful character. The entire cast of characters in "The Crimson Cord" are revealed as exhibiting human qualities consistent since The Creation. Descriptive and significant detailing creates picturesque visions of the countryside and cities that are explored throughout this novel, as well as credible portrayals of the customs of that period in history. Information from scripture is utilized with accuracy, and expounded upon to develop Rahab's story and the stories of those with whom she came in contact.

I found this book to be a powerful and impressive fictional portrayal, and I highly recommend it to those who are interested in biblical fiction. This author has woven a story of human strengths and weaknesses while building a significant chronicle of history as described in scripture.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
derrick mah
The Bible comes filled with names of seemingly inconsequential characters. Yet they each had a bit role in the overall story of 3 major religions. Jill Eileen Smith has proven herself to fictionalize some of these people into believable biographies. One wayward woman served God by assisting a spy escape via a rope dyed red. "The Crimson Cord" is the first of a new series that expands the role of Rahab of Jericho. This insignificant woman makes a quick decision (Biblically noted) that helps determine the victor of the Battle of Jericho. Did God use such a fallen woman?

Rahab is arrested due to her husband's gambling addiction and pride. By that time Rahab has already determined to make her own choices. She's bold, cunning, and unwittingly being used by God to alter the course of history. To God she's more than a soiled body to be abused by men. Quote: "She had to be strong. Weak women never accomplished anything."

1400 years prior to Christ's birth, redemption and the complete forgiveness of former sin was being incorporated into this family linage via the Great-grandparents of King David (being Salmon & Rahab.)
It's an amazing story of filling in the gaps left out by history. This account includes the Jericho rout and two sorties at Ai. It includes one of God's miraculous signs witnessed by the Israelites. Jill Eileen Smith compiles research beyond Biblical text in telling the story of Rahab of Jericho, both prior to and after the tumbling walls.
Thrilling Old Testament adventure and a crimson cord of romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marc buwalda
This was an interesting and realistic view of what Rahab's life could have been like. The book's divided into three parts, with the first part about Rahab's marriage and how she ended up in prostitution. This section angered me because of how she was treated by her husband and the circumstances that led to her prostitution, and then what she had to suffer while a prostitute. I felt this section went on for quite a while with no hopeful parts except you know how the end will be. I liked parts 2 and 3 a lot more, with the actual saving of the spies and then her living at their camp. I thought the issues Rahab struggled with were very realistic, the main one being her distrust of men. Salmon, too, would struggle to accept her because of her profession. I thought the themes of forgiveness, pride and realizing we're all sinners in need of grace were wonderfully done. The romance had some sweet moments as they're drawn to each other, but both throw obstacles in the path due to fear and pride. There was also a pretty cool twist in Rahab's story at the end, though I believe that was made up. I thought Jill did a good job of bringing her story to life, though you have to read this knowing the parts not included in the Bible are not fact, but a best guess as to what her life could have been like. I recommend it if you like Biblical fiction!

I received this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peggy h
“The Crimson Cord” by Jill Eileen Smith tells the story of Rahab. In the Bible Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho who helped Israelite spies. Rahab protected the Israelites and was promised safety when the Israelites took Jericho. She was told to hang a crimson cord on her window and when the time came she and anyone who resided in her house would be safe. “The Crimson Cord” takes us into Rahab’s world and brings the scriptures in the Bible to life. The Bible does not say why Rahab became a prostitute but this book gives us one possibility. This book also makes us think what her thoughts and feelings were during that dark time in her life. We also see how she moves from her past to a bright future and become an ancestor to Jesus. While we can only speculate about most of Rahab’s life, this book will bring her to life and make us wonder what this woman was truly like.

This is a wonderfully written book and that will draw you in from the first page and keep you turning until the last. Jill Eileen Smith does an amazing job in bringing the Bible to life and detailing what life was life back then. This is the ultimate story of redemption and forgiveness. We see that if we put our trust and faith in God He will forgive us of our sins if we are sincere and repent. Rahab’s story shows us that God can and will use anybody from any walk of life for a greater good. I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from Revell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bible tells us little about Rahab other than she was a prostitute who hid Israelite spies and helped them escape. In exchange she exacted a promise from them that she and her family would be spared when the Israelites conquered Jericho. She is also mentioned by Matthew in the lineage of Christ. But what might her life have been like?

What if Rahab had been forced into prostitution after being sold as a slave to help pay her husband's debt? What if she despised her life and those who forced her into a life of shame and misery? What if she tried to escape? What if the Israelite spies didn't keep their word? What if they did--then what sort of life would she have? Can she trust these men and their God?

