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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin barnard
I have really enjoyed this book. You need the workbook to go with it and will have to do your homework in order to get the full benefit, but it is easy to read. I am doing this as a study guide/morning devotional and it has really made me think and "switched on my brain."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
von allan
A very practical look at the scientific understanding of how our brains work. It confirms the Scriptures that we are to be renewed in our thinking. Written for all us lay people. Great illustrations. Short and to the point. Highly recommend this for everyone's personal library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow, what a great book. really helps you understand much of the way people act and re-act. As a success coach this book was a great help to my practice. Reading latest book now.
Manny Nowak
Success Coach
Manny Nowak
Success Coach
A Romantic Mystery Novel (A Jenessa Jones Mystery Book 1) :: A Wilder Rose: A Novel :: By the Shores of Silver Lake (Little House) :: A Novel (Random House Reader's Circle) - The Homecoming of Samuel Lake :: Bait & Switch: Alphas Undone - Book One
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book kept my attention and made me think alot. I have to retrain my thinking to be more positive now. This book will either make you or you will dismiss it outright. I do caution the latter response, however.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
parsa fatehi
Have you ever taken time to analyze what you THINK about? Not what you say or do but what goes on inside your head that no one else can hear or see. Reading this book will help you change how you think (yes, you CAN change that!) and, consequently, will change what you say and what you do for the better, which will benefit you as well as others. Everything we say and do begins in our thought life so what we think about is very, very important, physically, emotionally and spiritually! Read this book and find out why from a neuroscientist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is totally amazing! Insight into Toxic mind thought and un-forgiveness! This book will expalin exactly why 'stinkin' thinkin' will deplete you body... and rob you of valuable energy! Buy 10 copies... and give them to everyone you know!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james miller
Who Switched Off My Brain is an eye-opening exposition of how our thought processes literally, physically determine the configuration of our brains. Habitual thought patterns literally wire themselves into our brains in our neurons and their interconnections. This is how we LEARN, whether it's arithmetic, prejudices and preconceptions, or expectations of good or harm. Dr. Leaf explains the whole process in generally clear and understandable terms. She also offers encouragement and practical help for changing harmful mental habits. The only thing I didn't enjoy in the book was the lack of clarity in a large drawing of the brain. I appreciate visual images, and that one left a lot to be desired.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is totally amazing! Insight into Toxic mind thought and un-forgiveness! This book will expalin exactly why 'stinkin' thinkin' will deplete you body... and rob you of valuable energy! Buy 10 copies... and give them to everyone you know!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Who Switched Off My Brain is an eye-opening exposition of how our thought processes literally, physically determine the configuration of our brains. Habitual thought patterns literally wire themselves into our brains in our neurons and their interconnections. This is how we LEARN, whether it's arithmetic, prejudices and preconceptions, or expectations of good or harm. Dr. Leaf explains the whole process in generally clear and understandable terms. She also offers encouragement and practical help for changing harmful mental habits. The only thing I didn't enjoy in the book was the lack of clarity in a large drawing of the brain. I appreciate visual images, and that one left a lot to be desired.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan alderman
Extremely informative and very, very helpful. I have read some of her other books and I now recommend all Caroline Leaf books and videos. Many of her videos are on u-tube and some are dvd's that can be purchased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have long believed in the body mind connection and the brains ability to be plastic. The research and thinking presented in this book confirms the impact our thought life has on our health. Not only does it present the problem but it presents the solution . Read it share it it will reduce the cost of health care !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cherri porter
Fantastic eye-opening book - which I totally recommend for anyone wanting to renew their thinking and align their thoughts and life with the Word of God! I believe this book will truly help the Christian community in particular to understand the importance of the mind, right thinking and the fact that Science confirms what the Bible has told us for Centuries!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria sandbrook
This is a wonderful help to anyone desiring to understand how our minds work. It's been an important resource explaining in a simple way the importance of our thought life and how it affects our health. We have passed it on to many.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
asif chaudhari
very good book I enjoyed it it was insightful dealing with our brain an its Chemical makeup I also understand renewing you are mine is a lifetime process but you also need God help and breaking down the terminology that's giving but it's a wonderful book thank god it was written God bless.
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