A Demons of Fire and Night Novel (The Vampire's Mage Series Book 1)

ByC.N. Crawford

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So this story was really pretty dark on the whole. I do love a story where the protagonist has to face questioning their own morality and this has it in spades. It's well written, with great flow and a very different world than I've seen before, rather a twist on fallen angels and magic. This book had plenty of action, some amazingly steamy scenes considering the lack of "action" (which is always impressive in my book and makes me look forward to later books), a great plot, and an optimistic ending. It definitely doesn't wrap everything up neatly and no one in the book is perfect, which gives it better believability as a story. All in all, a great read and a series I'll be following in the future.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
julia vaughn
Could not finish. It sounded like an interesting book along the lines of say KF Breen or Danika Dark books which I enjoy. My main problem was I kept envisioning the main female as a petulant two year old who doesn't want to hear the word no. I understand her perception of her world is rocked, but even after having multiple instances of lies she was told while she grew up she steadfastly refuses to examine perhaps other things she was told were a lie until that too bites her in the rear after all the brotherhood can do no wrong. This seemed to drag on too long in my opinion. She is paired against an egotistical, narcissistic personality so I didn't like him either.

I can see where perhaps some people may enjoy the books since yes the storyline is somewhat unique and might appeal to those with more patience than I have at this stage in my life with thousands of other books out there to read I might enjoy more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dana viggiano
Good world building. Good series. Back story...not so much. Can’t remember her childhood when everyone else can? Not really revealing...If you cant tell, it bugged me throughout the series that she couldn’t remember anything lol. When everything is revealed it didn’t seem like it was very important. The author could’ve invented another way to do it. I read the next series....n its much the same way, the heroine cant remember but not just before 5, but before 15! I was sucked into that series to....The author has great potential but it just falls short as details are rushed...not so much in this series as the next but it was a disappointment. I liked this story, and the love story, and the action. I understand this series was in a super short time frame..but the girl couldn’t catch a break. This is the first book of the first series, The Vampire Mage Series. The next is the Shadows & Flame series. Didn’t see this really anywhere but its helpful to know as i couldn’t really find that info anywhere myself. These books were a good way for me to pass the time and free on kindle unlimited.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A promising beginning to just the kind of UF series I was looking for.

The book starts off already in some action. It's just enough to knock you off kilter slightly and keep you intrigued.

Rosalind is an interesting mix of tough girl and sensitive damsel. While she is tough enough but she tends to end up in trouble and needs rescuing. She has a hard time admitting to anyone -- especially Caine and herself-- that she may be wrong or too novice to do something. 90% of the problems she finds herself wrapped in could be avoided by just admitting she doesn't know enough. Her chemistry with Caine was... turbulent, at best. Many times I felt they had come to some sort of brittle but friendly relationship and then old prejudices would pit them against each other again.

"Sidekicks" Aurora and Tammi cracked me up though! Aurora especially with her bumbling ways of caring for the humans. Tammi was open-minded and slightly self-deprecating and that in many ways ingratiated her into this new life much easier.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rosalind is a computer science major. She has a relatively normal life with her roommate Tammi, except for the part where she is in training to be a member of the Brotherhood, protecting the human world from the magical. This was supposed to be her night, when she made her first big kill. Her trainer was Josiah. He had been an ex boyfriend, that is boyfriend till he became her trainer and no hanky panky allowed between student and teacher. He still really cared for her. She was an orphan. And she always wore her lucky iron ring. She was raised by Mason, a member of the Brotherhood, but they didn't exactly have a warm relationship, not after he called her an abomination and beat her regularly. Still, she had been raised in the Brotherhood. They were her family, the only family she had, and they were her future. Her training had been going well. She had awesome fighting skills. But her progress seemed to stalled. She certainly didn't intend to go easy on the dangerous creatures they hunted, but she couldn't quite seem to totally get it into her head that they weren't like humans. She felt guilty hurting them and would hesitate when she saw their pain or fear. And tonight, on her big night, she hesitated again and it almost got her killed, till the mage helped her. He killed the redcap and healed her. He told her the Brotherhood would be coming for her, which made no sense at all. He worked with evil demons. The Brotherhood were the good guys. So she gives report to Josiah, who isn't terribly upset at her failure once again to kill the demon, but when she gets home the Brotherhood is waiting for her. The Brotherhood does not give trials. They are allowed summary execution and torture with no oversight. This is all some kind of misunderstanding, but she has to escape till she can sort this out and find a way to get them to listen to her. In the middle running for her life, who should show up but Caine, the mage who saved her, and is now offering to give her sanctuary.