Jill Eileen Smith takes the little bit of knowledge we have of Rahab and combines it with history of the time period to create a marvelous tale of what could have been. History is woven into the story and not presented as a litany of facts. The story and characters are completely plausible. The reader will keep turning pages to discover if Rahab will ever be free to make her own decisions and if she will find the love that has been missing from her life.

If you enjoy reading moving fiction in Biblical settings with strong, unforgettable characters, you won't want to miss The Crimson Cord. A word of warning, though: It will be hard to put the book down once you begin.

Susan Simpson, Author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rj mcgill
I LOVED this book from Jill Eileen Smith on Rahab’s Story. This is the first book in her series Daughters of the Promised Land, but she is also the best-selling author of three other series: The Wives of King David, the Wives of the Patriarchs, and the Loves of King Solomon. If you haven’t read any of her books before (which I have not), and you enjoy biblical/historical fiction, I believe I have found a new author to recommend.

Most people only know about Rahab from what they have read in the Scripture passages in Joshua, chapter 2, and 6:25. But she is also mentioned in Matthew 1:5 in reference to the lineage of Jesus Christ (“Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab”), as well as in Hebrews 11:31 (“By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.”) The author took these brief glimpses in Scripture, her own historical research, and a lot of speculation on what might have led Rahab to the position she found herself in and wove it all together into an incredible story of despair, guilt, forgiveness, redemption, and love.

I found the characters and the story line to be believable and well-crafted. I loved how Smith connected a very relevant Scripture passage from Matthew 18:23-34 (The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant) to this story. The two stories do not actually connect in the Bible; however, it fit the characters and it worked for me.

Rahab’s story doesn’t end when the walls of Jericho come tumbling down. Instead, as promised by the Israelite spies sent by Joshua, she and her family are saved from destruction, and she is given a chance to begin a new life as a member of God’s Chosen People. This beautiful and amazing journey of faith–sometimes sad, sometimes uplifting–is one that you will want to read for yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clark theriot
Rahab has become sort of an outcast and she feels like she has let her husband down; she hasn’t been able to carry a child for him. He is away at different points, which opens her up to vulnerability to another man that seems to care more about her than he does. When her husband is forced into a different kind of life, Rahab finds a new kind of life waiting for her also, although it doesn’t have as much to do about the man that she thinks cares for her as she might have hoped. Rahab goes through situation after situation until she finds the one who can love her as nobody else will ever be able to…God.

In my opinion, Jill Eileen Smith did a great job of taking the little amount that is known about of Rahab from Scripture and opening up my mind to what it could have been like for her in this work of fiction. Rahab is known as a prostitute and this story shows how she could’ve gotten started in prostitution, especially in some ways that might have not been her fault.

I loved reading about Rahab making a vow and coming clean before God, wiping away everything bad that she ever did up to that point…knowingly or unknowingly. It seemed to give her a fresh slate, making her spiritually clean to God and for some man in the future that might've been able to see beyond her past and into her heart.

I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luisa toledo
I enjoy reading biblical fiction. Some authors I tend to love more than others. I do tend to like Jill Eileen Smith's books. I haven't "loved" every single novel. But for the most part, I eagerly anticipate each new release. How did I like The Crimson Cord? Well...

I loved, loved, LOVED Jill Eileen Smith's The Crimson Cord. It was WONDERFUL. The Crimson Cord is Rahab's story. It is fiction, of course. The author imagines what Rahab's life might have been like. Why was she a prostitute? Was this something she chose for herself? Or was it forced upon her? Is it a lifestyle she enjoyed? Or was it a burden, of sorts, for her? Was she trapped and weighed down by it? Why did she choose to help the two spies? Why did she trust them and their God? Was it easy for her to convince her family to stay with her in her house? How did they view her lifestyle? What happened to them after Jericho's fall?

Jill Eileen Smith excels at storytelling. This story is captivating from start to finish. It is faithful to Scripture--what is clearly revealed in Scripture. Yet at the same time it is creative fiction. Nothing in the novel contradicts Scripture, but, so much of the novel is imaginative speculation. I loved Smith's Rahab. I found Rahab an intriguing character, easy to love and sympathize with. And her love story, well, it was wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sold into slavery to cover her husband's debt, Rahab's story of redemption through the imaginative story-telling of Jill Eileen Smith is enchanting and beautiful. "The Crimson Cord" is filled with drama, intrigue and romance. Salmon rescues Rahab but isn't certain he should be having romantic feelings for her because of her occupation. He believes his feelings will betray his Lord and bring dishonor to Israel.

