Searching for Perfect

ByJennifer Probst

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbi gurley
Nerds are studiously cool. Nerds with glasses are super delectable and Nathan Ellison Raymond Dunkle with spectacles, a stained lab coat and a pocket protector is ultra yummilicious!!!!!

“Searching For Perfect” is her second book in the “Search For” series and Jennifer has outdone herself astronomically. If I thought her first book, “Search For Somebody” was fab, Nate’s and Kennedy’s story is explosive and beyond my expectations. Nate was such an excellently etched character as the imperfectly perfect guy looking for a wife. A rocket science lost in physics and NASA, his quest for Ms. Perfect was no easy task, with the Book of Spells playing a key role.

Taking the hunt for his wife as serious as his dedication to physics, getting under the wings of Kennedy Ashe, partner in Kinnections, for a complete makeover was pure chemistry. Professor Higgins meets his Eliza!!! And it was a ridiculously hilarious makeover.

One long bony finger drifted out and beckoned him forward.

“Go,” Kennedy whispered

Crap, why was he scared? A little old lady couldn’t hurt him, and if he didn’t like anything, he’d just walk out, no matter what Kennedy said.

Finally, she turned and faced him. “You get naked.”
“You big baby? You no get naked for old woman” What you so afraid of?”

I just about died laughing!!!!! And the fun does not stop here. It was one of most super hilarious scenes I’ve read. If her story is packed with humor it is no less punched with empathy, hurt, pain and support. Nate feigning stomach pain so that Kennedy can indulge in some ice-cream, is one of most sweetest gestures I’ve read about that brought a lump to my throat.

Kennedy Ashe is burdened with a bucket load of childhood pain and insecurities. I loved the way common problems that we face in daily life have been brought to the forefront, be it bullying or battling teenage weight issues. She had self imposed restrictions and boundaries to avoid long-term commitment.

The transformation of Nate and Kennedy as the story progressed was so eloquently revealed. Initially if it was Nate who depended on Kennedy to help him, later it was Kennedy who was able to put her trust in Nate to take care of her vulnerability and help overcome her insecurities. Kennedy, in her quest to find Ms. Perfect for Nate, ends up being the Ms. Imperfectly Perfect for Nate.

I love Jennifer’s books just for this one simple skill of narration She can make you laugh uproariously and at the same time she can make you cry. She can twist you in knots with her emotional dialogues, feelings and actions as much as she can have mesmerized by her erotic penning, Her characters are written with depth and they are so down to earth, it feels like you’ve know them all your life.

We fear rejection, we want attention, we crave affection and we dream of perfection and Jennifer Probst’s “Search For Perfect” has all of this and more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My rating: 3.5 of 5 ⭐️

When three college friends started their matchmaking agency, Kinnections, they never anticipated it becoming such a success. Their regular speed-dating events had become quite popular. That is where Kennedy Ashe, one of Kinnections' owners and the social director, bumps into Nate Dunkle, romance disaster on two legs and Kennedy's new "project".

A veritable rocket scientist - sorry, aerospace engineer - Nate is on a quest to find himself a suitable wife and mother for his children. He means well but has obviously never learned the value of a first impression. Something Kennedy is determined to change. There has to be a shiny diamond underneath all those rough edges!

What she didn't count on was that despite her own terribe track-record with relationships - she simply didn't 'do' them - She felt herself becoming more and more attached to the very straight-forward and direct scientist. The first man ever who seemed to be able to see right through all the carefully manicured and constructed layers she cloaked herself in. Damn, after all these years of hard work to polish herself up, could she afford to let her messy emotions run away from her??


A very cute, endearing and entertaining second installment of the Searching For Series. Each is a standalone novel, but with recurring characters centering around the Kinnections matchmaking agency. This one a bit predictable in trope, but with Jennifer Probst writing, it still is a worthwhile novel.

Kennedy is a tightly controlled emotional mess. Outwardly very 'put-together', she gives off an air of total containment, but in reality it is a desperate attempt to reign in all her otherwise free-flowing insecurities, left over from a rather painfully unresolved childhood. Vulnerability is enemy number one in Kennedy's books, which is exactly why she is never allowing anything closer than fleeting sexual engagements, and why dealing with Nate disturbs her to the core.

Not really having had the benefit of a reliable female in his upbringing, Nate has mostly trusted his older brother for guidance. However, unlike his brother, Nate has not written off the entire female population as untrustworthy, but simply lacks the finer skills required for a gentler approach. He does have a keen, no-nonsense instinct, knows what he wants when he sees it, and makes no bones about going after it. Kennedy is able to wake up his natural intuition, but isn't quite prepared when he tunes in on her.

Jennifer Probst describes a fun cast of supporting characters, the most colourful one being Connor, Nate's older brother, who could be safely described as the biggest male chauvenist pig walking around on two legs..... although I am sure his knuckles are dragging on the ground!! The confusion he creates when spouting off his 'vast experience' in Nate's direction and Nate's' resulting bewilderment is super funny. The way Kennedy is able to calmly knock him down a peg or two with a gentle smile on her face is "killing with kindness" at its best! Great banter scenes!

A delicious alpha male uncovered in Nate, once the clothes come off, makes for a spicy hot diversion as well!

All in all a fun rainy day read, leaving me with a feeling of satisfaction that you really can't always judge a book by its cover!!

✨A sharp, spunky and spicy love connection!✨

**Copy provided in return for an honest review.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin rother
Move over all you alpha billionaires, bikers, bad boys and rockers, there's a new man in town and he wears glasses, a pocket protector and a lab coat. But don't let that wrapping fool you, there's an alpha man just waiting underneath to be set free.
That's right folks Jennifer Probst has perfected the Alpha Nerd!
Ladies, let me introduce you to Nathan Ellison Raymond Dunkle. Yep that's right his name is actually NERD. He's messy, and he's naive. He's awkward and he often puts his foot in his mouth. He is also brilliant and he studies women's magazines in order to better relate to them. He's not just interested in landing a couple of easy one night stands, he's ready for a wife and a family, but the road to meeting them has not been easy. So he enlists the help of the matchmaking services of Kinnections where he is immediately attracted to Kennedy.
Kennedy has a secret shame that keeps her from staying in long-term relationships and has her hiding from the girl she used to be. She sees a challenge when she meets Ned, quickly making him go by the name Nate instead. As she embarks on the journey to make Nate over, both physically and socially, she can't help but start to notice that beneath all that awkward lies a sweet heart of a man who just needs some guidance.
Meanwhile, Nate isn't afraid to show, and tell, Kennedy on a regular basis that he is attracted to her and would like to maybe try dating her instead of using the matchmaking service. Kennedy doesn't think that anyone should have to endure her heartbreaking past, so she constantly turns him down.
Then one fateful night Nate steps in as her knight in shining armor and Kennedy opts to let him help her try to forget about her past, that night and everything in between.

"I'm not a saint, Ken. I've wanted you for a damn long time, but you don't have to promise me sex to get what you want. I'll hold you and kiss you and keep you safe, and you can go home in the morning. Don't offer me something out of guilt."

And oh how good he is at making her forget. I swear to god this sex scene is probably the most educational and HOT scene I've read in a long time. The way Nate describes everything as he does it is strangely and inexplicably erotic. I have already re-read this scene at least 10 times since I finished the book. I think pretty much the whole thing is highlighted on my Kindle. Plus, it helps that Nate just happens to be super,

"Umm, Nate?" "Yeah?" "You're very...well endowed." He grinned. A totally masculine, seductive, "curl your toes and surrender now" kind of grin. "The more to pleasure you with, my dear." "Or kill me." "I'll make sure you're ready first." His eyes gleamed. Three orgasms beforehand should do it."

Um...hold on. I need a minute before I continue.
Ok, but seriously, how hot is that?!?
The next day Kennedy freaks out and Nate chooses to not push her into anything before she is ready. She continues to fight the attraction and all of the feelings she has for him by pushing him into other dates and reminding him that she's no good for him.
Will he give up or will he fight for her? Will she give in or did she just push away her soul mate?
You need to read this to find out and trust me when I say that you won't be disappointed. Go, read. You know you want to.

*I received a copy from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review
All or Nothing at All (The Billionaire Builders) :: The Marriage Mistake (The Billionaire Marriage Book 3) :: Everywhere and Every Way (The Billionaire Builders) :: A Life Worth Living :: The Start of Something Good (Stay)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Searching For Perfect is the modern day fairy tale of Beauty and the Geek. This story was so wonderfully written and captivated me from the first page to the last. Jennifer Probst has created yet another masterpiece in this read. I cannot recommend it enough.

I absolutely adored this story and took my time getting to the end because I knew I would be so sad when it was over. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series. Kennedy is breathtakingly beautiful. She has no problem snagging any man that she wants for a night or two because she has no interest in a long term relationship. That is until project Nate comes stumbling through the door. She is so excited to take the man who's initials literally spell out the word NERD (Nathan Ellison Raymond Dunkle) and turn him into a beautiful butterfly. He is her Eliza Doolittle. Never in a million years would she have ever expected to fall for him.

Nate is an aerospace engineer who is so intelligent that he lacks proper social skills. You know the type with the pocket protector and nerdy glasses. To top it off he has taken horrible advice from his brother when it comes to women and his pick up lines are extremely chauvinistic. Kennedy seriously has her work cut out for her. Nate is smitten with her from the very beginning. He knows she is way out of his league but he can dream right? Kennedy is a master at what she does and before long Nathan has turned into a gorgeous hunk and a hot sexy man with a brain just happens to be Kennedy's kryptonite.

I have never laughed so much when reading a book. My kids were like mom what is so funny. Nate and Kennedy are hysterically funny and seriously sexy. Kennedy is extremely hard headed and is lucky that when Nate wants something he does not back down but at the end of the day you can only do so much and if it was not meant to be you have to let the person go. The question is will Kennedy come back to him or will he have moved on. She did set him up with another woman.