So begins our adventure into the magical world as Rosalind discovers the Brotherhood was not what they seem. Josiah is not who she thought. And the demon world is filled with shades of gray. She begins to learn more of her own past, is forced to leave behind the world she knew and slowly learn to navigate the new world she has found herself in. Tammi is dragged into this new world with her simply by association and maybe she even has family. Caine is part incubus, which adds a little sexual spice, but
Rosalind is not ready to take up with a demon and hasn't figured out where she fits in this world and Caine hasn't figured out where she fits in his life, so it is just a bit of spice in this book.

It was an enjoyable ride and I will definitely keep reading. I am eager to hear more of her story and learn more of Caine and Rosalind's pasts and their families. There are multiple magical world's interacting with this one in this storyline. We briefly travel to one of them, but hear tantalizing glimpses of the others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Magic Hunter (The Vampire’s Mage Series Book 1)
by C.N. Crawford
4 stars

Overall I liked this book. You have this girl who seems to be the worlds more horrible demon fighter. She seems to screw it up. The book starts with her needing to fight a Red Cap. She messes up and the Mage comes up and kills it. She freaks because in all her knowledge she knows and has been taught mages are BAD! But he saved her. A woman of the brotherhood. The brotherhood is an organization that hunts demons and mages. Kills them without reason and question. Just all dead! This mage saves her. Then she is in another situation where the same exact mage saves her life from the brotherhood because they think she is a mage. She finds out she truly is a mage. She finds out her parents whom she though were dead were mages and gave her to the brotherhood. Her whole world turns upside down. She is in the fight for her life, fighting the friends and friending the enemy. Will she find out who she really is? Where her parents are? And who is the mage that continues to save her life and why?

Reasons I liked the book…
This book had a unique outlook on things. Sort of reminded me of how the church would see vampires and mages. I liked the mage allot. He had every reason to be an angry person, but all the power that raged under his skin was well contained. I enjoyed the friends (her enemy friends too). I like how the author really made this a don’t judge a book by someone else’s thoughts and beliefs.

Things I didn’t like…
Main character I found to be annoyingly irritating. She wouldn’t shut up about the brotherhood. I know and understand her world had just been turned upside down. Everything she ever knew was totally ripped away and life as she knew it would never exist. However, I think it was the times at which she bitched about life that made me irritated with her. There is a time for everything and during battle isn’t the time you whine. Questioning your way I can understand, but not when people are trying to kill you. I think a little romance would have spiked the book too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nataly leiberman
Magic Hunter by C.N. Crawford
Magic Hunter (The Vampire's Mage #1)
by C.N. Crawford
Read in January 2017
C.N. Crawford writes a wonderful epic story about a Magic Hunter who finds out that all is not as it appears to be.
Her writing style is acceptable and the story flows seamlessly.
The only issues appear to be in character development and the main character struggles more so with her inability to make decisions and moves hastily into situations without thought of the possible ramifications or consequences to herself or others. She can discourage the reader, but is gratefully countered by some very interesting friends and creatures.
Rosalind is lead to believe at a very young age that she was born to hunt creatures of magic and that her parents perished. In fact, they are alive and she was sent to another world to be be protected by someone who was not very good to her.
She begins her training as a hunter for the Brotherhood only to be hunted and accused of being a mage, or witch.
She is rescued by the same magic she was trained to hunt and destroy.
The life and rules she has lived by have changed.
I would recommend this book to others and will be looking for the next installment in this series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
himani patel
This is probably a good book if torture scenes do not bother you. This book is heavy on torture and pain in its plot. It did not make the book enjoyable to me. So consider that before you start this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Crawford crafted a well thought out world; realistic enough to make it easy to maintain my willful suspension of disbelief. I was hooked on the protagonist. Enough that I intend to plow through the rest of the series in rapid succession. I MUST know what happens to Rosalind now and what happened to her in the past.
I appreciate that the romance angle is always on the fridge of the story, despite having an incubus in a lead role. I suspect that it will come more into play as the books progress, but it wasn't shoved in my face prematurely.
As an avid reader, I'm comparing this book to the artistry of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Mary Shelly, so take my meager 4 star rating with a grain of salt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beg m
Gifted a copy in exchange for honest review:

This story was well written and had me wondering what would happen next or at least what will Rosalind do to cause a mess. Rosalind tended to grate on my nerves at times but I don't think the story would have been as good if she had not been so aggravating. The action, suspense, and story line was focused on what was going on and not about a love life, well not completely about a love life but I won't go into that due to spoilers.

Give the book a chance. There are mixed reviews on this book but understand that most of the negative has to do with how irritating Rosalind can be but trust that it is necessary for it to fit the plot. Hot guy mage, irritating yet beautiful hunter/mage, and lots of other fascinating characters to get your attention.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy beck
This first book in the series showed promise, but there were enough inconsistencies in the main characters that it brought my enjoyment down. The Heroine was inept and whiney. The Hero was hard to like. Their actions, as a rule, seldom made sense.

The World was interesting, though, and the main characters did get a little more depth by the end of the book. There is much more to the story, but at least it didn't end with a major cliffhanger. I'm not sure if I'm interested enough to continue, but this ended up as a decent read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caryn karmatz rudy
I read "Infernal Magic" first and since book 2 isn't out yet, I gave this series a shot because it's by the same authors.

Firstly, this book did not start off slow for me but it took me a hot minute to not necessarily like the MC but at least empathize with her. When you're raised a certain way and that's all you know, then you hold onto those beliefs with every fiber of your being. For who are you without them? Rosalind takes that faith beyond the norm to just flat out obsessed with the ways of the Brotherhood thanks to guilt, brainwashing, and her desire to belong. It took a whole lot of D.R.A.M.A for her to seriously open her eyes o_O And even then *sighs* you just want to slap some sense into her =/

But I love the descriptions of both worlds! That's why I love fantasy! Because you can escape from reality and immerse yourself into a world with demons, magic, dark lore, suspense, mystery, and romance =) All and all, if you're up for a fantastical adventure, give this book a whirl! Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole heggelund
I really enjoyed this fairly fresh take urban fantasy. UF is my favorite genre, but I do get tired of some of the same old tropes. I found the setting to be unique and interesting. A few parts made me laugh, like the vampires take on "food" (which I thought was clever, seeing as these were creatures who hadn't eaten in centuries and had no reason to remember what humans ate).

The writing was good, which can be a challenge to find nowadays, and kept me interested. There were no major disappointments, plot-wise; in fact, the author did a good job of not taking the easy road out during most of the conflict, usually finding a way to make the situation worse before letting them solve it. Very refreshing.

I did have a bit of a problem connecting with some of the characters. I found the best friend to be annoying and undeveloped. We never really saw who she was or what she added to the story (at least not in this volume). I also could never decide if I liked Caine, the main male lead. Sometimes he was just a jerk.

Not a huge deal, and maybe it's spelled out better in later books, but I didn't really understand the magic rules. It seemed like anything could happen, if the right words were spoken. I like to have clear-cut guidelines when reading about magic.