Rahab is afraid of her feelings, too, knowing that nearly every man she has ever met has wanted only one thing from her. Little is known of Rahab from the Bible, but Smith has woven a beautiful story that will keep you reading and imagining the future of Rahab and Salmon as they raise little Boaz who would later become a symbol of a Kinsman-Redeemer and father, Jesse the father of King David. This was the first book I've read by Smith, and I look forward to reading many more.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, as part of their Book Review Blogger Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach burton
Have I ever mentioned I love biblical fiction?! I really love it, and this one did not disappoint.

Hopefully, we have all read of Rahab. She was a harlot that hid the Israelite spies on her roof. Then she was promised by the spies that when Jericho fell, she would be saved, and all in her house, as long as the scarlet cord was hanging from her window. The imagination and research of the author really brought Rahab's story to life.

We know from the Bible, that Rahab remained in the Israelite camp after Jericho fell. She married a man named Salmon, and gave birth to Boaz (who redeemed and married Ruth). She is also in the kingly line into which Jesus was born. I love that God used a harlot, saved by grace, to have descendants which would include His own Son.

There is very little in the Bible about Rahab, so most of this story is most likely fiction. But it never hurts to imagine... How did she end up being a harlot? Was it her own choice, or was she a slave? How did she meet her future husband? How did she come to believe in God while living in pagan Jericho?

This story is precious! It is one of grace, and hope in God. You will not be disappointed if you pick up this book... you won't be able to put it down!

I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn redmond
Rahab's story has always been one that fascinated me. The bible doesn't go into great detail about how she became a prostitute, how she came to believe in the one true God or her life after joining the Israelites. Jill Eileen Smith does an excellent job filling in those gaps with her version of Rahab's life journey. At times, it's not an easy read when you see what she goes through and how it affects those around her. It was interesting how the laws given to the nation of Israel by God were explained to Rahab, how they affected her personally and how she came to a better understanding of who she is and of God through them. I really enjoyed this book, like I have all of the other books by this author. While it may not be one you want your daughter to read but it is definitely one you want to check out if you are fascinated with this foreigner who is in the lineage of Christ.

This book was provided by Revell for review without compensation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oren whightsel
Biblical fiction has always been a favorite of mine, so when I got an email asking if I wanted to review this one I couldn’t resist. I have actually never read a story based on Rahab and the spies that Joshua sent into Jericho.

I have always wondered though about the rest of the story. Like, why did Rahab become what she was? who did she marry in the Israelite camp? So although this book is fictional, I believe it painted an accurate picture of the Bible story.

I have actually never read any books by Jill Eileen Smith before, now I can’t wait to get the rest of her books and the rest in this series when they come out.

This book painted a really realistic portrait of Rahab I believe. She wasn’t overly strong mentally or emotionally, she was pure human. She made mistakes, trusted the wrong people, got into the wrong line of work, but in the end she prevailed and came out a strong follower of Yahweh and someone who other women, and men, looked up to for her faith.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves Biblical fiction or historical fiction in general.

“Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group”.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
monica guzman
Rahab is such an interesting person. She showed so much courage in what led up to the fall of Jericho. She stood against her own people and hid the Israelite spies. She was a brave woman who had some amazing faith and she played such an important part in the line of Jesus.

I love reading stories and seeing different interpretations of Rahab, this is the second one I've read in a year, and they have been so different and wonderful, to see the possibilities to why Rahab did what she did and how her faith came to be.

Jill Eileen Smith made Rahab in a real woman who you can feel for. Who you wanted to help. It was easy to hurt for Rahab after witnessing everything she was forced to endure. We are also invited in to watch and see the change that takes place in Rahab's life after Jericho. Unfortunately, pain is a close companion to Rahab, but you see how God is able to use it and transform her.

This was a wonderful story that had me flipping pages to see what would happen next. And I enjoyed how the romance was portrayed in this story. It made me happy to see how it played out the way it did.

If you are a fan of Biblical fiction, this story is right up your ally.

Thank you to Revell Reads Blog Tour, I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
*My Review*

The Crimson Cord:Rahab's Story-Jill Eileen Smith

Ever since I read Tessa Afshar's book, Pearl in the Sand which was based on the life of Rahab I have been looking forward to reading Biblical fiction novels based on Rahab.

So as far as concerning this novel, I was pretty drawn into the story at first. It was interesting enough and I pretty much got through half of the book before I just felt that the book was kinda drawn out.

As the story went along, I felt that most of the characters were one-dimensional and nothing about the story really stood out to me. I felt that the novel needed more and the characters needed to have that extraordinary something to really stand out. The book cover is beautifully done.

All in all, the story was ok but not a book that I wouldn't want to revisit anytime soon.

(3 stars)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly livesay
Historical fiction is something I believe we need to be cautious of reading so that fiction does not turn itself to fact in our minds. That said, I enjoy historical fiction greatly. "The Crimson Cord" by Jill Eileen Smith gives us a look into the life of Rahab, of which there really is not much said in the Bible.