Jennifer does a masterful job developing these characters and the supporting cast is superb once again. Nate's brother Connor is a riot.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this lighthearted and fun romance. I gave this book 6-stars because it was immensely entertaining from start to finish. I did not want it to end. I am telling all my friends and all of you that if you take a chance on Searching For Perfect you will not be sorry. This book is in my Top 25 Romances for 2014.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa chandler
Jennifer Probst is a relatively new author to me, but she's rapidly becoming one of my favorites. I really enjoyed Searching for Someday when I read it last year and her spring break novella, Beyond Me, was fantastic. I was so excited to learn she would be releasing a second novel in her Searching For series... and even more excited to get an early look at it. It was so flipping good.

Searching for Perfect had a fantastic setup and the synopsis attracted me from the start... what happens when the nerdy guy is looking for love and hires a matchmaker to help make him over and find someone for him? Well, in Searching for Perfect, the nerdy guy is hot as can be and falls for his matchmaker. His feelings aren't exactly unrequited either.

Kennedy was a strong, relatable female character. She isn't perfect and her insecurities hold her back. But as her story came out, it became clear why. She loves a good challenge and rocket scientist Nate (Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle, yes NERD) just might give her more than she can handle. In more ways than one. *Snicker.*

"Umm, Nate?"
"You're very... well endowed."
He grinned. A totally masculine, seductive, "curl your toes and surrender now" kind of grin. "The more to pleasure you with, my dear."
"Or kill me"
"I'll make sure you're ready first." His eyes gleamed. "Three orgasms beforehand should do it."

As much as I liked Kennedy's character, Nate was the standout for me in this book. I have a think for smart guys. Always have. Don't get me wrong, I love a good rocker or athlete, but at the end of the day, a smart funny guy will get me every single time. Nate was both. Way underneath is buttoned-up, socially awkward and overly frank exterior, anyhow. I had the biggest crush on Nate. He was a sweetheart who was really looking for love. Oh, and the man can dirty talk. Ho-lee-crap. I didn't expect that at all.

Kennedy and Nate had a ton of chemistry, regardless of how much she was trying to fight it. She was convinced she would find love for him, but it wasn't with her. He wanted no one but her. This led to a lot of back and forth, but it was never overly angsty or dramatic. They had passion and a mutual respect for each other. They were spicy hot together and I enjoyed them, rooted for them the entire time, even if I wasn't ever fully certain they would get together.

Searching for Perfect was the perfect mix of sweet, sexy and funny. It was a quick read that I couldn't put down. I adored the characters and the plot flowed well. This is a fun series and I can't wait to see where Jennifer takes us next.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Quotes come from the review copy and might differ from the final version.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary lee
I loved this humorous book which touched on some very serious issues. I found myself laughing out loud wondering what would happen next. I had a hard time putting this book down and couldn’t wait to see where the author would next me next. I have to say I laughed myself silly with that collar, I kept finding myself telling Nate to be careful with your answers, think buddy oh no wrong answer and then I would have to laugh out loud. I just love a book that reminds us or teaches us lessons in life. This book takes on high school bullies, parents who leave us at a young age. These are issues that are happening today and leave a child with major issues as adults. These are issues that are hard to overcome which make it hard to have meaningful long lasting adult relationships. Our parents teach us so much if we don’t get this we have to find our own way, with many turns taking us down the wrong road.

Kennedy and her two best friends opened a matchmaking agency to help people find their mate. She has major issues from her childhood of being overweight which turned into anorexia from high school boys bulling her sexual. She can’t look at herself in the mirror and has eating issues, she must keep the perfect body in doing so she goes overboard. Kennedy a lonely lady with many short term relationships she always finds something wrong with each man due to her insecurity issues. There are many surprises with Kennedy you will not want to miss, she has made sure no one guess what she is really like. This is a woman with way to many fears who needs some help coming out to be the women she can be.

Nate is a nerdy rocket scientist who was bullies as well growing up. His mother left him at a young age, a father who just gave up and a brother who raised him with major issues his self. With all the above it is amazing that Nate turned out as well as he did. His role model is his brother who needs help his self who has trust issues. With his nerdy looks, lifestyle and terrible one liners that turns off female population Kennedy is just the women to help him find his way. Nate wants so much to find a women to love, one that will love him for his self, he wants a family he is going after to death do us part. Kennedy has he work cut out for her in showing him how to dress , what is the correct way to meet, greet and talk to a women.

Kennedy offers to help Nate after hearing his talk to a women at a mix dating night. To turn him around will be a feather in her cap and make her business grow. This man needs so much help it is the challenge she cannot wait to meet. A complete makeover is performed on this nerdy scientist to help him find his perfect women.

I totally enjoyed this book which was easy to read and follow. The author made her characters seem real, you loved them even the ones who you wanted to slap. The only thing I didn’t care for was shorting Kennedy names too early in the book, for me it looked more like a type O. This is a fun loving book with many surprises. The author takes serious issues putting humor in them which makes you want to keep reading to find out what this duo will get into next. You will not want to miss Nate’s make over I laughed myself silly oh the things they put this poor man through will have you rolling. I have not read anything from this author and look forward to reading more of her work. This is a story I highly recommend you read you will not want to miss Nate getting rebuilt from the floor up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike lee
The first book in the Searching For series by Probst had a touch of supernatural to it, and while it wasn’t PNR, the little bit of kismet magic made it very special. Kate and Slade got their happily ever after and now, they’re planning a wedding.

In Searching for Perfect it’s Kennedy’s turn to be zapped by love.

Kennedy, one third of the Kinnections team of matchmakers for those who truly seek love to last forever, is the perpetual dater. She considers 3-4 months of dating a long term relationship. She loves her job, and she hides a tormented past. The one thing that Kennedy doesn’t have is trust in herself when it comes to what she deserves.

Nate, who begins the story as Ned (and thank God Probst changed his name as it had me picturing Ned Stark’s head on a spear) is the ultimate geek. Rocket Scientists do exist, folks, and our hero is one. He’s also delicious (mostly post makeover) and smart, obviously. He also immediately knows what he wants when he first sees Kennedy. Yes, he plays along with the matchmaking process and is cooperative, but the boy is determined and I loved him for it.

Nate’s vice is mostly the slow process of shaking off everything his older brother ever told him about women, though his chauvinistic approach to them makes for some funny scenes, especially where the role-play with the girls is concerned. That’s all I’m saying about that scene. It’s disturbingly funny.

I really want to talk about a core issue in Kennedy’s story, but I can’t if I want to keep this spoiler free. Just remember that I wholeheartedly appreciated Probst touching this subject. It’s incredibly important and while keeping it light, she managed to carry through the critical things about the healing process. Thank you, Jennifer.

There are plenty of funnies in this story, one major one was:

When she jumped on his stomach, Nate was grateful she avoided his dick, which would probably never get an erection again after Ming was done with him. When she informed him there was to be one more round on each side, Nate gave up. He lost consciousness somewhere during the second round.

There are also some incredibly smutty scenes thrown in. One of them (on the lighter side of smutty):

“Um, Nate?”
“You’re very… well endowed.”
He grinned. A totally masculine, seductive, “curl your toes and surrender now” kind of grin. “The more to pleasure you with, my dear.”
“Or kill me.”
… … …
“Shush. I’m busy.”

There’s dirty talking, there’s geek talking, there’s romance and profound love and there’s some deep emotionally heart-clenching parts. They’re all well written and sweet. This is what makes this series worth reading.

Future wishes (should Probst choose to indulge me): I’m waiting for Gen and Wolfe’s story because the girl is being stupid and the boy is hurting bad.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth abbott grasso
~Reviewed by ANGELA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

Kennedy is one of the owners of Kinnections. She is on a mission and her special project is one hunk of nerd named Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle. A tough one at that since this Aero Space engineer can be the super nerd of the year. Given that Kinnections is a matching agency, her goal is not only shape Nate to be a perfect candidate but to Search for his Perfect mate. Soon, Kennedy will learn that perfection is having imperfection and not only pertaining to her client but herself.

I love every bit of this book. Searching for Perfect is sweet, witty and outright hilarious. Jennifer Probst has outdone herself with this sequel to Searching for Someday. This book had me laugh out hard, swoon over the sexy hero and sigh over the very romantic storyline.

I love Nate, it’s hard not to. This guy is just so adorable. He’s not what you would usually expect in a hero and not your typical nerd cliché either. Yes, he’s looks and acts like a classic nerd. But this guy is a real hunk just hidden under a façade of a gorilla who has a social expertise or a hyena (Don’t ask me where I got the comparison). However, Nate cleans up pretty good and once you find out what kind of books he’s been reading, you’ll be very impressed. I’ll tell you this much, his reads are not only for enjoyment but to learn techniques for pleasuring a woman. Oh, the things he can do with food. *fans self*

And obviously, Kennedy was totally impressed with him. After seeing him for the first time at a dating/social function, she couldn’t stay away from him. Despite the sparks between them, Kennedy refuses to give them a chance at forever, silly girl. Given her past, I don’t blame her but there were times when I just wanted to smack her to show her how good she got it. What I love most though is how Nate convinced her. Their courtship was absolutely sweet and romantic.

Secondary Characters were ever so present; Kate, Slade, Arilyn and of course Wolfe. Oh boy, the set up for Wolfe’s story is there at our grasp. Probst’s fans have been waiting to get their Wolfe fix and in this book, there is enough of Wolfe to drool over and want even more. Watch out for characters named Ming and Benny. Those two had me reeling. I was most certainly entertained.

