Revised Edition - The 21-Day+ Holistic Recovery Program

ByGabriel Cousens M.D.

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kasia mcdermott
i was not expecting a college book reference along with such small print. it does not even look like the author wrote the book for the target market that would actually use the book or should i say a novel. it would have been nice to not have added to the already situation of having the disease, and if the author gave any thought to the user of his verbal diarrhea book he would have known how to lessen the burden of us, but instead he wanted to let us know just how educated he was. i was more interested in using a simple way to get through this nightmare than to HAVE to take a month to read the novel with a magnifying glass before i can even get to a point to actually start the whatever it is. REALLY this book looks like a book you would have to have in a college course SORRY JUST SO DISAPPOINTED.
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tess lynch
There is a cure for diabetes. Its called long-term starvation. Four ounces of protein a day and enough greens to fill a coffee cup. Oh and don't forget to exercise daily like a coked up fitness bunny.

Food addiction is a mental problem. Drastic dietary changes are not feasible for people with a food addiction. It's just not possible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura ives
Awsome book. I share with my wellness clients so they can educate themselves better. I especially like the relationship of exercise with controlling Diabetes. Exercise is good for all aspects of's not a cliche.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt cruea
As a diagnosed type I diabetic, I have sought quality "nuggets" of information from "experts" for years. This book has offerred valuable perspective and information for managing my condition...many "nuggets". It provides a platform for understanding the origins of diabetic dysfunction and a promising solution using a raw foods diet and supplementation to support common deficiencies seen in diabetics. I have already benefitted from reading it, my blood sugars have been more stable and controlled since I began to implement Dr. Cousens' suggested diet. My insulin requirements are also down. I am excited to see how my body continues to respond to a living foods diet. Thank you Dr. Cousens!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael bastedo
As Diabetes is rife in my family, this wonderful book shows us that we don't have to take insulin and get sicker for the rest of our lives. While we have not completely cured ourselves yet, those of us who have made some changes to our lives, are able to decrease the amount of medication we need! If we went the whole hog, I'm sure we could be completely cured!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maurice fitzgerald
Eating a nearly 'no-carb' diet is NOT curing diabetes, it's managing it. Of course if you don't eat carbs or unhealthy processed foods your need for meds will diminish, but the moment you put a bite of standard white bread in your mouth...boom...same problem. Management is not a 'cure'. That being said, eating healthy is a great idea no matter what. Just don't be mislead into thinking you are 'cured'.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy davidowitz
Dr. Cousens is straightforward in his revised edition of THERE IS A CURE FOR DIABETES. Here's everything one needs to know to get started on healing from this scourge, with the science and research to back it up. I'm living proof. Thank you Dr. Cousens for your commitment to saving lives and offering choices to the diabetic.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
adron buske
Stupid MD's cannot tell the difference between diabetes and Syndrome X. This entire book is about Syndrome X. Syndrome X is when your body mimics diabetes because of an extremely unreasonable diet and lifestyle, so of course it remits just by adopting a healthy lifestyle. DIABETES DEFINITELY DOES NOT DO THIS. And it is extremely easy to prove because regimens like this simply fail, outright out of the gate when attempting to treat. Note that NONE of the diabetes meds does a damn thing either. And I tell you what an actual diabetic who has repeatedly had to deal with the complete idiocy of the medical profession and just stubborn lack of willingness to treat. Insulin. You must. Absolutely must do the groundwork with your glucometer to determine how much exactly a gram of carb raises your blood sugar and how much a unit of insulin depresses it. Understand that insulin itself causes disease, particularly the obesity component of diabetes. Also, understand that taking too much will kill you. And last, understand that it is impossible to counter accurately, large amounts of carbs. Which means simply you are going to have to adopt as close to a carniverous diet as possible. I'd say max of 50 grams of carb a day but zero is more realistic. With minimal insulin needed to force your blood sugar under 100 if not 80 and your A1C under 5.

Better figure that out fast and get rid of your doctors until you find one with a clue. Understand lastly that THIS is the STANDARD of care for diabetes and most are not following it and killing their patients but before they kill them they make them suffer.