I learned something new while reading this book: that people of Jewish faith traditionally believe that Rahab married Joshua. I grew up believing that she married Salmon in the lineage of Jesus Christ, so that was news to me.

This telling of Rahab's life was a look I'd never given it - how did she come into prostitution, what was her life like, how was she so easily in faith of the one true God? "The Crimson Cord" does a wonderful job weaving a tale that does not leave her in rose-colored glasses but also does give some compassion to her way of life.

Smith did a great job of weaving historical fact, Biblical fact, and fiction together in a seamless story of love, hurt, and grace. Which, ultimately, is the goal of any piece of writing about the Bible, I believe.

Disclaimer: I received this book in order to write this review. Others' opinions may differ from mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt b
'Crimson Cord' is broken up into three distinct parts. Part One is Rahab's life before the arrival of the Israelites.

Part Two introduces us to Salmon, our male hero, and his friend Mishael. They are the two Israelites who get inside Jericho's walls to spy on the city. It now splits narrators between Rahab and Salmon. This part moved a little fast for me because it covered so much ground in a short amount of pages.

Part Three picks up right after the destruction of Jericho. I like to call it 'The Redemption'. This is where Smith truly packs in all the feels. Rahab is dealing with the sorrow of her lost city, everything she has ever known. Her family abandons her and she is left with a new people who's ways are wildly different than anything she has ever known.

5 stars from me and I am now highly tempted to read more of Smith's work. Pick this one up is you want a glimpse of:
-Rahab's life
-God's redeeming touch
-a peek into ancient Israel that stays true to the harsh reality
-or a beautiful story.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own
See more of this review and others like it at Sunrise Avenue
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Crimson Cord, by Jill Eileen Smith, is a book in the Daughters of the Promised Land series that tells the story of Rehab. While I knew of this Bible story from past Bible studies, I really enjoyed reading this book to read Rehab’s story more in depth, based on what the author imagined she may have experienced. Rehab was sold into prostitution, due to the actions of her father and deceased husband. The book then looks at her actions when Jericho falls. She displayed great bravery throughout the story, as she went against her people to protect the Israelites.

I really enjoyed this book, and I think it provides a great way for people to learn more about the lives of those in the Bible. This book created a very realistic picture of what Rehab’s life may have been like. The book is a great example of forgiveness and also strength in the face of adversity.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenn cappabianca
Jill Eileen Smith is a very talented writer that I definitely see a passion to spread the Gospel in. Biblical fiction is one of my very favorite genres to read because those who write it spend tons of time researching and pouring their love into their book, therefore Biblical fiction books are generally extremely well written and accurate to what is written in the Bible, but because it is fiction, it has a stylish flare. I was not disappointed in this area with The Crimson Cord, as it was beautifully written and the story plot was engaging. However, the story did seem to lag just a bit here and there, losing my interest temporarily, and the details tended to override the actual story. I was very pleased with the character development though, and loved the emotions that were captured in Smith's lovely writing style.

Given the above, I rate The Crimson Cord, 4 out of 5 stars and do look forward to reading more books from this author.

"I received this book from the author/publisher for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are my own."

You can read this review, as well as many others, on my blog at http://acceleratethejesusmovement.wordpress.com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph majdan
First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Jill Eileen Smith and her publisher for sending me a copy of "The Crimson Cord" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.

The story of Rahab, the infamous prostitute who sheltered the Israelite spies under Joshua’s leadership, comes to vivid life in “The Crimson Cord” by Jill Eileen Smith. From her beginnings as an underappreciated wife to how she became a prostitute then a notorious traitor of her people to her entrance into the nation of Israel and the most illustrious of lineages, Rahab is fleshed out creatively and beautifully in this novel. It will be interesting to talk with her in heaven about her story.

Jill Eileen Smith has proven herself many times over as a gifted writer of stories that bring the women of the Bible to life. Her stories get me thinking about these Biblical accounts more deeply and from different perspectives. Reading her fiction makes me more thoroughly consider the passages of Scripture I am studying. This work is both entertaining and inspiring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book really surprised me. I have been on the lookout for more bible-based literature with substance, and I am so glad to have found this one! It really brings the history of these individuals to life! I always wanted to know more about the backstory of these historic figures, and once I started reading this book I could not put it down. It was riveting, emotional, and in the end, it left me marveling at the Grace of God, and his gift of forgiveness. How God can redeem such a sad, seemingly hopeless situation... it just blesses me. God's Grace is so humbling, and is brings such joy.