If you like Emma Chase’s Tangled or Alice Clayton’s Wallbanger, you sure will enjoy Searching for Perfect. Though this is book two of the series, I can assure you that it can be a standalone read. Well done Ms. Probst!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer Probst is one of my all time favorite authors, and I love how she blends a little bit of the supernatural into her stories. I have read almost every one of her books and as a result, I feel like I know some of her characters intimately. Searching for Perfect includes the magical chant that brings couples together from "The Book of Spells" and mentions characters from "The Marriage to a Billionaire" series. This book focuses on successful matchmaker Kennedy Ashe and Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle, the nerdiest rocket scientist on earth.

Smart and gorgeous Kennedy Ashe, along with her two very best friends, own and manage Kinnections, a matchmaking agency that is on the brink of turning a profit. When Kennedy meets Nate at one of the company's speed date mixers, she instantly feels a need to transform him. You see, Nate is a geek; replete with orthopedic shoes, heavy glasses, a pocket protector and stained, ill-fitting clothing. Nate is Kennedy's Eliza Doolittle.

Nate is truly a hottie after his makeover, however, Kennedy has to work on his social skills in order for him to be prepared to interact with the opposite sex. Nate is honest to a fault, which causes many funny and insulting moments, but he is learning. As Kennedy and Nate spend time together, they get to know each other, which turns into much more than a simple professional relationship. They learn about each others fears, hangups and quirks, while discovering the best sex of their lives. Kennedy and Nate have more in common than anyone could ever imagine.

I loved this book. To begin with, the first three or four chapters have many laugh out loud moments. Ms. Probst does an amazing job of incorporating some real-time issues in a non-offensive, comical way. For example, one of the women Nate meets during the speed dating mixer is a teacher. She ends up complaining about the "common core" which is a hot topic these days, and the dialogue is totally priceless.

Ms. Probst took the simple act of food tasting and turned it into a hot and erotic event. A blindfolded Kennedy being directed by Nate's choice of food stimuli, caresses and words, is a total aphrodisiac for the mind, body and spirit.

This is the second book in the Searching For series and it can be read as a stand alone. If you are looking for a solid romance with just the right combination of storyline, emotion, angst, and steam, then Searching for Perfect is perfect for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Searching for Perfect, Jennifer Probst
Review from Jeannie Zelos Book reviews.
I've read several romances from Jennifer now, and looked forward to this one. Once again there's romance mixed up with lots of heat and sensuality, and a story that needs to be worked out before things can end well. I've not read the first of this series, but did notice towards the end some references to characters from other books of hers. That was fun and made me feel I’m keeping up with old friends...
So, Nate AKA Ned the Nerd. Poor guy, he's Mr Hopeless in looks, having drowned his natural attractiveness in a sea of too long hair, bottle top specs, and clothes that are a bad fit and just don't suit him. Still, he wants a wife, wants the home and family denied him as a child and is prepared to change. Ken has her work cut out though, Nate's brother Connor has taught him all he knows so far, topped up by reading Cosmo etc....Connor is one of those men that just attract women naturally despite their bad lines and caveman doesn’t work for Nate though, and he knows he needs proper help. Ken sees him as a challenge and takes him in hand ( in more ways that one as time goes on...)
I liked Nate, and as the story continued I understood more of his feelings and motives, and why Connor too acted the way he did. The makeover was fun, Ming and Benny especially! Its interesting how first appearances are so important, even though its the person underneath that's the real answer. Sounds shallow but that's the way the world works. Ken was fun, she had her demons from childhood too that acted upon her relationships as an adult. The attraction between them was intense, and Nate certainly had all the right moves. There was far more to the man that he revealed on the surface and Ken was bowled over. He wanted home and family though and she wasn't in for long term, didn't think it worked and wasn't going to try. I loved them together, loved the way Ken fought against it, even setting Nate up for dates after they'd got together for some hot and heavy sex. I liked the way that part of the drama was dragged out to maximise intensity. I did feel though the makeover part went on a bit too long and lost its focus for me at times. Overall it was a fun read, I enjoyed it but as a one off only. It's priced at £3.99 for 368 pages, and though its a one off for me lovers of light, contemporary romance may well be happy to re read.
Stars: three and a half, fun read but a little light on drama for me.
ARC received via Netgalley .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kale sears
I will be honest, this book started a little slow for me. However, once it got started, it got hot, hilarious, and touching. When Kennedy and Nate finally stopped fighting their instincts, their chemistry sparked off the page. With his social awkwardness, their collective intelligence and her battered heart, they made a perfect couple. Their commonalities helped them build more than just physical relationship. I was thoroughly surprised by Nate's 180 turnaround. He went from geek to filthy mouthed man in the span of a few chapters. Total turn-on. Kennedy was my window into the emotions of the book. She has had a rough go, that makes it hard for her to accept anyone's genuine interest and love in her. Her raw emotions and hurt bled off the pages and I truly felt for her.

This was a fantastic book. Everything that I have come to expect from a Jennifer Probst novel and more. Ms. Probst can weave a tale of humor, love, and heat like no other. In her Searching world, that is loosely linked to her previous Marriage to a Billionaire series, we are introduced to three spunky, love woed women. Kate, Arilyn and Kennedy run Kinnections, a matchmaking service. Searching for Perfect follows Kennedy's story. She meets Nate Bunkle at a speed dating session. He is just too sad, and too socially awkward for her to not take on as a project. Kennedy delves into helping Nate remake himself and bring out the man beneath the geek. Soon enough the lines blur and Nate and Kennedy are treading a fine line between friends and lovers. They can't help but succumb to their passion. But when Kennedy runs scared, Nate may finally have to throw in the towel and make the decision to give up on a lost cause.

While the couple may have had a typical ending scenario, I was more thrilled for them to find their HEA than I am most couples. Kennedy and Nate dug into my heart, and I wanted to see it work out so much that I was waiting with bated breath for most of the book. The character development in this book is astounding. The couple both make huge strides in their relationship, as well as their personal lives. In true Jennifer Probst fashion this book will tug on your heart strings and get you hot and bothered. For me, this is a must-read! I cannot wait for Arilyn's story and I HAVE to know what's going on with Gen! I'm so excited for this series to continue :)

Happy Reading!
*ARC provided by the publisher/author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan onderko
I loved this book! SEARCHING FOR PERFECT is an engaging, entertaining, sexy contemporary romance and I would definitely recommend as a must read.

Nate Dunkle, aerospace engineer, has just turned thirty-two and has reached a pivotal point in his life. Except for his successful career, his social life is pretty much non-existent. He's decided it's time to find himself a wife. He wants a partner, companionship, someone to spend the rest of his life with.

As Nate approaches his first speed dating mixer with high expectations, disappointment and embarassment quickly sets in as he interacts with the various women. In an attempt to impress the women, he used a self tanner that left him a hideous orange color instead of a healthy bronze. He's spent six weeks researching various magazines to figure out what women are looking for, but even when he thinks he is answering a question correctly, he finds the women insulted and passing him over.

Kennedy Ashe, social director and co-owner of the matchmaking company, Kinnections, witnesses Nate's last exchange with a woman. She requests to meet with Nate following the mixer at the diner next door for a private discussion. Kennedy has intentions of telling Nate that he's not welcome at any more of their social events. But as she speaks to Nate, she discovers his heart is in the right place. It's more that Nate is socially inept and has listened to his brother's ill-guided advice when it comes to women.

An idea takes form in the beautiful Kennedy's mind and she offers her services to help transform and train Nate so he will be more socially prepared to meet the woman of his dreams.

Kennedy is confident, beautiful, and has great fashion sense. She has a dynamic personality and is the kind of person that owns the room when she walks into it. Nate notices Kennedy right away but knows someone like her is way out of his league. When Kennedy suggests Nate clean up his appearance a bit, he's a little put off initially but Kennedy is able to sell him on the idea.

Nate has shaggy hair, a unibrow, bulky glasses, ill-fitting and outdated wardrobe, as well as a penchant to wear overly-strong cologne. Nate's transformation from geeky nerd to well-dressed hunk is entertaining to watch unfold as he is exposed to various characters and situations.

Nate and Kennedy spend a lot of time together as he undergoes his transformation and their is a lot of great chemistry between the two characters. You learn that although Kennedy looks like perfection on the outside, she has some major hang-ups from childhood. Kennedy used to be fat and bullied in school. She ended up with an eating disorder and has struggled with her self-image ever since. Nate also had a messed up childhood, but even though he's a disaster with outward appearances, he's well-adjusted with his inner psyche.

Nate proves to be an endearing, likable character. He has a directness to him that is appealing. Underneath his disheveled appearance, you find a man that has a heart of gold. His sexual prowess in the bedroom will leave you breathless! Even though he tries not to fall in love with Kennedy, I love how he fights for her and tries to help her overcome her problems. Even though it's hard to watch, I also admire when he makes the decision to walk away as well.

I also really liked Kennedy as a heroine in this book. She has some issues that she needs to work on, but she isn't annoying. I really like the character growth she shows in this book.

