There Is Nothing Wrong with You - Going Beyond Self-Hate

ByCheri Huber

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kenneth aufsesser
One of the top three of four best Budddhism books I ever read. I read this over and over and each time I was suffering there was something inspiring and uplifting that helped me through the tough time. I love Cherry and her voice is so clear and present. Anyone you know having a tough time could be saved by this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I just today received this book. I was very excited about as it was mentioned by a world wide known photographer I took a class with. The first impression is everything but good.....I just can't get over the font! Who prints a book with the font used for comic books? How am I suppose to take that serious. I will update once I've read the book....if I can get over the font
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly chaplin
This book was recommended to me and I purchased it, used, at a local
store in my city. I found it very helpful and as a result, recommended
it to a friend of mine that lives in Carson City. I purchased THIS book
on the, used, and sent it to her. She told me she received it,
however I have no way of knowing what condition it was in, except that
I'm sure she would let me know if it was not in Good shape.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kariann mcalister
I thought I had found a golden nugget after reading all the positive reviews on this book. I purchased it eagerly.

I've struggled with all kinds of mental health issues, self-hate, etc. I've learned lately that many of my issues are due to the fact that I never learned how to solve problems in life. I bought this book hoping and wanting reassurance that I'm "okay". The fact is, I wasn't okay where I was and I needed serious help.

I read some of the other reviews and I'm glad this book has helped some people. Everybody's path to healing is different.

For me personally, this book was a waste of my money and did not hold the answers for me. It was so lame I threw it in the garbage after reading the first 5 or 10 pages and skimming the rest.
Totally ridiculous. I hate to be this critical but it's truly how I feel.

P.S. The font the book is printed in is really obnoxious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaysha kidd madsen
I have well over a dozen books on meditiation/zen meditation as well as numerous books on psychology and healing and I would count this as one of this most useful to me. When I first started reading it several years ago I would say to myself: 'what the eff is she talking about?' I just did not get it. That is how deeply entrenched self hatred is in our psyches. But I just kept reading and applying and I am now on my ninth read through. A couple of years ago a friend of mind did a 'process' where a voice repeated over and over this message: SELF HATRED IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. THERE IS NO WORSE POISON IN ALL OF CREATION. I had no idea how virulent this voice was (is) until I began 'noticing' its repetitive and unrelenting even crucifying litany of put downs. Warning my friends: full fleshing out of Ms Hubers ideas can take years but it is well worth the effort! People who don't 'get' the ideas in this book or are put off by it (I think the relaxed type font is to appeal in the inner child in us that has suffered so) are like the fish who don't realize they are swimming in the ocean. (What's water anyway?) The fact that as a culture and as a world we are all riddled with self hatred is evidenced by the continual wars, the endless factions, the gossiping, the marginalizing that goes on continually. We can thank Cheri for showing us a way out. It is a truism to me that if you love and accept yourself it is impossible to hate anyone else. That is why this book is so important. Give it a try! Don't be put off if it sounds like Greek at first. This is just an indicator of how much trouble we are in.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lex huckabay
It's totally not worth your time. You already know what it's going to say. "Stay positive." "Don't let the bastards grind you down." "You're just as good as everyone else." You don't need a book to confirm this; you just need to believe in yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mariann davis
And like most goldmines, you have to dig though some dirt to get to the gold. There is some confusing text, and at times it seems contradictory (If there is nothing wrong with you, why change?, but statements are made in context, when I was told "There is nothing wrong with you" in an ER after I was forced to go there because I had a seizure, they didn't mean I had no problems at all in my life, just no medical problem that was an immediate threat to my life.) The book gives us a good look at that demon of self hate that lives in many of us, and keeps telling us there is something wrong with us, and gets us to run like a hamster on a wheel to try and fix those wrong things. And that even if we did fix that thing, self hate would just find something else "wrong" with us. We see how self hate can get us to engage in self defeating behaviors. Some of the internal monologs in the book were so like what goes on in my head, I had to laugh. And most importantly, we learn how to take a step back from ourselves, see this self hate for what it is, and get it to quiet down. Some people didn't like the font, but I found it very inviting. Not cold like normal fonts. And the line drawings were very well done. So, why not 5 stars? I think the text gets bogged down many places with overly complex descriptions, analogies and repetition. That seems to be a common problem with self help books, there really is only 10 or 11 pages worth of material (not saying that's a bad thing), but it has to be plumped up to at least 100 pages to be considered a book. Despite some people's reviews, the book was clearly not meant to replace counseling (my councilor gave it to me), but to give you an additional way of looking at things, even if you don't agree with every word in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a person of science--I value logic, evidence, hard facts. So, I am not the type who is easily sucked into what some may regard as new-age mumbo jumbo. All that said, I found this book to be a revelation--and perhaps especially useful for those of us who may scoff at the emotional! The message is simple, yet potentially transformational: You do not need to reject any part of yourself. Accept yourself in this world--as you are, and as it is--and life will be yours to live. Self-hate--which has many guises--can be neutralized and reversed with self-compassion. Fighting or rejecting any single part of yourself is not the answer. For me, living this lesson has meant accepting what I once regarded as icky parts of myself. Rather than push certain thoughts and feelings away, I now invite them in, and allow myself to get to know them with compassion and curiosity. The effect this simple act has had for my life cannot be understated. I have let go of anger I had not even realized was there. I have made peace with parts of myself that used to scare me. I never realized how much mental and emotional energy I had been using to fight myself, and it's such a relief to not have to struggle in those ways anymore. My behavior has become more intentional, and I have more energy. As a result, I'm making faster progress towards some of the goals I have set out for myself. So, in short, having read this book, I'm happier, more productive, and more at peace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
newton lewis
I find Cheri's books to be WONDERFULLY enlightening, interesting, deep and profound, yet fun and funny. A FANTASTIC way to understand deep Zen teachings and apply them to every day life.
The books "There is Nothing Wrong With You" and "Suffering is Optional" especially spoke to me.
I REALLY like the handwritten look text. It is both easy to read, and seems more "fun" somehow than regular book type. Her approach is very conversational and fun, and at times, humorous. She draws me in, and I don't want to stop reading (except to do the exercises).
I previously tried to read some of the Zen classics, by both oriental and western writers, but their writings just seemed to philosophical, too dry, too hard to understand and apply, not to mention too small type to read comfortably. I just happened on Cheri's books at my local bookstore. Once I read one, I was hooked! I've read 5 and counting!
Thank you Cheri!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse o dunne
This is an incredible book. Cheri Huber is one of the master teachers of our time. It's odd she's not more known! In There Is Nothing Wrong With You Going Beyond Self-Hate, Cheri seems to diagnose the problem so accurately it's a wonder. The "problem" that we are not good enough and on and on. I have read most of her books and they are all stupendous. If you're looking for a kind-of-fun way to learn you will enjoy these books. You can read her books over and over and they never grow tired. Why she isn't more "famous" for me is that she is ahead of her time by many years. So advanced it hurts. But that's for anyone else to decide, really. In any event, try out this book. I can't hurt. And you may discover a whole new way of looking at things and start loving yourself. I know I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really, I read from this remarkable book everyday. It's a book for people who have long suspected that really, There Is Nothing Wrong With You, and it should be in every home, shool and public library - put this on the Gideon Societies new list now!