As for the authors writing - Well done! The book left me wanting more, and I have already begun to shop for more of Jill Eileen Smiths' books. I appreciate that she took a story with a lot of potentionally awkward or greusome scenes... but she didn't go overboard on the details, she gave just enough. I have already recommended this to friends... and will continue to do so. I want to thank the author for beinging this story to life in such a respectful, honest, 'human' way.

**Revell was generous to send me this book in exchange for my honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed Rahab's Story told by Jill Eileen Smith. She draws her story from scripture from the Holy Bible. I found her characters well developed and the story entertaining.
Rahab marries as a young girl to one of the king's soldiers who is enchanted with her beauty, but years later suffering from a war wound he takes to drinking, gambling and seeing other women to fill the loss that he deals with. Soon his sinful ways along with his debt to the Prince catch up with him and he along with Rahab pay the ultimate price. Their freedom is no longer their own. They are both sold to pay the debt back. He is sold into slavery and she into prostitution.
Rahab feels like she has no one and nowhere to go, but she soon finds friendship in two Israelite strangers and realizes they have something different in their lives that she prays can make all the difference in hers. Soon Rahab will find forgiveness and eternal love in a God that she has never known.
I'm looking forward to reading more books in this series.

I was given an ARC of this book in order to give an honest review. All conclusions are mine an mine alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis raines
The Crimson Cord: Rahab's Story is a beautifully written account of the Biblical hero Rahab. Rahab is a complex character. She endures so much turmoil in her young life. She finds herself in a loveless and abusive marriage, sold to slavery and forced into prostitution. I enjoyed Jill Eileen Smith imagination on how Rahab lived and how she became the famous hero during Biblical times.

I love reading the scenes of Rahab and Salmon together midway. There are such two strong characters. And I loved it when they were interacting with one another. Such a sweet part of the story.

I thought the book to be a wonderful reminder of the power of forgiveness and how you can redeem yourself. No matter what, God loves you and forgives. Even when you have found yourself in horrible circumstances, always keep faith in God. You never know what HE has planned for you.

What a wonderful beautiful piece of Biblical fiction. I cannot wait to read more by Jill Eileen Smith and look forward to see what other Biblical greats she will write about in the future.

I highly highly recommend it!

5 plus stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie senderowicz
Jill has done a masterful job of taking a biblical character that we are given very little information about and developed a wonderfully believable version of her life and times. The early part of the story has Rahab struggling through many trials and situations that are not of her choosing. At many points during this portion of the story my heart broke for her and all that she had to endure. By the time that the Israelite spies appear on the scene I had an understanding of how she would be open to believe in and trust in a God that she had never known.

The scriptures that were given at the beginning of each part of the novel gave some direction as to where Jill had taken her guidance from the Word of God to craft this fantastic depiction of one possible scenario for the story of Rahab's life. I know that here in this life we won’t know what exactly is the truth of Rahab's story. But I found nothing in this novel that left me feeling that it could not have taken place the way it is presented in this novel.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really, really enjoyed this book! I have always loved reading about Rahab's story in the Bible, so it was great to read a semi-fictionalized account about this courageous woman. If you are looking for a faith-based story with deep character analysis and adventure, look no further!

Rahab is a very admirable character; she is a kind person and very protective of her family. Smith did a great job creating fully fleshed-out characters with multi-faceted sides. I also really liked Tendaji's character; he is a polar opposite of the cruel character Dabir, so the contrasts are interesting. Smith writes in a very descriptive and thoughtful manner. As I read the book, I felt like I was getting a history lesson, subtly learning about the customs and lives of people during Rahab's time.

This book is a great find for Christians, women and girls, or anyone wanting to read a Rahab themed story. The book is a good conversation-starter, perhaps for a book club or Bible study. Readers can ask themselves, "What does it mean to take a leap of faith?"

I received a review copy from Revell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alohi rieger
I love, love this book! It seems like everyone remembers Rahab as a harlot, but they don’t see the rest of the story as they should. My heart hurt for Rahab throughout the entire story, the way she was treated by everyone was just horrible and heartwrenching for me. I was glad when she finally found someone to care for her for who she really was. We all know the story from the Bible, and we all love the story of the spies and the red cord. But reading Jill Eileen Smith’s take on how it could have been during those years talked about in Scriptures was just amazing. And it just brings Rahab’s story to life. And it fiction, not true to how their life was, but the facts from the Bible are true, and this is an amazing Biblical fiction that I loved!! If I could have given this book more than a 5 rating, I sure would have!!!

I received this book from Revell to read and review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 55.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt williamson
Of all the authors that write novels based on men and women of the Bible, Jill Eileen Smith is one of my favorites. And she has done it again with The Crimson Cord, bringing to life, the beautiful Rahab.