In summary, I would highly recommend this contemporary romance. It left me with a grin on my face and my heart thudding loudly out of my chest. Great chemistry, great characters, and great romance! Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Searching for Perfect, Jennifer Probst
Review from Jeannie Zelos Book reviews.
I've read several romances from Jennifer now, and looked forward to this one. Once again there's romance mixed up with lots of heat and sensuality, and a story that needs to be worked out before things can end well. I've not read the first of this series, but did notice towards the end some references to characters from other books of hers. That was fun and made me feel I’m keeping up with old friends...
So, Nate AKA Ned the Nerd. Poor guy, he's Mr Hopeless in looks, having drowned his natural attractiveness in a sea of too long hair, bottle top specs, and clothes that are a bad fit and just don't suit him. Still, he wants a wife, wants the home and family denied him as a child and is prepared to change. Ken has her work cut out though, Nate's brother Connor has taught him all he knows so far, topped up by reading Cosmo etc....Connor is one of those men that just attract women naturally despite their bad lines and caveman doesn’t work for Nate though, and he knows he needs proper help. Ken sees him as a challenge and takes him in hand ( in more ways that one as time goes on...)
I liked Nate, and as the story continued I understood more of his feelings and motives, and why Connor too acted the way he did. The makeover was fun, Ming and Benny especially! Its interesting how first appearances are so important, even though its the person underneath that's the real answer. Sounds shallow but that's the way the world works. Ken was fun, she had her demons from childhood too that acted upon her relationships as an adult. The attraction between them was intense, and Nate certainly had all the right moves. There was far more to the man that he revealed on the surface and Ken was bowled over. He wanted home and family though and she wasn't in for long term, didn't think it worked and wasn't going to try. I loved them together, loved the way Ken fought against it, even setting Nate up for dates after they'd got together for some hot and heavy sex. I liked the way that part of the drama was dragged out to maximise intensity. I did feel though the makeover part went on a bit too long and lost its focus for me at times. Overall it was a fun read, I enjoyed it but as a one off only. It's priced at £3.99 for 368 pages, and though its a one off for me lovers of light, contemporary romance may well be happy to re read.
Stars: three and a half, fun read but a little light on drama for me.
ARC received via Netgalley .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will be honest, this book started a little slow for me. However, once it got started, it got hot, hilarious, and touching. When Kennedy and Nate finally stopped fighting their instincts, their chemistry sparked off the page. With his social awkwardness, their collective intelligence and her battered heart, they made a perfect couple. Their commonalities helped them build more than just physical relationship. I was thoroughly surprised by Nate's 180 turnaround. He went from geek to filthy mouthed man in the span of a few chapters. Total turn-on. Kennedy was my window into the emotions of the book. She has had a rough go, that makes it hard for her to accept anyone's genuine interest and love in her. Her raw emotions and hurt bled off the pages and I truly felt for her.

This was a fantastic book. Everything that I have come to expect from a Jennifer Probst novel and more. Ms. Probst can weave a tale of humor, love, and heat like no other. In her Searching world, that is loosely linked to her previous Marriage to a Billionaire series, we are introduced to three spunky, love woed women. Kate, Arilyn and Kennedy run Kinnections, a matchmaking service. Searching for Perfect follows Kennedy's story. She meets Nate Bunkle at a speed dating session. He is just too sad, and too socially awkward for her to not take on as a project. Kennedy delves into helping Nate remake himself and bring out the man beneath the geek. Soon enough the lines blur and Nate and Kennedy are treading a fine line between friends and lovers. They can't help but succumb to their passion. But when Kennedy runs scared, Nate may finally have to throw in the towel and make the decision to give up on a lost cause.

While the couple may have had a typical ending scenario, I was more thrilled for them to find their HEA than I am most couples. Kennedy and Nate dug into my heart, and I wanted to see it work out so much that I was waiting with bated breath for most of the book. The character development in this book is astounding. The couple both make huge strides in their relationship, as well as their personal lives. In true Jennifer Probst fashion this book will tug on your heart strings and get you hot and bothered. For me, this is a must-read! I cannot wait for Arilyn's story and I HAVE to know what's going on with Gen! I'm so excited for this series to continue :)

Happy Reading!
*ARC provided by the publisher/author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! SEARCHING FOR PERFECT is an engaging, entertaining, sexy contemporary romance and I would definitely recommend as a must read.

Nate Dunkle, aerospace engineer, has just turned thirty-two and has reached a pivotal point in his life. Except for his successful career, his social life is pretty much non-existent. He's decided it's time to find himself a wife. He wants a partner, companionship, someone to spend the rest of his life with.

As Nate approaches his first speed dating mixer with high expectations, disappointment and embarassment quickly sets in as he interacts with the various women. In an attempt to impress the women, he used a self tanner that left him a hideous orange color instead of a healthy bronze. He's spent six weeks researching various magazines to figure out what women are looking for, but even when he thinks he is answering a question correctly, he finds the women insulted and passing him over.

Kennedy Ashe, social director and co-owner of the matchmaking company, Kinnections, witnesses Nate's last exchange with a woman. She requests to meet with Nate following the mixer at the diner next door for a private discussion. Kennedy has intentions of telling Nate that he's not welcome at any more of their social events. But as she speaks to Nate, she discovers his heart is in the right place. It's more that Nate is socially inept and has listened to his brother's ill-guided advice when it comes to women.

An idea takes form in the beautiful Kennedy's mind and she offers her services to help transform and train Nate so he will be more socially prepared to meet the woman of his dreams.

Kennedy is confident, beautiful, and has great fashion sense. She has a dynamic personality and is the kind of person that owns the room when she walks into it. Nate notices Kennedy right away but knows someone like her is way out of his league. When Kennedy suggests Nate clean up his appearance a bit, he's a little put off initially but Kennedy is able to sell him on the idea.

Nate has shaggy hair, a unibrow, bulky glasses, ill-fitting and outdated wardrobe, as well as a penchant to wear overly-strong cologne. Nate's transformation from geeky nerd to well-dressed hunk is entertaining to watch unfold as he is exposed to various characters and situations.

Nate and Kennedy spend a lot of time together as he undergoes his transformation and their is a lot of great chemistry between the two characters. You learn that although Kennedy looks like perfection on the outside, she has some major hang-ups from childhood. Kennedy used to be fat and bullied in school. She ended up with an eating disorder and has struggled with her self-image ever since. Nate also had a messed up childhood, but even though he's a disaster with outward appearances, he's well-adjusted with his inner psyche.

Nate proves to be an endearing, likable character. He has a directness to him that is appealing. Underneath his disheveled appearance, you find a man that has a heart of gold. His sexual prowess in the bedroom will leave you breathless! Even though he tries not to fall in love with Kennedy, I love how he fights for her and tries to help her overcome her problems. Even though it's hard to watch, I also admire when he makes the decision to walk away as well.

I also really liked Kennedy as a heroine in this book. She has some issues that she needs to work on, but she isn't annoying. I really like the character growth she shows in this book.

In summary, I would highly recommend this contemporary romance. It left me with a grin on my face and my heart thudding loudly out of my chest. Great chemistry, great characters, and great romance! Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dave perkins
Jennifer Probst gives us another winning contemporary novel in SEARCHING FOR PERFECT, book two of her sparkling series, Searching For. This time around the geeks are bringing the sexy! And you know I love geeks, echoing Kennedy's sentiment, geeks are underrated so it gave me so much pleasure to read an aerospace engineer, aka rocket scientist, fall in love with the girl of his dreams.

Nathaniel Ellison Raymond Dunkle. I was already crushing at the dude from the first mixer despite his foot-in-mouth style of flirting. This man is determined to find himself a wife. A wife! A man who isn't afraid of commitment! Isn't that so refreshing?! Anyway, I can't help but adore Nate, he's really trying to be suave, going for what women want most based on his research and the quizzes he took in Cosmopolitan, Marie Clare and other girly magazines. He also reads erotica, Fifty Shades, Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, and the Kama Sutra to increase his knowledge and skill in pleasuring a woman in the sack. In short, Nate took dating to a whole new level, made it almost a science, too bad it wasn't flawless because he was still a trainwreck which prompted Kennedy to step in and take Nate on as her personal quest.

Kennedy I already liked in Searching For Someday, she was Kate's sexed up bestfriend and the perfect contrast to complete this not-so-opposite-attracts theme that JProbst wrote. Kennedy's a man eater, a serial dater, emotionally unavailable, and has a love/hate relationship with carbs and sugar which makes her grumpy sometimes. Obviously the girl's got issues which explains her commitment phobia. What endeared Kennedy to me is her brains. Despite the airhead facade, Kennedy is smart. Not Nate Dunkle smart but close enough for them to carry on a genius conversation. I was simply impressed because Kennedy carried Geek in a very chic way.

SEARCHING FOR PERFECT is warm, cuddly, romantic, and funny sequel. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart, I swoon over stories where love prevails especially the ones where the underdog wins the girl. JProbst's Searching For series always delivers fuzzy and hopeful romances with a little sprinkle of magic to make it sparkle even more. *lets out a happy sigh*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nancy l
The second in the series, we return to Kinnections and we get to see Kennedy’s side of the story. Part-owner of the hottest dating agency in New York, and she is finally about to find her own special man. A bit on the self-conscious side as she struggles with her weight and self-image, Kennedy’s character was easy to understand and relate to, even if her cockeyed way of looking at things was occasionally more than a bit in her way.
Nate is intelligent and dorky, and after a total crash and burn during a speed dating event, Kennedy decides he needs some ‘personal’ coaching. Nate is flattered, thinking that Kennedy wants him, and her love ‘em and leave ‘em style is something that utterly throws him for a loop. He sees the desirable woman under the layers of defensive self-protection, and it doesn’t take long for his humor and good nature to start to work changes.
Probst has a smooth style that effortlessly mixes humor, foibles and steamy scenes in a way that gives readers a feel for the characters and allows them to find their favorites in the mix. Each character is well presented and developed, with issues that are easy to understand and displayed in realistic situations and ways that feel familiar. You may not be speed dating or own a piece of the hottest dating agency in the area – but we most certainly can relate to both Nate and Kennedy without difficulty.

I received an eBook copy of the title via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kennedy Ashe is social director of Kinnections, a matchmaking service. Growing up, she was always ridiculed because of being overweight. Even though she believes there is someone for everyone, she does not trust anyone near her heart.

After spending his thirty-second birthday alone, Nathan Dunkle decides it is time for a love connection. In everybody eyes, he has always been a nerd but wants to be married and have children in his life. He signs up with Kinnections and does not quite make the cut. Nathan is an aerospace engineer with no social skills, especially when it comes to women.

Kennedy discovers Nate’s brother, Connor, has taught him ‘the ropes’ regarding women. Connor feels there are too many women and very little time to conquer them all. Hence, Kennedy takes Nate under her wings and gives him a complete makeover; head to toe, while teaching him how to communicate with the opposite sex.