Quit searching for that quick fix ,that elusive magical cure to all your woes, your pain and suffering.

For those unfamiliar with Zen Buddhism, the concepts here can seem too simple and even silly to people in this over-abundant, pseudo-secure society that believes there is the right pill or the right therapist OUT THERE to fix all the things wrong with me. (which may account for the two negative reviews).

But as with all writings of pure Buddhism eventually you can't run from what you already know within, deep down. There is nothing to get, nothing to do except to begin accepting yourself for who you are and start ignoring that voice in most peoples heads saying, "there's something wrong with you...your really no good..." etc. And this book will help to illustrate this in an often comical, light-hearted way.
Sounds simple, and it is. But it won't just happen, well, actually it will - hmm..see how silly Zen can sound in words. I mean, you'll have to do some serious WORK to wholly realize the title of this book . This could be your first step.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cheri Huber has put into a clear, understandable book everything I've been trying to teach my psychotherapy clients. It's one of the books I've been recommending on a regular basis ever since I read it. It includes terrific information and motivational, workable suggestions for letting go of your destructive, self-limiting inner dialogue. Pamela D. Blair, Author The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Mid-Life And Beyond
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alaina grider
I have struggled with a strong Inner Critic for a very long time when I found this book. It is simple and straight forward and has been immensely helpful in breaking the pattern with my Critic. I have read it numerous times and keep returning to it for reminders and support. I highly recommend it to anyone who struggles with low self-esteem. It is not you. There is nothing wrong with you. This book will help you come to realize that Truth. Cheri's explanations are clear, understandable and based on deep knowing. I am grateful for her teachings. I have read Cheri's Fear Book and listened to her CD course Unconditional Self-Acceptance. All were helpful in breaking patterns of conditioning that keep me in bondage. Highly beneficial work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle carey
This is another of Cheri Huber's practical books on how to live with Yourself. Free of religious and Diagnostic clutter, it offers a viewpoint which can alleviate the guilt so often encountered in one's search for happiness.

The premise that "nothing needs to be fixed" is almost completely missing in contemporary Psychology because of Medicine and Psychiatry's dogma of "Diagnosis First, Treatment afterwards".

There are many copies of Huber's books in my office lending-library, and my patients have usually found her style and viewpoint refreshing and useful.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tiger gray
Some really interesting psychological insights into childhood, a nice mix of psychology and philosophy all presented in a very friendly and kind manner. Language style is very accessible and reads more like a friendly voice. Helpful and comforting. Gives you the chance to take another look at yourself and those around you, perhaps even sparking off awareness of how you deal with others and what you say to children around you.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
emma marion
There are a few good observations and suggestions in the book. But it was deceptive to me: too wordy; devoid of a logic sequence, therefore confusing; and, above all, incredibly repetitious. I think the handwritten style are just a way to disguise this lack of content. Twenty pages with the main points and suggestions clearly organized would turn it a much better work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anthony renfro
Lately, I've lost interest in reading and it became a chore to pick a book and try to finish it. I sped through this one and enjoyed every minute of it. The book isn't your standard self-help read. It does a great job illuminating the issue without the use of example stories which I LOVE! This has been tremendously helpful and I would recommend it to anyone
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The font face felt childish at first, but quickly grew into a comforting voice. This book is for anyone who grew up in a critical environment and continued being self-critical as an adult. There were a lot of insightful moments, and I definitely gained more perspective. I liked their other book, “Be the Person You Want to Find” a lot better, but I’m glad I got both!
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