It is very evident that much research of the Biblical times and cultural that Rahab lived in was completed for the sake of writing this book. The descriptions were amazing, and allowed me to really experience Rahab's story. The book was amazingly accurate to the Biblical account and I loved that the author also delved into the book of Joshua with remarkable detail.

I am excited that this is the first book in a new series and we can anticipate the next three books to follow the lives of Deborah, Ruth and Hannah. I cannot wait to read the rest of this series. If you have never read any of Smith's book, what are you waiting for? You will not be disappointed at all. It was well written, captured my attention (and kept it) from page one and the cover is absolutely stunning!

I highly recommend this book and give it a huge thumbs up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shalini batra
The Crimson Cord “Rahab’s Story
by Jill Eileen Smith

Taking a step back into history we are introduced to Rahab, the prostitute that hid the two spies and helped them escape from Jericho. After being forced to become someone she does not want to be, she chooses to keep on surviving from day to day. Until one day into her life walks two strangers who believe in a High Power. Their appearance in Jericho makes her rethink what she has known from childhood up. Rahab has heard the rumors about the Israelites and how they have trimphed over everyone of their battles. Taking a leap of faith, she places her life and her families life in the hands of God. As the time passes after she helps the spies escape, she convinces her family to come live with her for their safety. not having any idea of the many challenges that she will face on the other side of the walls- will she be able to see the true meaning of love.

Jill Eileen Smith takes us deeper into the history of the bible and weaves a story that keeps us riveted to the pages till the end of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Crimson Cord, by Jill Eileen Smith, is the first in Daughters of the Promised Land series.

Rahab was a prostitute who is listed in the lineage of Jesus Christ. But there is more to her story than that. When Joshua sent spies into Jericho, Rahab provided them with a hiding place. She was a believer of God who could have been killed for her actions and her belief.

With so little known of Rahab, the author did have to take some liberties to provide her back story. However, she did such a great job that the novel is easy to believe. Jill Eileen Smith did stay true to the Bible, but allowed the reader to feel like they now can understand more about the main character.

This well-written book, published by Revell Publishing and I would recommend it to any of my friends and families. I will give it the maximum number of stars on all of the sites where I post this.

I was given this book by the author and Revell Publishing in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received The Crimson Cord: Rahab's Story written by Jill Eileen Smith from Revell books to review. I was excited to get this book to review because I heard good things about it. I think Smith did a marvelous job in this dramatization of this story, I really don't think I would enjoy anyone else's telling of it. I love that she shows how faithful Rahab was, especially when she got to know the Lord. Since I decided to choose Faith as my word this year, I believe this is another great story for me to remember when I start to have doubts in my Faith. I will say the beginning is very emotional, because of the men that Rahab had to deal with. I just love how brave she is and how she doesn't give up. This book was very easy to get into and kept me on the edge of my seat. I am going to have to keep reading Smith's books, I just love how she puts the story together. I recommend reading this book and also recommend reading the Bible verses about Rahab. I think it is always best when reading a dramatization of a story in the Bible, that you go back and read the scriptures also.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirsten taylor
When I opened the cover of The Crimson Cord: Rahab's Story, it was as if I had stepped back into Bible times. Author Jill Eileen Smith paints with words, and in this wonderful story, she has captured the essence of the well-known prostitute-turned-heroine who is the title character.

Rahab's tale does not end when the walls of Jericho come tumbling down. Instead, as promised, she is saved from destruction and builds a new life with God's Chosen People in the Promised Land. She lives again in the minds and imaginations of readers today thanks to Jill's beautiful prose.

I received a preview copy of The Crimson Cord from the author but was not required to write a positive review. My high rating is my honest opinion! This is a wonderful story of daring faith and the glorious rewards God bestowed on someone previously seen as flawed and undeserving. Jill Eileen Smith is one of my favorite authors, and this book certainly does not disappoint!

In addition to The Crimson Cord, I would highly recommend Jill's Wives of King David Series, in which she wrote about Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba. Likewise not to miss are her Wives of the Patriarchs books, which recount the stories of Sarai, Rebekah, and Rachel, and her ebook short The Desert Princess, the first in her Loves of King Solomon series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily van kampen
I have enjoyed every single one of Jill's historical/Biblical fiction novels and "The Crimson Cord" may be my very favorite! This is Rahab's story whom is a character whom has always been a fascinating one to me and I have always enjoyed hearing her story when she has been a part of a sermon or a study. Jill does such an amazing job with adding details to the story that brings the characters, the time period and setting to life, that I feel as if I am a part of the story. It is obvious that Jill puts her heart into her research and into recreating these stories for the readers and I love how they really make me think more about the Biblical account, the characters' lives and the many lessons that can be learned through them. As "The Crimson Cord" is book one in Jill's latest series, Daughters of the Promised Land, I am eager to hear news of the release of book 2!