Now that Kennedy has completed her mission, she has to keep her feelings about Nate purely business. At the same time, Nate is constantly studying her every move to win her over. In addition, he has learned something about Kennedy nobody else knows; Kennedy is a nerd just like him.

I liked this novel because the story line is refreshing. Sure, it is a predictable romance novel, but the way these two characters meet, Kennedy’s stubbornness and Nate’s nerdiness is just too cute. You will laugh because it is humorous. You will sigh because of the nerdiness. You will feel comforted because of the coming-of-age, so to speak, of Kennedy and Nate. I believe the make out session with Kennedy and Nate should have been edited to a few pages and not a whole chapter. However, I recommend this enjoyable fiction novel to romance and late afternoon readers.

I received this book free from Gallery Books through the Net Galley Reviewer Program for an honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nate and Kennedy have more in common than they realize. On the surface, they couldn't look more opposite. He's the nerdy rocket scientist with stains on his shirt and she is the gorgeous co-owner of Kinnections. When she watches Nate crash and burn at one of their speed dating events, she feels compelled to make him her personal project. After all, makeovers are her specialty. Nate knows that a woman like Kennedy would never want to be with him, but that doesn't stop him from wanting her. When she starts to develop feelings of her own, she tries her best to ignore them.

In Searching for Someday, we see Kennedy as the beautiful, sexy woman who prefers to hop from one man to the next. But here we get to see who she truly is under her carefully constructed facade. It is so easy to relate to her as her self image issues are ones that many women share. And Nate? Well I tend to be partial to geek's since I am a bit of one myself. You just know that underneath the ill-fitting clothes and bad hair is a sexy man and damn if I couldn't wait for him to come out.

True to Jennifer Probst's style, Searching for Perfect was filled with easily loveable characters, humor, sexiness and just a fun story. What I really loved about this book was the witty comedy because it didn't just make me chuckle, it had me full out belly laughing. (Just wait till you get to the scene with Nate and Ming. Priceless). When you can make me laugh out loud in one chapter and then pant in another, well then you have a big winner. For those who have read her Marriage to a Billionaire series, we do get brief appearances from all of those happy couples and I loved catching up with them all. I absolutely adored this book and once again cannot wait for more from Jennifer.

Read more reviews at [...]. I received this eBook in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 +++ Stars!!

Searching for Perfect is the perfect love story of twp people who are so right for one another but have to discover it for themselves. I absolutely love Jennifer Probst! Her books are amazing and always leave me wanting much more. This series is no different. I absolutely love the story line behind this book. We get Kennedy who works at Kinnections in Verily with her two best friends as a matchmaker. Her job is simple. Find love for her clients, because everyone deserves to find it. She is given the perfect opportunity to transform a geeky man into something more, and find him love. Her toughest one yet, and she couldn't be more excited. Nate (Ned) is a rocket scientist who is on a mission to find his future wife. He is tired of spending all of is time at work, and with his brother Connor. He decides to give speed dating a try and is faced with the hard reality that he doesn't know how to talk to a woman correctly.

I have to admit, Nate is by far Hot, and will give you a new outlook on nerds. Kennedy helps him find a new wardrobe, to learn to style his hair correctly, and gets rid of the glasses. Throughout his journey with Kinnections, and spending more time with Ken he develops a desire to have her. The only thing standing his way? Kennedy refuses to ever have a long-term relationship. Doesn't think she deserves one.

The attraction is undeniable, and we get lots of hot, steamy scene's between the two. I absolutely loved this book, and finishing it was a very bittersweet moment for me. I promise you won't be disappointed reading this series, or any other books by Jennifer. If you have already then you know exactly what I am talking about. I truly can't wait for more books, and really hope we get a story in this great series! <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura stearn
This is the 2nd book in the Searching For Series. Out of the two books, this one was my favorite. I love Kennedy Ashe and Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle. This was narrated by Madeleine Maby, and she did a great job portraying Kennedy.

Kennedy Ashe, works for Kinnections, and its the hottest match making service in town. Kennedy wasn't fond of finding love, her job was to find love for others. Thats when she meets Ned aka Nate. He was a the typical nerdy scientist kinda of guy. Lab coat with pocket protectors, wondering if maybe he wore a fanny pack? He was all sorts of messed up. Kennedy meets Ned aka Nate at one of her speed dating sessions, and wanted to take him up as a client. He wore clothes to tight, applied some awful self tanner and his hair was a mess. He was her mission.

After weeks and weeks of help from Kennedy, Ned was now Nate as his name is Nathan- he got rid of the self tanning orange look- no hair cut, little goatee and fabulous new style. Nate discovered that all his research about woman off of Cosmo,Self, Marie Claire and others, that Kennedy Ashe was everything he wanted. Except Kennedy wasn't available- she didn't do relationships, she didn't do love. She just wanted to be his friend- his match maker- but did she?

The cute thing about this story, its a fairy tale - Its every nerdy guys dreams come true to find the perfect beauty queen, and this story is about that. Its a cute story, and some very funny parts. You fell in love with Nate, and his forwardness, and his awkwardness that you laugh threw the entire story. There was some hot sexy scenes towards the end that you wanted to cheer them along...
Hopefully we get a story of Jenna...hopefully finding love with Wolf???
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
justin dillon
Searching for Someday was about Kate, founder of Kinnections and her story with Slade. Now, in Searching for Perfect, Kate’s partner Kennedy Ashe meets her match with Nathanial Ellison Raymond Dunkle, aka Nerd… I mean, Ned.

This seemed to start out as a classic “Beauty meets Beast” story but Ms. Probst proved me wrong. There was definitely more than meets the eyes as the story developed. Kennedy meets Ned at one of Kinnections’ mixers and he was a disaster on legs with his outdated glasses, pocket protector and stained lab coat. Who shows up looking for his future wife in a stained lab coat and shiny khaki pants? Apparently the rocket scientist Ned did and Kennedy knew as soon as she sat him down and read him the riot act that she was going to help him transform into a desirable hot male and connect him with his future wife. He was going to be her next challenge.

The next few weeks Ned and Kennedy meet every night to work on his transformation and before you know it, something happens. Was it the love spell that Ms. Probst carried over from her “Marriage” series, or was it really “love at first sight” with Ned and Kennedy?

I laughed out loud throughout the story. I enjoyed the banter between Kennedy and Ned, and the chemistry between them sparked constantly. At times I wanted to just kick Kennedy for not seeing Ned in the same way that he saw her. I fell in love with Ned who transforms handsomely and becomes the book boyfriend we all expect to see while Kennedy resists all the way till the bitter but happy end. If you’re expecting the same Jennifer Probst-style story, “Searching for Perfect” does not disappoint. And Ms. Probst even mentions a certain someone from her “Marriage” series that her fans will know and love.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
geoff blacwell
Another great addition to the series by Jennifer Probst!

I wasn't too crazy about Kennedy in the first book but getting to know her in this book really helped me understand her better. Her whole life she's been struggling with who she is. She's struggled with her weight and self-esteem her whole life and she's finally at a place where she feels happy with who she is, but it's a constant push and pull. But one thing she's not ready to accept is love. She has a commitment phobia and considers long term relationships a 3 month term only.

Nate is a total nerd. He's a rocket scientist, total klutz and extremely socially awkward. But he's tried of being alone. He signs up at Kinnections to finally find his perfect mate and hopefully future wife. Thought a bit awkward at first, I quickly fell for Nate. He might have seen awkward and "safe" in the beginning but with the right women, he becomes sexy, possessive and even a bit of an alpha.

There's humor, fun and some sweet yet sexy times throughout this book that makes this the perfect fluff read. There were times when I wanted to shake Kennedy for being so stubborn and annoying and times when I couldn't help but cringe at the things Nate said but overall I truly enjoyed this book. I'm very curious to see who Arily will fall for and super excited to read Wolfe's book (hopefully with Genevieve.)

For fans of Jennifer Probst, this will not be a disappointment. And if you haven't read any of her books and love contemporary romance...well, what are you waiting for?!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVED this book!! I thought Jennifer Probst’s Searching for Someday was wonderful – and it was – but SEARCHING FOR PERFECT was even better. I loved the storyline, an awkward, forthright, misinformed but well-intentioned, extremely intelligent (hello, actual rocket scientist), horrible dressing NERD in every way, including his name Nathaniel Ellison Raymond Dunkle who very sincerely wants a wife and a family hires the very sophisticated, charming, completely put together and stylish Kennedy Ashe as his matchmaker. Only these two seemingly mismatched opposites have sexual chemistry off the charts and fall for each other. Nate of course is all for it, but Kennedy fights how she feels for Nate for all she’s worth.

The friendship and camaraderie of the three women who run Kinnections, Kennedy, Kate and Arilyn is what every woman wants in a friend and makes for many laugh out loud scenes. Ming, the Asian masseuse and Benny, the stylist add more hilarity to the mix, and Nate himself, just being himself will keep you smiling. He’s wonderful. Honest, sincere, kind – when he’s not sticking his foot in his mouth, sexy, an athletic body from golf, and well-versed and willing to please his woman. Over and over and over. And then in the midst of all this humor and falling in love, JP throws in the fallout of a serious health issue and it’s effects on a person. I loved the way she handled it and didn’t glaze over it. All I can say is this story was brilliantly written and I enjoyed every word. I am eagerly waiting for the next book in the Searching For series and hope that it is Wolfe’s story and that he finally gets his girl!!

~Complimentary copy received via NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
celesta carlson
Really enjoyed this one.

Like the first book of the series, the story is solid and the characters very likeable.

Loved Ken and her mix of vulnerable and strong, like everyone, we can be both of those. I wanted to kick the people who bullied her growing up, like hard. She did come out of those times better in the end, but still, she had a lot of issues that she had to struggle with. I would’ve liked to have seen her deal with those more, maybe more development in regards to that inner struggle. Still, she was a great character.