Overall, a very enjoyable book and I would recommend it to UF readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed the ride and look forward to reading the next book in the series. The main character is a bit misguided and occasionally a bit whiny, but she grows up and is a fierce fighter, plus she's deeply loyal. There might have been a little overuse of magical healing, but what's magic for if not healing? The arrogance of the love interest never comes across as overkill. Supporting characters have distinct personalities. Another enjoyable read from C.N. Crawford.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joel nichols
Seriously good writing, however, I've read the rest other series and can almost to you exactly what is going to happen next. It's a strong formula: fairly strong woman with an unclear past meets a brooding, outrageously handsome man with a large ego (but battles an internal darkness) who helps her learn more about herself and accept herself and their love. It's a great formula for one set of books. I'm on series there, and although the stories are great and the characters are compelling, it's so familiar that I'm almost bored... Almost. Still hanging there for now though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rosalind is very naive even though she is a soldier. A bad one at that. She can't seem to kill people and she hates torture. How she can believe that she can be a Hunter is beyond me. I am still wondering who tells the Brotherhood that she is possessed. Someone betrayed her but I don't remember hearing how they found out. At least she has Caine on her side. I am interested to know how it will work with Miranda if they ever find her. It sounds like her and Malphus have a lot of pain to deal with after being with the Brotherhood. This is definitely a rough world to live in. Which makes for an exciting story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicholas metz
I truly loved reading this book. A little different than most of the current urban fantasy books. I can't wait to read the next book to see what happens between Caine and Rosalind and more about the past between them, along with Miranda and Malphas. If you like urban fantasy with a little bit of a twist then definitely read this series. Kindle Unlimited rocks because it allows me to afford to read many books that help with pain management and it has opened up a door to a great many new authors that I wouldn't have had a chance to read. C.N. Crawford hit my favorite authors and must read lists!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vanessa kramer
I love, love, love this series of books!!! The plot is really fun and kept me entertained throughout the book. Why I didn't give it 5 stars is because the editing is SO BAD! There are missing words, bad grammar, and missing punctuation. And believe me, I'm not a stickler for these things...but it is been an issue in all of their books. Please hire someone new! :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I found myself getting frustrated with the writing and with the personality of the main character. I'm also not a fan of the whole insta-lust romance novel style. I started reading this book because I thought it would be more fantasy and plot driven and there IS fantasy but when every other page is taking about how sexy the love interest is and how badly the main wants to rip off his clothes even though she knows it's wrong because he's "evil"....I don't know. It DID get better toward the end and I'll try the second book but I'm not expecting much of a change.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa coney
Rosalind started off being kind of annoying and naive in the beginning, but she grows a lot throughout the story. She realizes things are not as black and white as she thought. Character growth is good, dialogue between Rosalind and Caine is entertaining, and there is action. There is a spark of romance between Rosalind and Caine, and I'm hoping it develops more in the next book.