*Thanks to the Revell Reads Program for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jill Eileen Smith's "The Crimson Cord" tells the story of Rahab in three parts, starting with her history, moving on to the Biblical story and ending with what happened after the "prostitute" saved Israel. The novel is worth reading once you get far enough, but the initial backstory drags.

Smith uses too many point of views throughout the book, and Rahab's past could easily have been integrated with the latter half of the book for a stronger, more emotional novel. The third part's romance and religious questions give the book its heart, but the reader has to wait to get there.

Thumbs up to Smith for her inclusion of New Testament parables and principles. Still, I had a difficult time getting a grasp on the evil of Jericho contrasted with multiple instances of mercy and good people. Also, quotes direct from Scripture seemed unnatural in the novel, which has a modern feel to its narrative.

*Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Biblical character of Rahab has always intrigued me. How did a prostitute factor into the Lord's plan so prominently? What was she like? How did she see the God of Israel for who He truly is? What made her hide the Jewish spies on her roof? What was there about Rahab that earned her a spot in the lineage of Christ?

Nobody knows the true answers to these questions. But via this fiction story, Jill Eileen Smith paints a very credible picture of the complex character of Rahab. She rounds out the character into a fully dimensional woman with faults and virtues and an amazing spiritual growth.

This is a darkly uplifting story. Darkly because we have to experience a time in history when people were brutal. There was no grace through Christ. It's a time in history that we can barely comprehend in today's culture. We think we have it rough today? We're clueless. But as with any good uplifting story, there is a hero and there is a way to rise above the circumstance. Love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Did you ever wonder why God chose a prostitute to be part of Jesus's bloodline? There must have been something awfully special about her.

Jill Eileen Smith weaves an entirely believable tale of Rahab and what her life might have been like. Married to a not-so-nice gambler whose choices end up getting the two of them sold into slavery and Rahab forced into prostitution, Rahab has a life of relative ease in the city of Jericho. Still, she is a prisoner in her home with little company other than the men who pay to see her. She sees no hope for anything else....until the day Israel's spies come knocking on her door.

The story that unwinds from that day forward is one of forgiveness, redemption, healing, trust and love. Not just for Rahab, but also for Salmon, the Israelite Rahab eventually marries. What becomes clear is that despite her past, Rahab is a woman of great faith and more than worthy of being in the line of King David, King Solomon, and Jesus.

We can't ever know what Rahab's life was really like, but Smith did her homework and the basic facts line up with scripture and her wonderful imagination fleshed out the rest in a way that is very believable and totally possible. The Crimson Cord was a very enjoyable read and I finished it with a new respect and appreciation for Rahab.

*I received a copy of this book from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed are my own. I received no financial compensation and my review is uninfluenced by such.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave mosher
Bible readers have read about Rahab, talked about Rehab and if you are like me admire her. We read of Rahab in the book of Joshua, Hebrews 11 (the faith chapter), and in the family of Christ in Matthew 1:5. The Crimson Cord is Rehab's story and she is married to a man who is is a gambler and uses her to pay his debts. I admire Rehab, because I see myself in her and the foolish choices I have made with men.

From the beginning, Rahab had feelings of loneliness, as she feels unloved, because of these feelings, like many of us, she gets caught up with another man. Joshua and the Children of Israel comes on the scene to conquer Canaan. It is at this point that most of us is familiar with Rahab. She hides the spies and believes that the God will do what He says.

Jill Eileen Smith uses historical and biblical details throughout the book, she adds the law regarding captive brides in the storyline. From the first eye contact love starts for Rahab and Salmon and their meeting turns into a love story. God’s love for us and grace is part of this story. I enjoyed this book so much that I went out and purchased copies for two friends and my sisters. Once you start reading it you will find it hard to put it down.

I will be reading the rest of Jill Eileen Smith books.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy fillmore
Writing reviews is a love/hate relationship. I say that because when you read a book like the one Jill penned the hard part is not giving anything away. This book is phenomenal!!!! I grew up in the church and knew the story of Rhab, however it's quite different when you read a biblical historical take on it, like what Jill wrote. She got right into the heart of Rhab and showed her struggle as a prostitute, and as a woman who wanted to live for an unseen God. She painted a beautiful picture of redemption, during the sacrifice for sins Rhab stood there watching, when an unblemished lamb was to be sacrificed for Rhab's sins she was brokenhearted. Staring at the lamb she said, the lamb did nothing wrong why should it pay for my sins. A beautiful picture of what Christ did for us. He was without sin yet He died a sinners death to give us life.
Give yourself a gift and read this book, I promise you won't be disappointed!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie miller
God's love never fails, but that is something that Rahab is learning, it is new to her this One True God. While our Bible doesn't tell us all about Rahab's past, this author gave us a plausible past for her. Her husband addicted to gambling, Rahab doesn't feel loved, or worthy, nor even wanted. Her pain is so clearly felt and has been felt by many women. One mistake and her whole world changed. Is there forgiveness for such sinners? (YES!) Living through war time only made things harder, and soon it is time to decide - help the "enemy" the Israelite and cast her lot and her faith, even her very life into the hands of a God who cares.