I liked Nate a lot, although in the beginning he had zero people skills. It was funny at times, but most of all, it was annoying. I really wanted to smack him, lol. Glad that he got through that, ‘cause underneath he was a pretty cool guy.

Like the first book, the rest of the characters were great as well. Funny, flawed, loyal.

I can’t wait for the next book in the series and I gotta say, I REALLY can’t wait for Gen and Wolfe’s story. This is a parallel story that was developed in both books and I’m looking forward to reading how it ends. I also wouldn’t mind if it were a novella. Just sayin’. ;-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Searching For Perfect

This book had me laughing like crazy! It is a very funny romance that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling at the end. What would you do if you were faced with a nerdy rocket scientist who didn't have a clue on how to pick up women? He is orange from an at home toner gone bad and he has a unibrow. If you are Kennedy Ashe, you feel a sense of excitement, finally a project she can sink her teeth into! This man has no clue on how to dress, act, or communicate with a woman, but Kennedy is determined to give him a makeover that would do Professor Higgins proud. But what happens when she starts to feel a little something more for the reformed nerd?

Meet former nerd Nate Dunkle, he just turned 32 and decided that he wants a wife and family. He has read Cosmo and other magazines to prepare him for dating, but when he uses his new found skills at a speed dating event held by Kinnections he finds that women are only interested in his money. When he talks to Kennedy about the last woman he spoke to Kennedy total goes off the rails with him. He feels like a complete idiot and agrees to a makeover.....but he never knew what he was in for!

Kennedy and Nate are on a crash course to love, it's a bumpy and funny ride. Join the fun and download this fun filled treat today. Your Kindle will love you!

*ARC received from author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a copy of this book from Netgallery in exchange for an honest review.

I made the mistake of starting to read this book while sitting in a Dr's waiting room. I couldn't help the sporadic giggles or bursts of laughter that came from almost the beginning all the way to the end.

Kennedy Ashe is the social director of the company she owns with her two best friends, Kinnections. During a social mixer she takes one look at Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle (lol) and decides that the nerdy rocket scientist needs her personal brand of help. She makes it her mission to turn him for nerd extraordinaire into the man she sees underneath. What she doesn't plan on is her attraction for Nate as they connect during her makeover sessions.

Nate is frustrated. At this stage in his life he is determined to find someone to share his life with, love, and marry. He decides to take Kennedy up on her offer wishing from the start that he could make her his. He knows that Kennedy would never go for someone like him but can't help his feelings for her.

I laughed so hard during the process of Nate's makeover. Between his and Kennedy's commentary I couldn't help but imagine the scene happening in front of me. The secondary characters introduced were great and really added another dimension to the storyline. I liked how when Nate made up his mind to do something he fought for it. Even against little old Asian ladies (HAHA).

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth cantrell
*I received a free ARC of Searching for Perfect from Gallery Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Searching for Perfect is about Kennedy, who is trying her best to stay professional, even if that means she cannot even flirt a little bit with the sexy rocket scientist Nathaniel. Fate, however, seems to have decided otherwise, and Nate is ready to everything he can to make Ken’s perfect and cold-ish façade crack so that she might fall for him too.

Second in the Searching For series, Searching for Perfect is a quick, fun and sexy read, it’s got a straight-forward plot, with likable characters and just enough intrigue to make it difficult for Ken and Nate to start something that would be great for both of them in the long run. It’s a good thing they are both very stubborn!

It was fun to see some of the characters from Searching for Someday in Searching for Perfect, too, and I hope there will be more books in this series, as I enjoy the aspect of the match-making agency in which the owners fall in love with their clients.

Written in third person point of view, past tense, it is easy to follow the characters and get to know them well. Searching for Perfect is a great read to have in your bag for your summer vacation, as it is light-hearted, romantic and sweet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shreevar goel
This is the second book in The Searching For series by the wonderful Jennifer Probst. This is the story of Kennedy, the social director for Kinnections(a matchmaking agency). Kennedy felt like a very true to life woman to me...she has struggled with her weight since childhood and still feels very insecure about it even now. I loved her strength and determination to help her clients find their soul mates. She is so warm hearted and caring. Nate Dunkle is a rocket scientist who has decided he wants to find a woman to come home to. Nate is the definition of nerd which makes his transformation so enjoyable. Kennedy vows to help Nate find the perfect woman for him but she has a lot of obstacles to work through. Nate maybe smart put he does not know how to talk to women, at all. I loved how the author built the relationship between Kennedy and Nate....seemingly opposites yet deep down similar. This book is beautifully written and has a wonderful mix of romance, humor and drama. I highly recommend this fantastic book and it can be read as a standalone. I do think readers will love the first book, Searching For Someday, as it is the story of a character that does appear in this book.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caleb h
Length: 355 pages
Style: Contemporary Romance
Story: GOOD
Intimacy level: GOOD
Enjoyment: FAIRLY GOOD
Series: ( Searching For ) book #2

The Good

I enjoy reading geek/ nerdy romances. It's something about seeing the transformation and a sexy side of a nerd that is sexy. In searching for prefect, Nate is consumed by is work, but now he is ready to find a wife and have kids, his problem, how to communicate with women socially. That's where Kennedy comes in. A social director with her dating company and she is going to help Nate. Reading about Nate and Kennedy had me cheering for both. Nate was so adorable to me as well as clueless at times. Watching his transformation was sexy as I was picturing it in my mind and seeing Kennedy unravelled with desire for Nate with each progressed was exciting as well. I liked all the characters as well, however, Nate's brother should get a lesson or two on women as well.

The Bad

Some scenes were just ok and I could of done without, but really, I had no issues with this story. Was it prefect no, but still very much a pleasure to read.


A good read and interesting series that I want to know more about and read. With searching for prefect, I got a sexy nerd, a sexy dating coordinator and one very interesting story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the next book in the Kinnections series. Kennedy is a new woman but very much stuck in her past. Nate is sweet, nerdy guy with all the wrong advice from his brother about women.

I really liked this book for the most part. Kennedy seeing Nate as her Eliza Doolitlle, her project to help put Kinnections even more on the map, is a great plan. Poor Nate .... his brother giving him absolutely terrible advice when it comes to women is sad but comical. His geeky tenancies leads him to do all sorts of "research" to help him find a woman - from reading women's magazines (and taking the quizzes) to reading The Kama Sutra and FSoG! I absolutely loved his character. There were times when I wanted to slap Kennedy upside the head - HARD. She was so stubborn about her feelings and it hurt me when she hurt Nate. I get her childhood left serious scars on her, but I wanted to scream, STOP PUSHING HIM AWAY!!!!

The supporting characters were great as well. You can see who the other stories in this series may be about.

This is a cute HEA read that can be read as a standalone, but I like having the background of the previous books characters, so I would suggest reading Searching for Someday first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon rogers
This book had me laughing from page one. Nate was absolutely "amazing." I think I may have liked Nate more than Kennedy. Nate is this brilliant aerospace engineer, but when it comes to people, he has absolutely no social skills. He doesn't says what's on his mind without sugarcoating it, which can be off-putting in the dating arena.

Kennedy had some major issues that I wasn't aware of from the previous book, so she hid it well. Whereas her friends, Gen and Arilyn, it is evident that they are going through something. Kennedy seemed so put together, I guess that's why I was surprised by her issues.

This was by far the funnier of the two books in the series. All the scenes of Nate's transformation from geek to chic, were a riot. I loved every minute of this book, of course except for Kennedy sabotaging her own happiness. This is a great series that pulls you in and you become attached to every single character. Even the supporting characters: Wolfe, Connor, Gen; I want to know more about them. Like Gen, she starts this series engaged, but something is amiss with that relationship. I'm excited to see how it plays out.

Definitely a series you should pick up if you are looking for a good laugh with your romance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love that this book brings in all our characters from previous Jennifer Probst books. This book didn't disappoint in any way. It follows typical JP style of wanting something you can't have and having to push the other person to see love. I also love that we get a little more of the love spell. We also get to see our characters from her other books. I also really liked that for once, it wasn't the girl who needed the makeover, it was the guy. It wasn't the girl who was nerdy, it was the guy. It wasn't the girl who fell and the guy wasn't ready, it was the guy who fell. So its almost like the roles are reversed from all the normal romance books. It's almost like a male version of She's All That...cause let's be honest.. He's ALL That. Nate is HOT! He's got everything going for him, he just didn't know how to work with what he had. Thanks to Kennedy, he does now. Only now he's working it on her , and falling for her. Kennedy just has so much baggage she couldn't see past it. Nate does an amazing job of helping her work past her issues. All of them. I thought this was a good book and flowed in the typical Jennifer Probst smooth style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Searching for Perfect!! Nate and Kennedy are both such a mess at the beginning. Nate becomes Kennedy's new makeover project for Kinnections, but both start to see the other more clearly as they spend more time together. Nate is an aerospace engineer, loves golf, has a tendency to spill, and wants to get married. Kennedy is beautiful, intelligent, loves science, and doesn't believe in marriage for herself. Nate is not your stereotypical nerd. Nate is truly transformed and I loved the reveal of a sexy geek who was confident, dominant, creative, and willing to learn every nuance of the woman who had his attention.

Nate and Kennedy are great characters and I loved their relationship! They had amazing chemistry and truly brought out the best in each other!! There was a really good balance between romance, conflict, humor, intimacy, and vulnerability. Ming and Benny were great secondary characters and provided some wonderful comedy! While this is the second book in the series, you could read it as a stand alone. I enjoyed revisiting some of the characters from the Marriage to a Billionaire series as well. I would recommend this book and this series!