Good character growth
Lots of action
Fun banter/dialogue
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved to book ^^. Actually i read the infernal magic first then magic hunter series. But i really loved it. The story paces a little slow at the beginning but after few chapters; you are really into it.I couldn't drop it after the Lilinor part. Main character development is good. I really like how rosalind becomes full fledged warrior. Also i loved the supportive characters. Another point that i i loved about story; the belief systems and gods are same in both infernal magic and magic hunter. So when you read the other book; you already feel like you are part of the world. So i strongly recommend you to read. Second book is much more exciting and you will enjoy it if you like books like shadowhunter series
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
debbie kelso
That was pretty bad. Can't believe I finished it. I won't be reading any more from this author. Absolutely no depth. And so predictable. And the details or lack there of, was driving me crazy!! The author changed clothing items a few times in the story in the same setting!! Like they toldly forgot what they wrote. That's just the beginning of my rant. But honestly? I don't care to spend the time writing anymore about this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
While aspects of the plot are unique and interesting as a whole the book is predictable and clunky. The writers fail to gain rhythm and seem to stumble into good moments almost by accident while the bulk of the writing is painfully cliche, lacking In voice, and over worked.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristin clifford
I enjoyed reading this new series. The female MC is spunky and the male MC is powerful. My only concern is the types of characters. We're the demons vampires and mages or just one or angels. Not sure but I still enjoyed the book. I'll list the series under my Maybe shelf.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I gave 4 stars because it was an excellent storyline. It did not disappoint in the action department. Each chapter left you begging for more. Characters are well formed and you can't help but fall in love. If you are a fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon or Kresley Cole. You will like this one. The only reason I didn't give 5 stars, is because it seemed a little week in the sex part. Although, romance between Caine and Rosalind is very well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssa brown
First time reading C.N. Crawford and I was sucked right into the book. Loved the characters and their interactions. Loved the storyline. Couldn't out the book down and to me that makes an excellent read!! Thanks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason r
Loved this story because of the writing style, all the pieces flowed very well and the relationship building of characters. No one was in love at first sight. There is a reason for everything and action and reaction of characters and situations are realistic and complex if that makes sense. Anyway, I stayed up reading this one.. can't wait for next one. Highly recommend :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucy bledsoe
I received Magic Hunter as a review copy. The gifting did not determine the review/rating, which reflects my honest opinion. I'm on the fence about this one. I really enjoyed the storyline and most of the characters, but I found the main protagonist to be immature and reckless- barely worth building a book around. But, while I found Roselind to be weak, her character was balanced by Caine (great character development) and the villain (unnamed, as I don't want to spoil the surprise). I have hopes that Roselind will mature into a worthy, kick butt character for book two- the groundwork is certainly there-- so I'll round this up to four stars due to the plot and promise of a stronger second book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jordan renee
Couldn't finish this book. I started off entertained and intrigued but the heroine was just so mindnumbingly stupid that her actions made no sense. If you are looking for a vampire\mage\magcal world series, skip this and read KF Greene instead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah chudleigh
This book is an excellent YA paranormal fantasy. It was a bit slow at the beginning, but things picked up after Roslind's fate became a chaotic mess. I was expecting some sex, although I'm glad there wasn't any (it takes away from the story.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john wei
My interest never dimmed throughout the whole book. The characters are interesting and likeable, except the ones you enjoy hating. But the main thing is that I had fun reading this book. Thank you, C. N. Crawford
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashlee weik
Uncaged Book Reviews

Never a dull moment, the characters are well developed, and the intrigue will keep you on your toes. The action is not glossed over, and it’s well written. Looking forward to book two.

See the full review at UncagedBooks.com
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lance morcan
Warring factions, fighting the eternal battle for dominance. Heroine with complicated emotional issues, and unusual cadre of friends and enemies. Intriguing story with lots of twists and turns. Well written and a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily jennings
Amazing story a great hardcore heroine , a handsome sexy powerful hero. I can't wait for the next book! It has danger, a lot of action, paranormal. Story about good and evil, has a touch of romance and humor. I loved it!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jane putzier
An entertaining read for the light reader. Story doesn't have much substance. Characters under developed and predictable. The story has potential even though I felt like it was a condensed version of the tale. Not likely to continue this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
urvi kadakia
When. I started reading icouldnt put it down. This author has a clean writing style. I was kind ofdisappointed that Cain and Roslind didn't get together, but with there being more I'm hoping for that somewhere down the line
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy bull
Magic Hunter is a very imaginative book with many unexpected twists of directions.
I found the characters powerful and imaginative. It had the lure of sex, fights, power
struggles, and bondings.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barry fowler
I liked the general storyline and characters and felt they had potential, but the writing was kind of choppy and I was hoping for more depth. I had just finished "A Discovery of Witches" which had a much more mature feel, and so I found myself a but disappointed here. However, this was likely geared toward YA, explaining the difference.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah giovanniello
A magical mystery story touring through prejudice and ignorance and division. Vampires and mages, sorcerers, and escapes and demons, and captures, fighting and healing. Very engaging. Very satisfying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia pugliese
This just seems like another predictable sexy romance-fantasy, but then I was surprised to discover a wonderful new alternate Boston and a fantasy world that was both fun and compelling. A driven read!
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