Lost In Time (A Blue Bloods Novel)

ByMelissa de la Cruz

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nikki mcneal
I am appalled that only one other person noted the terrible editing job performed on this novel. The capitalization errors run rampant throughout the novel. I teach high school English and see these errors from my freshman - I don't expect it when I am reading published works, especially from an adult. If students are reading errors then they start to believe that they too do not have to capitalize proper nouns and the first word in a sentence. As a teacher, trying to reinforce good writing habits is difficult when professionals do not do their job.

With that being said, the novel as a story lacks for me. The relationship between Skyler and Jack is dull and uninteresting. Plot points are do not always match up. For example, it is mentioned how humans cannot handle being in hell for very long, yet Oscar is down there for months with very little side-effects. His character is essentially abandoned and ignored after they arrive at Kingsley's palace. Allegra's manipulation in the glom was a huge waste of time since she was never at any harm - that could have been written better.

The previous books were better written - I probably will not finish the series when the new book is released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoy the Blue Bloods series, and they only get better and better with each new book. The storyline and characters just "suck" you right in! This book was no different, and I can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love the Blue Bloods novels, they seemed to get better and better until now. I hate how Sky's character is sooo boring, she reminds me of Bella in Twilight. She has not grown at all its all "I love Jack" Blah blah (SPOILER 'I think I'm pregnant' not very original). Then there is Oliver and Mimi, who I feel are have the most interesting character development and w/o their story I would have trashed the novel.

I have this on the kindle and the grammer is horrible! Considering the publisher is owned by Disney I was shocked & hope the print vesrion is not this bad. Take Kingsley Martin's name for example Martin is never capatalized. Other names are not, beginning of sentances are not as well. It made it hard to read excpecially when I felt the story being exhasted.

The good: Sky and Jack's adventure is interesting but the love story takes it away (my personal opinion), You see Allega's story which was nice, get to travel to Hell with Mimi and Oliver and attempt to rescue Kingsley's soul. And last but not least, Jack and Mimi have their blood trail which leads them to visit someone at the end, which makes me want to read the next book.

The BAD: Love story of Sky and Jack, grammar, weak character development, unanswered questions (like at the end the turned 'double agents' never discuss it w/ anyone else, who is going to lead the coven), also I miss the vampire senses. Everything takes place in the glom which is fine but the description was poorly done. Also pushing her 'spin-off' novels are pissing me off. I could care less of the dumb witches.

Other book series that I enjoyed more than this one is the Celestra Series by Addison Moore. It has a 'Sky' girl in it but she at least learns something from book to book and is wonderfully written and I love the writer's style.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susanlsimon simon
I have been patiently waiting, and waiting, and waiting for this book! Then I had to wait just a little bit more until Gabby finished with it. But then FINALLY (!) it was my turn (mwahahahhaha). Ok, enough of that.
It didn't take long for me to get back into the groove of reading this series again. I was thrilled to be thrown back into the world of the Blue Bloods, of Jack and Schuyler, of Mimi, Oliver and Kingston, and to my total and complete delight, of Allegra, Charles, and Ben! The fact that we get to read about how things came to be between Allegra, Charles and Ben was one of my favorite aspects of this book. Melissa De La Cruz did NOT disappoint with the release of this installment.
I read this book in little over a day. I couldn't tear my eyes away. The book oozes "unconditional love", and "sacrifice". We get to see the true forms of both Mimi and Jack as Azrael and Abbadon and ... we get to see an epic battle. Oh yes, epic battles were fought.
What I also love about De La Cruz's writing style is how she jumps from scene to scene with every chapter. If the Blue Bloods were a television series (oh how I wish it were true...) each chapter would pretty much be an episode. With each chapter, we are shown what is going on with each group of characters, so you are never left in the dark about what is going on with a character. You are thrown from one unforgettable event into another. You are always left wanting to know more, to know what is going to happen next and with that, the need to plow ahead and forget about sleep so you can see what is going to occur.
I loved that De La Cruz gave us a treat and allowed us to see the true strength of both Mimi and Jack Force as Abbadon and Azrael. Whether it's battling the demon's of Hell to survive, or coming face to face with consequences of bonds that were broken. As well, De La Cruz allows us access through the gates of Hell. Her descriptions of what her version of Hell is is so full of imagination and depth! I was able to visualize every detail of what the characters could see...even taste.
You can see just how connected De La Cruz is with her characters. She has given them all so much life and personality that you can't help but love them all...even the ones you love to hate. And the men in this book...wow-zah! De La Cruz has made them all (yes...all!) so sweet, and romantic, and loveable, and soooo smexy. I mean, yes I did crush on most of them throughout the series, but in this one...it was all of them. Jack will always be my favorite, hands down...but all these boys got on board the romance train in this one.
I recommend this book to all Blue Bloods fans. It is yet another great continuation of this addictive series that you just can't get enough of!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Blue Bloods are back and looking for saving in all the wrong places. Sky and Jack are searching in Alexandria to learn that where they really need to be is Cairo. Mimi and Oliver also in Cairo to rescue Kingsley who is in 7th level of Hell. We also meet some unlikely characters in this book. Lennox brothers who use to be part of Kingsley's team.

Mimi begins to wonder after she talks to Kingsley whether he ever loved her. Oliver trusts Mimi about as far as he can throw her. Jack is trying everything he can think of to severe the bond with Mimi without killing each other. And Sky thinks she may be with child and doesn't realize the bond is killing her slowly. We also learn more about Allegra and her bond Charles Force.

What a great and thrilling journey this book takes you on. I love the writing style and the stories in general how they end up overlapping each other. Can't wait to read the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clara jorrey
I was greatly disappointed with the last Blue Bloods novel and still feel that it was a pointless read. HOWEVER, Melissa de la Cruz hit the mark with Lost in Time. It was excellent and very understandable! One surprise was the level of sexuality in this book. There were a couple of instances where I was surprised because this is geared towards young adults. Overall, I cannot wait for the final book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
when i first picked up the masqurade book i thought i was the first one lol i didnt care i loved itt anyways from thier i started rading them all i think its much better than the twilight seriescuz it has a much better storie line and each vampire is uniqe and dont sparkle im glad lol and i just dont talk about one vampire or human they talk about three main charicters and other as well and humans and how the both live i t make me want to be one u now i love vampires and hope they never die lol and melisa de la cruze is an awsome writer epicly writin
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