*I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marie paule
Not a unique storyline, but it was still an enjoyable read. Nate was such a likeable character that you couldn't help but root for him. Kennedy took a little bit more effort to like, there were times she was down right irritating and seemed so self-absorbed. There were many laugh out loud funny moments and I enjoyed the banter between Kennedy and Nate. The sexual tension between the two was palpable, and the sex scenes were steamy without being either overly graphic nor ambiguously chaste.

I'll admit I hadn't read the first book in this series, but that didn't make it any harder to follow the story in this one. I didn't feel like I was missing any serious background information from the first book that left Searching For Perfect hard to enjoy without having read Searching for Someday. That said, I enjoyed Jennifer Probst's writing and style, as this was the first book I read from her, and am interested in reading more of her work.

I received a free copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sondra santos
"Happiness doesn't just tumble into you life, sweetie. You have to grab it."

Nate is a rocket scientist who is looking to settle down and Kennedy is the host on the speed dating event. Nate is just a plain ol' mess, he may be a rocket scientist but he's a nerd in every day down to the scraggly hair, awkward attitude and food stain on his lab coat. At the end of the event Kennedy sees that Nate and decides to make him over so that he's more suitable to find someone. Problem is the more they see each other the more things get heated.

I just loved this book. I received this book free for an honest review but it looks like this is going to be the second book by this author I end up buying to put on my bookshelf. I loved the characters, I loved the connection between the two, I loved that I got both sides of their story. I loved the story line, and this book was amazingly written. This book was fast past and unique.The steamy scenes were pretty hott. You don't need to read the first book in order to understand this book they are stand alone although it would be great if you can read the first book as well. There are no cliffhangers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another solid hit from Jennifer Probst giving you her unique style of combining romance, drama and humor for a great escape. Kennedy was the fat girl in school and was taunted by bullies which has truly defined who she is today and how she chooses to navigate her life. She is now skinny and very regimented about what she eats, when she works out and never trusting a man. She works with her best friends at Kinnections where they help people find love. At one of her events she meets Nate, aka Ned the nerd, and he truly knows how to open mouth and insert foot. Kennedy decides to help him in his quest to find a long-term relationship, what she didn't expect was to find someone that was a kindred soul. As Kennedy tries to maintain her professional distance, Nate keeps surprising her and begins to crack her hard shell. At the same time, Nate learns to trust Kennedy's advice as he navigates the dating pool while at the same time learning that his brother Connor doesn't have the best advice about women! Truly enjoyed jumping into this fabulous story about transformations.

A copy was provided to me by NetGalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In Searching for Perfect, Jennifer Probst takes readers on a passage of discovery that will have some women giving those men they formerly overlooked for being slightly unkempt a second look. Probst’s characters are strong enough to leave an impression.

Searching for Perfect is a story about moving on from all the horrible stuff that holds people down. About being truly courageous enough to actually fight for who we love regardless of the dread that feels all too consuming.

Generally, I enjoyed Searching for Perfect. The bond which evolves between Kennedy and Nate has a desirable basis to build on. It is an absolute book seduction and I highly recommend Probst’s novel.

An Advanced Readers Copy was provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica m
Searching for Perfect is the second book in Jennifer Probst‘s Kinnections series. You can read this book as a standalone or you can read the first book Searching for Someday. Kennedy Ashe along with her two best friends run a sophisticated matchmaking service Her client, Nate Dunkle, is in desperate need of a makeover and Kennedy is just the woman to do it. She makes it her personal mission to turn this nerd into the hottie she knows he can be.

I absolutely fell in love with Nate and he’s so very special. While I always love the strong alpha male, Nate was not your typical hero. Don’t worry he’s not a wimp or a doormat. He’s incredibly smart (he is a rocket scientist after all), funny and strong. He falls head over heels for Kennedy even though he feels she is way out of his league. Nate need some polishing on the outside but he’s perfect on the inside.

Kennedy looks perfect on the outside but has many internal conflicts that she needs to resolve before she can commit to Nate. I love this couple’s story, it was funny, poignant and the sex scenes were very hot. Apparently Nate dedicated himself to studying sexual techniques and got straight A’s! Don't miss this book, it's a keeper!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Previously Posted on

**ARC provided by the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

In Searching for Someday, we met the women behind Kinnections, an upscale matchmaking company in the small town of Verily on the outskirts of NYC. Kate, Kennedy & Arilyn have helped lead the majority of their clients to true love & the happiness that comes with it. However, until Slade walked in & changed Kate's life, none of them had managed to find love for themselves. Now, happy & headed for marriage, Kate wants the same for her two best friends.

With Searching for Perfect, we get to know Kennedy. She has worked all of her life to feel beautiful & worth love, but has accepted that it is her calling to help others rather than herself. She faces her biggest challenge when she meets Nathan Ellison Raymond Dunkle...a.k.a. Ned the Nerd. Ned is a mess. He is an aerospace engineer (not a rocket scientist!) who can almost always be found wearing too large pants & a lab coat with the lunch of the day smeared somewhere on it. He spends more time with books & computers than real people, and his ideas of women come from his jaded brother, Connor, who was scarred first by their mother walking out & then again by a cheating girlfriend. When Ned insults one of Kennedy's clients, she decides to take him under her wing as her own personal Eliza Doolittle.

I found Searching for Perfect to be as cute & charming as Searching for Someday. I really enjoyed the interaction between Kennedy, Kate & Arilyn as well as the budding romance between Kennedy & Nate. This story was quite a bit steamier than the first book (as it turns out...nerds do have their advantages!), but also maintained the heart & humor. Where the "Love Spells" subtitle seems to have been dropped since Searching for Someday's release, the book of spells still makes an appearance & there is still a spark of magic to the story. All of these elements come together to make a fun read. If you are a fan of traditional romance stories, you should definitely check out this series!

Even though this is the second in the series, it can be read as a stand alone without feeling like you have missed something. Now, the wait begins for Arilyn's story...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
selen p
Searching for Perfect was exactly what I needed. A light and refreshing read, sort of like a pallet cleanser. Now don't take that the wrong way, there are some issues that were addressed that aren't light and fluffy but the book overall has that type of feeling or at least to me it did. I love the whole slight touch of magic that goes with this series, it's not so much that you are reading paranormal but it's just enough to make you wonder. I loved that for once it was the man getting made over, and boy did Nate need to help socially! Nerds are the new jocks! Okay well maybe? Nate isn't exactly all nerd, and his nerdiness sure came in handy at a few points. But I'll leave those situations for you to discover all on your own. Kennedy? Well she is just like you and me, she puts on a good front but shes scared and insecure just like the rest of us. Kennedy was exactly what Nate needed, sorta? because he didn't need to be anyone but himself when he was with her. BUT Kennedy doesn't do long term and Nate? Well he's looking for a wife.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mon margo
This is the second book in the Kinnections matchmaking series and I enjoyed this book as much as the first one. Kinnections is run by 3 ladies, Kate, Kennedy, and Airlyn. The first book featured Kate and her HEA. This is the second book of this series and it is Kennedy's book. It is the typical story of the Nerdy guy who gets a makeover and find his HEA. But, the twists with this book is that Nat (nerdy guy) has gone to Kinnections to find his mate and becomes Kennedy's client. He falls in love with her but of course there are always complications and it takes quite awhile for Kennedy to realize that she is the one for Nate. I truly enjoy Ms. Proust writing and the way sets up the story and then shows you all the complications that can hinder an HEA. If you like a good romance with great but not gratuitous sex then you will definitely enjoy this series. Looking forward to reading the third book which I hope comes out soon!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this ARC for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
colleen venable
In Searching for Perfect by Jennifer Probst, Kennedy Ashe is the social director of Kinnections, a matchmaking agency in Verily, New York, owned by her and her two best friends. Kennedy likes to keep her body looking perfect, but not because of vanity, no she was bullied as a teen which left her with lots of issues regarding her body.

Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle is a rocket scientist with absolutely no idea about the dating department. He is smart, but a total nerd, which leaves him high and dry with the girls. But he wants a wife, and so he goes to Kinnections for help.

Kennedy offers to help Nate find his desired HEA , but in order to get him that they will have to first do a complete makeover on this handsome but very nerdy looking man.

You just know that this is a train wreck waiting to happen. For no matter how much Kennedy wants to help him find someone, once she changes him she may just find what she has been looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue lush
This is the second book in the 'Searching For...' series and it was just as incredible as the first! Maybe even better! This one resonated with me on a deeply personal level with Kennedy Ashe's weight & self image issues mirroring my own. I have my own horror story of what being the 'fat girl' did/does to me. I just had bariatric surgery and I've lost a total of 90 pounds so far so I also know what it's like to lose weight but still have those same weight issues rear their ugly head whenever a mirror is nearby. I will tell you that Nate would be my dream guy - a hot nerd who wants to get married and have kids but also has a bit of the bad boy peeking out now and again - what woman wouldn't want that??! And having him read the 3 books that he read (I won't spoil it for you) was pure genius. Every man on the planet should do the same and then add this book to their 'must read' pile. Right. Now. Go ahead, I'll wait. I am looking forward to the next book and I'm hoping that Gen & Wolfe get their story as well as A. If you are looking for something smoking hot and yet touching & sweet at the same time, you've found your match right here in Verily with 'Kinnections' and their 3 lovely owners.