I will go further. What I just said is correct and if you hear anything else its simply wrong and I can prove it. Simply test. Note that your insurance isn't allowed to refuse to pay for these tests and your doctor is not allowed to refuse to do them, no matter how much they will try in order to cover up the fact that they are obligated to do far much more work with your disease then they want to. Lipid profile is good just know that they are lying about it whenever they want to use statin drugs. Correct diet and treatment vastly improves lipid profile. A1C is the easiest to monitor. They will tell you that 7 is controlled. It is not. You are dying. 5 is controlled. Hormone panel. It will be abnormal. Treatment to normalize it is tough to get ahold of but will do more then anything else to control your disease. Men, I urge you to contact Defy Medical and on subcutaneous testosterone treatment. It will in fact mitigate much of the damage caused by the disease. Androgel, by the way, does nothing and is a scam. Which is why they won't actually test your hormones when on it. Caveat Emptor. Your glucometer is helpful but wont tell you anything except what I did. Eat anything but meat and watch your blood sugar soar. Blood sugar should never go above 100. Whenever its above 120, you are dying. This is no joke. So called "slow carbs" are worthless to a diabetic. Your glucometer will prove this to you. Test your insulin levels (what, you can do this..yes you can). Most of the so called controlled diabetics will be shocked to see the huge amount of insulin killing them undetected....still think your slow carb diet is a good idea?

The average man needs between 2000 and 3000 calories a day. Your average diabetic has a nasty tendency to convert protein into carbohydrate. It's called gluconeogenesis and anyone who went through college biochemistry (including ALL doctors) learned about this repeatedly and promptly forgot why its important. To a diabetic it means you must limit your protein intake to normal levels. A normal diet is 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat. A diabetic has to eliminate all carbs. Those calories have to be added to fat, not protein. You should limit your protein intake to the recognized standard of 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight. It's actually much less for most people. 1 gram of protein per kg of lean body weight. What you weigh minus the fat....easily computed with a $20 fat monitor scale, which you must own. Suffice it to say, everything you've been told about fat and what your doctor thinks about it is a bald faced lie, easily seen with those tests I mentioned. Your high fat diet will improve your cholesterol, not make it worse, for example. It will make you lose body fat, not gain it. Which by the way does nothing to improve diabetes. No, it will not go away if you lose a few pounds. That is a lie. Plus, unless you have an all meat diet it will be tough to lose weight because insulin prevents the mobilization of fats and yours is likely through the roof (don't guess....test). You're also likely testosterone deficient and have abnormal levels of estrogen, making you fat. Without treating this, you will not lose weight, not even if you starve.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Second edition includes a tremendous amount of research data. For me as a lay person, while impressive, some of it is difficult to follow and understand. So many people could be healthier if they just begin to follow the recommendations in Dr. Cousen's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill patterson
Gabriel Cousens has done it again. This book should be in the homes of any family that has a partner, son or daughter suffering from diabetes. Because it is cureable! Gabriel's book is easy to read and is absolute common sense when its spelt out for all to read. Loads of vital information in this book you won't ever get from mainstream medicine.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lee tracy
There is no cure for Type 1 diabertes. Yes, eating lower carbs and more raw and plant based will lower the overall amounts of insulin you need; and you'll loose weight which everyone knows will help blood pressure and other things. But the truth is, there is no cure for Type 1 diabetes.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
abdullah bahi
He's a better man than I probably, having helped, it is said, many folks with diabetes and other disease. The book contains one theme I find annoying enuf to demerit, Cousens's coinage: "the Culture of Death". Versus the "Culture of Life". his culture, as it were. Arrogant, tho I doubt he can experience that in himself. He means well, and it trumps my critique, tho not enuf to up my rating. THink, "the Pigs", from the 60's. or the "Establishemnt". It's useless and puerile polarization typical of Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, only now wafting from the left side of Us/Them nonsense. Be that as it may, there are many useful tidbits of info, eat this/not that, descriptions of herbs and supplements, and probably too much science for the average diabetic who simply wants to heal. The book, tho foremostly promoting Cousens's 21 day retreats, is a great start, with or without buying that program. Look for it in your library.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
marie steere
This author jumps to conclusions using the studies that fits his purpose. It reminds me of Ancel Keys in the 70s. I do not recommend this book at all.
For example, he says "by association in Finland consumption of cow's milk increased Type-I diabetes by 500-66%". Using the same association we could say "Finnish nationality increased Type-I diabetes by 500-66%, or " by association in Finland the use of Finnish sauna increased Type-I diabetes by 500-66%".
Correlation is not causation. That’s a big error. People tend to think that because two things happen at the same time, one may be causing the other. That could not be further from the truth.
You can find more information in this book "Spurious Correlations Hardcover – May 12, 2015 by Tyler Vigen in the
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