Beautifully woven, well told, full of emotion and strength I really enjoyed this book. It's my favorite of Jill Eileen Smith's so far!
I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Eileen Smith has crafted an excellent novel of the story of Rahab called The Crimson Cord. As always, her research is meticulous and lends a great deal of credence to the novel. The story is a likely one that reminds us again that there was probably a desperate situation that brought Rahab to the walls of Jericho and prostitution. No woman chooses prostitution as a likely career path. They are forced into it by circumstances or desperation.

Her story is told with grace and dignity. What happens after the fall of Jericho is just as important as what happened inside. What was it like living with people who knew where you came from and what you did there? Can a person with a pantheon of gods find peace with the One True God … would they want to? Jill Eileen addresses these questions in a gripping story told in one of Israel’s most fascinating periods.

Anyone who loves historical fiction will enjoy reading this book. She is one of my favorite authors and I thoroughly recommend Rahab’s story in The Crimson Cord.

I would like to thank Revell Group who gave me this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alkhansaa alhakeem
Jill Eileen Smith’s fictional representation of Rahab’s classic, biblical account in The Crimson Cord is quite the pleasure to read. Smith brings this incredibly broken yet brave woman to life in wonderfully vivid and historic detail. Her story is both heartbreaking and beautiful, filled with tragic circumstances, undeserved second chances and forgiving romance. It’s kept me engaged and enthralled from start to finish, even though I already knew the basics of Rahab’s story. It is a great read and fans of biblical fiction will not want to miss this newest novel from Jill Eileen Smith - I would not hesitate to recommend it.

Thanks to Revell Reads, I received a copy of The Crimson Cord and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle peterson
The Crimson Cord by Jill Eileen Smith is the story of Rahab the Harlot from the Bible. I believe Mrs. Smith did an outstanding job of tell Rahab's story. Sometimes an author takes liberties to tell a story and it doesn't even come close to what it should be, but I believe this account is very plausible. The character of Rahab is humble and fragile, and you just want to reach out to her with loving arms. I believe God used Rahab for a special purpose and Mrs. Smith lays all of that out in a very convincing way. I loved this book. I loved the way she told the story of Rahab, Salmon, Joshua, and Eliana. This is a must read for anyone who loves a good love story. It is also a must for anyone who is having a hard time finding forgiveness for something they have done. This is a great book and I would recommend this book to everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca hickman
Such a great interpretation of the life of Rahab! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and loved reading it. Jill Smith has written beautifully of one of the Bible's important women from the Old Testament. The gripping details of her life prior to meeting the two spies sent from Joshua created a redeeming love story by the end. The fleshing out of what little we do know resulted in a powerful story. It left me holding this scripture passage tenderly in my heart with more meaning than ever before. Rehab bravely defied the role she was given and the rules she had to live by to assist the spies. Then she believed with a faith she had little knowledge of that they would come back to rescue her and her family. A moving account is given of her soul changing as she discovers the Israelites God and His ways. You must read The Crimson Cord: Rahab's Story. I highly recommend it and now want to read more of Jill Eileen Smith's writings.

I was given a copy of this book by Revell Publishing through Net Galley for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jill Eileen Smith is an excellent writer of Biblical stories. While based on the lives of women in the Bible, the stories are her own interpretation of what might have happened mixed with what the Bible actually tells us about these women. These books make the lives of these women come alive, and you feel as if you are actually there seeing the story play out before your eyes. The Crimson Cord is based on the life of the prostitute Rahab, so while there is a small amount of sexual content due to the life she lived, it is still very clean! I highly recommend all of her books, as I have read each and every one. Can't wait for the next one to come out!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kellie combs
The Crimson Cord really casts the character of Rahab in a whole different light! While this story is a work of fiction it does just what it intends it makes one wonder what if, one things for certain Ms. Smith really allowed me to empathy for Rahab. She breathes life into the character in such a way that I could easily imagine Rahab and the struggles she endured. While the book was sometimes difficult to read, the overwhelming faith and courage was a powerful message! The reason I enjoy reading Jill Eileen Smith's biblical fiction is that she weaves plenty of Biblical truths into her story, which makes for a thought provoking read, one that allowed me to feel as if I witnessed a snippet of Biblical history!

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review.
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