Short humorous and heart-warming dog stories (Dog Stories for Adults Book 1)

ByFerris Robinson

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
esther chen
From Alvah's Books: Ferris Robinson is a good woman. She loves dogs, and her affection to those of the Canis genus is lovingly told in the recently published collection of essays: Dogs and Love - Stories of Fidelity.

Many people--like Ms. Ferris' sister--may think she's crazy for dressing her dogs, for allowing certain bad behaviors to prevail, but anyone with either one or multiple dogs will understand the varying degrees of joy and frustration our dogs bring us.

In each of these short essays, Ms. Ferris makes readers laugh (My Dog is a Slut) and cry both tears of sadness and relief (The Lost Mother Dog), but also make us reflect about the beauty and surprises that life brings us as her puppy Victor did in "Puppy Training-Who's Training Who?" At first the story is about Victor to learn to go outside, Ferris uses the key phrase to "hurry up," but Victor is in no hurry to empty his bladder. Instead, he is chasing butterflies, smelling the splendor of Ferris' garden, and exploring the corners of his new home. The essay turns from training a pup to a salute to nature. As she sits in her garden, Ferris brings readers with her where we sit beside her and see:

"This is the first time I have ever sat down and looked at my garden without criticism. I am still. Right beside me an oversized bumblebee trundles over a violet butterfly bush bloom. The bee clings, now upside down, to the conical blossom that has rolled over under the insect's weight. Undeterred, he continues his mission, frantically eating pollen with what appears to be six hands.

There is a butterfly on another bloom, methodically opening and closing his brown and orange wings. I lean in closer and peer at his busy whirl of antennae as he vigorously sips up nectar. He seems completely unaware of me.

I am still. There is another bee so close to me I could touch him, but he looks different. His tiny body is a soft mossy green and he has a fan tail. Suddenly I realize it is not a bee at all, but a baby hummingbird. His whirring wings make no noise and I wonder if the motorized hum grown hummingbirds make comes with age. I don't move as I watch him immerse most of his little torso in a single bloom of a vivid pink phlox. I listen hard to see if I can hear him. I can't.

Instead, I hear the trill of a bird from the woods, then a repetitive chirp-chirp-chirp of another, and then a frenzied twitter of what must be a flock of the same bird. I cannot see any of these birds, but know I am hearing different ones."

Having dogs also brings worries of illness and the heartbreak of death. Ferris addresses these topics with sensitivity. But she also brings into play not our own grief of losing a beloved dog, but also an animal's sense of displacement and very likely it's own anguish of losing their much loved human companion.

Dogs and Love - Stories of Fidelity is a mere 41 pages and it will take less than an hour to read, but each essay will stay with you deep in your heart for hours, days, months, and years--just like a cherished dog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dogs are more intelligent and emotional than people have ever given them credit for...and I learn more about them every day. Children who abuse animals statistically are more likely to grow up to be child abusers. Which is one more reason parents have a great responsibility to train their children to treat animals with kindness and respect. Friend of animals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
milton saint
Loved your stories. My beautiful little long haired Chihuahua has the same affect on me. My daughters call her their sister. Everyone she meets falls head over heels for her. Thank you for sharing your dogs.
Heart of a Dog :: The Underdog with the Overbite - Tuna Melts My Heart :: Half a Heart :: A Dog Named Boo: The Underdog with a Heart of Gold :: God in the Dock
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonne lore
Ms. Robinson's stories about her dogs, and other dogs she has known, made me feel like I was right there in the story with her and her beloved pets. Why? Using descriptive language, she painted vivid scenes of story settings. Her tales capture the bonds between owners and dogs. As a dog lover and owner, I laughed, worried and even cried as I read her essays. I hope one day she will publish this in print format so I can give it as a gift to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gray mason
I ordered this book by mistake but I usually look at mistakes such as this as a surprise blessing. This mistake certainly was a blessing. I love dogs and stories about them but this book gave more than stories about dogs. To me the writer opened the door to her heart. After I finished the book I realized that I felt as if Ferris was a new friend. Please write more books, Ferris, you have a gift.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dog lovers rejoice. This is a great read for those of us who are dog lovers through and through. The author shares fun stories and quips about her life with her family and her dogs. I could totally relate. Snuggle up with your pup and enjoy this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen schedler
This book is well written, and reveals the "human" side of all of us who are in any way attached to these wonderful animals who are willing to give their very lives for us, if ever called upon to do so, and they only ask for our love in return!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna downing
This short collection of stories about dogs and their effect on the author's life was most enjoyable. Robinson has a pleasant, colloquial style which makes her stories more like a one-sided conversation with a friend. Even a cat person such as myself was moved by her love for her fur babies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! These stories could not have come at a better time - My 15 year old dog died the same night I received the book and these heartwarming and funny stories helped get me through a very sad time. What a gift Ms. Robinson has- I cannot wait for her next book -Keep them coming!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read this charming and well-written book in one sitting. While my dog disposition is more the sister's than the writer's persuasion, I loved each chapter and took turns crying and laughing aloud. Well done, Ferris Robinson!
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