FTC Advisory: I won a copy of this book through the GoodReads First Reads program. No compensation for my review was given.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Searching for Perfect is the second novel in Jennifer Probst’s Searching For Series. This is Kennedy’s story and it’s just as enjoyable as the first novel. I loved Kennedy’s character for her insecurities. I found her to be very relatable for female readers. I loved the hero in this story, Nate, for his naivety. He honestly believed that the key to figuring out women was through women’s magazines. Poor guy. This duo’s chemistry is undeniable but neither will cave to their desires. I loved reading along as these two interacted. Their banter provided some humorous moments as well as some seriously steamy sexual tension. Readers are going to swoon over Jennifer Probst’s words. The characters and world of Kinnections will lure you in and keep you immersed from start to finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna erishkigal
So……who would have thought nerds could be so damn sexy? Searching for perfect is the second book in Jennifer Probst’s Searching For Series. (Book 1 was Searching for Someday). I loved this book. It was sexy, lighthearted, funny and a really great love story.
The ladies of Kinnections Matchmaking service are back, but this is Kennedy’s story. Kennedy’s job is to help make matches for her clients, but she herself isn’t interested in a relationship (or doesn’t think she is). Kennedy has a boat load of insecurities and a huge fear of commitment. During a speed dating event Kennedy meets Nate Dunkle, the ultimate nerd, but only on the outside. Kennedy makes it her mission to make over Nate and find him the perfect match.
What to say about Nate Dunkle? When we first meet him, he is wearing a stained lab coat, is orange from a bad tanning episode, wears bad glasses and thinks he knows all about women because he takes all the quizzes in women’s magazines (ya know, like in cosmo?). Doesn’t sound appealing? Well, trust me, he couldn’t be sexier! While Nate is all nerd on the outside, he’s all male sexiness on the inside and after Kennedy’s transformation, he’s smoldering hot.
Nate is attracted to Kennedy and Kennedy is denying her attractions to Nate. I won’t spoil the story for you, but trust me; you will love this heartwarming, funny, steamy love story. Jennifer really hit it out of the park with this one. I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan howson
I love Nerds! “Searching for Perfect” is a fantastic romance! Jennifer Probst has become one of my favorite contemporary authors. She is a combination of Julie James and Kristen Higgins (two of my favorite contemporary authors). Probst’s character are funny, deep, and very human.
I’m so happy that Kennedy had her chance at love! I loved the complexities of her character and the issues that she had to face. To me, these are real-life issues. Although Kennedy has it “all”, underneath she has very serious issues.
Nate was equally as interesting. The transformation was fun and hilarious, I think the main point is that he essentially stayed who he was. Although he was physically more presentable, he remained a great hearted guy, who knew what he wanted!
I’m biting my nails for the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
guardianluna8 klever
The hero is a clumsy aeronautic engineer, who needs a major fashion makeover. However, he is also an alpha in the bedroom with no lack of confidence & a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He sets his sight on the heroine the first time he sees her, not knowing she is in charge of the speed dating event he is attending & watching his every move. The heroine, who is a knock out now, was previously a heavy girl & then suffered anorexia, mostly due to bullying & abuse in high school. She doesn't feel deserving of a relationship & he doesn't want anyone but her. There were some miscommunications that split them up, but eventually, the HEA you are hoping for. I am looking forward to the next books in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colby droscher
This has been done many times in many ways. Probst set this fine nerdy male, Nate (with the longest name) Ellison Raymond Dunkle, in the position to need a makeover to get a wife for life. Kennedy Ashe, social director for Kinnections, is tasked with the job of performing a miracle. All this while battling her own demons in the form of body image and all that goes with it. Its a good thing that Nate can see beyond the facade that over time she has perfected but been unable to see herself.

Probst brought me a series that I can get into. I enjoyed the journey and look forward to more. I will most certainly pick up another book in this series, first by going back and reading book one, 'Searching for Someday'.

Thanks, NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review, so here it is. Can you find love when you own a matchmaking service? Kennedy, Kate and Arilyn are best friends who own such a business. They help people fall in love and get their happy ever after. At a speed dating meet one night, Kennedy has a tough case in Nate. He is a NERD from the top of his head to his pocket protector, to his toes. He needs a makeover and bad. Can Kennedy transform him and help him find a wife? Will Nate be happy with the changes Kennedy wants to put him through? Can they transform him from a NERD into a hunk? Will they be able to not fall for each other in the process? This was a great story and I loved it. Now I have to read the first one (Searching for Someday).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every book I read by Jennifer Probst just gets better and better. Searching for Perfect is no exception. I knew when I read Searching for Someday, that Kennedy's story was going to be a good one. I wasn't wrong. Kennedy comes off as a strong, put together woman but underneath she is vulnerable, insecure and afraid to put herself out there for fear of being hurt. Nate is freakin' adorable. I loved his awkwardness, his research for getting ready for the dates, his relationship with his brother and just everything about him. Searching for Perfect is a great read full of fun, laughter, passion and hope. I definitely recommend it as well as any of Jennifer Probst's books if you're looking for something to add to your reading list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denise vasak

Kennedy is one of the 3 owners of KINNECTIONS - a matchmaking agency in upstate New York.
Her friend and business partner Kate found her HEA in the first book in the series SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING and now it's Ken's turn.
Only, she's not really searching. She's happy with her sometimes-dating. Well, not happy - more content. She doesn't want to get too close to somebody, because she's afraid that they get to see the real her. Not the sexy matchmaker, but the sad and lonely fat girl she used to be in highschool.

Enter: NED - or rather Nathaniel Ellison Raymond Dunkle ☺
He's the proverbial NERD! A rocket scientist - even though that's not what you call them anymore - he's an aerospace engineer ☺

And since he just turned 32 and nobody really cared....he decides to finally go looking for more. He wants to meet a woman, get married, have kids. He doesn't want to be alone anymore.

He starts doing research - by reading COSMOPOLITAN and FIFTY SHADES OF GREY and the KAMA SUTRA ☺ and now he's signed up for a speed-dating thing from Kinnections.

He doesn't make the best first impression, though.
First of all, his skin is orange!!!
He didn't like this laboratory white skin-tone - and that's why he used some bronzing lotion. (way tooooo much)

Then - he's way too honest and serious and socially filter-less ☺
None of the 20 ladies want to see him again.

Challenge accepted! Thinks Kennedy. She decides to take him under her wing and turn him into the perfect guy.

Unfortunately Ned, or Nate - as he's supposed to call himself now - is really attracted to his gorgeous match-maker!!!!

They seem to have sooo much in common!

Will Kennedy finally let herself fall for someone?
Will she be able to overcome her fears and give this nerdy guy a chance??


I'm not telling you that, of course ☺
I don't want to spoil your reading pleasure ☺


I loved Jennifer's ^Marriage to a Billionaire Series^ - and this is the second book of the spin-off series. We even meet most of the old characters again ☺ And the book of Spells too☺
I normally hate most things supernatural - but it's only this tiny little thing here - that ☺ It didn't bother me at all.

This was such a sweet and adorable Romantic Comedy!!!
I would LOVE to watch the movie ☺ I really want to see who they would cast for Nate ☺

There were sooo many funny and cute and sexy moments in this book.

Some people might say it was a bit cheesy - fairy-talish Rom-Com clisheed - but I really loved it.
That's just the way you want your Romances to be!!!

Of course not everything and everyone is always happy in this story - our characters have faced some real problems in their pasts and now it's time to work on them - to overcome all their fears and insecurities and fight for the love of their lives!!!

I can really recommend this book to everybody who loves a sweet and fast-reading romance!

You might even shed some tears - at least I did ☺

Oooohhh and all you Wolfe Fans out there (Me! Me! Me!!!) - we met him in the last books - he's in here too (in sexy Golf clothes!!!) - I hope we'll get to hear his story soon ☺

Can't wait for the rest of the series!!!

Were there a few things I didn't like? Hm nope -not really. Mayyybe - like in the first book - Jennifer mentions lots of TV-Shows - which is weird since Nate is a nerdy workoholic who doesn't even watch TV - and wouldn't know those shows.
Nothing else to complain about!!!!

I really enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Need more stars for this book - what a cracker!!!

The whole idea of doing an 'Eliza Doolittle' makeover on a guy is brilliant. Whilst I was reading this book I kept imagining the scenes in my head and they were all playing on a movie screen - this book needs to be up there on the silver screen.

Ned/Nate wants it all with Kennedy, Kennedy wants it all but is too scared....... Soul Mates always find each other ....don't they?

Once again - we meet old friends from the Marriage books and it is great to see how their stories are progressing ...... just one question - when are we getting Wolfe's book?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan prince
Loved, loved, loved this book! Ms. Probst has done it again! Nate is the sweetest, geekiest guy and Kennedy - although she comes across as a bit standoffish, as we learn her story, my heart broke for her. Their interactions were hot, hot, hot! Nate's transformation was fun to watch- I had to laugh at some of the techniques that Kennedy and her friends use to help him change. Ms. Probst was able to convey the emotions of each character - humorous, serious and heartbreaking. I look forward to reading more from Ms. Probst in the future and will certainly recommend to others! (Received ARC from NetGalley for honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
therese pennefather
I received a copy from Netgalley to read and review.

I loved this book. It was very hard to put it down. I love the whole process of Goody goody girl that was very sophisticated and matter of fact. Kenned was top notch and knew just what she was doing at Kinnections or did she?? When it came to Nate she just couldn't shake the feelings that she had for the goofy and geeky but totally hot nerd. She knew that she should not go for it but their was just something about that stained lab coat she had to have. A great fun ans very steamy read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie kang
*Received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Jennifer Probst is one of my favorite authors. She is witty, intelligent, and her characters pop off the pages. Right from the start you can picture “Ned” and his “Dorito face” and want him to have the love he desires, Nerd or not! Anyone who suffered weight/confidence issues — which is mostly all of us, right? — can relate to the theme of this book. Jennifer always delights as she takes complex issues and does not weigh them down in sadness. Just like the first book in this series, her writing lifts you up — higher and higher — and never disappoints.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
p r a x i s
The complexities hidden under looks is amazing. Jennifer has Nate totally not worried about looks and a rocket scientist and people should accept him as the mess he seems to be, while Kennedy is worried about her looks to be able to keep control and wants nobody to realize the brains behind the looks.

I really enjoyed Nate and Kennedy's store and can't wait to see what Jennifer brings in the next book.

The connection to the Marriage series was brilliant and the wonderful book of spells.

I really want to know Gen and Wolfe's story.
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